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Paul's Episcopal Church

Lansing Michigan

St. Paul's News

2 Down! 2 to Go! June, 2008

By the Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr.

Volume 33, Issue 6
t has been two months since our good friend and rector left on sabbati-
I cal. I, like perhaps many of you, think of Father Gordon often. Every
day one of us, Kathleen, Bill, Dr. Lange or I, mentions Father’s name or Inside this issue:
laughs fondly about something Father said or did. I guess that is what you
do when missing someone you love and care about. Yes, we all miss Father Calendar 13
The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr. G., sometimes wishing he were close by sitting in his office where, upon
Choir Schedule 7
knocking on the door, you would hear that familiar joyful voice respond, “Yes, I am here!”
Hearing those blessed words from Father G. meant you could relax because whatever question Mission &
you had or problem you were trying to solve, Father was there standing ready to steer you in the Outreach
right direction, offer suggestions, or just say, “I don’t know, but let’s find out!” While Father is not Prayer List 4
expected to return from sabbatical for another two months (although there have been reports of
someone who looks strikingly similar to Father appearing at the church on one or two occasions) 4,6,8-
St. Paul’s News
and we are certainly looking forward to his return, I am pleased to report things are running 9,10
pretty well in his absence, primarily due to Father’s careful pre-planning and assignment of areas Upcoming
of responsibilities. I guess that is what a smart, talented and loving rector does before leaving his 2-3
sheep, if only for a brief time.
Vestry News 5

(Continued on page 12) Youth Group 9

How’s that sabbatical going??

By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller
y the time many of you read this, the sabbatical will be half over. Linda and I have had a
B good time, and we look forward to the time and activities that remain. Literally, the best is yet
to come.
First, we would like to thank all of you for your good wishes and financial contributions that have
gone toward making this time a success. In the beginning (April), Linda and I spent 10 days in Flor-
ida, reading, lounging and going to the beach for the ocean smells, breezes and warmth. There
was much reading and seafood.
When we returned, Linda went into the hospital for a total knee replacement. This was necessitated
by the examination she had in early March for an arthroscopic procedure she hoped would allevi-
ate the pain so she could do some of the walking we had planned to do during the summer. The
doctor said the only solution was total knee replacement and that the long airline flight for her
would not be possible. She would like to thank all who offered their sympathy, humor and covered
dishes during the recuperation. Also appreciated were the flowers from the parish and especially
the Prayer Quilt brought to the hospital by MaryLea Benson. Linda had it with her during surgery
(Continued on page 12)

June 2008
Page 2
Upcoming St. Paul's Activities
Activities at a Glance
Ongoing Activities • Mid-Week Eucharist, Tuesdays, noon
• Book Cart, 2nd Sunday after 10 AM This Month at St. Paul’s and Elsewhere
• B&PW, Tuesday, June 10, 6 PM
• Graduation Sunday, June 1
• ECW, third Monday, 7 PM
• Parish Sunday Mass/Picnic in the Park, June 8, 10
• St. Elizabeth Guild, on hiatus until September
AM, Lake Lansing
• Family Night Dinner, on hiatus until September
• The Ordination of William H. Fineout, Saturday,
• 4 Fs, on hiatus until September June 21, 11 AM, Cathedral of St. Paul’s, Detroit
• St. Paul’s Library, open every Sunday • Vacation Bible School, June 23-27, 9 AM to Noon
• Prayer Group, on hiatus until September
• Men’s Breakfast, on hiatus until September

Summer Hours
By Barbara Richardson, President
t’s June: picnic time for the B&PW Guild. We will The office will be closed on Fridays from
I gather at the home of Debby Pierce at 6 p.m. on
June 10 for our annual picnic. Members are to bring a
May 23 through August 29. It will be open
during regular office hours from 9 a.m. to 5
salad or dessert. Meat and beverages will be pro- p.m. Monday through Thursday during that
vided. Spouses and guests are especially welcome for time.
this evening of great food and wonderful fellowship.
Contact Debby by June 7 for reservations.
Our next meeting will be September 9 featuring our
recipe dinner.

