St. Paul's News - January, 2008

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Paul's Episcopal Church

Lansing Michigan

St. Paul’s News

New Year—New Hope January, 2008

By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon Weller

Volume 33, Issue 1
S ometime within a
few days of re-
ceiving this, we all will
change is hope—and that is a gift from God. It’s
how we all carry God’s image. Hope is the rea-
son that Christmas is such a powerful force. If Inside this issue:
take the old calendar there is one thing that the season of Christmas
down and replace it teaches us, it is that God is able to do the things Calendar 17
with a new one. We we view as impossible. In that, hope abounds.
The Rev. Dr. Gordon Weller Choir Schedule 9
will sing the appropri-
ate songs and make the appropriate promises So then, what are we to do? Are we to wait until
God mysteriously or magically produces the Mission &
and resolutions. Eventually one day will blend 11
changes we all envision? Obviously not an ac- Outreach
into another and much of what we thought and
planned for will fade into obscurity. We have ceptable answer, especially to God who has Prayer List 16
seen it before; it’s part of our human nature. We given us all we would ever need in Jesus. What
seek the path of least resistance. In this way, our to do? St. Paul’s News 8,12
sacred lives often resemble our secular lives. Now would be the time to give the nicely com-
Each new season, liturgical or natural, with its posed answer, if I had one. I think that the an-
Upcoming 2
messages and promises, gives way to the next, swer lies deep within each of us and probably is
and most often there is little change, in spite of Vestry News 7
in the dialogue that each of us could/should
our desire. have with God. I think that it’s different for Youth Group 14
The one thing that keeps us in the hunt for (Continued on page 16)

Annual Meeting
Sunday, January 27
11:30 am
Brunch Available, Sitters Provided

By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon Weller

O ne of my responsibilities as rector is to oversee the Eucharist. In addition to the planning that

goes into all of the worship services here at St. Paul’s, this includes selecting the wine used for
communion. Recently I have heard several comments. I can’t say that it was “whining,” it’s just that it
was hard to pass on the pun. What was expressed was an equal number of comment that it was
different from the past wines and some liked the change, while others preferred the color and fla-
vor of before. Let me give you a word of explanation.
What we are currently using is an “Altar Wine.” This means that it is prepared in a way that
makes it suitable for altar use. It is usually a first squeezing of the grape. It is clear in color be-
cause it does not have any of the pigment that comes from the skin of the grape. It comes from a
sweet grape instead of some of the other more tart or acidic varieties. What makes it “suitable” as
(Continued on page 16)
Page 2 Upcoming St. Paul’s Activities
Activities at a Glance
Ongoing Activities 6:15 PM
• St. Aelred’s Guild, third Wednesday, 5:00 PM • Between-the-services Bible Study Program, Sun-
• Book Cart, 2nd Sunday after 10 AM days beginning January 13, 9-9:45 AM
• B&PW, Tuesday, December 11, 6 PM • Baptisms, Sunday, January 13
• ECW, third Monday, 7 PM • Martin Luther King, Jr. Service and Celebration,
• Family Night Dinner, Wednesdays, 5-6 PM Sunday, January 20, 2008
• 4 Fs, second and fourth Mondays, noon to 2 PM • Annual Meeting, Sunday, January 27, 2008, after
• St. Paul’s Library, open every Sunday 10 AM service
• Prayer Group, first Tuesday, 5:30 PM, Choir Re- Looking Ahead
hearsal Room • ERD Book Sale coming in February
• Men’s Breakfast, third Thursday, 7-8 AM, Hill Room • ACEFC Lenten Series, Wednesdays beginning Feb-
• Mid-Week Eucharist, Tuesdays, noon ruary 13, 2008
This Month at St. Paul’s and Elsewhere • Cabaret, Saturday, March 8
• Parish Wide Book Read, discussions for three • “Serving God with Gladness” Women’s retreat,
weeks beginning the week of January 7, 2008 late April, Weber Center.
• Praying the Psalms, Wednesdays, January 9–30,

Annual Meeting – January 27

The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller

P lease place January 27 on your calendars as the

date of our Annual Meeting. It will open with the
rector’s “State of the Parish” address at the 8 a.m. ser-
Epiphany vice, continuing with a repeat of that address at the 10
a.m. service.
By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller
A Brunch-fundraiser will be presented by the ECW

T here are four important days in the Christian

Liturgical year that are always celebrated,
but seldom observed. What I mean is that a ser-
Steering Committee with proceeds going to the Lansing
Food Bank. Cost of the brunch will be $5 per person or
$20 per family. Coffee Hour will be held in the Hill
vice is always planned and held (celebrated), but Room. See related ECW article on page 6.
the attendance is often so meager that it is obvi-
ous that most of the congregation is unaware of The business session will begin about 11:30 a.m. Be-
the importance. The first three are All Saint’s Day cause of its importance, all parishioners should plan to
(always November 1), Ash Wednesday (it moves attend. Child care will be provided.
from week to week in February or March), Ascen-
sion Day (always the Thursday that is 40 days
after Easter) and Epiphany (always January 6). B&PW
Epiphany is a celebration of the fact that the
Magi found Jesus and were the first to proclaim By Barbara Richardson

him Lord. The alternative name for Epiphany says
he B&PW Guild will meet January 8 for a busi-
it all, The Manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles.
ness meeting and planning session for 2008. Din-
In the Orthodox branches of the church, this day
ner is at 6 p.m. in the Hill room and will cost $8. Reser-
has more significance and is more a time of cele-
vations are requested. Please contact Debby Pierce at
bration than Christmas. This year January 6 and
Epiphany will be celebrated on a Sunday. We 485-5446 by January 6 for a reservation.
have some special things planned so we hope to
see you there.
Upcoming St. Paul’s Activities Page 3

