Satanic Panic

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All the contributors are copyright holders of their own music, texts and images, unless otherwise noted !isrespecting intellectual rights could ha"e conse#uences That is, you$ll be going straight to hell! %&ust li'e we are ( Than's to all the contributors and people who downloaded this compilation Shoutout to the )rimtown gangstas! 0ail Satan!

Compiled by )ird*+, Co"er by -atcheeba -oo'let by )ird*+, Additional artwor' by P .merson /illiams

SATANIC PANIC! Slaughtered babies Their heads blown off their shoulders in the climax of their rituals, blood splattering the ceiling li'e a"ant garde art !on$t you worry the police officer will clean it all up, they lea"e no trace

This is what you will remember in 1esmer$s grasp 2ou will remember the other girls, caged, chained, ensla"ed 2ou will remember their swollen pregnant babies, and crying eyes 2ou will remember how they too' your first child at thirteen, your second at fourteen and after that it becomes a blur

SATANIC PANIC! The rapes and the torture, in between school, hand, a new abuse, another child and another birthdays and hanging with your friends 2ou "ictim 2ou will remember the damp cellars, will remember the hand of your father, your mother, your uncle and your teacher The The 3udge was in on it, as was your first therapist the cluttered garages and remote synagogues 2ou will remember the wax candles, the robes remember why 2ou will remember the sacrifices done in his name The goat$s head on the alter 2ou will remember them all pledging themsel"es to dar'ness and e"il, This you find while swimming in the dar'est di"e into that blea' place, where the phantoms 'eep appearing ."ery time you go under the surface a fresh new horror will appear, a new pledging themsel"es to a life of orgies and la'e of forgotten memory 2ou ta'e di"e after cruelty All the people in your life

neighbours, their friends and a local politician and the faint guttural chanting 2ou will


2ou will remember a ruined childhood 2ou will remember it all All the atrocities that ne"er happened 4ristian A -35r'elo

4ristian A -35r'elo is a fol'lorist and writer with extensi"e interest in alternati"e religion and underground phenomena

SATANIC PANIC! 2ap Papaya Protect 2ou /hen I was a 'id, my father, a Christian minister, bought me a boo' on all the dangerous and satanic music I must ne"er e"er listen to This boo' introduced me to !a"id -owie, -lac' Sabbath, Alice Cooper, !io, and !eep Purple amongst many others This is my than's6for6the6boo' song

SATANIC PANIC! Although the Satanic Panic was pretty much o"er as a phenomenon when I grew up, in my family it was rampant I had my comic boo's and my records thrown away by a father who was furious about the fact that I did not belie"e 1arilyn 1anson or Al &ourgensen were to blame for the Columbine massacre %or terrorist attac', as it would ha"e been dubbed had it happened today( 1y sister went through the same thing, only with 0arry Potter The moral of the story is, if you write a silly song, turn the drums way up and ma'e it a dance trac' http788www last fm8music82ap9Papaya

SATANIC PANIC! Andreas -randal !ecei"ed Prolific Norwegian experimentalist exploring dar', ambient, occultronic, electroacoustics and electronic noise http788andreasbrandal bandcamp com8 http788www andreasbrandal com8

SATANIC PANIC! -atcheeba /itch :I 0A;. A /ITC0 INSI!. I 4N</ 0</ S0. )<T T0.=. :

http788www last fm8music8-atcheeba

SATANIC PANIC! -lit>'rieg -aby Incinerator Symphony ?@ -lit>'rieg -aby li"es -lit>'rieg -aby sometimes shouts out through a hole in the minds of the following indi"iduals7 4im S5l"e, Anders - , Alan -elardinelli, -3eima, Petter -erntsen http788soundcloud com8blit>'riegbaby 'imAtrineog'im no

SATANIC PANIC! =yder Barms !ar' Past -lac' =2!.= BA=1S 6 was born on a tractor She grew up eating corn and listening to The Cocteau Twins =ecently she came across a song by Salem and fell in lo"e, often pretending to be married to &ohn 0olland Through this lo"e, music was born and named =yder =yder Barms began releasing her music in early C+@C 0ea"ily influenced by DA! and current drag8gra"e wa"e artists http788soundcloud com8ryderfarms

