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Paul's Episcopal Church

Lansing Michigan

St. Paul’s News

Frosty the Snowman December, 2007

By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon Weller

Volume 32, Issue 10
M ost people know
the story of
“Frosty the Snowman.”
characters of the Bible come alive as we hear
the stories and the promises over and over
again. My personal favorite in this genre is John Inside this issue:
They learned it from the Baptist. But it could be Isaiah or any number
someone singing the of the preparatory lessons or characters so oft Calendar 17
song or a cartoon pro- repeated in this season. As old as they are and Choir Schedule 9
The Rev. Dr. Gordon Weller duction on TV. I think I as many times as I have heard them, they be-
learned it from Gene come real as each new year and season ap- Mission &
Autry. It was on the reverse side of the equally proaches. Outreach
beloved song, “Rudolf the Red-Nosed Rein-
deer.” I know that dates me, but I remember as My reason for combining these two seemingly St. Paul’s News 8,12
if yesterday hearing the song as I was Christmas opposite story lines is to emphasize how this
shopping with my mother and rushing home to season is about the renewed hope we all have Upcoming 2

play it again and again. when love makes the impossible become real.
When, in a totally rational world, would the infi- Vestry News 7
This season that Christians call Advent and secu- nite God of all power and creation take on fi-
lar society calls Christmas has the ability to do nite human form, experience a lowly human birth Youth Group 14
that: give life to ideas and inanimate objects in and eventually death just to show the depth of
a way that stirs the love we have deep within us. his love? It’s totally irrational. Yet here we are
ready to celebrate that very fact.
I think present-day storytellers and animators
are able to draw on that love, imagination and Enjoy and experience this season and its magic
appreciation of the impossible, because of the because it confirms that, with God, nothing is
way we have come to love the Biblical charac- impossible. In that we all can find the hope that
ters associated with the most beloved story of will sustain us.
all: the birth of Jesus. Every year, the words and

Vestry 2007: One More Dimension to Welcoming

By Greg Wortley, Senior Warden

I n an effort to highlight St. Paul’s welcoming initiative this past year, my St. Paul’s News articles
have typically focused on actions of the Vestry, happenings within the Church or simple prac-
tices and attitudes that relate to building a culture of welcoming. Though I have tended to focus on
welcoming as it pertains to newcomers, another important aspect to being a welcoming church is
the practice of being warm and friendly and engaging with our brothers and sisters of other par-
ishes within the Diocese. Being a welcoming church means we are open to persons from our larger
church family, inquiring as to what God’s Spirit is inspiring in them and eager to discuss and build
together the household of God and its mission.
A fine example of this was the recent Annual Convention of the Michigan Diocese held right here in
Lansing on October 26-27. Three Vestry members, Kathy Gut, Charlie Krupka and myself, served
(Continued on page 16)
Page 2 Upcoming St. Paul’s Activities
Activities at a Glance
Ongoing Activities • Men of Orpheus, Friday, December 14, 7 PM
• St. Aelred’s Guild, third Wednesday, 5:00 PM • “The Holiday Gathering,” Friday, December 14,
• Book Cart, 2nd Sunday after 10 AM 6:30 PM
• B&PW, Tuesday, December 11, 6 PM • Lange Choral Ensemble Concert, Saturday, Decem-
• ECW, third Monday, 7 PM ber 15, 7 PM
• Family Night Dinner, Wednesdays, 5-6 PM • Lessons & Carols, Sunday, December 23, 10 AM
• 4 Fs, second and fourth Mondays, noon to 2 PM Looking Ahead
• St. Paul’s Library, open every Sunday • Parish Wide Book Read, discussions for three
• St. Elizabeth Guild Corporate Communion, Sunday, weeks beginning the week of January 7, 2008
December 9, 9 AM • Praying the Psalms, Wednesdays, January 9–30,
• Prayer Group, first Tuesday, 5:30 PM, Choir Re- 6:15 PM
hearsal Room • Martin Luther King, Jr. Service and Celebration,
• Men’s Breakfast, third Thursday, 7-8 AM, Hill Room Sunday, January 20, 2008
• Mid-Week Eucharist, Tuesdays, noon • Annual Meeting, Sunday, January 27, 2008, after
This Month at St. Paul’s and Elsewhere 10 AM service
• Hymn Sing, Sunday, December 2, 9:45 AM • ERD Book Sale coming in February
• Amahl and the Night Visitors, Friday & Saturday, • ACEFC Lenten Series, Wednesdays beginning Feb-
December 7-8, 7 PM ruary 13, 2008
• Grand Ledge Madrigal Singers, Monday, Decem- • “Serving God with Gladness” Women’s retreat,
ber 10, noon late April, Weber Center.
• Miter Meeting, Thursday, December 13, 7 PM, St.
Augustine’s, Mason

Christmas Music at St. Paul’s

By Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music

T he Christmas season at St. Paul’s will be sung in four special programs.

