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Where do we store
People’s cooperation nuclear waste?
THE sun has been the main
energy source for all life on the
fossil fuels, perhaps, because in
the beginning we didn’t know

vital to fight pandemic

planet for billions of years. In the consequences.
Malaysia, we are blessed with Our oceans and rivers are
sunlight. Yet, our government is now choking on plastic pollution,
pushing for nuclear energy as if because we needed cheap and
it is a safe energy alternative to lightweight material for packag-
save our planet from the perils ing. No one realised the effects
of climate change. such material would have on our
The government seems to planet, in a mere 50 years from
THE Influenza A (H1N1) pandemic is Use of masks is encouraged be brushing aside the hazards the start of its mass production.
a classic example that illustrates the and antiviral agents like Tami- related to nuclear power plants, But we do know that nuclear
complacent attitude of Malaysians in flu may be necessary at times as if they were issues that didn’t energy will produce highly radio-
general. Almost six thousand people but these may not be adequate to exist or could easily be remedied active waste, even if it is in small
have been infected with the H1N1 significantly stop the spread of the in the near future. amounts, every day a nuclear
virus, some are in serious condition, virus. The most important step is Developed countries are hav- plant is running. We do know
and 68 deaths so far. This is definitely SNAPAND WIN self-imposed quarantine. Those ing serious difficulties with their that this highly radioactive waste
an alarming situation. Unfortunately infected must be quarantined and own nuclear programmes. In the must be disposed of somewhere
many are still complacent and going TICKETS TO ANY DESTINATION all those with influenza-like illness United States, there are massive on our finite planet. We do know
about their business as though noth- IN MALAYSIA! must stay away from the public. In problems with how to dispose of that we have no technology to
ing is happening. general during a crisis like this nuclear reactor waste. make this waste safe.
To control the outbreak in Mexico everyone, including those healthy, In Finland, construction of And as more countries build
in April, the Mexican government must as far as possible stay away nuclear power plants has been nuclear power plants, more of
closed down most of Mexico City’s from public functions and crowded delayed by cost increases this waste is dumped into our
public and private offices and facili- places. resulting from shoddy work on Earth, the planet that sustains
ties to help contain the spread. Those SIAN H It is disheartening to see people the concrete foundations. What our lives.
who got the flu were advised to stay PH T OSPITA
moving around as usual oblivious more of the situation in Malay- It is unforgivable that we, as
home and avoid crowds to prevent CONTE of the presence of a deadly flu sia, where we tend to have even governments and responsible
spreading the infection further. The ST epidemic. We see supermarkets, less oversight in commercial adults, knowingly create such
government’s stringent measures theatres, eateries and recreational dealings. dangerous waste, so that we can
and the people’s cooperation helped parks still crowded with people From what I have seen, there have “modern conveniences”
to check the spread of the virus and children, many among them is no detailed information avail- today, without a concern for
within a short time and return the Capture people, ffood,
d traditions,
t diti wearing masks. Why are they able to the public on Malaysia’s tomorrow.
country to normalcy. cultures and anything else that best visiting such places during an in- nuclear plans. Where will the We are already leaving our
When the Mexicans were attacked, fluenza outbreak? Even hospitals reactors be located? What type children with our legacy of global
we did not pay much attention as we showcases Malaysian Hospitality. are packed with visitors, including of reactors will be used? Who warming, and choking pollution.
were confident that we would not be healthy children, who are strongly will be selling us the uranium And now we wish to leave this
affected as we are far away from that advised against such visits. Don- to run the reactors? How much massive mess of nuclear waste
source. When it spread to the US we ning a face mask but continuing will it all cost and who will pay and closed reactor sites to our
were still not bothered to seriously For more information, go to with the usual high risk activities for it? grandchildren, leaving them with
put in place screening procedures is not going to help stop the spread What about the waste gener- the burden of trying to figure out
and restrict travel to endemic areas. of the infection. ated from the proposed nuclear how to solve the problem that
We were confident the virus would It is time for the government to power plants? Where and how we ourselves had no idea how
be stopped. We failed to realise the suppress the truth to calm the people take bold steps, like in Mexico, to will Malaysia dispose its nuclear to solve.
virus is airborne and travels rapidly who do not seem to appreciate the stop the spread of the disease. Shutting waste which remains radioac- We are a nation that believes
due to the ease of global transport. actual situation and risks. down all non-emergency activities is tive for thousands of years. in God. What must God think of
Now we have the virus on our shores Without the active cooperation of the only option we have now. It may af- The world is suffering from this mess we have made, in the
and it seems to be spreading faster than the public all attempts to control the fect the economy in the short term but the effects of climate change name of modern conveniences
expected. It has taken 68 lives to date disease are bound to fail. They must if we do not take that risk now we may and global warming because and economic bottom-lines? I
which is indeed a cause for alarm. be informed of the facts and the actual be in for a bigger economic disaster as humans wanted the quick and know I’m afraid, very afraid.
The Health Ministry may be spend- situation on the ground as only a well a result of a full-blown uncontrolled easy way to the most “conven-
ing millions to fight the pandemic but informed public will cooperate fully pandemic. ient” life.
there seems to be lot of confusion on to overcome the crisis. How can you We did not look at the long- Malaysian with Children
how to best handle the crisis. There is expect people to cooperate when they Dr Chris Anthony term consequences of burning Via email
gross under-reporting and attempts to are ignorant of what is going on? Butterworth

