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Cristina Martinez Writing 001-06 Source annotations CQ Researcher In the article Stem Cell Research: Is President Busch blocking

important medical research?, written by Rachel S. Cox, Sarah Glazer, Alan Greenblatt, Barbara Mantel, Patrick Marshall, and Tom Price, Jennifer Weeks, the authors are describing stem cell research and how a bill President Busch passed stopped scientist from completing the research. It talks about the benefits of the research and how it is necessary for the government to pass a bill to let stem cell research continue. The medium of the source is an article intended to grab the attention from an audience who will support them on their cause on continuing stem cell research. The author of this article wrote it to persuade the reader that President Busch was wrong when he passed the bill to stop stem cell research. The author persuades the reader that stem cell research is not bad and that the ethical doubts are worth the results of stem cell research. This article comes from several different articles and is published by a reputable source. It was published by CQ Researcher which is credible source that many government officials use to do research. This source will ensure that my information is correct and factual. This source does have several sources from which it got its information from so it may affect my research by having to look at some of the resources that the article used. Some scientists also argue that scientists and private companies are more likely to bypass ethical, financial and scientific standards for gain without the National Institutes of Health (NIH) acting as a central arbiter of the research agenda (NIH) this quote was important because it shows the importance of having some type of funding to ensure that the money is being used for the right purposes. There has to be some type of control over the funding because without it the money will be wasted on nothing. The argument that most frozen IVF embryos are slated to die anyway doesnt hold water, according to Gushee. People on death row are going to die anyway. So why not experiment on them, even if those experiments involve killing them? (NIH) this argument was important to me because it does bring up one of the arguments that stops me from supporting the cause. Is it really ethical to conduct the research when an embryo is being killed? The author of this source uses graphs, statistical studies and personal opinions. The author has expert opinions to show that he is not the only that believes in this. The author also includes a pro/con chart to show both sides. One of the things I consider to be the most useful is the timeline which shows the way things have changed with stem cell research and how things have progressed over time. I agree with this in that stem cell research is good in that it provides benefits when talking about the research but I am not so sure if the ethical benefits are worth the research. However despite on what I disagree on I do believe in stem cell research because many good things do come from the research. Stem cell choices article In the article Stem Cell Choices by Chap Clark, a professor at Fuller Seminar was written for the stem cell supporters and critics, to show them that they need to think things through a lot more before they start arguing about the stem cell controversy. The author use an article as the medium for thus source. H this article was intended for all those people who are arguing on the topic of stem cell research. He wrote for those who are so stuck on what they believe that they do not take the time to look at the other sides arguments to understand both sides of the arguments. This article came from a magazine called Sojourner. This will not affect my research paper much because it was made by a professor who does research people and it was put in a magazine, so that means the author would want to be as unbiased as possible. A STARTING POINT could be for each side to begin by asking hard questions of their own

position. Both the advocates and opponents of federal funding for embryonic stem cell research could diffuse some of the destructive energy of the debate by being willing to address some issues that trip up opponents. This quote is important to me because it shows how the author is trying to show both sides of the argument. It shows how the author is open to discuss both arguments unbiased. (Clark) Part of the problem is the changing status of the science. (Clark) This quote was important because it explains why there are such differing ideas on stem cells. It explains the author reasoning to why stem cell research is such a controversial topic in the world. The greatest danger we face is that this issue will become moot in a few years because the technology will find its way into the marketplace regardless of any ethical or moral discussion, or we will become so desperate for solutions to our suffering that the ethics will not matter. If we wait, we lose. We really have no choice. (Clark) I found this quote very important because it is true if we do not come up with a solution for stem cell research, things will not be done well and people are bound to do the research without caring for any moral issues that are presented. Some of the things that this author does is that he uses other peoples personal opinion to show the way in which people feel. He makes it as unbiased as possible, which really helps a person reading this article to use as a source for a research project. I agree with this article completely because the only way in which the government will be able to come up with a solution or at least a resolution to the topic would be to think about both sides of the topic. This article has a lot of good points. I like the way in which the author starts the article, with the story with of the person on the plane complaining about what he was reading about on stem cell research. Vatican In the article Vatican gets Behind Adult Stem Cell Research by Alessandro Especiale was written to convince the reader that adult stem cell research is much better than embryonic stem cells. The medium of this source is an article written on a website. The purpose of this source is to persuade stem cell research supporters that adult stem cells are much better than embryonic stem cells. This source was taken Sojourner a website. But Smith argues adult stem cell research has been more successful; she says there are around 4,300 treatments based on adult stem cells which are now in clinical trials, and only 26 based on embryonic stem cells.(Vatican) if this quote is true than that means that adult stem cells are working and embryo cells are necessary for the research. This means that other types of research can be done. There is also evidence that they may not have the same capacity to multiply as embryonic stem cells do. Finally, adult stem cells may contain more DNA abnormalitiescaused by sunlight, toxins, and errors in making more DNA copies during the course of a lifetime.(Speciale) This quote is important because even though in the quote before I shows that adult stem cells work as well if they do not work as well as embryonic stem cells do then there is no reason to use the adult stem cells when the adult stem cells would work better and the embryos are not being used and are going to be discarded anyways. The evidence that the author provides for this source is that it has expert opinions for both sides of the argument. It has quotes and statistical numbers. I agree with this article about the different ways in which to conduct stem cell research. If there are other things that can be done to conduct stem cell research without harming embryos then that should be done first. However what is going to happen to the embryos that are not used they are still going to be destroyed so why not put them to good use. CIRM In the article CIRM creates a unique environment for stem cell research in California written by the CIRM (California Institute for Regenerative Medicine was written to persuade the readers to support them in their cause to continue stem cell research. The medium of this source is an article written on the websites page. I was written for the audience who is wondering what the CIRM is and what it does. The purpose for this source is to convince the readers to follow them and support the cause. The CIRM is an