SATANIC PANIC! )yron ; The -leeding Sand )lass 0earts =ecorded in the ceremonial crypts of the Septentrian College of $Pataphysics

A )yron ; offering in honour of CEsar Antichrist7 :The -leeding Sand )lass 0earts: !ipsomaniac 0igh Priests officiating at this $Pataphysical <rgy were7 =aymond Al" 4ristiansen .gge7 )oose Stepping 1achines, Fnholy Tape 0iss Ter3e G"erHs7 Incantations, 1iddle6finger Casio /i>ardry, !iluted )old )uitars Iyrics sal"aged from a burnt diary7 Bragments of a poem by Alfred &arry translated by Paul .dwardsJ no permission as'ed, none granted, but we bless them both with the perfume of our nocturnal emissions!

SATANIC PANIC! Io"e K <ppned'ors, )yron ; http788www last fm8music8)yron9;8Iast fm9Co mpilation

SATANIC PANIC! )ird*+, Slay the Na>arene -elie"e it or not, when I was in secondary school one of the teachers there called in my mother for a conference to let her 'now that I was posessed by demons It wasn$t such a huge problem though, as she 'new a good exorcist They ne"er went through with the exorcism, to my great disappointment though -ut I guess I$d ne"er wind up on a compilation li'e this if they had I wonder where she got that insane idea It$s not li'e a stabbed my genitals with a crucifix e"en http788soundcloud com8gird*+,

SATANIC PANIC! Lenarch Ill"minated %Balse Blag Sacrifice( L.N6<PS is in full effect and if you are one of the few who can handle the inner 'nowledge, you will soon be briefed L.NA=C0 ha"e already infiltrated and left their calling card =iding the electric wa"es and controlling all machines, including The 1achine from within Sounds are crafted to e"o'e extra6dimensional consciousness The members of L.NA=C0 dwell between space and they mo"e in this dimension through possession of human hosts Through examination of the esoteric meanings hidden beneath the names, initiates can discern the identity of the demonic presence beneath and ma'e contact them sel"es, but be careful


-y exposing yourself to L.NA=C0 "ibrations, you allow them to ride the energy through your ner"ous system and neurons 0ow your being reacts to the current depends entirely on your le"el of Illumination 1embers7 MNOPQR %wretched( STUPVUQWTXYZP %scorned( TOTTPW[R %forlorn( \Y]W^_]R %bestial( `MaQR %sorcerer( http788www panicmachine com8

SATANIC PANIC! Brostwinter Causa !ella 1orte %1aldoror$s !uality( Brostwinter is a !eath Industrial8!ar' Ambient one6man pro3ect from )ermany, which was formed in the middle of the year C++b 1usically inspired by %old school( Industrial, Post Industrial, 1usi#ue Concrcte, -ruitism and similar genres, it mo"es thematically %within a nihilistic intention(, amongst other things, about the deconstruction of the anthropocentric world"iew by the occident, the exploitation8torture of %non6human( animals, %metaphysical8cultural( pessimism and a general reflection about degenerated manners of the human species http788www last fm8music8Brostwinter

SATANIC PANIC! Continental Bruit The Sad )ospel Continental Bruit %&on Iaerum( started off in @,,D on his A'ai Axb+ and borrowed e#uipment A contribution to a cassette following the first issue of )old Sound> fan>ine and a selfmade cassette :Taste li'e good: established him as a name on the norwegian electro8impro" scene Iater he has released C C!s, a d: "inyl single, music for an electro6art exibition in -ergen, contributed to a numerous compilations and collaborations such as Andreas -randal, Slowburn, -atcheeba, 4obi to mention a few 0e is currently wor'ing on new material for his much awaited next release http788soundcloud com8continental6fruit

SATANIC PANIC! !ead S'ull Incon"incible http788www cyberfarts nl8

SATANIC PANIC! %o(ehers -ad Things %o(ehers is the solo wor' of =on !$Andrea Starting in the summer of C++d, it was simply a remixing concept Currently has e"ol"ed into a signed act on -a'u Shad !o =ecords, releasing original .-18I!1 noise trac's =on currently has started up a label named :0AIST.!S:, for noise, ambient, electronic music https788www faceboo' com80alsteds http788+thers bandcamp com8 http7880alsteds bandcamp com8


It$s not o"er yet It ne"er ends

)rimtown =ecords C+@C

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