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Paul's Episcopal Church

Lansing Michigan

St. Paul’s News

The Quiet February, 2008

By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon Weller

Volume 33, Issue 2
T here is nothing as
quiet or as peace-
ful as a snowy morn-
times during the day. I even paused to try to
recapture it, but it was not to be.
Inside this issue:
ing. One day this past As we begin the season of Lent, I think I am go-
week, I happened to ing to look for more of the quiet moments. We Calendar 15
be up early to clear are all so busy — and while it is for some good
The Rev. Dr. Gordon Weller the driveway. I got out or necessary purpose — it never gives us all we Choir Schedule 9
early because I had much to do. I opened the want. I look at the programs that are offered
here at St. Paul's and comment to myself about Mission &
garage door and surveyed the scene. It caused 11
what a spectrum they cover and how they are Outreach
me to stop. Everything was clean and white, and
quiet, so quiet. I took a brief pause and sat on so appropriate. Lent is a time of increased Spiri- Prayer List 8
the bench on the porch. Nothing seemed to be tual involvement, isn't it? But I yearn for the
moving. It was so restful that one could drift off quiet. I think God might be there. St. Paul’s News 6,8,10
into a personal world of peace. My intent for Lent is to somehow answer that
Upcoming 2
Long before I was done with the moment, my need. Perhaps I can come to church a half hour
neighbor came out. A wave and a "Hi, how are earlier on Sunday morning or Tuesday noon, Vestry News 7
ya!" and it was all over. A pull on his snow and tell no one I'm here. Perhaps it might snow
blower cord, and it was as if "the moment" had again and I can recapture what I think I've lost. I Youth Group 13
never been there. Soon others were out, and the think the Riverwalk is open this time of year. I
whole subdivision was atwitter, and the echoes have friends with quiet wood lots. Could I find
across the pure white made it even louder that it what I seek there? I seek the quiet. I invite you to
probably was. I thought about that quiet several join me.

Vestry 2007: A Final Report

By Greg Wortley, Outgoing 2007 Senior Warden

I would like to thank you — the members of St. Paul’s — for giving me the opportunity to
work on the Vestry these past three years. In addition, I would like to thank the 2007 Vestry,
in particular, for giving me the opportunity to work as Senior Warden this past year. I’m sure I
speak for all who are now rotating off the Vestry — Bobbi Tisdale, Kathy Gut, and Judi Clarke
— when I say that there has been much personal benefit from being in a position which provided
such a rich learning experience. Certainly our collective hope, as the 2007 Vestry class, is that
efforts expended in good faith have contributed to an ongoing strengthening of St. Paul’s mis-
sion. In that regard, for any who may have missed the Annual Parish Meeting on Sunday, January
27, I offer this brief recap of my concluding thoughts as Senior Warden, the full version of which
can be found in The Annual Report 2007:
Wow! What a journey the year 2007 was for the St. Paul’s community! A cursory review of
the year yields a staggering array of new and/or special happenings in our corporate life.
Of all that has taken place in 2007, however, the most significant has been our work on two
key issues which overarched the many activities of the year. As I approached my term as
(Continued on page 14)
February 2008
Page 2 Upcoming St. Paul’s Activities
Activities at a Glance
Ongoing Activities • ERD Book sale, Sunday, February 10 & 17
• St. Aelred’s Guild, • Lenten Lunch-N-Book Reviews, Mondays, beginning
• Book Cart, 2nd Sunday after 10 AM February 11
• B&PW, Tuesday, February 12, 6 PM • Seeking the Common Good, Lenten Educational
• ECW, third Monday, 7 PM Offerings, Wednesdays beginning February 13,
• Family Night Dinner, Wednesdays, 5-6 PM 6:15-7:30 PM
• 4 Fs, second and fourth Mondays, noon to 2 PM • Valentine Date Night, Saturday, February 16
• St. Paul’s Library, open every Sunday • Catechism Instruction, four weeks beginning Sun-
• Prayer Group, first Tuesday, 5:30 PM, Choir Re- day, February 17, during church school
hearsal Room Looking Ahead
• Men’s Breakfast, third Thursday, 7-8 AM, Hill Room • Cabaret, Saturday, March 8, 5 PM
• Mid-Week Eucharist, Tuesdays, noon • Spring Blood Drive, Saturday, April 19
This Month at St. Paul’s and Elsewhere • “Serving God with Gladness” Women’s retreat,
• Youth Group Council Meeting, February 3 April 25 & 26, Weber Center
• Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner, February 5, 6 • England Choristers’ Auction, Sunday, April 20
p.m. • Ascension Day Outreach Dinner, Thursday, May 1
• Ash Wednesday Services, February 6, 7 AM, • UTO Ingathering, Sunday, May 4
Noon, (Chapel) 7 PM Church