2nd Annual Sunday Service and Picnic in the Park

Millie Ericson, Parish Life Committee
t 10 a.m. on June 8, 2008, we will meet at North Lake Lansing Park for
A the 2nd Annual Sunday Service and Picnic in the Park. This outdoor service
will replace the usual 10 a.m. service at St. Paul’s, although the 8 a.m. service
will be held at the church as usual.
The theme this year is a luau, so break out your Hawaiian shirts, grass skirts
and ukuleles. A signup sheet is posted outside the Merrifield Room as is a map
and directions to the site.
The Parish Life Committee encourages you to join the festivities and sign up to bring one of the following: po-
tato salad, baked beans, green salad, fruit dish, or dessert. Hot dogs, hamburgers, drinks and picnic ware will
be provided.
Fun for the afternoon will be offered by the Youth Christian Ed. Committee and the Youth Group, who will be
organizing games for all to play.

June 2008
Page 3
Upcoming St. Paul's Activities
Celebrate Bill’s Ordination
Lyn Zynda, Layout Editor
ears of study, effort and prayer will culmi-
Y nate in the Ordination of our own Bill Fine-
out to the Sacred Order of Deacons on Saturday,
June 21 at the Cathedral of St. Paul’s in Detroit. It
was his intention to issue an invitation to the Parish
family to help him celebrate this momentous occa-
sion, but, as he is currently recovering from his
recent surgery, I am issuing the invitation on his
It is my hope that great numbers of his friends
from St. Paul’s, All Saint’s and St. Katherine’s will
fill the Cathedral to witness his ordination. I am
especially excited about this event as I found pro-
nouncing “Diaconate Candidate” nearly impossi-
There has been talk of securing a bus to take rep-
resentatives from the three Parishes to the cere-
mony. If this sounds like something in which you
would like to participate, please call Debby

Graduation Sunday
By The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr., Curate
s is our custom, we will honor our high school, college and advanced-degree graduates on Sunday, June
A 1. At 9 a.m., the Vestry will provide a breakfast for the high school graduates and their families. During
the 10 a.m. Eucharist, there will be a short ceremony and graduates will be presented with a small gift from
the congregation.
Members or relatives of parishioners graduating this year are asked to contact the parish office and provide
the name of the institution and date of graduation.

Personnel Committee Needs New Members

By Kristi Thompson, Vestry Member
he Personnel Committee is looking for new members. This committee evaluates the work of the rector and
T staff, makes recommendations to the vestry concerning compensation, assists the rector in hiring and super-
vision of staff, and makes recommendations to the rector and vestry regarding duties, training, supervision,
discipline and termination of staff. The Committee meets quarterly. Our next meeting is scheduled for 11 a.m.
on June 11. If you are interested in learning more about the Personnel Committee or would like to join this
Committee, please contact Kristi Thompson at 676-7778.

June 2008
Page 4
ïSt.ï ï Paul'
ï ï ïï sï News
ïï ïïïï ï ï ï ïï ïï ï ïïï ïïïï ï
UTO Refurbishing the Kneelers
By Nancy Milne By Mandy Lawton
hanks to everyone who con-
T tributed to the United Thank
Offering ingathering on May 11,
I n March, I approached the Vestry for money to
get the altar kneeling pads cleaned and refur-
bished. They approved the expenditure to have
and an a special thanks to the this done. The kneelers will be gone in June for a
B&PW for all of its work on this project. We don’t few weeks, so kneeling might be a difficult during
have the grand total yet, but all of it is greatly appre- this time.

From the Parish Life Committee

By Millie Erickson, Vestry Member
he Gathering Evening at the theater on May 10 was enjoyed by 27 folks who began with delicious hors
T d’oeuvres and fellowship at the lovely home of Don and Sally Lawrence. This was followed by atten-
dance at the BoarsHead Theater with the whole group laughing hysterically at the delightfully funny play by
Jeff Daniels, “Escanaba in Love.” A great time was had by all and I, for one, appreciated the message of the
play that one just knows when love happens. For me, this seemed a foreshadowing of Pentecost the next day,
and Fr. Ron’s sermon that spoke of [just] knowing God’s love through the power of the Holy Spirit. (I don’t think
that’s quite how Fr. Ron put it, but I certainly heard the connection in the two experiences). Thank you to the
Lawrence's for so graciously hosting this event.
Watch for announcements of future Parish Life events:
• The 2nd annual Pizza and Game Night will be back in the fall
• The Fall Gathering, with a coffeehouse theme, will be scheduled for late October or early November. Get
out your tie-dye and love beads and dig up your old folk music tapes!
• “One Book, Many Journeys” Book Read in January. Watch for the announcement of the book title coming