St. Paul’s Parish Wide Book Read

By Millie Ericson, Vestry Member

“O ne Book, Many Journeys” (Winning name sub-

mitted by Mary Luginsland)
Week 2 - Part II “Betrayal” (Chapters 6-10)
Scripture: Job 12:7-10; Is. 24:5-8a, 10-13; Joel
The 2008 Book: The Worst Hard Time by Timothy 1:203, 6-7, 9-12, 17-20
If you had lived in this part of the country at the time
Additional copies of “The Worst Hard Time” are of the Dust Bowl, do you think you would have
available in the Church Office. The book is also avail- stayed? Why or why not? What has helped you stay
able from Schuler’s, Barnes & Noble and Ama- in a place and “endure” through difficult times (e.g., work, church, family issues, school)? What insights or
connections to the events in the book do you gain
A series of three weekly discussion groups will con- from the scriptures for this week? What lessons are
vene in January at the following times and locations: there that we can learn from the Dust Bowl and apply
Home/Time Day/Date to the present so that we can tell our children and our
children’s children (as suggested in the scripture from
Max & Debby Pierce Sundays 1/6, 13, 20 Joel)?
3-4:30 p.m.
Don & Sally Lawrence Mondays 1/7, 14, 21 Week 3 - Part III “Blowup” (Chapters 11-
7-8:30 p.m. Epilogue)
Chuck & Sue Millar Tuesday 1/8, 15, 22 Scripture: Joel 2:1-10, 12-13; Ex 34:25-28, 18-27;
2:30-4 p.m. John 3:16-17; Rev. 21:1
Barb & Libby Richardson Wednesday 1/9, 16, 23
7-8:30 p.m. Of all the characters, who left the greatest impres-
Larry & Kathy Gut Thursday 1/10, 17, 24 sion? What signs of hope and renewal are present in
7-8:30 p.m. the final chapters of the book? Before reading the
book, had you heard of Hugh Bennet? Would you
Themes of discussions: consider him an unsung hero? Are there similar
Week 1 - Part I “Promise” (Introduction-Chapter 5) “heroes” addressing today’s environmental chal-
lenges? Do you see parallels between the Dust Bowl
Scripture: Gen. 1-2:2-23 (Creation); Gen. 9:9-17 and Hurricane Katrina, global warming or other envi-
(Covenant with Noah) ronmental challenges of today? How can we bring
hope and renewal to current situations?
Do you know anyone who survived the Dust Bowl? If
so, what was said about it? What did you find inter- Keep watching for supportive information to assist
esting or surprising in this first section of the book? you in enjoying your reading journey.
What is the “promise” that is referred to in the first
section of the book? Is there a connection to “Promise” Sign up for the discussion group of your choice out-
as described in Genesis, in our covenant relationship side the Merrifield Room
with God? How did or didn’t the people in the book (Hint: there’s a sheet for each host that includes ad-
respect the mission to care for the earth; to be fruitful dress and geographic location so you can pick the
and multiply? one that works best for you!)

By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller

O n Sunday, January 13, we will mark the

baptism of Jesus with baptisms of our own.
Several are already scheduled. If you or someone
in your family would like to be baptized, please
contact Father Weller.
Page 4 Upcoming St. Paul’s Activities
Between-the-Services Bible Study Begins January 13
By Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music

B eginning on Sunday, January 13, Sue LeDuc and Pat and Ed Meier will moderate a new Bible study pro-
gram between St. Paul’s 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. services. The study will use the adult version of “Living the
Good News” curriculum. It is a lectionary-based program that will look at the scripture lessons for the day.
Please let Sue, Pat or Ed know if you’re planning to attend so they may order materials for you. The Bible
study will run from 9-9:45 a.m. on Sunday mornings.

4 F’s 2008 Programs “Taking Care of Ourselves & Others”

By Nancy Sheldon

T he 4 F’s meet on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of

each month for12 noon Eucharist,12:30 p.m. lunch,
March 24

1:00 Bible Study and the program from1:15 – 2 p.m. (Return to regular schedule)
January 14 As we sort through presidential candidates’ health
care proposals, Chris Couch will enlighten us on the
“Foster Parenting for special needs children” with process of enacting legislation concerning health care
Carol Thomas issues with insightful humor.
January 28 April 14
How do you tell the story of a Church? We will ex- “Looking back at the social policies in U.S. health care”
plore “To A Goodly Heritage…A history of St. Paul’s with Luke Shaefer
Episcopal Church” (published in 1970) with Mary Jane
Wilson April 28