Shrove Tuesday Festivities

By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller

E veryone knows Mardi Gras. As a season of celebration, it officially ends on the Tuesday evening before
Ash Wednesday. This year that is February 5. In some cities and communities, like New Orleans or Rio de
Janeiro, this has come to be a time of unbridled celebration. Traditions, good and not so good, abound. Either
way our memories are filled with possibility.
In our own way, St. Paul's has come to look forward to our Shrove Tuesday celebration with the same anticipa-
tion. This year at 6 p.m., the men of the parish will cook the traditional dinner of pancakes and sausage for us
all to share. The cost is a free-will offering to benefit the Mission & Outreach Fund. Following the meal, the
children will accompany Father Weller into the courtyard and burn the leftover palms from Palm Sunday
2007. Be sure to bring your old palms to the dinner or to Church the Sunday preceding.
This year we will start a new tradition. MaryLea Benson will have materials present for Prayer Quilting. Any-
one who would like to be involved during the season of Lent is welcome. Quilting will be explained and the
concept of prayer while tying knots in the quilt will be demonstrated.
Come to the dinner for fun, friendship and faith. Sign up on the sheet which is on the table outside the Merri-
field room or by calling the Church Office.

By Barbara Richardson

By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller

T he B&PW Guild will meet February 12 at 6
p.m. in the Hill Room. Our guest speaker, the
T here will be three services of Holy Communion
with the imposition of Ashes on Ash Wednes-
day, February 6. These will be at 7 a.m., noon
Rev. Ron Byrd, will present a Lenten program.
Dinner is $8 and reservations are requested.
Please call Debby Pierce at 485-5446 by Febru-
(both in the chapel), and at 7 p.m. in the church. ary 10 for a reservation.

February 2008
Upcoming St. Paul’s Activities Page 3

Lenten Educational Offerings

By Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music

W hat do Ben Baldus, Tom Clay, John Nevin, Pat Babcock, and Professors Claude F. Jacobs and William
McNeece of the University of Michigan-Dearborn all have in common, other than that they are highly
respected experts in their respective fields? Answer: They will all lead one of the sessions that will focus on
“Seeking the Common Good” this coming Lent. The sessions will be on Wednesday nights from 6:15 to 7:30
p.m. in the Merrifield Room. Child care will be provided. Anyone wishing to attend these meetings or wishing
to have dinner at family night is asked to sign up on the table by the elevator. These sessions are intended to
provide us with a biblical foundation for the choices we will be making in the upcoming elections in the fall and
to provide a forum to explore and discuss the ramifications of some of these issues that have local, national
and international implications. The programs will include:
• February 13 - Christian Citizenship 101: Biblical Foundation for Christian Involvement in the Public
Arena. Ben Baldus, Director of the Office of Public Policy and Advocacy at Lutheran Social Services of
Michigan and a Lutheran Pastor licensed as a priest in the Episcopal Church USA, will outline biblical rea-
sons for involvement in the political process and help us to understand our responsibilities and opportunities
as Christian citizens.
• February 20 - The Economic Life of the State: Robbing Peter to Pay Paul or Passing the Buck. Tom Clay,
Director of State Affairs, Emeritus, for the Citizens Research Council of Michigan, and former director of the
state’s Executive Budget Offices, will help us to understand Michigan’s budget process and how economic
issues often drive the other issues we face.
• February 27 - When did I see you in Prison: Corrections, Mental Health and You. C. Patrick Babcock, the
chair of the State Mental Health Commission, will offer insights on what has happened to Michigan’s mental
health system and what might be done to help fix it. This is a topic of great interest to all, especially since
more than one-fifth of Michigan’s budget goes to Corrections.
• March 5 - Great Lakes, Great Stewards. John Nevin, a strategic policy analyst with the International Joint
Commission of the U.S. and Canada, a former adviser to the governor of Michigan and an Ingham County
commissioner, will talk about the state of the Great Lakes, the impact of climate change, the challenge of
low water levels, invasive species and diversions, and explain how we as individuals can take specific steps
in our daily lives to be better stewards of precious water resources that we share with all God’s creations.
• March 12 - Difficult Dialogues across Race, Religion, Culture and Ethnicity. Professors Claude F. Jacobs
and William NcNeece of the University of Michigan-Dearborn’s Difficult Dialogues Initiative, will discuss
how we can learn to discuss controversial, contentious and divisive issues in a meaningful and constructive
manner across religious, racial, ethnic and cultural boundaries.
Please share this information with interested neighbors, friends and relatives. The programs are open to the
public without charge and should be especially beneficial and stimulating as we wrestle with some of these
very thorny, yet critical topics and how we can respond to them.