First, on Friday, December 7 and Saturday, December 8, will be “Amahl and the Night Visitors” by Gian-
Carlo Menotti. This short opera tells the story of a poor, crippled shepherd boy who lives with his widowed
mother in a simple hut about the time of the birth of Jesus. The three kings stop by on their way to visit the
baby Jesus, and the story unfolds from there. It’s a wonderful story, with humor, great singing and a very
touching message. It would make a great family outing and a delightful way to start your holiday celebra-
tions. It is in English and lasts less than an hour. Victoria Walker and Margaret Kariuki will team up as the
Mother and Amahl on Friday night, with Larissa Clark and Thomas Laub on Saturday night. The kings will be
Michael Nauss, Larry Clark, and Rick Laub, with Matthew Nauss as the page. Members of St. Paul’s Choirs
will form the chorus of shepherds and shepherdesses. Please bring friends! Tickets will be $7 for adults and $5
for children and senior citizens. There will also be a special family ticket for $20. The show will begin at 7 p.m.
Second will be a Christmas concert by the Men of Orpheus, an all-male singing group from Lansing. Directed
by former parishioner Gayle Pohl, the Men of Orpheus will present a concert of lighter Christmas music. They
will be accompanied by St. Paul’s Handbell Choir and directed by Mary Rodeck. Their concert will be Friday,
December 14, at 7 p.m. Tickets will be available at the door.
For the third performance, see the separate article about the Grand Ledge Madrigal Singers on page 3.
And finally, the Lange Choral Ensemble will present its annual Christmas concert on Saturday, December 15, at
7 p.m. Entitled “My Soul Doth Magnify . . .” the concert will feature “Magnificat” by Johann Sebastian Bach,
accompanied by an instrumental ensemble, including strings, winds and trumpets. In addition, there will be sev-
eral shorter numbers by Marenzio, Gesualdo and Clausen, and a setting of several Spanish Christmas carols
by Steven Sametz. Tickets for the concert are $8 for adults and $6 for children and seniors.
Upcoming St. Paul’s Activities Page 3

4 F’s Presents the Grand Ledge Madrigals

By Nancy Sheldon

O n, Monday, December 10, the 4 F’s group will host a Christmas offering by Nancy Lange’s Madrigal
Singers from Grand Ledge High School. The program will start with a noon Eucharist in the Chapel fol-
lowed by a delicious lunch ($4.00) and the program from the Madrigal Singers.
Please join us by calling the church office or signing up outside of the Merrifield Room. Rides will be provided
by notifying Kathleen Johnson in the office. We'd love to have you join us!

St. Elizabeth Guild

2007 Christmas Services
By Debby Pierce
Sunday, December 23 Fourth Sunday of Advent
8 a.m.
10 a.m.
Lessons and Carols
J oin us for our Corporate Communion and
Breakfast at St. Paul's on Sunday, December
9 at 8 a.m. We have a special Christmas pro-
gram planned that we hope you will enjoy. If you
Monday, December 24 Christmas Eve
would like more information, please call me at
4 p.m. Family/Children’s Service 394-4800 or 485-5446.
10:30 p.m. Special Music
11 p.m. Choral Eucharist
Tuesday, December 25 Christmas Day
10 a.m. Eucharist By Barbara Richardson
Sunday, December 30 First Sunday of Christmas Fa-la-la, it’s so-o-o good!!
8 a.m.
10 a.m.
Eucharist with music O ur Christmas dinner and carol sing will be
held December 11 in the Merrifield Room at
6 p.m. with punch and snacks, and dinner at 6:30
Tuesday, January 1 p.m. Dr. Lange will conduct the program and carol
No regular Tuesday noon Eucharist sing. Please join us for a festive evening. Reserva-
tions are requested so please contact Debby
Pierce at 485-5446 by December 9. Dinner is $8.

Special Christmas Music During Worship

By Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music
The Advent/Christmas celebrations will get into full swing with special music at several of St. Paul’s services.
The annual service of Advent Lesson and Carols will be held on Sunday, December 23, during the 10 a.m. ser-
vice. The service will feature a recounting in seven lessons of the fall and redemption of humanity. All of St.
Paul’s choirs, including the Handbell Choir, will join in this annual musical preparation for the celebration of
Jesus’ birth.
One day later, St. Paul’s will celebrate Jesus’ birth with two Christmas Eve services, which will also feature spe-
cial music. At the 4 p.m. family service, the Cherub Choir and the Boys’ and Grace Choirs will sing an anthem.
The 11 p.m. Festival Eucharist service, featuring the singing of many carols, will be preceded by a half hour of
Christmas music, presented by St. Paul’s musicians. The music will include pieces for soloists, choir, handbell choir
and brass quartet.
Page 4 Upcoming St. Paul’s Activities
Praying the Psalms: The Prayer Book of Jesus
By Carol Ingells

“P raying the Psalms: The Prayer Book of Jesus” is a four-week class led by Carol Ingells, providing an
opportunity to learn more about and experience more deeply the “prayer book of the Bible.” The pro-
gram will be held four Wednesday nights from January 9-30, 2008, lasting from 6:15-7:30 p.m.
We will explore the varieties of Psalms, the background of this book and pray with some of our favorite pas-
sages. We will learn to use the Psalms more effectively in our private devotions, as well as further appreciate
their inspiration and beauty in worship.
Although attendance at all sessions is preferable, you are welcome to come when you can. You are also wel-
come to bring someone with you!
Session I - Overview of the Psalms, with a Focus on Our Favorites
Session II - Praying with the Psalms in Times of Crisis
Session III - Praying with the Psalms in Times of Thanksgiving and Wonder
Session IV - Praying with the Psalms on Any Old Day
The class will include study of Psalms, their background, the types of Psalms and exploration of how they can
help us pray on special occasions and every day. There will be opportunity for discussion and sharing of ex-
periences, as well as input from the leader.