February 11 through March 10 “The future of health care in the United States as
presidential candidates put forth their different plans”
(Every Monday with a Eucharist service in the chapel with Anne Rosewarne, President of the Michigan
at 11:30 a.m. and a lunch/book review from noon to Health Council
May 12
Lenten book reviews by Carol Ingells, Carolyn Such,
Chris Couch, Dorothy Marsh and our curate, Ron Year-end picnic with participants giving a brief review
Byrd of the one or two of their favorite books that would
make for good summer reading

The Book Sale Cometh

By Sue Millar

P lease begin collecting your unwanted books for our third

ERD book sale. You may leave your books (CDs and DVDs
also accepted, but no textbooks or magazines please) in the red
bin under the sign-up table next to the elevator. Your participa-
tion over the past two years in this project has resulted in our be-
ing able to make significant contributions to the work of Episcopal
Relief and Development. What a great win-win deal this is.
Thank you for your help.
Upcoming St. Paul’s Activities Page 5

The Rev. David Huguley, Guest Preacher

St. Paul’s Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Service and Celebration

By The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr., Curate

T he Rev. David Huguley, Associate Pastor, Prayer and Ministry of POWER Centre Church International, will
preach and facilitate an open forum on Dr. Martin Luther King Sunday at St. Paul’s. Pastor Huguley will
focus his remarks on our theme for this year: “His Dream, Our Nightmare.” This year’s service and forum will
look to bring together central themes taken from Bill Cosby’s and Alvin F. Poussaint’s newly released book,
Come on People, with scriptural text taken from Galatians 3:28:“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither
slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” We hope you will mark Janu-
ary 20, 2008 on your calendar and plan to join us as we commemorate and celebrate the birthday of the
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Prayer Quilts
By MaryLea Benson

C an you sew? Got an eye for color? Need to get

out and do something for someone else? How
about helping with Prayer Quilts?
from the “Prayers & Squares” chapter at University
Lutheran Church in East Lansing. We will be deciding
in what direction we want to go. There will be a sign-
up sheet near the elevator.
Prayer Quilts are "lifted up" with prayer and are
given to those requesting prayer in their lives. Quilts Don't sew? We will need all sorts of help from choos-
are given to people having surgery, going through a ing material, washing and ironing it, cutting blocks and
rough time, having a baby or any other reason for strips and picking out cards to go with the quilts, as
which prayer could make a difference. “Prayers & well as construction. Help in contacting our first recipi-
Squares” is an international organization that has ents will also be needed, followed by the all-
been sending prayers through quilts since 1992 with important steps of blessing them and saying prayers
charters across the country and throughout the world while trying “square knots.”
The Prayer Quilt ministry will be holding its first action
The Prayer Quilt ministry will be holding an informa- meeting on January 27. We will be cutting and put-
tional meeting on January 13 after church with a light ting kits together. For further information, please con-
repast. All who are interested, please come to find out tact MaryLea Benson at (517) 882-6327.
what we are all about. We will have a guest speaker

Super Bowl Party? Cabaret Is Coming!

T here is a rumor circulating

that some would like to
have a Super Bowl party in
By Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music

Please put Saturday, March 8, on your calendars!

the Merrifield Room on Febru- That’s the night for Cabaret, St. Paul’s all-parish eve-
ary 3. Interested? Contact one of the clergy. ning of dining and entertainment put on by St. Paul’s
England choristers. More details will be coming in the
February issue of St. Paul’s News!
Page 6
Upcoming St. Paul’s Activities
Special Lenten Programs to Address Electoral Issues
By Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music
The Adult Christian Education and Formation Committee has planned a five-part series of programs for Lent
that will look at some of the key issues people will be facing in the upcoming elections. Entitled “Seeking the
Common Good,” the five parts of the series will include:
• February 13 - Christian Citizenship 101: Biblical Foundation for Christian Involvement in the Public Arena.
Ben Baldus will outline Biblical reasons for involvement in the political process: our responsibilities and op-
• February 20 - The Economic Life of the State (especially through the eyes of the Michigan Budget proc-
esses). Tom Clay, of the Citizens Research Council of Michigan, will help us to understand the budget proc-
ess and how economic issues drive the other issues we face.
• February 27 - When Did I See You? Matt Ferguson will develop a program that will lead us through men-
tal health issues, including correction policies of the state (one of the largest budget items).
• March 5 - The Environment and You. Millie Ericson will coordinate this program with the parish-wide book
read of The Worst Hard Times by Timothy Egan and bring in guest speakers to help us come to grips with
some of the ecological issues facing our state and the nation: water usage, energy consumption, land use,
• March 12 - How to Function in a Pluralistic Society: How to live and interact with those with whom you dis-
agree. Chris Couch will formulate a program to help us come to grips with the challenges that face us in
living in a pluralistic society.
Please save these dates and invite friends to attend. As we approach an election year, these programs will
help clarify the issues and provide us with tools to address them within a Christian perspective. All the pro-
grams will be held on Wednesday nights from 6:15 to 7:30 p.m.

