Liberian Daily Observer 12/10/2013

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CaLL 0886472772
VOL. 16. NO. 34 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2013 PRICE: LD 40


Food Production: the Crux of the Matter in Our Economy
See Pg. 4

Political Parties Submit Initial Proposals to the CRC
See Pg. 4

resident Ellen Johnson has departed the country for South Africas commercial capital, Johannesburg, to attend the state Memorial Service of the first black President of South Africa and global icon, Nelson Mandela, who passed away

By William Q. Harmon

Ellen Departs for Johannesburg to Attend Mandelas Funeral Services

on December 5th, in his 95th year. The Liberian leader is expected to join over 60 other heads of state and government and millions of sympathizers for the State Memorial Service of the late Apartheid icon, which will be held at the FNB Stadium in Johannesburg. President Mandela, who led

Contd on pg. 13

Liberia Tops West Africas Fisheries MSC Mechanisms
See Pg. 3

Boakai Leads Govt Officials to Mandelas Book of Condolence Signing

See story on Pg.13

AfDB President Joins World Leaders to Mark Late Madiba Nelson Mandela Rites
See Pg. 12


Mandela - The Heavyweight Boxer

See Pg. 15

ension is said to be mounting at the operation site of ArcelorMittal in Nimba County,

Contd on pg. 13

Contd on pg. 13

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TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, VOL, No.34.indd 2


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By William Q. Harmon

Chaos Looms at ArcelorMittal

-Says President Sirleaf

One China Policy Has Paid Huge Benefits

By William Q. Harmon

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Simply deposit money into your current or savings account. The more you deposit and the more often, the bigger your chances to win!

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reportedly between the management and one of its subcontractors, Engineers and Planners (E&P). E&P claims ArcelorMittal allegedly owes the subcontractor millions of

resident Ellen Johnson Sirleaf says her governments decision to subscribe to the One China

mini prize draw


Many prizes to be won

12/9/13 10:38 PM

DAILY OBSERVER Monday, December 09, 2013 Tuesday, December 10, 2013

(BBC) - Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has dissolved parliament and called an election after sustained protests in the capital, Bangkok. All opposition MPs from parliament on Sunday, and protesters marched again on Government House. Ms Yingluck won a huge majority in the last election in 2011. But the protesters say her government is controlled by her brother, ousted leader Thaksin Shinawatra, and have vowed to continue demonstrating. Early on Monday, as protesters set off for Government House, Ms Yingluck announced on television that she would call elections. They have demanded the current government resign and want it replaced with a peoples council For the past two weeks the leaders of the protest movement that has been trying to bring down the government have made one thing clear: that they do not believe a new election will resolve the conflict. Instead they have argued for parliamentary democracy to be replaced by an appointed Peoples Council although they have left unsaid which people would choose this council. So the unexpected announcement by Yingluck Shinawatra that she would dissolve parliament will not satisfy many of the tens of thousands now out on the streets of Bangkok again. It is part of a solution, one woman told me but the Shinawatra family have to leave Thailand. There is uncertainty too whether the opposition Democrat Party would contest, or boycott the election. Their MPs resigned en masse from parliament on Sunday, this morning they are being evasive. In 2006 the party boycotted an election, causing a deadlock that eventually led to the coup that deposed Ms Yinglucks brother, Mr Thaksin. The core of the oppositions grievances is the belief that the five consecutive election victories by the governing party were bought, either by bribes, or through unsustainable, populist policies. But all the data shows clear and strong support in Thailands north and northeast for the government, and that all the recent election results broadly reflected the will of the majority. At this stage, when there are many people opposed to the government from many groups, the best way is to give back the power to the Thai people and hold an election, she said. So the Thai people will decide. The elections will likely be held on 2 February, Thai government officials say. In the general election in July 2011, Ms Yinglucks Pheu Thai party won a majority, with 265 seats to the Democrat Partys 159 seats. Pheu Thai draws considerable support from mainly poor and rural areas of Thailand, and would be seen as well-placed to win an election.