Advent “The Gathering” Visit the Book Cart Twice in

By Millie Ericson, Vestry Member December

C elebrate the holidays with friends, food and mu-

sic for all adults in the parish (and friends) on
By Sue Millar

December 14 from 6:30 to 9 p.m. at the home of Larry

and Kathy Gut, 5553 Wild Iris Lane in Haslett. Please
bring hors d’oeuvres or dessert, wine to share, yourself,
T he Book Cart will offer books and other items
for sale on the first TWO Sundays in Decem-
ber in order to provide additional opportunities
a friend and/or a spouse/partner. for holiday shopping. We have books that ap-
peal to a wide range of readers as well as craft
An opportunity will be offered to share in the Spirit of items, jewelry and the “10 Reasons to be an Epis-
the Season by making a donation to Episcopal Relief copalian” T-shirt. New are long-sleeved shirts.
and Development. The sign-up sheet is on the table There is still time to place special orders for
outside the Merrifield Room Prayer Books or Bibles.
This event is sponsored by the Parish Life Committee
and Episcopal Relief and Development.

St. Paul’s Plans Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Service and Celebration
By The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr., Curate

O n January 20, 2008, our St. Paul’s community will commemorate and celebrate the birthday of the Rev.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. This year’s service and forum will center on the theme, “His Dream, Our Night-
mare.” We hope the preaching, speaking and teaching on this day at St. Paul’s will be a theme taken from
Bill Cosby’s and Alvin F. Poussaint’s newly released book, Come on People, and Galatians 3:28: “There is nei-
ther Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in
Christ Jesus.” We hope you will mark this date on your calendar and plan to attend what we anticipate will be
another memorable King birthday celebration.
Upcoming St. Paul’s Activities Page 5

Parish-Wide Book Read

By Millie Ericson, Vestry Member
All members of the Parish are invited to join in a Parish-Wide Book Read sponsored by the Parish Life Commit-
tee. The goal is to enhance our fellowship and common connections as the Body of Christ at St. Paul’s.
The book is The Worst Hard Time, the Untold Story of Those Who Survived the Great American Dust Bowl, by
Pulitzer Prize winning author Timothy Eden.
Please indicate how you would like to participate by filling out and turning in the following form or sign up on
the sheet outside the Merrifield Room. This is helpful in determining how many copies of the book to have
available and how many discussion groups to plan for.

I/we would like to participate by:

____ Reading the book (some copies of the book are available in the office to purchase or circulate)
____ Joining in the series of three discussion groups in January (groups will take place at various locations and
times to help facilitate the needs of all)
____ Hosting a discussion group in my home
____ Facilitating a discussion group:

Phone # and/or email___________________________________________________________________

Suggest a fun, catchy name for the “book read,” and, if your suggestion is chosen, win a free copy of the book
and credit for your creativity!

My suggestion:_______________________________________________________

Annual Meeting – January 27 Christmas Communions

The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller
I f you know of anyone who would like to receive
communion and will not be able to attend Christ-

P lease place January 27 on your calendars

as the date of our Annual Meeting. It will
open with the rector’s “State of the Parish” ad-
mas services, please notify the Church office so that we
may contact them about receiving it.

dress at the 8 a.m. service, continuing with a re-

peat of that address at the 10 a.m. service and
conclude with lunch and the business session fol-
lowing the Eucharist. The lunch and business session Reminder of an Opportunity
will begin about 11:30 a.m. Because of its impor- By Sue Millar, ERD Diocesan Coordinator
tance, all parishioners should plan to attend. Child
care will be provided.
W e all receive appeals from a wide variety of
worthwhile organizations, but again I urge you
to consider honoring/gifting a friend or family member
with a choice described in ERD’s “Gifts for Life” cata-
log. You will find them on the literature table in the
Page 6
Upcoming St. Paul’s Activities
Special Lenten Programs to Address Electoral Issues
By Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music
The Adult Christian Education and Formation Committee has planned a five-part series of programs for Lent
that will look at some of the key issues people will be facing in the upcoming elections. Entitled “Seeking the
Common Good,” the five parts of the series will include:
• February 13 - Christian Citizenship 101: Biblical Foundation for Christian Involvement in the Public Arena.
Ben Baldus will outline Biblical reasons for involvement in the political process: our responsibilities and op-
• February 20 - The Economic Life of the State (especially through the eyes of the Michigan Budget proc-
esses). Tom Clay, of the Citizens Research Council of Michigan, will help us to understand the budget proc-
ess and how economic issues drive the other issues we face.
• February 27 - The Environment and You. Millie Ericson will coordinate this program with the parish-wide
book read of The Worst Hard Times by Timothy Egan and bring in guest speakers to help us come to grips
with some of the ecological issues facing our state and the nation: water usage, energy consumption, land
use, etc.
• March 5 - When Did I See You? Matt Ferguson will develop a program that will lead us through mental
health issues, including correction policies of the state (one of the largest budget items).
• March 12 - How to Function in a Pluralistic Society: How to live and interact with those with whom you dis-
agree. Chris Couch will formulate a program to help us come to grips with the challenges that face us in
living in a pluralistic society.
Please save these dates and invite friends to attend. As we approach an election year, these programs will
help clarify the issues and provide us with tools to address them within a Christian perspective. All the pro-
grams will be held on Wednesday nights from 6:15 to 7:30 p.m.

ST AELRED'S GUILD offers spiritual friendship to members of our congregation in time of need through
notes, visitation, prayer list management, Eucharistic visits, celebration of births and marriages as well as
phone calls to shut-ins. St. Paul’s would like to know when one of our parishioners is in the hospital, is unable to
come to church, has been moved to a special care facility or just might appreciate a card or visit to let them
know we are thinking about them and praying for them. Please pick up a form for this special ministry at the
Welcome Table after church or call Kathleen in the office at 482-9454. All parishioners are welcome to join
us in this Ministry the Third Wednesday of each month from 5:00 - 6:00 PM in the VanAtta Room.