ECW Upcoming Activities

By Annette Irwin, President

H appy New Year!! As I write this I will assume

that we once again had a lovely Lessons and
Carols with a festive coffee hour followed by wonder-
is the theme for the Annual Women’s Retreat weekend
in late April.

ful Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services. I do It will be held at beautiful Weber Center in Adrian,
want to thank all of you who contributed to the success about 75 miles south of Lansing, beginning with Friday
of the Lessons and Carols coffee hour. evening dinner and ending late afternoon on Satur-
ECW has a few important announcements for the up-
coming months. The ECW Board is going to have a This is a time to “be”-- for rest, reflection, solitude,
fundraiser brunch that is served right before the An- conversation, and fun. The retreat will be led by Carol
nual Meeting. The Brunch cost will be $5 per person or Ingells, a parishioner with long experience as a spiri-
$20 per family and the money we raise will be do- tual teacher and retreat leader.
nated to the food bank. It seems only fitting that we This will be the 4th annual retreat and those who have
do what we can to assist in feeding those less fortu- attended previously, many of whom return as often as
nate while we enjoy a nice warm meal. Hopefully, this they can, have testified to its restorative value in
will keep you all full and ready to participate in the body, mind and spirit. It is also an excellent opportu-
Annual Meeting on January 27. nity for women of the parish to get to know one an-
All women of St. Paul's are invited to the 4th Annual other better.
Women's Retreat lead by our one and only Carol Lastly, if you are interested in serving on the ECW
Ingells on Friday, April 25 and Saturday April 26. Board please contact Annette Irwin at 319-6801 or
“Serving God with Gladness and Singleness of Heart”
News from the Vestry Page 7

Financial Information as of November 30, 2007

By Jeff Irwin
The November accounting was not complete at the time of this article. However, as we near the end of 2007,
the financial picture is becoming clearer.
The total pledge and non-pledge revenue received as of November 2007 was $255,863, which is 90.4% of
the budget. November is 91.7% of the year. It is expected that total 2007 pledge revenue will be close, if not
equal, to the total 2007 budget. The 2007 operating loss was budgeted to be $152,010. Based on informa-
tion now available, it is expected the actual loss will be slightly below that amount.
Under the restricted activities, we have net income over $90,000 of positive income to date in 2007.
As of December 15, 2007, $150,000 has been withdrawn from the St. Paul’s Perpetual Fund and transferred
to the operating account to provide cash to pay the bills on a current basis.
A final accounting for the year 2007 will be provided at the time of the annual meeting on January 27. The
2008 operating budget is still being prepared and analyzed by the vestry. At this point, it is probable that the
2008 pledge commitments will exceed the 2007 pledge commitments. However, the 2008 operating budget
which will be presented for the congregation to approve at the annual meeting is expected to show a loss of
similar magnitude to the 2007 operating loss.

Vestry Highlights
At the December 18, 2007 meeting of the vestry of • Discussed the possibility of acting as Zacheria
St. Paul's, your Vestry: Akol's discernment team for ordination. Ap-
proved $ 175 for him to attend the ministry con-
• Shared a wonderful Christmas meal and toasted ference in January.
each other for the blessings of 2007 • Received various committee Reports
• Heard a presentation from Mark Doyal, a local • Noted that the office wing roof was redone and
Non-Profit marketer, about his thoughts and pos- the steps re-grouted
sible plans for St. Paul's • Signed the plow and sidewalk snow contract
• Approved the November minutes • Reviewed Martin Luther King Celebration
• Received the November financial report (synopsis (January 20)
is found elsewhere in this issue) • Noted the excellent Lenten Series planned for
• Discussed the 2008 budget Feb. - March.
• Excused Fathers Weller and Byrd as well as Bill • Discussed Parish Book read
Finout for private discussions about salaries. Rec- • Discussed Stewardship call list which will be dis-
ommendations of the Personnel Committee were tributed
accepted. • Discussed and reviewed Web site renovation
• Final version of the 2008 budget will be ap- • Received the names of six candidates, with two
proved at the January meeting. more possible, for Vestry from the Annual Meet-
• Had discussion about the possibility for a sab- ing Nomination Committee
batical for Fr. Weller in the spring of 2007. • Noted the Vestry retreat scheduled for February
• Tied together in discussion the Vision Statement, 1-2. Will be held at the Weber Center.
the Welcoming Church Document, and the com- • Received Clergy Reports
ments of Mark Doyal. Agreed that Mr. Doyal • Adjourned at 9:55 pm - "Thanks be to God"
had many good ideas and observations. Will
invite him to a combined meeting of Evangelism
and Parish Life in January.
Page 8
St. Paul’s News
St Paul’s Bancroft Fund
By Nancy Sheldon, St. Aelred’s Guild

M any years ago, the Bancroft Fund was begun by the

parents of Robert Bancroft, who recently passed
away at age 86. Bob’s father established the fund for the
“perpetual care, upkeep and maintenance of the church
grounds and landscaping.” Church members and staff celebrate Bob
Back in the early 1920s, the Bancroft family spent many Bancroft’s birthday.
hours taking care of the church grounds and passed this love
for the church to their son. Bob often told stories of how he would help his dad when he was a little boy weed-
ing, planting and, eventually, mowing the lawn. Bob took great pride in continuing this work and was often
seen on his knees somewhere around the church fussing with this plant or that weed until he was no longer able.
Whenever I visited Bob and his wife Ginny in their nursing home over the last few years, he always wanted to
know how things were going at St Paul’s in and around the church. I always told him how grateful we were for
the Bancroft Fund and all that it continues to do for us. Last year, we brought them to St Paul’s for Bob’s birth-
day to see the church one last time. It was a joyous occasion and he was thrilled to see the grounds, especially
the Memorial Garden.
In his memory, we would like to plant something special on the grounds, perhaps something that is in the land-
scape architect’s plan which we haven’t been able to afford as yet. Anyone who might wish to contribute to the
Bancroft Fund in Bob’s memory, please send a check to the church designating the Bancroft Fund in the memo.

