Prepare For Interview PDF

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Art of presenting oneself

IIM - Ahmedabad

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Where do you need to present yourself

Group discussion Interview

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Group discussion
Sleep well previous night Visit wash room and freshen up before

entering the G room ress ! "ormal #et comfortable $osture ! %nees together S&etch the la#out of the G table on pad as soon as #ou enter and settle

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Group discussion
"ill in the names of members as the#

introduce( #ou can use this data to address them b# name )leadership *ualit#+ Start off with a *uote If #ou are one of the first few to spea&( #ou get e,tra points for leadership s&ills o not wait to be invited to -oin( ta&e initiative to participate Give reasons to support #our stand
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Who gets the job?

/he person who gets the -ob ma# not be

necessaril# the most *ualified 0e or she ma# simpl# the one who &nows how to get a -ob

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2esume Going for interview Attending interview "ollow up

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Ma, one or two pages ' steps ! 4ompiling info about #ourself( choosing a

resume format( adding st#le( proofreading 5ame( Marital status( 67( address( email( tel no8 6b-ective statement 9,perience )$aid and volunteer+ 9ducation 0obbies( special s&ills( awards and honors(

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Basic information (Resume

Avoid nic&names :se #our permanent residential address :se #our permanent telephone number )If

#ou have an answering machine( record a neutral greeting+-- 4hoose an email address that sounds professional

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!bjective (Resume
An ob-ective tells potential emplo#ers the sort

of wor& #ou are hoping to do8 It should sound li&e what #ou can contribute to the organi<ation

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"ducation (Resume
Graduates without a lot of wor& e,perience

should list their educational information first Alumni can list it after the wor& e,perience-- ?our most recent educational information is listed first

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Wor# e$perience (Resume

7riefl# give the emplo#er an overview of wor& that

has taught #ou s&ills( and #our achievements :se action )active and not passive+ words to describe to describe #our -ob duties Include #our wor& e,perience in reverse chronological order /itle of the position( 5ame of the organi<ation( location of wor&( dates of emplo#ment(

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%ey s#ills or competencies

@eadership e,perience in volunteer

organi<ations $articipation in sports

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References (Resume
As& people if the# are willing to serve as

references before #ou gave their names o not include the references on #our resume unless as&ed for 5ever write A2eferences will be furnished on re*uestB )It sounds insulting+

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Resume chec# up
Get #our resume reviewed b# a career

counselor( or 2un a spell chec&-- Get a friend to do a grammar review and proof read

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&esign (Resume
:se white or off white paper :se 88. , == inch paper :se a font si<e of => to =' points :se non decorative fonts 4hoose one font and stic& to it Avoid italics( script and underlined words 5o hand written resumes o not fold the resume( put in a large envelop if it is to be couriered-- Source - /6I 3=C=C>1 )?our tic&et to #our dream -ob ! the perfect 4V+

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What the resume should not contain'

"anc# words that ma# frustrate the emplo#er /he reasons wh# #ou left #our last

emplo#ment 9,pected salar# DDDDD

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(over letter
Must 2eference to ad 2e*uest for an interview 9nvelop- Application forE88 9mailing the resumeFDDDDD

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Guidelines for interviewee

=8 28 38 '8 .8

$repare for the interview Ma&e an appropriate appearance Show interest Answer correctl# and completel# $ractice courtes#

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) *repare for the interview

Anticipating *uestions #ou are li&el# to be

as&ed and forming answers to them Gathering additional information about the emplo#er 7e prepared for the une,pected

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What interviewer see#s

Abilit# to communicate ! organi<ing thoughts

and spea&ing them out in logical se*uence Self-confidence Gillingness to accept responsibilit# "le,ibilit# Abilit# to handle conflict 4ompetitiveness

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What interviewer'++
Goal achievement @evel of initiative $ossession of technical s&ills or abilit# to achieve

them irection ! 3 #ears @evel of energ# Interpersonal s&ills @eadership %nowledge of the compan#