organization responsible for funding stem cell research. It was started after Prop 71 and is looking for more funding from those who are willing to pay and help them. This source came from the CIRM website. This is important because the CIRM is the thing responsible for ensuring that stem cell research this the right funding, so this means that the article may biased so it may not provide all the information for the opposite side of the argument. As the largest source of funding for stem cell research outside the NIH, CIRM is funding novel research pathways in addition to identifying hurdles to new stem cell therapies and specifically funding approaches to overcome those barriers. (CIRM) This quote is important because it is know where the funding is coming from. Now that I know that most of the funding is coming from them and not from taxes we pay, I feel more comfortable with supporting them. The resources that the author of this source uses are specific examples and statistical figure to show how important it is to support the cause. The author uses expert opinions to back him up. He also talks about the other side of the argument and not just the one he agrees with. I like this source because it has the benefits of stem cell research and if I did not know much about stem cell research I would be a strong supporter of it. I agree when this source says that stem cell is important for the medical field to advance. I do support stem cell research and I do believe that embryos should be used to conduct the research but the thing I worry about is the money that needs to be spent in order to do the research and to see from where it will come from. NIH The article on the National Institutes of health written by the National Institute of health was written to convince the readers that stem cell research with embryonic stem cells is good and the best way into get the best results. The medium used is article for a website it was written for those people who do not think embryos should be used for stem cell research. This text comes from a website. Embryonic stem cells. As their name suggests, are derived from embryos. Most embryonic stem cells are derived from embryos that develop from eggs that have been fertilized in vitroin an in vitro fertilization clinicand then donated for research purposes with informed consent of the donors. They are not derived from eggs fertilized in a womans body (NIH) this quote is important because it is one of the biggest conflicts when talking about stem cell research. People are always fighting over this issue. The process of generating an embryonic stem cell line is somewhat inefficient, so lines are not produced each time cells from the preimplantation-stage embryo are placed into a culture dish. However, if the plated cells survive, divide, and multiply enough to crowd the dish, they are removed gently and plated into several fresh culture dishes. The process of re-plating or sub culturing the cells is repeated many times and for many months. Each cycle of sub culturing the cells is referred to as a passage. Once the cell line is established, the original cells yield millions of embryonic stem cells. Embryonic stem cells that have proliferated in cell culture for six or more months without differentiating, are pluripotent, and appear genetically normal are referred to as an embryonic stem cell line. At any stage in the process, batches of cells can be frozen and shipped to other laboratories for further culture and experimentation (NIH) this quote is very important because it shows that stem cell research will be very expensive and that even when the money is spent on it that may not bring the results wanted. The process of making the embryos make take a long time and it may not result as efficient as expected so this something that should be brought to attention when voting for the research to get funded or not. The author uses a lot of information as evidence in the case for stem cell research. He uses expert opinions and graphs. He uses quotes from several different sources to get information from both sides of the argument. He has dictionary at the end of the source so that the reader could define the words while reading the text. I agree with most of the arguments that this text presents. I agree in that the beginning of stem cell research could bring a lot of economic benefits into the United States but it will also cost a lot of money to get eh research started.

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