Deadline for Donating Used Books

By Sue Millar

If that
you have waited until the last days to sort your books, please act now so
you will enjoy more bookshelf space, and we will increase our sales to
benefit ERD.
Sunday, February 3 is when we need your books since we will then be prepar-
ing for the sale. As we did last year, we will be selling books on two Sundays:
February 10 and 17 after the 10 a.m. services.
Remember this is a great three-step process: (1) you donate books; (2) you buy
books; (3) we send a check to ERD. Your participation is crucial to the success of this project.
Thank you.
February 2008
Page 4 Upcoming St. Paul’s Activities
Lenten Offerings II
By Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music

Monday Lenten Lunch-N-Book Review Series

O n the five Mondays of Lent, five parishioners will review books that relate in some way to our spiritual
journeys. The books scheduled for review are:
• February 11 - Walking on Water by Madeline Le’Engle reviewed by Dorothy Marsh
• February 18 - Let Your Life Speak by Parker J. Palmer reviewed by The Rev. Ron Byrd
• February 25 - The Dignity of Difference by Jonathan Sacks and Cosmopolitanism by Kwame Anthony Ap-
peah reviewed by Chris Couch
• March 3 - They Did It for Love by Kate Morgenroth reviewed by Carolyn Such
• March 10 - To be determined
The schedule for each Monday is Holy Eucharist from11:30 a.m. to 12 noon, lunch from noon to 12:30 p.m. and
review from 12:30 to 1 p.m. (although some reviewers may start earlier than 12:30). This series replaces 4 F’s
for the season of Lent. Please sign up for lunch ($4.50) if you plan to attend.

4 F’s 2008 Programs “Taking Care of Ourselves & Others”

By Nancy Sheldon
The 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month
12 p.m. Eucharist 12:30 p.m. lunch
1 p.m. Bible Study 1:15-2 p.m. Program
From February 11 through March 10, Lenten Book Reviews will replace regular 4F’s meetings (see Steve
Lange’s article). We will return to our regular schedule on March 24, focusing on health care issues with the
upcoming election:
• March 24 - Chris Couch enlightening us on the process of enacting legislation concerning health care issues
with insightful humor
• April 14 - “Looking back at the social policies in US health care” with Luke Shaefer
• April 28 - “The future of health care in the United States as presidential candidates put forth their different
plans” with Anne Rosewarne, president of the Michigan Health Council
• May 12 - Year-end picnic with participants giving a brief review of one or two of their favorite books that
would make for good summer reading

Mark It on Your Calendar: April 25 and 26!!

By Annette Irwin, ECW President

T hat is the date for this year’s Women's Retreat. It

will be lead by Carol Ingells, and we will be
going back to the beautiful facilities at the Weber
on Carol to give all an opportunity for rest, reflection,
solitude, conversation and fun. Women are often busy
being the caregivers, whether it is caring for a friend,
Center in Adrian, Michigan. Some of you may recall family member or co-worker, while working, raising
we have been at this location in the past and all families and volunteering in schools, civic organizations
seemed to enjoy themselves. The grounds are beautiful and, yes, at St. Paul's!
and provide for a peaceful place to walk, write, talk
or simply sit and enjoy the outdoors. This retreat will give you a chance to take some time
for you. More information will be coming soon on the
The theme for this year’s retreat is "Serving God with specifics of time, costs and how to sign up.
Gladness and Singleness of Heart," and you can count
February 2008
Upcoming St. Paul’s Activities Page 5

Spring Blood Drive

P lease save Saturday, April 19, 2008 for St. Paul’s Annual Spring Blood
Drive. The Red Cross is counting on us to provide 50 (units) or pints of blood
on this day from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Merrifield Room.
St. Paul’s has an enviable record for meeting our goal both in the fall and in the
spring. A donor can give blood every eight weeks, so to be eligible for April 19,
you must not give blood after February 22, 2008.
What do we ask of donors?
• Identification – Donor card or driver’s license and also social security number
• Age – Donor must be at least 17 years old
• Weight – Donor must weigh at least 110 pounds
• Health – Health history will be conducted each time you donate
• Know Medications – Donor must know exact names of medications he or she is currently taking
In addition to donors, we will need:
• People to help work two hour shifts on April 19
• Volunteers to make and bring eight sandwiches
• Set up committee at 6 a.m. and take down at 3 p.m.
• People to help with signup on Sundays after the 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. services
• Telephone committee to call and remind donors and helpers of time they have signed up to donate or help
We will register volunteers on Sundays from March 7 through April 13.
The donation process takes about one hour. Most of the time is spent in registration, medical history and the
refreshment area. The actual donation takes about six to 10 minutes. It is in your best interest to eat and in-
crease fluids during the four hours prior to donating.
We have a dedicated group of donors and volunteers who have helped us since our first drive in 2001. We
hope many of you will join this group and help us go over the top in our goal of 50 pints.
If you have any questions, please call Eleanor Doersam at 484-7089 or Pat Riley at 882-1691.

Cabaret Bible Studies to Continue

By Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music By Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music

A wonderful evening of light dining and heavy enter-

tainment — or is that heavy dining and light enter-
tainment? You’ll have to come to be sure — will be held at
A dult Bible Study is alive and well at St.
Paul’s! There are two Lectionary-based
curricula currently being offered. On Sunday
St. Paul’s on Saturday, March 8, starting at 5 p.m. The morning, Ed and Pat Meier and Sue LeDuc
menu will be “Italian-esque”: spaghetti, salad (Italian are offering Bible study between the services
dressing, of course), roll and dessert, to be followed by from 9 to 9:45 a.m. On Wednesday nights,
some of St. Paul’s finest singers performing works from Rick Laub and Larry Clark lead a study
Broadway, off-Broadway and probably from places that group from 5:30 to 6:15 p.m. Please feel
never even approached Broadway, with Cherubs, Boys’ free to drop in as you are able.
and Grace, High School Choirs, and several adult soloists
and groups performing. Reservations are necessary, so
please purchase your tickets early and often. It’s a great
way to spend an evening: good food, great entertainment
and wonderful fellowship, not to mention that you’d be
supporting a good cause — the England Choristers’ Travel
Fund. Please join us and invite friends!