St. Paul’s Prayer List

We pray for those who are sick and in need: Cindy Robinson, Richard, Audrie & Aaron
Hegmon, Shelley Robinson, Dennis Letner, Mason Hill, Lois Caswell, Eric Lindquist,
Nancy Hiscoe Clark, Charles Weaver, Ben Herbert, Chance Collins, Caroline Thomas
and her family, Mary Ann Kelley, Ed Farmer, Ed Jones, Justin, Barb Hacker, Darrick,
Tom, Chris, Marjorie Belles, Cal, Kathryn & Elizabeth Senko, Daphne Such, Aleda, Rina
Prayer List Rister, Barb Powers, Pam Lacey, Dave, Anne Ross, Skip & Marsha Macholz, Patricia
Reno, Linda, Chuck Buck, Rick Edwards, Allan, Carrie, and Bill
We pray for and remember those in the Military, serving in dangerous areas: Daniel Reno, David Granger,
and Bill Sheldon
We pray for those expecting: Kym & Matt Hall, Andrea Horton and Deb & Jeff Sleight
We pray for and celebrate the baptism of: Benjamin Wayne Ashcroft, son of Amy (Fowler) and Brian
Ashcroft, Annika Grace Barnas, daughter of Daniel and Gretchen Barnas; Lillian Marie Bott, daughter of Jeff
Bott and Rachel Wawro and Emerson James Watts, son of Katie Watts
We pray for Fr. Gordon Weller and his wife, Linda, while they are absent from St. Paul’s during Fr. Weller’s
We pray for Katharine Jefferts Schori, our Presiding Bishop, Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, and
Wendell N. Gibbs, Jr., our Bishop
June 2008
Page 5
News from the Vestry
Financial Information as of April 30, 2008008
By Jeff Irwin
The April financial statements are not final as of this writing. However, based on preliminary information, it ap-
pears that the operations of the church will show a loss through April 30, 2008 of about $45,000, which is on
target with the 2008 budget.
The funds show approximately $67,000 in revenue through April 30, 2008, the most significant being $53,360
received from the Lucille Penniman Trust and $5,000 from the estate of Alice Hand.
As of May 15, it has been necessary to withdraw a total of $40,000 from the Perpetual Fund in order to make
payroll and pay outstanding bills.
Historically the summer months have been the leanest for receiving pledge contributions. However, the work of
the church goes on and so do the costs. It will be greatly appreciated if you can keep your pledge payments
current or even pay ahead if possible.

Vestry Highlights
At the May 20th meeting of the vestry at St. Paul’s • Discussed the CCC parking lot and how it is used
your vestry: • Approved up to $1,200 for Fr. Byrd to travel to
and participate in the Black Clergy Conference to
• Shared what they thank God for at St. Paul’s and be held in New Orleans October 19th to 24th
what they would like the Father to help us with at • Received both oral and written reports from the
St. Paul’s next year standing committees of the vestry
• Heard a report from Fr. Byrd regarding the Sab-
• Heard a report on the planning that has begun
batical Team and who is "in charge" during Fr. for the 2008 Stewardship Campaign which will
Weller’s time away kick off on September 9th
• Had a discussion regarding additional costs from
• Received the April 2008 financial reports (found
All Terrain for the sewer separation project and elsewhere in this issue)
approved these additional costs so the project
• Heard a report from the Sr. Warden, C. Krupka
can be completed as mandated by the city.
encouraging the vestry to begin looking at ways
• Discussed recent projects at the church including
of doing some fund (and fun) raising to replenish
spring cleaning (which had over 20 people in- the building fund
volved), use of our facility by home schooled mu-
• Received a written report from Fr. Byrd
sic students and Ministry Fair (which was very suc-
• Began preparations for the vestry breakfast hon-
oring our high school graduate, Steven Kariuki

We are on Hiatus
By Christine Caswell, Editor
We’re used to quiet summers at St. Paul’s, including a rest from our beloved St. Paul’s News, which will not
be coming out again until the September issue.
Articles for the September issue will be due on August 4, instead of the 15th. There are two reasons for this:
the September issue is usually overwhelming, so for the sanity of the staff, we would like more time. Sec-
ondly, with the problems we’ve had with mail delivery of late, we would like the hard work from all of those
who contribute to get to the rest of the members before their events occur.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Lyn regarding this. For those of you who do regular articles,
you’ll be hearing from me in July. Thanks to everyone for their help and support throughout the year.