By Carol Ingells

“S erving God with Gladness and Singleness of Heart” is the theme for the annual women’s retreat week-
end in late April (the exact date will be announced later). It will be held at the beautiful Weber Center
in Adrian, about 75 miles south of Lansing, beginning on Friday with evening dinner and ending late afternoon
on Saturday.
This is a time to “be,” for rest, reflection, solitude, conversation and fun. The retreat will be led by Carol
Ingells with long experience as a spiritual teacher and retreat leader.
This will be the fourth annual retreat and those who have attended previously—many of whom return as often
as they can—have testified to its restorative value in body, mind and spirit. It is also an excellent opportunity
for women of the parish to get to know one another better.
News from the Vestry Page 7

Financial Information as of October 31, 2007

By Jeff Irwin
The total pledge and non-pledge revenue received through October 31 was $234,290, which is 82.8% of the
total 2007 budget. As of the end of October, we were through 83.3% of the year, so we are slightly behind
our budget for 2007.
In October, we booked a net loss from operations of $11,271, which brings the date total loss from operations
to $114,523.
The restricted and designated funds have recorded $31,353 in investment gain through October 31. Combined
with $70,158 of restricted contributions (including $59,194 from the Penniman Trust), we have recorded a total
of $101,511 in restricted income through October 31, 2007. This brings the combined net loss of the church to
Through November 15, 2007, a total of $140,000 has been withdrawn from the Perpetual Fund to provide
cash necessary to keep the church operating.

At its November 20 meeting, your Vestry: • Discussed what it might mean to support Zacheria
Akol in seminary
• Did devotions based on Tobit, the Apocrypha and • Received various committee reports. We are a
St. Elizabeth of Hungary. Interestingly, two Vestry beehive of activity.
members visited her grave this past summer. • Received the October 31 financial report
• Discussed the Visioning & Welcoming Committees (contained elsewhere in this issue)
- Fr. Weller, Greg Wortley, and Charlie Krupka • Passed a motion allowing another $20,000 to
will formulate a process to allow the Vestry com- pass from the endowment funds to the operating
mittees to evaluate progress and allow us to account, if needed
move on and set new goals.
• Discussed personnel issues with regard to the
• Discussed the new Garden Plaques since they are 2008 budget
not ready yet, and the sudden vandalism that can
• Discussed the first draft of the 2008 budget
occur when people steal metal for salvage
• Received a stewardship report on 2008 pledges
• Heard a report on ACTION
• Appointed a nominating committee for candi-
• Discussed the sewer separation that St. Paul's
dates to the Vestry (Wortley, Gut, Tisdale,
needs to comply with; nothing will be done until
• Received information on our new outreach initia-
• Received a report on the Public Relations plan
tive, CarsINC (Cars in the name of Christ).
• Received a report from LAEP and the possibility
• Were reminded that annual reports for the Janu-
of their/our sponsoring a movie called "For the
ary 27 Annual Meeting are due January 5
Bible tells me so"
• Adjourned with two minutes to spare so we could
• Discussed the recent Diocesan Convention
get out of the Parking Structure at 10 p.m.
Page 8
St. Paul’s News
Millennium Development Goals Kick-off
By Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music

S t. Paul’s will spend the next three months trying to raise awareness within the parish of the nature and
scope of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and to find concrete ways in which the parish can
further the realization of these goals, through individual, small-group and parish-wide efforts. The theological
underpinnings of these goals were presented in a special program put on by Chris Couch (aka Tim Blusterer),
Dorothy Marsh (God the Mother), Larry Clark (Jesus) and Carol Ingells (Holy Spirit) on November 11. On
December 2, one of the Sudanese refugees from Lansing, will speak to the parish about his experiences in Su-
dan and as a refugee in the United States. In early February, there will be a special intergenerational pro-
gram after church to help the parish understand the MDGs a little more fully and to find ways to help fulfill
these goals. In addition, there will be posters in the Merrifield Room through Christmas. Please take time to
familiarize yourself with these goals and to think how we as a parish can support them.

All Saints’ Baptisms and New Member Welcome

By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller

N ovember 4 was another huge All Saints’ celebration at St. Paul's. That morning, at both the 8 and 10
a.m. services, eight new members were welcomed to St. Paul's. In addition, nine were baptized at the 10
a.m. service. Among those nine, there were three sets of twins. This unusual gathering of twins will be covered
in both the Lansing State Journal and the diocesan newspaper The Record.
Meanwhile the photo below captures the moment.
Also, please welcome the following as new members to St. Paul's:
• John Bissel
• Hank Borden
• Charles Buck
• Joan Ferguson
• Gwen & Mike Skinner
• Terri & Fred Junger
Profiles of each will be found in succeeding issues of the SPN. For now, please look them up at services and
coffee hours and let them feel that St. Paul's is a place where "No one sits or stands alone."

We celebrate those newly dedicated to God with their families

St. Paul’s Choirs Page 9

Choir Newsletter and Dates to Remember

By Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music
Monday, December 24 (Christmas Eve)
4 p.m. Cherubs; Boys’ and Grace
11 p.m. High School; Chancel (Rehearsal at 10:15 p.m.)
December 26-27 No Rehearsals
January 2-3 No Rehearsals
Sunday, January 6 Singing and Rehearsal Schedule resumes

Singing Schedule
Date Choirs
December 2 Boys’ and Grace; High School;
December 9 High School; Chancel
December 16 High School; Chancel
December 23 (Lessons & Carols) Cherub, Boys’ and Grace, High School
December 30 Choirs will not be vesting

January 6 All choirs will vest; High School and Chancel will sing
January 13 High School; Chancel
January 20 High School; Chancel
January 27 High School; Chancel