February 2008
Page 6
Upcoming St. Paul’s Activities
St. Paul's News
Calling all Beanbags
By Lyn Zynda

T he St. Paul’s Youth Group is looking for beanbag chairs to outfit its
newly renovated meeting room. The furniture was hugely popular dur-
ing the late 1960s and early ‘70s, and their popularity resumed in the mid-
‘90s. If your bean bag has been hanging around the basement since college,
here’s your opportunity to give it new life. Contact Fr. Byrd or another mem-
ber of the committee to donate.

“One Book, Many Journeys” Parish-Wide Book Read Well Received

By Millie Ericson, Chair, Parish Life Committee

D iscussion groups focusing on this year’s book, The Worst Hard Time by Timothy Egan, took place over a
three-week period in January. A total of 45 people in five groups met in the homes of parishioners scat-
tered around the greater Lansing area for discussion and fellowship. Reports indicate that this has been an
enjoyable and stimulating experience for all involved.
The book and discussions created awareness of our responsibility related to both past and potential environ-
mental issues. Further discussion related to these issues will be part of the Lenten Program outlined elsewhere in
the newsletter.
A huge thank you is due to a number of people who helped to make the book read so successful: John Craig
for first suggesting the idea; Mindy Pauly for suggesting the chosen book; Lisa Craig for researching and
finding scriptures, supplemental readings and resources, as well as developing study questions; Susan Hender-
son for the bookmark idea; Don and Sally Lawrence, Debby and Max Pierce, Barb and Libby Richardson,
Kathy Gut and Chuck and Sue Millar for hosting groups; Lisa and John Craig, Kirk and Barb Lindquist,
Sally Laurion and Kathy Gut for facilitating discussions; Mary Luginsland for suggesting the name; and all
members of the Parish Life Committee for the ideas, planning and support that made the book read possible.
We are already thinking about next year’s “One Book, Many Journeys” topics and welcome suggestions for
possible books.

A Warm Feeling Keeping Up to Date

By Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr., Curate by Sue Millar
Let your light so shine before men, Editor’s Note: This article is being republished since
that they may see your good works, some information was inadvertently deleted last
and glorify your Father which is in month.
(Matthew 5:16) The Episcopal Public Policy Network (EPPN) sends
occasional e-mails when there is news about pub-
This year’s contributions to Eve’s House and St. Paul’s lic policy issues that have a bearing on Christian
Mitten Tree were incredible! Our parish family col- mission and ministry. At present, EPPN frequently
lected nearly 100 mittens, a number of scarves and addresses issues related to the Millennium Devel-
hats, and seven boxes overflowing with baby clothes opment Goals, a current focus at St. Paul’s.
and accessories! WOW! To receive EPPN news, go to the web site,
There will be many children tonight who are warmer,, and look for the
drier and happier because of your generous dona- Register space. It’s a great way to stay connected
tions. Through St. Paul’s, the light of Christ shines on the with the public work of our Church, and it helps
children of our community and our Father is glorified me as well to live out my baptismal vows.
by your good work.
February 2008
News from the Vestry Page 7

Financial Information as of November 30, 2007

By Jeff Irwin
As of this writing, the accounting for the year ending The church also received funds over $71,000 with a
December 31, 2007 was not complete. Some of the variety of restrictions. The largest single gift was
amounts in this report will change prior to the January $59,194 from the Lucille Penniman Trust. Per standing
27, 2008 annual meeting, but the changes are not vestry policy, 90 percent of this amount was desig-
expected to be significant. nated to St. Paul’s Perpetual fund and 10 percent was
designated for Mission and Outreach programs.
The year ended with a loss on operations of
$144,283. Although significant, it is $7,727 less than During 2007, investment income of $4,478 was re-
the budgeted loss for 2007. corded from the designated and restricted funds. The
total net asset increase was $75,947.
Noteworthy items included total pledge revenue of
$295,000, which was $12,014 over the budgeted The operating loss of $144,283 and designated and
pledge revenue, and we received $12,000 to provide restricted funds gain of $75,947 resulted in a com-
funding to install air conditioning in the Merrifield bined net deficit of $68,336 for 2007. This is the
room. The Diocese funded a grant of more than overall loss for the year.
$27,000 to support the salary of our curate. Overall,
nearly $400,000 of revenue was recorded as operat- When expenditures meet the purpose defined in the
ing revenue in 2007. various designated and restricted funds, cash is re-
leased from the restriction. As a result, $21,593 was
Operating expenses totaled more than $543,000. transferred from those funds. In addition, per vestry
One item of note was $40,800 of the Diocesan authorization, $150,000 was transferred from the St.
pledge, which is 100 percent of our apportionment. Paul’s Perpetual fund to provide cash to continue the
Approximately $15,000 in outreach services was paid operation of the church.
by the church. In addition, nearly $24,000 in funds
were disbursed through the receipt of contributions As of December 31, 2007, the total fund balance was
designated for specific programs, such as an appeal $539,486. The unrestricted fund balance was $2,728.
to support a Sudanese student’s education and CARS There is a total of $536,758 in designated and re-
Inc. to provide transportation to needy individuals. stricted funds.
(Continued on page 14)