June 2008
Page 6
St. Paul's News
On Being Ourselves
By Stephanie Van Koevering, Vestry Member
s the newest member of St. Paul’s Evangelism Committee, I have been spending lots of time doing re-
A search on how to connect with visitors to our parish. There is a surprising amount of research already
available on what people prefer when they visit a new church; unfortunately, much of it is contradictory.
Some researchers say that 73 percent of people are neutral to negative on the idea of having greeters at the
door. In a similar poll, 63 percent of respondents said they would prefer to be invisible until at least their sec-
ond visit.
On the other hand, there is research that says greeters are essential to making visitors want to return to a par-
ticular church. Greeters only have moments to make a first impression that forever colors a visitor's opinion of
the church. A visitor's first 30 seconds in your church building is the time to get it right.
So which is it? Do visitors want to be invisible, or do they want a friendly smile and a warm greeting?
After considerable reading and even more reflection, I have reached the obvious conclusion that there is no
single answer. Every church is different, every parishioner is different and there are no magical solutions to
bringing people into the parish and keeping them there.
Oh, except for one: the magical work of the Holy Spirit. If St. Paul’s is the right place for a person, it will hap-
pen. In fact, the more forced our welcome, the more uncomfortable our visitors will be. There is no situation
more awkward than walking into a room where people are waiting to offer you coffee, stilted smiles and
questions about where you live and when you might come back. At St. Paul’s, I believe our greatest asset is our
genuineness. God has brought us together into this time and place and we are a unique community. Yes, it
takes time to connect. Yes, it takes effort. However, isn’t that part of the process, on both sides of the member-
ship equation?
I am not saying that we should not welcome new visitors or that we should not do all that we can to make St.
Paul’s a caring parish home. However, I am suggesting that we back away from the sense that we have 30
seconds to connect with a visitor in just the right way OR ELSE. We mustn’t focus on filling the pews to the de-
gree that we forget who we are or why we come together on a weekly basis.
So while we must do all that we can to make our parish warm, friendly and inviting, there is simply no substi-
tute for being ourselves. If the fit is right, all will be well. And I believe it will be.

We Love Bulletins from other Churches

By Susan LeDuc
re you going on vacation? If you visit other churches this summer, or anytime for that matter, and like
A something you saw or did, bring back a bulletin, including those from other denominations. Highlight the
part of the service you liked, and put the bulletin in Susan Henderson’s (Chair of Worship and Music) mailbox
or turn it into the office.
The Worship and Music Committee is always open to comments and suggestions about our weekly services.
Several times a year, the committee reviews the St. Paul’s bulletin with an eye to making it easier to read and
use. We carefully consider all issues or suggestions about our liturgy and music. Let us hear from you if you
have questions or frustrations, too.

June 2008
Page 7
St. Paul's Choirs
St. Paul’s Youth Garner Honors
By Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music
Several of St. Paul’s youth have quietly garnered some very prestigious honors this past winter:
A. J. Fletcher was a member of a competitive drama group from St. Johns High School that was chosen the
best acting troupe in the state of Michigan. They performed excerpts from the musical “Blood Brothers” at
the Michigan Youth Arts Festival held at Western Michigan University on May 9.
At this same festival, Matthew Nauss was a member of the statewide Honors Choir, chosen from more than
several thousand students through a three-stage audition process. He sang in Miller Auditorium under the
direction of a nationally known director from Texas. In addition, Matthew received a superior rating at the
State Solo and Ensemble contest.
Melanie Walker sang as a member of the Michigan State University Children’s Choir with the Detroit Sym-
phony. They performed the “Passion according to St. Matthew” by Johann Sebastian Bach. In addition, she
has sung in concerts in Hart and Flint and received a superior rating at the Middle School Solo and Ensem-
ble festival.
Baylie Sanchez played the part of Puck in Shakespeare’s Midsummer’s Night Dream put on by Waverly
High School.
In April, Parker Van Voorhees was part of a local cast, directed by New York director Greg Ganakas,
who put on the musical Babes in Arms at Passant Theater at MSU. He played the role of Mickey Lamar.
Congratulations to all these young people for their far-ranging achievements!