Thai PM Yingluck Dissolves Parliament and Calls Election

World News

Mandela Death: Daughter Makaziwe Tells of Final Moments

Page 2
Foreign Briefs

(BBC) - Ukrainian riot police are taking up positions near Kievs City Hall, where thousands of anti-government protesters have massed. More police are being bussed in, the BBCs Steve Rosenberg says, with priests urging them not to use force. The tense stand-off follows weeks of demonstrations after a government U-turn on a free trade deal with the EU. President Viktor Yanukovych said a he would hold talks involving the opposition on Tuesday.

Makaziwe Mandela: The children were there, the grandchildren were there
(BBC)- Nelson Mandelas daughter Makaziwe has told the BBC about the wonderful final hours of the former president, who died aged 95 last Thursday. Ms Mandela said his wife Graca, the children and grandchildren were all there to say goodbye. South Africa is observing a series of commemorations over the next week, leading up to the funeral on Sunday. More than 100 current or former heads of state or government will attend the funeral or Tuesdays national memorial. Makaziwe Mandela told the BBCs Komla Dumor: Until the last moment he had us, you know... The children were there, the grandchildren were there, Graca was there, so we are always around him and even at the last moment, we were sitting with him on Thursday the whole day. She said: I think from last week, Friday until Thursday, it was a wonderful time, if you can say the process of death is wonderful. But Tata [Nelson Mandela] had a wonderful time, because we were there. When the doctors told us I think Thursday morning... that there was nothing that they could do, and said to me Maki call everybody that is here that wants to see him and say bye bye, it was a most wonderful day for us because the grandchildren were there, we were there. Ms Mandela paid tribute to the doctors for the 24-hour care. She said: It was like there were soldiers guarding this period of the king - yes my father comes from royalty without them knowing they were actually practising our rituals and culture, they were there in silence and when we as family members come in they would excuse themselves and just a few of them would be there to give us the time to be around my dads bed. Ms Mandela said that, for the past few months, she would tell her father that she loved him and that would see him again tomorrow. And maybe he would open his eyes for just a second and close those eyes, she said. Ms Mandela said she believed her father had fought not just for political freedom but also for spiritual freedom. He talks about the fact that it takes courage to forgive. Forgiveness is a very difficult thing, she said. I think he knew that if he didnt forgive, he would be forever imprisoned spiritually. The lesson we can take from his life is to have the courage to forgive other people. None of us are born hating another - we are taught to hate and if you can teach a human being to hate you can also teach a human being to love, to embrace and to forgive. World leaders South Africas parliament is now meeting in special session to pay tribute to Mr Mandela, with family members in the gallery. Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe said there was a sweeping feeling of sorrow worldwide following Mr Mandelas death, but the most important thing was how those left behind dealt with his legacy. The litmus test is whether inheritors of his dream... will be able to make the dream for which he lived come to pass in the fullness of time, Mr Motlanthe said. The foreign ministry says that 91 current heads of state or government have confirmed they are coming to South Africa, along with 10 former heads of state, 86 heads of delegations and 75 eminent persons. US President Barack Obama, Francois Hollande of France and UK PM David Cameron will be among those attending Tuesdays memorial. Three former US presidents, George W Bush, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter, will also be there. Mr Obama and Mr Bush are already on their way to South Africa on presidential jet Air Force One, along with their wives and former secretary of state Hillary Clinton. On Saturday, Cuban state media announced that President Raul Castro would be one of those attending Mr Mandelas funeral. Under Mr Castros brother Fidel, Cuba was a staunch critic of apartheid, and Mr Mandela had expressed gratitude for his support. Tuesdays memorial service is likely to be one of the biggest gatherings of international dignitaries in recent years. They will join a 95,000-strong crowd at the memorial service at Sowetos FNB stadium, where Nelson Mandela made his final major public appearance during the 2010 football World Cup. Among those also on the list are UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, German President Joachim Gauck, EU Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, Brazils President Dilma Rousseff, Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas and Indias President Pranab Mukherjee. Leading celebrities in the anti-apartheid movement Peter Gabriel and Bono are also expected to attend. Mr Mandelas body will lie in state in Pretoria on the following three days and he will be given a state funeral on Sunday. A smaller number of international dignitaries including the Prince of Wales will attend the burial in the Eastern Cape village of Qunu,