Vestry Highlights
At the January 15 meeting of the vestry of St. Paul's, be presented at the Annual Meeting
your Vestry: • Discussed the possibility of Fr. Weller’s sabbatical
• Received committee reports
• Shared spiritual reflections of Christmas and • Approved improvement and refreshing of the
Epiphany with one another as devotions Sacristy
• Received the December 2007 financial report • Discussed stewardship and how to improve re-
(found elsewhere in this issue) sponse (slightly more than half of the cards were
• Approved a 2008 budget to be presented at the returned)
Annual meeting • Discussed Mark Doyle's marketing presentation
• Passed a motion that any pledges that have des- and how to use its results
ignations or restrictions will be placed in the Mis- • Discussed signage and the improvement of the
sion and Outreach Fund as a gift before they are web site
used by the operating account • Marked that the Vestry retreat is scheduled for
• Discussed the protocol of the Annual Meeting Feb. 1-2 at the Weber Center in Adrian
• Reviewed the slate of candidates that will be • Received clergy reports
presented for election at the Annual Meeting • Closed with prayer and thanksgiving for the out-
• Reviewed our understanding of the "Visioning" going Vestry
and "Welcoming" documents and how they will

February 2008
Page 8
St. Paul’s News
By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller

A s part of our Christian responsibility, recycling is rapidly becoming a

necessity. The difficult part is finding a place to recycle all those things
that someone else will make use of. We would like to help at St. Paul's. Be-
ginning February 1, there will be a recycling bin for used printer cartridges
and cell phones in the Merrifield Room. When you come to church on Sun-
day, just bring your used items (preferably in a zip lock bag) and place
them in the appropriate container. When the container is filled, we will take
the items to the appropriate place.

St. Paul’s Prayer List

We pray for those who are sick and in need: Cindy Robinson, Richard, Audrie and
Aaron Hegmon, Shelley Robinson, Grady and Dennis Letner, Clara Voges, Mason Hill,
Lois Caswell, June Wyatt, Dick Siebert, Carol, Judith Jones, Becky Chamberlain, Nancy
Hiscoe Clark, Charles Weaver, Ben Herbert, Chance Collins, Caroline Thomas and her
Prayer List parents, brothers and godparents, Betty Jensen, Dan Heany, Marsha and Skip Macholz,
Gloria Harvat, Jack Siebold, DakBai DakBai, Irene Jones, Mary Ann Kelley, Ed Farmer,
Sally Engle, Ed Jones, Alice Jessop Lamb, Justin, Elizabeth, Barb Hacker, Andrew Astley, Mary Tuckey,
Michael Skinner, Ginny Bancroft, Darrick, Chris, Tom, Marcella Stachwick, Cheryl, Leslie Hall, Sally, Patricia
Utter, Janet Hamilton, Sally, and Michael Kurtzahls
We pray for and remember those in the Military, serving in dangerous areas: Daniel Reno, Daniel Laurion
and Erika Harkness Barker
We pray for those expecting: Kristan and Christopher Chase, Jessica and Justin Leonard, Rachel and
Jeff Bott, and Kym and Matt Hall

We celebrate the birth of Kory Amachree to parents Opuene and Karen Amachree, and his siblings,
Kaema and Nakai
We celebrate the baptism of: Kayleigh Joanne Fiszer

February 2008
St. Paul’s Choirs Page 9

Choir Newsletter and Dates to Remember

By Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music

Ash Wednesday, February 6:

Cherub Choir and Boys’ and Grace Choirs will meet as normal. The High School Choir is invited
to sing with the Chancel Choir for the 7 p.m. service (rehearsal at 6:30 p.m.). The Chancel Choir
will also rehearse after the service (at 8:15 p.m.), and not on Thursday, February 7.
Saturday, March 8 – Cabaret:

All Choirs - 5 p.m. dinner, 6 p.m. entertainment (all the children and youth choirs will sing at the
Cabaret program at 6).
Sunday, March 23 - Easter:

All choirs - This year, there will be only one Easter service at which the choirs will sing: the 10
a.m. service. (There will be services at 7 and 10 a.m. and not at 9, 10 and 11 a.m., as we have
had in the past.)