New Staff Member

By Kathleen Johnson, Office Manager

I t is our pleasure to welcome Mr. Douglas Holmes as the parish's new

sexton. Many know Doug because he is a parishioner and also be-
cause he works for A Catered Affaire, the catering company that leases
our kitchen. Doug will be living in the apartment upstairs and will be avail-
able to open and lock the building doors according to our schedule. One
of Doug's duties will be to check and lock the building each night after
everyone has left. For that, Doug will have a companion named Budda to
sniff out trouble. Budda is a lab/greyhound mix and follows Doug everywhere. Introduce yourself to them
when you have occasion to be in the building and they are around.

Keeping up to Date
By Sue Millar

I would like to tell you about two sources of occa- To sign up for The Record go to,
sional e-mail messages that provide me with help- and near the bottom of the page you will find a sign-
ful information for my faith journey. up box.
Each Monday The Record sends out a summary of hap- The Episcopal Public Policy Network (EPPN), sends oc-
penings in our diocese. In less than a minute, it tells me casional e-mails when there is news about public policy
what is going on in other parishes and around the dio- issues that have a bearing on Christian mission and
cese. It is a friendly reminder that I am part of a lar- ministry. At present EPPN frequently addresses issues
ger community of Christians. It is also a good way to related to the Millennium Development Goals, a cur-
learn about special events or conferences that may be rent focus at St. Paul’s.
of interest.
St. Paul’s Choirs Page 9

Choir Newsletter and Dates to Remember

By Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music
A big “Thank You!” goes to all choristers and their families for their contribution to the music of Lessons and
Carols and the Christmas Eve services. Your dedication and willingness to share your time and talent helped to
enrich the worship experience of many of our parishioners. Thank you so much. Please enjoy your time off af-
ter Christmas for some renewal and re-creation!
January 2-3 No Choir Rehearsals (Normal schedule resumes on January 9)
January 13 England Parents and Choristers Meeting after church
February 6, Ash Wednesday Cherubs and Boys’ and Grace will meet as usual. High School Choir is
invited to sing the service with the Chancel Choir, but will not rehearse
at 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, February 7 Chancel Choir rehearsal will be held after the Ash Wednesday service
approximately 8 p.m.)
Saturday, March 8 Cabaret! Please save this date.

Singing Schedule
Date Choirs
December 30 Choirs will not be vesting
January 6 All choirs will vest; High School and Chancel will sing
January 13 High School; Chancel
January 20 High School; Chancel
January 27 High School; Chancel
February 3 Boys’ and Grace; High School
February 6, Chancel Choir
Ash Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.
February 10 Chancel; High School
February 17 Chancel; High School
February 24 Chancel; High School
Page 10
St. Paul’s News
Handbells Shine!
By Nancy Sheldon

T he St Paul’s Handbell Choir was busy in December repairing, clean-

ing and shining our beautiful handbells. The bells were donated to
our church in 1978 but have only had minor repairs done as needed the
past 29 years. Our director, Mary Rodeck, invited Susan Berry, the Presi-
dent of Handbell Services—and from whom we bought our handbells—
to come to Lansing and help us refurbish and clean the bells. Each bell
was taken apart and thoroughly cleaned. New springs were inserted,
clappers adjusted and bells polished. We were told that to send them out
to be fixed and cleaned would cost approximately $3,000. We were
able to do it ourselves (with professional oversight!) for $400.00. Now Joan VanAuken and Mary Rodeck
we know how to care for them better in the future, and they did look give the handbells a good cleaning
beautiful for our Christmas concert with the Lansing Men’s Orpheus Choir.
Our hard work really paid off!

UTO Ingathering
By Kay Gallup
_ inda and I would like to thank all the
members of the parish for your cards,
gifts and season’s greetings. This is truly a won-
derful place and we are pleased to be a part of
T hanks to all for your gifts for the UTO ingathering
in November. Our total intake was $887.16.
ZÉÜwÉÇ 9 _|Çwt jxÄÄxÜ
The United Thank Offering is an accumulation of daily
thanks for events or feelings for each of us in our daily
lives for which we are thankful.
I would like to extend my personal appreciation to all
those who graciously volunteered their help on the Sun-
days of ingathering for the past four years.