(BBC) - Russias President Vladimir Putin has abolished the countrys state-owned news agency RIA Novosti. In a surprise decree published on the Kremlins website on Monday, Mr Putin announced it would be replaced by a news agency called Russia Today. The new agency will be headed by journalist and keen Kremlin supporter Dmitry Kiselev. The state-owned Voice of Russia radio station has also been closed. The decree was effective immediately. Of all the state-owned media organisations, RIA Novosti has

Russian News Agency Closed Down

made the greatest attempt to produce balanced coverage in recent years. This was in part because of its international clients in media organisations around the world. It would have lost credibility otherwise. But now the agency is being taken over by the Russia Today brand, which for oppositionminded Russians is more of a government mouthpiece, giving carefully selected news with a clear pro-Kremlin bias. The word propaganda never far from the Kremlins opponents lips when they are discussing state-controlled

where the late president grew up. Week of events Mourners have gathered every day outside Mr Mandelas house in the Johannesburg suburb of Houghton. Well wishers have lit candles there and laid wreaths at his old home in Soweto. The government has given further details of the state funeral arrangements for this week: Tuesday, 10 December: Official memorial service at the FNB Stadium in Soweto, to be addressed by President Jacob Zuma with tributes from other heads of state The memorial service will be shown on big screens at three overflow stadiums - Orlando, Dobsonville and Rand Between 11-13 December, selected international visitors and guests will be able to view Mr Mandelas remains at the Union Buildings in Pretoria The public will be able to view the body from 12:00 to 17:30 on Wednesday and from 08:00 to 17:30 on Thursday and Friday Each morning his body will be taken from the mortuary to the city hall through the streets of Pretoria. Members of the public have been encouraged to line the route and form a guard of honour His body will be transported on Saturday, 14 December, from Waterkloof Air Force Base in Pretoria to the Eastern Cape, with a procession from the airport at Mthatha to his home village of Qunu where a traditional ceremony will be held A national day of reconciliation will take place on 16 December when a statue of Mr Mandela will be unveiled at the Union Buildings in Pretoria Some 90 screens will be set up across the country to show all planned national events Flags at all official buildings are to remain at half mast throughout the period and books of condolence are being circulated across the country and online for people to post tributes, record memories and express their emotions. The former South African leader spent 27 years in jail before becoming the countrys first black president in 1994. He served a single term before stepping down in 1999.

(BBC) - North Korea has broadcast images of the once powerful uncle of leader Kim Jong-un being removed from a meeting, confirming reports of his dismissal. The dramatic images show Chang Song-thaek being escorted from a party session by uniformed guards. The state news agency KCNA accused Mr Chang of forming factions against the state, corruption and depraved acts such as womanising and drug abuse. Analysts say such a public dismissal is unique and could signal a wider purge.

North Korea

(BBC) - Aid agencies paid Somalias al-Shabab militants for access to areas under their control in the 2011 famine, according to a joint report by two think tanks. In many cases al-Shabab insisted on distributing the aid and kept much of it for itself, the report says. Some of the groups are still paying al-Shabab to operate in the large parts of Somalia it still holds, it adds. More than 250,000 people died during the famine, caused by a drought.


(BBC) - Syrian government forces are reported to have taken control of the motorway linking Damascus with the city of Homs. The road has been closed for several weeks because of heavy fighting with rebels in the Qalamoun Mountains, which run along the border with Lebanon. The army is also said to have captured most of Nabak, a town next to the road, 80km (50 miles) north of the capital. Over the weekend, opposition activists accused government forces of carrying out atrocities against families there.

The move will make Russias state-owned agency more economical and increase its reach, the Kremlin says
Russian television news - is now also being used to describe the new news agency. Sergey Ivanov, the head of the Kremlin administration, has told journalists in Moscow that the news agency is being restructured in order to make it more economical while increasing its reach, Interfax reports.

(BBC) - Spanish director Pedro Almodovar has attacked his homelands government as he accepted an honorary prize at the European Film Awards in Berlin. The 64-year-old filmmaker called it deaf and insensitive to the countrys problems and railed against its awful cultural policy. Spanish state funding to the arts, including film, has been drastically reduced in recent years. Almodovar called 2013 the worst year for his industry.