Singing Schedule
Date Choirs
February 3 Boys’ and Grace; High School
February 6, Chancel Choir
Ash Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.
February 10 Chancel; High School
February 17 Chancel; High School
February 24 Chancel; High School

March 2 Boys’ and Grace; High School

March 9 Chancel; High School
March 16, Palm Sunday Chancel; High School
March 23, Easter, 10 a.m. service* Cherub Choir, Boys’ and Grace, High School,
March 30 Chancel; High School

*This year, there will be 7 a.m. and 10 a.m. services on Easter Sunday

February 2008
Page 10
St. Paul’s News
Thank you from the Turks and Carol Ingells
On behalf of the three young Turkish families who attended St. Paul’s on Sunday, December 9, I want to thank
the congregation for its warm welcome and friendliness to them. As you might imagine, it is a bit scary for Mus-
lim people to present themselves in a Christian church. The women, especially, are so easily labeled as non-
Christians because of their head coverings. They came because they sincerely care about improving under-
standing and relationships between people of different religions and cultures.
My recent trip to Turkey helped open my mind and heart to the fact that most Muslim people are good and
loving. Entering that whole different culture, I was uneasy and wary. But before long, I realized these were
people like you and me, who long for peace, justice and cooperation between all people, regardless of their
beliefs or customs. I have never experienced such generosity of spirit — from our hosts to the strangers on the
My Turkish friends found our worship interesting and lovely, and they truly enjoyed meeting many of you at
coffee hour. It was a very special time for all of us. Another way of sharing Christ’s love with all whom we meet.
Thank you!

The Turkish Children visit at Christmas:

(l to r) Reda Bayraktar, Dilara Alpay,
Nema Bayraktar and Aytiken Alpay

God Bless You Everyone!

By The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr., Curate
Jennifer and I would like to extend our sincere and gracious thanks to all of you who helped to make our
Christmas a memorable one. Your gifts, goodies and greeting cards are very much appreciated and we will
forever remember your generosity and loving kindness. May God’s blessings be with each and every one of

February 2008
Mission and Outreach Page 11

Millennium Development Goals Mission & Outreach Activities:

(MDGs) Where is Christ calling you to help others?
By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon Weller
February 10 & 17
O ver the last several months, we have had sev-
eral presentations designed to make the con-
gregation more aware of what the Millennium
• Episcopal Relief & Development Used Book Sale
Development goals are and how they fit into the February 26
objectives of the United Nations — who devel- • ACTION—Community Problems Assembly (Vote
oped them — but also the Episcopal Church and on 2008 Focus Area)
the Christian community which have adopted them.
In November, we explored a theological rationale March 8
for our support. In December, we heard a per- • Cabaret
sonal recounting by one of our Sudanese immi-
grants about the conditions prevalent in a third- March 16
world country. Now, on February 3, we will begin • MDG/Mission and Outreach Project Choice(s) for
to explore how we may implement some programs St. Paul’s
that might help alleviate some of the conditions
mentioned in the eight MDGs. April 19
• Blood Drive – Red Cross
At both services, Mr. David Bower, Michigan Re-
gional Director of Church World Services (CWS) April 20
will be our preacher. In his capacity with CWS, he
• England Choristers’ Auction
has personal experience in supplying assistance to
many third-world situations. He also has first-hand May 1
experience with the generosity of Americans and • Ascension Day Outreach Dinner/Eucharist
the Christian Community. He will give us the bene-
fit of that experience and Christian insight. May 4
Following the services, at about 11:30 a.m., we • UTO Ingathering
will have the opportunity to listen to several peo- May 5
ple give examples of what we might do as the
community of St. Paul's to answer the call for assis- • ACTION – Rally
tance. It will be an open forum with questions, an- May 19
swers and discussion. We will then leave those
ideas to germinate for the season of Lent and re- • ACTION – Nehemiah Action Assembly
visit them on Palm Sunday when we will entertain Check the newsletter articles and the Sunday Bulletin
suggestions from all members of the congregation Announcements for additional details and informa-
as to which projects we might support. Please plan tion.
on being present and being involved. Child care
for all ages will be provided.

February 2008
Page 12
St. Paul’s Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry Articles Provided in Collaboration By:
Youth Christian Education and Youth Fellowship Chairperson, Dr. Judith Brown-Clarke
Youth Group Executive Council President, Steven Kariuki
Youth Group Coordinator, Barbara Heany
Youth Group Advisor, Tom Foltz
Acolyte Guild, Directors Patricia Bellinger & Carol Sleight
The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr., Curate

Sunday School Program Swings into Second Semester

S unday School is still buzzing from the wonderful spirit of the holiday season. In early December, the classes
created and sent Christmas cards to the sick and shut-in members of our congregation. In response, we re-
ceived cards from three very grateful recipients thanking the students for their thoughtful gesture. Our next ef-
fort is to make and send Easter cards in March.
We are transitioning into the second semester of Sunday School, which for most classes will not mean any
changes. However in the first, second and third-grades, Kathy Gut and Jill Walker will replace Judi Clarke as
teachers. Judi will continue her service as a substitute teacher for all classes.
As you consider your stewardship offering to St. Paul's in the upcoming year, please consider giving your time
and talent to our children as a substitute Sunday school teacher.
As you may notice, the individuals who volunteer to teach Sunday School continue to miss a large portion of the
worship service. It would be a blessing to have a pool of substitute teachers so that our core teachers can have
some respite Sundays. For more information on how to become involved in St. Paul's Sunday school program
please see Dr. Judi Brown-Clarke or Fr. Ron.

