Vendor App 2014

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December 11, 2013 Dear Vendor: Enclosed is our application to !

oin us as a "endor at the 201# $ruisin% &her'ood $lassic & $ustom $ar &ho'. (he e"ent is Saturday, June 14th, 2014 from 9am to 4pm. )ith *00 specialt automobiles, $ruisin% brings 20,000 +amilies, car enthusiasts, and spectators to &her'ood ma,ing it the cit %s largest e"ent. $on"enient access +or our "endors is a high priorit and re-uires speci+ic planning. *Vendors MUST set up Friday, June 13th and e ready for usiness at ! am on Saturday, June 14th" * Set up Times# $on Food Vendors +rom 3./pm Food Vendors +rom 0./pm %&ar'er trai(ers may e )onta)ted to )ome in for ear(ier p(a)ement* +n(y ,and -arried .tems a((o/ed Saturday Mornin' 1+ ou are interested in participating in this e"ent, please +ill out and return the attached registration +orm and pa ment no later than May 1st, 2014" $on+irmed participants 'ill be listed on cruisinsher' under the Vendor tab. **Vendors are a))epted on a first )ome, first ser0ed asis /ith priority to past parti)ipatin' 0endors and Sher/ood -ham er of -ommer)e Mem ers 1e try to offer Vendor e2)(usi0ity to Vendors y Type** .f 3ppro0ed# 2ou 'ill recei"e a con+irmation letter and par,ing permit. (he con+irmation letter 'ill include directions into 3istoric 4ld (o'n &her'ood and instructions +or access and par,ing. 2ou must bring all e-uipment and supplies 'ith ou including ta (es, tents, po/er )ords, )han'e, etc. )ashington $ount 3ealth Department /i(( be chec,ing the +ood booths. 5ll +ees, applications, and licenses must be paid +or in ad"ance and displa ed prior to opening. 6ood booths are re-uired to sho' +ood handlers license and a 1.da +esti"al permit. 5n -uestions regarding permits can be directed to )ashington $ount at *03./#0./722. 6ood Vendors ma ser"e their o'n non.alcoholic be"erages in compliance 'ith the e8clusi"it re-uirements. 1+ ou re-uire electricit , ou must note that on our application. (here is limited a"ailabilit +or "endors. Vendors must plan to +it 'ithin the space allo'ed. (his includes all pull out components, hitches, a'nings, and signage, propane tan,s, etc. to be determined at the discretion o+ the Vendor $ommittee. 6ailure to do so can result in +or+eiting our space or being re-uired to pa +or multiple booths. 1+ ou ha"e -uestions or 'ould li,e +urther in+ormation, please e.mail our Vendor $oordinator 9o8anne at tupro8: &incerel , 9o8anne.Vendor $oordinator


Please Note: this application is not complete unless both page 2 & 3 are submitted together.

-4U.S.$5 S,641++7 -34 S,+1 &aturda ;une 1#, 201# 2014 Vendor83)ti0ity 9ooth 3pp(i)ation 3pp(i)ant <usiness= 4rgani>ational Name or Vendor (itle: ????? $ontact Person: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ E.Aail: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Vendor Type %:(ease -he);* 6ood Vendors: 1i(( you e )oo;in' on site< B22* C12 8 12% <oothD 2es No 1+ more space is re-uired ou ma purchase an additional hal+ space at B100 C12 8 0% <oothD Non. 6ood Vendors: B100 per booth C10 8 10% <oothD 1i(( you need 6(e)tri)ity %&imited 30ai(a i(ity*< 2es CVendors are responsible +or their o'n electrical cordsD No &ist a(( produ)ts or a)ti0ities %:(ease Spe)ify and use a); if re=uired*# @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@ **:(ease in)(ude photo if a0ai(a (e ** **Food Vendors are re=uired to send in a )opy of their menu /ith app(i)ation ** **Food and 3)ti0ity Vendors are re=uired to send in a )opy of their )urrent insuran)e ** -onta)t .nformation Aailing 5ddress: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ $ontact Phone: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 7ay of 60ent %4e=uired* $ontact Person# @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ $ell Phone: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Emergenc $ontact Name: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Emergenc Phone: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ :ayment +ptions %:(ease -he);* Sendin' -he); /ith 3pp(i)ation :(ease mai( )he); paya (e to# &her'ood $hamber o+ $ommerce c=o $ruisin% Vendor 5pplication P4 <o8 /0* &her'ood, 49 E71#0 :aid on(ine usin' :ay:a( (o submit pa ment "ia Pa pal "isit -(i); to pay usin' :ay:a( 9eturn en"elope must be postmar,ed on or be+ore May 1st, 2014" Please Note: this application is not complete unless both page 2 & 3 are submitted together.

$on+irmation letters 'ill be posted on sher' no later then May 1>th, 2014" -ruisin5 Sher/ood 2014 Vendor 3'reement (he $ruisin% &her'ood $lassic and $ustom $ar &ho' is a &her'ood $hamber o+ $ommerce E"ent. (he $it o+ &her'ood donates to the +esti"al but is not a co.sponsor or a partner to the &her'ood $hamber o+ $ommerce. 7efense, indemnity and ho(d harm(ess a'reement# 1 agree and bind m organi>ation to de+end and hold harmless the &her'ood $hamber o+ $ommerce, the $it o+ &her'ood, their o++icers, agents, ser"ants, "olunteers, and emplo ees +rom all claims +or damage or in!ur arising out o+ our acti"ities in connection 'ith this e"ent. 1 understand that this agreement to indemni+ is +or an and all liabilit o+ the &her'ood $hamber o+ $ommerce, the $it o+ &her'ood or an third person. (his agreement applies onl +rom deri"ati"e liabilit arising +rom m acti"ities o+ m organi>ation in connection 'ith this e"ent. 1+ litigation arises +rom this agreement, the pre"ailing part at trial, and an decided appeal, shall be entitled to its reasonable attorne +ees and costs incurred in the litigation. $+ :34T$64S,.:: (he &her'ood $hamber o+ $ommerce and the $it o+ &her'ood do not in an 'a or +or an purposes, become a partner o+ Permittee in the conduct o+ its game booths, recreational acti"ities, business or other'ise. Permittee e8pressl co"enants that it 'ill ne"er assert, claim, or hold itsel+ out as an agent or emplo ee o+ either &her'ood $hamber o+ $ommerce or the $it o+ &her'ood. 6ees paid are the &her'ood $hamber o+ $ommerce and $it o+ &her'ood and an and all their agents are not responsible +or inclement 'eather and other +actors a++ecting "endor sales or pro+itabilit . 1 ha"e read this agreement care+ull and ,no' and understand its terms. 1 agree to super"ise all emplo ees o+ m organi>ation in the conduct o+ this e"ent to the best o+ m abilities and to e8tend +easible and, speci+icall , to super"ise compliance o+ the e"ent participants 'ith the permit re-uirements and other regulation applicable to the use o+ $it o+ &her'ood. 1=)e ha"e read and understand the $ruisin% &her'ood $ar &ho' Fuidelines and agree to abide b them. 3uthori?ed Si'nature @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 7ate @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Send 3'reement to# &her'ood $hamber o+ $ommerce c=o $ruisin% Vendor 5pplication P4 <o8 /0* &her'ood, 49 E71#0 For more information on -ruisin5 Sher/ood 0isit ///")ruisinsher/ood")om, emai(# chamber:sher'"

Please Note: this application is not complete unless both page 2 & 3 are submitted together.

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