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Interview preparation
%now #ourself 28 evelop complete inventor# of s&ills( e,perience( and personal attributes 38 $ast -obs( e,tra curricular involvements( volunteer wor&( school pro-ects '8 Ghat could I have learned b# doing thisF .8 Ghat s&ill did I developF 18 Ghat issueCcircumstances have I learned to deal withF
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%now yourself
=8 28

/echnical s&ills Generic s&ills Anal#tical C problem solving "le,ibilit# C versatilit# Interpersonal 6ral C written communication 6rgani<ing C planning /ime management Motivation @eadership Self starter C initiative /eam pla#er

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%now the occupation

Sources Hob ad 2e*uest the emplo#er 4areer resource centre

)02 +

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%now the organi,ation

Ghere is it located 0ow big is it Ghat are its products and whom does it serve 0ow is the organi<ation structured Ghat is its histor# 0ave there been recent changes( new developments Sources ! Internet( business publications( compan# brochure &ept at the reception 4hairmanIs statement of last AGM C Anal#sis of last 3 #ears of balance sheets

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While going for interview

5ever be late 2eview #our resume and bac&ground $repare a couple of *uestions to be as&ed to

the interviewer ress neatl# and conservativel#

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&ress code at interview

?ou must loo& smart Hac&et( pant( tie( soc&s( shoes )5o 3 piece suit+ Gear a white or light colored shirt Avoid loud colors and flash# ties 0air recentl# cut and loo& neat Shave in the morning 0ave fresh breath( brush before leaving( donIt eat

before interview( donIt smo&e right before interview

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$iercing rarel# fit within compan#Is desired image "or women a tailored classic suit( or a formal Sari Avoid ver# high heels )uncomfortable+ Sta# awa# from chun&# -ewelr# and accessories(

the# can be distracting 7e modest with ma&e up and perfumes "older or briefcase )5o plastic bag or sac&+

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-he interview
Greet the interviewer 7e fran& and truthful in #our answers and avoid being

negative 7e enthusiastic about what #ou have done and what #ou can do( thin& positive $ro-ect attentiveness As& clarification if *uestion is not understood 7e careful not to critici<e the former emplo#ers or the professors( or an#thing for that matter

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2elate the past e,perience to the s&ills #ou

will need for the -ob in *uestion /han& the interviewer at the close of the interview

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-ypical .uestions
Ghat are #our future career plansF In what school activities have #ou

participatedF Ghich did #ou en-o# mostF In what t#pe of position are #ou most interestedF Ghat are the reasons for which #ou might li&e to wor& for our compan#F Ghat courses did #ou li&e the mostF @eastF

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Ghat &ind of boss do #ou preferF Ghat were the reasons of #our choice in college ma-orF Ghat interests #ou about our products or servicesF Ghat are #our ma-or strengths and wea&nessesF o #ou consider #ourself a team pla#er or do #ou en-o# wor&ing aloneF Ghat would be the benefits to us of #our -oining our organi<ationF 7efore interview anal#<e the emplo#erIs last three #ears balance sheets and $C@ statements8 4omments on the ratios and point out where improvement is needed8 Sa# that #ou will li&e to ma&e difference in them8

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/uestions as#ed by the employers

/ell me about #ourself Ghat are #our hobbiesF

escribe #our ideal -ob Gh# should we hire #ouF Ghat do #ou &now about our products or servicesF Ghere do #ou want to be in . #ears( => #earsF

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Ghat -ob related s&ills have #ou developedF Gh# did #ou *uit #our last -obF Give an e,ample where #ou provided a

solution to the emplo#er8 0ow do #ou thin& #our former supervisor would describe #our wor&F Model answersE88

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Body language
$ositive bod# language 2esponsive( 9ager ! @eaning forward( open arms( nodding @istening ! 0ead tilted( constant e#e contact( nodding and verbal ac&nowledgement Attentive - Smiling

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0egative body language

7ored ! Slumped posture( foot tapping(

doodling )scribble absent mindedl#+ 2e-ection ! Arms folded( head down( subconscious frowning Aggression ! @eaning too far forward( finger pointing( grinding teeth @#ing ! /ouching face( hands over mouth( e#es averted( shifting uncomfortabl# in #our seat

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After the interview'+?

"ollow up DDDDD

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