DAILY OBSERVER Monday, December 09, 2013 Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Hosts Workshop on Illegal, Unregulated, Unregistered Practices Waters

Liberia Tops West Africas Fisheries MSC Mechanisms

CSOs are the Watchdogs of Democracy

-CRCs Co-Chair

Page 3

By Edwin M. Fayia III

tatistics from the Bureau of National Fisheries (BNF) showed that Liberia has topped seven West African countries placing first on monitoring, surveillance, and control of its waters from illegal fishing activities. These countries include Ghana, Cape Verde, Sierra Leone, Senegal, and Guinea Bissau. Recently, through the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA), Liberia hosted a regional workshop attended by all stakeholders in the fisheries sector that extensively discussed the issues of illegal practices in West African waters. Officials of the BNF told the Daily Observer during the three day workshop, that the discussions were planned by the Sub Regional Fisheries Commission (SRFC) based in Dakar, Senegal in collaboration with the MOA and BNF in Liberia. The workshop was held under the theme: National Sensitization Workshop on the Operational Guide to Facilitate the Implementation of the FAO Agreement on Portstate Measures to Prevent,

Cross-section of WARFP-Liberias Participants, Stakeholders and SRFC Officials in Monrovia

Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing (IUU). The workshop drew participants from agencies of the Liberian Government that are associated with the monitoring, surveillance, and control activities in Liberian territorial waters. In an interview with the Daily Observer during the workshop held at the Ministry of Agriculture, BNF Coordinator William Y. Boeh, said that the workshop looked at issues such as the industrial fishing activities in Liberian territorial waters. Commenting on the number of participants from line ministries and agencies, Mr. Boeh disclosed that two participants were selected from each entity and 40 professional and resource persons were assembled for the three days workshop in Monrovia. Agencies in attendance at the workshop included the Liberia Maritime Authority (LMA), the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization (BIN), the Coast Guard Division (CGD), the Justice Ministry, the Liberian Seamen Union, the MOA, and BNF among others. Boeh furthered that senior personnel from the Sub Regional Fisheries Commission from Dakar, Senegal made presentations during the workshop that provided extensive sensitization messages that prepared the participants for

Ex-Lawmakers, Others Certified as Constitution Officers

the implementation of MSC mechanisms in the country. The Director of Research and Statistics of the BNF, D. Wisseh Kay, disclosed that since the Liberian Government and its partners initiated the monitoring and control system a few years ago, the marine resources of the nation are protected and secured. Director Kay also intimated that these measures have deterred illegal fishing activities in the Liberian territorial waters for the past several years. Mr. Kay also disclosed that the BNF has developed a strategy where a device is mounted on any vessel that comes to fish in Liberian territorial waters. The device is then closely monitored by trained BNF personnel. He further said that vessels caught outside of the fishing area would be dealt with by the appropriate authorities who would be acting based on the fishing regulations of the country. I cannot readily provide you with statistics on the number of vessels caught for IUU violations in Liberia at the moment, because our records are being compiled, Director Kay concluded. An ancillary (secondary) effect hoped for, is the promotion of this countrys long-sought (looked for) sense of national unity and reconciliation, with a view to contributing to the deepening of consensus (agreement) on national principles, customs and something that has long eluded this nation (people): identity. The CRCs Civic Education and Media boss said the training also seeks to teach Focus Persons how to educate and promote the principles and practices of democracy and how to protect the rights of all Liberians including minorities. The exercise also expects to determine conditions under which adults and youths learn best and design effective and interactive civic education programs to accomplish that. However, the focus person of UNMIL, Tamrat Samuel, hailed the graduates for their sacrifices, but urged them to critically reach out to Liberians and get their views that the Constitution should reflect. In August this year,

Former Senator Roland Kaine and Representative Vinicius Hodges receiving certificates