Vestry Nominations
By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller

N ames of candidates for election to the Vestry are now being received. Qualifications include:
• Baptized
• At least 16 years of age
• Regular in attendance
• A contributing member of the congregation
• Willingness to attend 10 vestry meetings
• Willingness to chair a vestry committee
• Willingness to attend the vestry retreat on Feb. 1-2, 2007
If you are willing to serve or have someone you would like to nominate, please confirm his or her willingness to
serve and then submit the name. As always, nominations from the floor are acceptable.
Page 10
Mission and Outreach
Mission & Outreach Activities: Looking Ahead
Where is Christ calling you to help others? By William Fineout, Diaconal Candidate

• Starter Apartment Collecting for SILS
I n the second two weeks of Advent, we will be
doing our SILS young adult apartment start-
up collection (see the related article).
• Mitten Tree The youth will also be involved in the “Mitten
December 2 or 9 Tree” and a personal needs collection as men-
tioned on the Youth Page, and the Christmas Eve
• Housing Assistance Fruit & Greens pick up at collection for the Christ Child which will be held at
All Saints, East Lansing the Christmas Eve services. We hope to share
December 24 baby items with Eve’s House and possibly Han-
nah’s House, as well as others agencies.
• Collecting gifts to support the Christ Child in
support of Eve’s House Do you need to find a Christmas present for that
hard-to-buy-for person? Remember the Episcopal
January Relief and Development catalog. We have about
• Possible sponsoring of meals for Ronald 30 copies circulating around St. Paul’s. These items
McDonald House guests make great Christmas presents (as well as pre-
sents for other occasions) and help to fulfill the
February Millennium Development Goals.
• Episcopal Relief & Development Used Book
Sale fundraiser
Check the newsletter articles and the Sunday Bulle-
tin Announcements for additional details and infor-

Kassi Needs Our Help

By William Fineout, Diaconal Candidate

S ome foster children who age-out of foster care

(at 18) and who have no family/friend support or
infrastructure are able to enter the program of Super-
We will pass out the needed items’ list on Sunday,
December 2, in the Merrifield Room. Please check out
the table where we will have the lists grouped into
vised Independent Living Services of Child & Family seven areas: bedding, bathroom, kitchen utensils,
Services. cooking, dishes, cleaning supplies and personal needs.
You will be able to choose as many items as you wish
Lansing Area Episcopal Projects has discovered that from each area. We will have each item listed on a
the State of Michigan funds for this program have note card to keep from having duplication.
been vastly cut, and Child & Family Services needs our
help. For almost two years, the surrounding Episcopal We are asking you to shop and purchase the needed
Churches, including St. Paul’s in LAEP, have pitched in items during a two-week period and to have all them
to provide new apartment start-up goods for these brought into church and collected by Sunday, Decem-
young adults who would have literally nothing without ber 16. For your information, a complete list will also
us. be posted on the Outreach bulletin board in the Parish
House hallway.
Last year, the St. Paul’s vestry did an entire apartment
for such a young person. This year, your Mission & Extra items, such as small appliances and furniture,
Outreach team is asking St. Paul’s parishioners to may be donated with Child & Family Service’s authori-
make a collection in December for a young woman, zation. Questions can be directed to Bill Fineout.
named Kassi, who will begin her adult apartment life
this January 1.
Mission and Outreach Page 11

Mission & Outreach Events have a Fruitful and Successful Fall

By William Fineout, Diaconal Candidate

I n September, St. Paul’s registered three walkers for the Alzheimer’s Memory Walk and raised $140.
In October, the total CROP walk donations collected by the youth group was $1,100. The youth who
walked were Steven and Margaret Kariuki, Anna and Drew Krupka, Steven Walker, Tommy Gut and Anto-
nio Clarke; the adults were Father Ron, Judi Brown-Clarke and Barb Heany. An additional $340.00 was
collected by walker Jim Milne.
Also in October, the St. Paul’s Red Cross Blood Drive hit the goal of 50 pints, and special thanks should once
again go to Ellie Doersam, Pat Riley and all the volunteers and donors. What a great job!!!
On November 4, we finished the U/M v. MSU food drive for the Greater Lansing Food Bank, and many bas-
kets of food were delivered to the Central United Methodist Church. See the article elsewhere in this newsletter
for more information.
Lastly, Habitat for Humanity has two houses going at this time. More volunteers and workers are needed at
both sites. Michelle Benson completed her Habitat fundraiser with Pampered Chef in November. Hopefully
you found that special Christmas present you were seeking.

On Christmas Eve, Give to EVE’s Fitten, Mittens…!

House By The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr.,
By The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr., Curate

D id you know? EVE’s House, the first domestic vio-

lence shelter in Lansing, opened its doors in 1977,
S ome of you may remember this
wonderful holiday song, which
begins with these lyrics by Sammy
and for more than 30 years has provided free resi- Cahn:
dential (and non-residential) services to victims of do-
mestic violence. “Oh the weather outside is frightful, but the
fire is so delightful And since we've no
Did you know? EVE’s House programs are client-based place to go, let it snow! Let it snow! Let it
and focused on empowering women survivors, by as- snow!”
sisting them in a variety of areas, including housing,
legal matters, parenting and employment placement. As many of you know, Michigan weather can be
quite frightful, especially for the many who have
Did you know? Children are often the silent victims of no place to go for warm clothing during the winter
domestic violence and, in a single year, women and season. I am delighted to be this year’s coordina-
children spend more than 6,680 nights in an EVE’s tor for the St. Paul’s Mitten Tree program. Over
House shelter. the next four weeks of Advent, please help deco-
rate the tree in the cloister with new mittens, hats,
Did you know? Every year at Christmas, St. Paul’s pa- gloves and scarves. Your generous gifts will be
rishioners give generous gifts of baby bottles, diapers, collected and donated to those in need, and then
formula and clothes to EVE’s House to assist in its minis- we can all say together, “let it snow, let it snow,
try and outreach. let it snow!”
Did you know you can make a difference to many
women and children by donating needed items for
newborns to EVE’s House? On Christmas Eve, please do
not forget to bring your gift prepared for the Christ
child, so that through him, we may give our gift, to
those who need us most.
Page 12
St. Paul’s News
Go Green!! Go Blue!!
By Nancy & Pete Sheldon (UM) and Pat & Tony Smith (MSU)

