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1- Transform these sentences into reported speech Mary said: 1-Ive never had so much fun in my life 2-I

had a brilliant time 3-Im not looking forward to going back to school 4-Im exhausted 5-I didnt like the food -Ill see you tomorrow !-I saw her today "-#e went swimming today $-I met her about three months ago 1%-&y 'arents are arriving tomorrow 11-(ete and )ue are getting married next )aturday 12-#e visited her this morning 13-I can see you next &onday 14-I must go home to make dinner 15-Ill tell them the news on )aturday 1 -*ou must 'ay me back before tomorrow 1!-*ou should talk to her 1"-Ill see you tonight 1$- It is cold at the +orth (ole 2%- water boils at 1%%,- 21-.ol'hins are mammals 22-Ive already met her 'arents 23-I met him in /awai last summer 24-I wont be able to see you until the day after tomorrow 2- Peter asked: 1-/ow long have you worked here0 2-#here is the tourist office0 3-#hat time do we leave tomorrow0 4-#hat are we going to do today0 5-#hen is breakfast served in the hotel0 -when does the train leave1 !-/ow did you get to school0 "-#here do you live0 $-#hy didnt you tele'hone0 1%-/ow are you0 11-who do you want to talk to0 12-#hy didnt you come to school yesterday0 3- John wanted to know: 1-.o you live near your family0 2-2re you hungry0 you invite 3udy0 you borrow my dictionary0 5-/ave you met .anny before0 -/ave you finished your exams0 !-.oes your brother live in 4ondon0 "-2re you going to the 'arty tonight0

$--an you swim0 1%--an I see you next 5uesday0 you see (eter two days ago0 4- Peter said to me6 1-(ass me the sugar7 'lease 2-.ont move and give me all the money 3-#rite to me as often as you can 4-.o not smoke in the classroom 5-.o not come in7 'lease --ould you lend me 8 450 5- PRACT C! M "!# $%RM& )he said to me6 1- Ive finished all my work 2-#hy are you looking at me like that0 3-.ont 'lay with matches 4-Ive forgotten to bring my lunch with me9 5-#ill you be home soon0 -:o to bed !-Ill clean the car tomorrow "-.o you know :arfield0 $-Ive been working for this com'any since two years ago 1%-#here have you been0 11-.ont be late 12-3ohn is bringing some -ds for the 'arty tonight9 13-I havent got any money 14-I cant stand heavy metal music 15-)hell come again next year9 1 -#ho did you see yesterday0 1!- I can lend you my dictionary until tomorrow9 1"-.o you know the meaning of this word0 1$- -ome here now; 2%-/e had worked in 2ustralia before he retired two years ago 21-#hy isnt (eter here0 22- .ont be rude and a'ologise ; 23-#e went to the beach with my 'arents yesterday 24-<ee' silence7 'ay attention and dont disturb9 you hear about my accident last week0 2 - /ow often do you come to this disco0 2!-&y brother 3ohn went to 4ondon on a school =ourney last year 2"- #ere visiting (eter next )aturday because hes had an accident9

Key Ex. 1 Mary said that 1.she had never had so much fun in her life 2. She had had a brilliant time 3. she was not looking forward to .... . she was exhausted !. she hadn"t liked the food #. she would see me the following day $. she had seen her that day %. they had gone swimming that day &. she had met her about three months before 1'. her (arents were arriving the following day 11) *eter and Sue were getting married the following Saturday 12. they had visited her that morning 13. she could see me the following Monday 1 . she had to go home to make dinner 1!) she would tell them ..... 1#) + had to (ay her back before the following day 1$) + should talk to her 1%) she would see me taht night 1&) it is cold.... 2') water boils .... 21) dol(hins are mammals 22)she had already met her (arents 23)She had met him in ,awaii the (revious summer 2 ) she wouldn"t be able to see me until the two following days E-. 2 *eter asked me 1. ,ow long + had worked there 2. .here the tourist office was 3. .hat time + left the following day . .hat we were going to do the following day !. .hen breakfast was served .... #. .hen the train left $. ,ow + had got to school %. .here + lived &. .hy + hadn"t tele(honed him 1'. ,ow + was 11. .ho + wanted to talk to 12. .hy + hadn"t gone to school the day before. E-. 3 /ohn wanted to know 1. +f + lived near my family 2. +f + was hungry 3. +f + had invited /udy . +f + had borrowed his dictionary !. +f + had met 0anny before #. +f + had finished my exams $. +f my brother lived in 1ondon

%. +f + was going to the (arty that night &. +f + could swim2 if + can swim. 1'. +f + could see him the following 3uesday 11. +f + had seen *eter two days before Ex. *eter told me 1. 3o (ass him the sugar 2. 4ot to move and give him all the money 3. 3o write to him as often as + could . 4ot to smoke in the classroom !. 4ot to come in #. 3o lend him 5 ! E-. ! 1. She said to me that she had finished all her work 2. She asked me why + was looking at her like that 3. She told me not to (lay with matches . She said she had forgotten to bring her lunch with her !. She asked me if + would be home soon #. She told me to go to bed $. She (romised she would clean the car the following day %. She asked me if + knew 6arfield &. She said she had been working for that com(any since two years before 1'. She asked me where + had been 11. She asked me not to be late 12. She told me that /ohn was bringing some 70S for the (arty that night 13. She said she hadn"t go any money 1 . She said she couldn"t stand heavy metal 1!. She said she would come again the following year 1#. She asked me who + had seen the day before. 1$. She said she could lend me her dictionary until the following day 1%. She asked me if + knew the meaning of the word 1&. She ordered me to go there then 2'. She said he had worked in 8ustralia before he retired two years before 21. She asked me why *eter wasn"t there 22. She told me not to be rude and a(ologise 23. She said they had gone to the beach with her (arents the day before 2 . She told me to kee( silence9 (ay attention and not to disturb 2!. she asked me if + had heard about her accident the (revious week 2#. She wanted to know how often + went to the disco 2$. She told me that her brother had gone to 1ondon on a school :ourney the (revious year 2%. She said they were visiting *eter the following Saturday because he had had an accident.

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