First Annual Sunday School Holiday Card Project

By Dr. Judi Brown-Clarke, Vestry Member

A cting on the “giving” spirit of the holidays, the Sunday School students wanted to present St. Paul’s home-
/center-bound members with a token of their respect and appreciation. On Sunday, December 9, stu-
dents from first grade through high school created beautiful holiday cards for distribution. Approximately 75
cards were stamped, glued and tied with a decorative ribbon. It was truly rewarding to hear unsolicited posi-
tive and caring comments coming from the students as they diligently worked to create each one-of-a-kind
card. This was a wonderful and rare opportunity for all the classes to work and celebrate together.

ST AELRED'S GUILD offers spiritual friendship to members of our congregation in time of need through
notes, visitation, prayer list management, Eucharistic visits, celebration of births and marriages as well as
phone calls to shut-ins. St. Paul’s would like to know when one of our parishioners is in the hospital, is unable to
come to church, has been moved to a special care facility or just might appreciate a card or visit to let them
know we are thinking about them and praying for them. Please pick up a form for this special ministry at the
Welcome Table after church or call Kathleen in the office at 482-9454. All parishioners are welcome to join us
in this Ministry the Third Wednesday of each month from 5:00 - 6:00 PM in the Van Atta Room.
Mission and Outreach Page 11

Mission & Outreach Activities:

Where is Christ calling you to help others?

January April 20
• ACTION—Justice Ministry Teams Begin • England Choristers’ Auction
February 26 April - May
• ACTION—Community Problems Assembly (Vote • Possible Episcopal Relief and Development Project,
on 2008 Focus Area) MDGs
February—March May 5
• Episcopal Relief & Development Used Book Sale • ACTION – Rally
May 19
March 9 • ACTION – Nehemiah Action Assembly
• Cabaret
Check the newsletter articles and the Sunday Bulletin
March Announcements for additional details and informa-
• Millennium Development Goals Plan for St. Paul’s tion.

April 19
• Blood Drive – Red Cross

Millennium Development Goals – Continued

By Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music

D uring Lent, St. Paul’s will continue its focus on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) begun in Novem-
ber. First there will be two special programs, one held the Sunday before Lent and one on Palm Sunday,
that will help to raise awareness within the parish of the nature and scope of the MDGs and of the opportuni-
ties open to us to support these goals. The first of these two programs will be held on Sunday, February 3. At
the 8 and 10 a.m. services, a guest speaker from the Diocese will share thoughts with the worshipers about
these goals and how we, as a parish, can contribute to achieving them, both as individuals and as a congrega-
tion. After the service, there will be several workshops and programs designed to help familiarize us with the
opportunities and challenges that face us as we seek to support these goals. There will be programs for young
and old alike, with nursery care provided for the youngest children.
The second special program of this series will occur on Palm Sunday, after the service, when parishioners will
help determine what concrete actions they would like to take, both as individuals and as a congregation, to
help achieve these goals. In addition, the Lenten Wednesday-evening programs will address issues of a more
local interest as we face primary elections this winter, and a presidential election next November. Many of
these issues also have national and international implications and are related to the MDGs. Please save these
dates and invite friends and neighbors to share in these stimulating discussions! (See the separate article on
Lenten programs in this issue.)
Page 12
St. Paul’s News
A Note From Your Curate
By The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr., Curate

I t is hard to imagine that a little over six months ago I was reading theological commentaries, writing book
reviews and taking in studies, anxiously working to complete my final semester at Virginia Theological
Seminary. For three years, I reminded my student colleagues how blessed and fortunate we were to have an
opportunity to worship and study the intricacies of divinity. I often thought there is nothing I would rather be
As a senior planning for graduation, it was a challenge to keep focused on the day-to-day activities, while
daydreaming about my future life in ministry. While having all of the usual questions and concerns which sad-
dle most seminarians preparing to begin a new life ministry, I felt particularly apprehensive, because I often
wondered if I had learned enough, was I smart enough and was I in fact ready and able to become a priest? I
remember thinking (and I continue to), what an amazing blessing and awesome responsibility it will be, caring
for and ministering to God’s people.
Feeling a bit timorous upon my arrival at St. Paul’s on August 15, I stepped through the rear entrance door
with a smile on my face and a twinkle in my eye, not knowing whether I would fit in, be liked or if I even had
something to offer or give a com- munity which seemed so intellectu-
ally rich and economically affluent. Since my arrival at St. Paul's, As I continued to proceed into the
church, through the cloister area, I my family and I have been said audibly, “Well God, it's you
and me. Let's go do this.” I then showered with your love and turned the corner walked through
the next set of doors, traveling up gracious acts of kindness. the stairs to the main floor, and
gradually moved down the hall- way to Fr. Gordon’s office.
There is no question the real
Fr. G greeted me with a huge smile presence of Christ is living and a warm embrace and invited
me to have a seat in his office. As among all of you, and for this we sat across the table from each
other, the first words that Fr. may God be praised. Gordon said at the start of this
orientation meeting was, “You’re BLACK, we’ll deal with it.” Upon
hearing those words, that which seemed to be the biggest rock in
the world flew off of my shoulders and into the heavens, and immediately I slid a tad back in my chair and
thought to myself, “This is one really cool priest. This brother and I are going to get along just fine.”
I will always remember my orientation meeting with Fr. Gordon, not just because we exchanged great stories
and laughed a lot, but because of Fr. Gordon’s candor and loving empathy for the new guy...the new “green”
As a neophyte to the priesthood I am blessed to be here at St. Paul's having an opportunity to work with and
learn from such a seasoned and humble priest as Fr. Gordon. I feel equally blessed and grateful for all of
you, my St. Paul's parish family.
Since my arrival at St. Paul's, my family and I have been showered with your love and gracious acts of kind-
ness. There is no question the real presence of Christ is living among all of you, and for this may God be
In this season of giving and sharing, my family has already been given more than we could ask or imagine—
we have been given you, the people of St. Paul's. May the light of Christ forever shine bright in your hearts
and may God's blessing and favor continue to empower you and your wonderful ministry.
St. Paul’s News Page 13