W OW!! What an amazing UM-MSU competitive food drive and blood drive we had at St Paul’s this fall.
Many, many generous people opened their hearts to provide for the Greater Lansing Food Bank at
Central United Methodist Church, and 50 pints of blood were donated to the American Red Cross. We owe all
of you a huge THANK YOU for your generosity!
Early in October, the new minister of Central United Methodist Church, Reverend Joe Huston, came to speak to
our 4F’s group about the “Open Door Ministry.” Every day their doors are open for people to come in off the
street for a cup of coffee, perhaps cereal, a sandwich or a roll and a warm welcome. One day a week, they
serve lunch to about 150 people. They are also a branch of the Greater Lansing Area Food Bank (and hand
out food) and have a clothing bank. When Rev. Huston was talking to our group about their ministry, he asked
where we were taking our food drive items. Father Weller said we’d just take them next door to them this
year, which we did with the help of our high school youth group. There was a lot to move!
One of the ways people were asked to “vote” for their favorite team was by being one of 70 participants in
the semi-annual St Paul’s Blood Drive, which included giving blood, making sandwiches, bringing cookies, set-
ting up and taking down tables and chairs, organizing and being there to make it all go smoothly.
Another way our parishioners were asked to “vote” was by bringing food or writing a check to the Greater
Lansing Area Food Bank. However people participated, they were generous and enjoyed being able to
choose their team in this wonderful rivalry! The drive ended the Sunday after the UM/MSU football game.
While UM emerged victorious on the gridiron, Sparty supporters bested the Blue in the blood and food con-
test. The final results were:
Blood Drive (1 person = 3) 165 45 210
Food Drive (each item = 1) 1048 692 1740
Monetary Donations 535 310 845
$1748 $1047 $2795

B ea Richards, who turned

96 on November 20, has
been a member of St. Paul's all
her life and still enjoys special
holidays. Here she celebrates
Halloween at The Marquette,
an Assisted Living Facility
where she now resides. Happy
Birthday, Bea!
St. Paul’s News Page 13

The Rt. Rev. Names Our Rector The Very Rev.

By The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr., Curate

F ollowing a unanimous cleric vote and supporting

recommendation, the Rt. Rev. Wendell N. Gibbs,
Jr. in the eighth year of his episcopate, at our recent
ship and direction of the Dean, having a purpose of
promoting fellowship, communication and community,
common ministry and formation, and clergy training
Diocesan Convention, appointed Fr. Gordon as Dean. and education. In the Capital Area Deanery, there are
This means The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller serves nine churches: Christ United, DeWitt; All Saints, East
and functions as the Bishop’s representative in the Lansing; Canterbury at MSU; St. Paul’s, Jackson; St.
Capitol Deanery. He will meet regularly with the Paul’s, Lansing; St. Augustine, Mason; St. Katherine’s,
Bishop, consulting and advising him on matters con- Williamston; and St. Andrew, Northwest Jackson.
cerning official diocesan business, important local/ Clergy from each of these churches meet monthly as a
regional issues, as well as providing for local clergy clericus, to share personal and professional experi-
counseling, pastoral care and hospital/home visita- ences, plan bishop visitations and to discuss other mat-
tions. Fr. Gordon will also, on occasion, represent the ters of shared interest.
Bishop at special church services, funerals and commu-
nity events. It is with thanksgiving and celebration that we con-
gratulate The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon Weller, Dean of
In the Diocese of Michigan, there are eight established the Capitol Deanery.
deaneries. A deanery is organized under the leader-

By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller

O n October 26-27, the Diocesan Convention was held in Lansing at the Holiday Inn, South. Many people
had the opportunity to attend. Sixty people from St. Paul's attended the Friday evening banquet and
heard the Presiding Bishop, The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, speak.
Delegates Greg Wortley, Charlie Krupka, Kathy Gut, Chuck Millar, Ron Byrd and Gordon Weller attended
all the business sessions. The Saturday Eucharist definitely had a St. Paul's flavor with Sue LeDuc and Pat Riley
comprising the Altar Guild and Anna Krupka and Antonio Clarke serving as Acolytes. Hugh Clarke was the
crucifer and Greg Wortley was one of the Lectors. It should be noted that Larry Clark, a vestry member, at-
tended most of the business sessions as an alternate. Well done.
The whole backdrop for Convention was created by Michael Young. These items will service the next several
conventions and currently are in our Merrifield room as backing for our own assessment of the MDGs.
When the Convention was adjourned on Saturday afternoon, a $2.8 million budget had been passed, The Mil-
lennium Development Goals had been adopted as Diocesan Goals and Bishop Gibbs had reasserted his vision
for the diocese in his convention address. In addition, most were treated to a fine sermon by The Rev. Mike
Kinman about the Millennium Development Goals, all diocesan offices were filled and an assortment of resolu-
tions and canonical changes had been voted upon. Good job to all who participated.