Ministry Fair at St. Paul’s

By Martie Repaskey, Vestry Member
he annual Ministry Fair, a Diocesan-sponsored annual event, was held at St. Paul’s on Saturday, May 3.
T More than 30 courses were made available to participants who hailed from diverse areas of the Diocese.
Exhibitors provided interesting materials for learning and shopping opportunities, and the Cathedral Bookstore
invited many to browse and purchase from an interesting array of books. Approximately 200 people from all
over the Diocese of Michigan attended this event and enjoyed a full day of learning and fellowship.
Workshops at the Ministry Fair included technology, advocacy for youth and children, Millennium Development
Goals/Local and Global, ministry of money, pastoral care, adult formation, developing leadership skills, care
of the soul and the history of the Episcopal Church. There were three special all-day presentations which took
place in our neighboring church, Central United Methodist.
Many parishioners from St. Paul’s attended sessions. For example, one individual spent the whole day in atten-
dance at the Passing On Faith Conference, led by a presenter from the Youth and Family Institute. We hope to
hear more from him about his new ideas for supporting families in their adventures in faith.
Approximately 20 members of St. Paul’s assisted in this significant event by setting up the day before and by
volunteering in a myriad of ways on Saturday. All who participated indicated that it had been a gratifying
experience in learning and meeting new folks from around our Diocese.

June 2008
Page 8
St. Paul's News
Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Full of Ambiguities
by Sue Millar
n April, at the “Becoming the Household of God” purpose. And I am profoundly grateful that in our
I Conference, Dean Tracey Lind spoke on the chal-
lenge of living in the ”piazza,” her way of talking
shared faith journey we have the vision and tradition
to guide and support us.
about the crossroads of life. She asserted forcefully
that we need to recognize that we live in a world of Lind concluded her last session on Saturday afternoon
volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. I find saying that the Church must be creative and imagina-
these unsettling descriptors of our present world. They tive and even open to the risk of not knowing exactly
also challenge us to be alert to realities we might pre- where we are going. She suggests we be willing to
fer to ignore; yet they are unquestionably relevant to take risks and not require guarantees or ultimate con-
our mission as a parish and as individuals. Lind also trol. Inevitably, when you listen to an animated, skilled
gave us a list of some specific challenges that cause speaker for a day and a half, you try to bring her
this volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity: ideas into your own environment to see how they ap-
• Extreme climate variability
• Rich-poor gap
Just prior to the Conference, Sr. Warden Charlie
Krupka introduced the Vestry’s Annual Action Plan.
• Personal empowerment as the primary goal (the
There it is, in print, St. Paul’s plans for doing Christ’s
“Me” generation)
work in this volatile, uncertain, complex and ambigu-
• Grassroots versus corporate economics
ous world! I found that exciting. I’m sure the Vestry
• Smart networking (i.e., Facebook) doesn’t consider it a finished document, but more like
• Polarizing extremes (beliefs and behaviors) a GPS screen which comes to have life and value only
• High-impact religion (i.e. mega churches) as we move forward. Pick up a copy, read it, and then
• Health insecurity find your place in it. Another thought: If you are up to
• Genetic engineering date on the plans and activities of the ACTION group,
• Boomers re-inventing aging you will discover an example of how individuals and
• Youth raised in a digital age parishes seek to follow the Great Commission. Last
• Urban wilderness year and again this year, they are tackling significant
• Digital communication increasingly defines relation- local actions that will improve peoples’ lives. Keep
ships abreast of their work, or better yet, join them.
• Dilemmas of difference (cultural practices, values)
Also, as I was writing this article, our Reading Group
The above list could easily be the outline for a book. was finishing reading Jim Wallis’s The Great Awaken-
Even though it is a “bare bones” list, I understand these ing. There is no room to review the book here (it’s
14 descriptions of our world enough to realize that available on the Book Cart), but it speaks with inspira-
despair and confusion in the 21st century are no sur- tion and eloquence about the same issues that Tracey
prise. This is a “downer” of a list, but I remind myself Lind described and that St. Paul’s is seeking to imple-
that humanity, consciously or not, seeks meaning and ment through its participation in ACTION.