By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller

W e all know that St. Paul’s is well placed to be of service to the downtown Lansing community. This was
evident on November 16 when much of the Lansing area gathered for Silver Bells, the traditional kick-
off to the holiday season. When the parade and fireworks were over, more than 250 people gathered to
warm themselves, hear a concert performed by the handbell choirs of St. Paul’s and Plymouth Congregation
Church, and to have hot chocolate and cookies. All these offerings were without charge and available because
of the generosity of so many members of this parish community.
Thanks are in order to Steve Lange, Mary Rodeck and the members of our handbell choir for “ringing” in the
season. Thanks also to Max and Debby Pierce and the many who helped with cookies so that we could open
our doors and share our hospitality.

St. Paul’s Activities in Photos

The cast of the 2007 production of Amahl and the Night Visitors

Helen Hiscoe talks with a member of an Islamic

group that attended St. Paul’s in December to pro-
mote peace and understanding between faiths

Annie VanderMoere and Hannah Marie Henrys are

baptized at the November 25 service

Members of St. Paul’s Youth Group at TenderCare West

Page 14
St. Paul’s Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry Articles Provided in Collaboration By:
Youth Christian Education and Youth Fellowship Chairperson, Dr. Judith Brown-Clarke
Youth Group Executive Council President, Steven Kariuki
Youth Group Coordinator, Barbara Heany
Youth Group Advisor, Tom Foltz
Acolyte Guild, Directors Patricia Bellinger & Carol Sleight
The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr., Curate

Fun Learning & Fund Raising

I n early September, when the advisors of the youth group met to develop the program agenda for the
year, it was determined that a third component needed to be added to the traditional, mission and out-
reach focus of the group. At the suggestion of Dr. Judi Brown-Clarke, programs and projects would be devel-
oped to assist our young people in developing and enhancing skills in a number of areas. The group has la-
beled this area “In-Reach.”
Over the last few months, the youth group has been involved in three mission and out-reach projects and has
laid the groundwork for three in-reach programs. These include the establishment of an executive council
(leadership, meeting planning and execution, using Robert’s Rules of Order), creation of a youth lounge
(working/sharing in community, responsibility, organization) and, more recently, the unveiling of two vending
machines (general business/accounting, fund raising).
The vending machines are located on the lower level of the church building near the youth lounge and choir
dressing room. The snack machine contains a of variety chips, candies and cookies, as well as peanuts, dried
fruits, and breath refreshments. The soda unit, although it advertises Pepsi products, is actually filled with Coca-
Cola products like 7-Up, A &W Root Beer, Sunkist, Hawaiian Punch, Aquafina Water and, of course, Coke and
Diet Coke.
Buying items from either machine will provide monies to support future youth programs, trips and other ex-
penses, thereby minimizing the need for general budget appropriations. Secondly, the youths are asking, and
Fr. Gordon is insisting, that goodies purchased through the vending units be consumed only in designated areas.
Remember every time you “vend” you spend for our kids, giving them a share in Fun Learning & Fund Raising.

Youth Group Brings Cheer to Thank You,

Tender Care West Residents Thank You Very
S t. Paul’s Youth Group brought Christmas cheer to
TenderCare West on Dec. 2 by providing fellow-
ship and playing BINGO with residents. The kids were T he Youth Group
would like to send
warmly received, especially by our very own Clara a huge shout out to everyone who donated cash
Voges, who greeted the kids with lots of hugs and and items for the youth lounge. We would also like
to thank St. Paul’s ECW for sponsoring our Commis-
sioning Sunday reception.
To all of you who contributed to our “Personal
Needs Drive,” this shout out is for you. Your gener-
osity is very much appreciated by the volunteers
and recipients at the Lansing Rescue Mission.
Thanks for sharing the blessing!
St. Paul’s Youth Ministry Page 15

Upcoming Youth Events

T he youth group meets on the first Sunday of each month for a council meeting. Outreach outings and other
fun events will take place after the meetings throughout the church school year. The next meeting is sched-
uled for Sunday, January 6. After this meeting, the kids have decided to “chill out” in their newly dedicated
youth room, watching a movie and playing games. They are hoping to invite a St. Paul’s parishioner to join
them and share a life story with them. Watch for upcoming events in church bulletins.

First Communion Sunday

O n Epiphany Sunday, January 6, Fr. Gordon will be

welcoming children to their first communion. On
Saturday, January 5, from 10 a.m. to noon, a two-hour
workshop will be conducted to prepare children for this
very special day. If you are interested in having your
child receive his or her first communion on January 6,
please contact Fr. Ron.