Anna Krupka and Antonia Clarke with Bishop Wendell Gibbs Members of the St. Paul’s community gather at the convention
Page 14
St. Paul’s Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry Articles Provided in Collaboration By:
Youth Christian Education and Youth Fellowship Chairperson, Judith Brown-Clarke
Youth Group Executive Council President, Steven Kariuki
Youth Group Coordinator, Barbara Heany
Youth Group Advisor, Tom Foltz
Acolyte Guild, Directors Patricia Bellinger & Carol Sleight
The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr., Curate

Acolyte Guild Welcomes New Church School Students Planning

Members Shut-in/Senior Pen Pal Program

T he St. Paul’s Acolyte Guild would like to in-

vite you to join in welcoming three of its new-
est members: Daniel Crabtree, Daniel Fletcher
T hings are going well and attendance is high.
Teachers take it as a BIG compliment when they
see students eagerly going to class, ready to learn and
and Frankie Nevin. The guild now has 17 active willing to participate. We hope that your child is shar-
members, boasting nearly perfect attendance at ing his or her experiences, because they certainly bring
its November meeting. WOW! value and interesting perspectives to our discussions.
As many of you know, this is one of the busiest One of our church school projects is to adopt a “shut-
and most rewarding times of year for the Acolyte in” senior for our Pen Pal Program (P3). Each class will
Guild. The upcoming schedule includes many sig- be assigned a senior(s) as their “pal” and will periodi-
nificant services, including “Christ the King,” cally exchange letters, gifts and photos. This will give
“Lessons & Carols,” “Christmas Eve,” (Yep! Yep! the seniors a wonderful way to stay connected to the
double duty!), Christmas Day and, most certainly, church and to establish a relationship with an unlikely
the “Epiphany of our Lord Jesus Christ!” These ser- friend. Our students will have an opportunity to honor
vices encompass a variety of liturgical schemes, and bond with our wisest members and thereby con-
and to ensure proper preparation and assign- nect to our circle of life. This church school project is
ments, the Acolyte Guild will meet twice in Decem- supported by and in conjunction with the St. Aelred’s
ber: first, on the regularly scheduled second Sun- Guild.
day of the month, December 9, and again on De-
cember 16. As a reminder, first semester for church school ends in
the middle of January. We are always in need of
teachers, substitute teachers and helpers in the class-
rooms. There is little that is more fulfilling than being a
role model and leader for our precious children

Youth Group Sponsors Personal Needs

I f one thinks of the typical homeless person as being a vagrant, chronic alcoholic male in his 40s or 50s, it’s
an eye opener to realize that over half of the homeless persons seen by local agencies are women and
children, and over one-quarter are children and youth.
In this season of thanksgiving, the youth group would like to share their many blessings by sponsoring a
“personal needs” drive. Proceeds will be given to the Lansing Rescue Mission. Items being collected are blan-
kets, napkins, toilet paper, Styrofoam bowls, plates and cups, plus-sized clothing, long underwear, underwear,
hats and gloves, socks, deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste, alcohol-free mouthwash, double-blade razors, shav-
ing cream and kitchen towels. Items will be collected throughout December. A drop-off site will be located in
the Merrifield Room. Just look for the shopping cart! Please give generously. The blessing will be all yours!
St. Paul’s Youth Ministry Page 15

Executive Council To Be Commissioned, Youth Lounge To Be Dedicated

S t. Paul’s Youth Group is up and running strong. On Oc-
tober 21, the youth group membership elected an ex-
ecutive council. Elected by a majority vote of their peers
were Steve Kariuki, President; A.J. Fletcher, Vice-President;
Steven Walker, Treasurer; and Baylie Sanchez, Secretary.
Sub-committee and ad-hoc chairpersons for the youth group
room, fundraising, mission/outreach, advertising/marketing
and professional development are yet to be selected. These
committee chairs will be announced in a few weeks. On the
first Sunday of Advent, Fr. Weller will commission the youth St. Paul’s Youth Group
group’s executive council, committee chairs and participants
during the 10 a.m. church service.
The Youth Group is thrilled to have newly dedicated space, located downstairs next to the choir rooms, for
meetings and activities. We are in the process of creating a list to be presented to the congregation for solici-
tation of items that will make the room more functional and comfortable. The Youth Group Lounge will be
dedicated immediately following the December 2 commissioning service.

One Person’s Junk Is Another Upcoming Youth Group Events

Person’s Treasure
O n December 2, the youth group will spread
some cheer at Tendercare West when it

N eeding to get rid of an old couch, loveseat or

chair? Perhaps you have an extra television,
microwave, computer, Sony Play Station or DVD
plays Bingo with the residents. Bringing our youth
together with these seniors has been a very re-
warding experience in the past. The youth bring a
player sitting around your house. Well, St. Paul’s Youth vibrancy and energy to the seniors and, in return,
Group would very much like to take any of these items receive a loving and embracing warmth. What a
off your hands. Over the next several weeks, (and of perfect way to begin the Christmas Season.
course beyond), please consider donating any of the
items mentioned, or any other items which you feel Also, a mid-winter youth group lock-in is in the
maybe useful, toward enhancing the décor, ambiance early planning stages. Dates and details will be
and comfort of the new St. Paul’s Youth Lounge. For forthcoming.
donations or additional information, please contact
Steve Kariuki, A.J. Fletcher or Fr. Ron.

“If not you, Sue, who?”