Let us welcome the newly

baptized: Lillian Marie
Bott, Emerson James
Watts, Annika Grace
Barnas and Benjamin
Wayne Ashcraft

June 2008
Page 9
St. Paul's Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry Articles Provided in Collaboration By:
Youth Ministry Articles Provided in Collaboration By:
Youth Christian Education and Youth Fellowship Chairperson, Kelly Gmazel
Youth Group Executive Council President, Steven Kariuki
Youth Group Coordinator, Barbara Heany
Youth Group Advisor, Tom Foltz
Acolyte Guild, Directors Patricia Bellinger & Carol Sleight
The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr., Curate

Youth Group’s Name Youth Group’s New

alling all creative people, the Youth Group Mission Statement
C needs a group name! This summer, the youth
members would like to invite the St. Paul’s commu- he Youth Group was challenged to think of a mis-
nity to submit suggestions for a Youth Group
name. When we start up again in September, the
T sion statement that represented us. We unani-
mously chose the following: What we are is God’s gift
group will vote to decide which name it likes to us…What we become is our gift to God. We will
best. A decorative suggestion box will be located make sure that every activity our group participates in
in the Merrifield Room for submissions. represents this statement. Daren McConnell will paint
our new mission statement on the wall of our youth
group room. We will also create a “Wall of Hands”
Potter Park Zoo by placing each of our hands in paint, and then we will
sign our handprints, which will become a legacy over
By Courtney Irwin the years. Please make sure you visit our room in the
fall to see the final mural.
n May 3rd the Youth Group decided to have
O an outreach project after their meeting. We
went to Potter Park Zoo with Caroline Thomas.
First we had a picnic and then played games like By Courtney Irwin
Frisbee and bubble blowing. Later we went into
the zoo to see all the animals. Everyone in the f you need to contact one of the certified babysit-
Youth Group had a great time and it looked like
Caroline had lots of fun too.
I ters, here are their phone numbers:
Anna and Drew Krupka (517) 339-7450
Steven Walker (517) 886-2229
Dan Crabtree (517) 627-3903
Courtney Irwin (517) 332-4439
Calling All Heroes! Margaret Kariuki (517)349-3052
By Carol Laub
hoy, ye good-hearted pirates! All hands on deck for a whale of a good
A time as the "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything-A VeggiTales VBS"
docks at St. Paul's from June 23-27. Kids from age three to fifth grade are
invited for a fun-filled week exploring what it means to be a true hero for
God. Our travels center around the verse of the week: "I can do all things
through Christ because he gives me strength," Philippians 4:13. Our crews will
launch their day with the Yo-ho-ho opening show where we will sing lively
songs, view a movie clip, learn our daily Bible theme (e.g., true heroes do the
right thing), and participate in skits. Then we will sail on to adventures in The
Spyglass Bible Theater, Whipcrack Island Games, Rock Monster Science Lab,
Clapping Rock Crafts and Cheesecurl Cave Snacks. To book your spot on our
crew, call the church office (482-9454), fill out a registration form or contact
Carol Laub (349-5149) with questions. To enlist as part of our seaworthy
crew (volunteers), look for inserts in the church bulletin.
June 2008
Page 10
St. Paul's News
Canon Jo Gantzer Visits St. Paul’s
By The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr., Curate
everal weeks ago, we were pleased to have as our guest, Jo Gantzer, Canon for lifelong learning from
S the Diocese of Michigan. Canon Gantzer preached at the 8 and 10 a.m. worship services, enjoyed a won-
derful reception with parishioners and met with members of the vestry and Christian education committee dur-
ing her trip to St. Paul’s.
Following her inspiring and thoughtful sermon, Jo discussed baptismal ministry and Christian education over
lunch with a group more than 16 parishioners. In responding to a question concerning how to assist parishioners
in becoming more interested and involved in Christian education programs, Jo remarked, “do gift discovery,
listening and learning where you are individually gifted.” Jo stating everyone has some gift to offer, sug-
gested we try to empower each with his or her own learning, by discovering their gifts and sharing with others.
“Learning comes in relationships and relationships are the most important thing, not just learning,” Jo ex-
Jo travels throughout the diocese, representing the Bishop, as do other senior members of the Bishop staff .

