Final Exam Exercise - Writing Multiple Choice Questions

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Final Exam Exercise Writing

A. Multiple Choice Questions

1. Below are good sentences EXCEPT......

A. This is it. B. Salma comes from Bangka.

C. Adidas is a good brand. D. The manager in the office with his staff.

2. In argumentati e or in literar! essa!s" !ou ma! be asked to use reference ..................

show !ou understood what !ou read. A. that B. who C. whom D. whose

3. Parents......... are conser ati e do not a##ro e of unusual choices of their children.

A. who B. whom

C. which D. where

4. I am writing this letter ..................... I will e$#lain m! iew on the #ro%ects.

A. therefore B. howe er

C. because D. but

5. &e ha e to make a strategic #lanning .................... we establish a com#an!.

A. although B. howe er

C. before D. whereas

B. Guided Sentences

1. The go ernment has #ro ided health insurance for the #oor" !et

'''''''''''''''........ (. )an! Indonesians want to work abroad because ''................... '''''''''''''''....... *. )! mother runs a successful home+based bussiness, howe er '''''''''''''''''......

Final Exam Exercise Writing -. All the students want to com#lete their assignments soon" so ''''''''''''''''.......... .. After I graduate" ''....................................'''''''''''''''.. '''''''''''''''
C. Cloze Test

Options: and" or" nor" but" for" so" !et" either . . . or" neither . . . nor" both ' and" not onl! ' but also

)! /ncle 0arr! was an unusual man. 0e was alwa!s kind 123 444444444444444 at the same time he was also tem#eramental. 0e lo ed children 1(3 444444444444444 he disliked their nois! wa!s. 0e could not stand loud" unnecessar! noise 1*3 444444444444444 could he bear the discordant sounds of some modern music. 0e 1-3 444444444444444 watched tele ision 1.3 444444444444444 allowed his children to watch it. 0e 153 444444444444444 disa##ro ed of tele ision 163 444444444444444 of mo ies. 0is idea of fun was to read the enc!clo#edia to his children 173 444444444444444 the! became er! wise at earl! ages. 0is goal was to read e er!thing that had been written 183 444444444444444 he did not succeed. 0e felt that he had to read 1293 444444444444444 he would alwa!s be half educated. 0e wanted to bu! books 444444444444444 he belie ed in thrift.
1:rom htt#;<<webdel#rofesor.ula. e3

D. Topic and concluding sentences

Passage 1 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 :irefighters hel# #rotect #eo#le and their #ro#ert! from in%ur! and damage. :irefighters #ut their life on the line e er! time the! res#ond to a call. &hile on dut!" firefighters must be read! to res#ond in a matter of minutes to %ust about an! disaster that ma! occur. At e er! fire scene" a su#erior fire officer takes command and dictates the %obs of all the #ersonnel at the scene. Some #ersonnel man hose lines to h!drants. =thers manuall! o#erate the #um#s to send water to the hoses. Teams of firefighters also o#erate ladders used to reach distances high in the air.

Passage 2 >ust o er four million #eo#le call S!dne!" Australia home. Citi?ens of S!dne! call themsel es S!dne!siders. = er thirt! thousand nati e #eo#le of Australia called Aborigines li e in S!dne!. In the late 2699s Britain sent shi#s of con icted #risoners to

Final Exam Exercise Writing S!dne! to hel# free u# s#ace in o ercrowded %ails. &hen released" man! #risoners sta!ed in S!dne! adding to the cit!@s di erse #o#ulation. The British coloni?ation of Australia also consisted of free settlers" soldiers" and administrati e staff. The S!dne! =#era 0ouse is the center#iece of the cit!. )an! li e #erformances of ballet" o#era" and classical music take #lace there. The beautiful architecture seen in the =#era 0ouse has hel#ed it gain international fame. Because S!dne! is found in the Southern 0emis#here" its seasonal #attern is o##osite the Aorthern 0emis#here. S!dne!@s coldest month of the !ear is >ul!. Snow is e$tremel! rare in the cit!" but it does ha##en occasionall!. 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444

1from htt#;<<www.teach+nolog!.com3

E. Paragraph Outline

1. I and )! Badgets 2. Cearning in /ni ersit!

F. Paragraph Outline

Choose one of the abo e outline to be a #aragra#h. &rite it down in 2.9 D (.9 words.

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