“Who is our brother and God's fellow worker in spreading

the gospel of Christ” (I Thessalonians 3:2)

S ince Christmas Eve, the acolytes have been processing down into the congregation for
the reading and hearing of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Gospel procession
originally began as a symbol of Christ's triumphant entry into Jerusalem, on what we now
call Palm Sunday.
The procession and reading of the Gospel from among the people has gained greater litur-
gical emphasis in recent years for two primary reasons. First, and perhaps most important, is
that the Gospel is of the people and for the people. As Christians, we stand as witnesses to
the living word of God in our lives and in the world around us. It is our place to stand with
Christ, spreading the good news, and our spreading of the good news comes in our reading
and hearing.
Second, it is easier to hear, listen and see the reader when all other distractions are removed. The Apostle
John writes, “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of
the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14). When the Gospel is read,
all attention should be focused on it and it alone. It is at this time that Jesus is often speaking directly to us;
therefore with our eyes let us see, and with our ears let us hear.
“Praise to you Lord Christ, for the reading and hearing of your word.”
Page 16
St. Paul’s News
(Continued from, “New Year—New Hope,” page 1)

everyone, based on that conversation. All I can offer is the recommendation that you find a way to maintain
or develop that conversation. Perhaps it might mean using that pressure of the New Year’s resolution to be
sure you are in church every Sunday without exception. Perhaps it might mean a real time for prayer or
meditation every day. Use that new calendar to remember and mark off the commitments you make to a
deeper understanding of the relationship you have with God.

(Continued from, “Whine,” page 1)

an altar wine are these two qualities: a first squeezing—our first and finest gifts are offered to God—and
its sweetness and purity. These are also attributes prominent in our understanding of God. One comment is
that the color isn’t red enough. The prevailing theology on that might be that we present to God the raw
material of God’s creation and it is then transformed into that which we need. Color and taste have little
bearing on God’s presence in this sacramental experience. Another comment has to do with the taste: “I
liked the port we used to use.” This is just as it was in the time of Jesus. There are/were many different va-
rieties of wine. What did Jesus use? What should we use? All open to speculation and the openness of our
Will we stay with the present wine? Perhaps. Will we return to the former type? Perhaps. The unintended
consequence in all this is that we are allowed to see God in a different way and asked to think about it. Let
me know some of these thoughts!

St. Paul’s Prayer List

We pray for those who are sick and in need: Cindy Robinson, Richard, Audrie & Aaron
Hegmon, Shelley Robinson, Grady & Dennis Letner, Clara Voges, Mason Hill, Lois
Caswell, June Wyatt, Dick Siebert, Carol, Judith Jones, Becky Chamberlain, Nancy His-
coe Clark, Charles Weaver, Ben Herbert, Chance Collins, Caroline Thomas and her par-
Prayer List ents, brothers & godparents, Betty Jensen, Dan Heany, Marsha & Skip Macholz, Gloria
Harvat, Jack Siebold, DakBai DakBai, Irene Jones, Mary Ann Kelley, Ed Farmer, Sally
Engle, Ed Jones, Alice Jessop Lamb, Justin, Elizabeth, Barb Hacker, Andrew Astley, Mary Tuckey, Michael
Skinner, Ginny Bancroft, Darrick, Chris, Tom, Marcella Stachwick, and Leslie Hall
We pray for and remember those in the Military, serving in dangerous areas: Daniel Reno, Daniel Laurion
and Erika Harkness Barker
We pray for those expecting: Karen & Opuene Amachree, Rochelle & Stuart Cullum, Stacy & Cory Nelson,
Kristan & Christopher Chase, Justin & Jessica Leonard and Rachel & Jeff Bott
We celebrate the birth of Harrison James Cullum to Stuart & Rochelle Cullum
We pray for comfort for the family & friends of Robert Bancroft and Donna Letner, who recently passed
We celebrate the baptism of: Kellan Michael Broughton, Charles Leighton Ferguson, Rachel Elizabeth Fer-
guson, Dylan Christoper Koenemann, Heather Renee Koenemann, Alexander Robert McConnell, Michael
Skinner, Daphne Mae Such, Sohee Diane Such, Annie VanderMoere, Hannah Marie Henrys

Non Profit Org.

Permit 1621

St. Paul's Episcopal Church

Lansing Michigan
218 W. Ottawa
Lansing, MI 48933
Phone: 517-482-9454
Fax: 517-485-8621
Choir Room: 517-482-0369

The St. Paul’s News is a publication of St. Paul’s Episcopal

Church, Lansing Michigan.
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Staff
The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon Weller, Rector
The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr., Curate
Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music
Mr. William H. Fineout, Acting Deacon
Ms. Mary Rodeck, Assistant Minister of Music
Ms. Kathleen Johnson, Office Manager

St. Paul’s News Editorial Staff

Christine Caswell, Editor
Tom Shawver, Staff Writer
Helen Hiscoe, Proofreader
Lyn Zynda, Layout Editor

If you no longer wish to receive these mailings, please call the church office (517) 482-9454,
any time of the day or night and leave a message to be taken off our mailing list.

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