Rene Cassin Fellowship Program

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The Ren Cassin

Fellowship Programme
No words can properly express how lifechanging and empowering it is to be in the company of individuals who strive to make change and be change.

2013 US Fellow

Monthly seminars (one evening per month): Examine current human rights issues through a Jewish lens. International dialogue: Converse regularly with your partners from New York, London or Jerusalem to learn and to share. Impact Projects: A chance to do hands-on human rights work with an NGO. Study tour to Israel: All Fellows meet in Israel for a provocative, behind the scenes experience of Israel that few tourists ever see.
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COST The program fee for U.S. and European Fellows will be: U.S. - $700,; U.K. - 330; Israel - $250. Includes round-trip airfare to Israel, accommodation and monthly seminars. Fellows will need to pay for some meals themselves. Payable upon acceptance. Fellows should consult with a financial advisor/accountant as the program fee may be deductible as a professional education expense. D E P OS I T Fellows are required to pay a deposit equivalent to the program fee upon acceptance.

If you are between 25 and 35 years old; based in New York, London or Jerusalem; and interested in learning more about the 2014 RCFP or obtaining an application form, please visit or email us at

Applications are due by 31st December 2013. Selections will be made by 15 February 2014.

The Ren Cassin Fellowship Program (RCFP)

Recruitment is now open for the 2014 Rene Cassin Fellowship Program
The RCFP explores Jewish visions for a just society and provides young Jewish professionals with the knowledge, skills and contacts needed to enhance their activism in the areas of social justice, international human rights and related fields. The RCFP brings together a cohort of 30 of the best and brightest young Jewish professionals from Europe, Israel and the US, and explore a range of human rights issues through a uniquely Jewish lens. Beginning in spring 2014, the year-long Fellowship Program will hold monthly seminars with a core faculty member on a curriculum especially developed for the fellowship, with periodic visits by leading human rights lawyers, academics, activists, and communal leaders. In June, Fellows participate in a study tour to Israel during which you will meet your counterparts from the two other regional cohorts. A significant part of the RCFP program will be dialogue with peers from two other parts of the world and very different sectors of the Jewish people. In addition to the monthly seminars, each Fellow will work with an organization to implement an Impact Project of their own design, providing hands-on experience in the field of human rights. The RCFP is perfect for young professionals interested in increasing their knowledge of human rights, Jewish visions of a just society, and the political reality of the Jewish people and the state of Israel. You will emerge equipped with the skills, knowledge, passion and contacts to become a leader in the human rights or social justice arena.

Not only am I walking away from our study tour with a better understanding of how Israel may realize both of her distinct identities, I am also walking away with newfound friendships with some exceptional individuals.
- 2013 Israel Fellow If you are interested in learning more about the 2014 RCFP or obtaining an application form, please visit or email us at Applications are due by 31st December 2013. Selections will be made by 15 February 2013.

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