Upcoming Youth Events

February 3 Youth Group Council Meeting
Presentation by Ms. Libby Richard-
son Trip to Summit – Ice Skating
February 9 Babysitting Training – Provided by
the American Red Cross
February 16 Valentine’s Date Night (Babysitting
Service for St. Paul’s Parishioners)
April 4-5 Card Box City Lock-in
Message From Executive Council
By AJ Fletcher

T he St. Paul's youth group is on its way to being a group run by the kids themselves. It is not easy and is
slow going. This is the first time the youth group has attempted to do anything like this. The future is looking
bright for us, and we are on our way to being a well-functioning organization.
The youth group has added a section of life stories to its regular meetings on the first of every month. Our first
speaker came to America to escape Africa's hostile and unforgiving environment. Mrs. Kariuki's experiences,
which she gladly shared with us, showed the power of prayer and how merciful God is.
In other news, the youth group has penciled in a date for our Card Box City in early April. At this event, the kids
will put themselves in the shoes of the homeless. We are doing this to raise awareness of the hardships that the
homeless have to face every day. The youth group will walk away knowing something with which to empathize.
There will be a change to the executive board for a new member to be voted in. This member or — as we
would like to call it — the historian will be in charge of making a scrapbook of the youth group and all its ac-
tivities, presenting it to everyone at the open house near the end of the year.
We hope to start putting our news and updates on the web site soon and will continue to include them in SPN.
February 2008
St. Paul’s Youth Ministry Page 13

Catechism During Lent

D uring Lent, Fr. Ron and friends will be offering catechism instruction to the Jr. and Sr. High Sunday school
students. Catechism classes will begin February 17, the second Sunday in Lent, and run through March 9,
the final Sunday of Lent. The catechism will be divided into four major areas: God the Father, God the Son,
God the Holy Spirit, and Christ and the Church. Each of these areas will be explored to address student’s ques-
tions concerning the nature and being of the persons of the Trinity in their lives and in the Church. To encourage
participation, classes will be offered during the normal Sunday school hour and incentives will be given to those
who complete all four sessions. We hope all of our Jr. and Sr. High students will come, see, share and learn this
thing we call “An Outline of Our Faith (aka) The Catechism.”

Youth Group Activities

By Courtney Irwin

H ave you been wondering what the kids have been doing lately at Youth Group? Well, here’s what we
have been up to.
The youth group is going to be holding a babysitting service sometime around Valentine’s day. More informa-
tion about this will be in future issues of St. Paul’s News or the church’s announcements.
At our meeting this month, Ms. Kariuki told the youth group her story about when she was in Kenya. Ms.
Kariuki’s story moved all of us spiritually. If you have an inspiring story about how your faith has helped get
you through hard times to tell the Youth Group, please contact someone in the Youth Group (Steve Kariuki, AJ
Fletcher, Bailey Sanchez and Steven Walker are all on the executive board). Thank you Ms. Kariuki!

Youth Group Looking for Life Stories

S t. Paul’s youth group realizes how blessed it is to
be part of a congregation filled with so many
wise and inspiring people who have made a wealth of
On January 6, Josephine Kariuki, mother of two youth
group members, Margaret and Stephen, shared her
amazing story of their flight from Kenya to avoid civil
contributions not only to our parish, but society as well. war conflict. Her story of incredible faith during a time
That is why they have decided that they would like to of unimaginable obstacles illustrated how the power of
invite parishioners to come to their youth group meet- prayer can work in your life and bring you through
ings to share their life stories. The youth feel that hear- life’s challenges. The youth are grateful to Mrs. Kariuki
ing these life experiences and achievements can help for sharing her life story with them.
them grow in faith and inspire them to become mean-
ingful members of society.

Jesus Loves Me, and I Love Him Too

A ll dressed up, with smiles on their faces, and hands folded, Mathieu and Nicholas Wiesner, Nicholas
Johnson and William Wortley knelt at the altar rail and received their first communion at St. Paul’s on
Epiphany Sunday.
Mathieu, Nick, Nick, William and Emma Clark, along with their parents, completed a two-and-a-half-hour first
communion workshop, before receiving Fr. Gordon’s official blessing. The workshop’s curriculum was designed to
be both instructional and participatory, with three learning objectives: the nature of the Eucharist and order of
the worship service, the origin and meaning of Holy Communion, and the Sacrament of the “body and blood” of
Christ. The workshop was divided into four sections: didactic, multi-media, hands-on (baking bread), and discov-
ery (time with children in sanctuary and at the Altar which stimulated and generated questions).
Upon completion of the workshop, students were given certificates of accomplishment. Fr. Ron remarked, “I had
a really wonderful and great time with the little people. They’re so smart…and we had a lot of fun.”

