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Time Allotment: 10 minutes TITLE: Behind Moans and Groans: Pornography Harmless Entertainment? Think Again. I.

Introduction Attention Material: Show Memorial Video/ Pictures of Dead Pornstars. Transition Sentence : Question: Does any one of you know those people? No? Well I did not know them as well. They have a lot of things in common, theyre all dead yes, but as to the results most them died due to drugs overdose, suicide and stds. But what they have common more is of what they do for a living. Transition Clause: They are well were adult film actors and actresses. More commonly known a Porn Stars Most people, teens and pre-teens dont know them too. They dont even know that these pornstars whose videos are still uploaded or still in circulation and they are lusting on is dead. I take it that you already know my topic is, well its not mainly about pornstars but rather pornography. It is appalling yes, to be honest I was quite hesitant to pursue this topic, but there is a part of me that tells me that I should. As to why that part of me telling me to do so the reason is Credibility Material: Ive witnessed the ill effects of pornography. Having been working in a law firm since I was thirteen, and most of the cases that were handled were criminal cases, mostly involving rape and child molestation cases. About three quarters (3/4) of my batchmates back in elementary all the way high school became young parents. Teen pregnancies were rampant during my high-school years. Having recall the one being pregnant as early as 14 years of age; All because they had this notion that a sex is essential in a relationship. And Im not just talking about making love, but rather for my guy friends, they viewed sex as an avenue of doing the things that they saw in pornographic videos.

The mere fact that these 30 to 60 minute videos have robbed people of their dreams of a better life sickens me to the core. It made me wonder, how many more should fall victim to this social blight? How many more dreams should be shattered? Transition: I say, not one more. It is high-time that we acknowledge that this is a threat. Preview: My fellow students, I am here before you to talk about the effects as well as the results of pornography on its viewers and on the viewee; To disprove a thriving notion that pornography is something we can live with, that it is a phase , a tolerable social norm. To stress that to you that, like drugs, it is addicting. You start with small doses and, the next thing you know, youre hooked and already longing for your next quick fix.

Transition sentence to Body of Speech: As much as we hate to admit it, porn is everywhere, it used be circulated by video Betamax Tapes, VHS Tapes, CD, DVD and now Online. Just like condoms or youre regular mineral water out in the market and ready to be sold. It is readily accessible at consumers convenie nce and has become a commodity. The average age of a persons first exposure to pornography is between the ages of 11 and 14; 80% of teenagers between the ages of 15 and 17 have had multiple exposure to hardcore pornography; There are more than 14,000 sexual scenes and messages on television each year. But the scariest part of it is that its become a social norm; People seem acknowledge it as harmless entertainment.

II. Need Step Stress the current social view of Pornography Almost everybodys seen porn at least once in their lives Pornography is mostly free; with the internet its highly accessible. Wed just shrug it off cause Hey as long as I keep it to myself nobodys getting hurt. Its not like Im spreading HIV/ STDs to other people. Pornography helps me release sexual stress. Viewing porn is just a phase Im going through my life, Ill throw them away when I get married B. Stress why its a problem

Transition Statement: These views are what make it so dangerous; Without actually knowing it we are being stripped of the opportunity to view copulation as an experience to be cherished and longed for between men and women. Love is taken out and Lust falls into play; People are stripped of the capability to love, partners are viewed as sexual objects, a conduit of lust and not love. Leads to dissatisfaction with your sex life, spouses of porn addicts are affected as sex does not satisfy the addict as it once did. Men who look at porn are dissatisfied by their wife's appearance and this often leads to dysfunctional relationships. Like drugs it makes a profit from the ruined lives of people, entraps them to spend time and money to succumb to their next quick fix.

Transition Statement: We are trapped into a fantasy that wed want to get back to over and over again, until were satisfied with our urges. But the truth of the matter is we will never be satisfied. Because what people see in those videos is not LOVE nor is it MORAL; And this blight will not stop up until we, our future children, our friends is C. Share a Testimony/Incident/Studies In 2003 a meeting of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, 2/3 of the 350 divorce lawyers who attended said that Pornography played a significant role in divorces in the past year (Time Magazine) Psychologist Edward Donnerstein (University of Wisconsin) found that brief exposure to violent forms of pornography can lead to anti-social attitudes and behavior. Male viewers tend to be more aggressive towards women, less responsive to pain and suffering of rape victims. An international study of prostitution found that 49% of the prostitutes surveyed worked as performers in the production of pornography, and that 47% experienced discomfort as a result of their customers' requests to perform sexual acts of which the customers had learned through the viewing of pornography A Researcher named Victor Cline from the University of Utah documented in his research how men become addicted to pornographic materials, begin to desire more explicit or deviant material, and end up acting out what they have seen. According to Charles Keating of Citizens for Decency through Law, research reveals that 77 percent of child molesters of boys and 87 percent of child molesters of girls admitted imitating the sexual behavior they had seen modeled in pornography.

III. Satisfaction Step Transitioning Sentence: Stopping Pornographys effect on you, your friends and to society is no easy task; How can one stop a 10-14 billion dollar industry? Its all about the little things and those little things start with you , It isnt impossible, only difficult. We were born into this world without it hence we can live on without it. Transition Clause : The Battle with Pornography starts with you.

If youre hooked on it then all is left is some damage control : First thing you have to do is admit your struggle - That you are willing to do something about it the key is to COMMIT TO YOURSELF Overcome Mental Barriers - Work out your emotion and Believe in yourself If youre hooked, enroll in a 12-step group Professional Counseling Be a Mano of God, Get involved with your spiritual life

If you arent then prevention is the key: Educate yourself Engage yourself with healthy activities ; try out a sport and spend more time with your friends Refrain from staying too much on the computer Before you go online make sure you have list of the things you should look for in the internet Have an internet filter installed in your pc Ask yourself what if I was that person being filmed how would I feel about being exploited?

III. Visualization Step The Contrast Method Transition Statement: Now Id like to take you into a visualization tour, I want you to imagine if pornography was taken lightly and we failed to acknowledge the subtle risks, imagine being there in the following situations: 1. Your daughter married to a husband who treats her like a sexual object or tool. 2. Your son or daughter having failed relationships and marriage causing them to be on a serious mental breakdown 3. Your son or daughter being in the porn industry lusted after by children as young as thirteen years old, doing drugs and at a greater risk of getting STDs. 4. Your son or daughter being teenage parents, with their offspring dying because they could not afford proper health care for their children. 5. Your son in jail having committed rape serving a life sentence. Transition Statement : Now Imagine, if we beat this thing, what world would we be living in, what would we be leaving for our future sons and daughters 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Your son or daughter happily married, being loved and respected by their partners. Imagine a world without lust, never having to worry about people looking wrongfully at your son and daughter Teenage Pregnancies do not exist. You daughter and son successful and have fulfilled lives.

IV. Action Step Pornography is not a laughing matter; its not like dirt that we can just sweep under the rug and fo rget that it exists. If you think that youre being pulled by pornography, do something about it immediately, share to your guidance counselor or your best friend, read about the dangers of porn and its effects. Pornography has destroyed lives directly or indirectly dont let it destroy yours. Should you be already hooked on or know someone who is then do your best to help them out immediately. To close this speech I would like to share a short story that could prevent you from succumbing or getting over pornography. One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside all people. He said, My son, the battle is between two 'wolves' inside us all. One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self -pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith. The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, Which wolf wins? The old Cherokee simply replied, The one you feed. With I leave you with one question : Which wolf would you feed?

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