More musical variety, please Every drop counts

POP music is more of a cult culture of the past featured traditional music Communication and Culture Ministry. I REFER to “Save you, save me” What do you expect from a
wrongly seen as music appreciation. regularly including non-Malay tradi- Its minister, Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim (Free Space, Aug 20) on the role former employee of the World
Pop music fans appreciate the artistes tional music, jazz and classical music. announced on June 28 that the culture of pop stars in the fight against Bank and Goldman Sachs? Of
and their looks more than the music. RTM can be credited for this but has and arts of minority groups should be poverty. course you would expect him
This might help explain why the more slackened in this area over the years. brought to the fore, not merely through I am not a huge fan of Bono to be against Bono’s action for
popular artistes in Malaysia are always A new generation of producers and news and documentaries. What can be or Geldof. But is it wrong for the simple reason that it would
young, good-looking and have a short deejays has cropped up. a more welcome assurance than that? pop stars to use their popularity hit the World Bank the hard-
commercial life. RTM still remains the best avenue Music lovers have long waited for such and presence to get a message est since I assume the bank is
Over-commercialisation of the for promoting a better mix of musical things to materialise. across to the world? Is it wrong the largest creditor to African
broadcasting industry has left little op- styles and origins. It is hoped that this for someone to use his place in countries.
portunity for non-pop music varieties role will be revived by RTM which Joe Chelliah society to further a cause? Perhaps the writer should
to be heard or seen. TV programmes now comes under the Information, Seremban Having them there lends the ask Moyo, how many defence
issue credence and creates a and military clients of Gold-
following. It is an achievement man Sachs he introduced to the
Enough antiviral drugs even if 0.00001% decide to do
something more than buy a
T-shirt or rubber arm band.
Zambian government? Before
anointing Moyo as anti-Bono,
perhaps the writer could ask
I REFER to “Looking for antiviral drugs tals that meet the specified criteria. for Patients – Antiviral for Influenza is In dire situations, even a little when was the last time Moyo
(Letters, Aug 3). The ministry has also allowed available at help, is help. The writer fails to visited the slums of Zambia and
The Health Ministry has distributed private hospitals and clinics to buy appreciate that at least someone what he has done to eradicate
stocks of Influenza A (H1N1) antiviral the antiviral from approved suppliers. Eisah A. Rahman is doing something. poverty in his country?
to all government hospitals and health Latest updates and information on Senior Director of The writer quotes a Zambian
clinics. The ministry has also agreed to H1N1 can be accessed via www.h1n1. Pharmaceutical Services economist, Dambisa Moyo, Benedict Thomas
supply the antiviral to 22 private hospi- The Medication Leaflet Health Ministry who is known to be anti-Bono. Via email

If in doubt of foggers, check with health office

WE would like to thank MT of payment (sometime for future serv- (PCO) are authorised to fog residen- they are trained for the job. So the so. If in doubt they can always call
Puchong for highlighting the issue ices as well) and issue receipts with tial areas. jurisdiction over any PCO is in the the nearest health office to check.
of illegal fogging through his letter false particulars. Once the payment To become a PCO one needs to hands of the ministry. Finally don’t allow unauthorised
entitled “Ripped off by illegal foggers” is pocketed they disappear and can- pass an examination conducted by We sympathise with the public people to fog your premises, if they
(July 1). not be traced. the Pesticide Board under the Agri- who have been cheated by these use the wrong formulations it can
As stated by the writer, illegal The public must remember that culture Ministry and be registered by unscrupulous illegal foggers. On endanger your health.
fogging has been happening for only the health authorities (both the board. This is to ensure that those their part, the public should check
some time. These con men come in the government and local councils) involved in the fogging activities are to ensure that anyone who wants to Disease Control Division
groups, carry out fogging, demand and registered pest control operators well regulated besides ensuring that carry out fogging is authorised to do Health Ministry

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