The 4 F’s
By Nancy Sheldon
he 4 F’s group met for a picnic in May and shared peace, one school at a time) by Greg Mortenson &
T some of their favorite books with one another. David Oliver Relin
They’d like to share them with you for some good sum- • Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
mer reading suggestions (in no particular order): • Appalachian Passage by Helen Hiscoe (In this terri-
fic book, Helen tells the story about the year she
• Can’t Wait to Get To Heaven, a novel by Fannie and her young husband, Bonta, spent in hollows of
Flagg West Virginia in 1949, where he began his medi-
• Nineteen Minutes, by Jodie Picoult cal practice as the camp doctor and they strived to
• Winter Study, (a platinum mystery series on Isle administer health care to this isolated and impover-
Royal) by Nevada Barr ished area. Helen & Bonta are long time members
• Standing Tall: A Memoir of Tragedy & Triumph by of St Paul’s. The book was published in 1991 and
Vivian Stringer & Laura Tucker is available on
• A Thousand Splendid Suns, a novel by Khaled • Home to Holly Springs, by Jan Karon
Hosseini • Infidel by Ayaan Hirsi Ali
• Devil In the White City: Murder, Magic, & Madness • An Irish Country Doctor by Patrick Taylor
at the Fair that Changed America by Erik Larson
• Three Cups of Tea (one man’s mission to promote Happy Reading!

Reflections on the April 19 Blood Drive

By Eleanor Doersam
y the time you read this I hope you have all seen the Blood Drive Honor Roll and viewed the pictures of
B some of our volunteers.
Over 80 parishioners and friends worked together to register a 102-percent goal for 51 units of blood. Once
again, we were commended by the Red Cross for surpassing our goal of 50 units. Sincere thanks to all who
donated and attempted to donate.
Our Fall Blood Drive date is Saturday, October 11, 2008. Let’s all iron up this summer! Sincere thanks for your
generous support of this outstanding outreach project.

June 2008
Page 11
Mission & Outreach
ACTION of Greater Lansing
By Lyn Zynda, Mission and Outreach
n the May issue of SPN, Bill Fineout described the Federal mandates dictate the Lansing School District
I process by which ACTION, a justice ministry coali-
tion in Ingham County, decides the focus of efforts on
bus homeless kids to ensure they remain at the same
school at a cost of $250,000. The Lansing School Dis-
behalf of the disenfranchised in our community. trict believes that a significant portion of student tru-
ancy cases are due to emergency housing situations.
At the May 5 Rally, it was determined to present a
Safe Rental Housing Initiative to Mayor Bernero and At the Rally, ACTION of Greater Lansing will seek a
other community leaders at the Nehemiah Action As- commitment from Mayor Bernero to:
sembly on May 19. As I am writing this article the day
of the assembly, the response from the Mayor and his • Require immediate enforcement of housing ordi-
administration is unknown. The problem and its nega- nance 1450.49, requiring every registered rental
tive effects, however, are felt throughout our commu- unit have a sticker of rental status and code com-
nity. pliance.
• Ensure that all registered rental properties are
Nearly 1,800 rental homes were tagged with code available online for public viewing by August 1,
violations in 2007 in the City of Lansing. When a 2008 and,
property is tagged, the tenants have 24 hours to • Engage in a public education campaign to add
leave the home. This puts additional pressure on our community understanding of the importance of reg-
community’s social services. For example, the backlog istering rental properties.
to get rental assistance from the Capital Area Commu-
nity Services is over a one-month wait, and emergency Look for updates on the Mayor’s response and pro-
shelters in the City have been filled to overflowing. gress on the project in upcoming issues of the newslet-

Gifts for Life

By Lyn Zynda, Mission and Outreach

s Fr. Weller reported in the April issue of SPN, the St. Paul’s community voted to
A build a well for a village as our 2008 project to fulfill the Millennium Development
Goals (MDGs). This is a ambitious undertaking and will require us to raise $7,500 in or-
der to build one well and provide connections for houses to the local well.
In the United States, we take clean drinking water for granted while elsewhere in the
world, a child dies every eight seconds from drinking dirty water. At our April meeting,
the Mission & Outreach Committee discussed possible methods of fundraising this impressive amount. One idea
we came up with was to use water bottles to collect loose change similar to the tithe boxes used by UTO over
the years.
The Meijer Store in Grand Ledge has generously donated 25 cases of 20-ounce water bottles for this project.
We will be distributing the bottles to the congregation during the Parish Picnic. After the bottle is empty, rather
than just throw it away or recycle it, we would like you to cut a opening in the top and say a prayer of thanks
for the ready availability of fresh water as you drop in your spare change. The Committee will collect the bot-
tles periodically and report to the congregation the progress toward our goal.