February 2008
Page 14
St. Paul’s News
(Continued from, “A Final Report,” page 1)

senior warden, Tom Repaskey asked me what the focus of my vestry leadership would be….Stemming
from my previous two year’s vestry experience, I responded immediately with what I have felt strongly to
be St. Paul’s most pressing issues: stewardship and welcoming. In my estimation, as well as the estimation of
many with whom I have served on the Vestry, work on these two broad issues is vital for addressing our
operations budget shortfall and establishing St. Paul’s on a firm foundation for carrying out its stated vision
of mission: “following Christ in restoring all persons to unity with God and each other.”
Work on both issues in 2007 was an extension and further development of work completed in previous
years. In terms of stewardship, Bob and Karen Tarrant, the entire Stewardship Committee and Kristine
Miller, stewardship and planned giving coordinator for the Diocese of Michigan, have all continued to
raise our consciousness as to the scope and depth of what it means to be stewards of God’s gifts…the
“Welcoming Church Initiative” which Martie Repaskey, Chuck Millar and the entire Evangelism Committee
produced continues to generate various means by which St. Paul’s can be inviting to the community at
large. In an effort to bring the welcoming initiative the attention and definition that stewardship has
gained through the “Gift of Generosity” campaign, I sought to highlight the many faces of welcoming in my
St. Paul’s News articles in 2007. Hoping not to sound redundant from
month to month, I nevertheless “Rekindle the gift of God that is wanted to keep welcoming in the front
of our consciousness throughout within you . . . for God did not the year and to flesh out from various
angles what welcoming requires give us a spirit of fear, but a from each and every one of us.
Though our work on both issues spirit of power, and of love, and in 2007 definitely yielded results, con-
tinued efforts will be needed. of self-discipline.” On both issues, St. Paul’s continues to
evidence positive results. In terms of stewardship, giving of time, talent and
treasure continues to rise, both in terms of the congregation as a whole, and in terms of the contributions
of individual giving units. And, likewise, in terms of welcoming, the number of new faces to the parish con-
tinues to rise, as does the number of welcoming activities that continue to evolve. However, in welcoming,
as well as in stewardship, there are no “quick fixes.” Both have been and will continue to be “works in
progress” that require ongoing commitment and creativity.
In fact, continued work on these key issues will require a steady focus, courage and resolve. Of course the
danger involved in such “works in progress” is that we will lose focus, and/or lose courage or resolve. I’m
reminded of the advice given in The Second Letter to Timothy (1:6-7): “Rekindle the gift of God that is
within you . . . for God did not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, and of love, and of self-
discipline.” As with all our work at St. Paul’s, the fuel for our ongoing work on such key issues as steward-
ship and welcoming must be a grounding in God’s empowering gifts of grace, and the courage and re-
solve to trust those gifts. In December, Mark Doyal — a man of faith who is establishing a public relations
firm for nonprofit organizations, and with whom we have consulted during the past six months — pre-
sented to the Vestry findings from two focus groups he conducted among some of St. Paul’s newer mem-
bers. A key component to his presentation was how St. Paul’s communication with the wider community
starts with our identifying, our celebrating [and] our trusting the gifts of God’s Spirit [that have] gener-
ated in us as a parish — gifts quickly identified when talking with those recently drawn to membership
here. Mark will be presenting his findings to the congregation in the near future and, in my estimation,
such a presentation, such an ongoing consultation, will form an important next step as we move from 2007
to 2008. As we do so, may we be ever open to the ongoing transformations that God’s Spirit of power,
love and self-discipline generates at St. Paul’s.
(Continued from , “Treasurer’s Report,” page 7)

The 2008 budget approved by the vestry for final acceptance at the annual meeting showed an operating
loss of $139,285. While this is again a very large number, it is slightly lower than the 2007 budget deficit.
In addition, the designated and restricted funds are not budgeted. However, it is known that the fourth and
final distribution of at least $50,000 from the Lucille Penniman Trust will occur in 2008. Ninety-percent will
be placed in the St. Paul’s Perpetual fund and 10 percent will be placed in the Mission and Outreach fund.
I would like to thank Chris Strukel, Kathleen Johnson and Elisabeth Richardson for all of their time and tal-
ent in keeping the financial records of the church in order.
February 2008
February 2008

Non Profit Org.

Permit 1621

St. Paul's Episcopal Church

Lansing Michigan
218 W. Ottawa
Lansing, MI 48933
Phone: 517-482-9454
Fax: 517-485-8621
Choir Room: 517-482-0369

The St. Paul’s News is a publication of St. Paul’s Episcopal

Church, Lansing Michigan.
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Staff
The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon Weller, Rector
The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr., Curate
Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music
Mr. William H. Fineout, Acting Deacon
Ms. Mary Rodeck, Assistant Minister of Music
Ms. Kathleen Johnson, Office Manager

St. Paul’s News Editorial Staff

Christine Caswell, Editor
Tom Shawver, Staff Writer
Helen Hiscoe, Proofreader
Lyn Zynda, Layout Editor

If you no longer wish to receive these mailings, please call the church office (517) 482-9454,
any time of the day or night and leave a message to be taken off our mailing list.
February 2008

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