By Sue Millar

T heresa Milne addressed these words to me as

we were discussing a book about helping children
experience of joys of sharing. That morning on
I confessed to Theresa my hesitancy to take a stand
against entrenched family expectations. Would my
grandkids be disappointed? Would their parents think
WUOM, I had heard a discussion of sharing and I was meddling?
found myself challenged by the description of one
grandmother’s Christmas strategy with her grandchil- On the other hand, if I don’t share my conviction that
dren. generosity and giving for the sake of others is the tru-
est source of joy and meaning in life, I’m hiding from
Rather than struggling to find a gift that would delight my grandchildren something of importance to me.
the child as well as pass muster with her own
“grandmotherly standards,” she gave each child a So, thanks, Theresa. Your question moved me to act on
“Share Check.” Her instructions were for her grandchil- what I believe and Christmas in our family will be a
dren to find a cause that he or she could be passion- little closer this year to what is in my heart.
ate about and that would benefit others, and then P.S. If you would like to look at the interactive Giving
give the Share Check in support of that cause. Book for children, it is available on the Book Cart.
Page 16
St. Paul’s News
(Continued from page 1)

as voting lay delegates. In addition, Chuck Millar, Ron Byrd and Gordon Weller participated as voting clergy
from St. Paul’s. More important, however, was the fact that around 55 other St. Paul’s members—who were not
required to be there in an official capacity—chose to attend the Convention banquet Friday evening at which
the Presiding Bishop made an appearance. Moreover, still others from St. Paul’s assisted with the Convention
proceedings in any number of ways. It was an impressive way to extend our welcoming culture to diocesan re-
Granted, we are not always going to see eye to eye with every other church or every other member within our
Diocese. During the Convention business meetings on that Saturday—at which changes and amendments to the
diocesan Constitution and Canons, resolutions for diocesan policy and action, and candidates for diocesan of-
fices were discussed and voted on—there were a variety of viewpoints expressed and lively exchanges. But in
no way did the diversity of opinion distract from welcoming each other under the umbrella of the One we wor-
ship, the One whose mission we all strive to advance.
Christopher Weber, in a book you commonly see at our book cart once a month, Welcome to the Episcopal
Church, highlights the basis of such a welcoming culture that should be present in our church and throughout all
Episcopal churches. He writes, “Uniquely among the churches, the Anglican vision from the very beginning has
been not centered so much on organizational unity or doctrinal unity as on a community united in worship….The
call to unity is not about uniformity of approach but about unity in obedience to the gospel. There were divi-
sions in the church in Corinth, and St. Paul suggested that the church is a body with many members who have
many different roles to play. No member of the Body of Christ can say to another member, ‘I have no need of
you.’ Uniformity of opinion and vision might be more comfortable to some, but unity is made up of diversity. It is
precisely in the clash of opinions and the debating of different visions that the mission of the church is clarified.
A church without controversy would be a dead church. The Episcopal Church at the beginning of the third millen-
nium is far from dead!”
In that spirit, the vestry continues to be fully supportive of, and eager to involve ourselves in, our larger church
community. Each year the Vestry discusses and votes on a commitment to making our diocesan pledge, and I’m
pleased to report once again we continue to pledge full payment of our apportionments. But most noticeable
was our involvement at the annual convention of the Michigan Diocese.

St. Paul’s December Prayer List

We pray for those who are sick and in need: Cindy Robinson, Richard, Audrie & Aaron
Hegmon, Shelley Robinson, Donna, Grady, & Dennis Letner, Clara Voges, Mason Hill,
Lois Caswell, June Wyatt, Dick Siebert, Carol, Judith Jones, Becky Chamberlain,
Nancy Hiscoe Clark, Charles Weaver, Ben Herbert, Chance Collins, Caroline Thomas
Prayer List and her parents, brothers & godparents, Betty Jensen, Dan Heany, Marsha & Skip
Macholz, Gloria Harvat, Jack Siebold, DakBai DakBai, Irene Jones, Mary Ann Kelley,
Ed Farmer, Sally Engle, Ed Jones, Alice Jessop Lamb, Justin, Elizabeth, Barb Hacker, Andrew Astley, Mary
Tuckey, Jeff & Sandy Howe, Michael Skinner, Bob & Ginny Bancroft, Darrick, Kelsey Bauman, and Michael
We pray for and remember those in the Military, serving in dangerous areas: Daniel Reno and Daniel
We pray for those expecting: Opuene & Karen Amachree, Stuart & Rochelle Cullum, Cory & Stacy Nelson,
Christopher & Kristan Chase, and Justin & Jessica Leonard
We pray for comfort for the Alvarez family and friends of Larry Tim, who recently passed away, and for Pat-
rick McKnight after the passing of his brother, Michael.
We celebrate the baptism of: Kellan Michael Broughton, Charles Leighton Ferguson, Rachel Elizabeth Fer-
guson, Dylan Christopher Koenemann, Heather Renee Koenemann, Alexander Robert McConnell, Michael
Skinner, Daphne Mae Such and Sohee Diane Such

Non Profit Org.

Permit 1621

St. Paul's Episcopal Church

Lansing Michigan
218 W. Ottawa
Lansing, MI 48933
Phone: 517-482-9454
Fax: 517-485-8621
Choir Room: 517-482-0369

The St. Paul’s News is a publication of St. Paul’s Episcopal

Church, Lansing Michigan.
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Staff
The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon Weller, Rector
The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr., Curate
Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music
Mr. William H. Fineout, Acting Deacon
Ms. Mary Rodeck, Assistant Minister of Music
Ms. Kathleen Johnson, Office Manager

St. Paul’s News Editorial Staff

Christine Caswell, Editor
Tom Shawver, Staff Writer
Helen Hiscoe, Proofreader
Lyn Zynda, Layout Editor

If you no longer wish to receive these mailings, please call the church office (517) 482-9454,
any time of the day or night and leave a message to be taken off our mailing list.

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