June 2008
Page 12
St. Paul's News
(Continued from page 1)

In his absence Father Gordon has ensured the office of his rectorship through a “sabbatical team,” and we are
committed to making sure his ongoing leadership and presence is realized among his faithful flock. Please know
while Father G. is not physically in our midst, he continues in his care and charge over our parish family. Accord-
ingly, it is my humble request should any member of Father’s flock need anything, regardless of importance,
please do not call or contact Father directly. Instead, please contact that member of the sabbatical team who
can best assist you. The following list is provided to assist members in determining whom to contact for ques-
tions, comments or concerns.
Bill Fineout, Parish Outreach/Mission & Pastoral Care 517-482-9454 Ext 16
Annette Irwin, Parish Fellowship & Repast 517-332-4439
Kathleen Johnson, Administrative & Daily Operational Matters 517-482-9454 Ext 10
Charlie Krupka, Parish Business, Financial, & Vestry Matters 517-339-7450
Dr. Stephen Lange, Worship, Music, & Christian Education 517-482-9454 Ext 18
Max Pierce, Building Maintenance & Grounds 517-485-5446
Martie Repaskey, Building Maintenance & Grounds 517-349-256
Fr. Ron Byrd, Worship, Ministry Programs, & Pastoral Care 517-482-9454 Ext 17
The sabbatical team meets monthly to collaborate, coordinate efforts and to ensure the business and program-
ming of our parish runs smoothly. We are here, standing ready to steer you in the right direction, offer sugges-
tions, or just say, “we don’t know, but we’ll find out!”
In closing, if the sabbatical team can not get it done for you, rest assured, Father G. left us with a “nuclear op-
tion,” it’s called the “Lange Factor,” and if Dr. L. has not seen it, experienced it or prayed about it, then we’ll
just have to wait until our beloved rector returns!
On behalf of our rector, the vestry, the sabbatical team and the “Lange Factor,” may you all have a wonderful,
restful and exciting summer, knowing all is well at 218 W. Ottawa Street!

(Continued from page 1)

and has since used it for spiritual and physical warmth while recovering. It was really meaningful for her to
know she was in your prayers.
The last four weeks have consisted of recovery for Linda and some house projects for me. Linda is recovering
nicely and I have had the time to do some things I indicated in my first letter back in February. This has con-
sisted of a few long-postponed home projects, getting the stored car to Lansing and beginning to pull it back
together, and working on the genealogy. The genealogy piece has been a bit frustrating in that the computer it
was stored on developed a hard-drive problem, and I have been having trouble recovering data. We have
over 400 names in the data bank and were afraid it was lost. I think everything will be fine, and we have
bunches of 100-year-old pictures from both sides to scan, repair and add to the data. While Linda goes to
therapy for her exercise, I have joined a gym to work on getting some additional exercise for myself. I also
have tried to be more diligent with my diet and diabetes. The reading for both of us also goes on.
When I say the best is yet to come, perhaps I should say the most exciting. Linda and I are planning a two-
week trip either east, to visit old friends (a college roommate) and parishes previously served, or west to visit
more recent old friends as we journey to visit our son, Christopher, in Colorado. In addition, I have made reser-
vations to go to Egypt and Israel in late July. I leave July 8 and return July 31. While there, I will do the tradi-
tional things tourists do, visiting Egyptian relics and Holy Land sites. I will report on these when I come home.
Linda plans on visiting her sister in New York.
We think of you often and know that you all are in good hands: those of God and one another.

June 2008
June 2008

Non Profit Org.

Permit 1621

St. Paul's Episcopal Church

Lansing Michigan
218 W. Ottawa
Lansing, MI 48933
Phone: 517-482-9454
Fax: 517-485-8621
Choir Room: 517-482-0369

The St. Paul’s News is a publication of St. Paul’s Episcopal

Church, Lansing Michigan.
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Staff
The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon Weller, Rector
The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr., Curate
Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music
Mr. William H. Fineout, Diaconate Candidate
Ms. Mary Rodeck, Assistant Minister of Music
Ms. Kathleen Johnson, Office Manager

St. Paul’s News Editorial Staff

Christine Caswell, Editor
Helen Hiscoe, Proofreader
Tom Shawver, Staff Writer
Lyn Zynda, Layout Editor

If you no longer wish to receive these mailings, please call the church office (517) 482-9454,
any time of the day or night and leave a message to be taken off our mailing list.
June 2008

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