By Leroy M. Sonpon, III

ormer Margibi and Grand Bassa Counties legislators, Senator Roland Cooper Kaine and Representative Vinicius Sona Hodges, and 16 others were over the weekend certified Counties Focus Persons for the Constitutional Review Committee (CRC). They were certificated after an intensive three-day training regimen (procedure, course) held from Wednesday, December 4 to Friday, December 6, at the German Embassy in Congo Town. The former CDC lawmaker, Kaine, was a member of the National Transitional Legislative Assembly and the 52nd Legislature (2006-2011), while Hodges, a former star

radio journalist, was a member during the 52nd Legislature. Named the Training of Trainers for Civic Education and Constitution Review Committee Facilitation, the workshop was organized by CRC in collaboration with the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) and the Integrated Mission Training Center (IMTC)

with sponsorship from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The Deputy Chief of IMTC, Ms. Angelika Siaw, served as lead and chief facilitator. Rev. Dr. Jasper S. Ndaborlor, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Civic Education and Media at CRC, told reporters that the workshop is one of three, designed to train at least 75 County Focus Persons as well as CRCs civil educators. He said the training is aimed at familiarizing the County Focus Persons with key components of the 1986 Liberian Constitution and to raise public awareness of it; the intention is to understand the mandate of the CRC and how it aims to stimulate a broad discussion and input from Liberians on how the Constitutions should be updated, modernized, and strengthened.

n Executive of the Constitution R e v i e w Committee (CRC) on Friday, December 6, disclosed that one of the major roles of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) is to serve as a watchdogs (maintain surveillance over a person, activity, or situation) set-up to monitor developmental initiatives and the status of democracy. Mr. Soko V. Sackor, who is CRCs sub-committee chair on civil society, made the assertion on Friday, at the opening of a three-day consultation forum with CSOs. The forum was held at the administrative building in Kakata City, Margibi County. It was intended to integrate the CSOs views into the general views already gathered by CRC from the general citizenry. The forum also hopes to continue reminding CSOs about their role in the review process. CSOs, the CRC executive noted, Are usually vocal. We want to encourage you to continue to be vocal on issues of democracy. This government has been very charitable in encouraging CSOs. You have been engaging in legislative activities like helping to draft laws, while urging the government to adopt certain policies. Opportunities such as this forum are in continuation of that relationship, Mr. Sackor noted. He explained, As continue to create the environment to permit CSO participation in the 1986 constitution review process, I would like to encourage you to work with President Ellen JohnsonSirleaf commissioned a fivemember Constitution Review Committee comprising Chairperson, Cllr. Gloria Scott, and four others including, Kennedy Sandy, Dr. D. Elwood Dunn, Madam Amelia Ward, and Soko Sackor, to discuss some of the critical concerns enshrined in the 1986 Liberian Constitution, and recommend amendments where necessary. The CRC takes two forms, with the second portion witnessing an interactive forum with stakeholders, which is ongoing. The CRC recently met political parties and over the weekend sat

By Abednego Davis

us to tackle this great task that has been assigned to your organizations. What do we want to achieve with these objectives? Mr. Sackor asked. Simply for all of us to have an improved understanding of several constitutional issues that would be raised, answered Mr. Sackor. I am know that significant work has been done with CSOs concerning provisions within the 1986 constitution, he said, adding, I am a witness to the success of this collaboration, therefore, the CRCs active engagement with CSOs is not only appropriate but one that will make our job more effective. Mr. Sackor explained that CRCs approach to constitution review is bottomup. We get views from the general public and then formulate the constitutional issues. He said it is to ensure that all views from the various sectors of society are expressed to the CRC. We have brought together both mutual benefit organizations and public benefit organizations, he added. Mutual benefit organizations, Mr. Sackor explained are organizations whose purpose it is to assist their own members. Public benefit organizations main purpose is to help specifically identified groups of people and the general population. The direct or indirect beneficiaries of these organizations are not their members. They are not necessarily accountable to those that they plan to help. with civil societies in Margibi County. It may be recalled that Cllr. Scott pointed out that members of the Constitution Review Committee, in the discharge of their work, have determined that the vast majority of the population of Liberia does not know the provisions of the Constitution and what it intends to remedy. The Constitution Review Committee Chairperson said that CRC wants members of the Liberian population to form a consensus and make informed decisions on what they [Liberian population] want their country to be like from now on.

Graduates pose for a photo

Tuesday, 5,10, 2013 DAILY OBSERVER Monday, December 09, 2013 Tuesday,November December 2013

Page 4

Published by Liberian Observer Corporation P.O. Box 1858, Monrovia

Liberias First Independent Daily 0886812888, 0886472772

Food Production: the Crux of the Matter in Our Economy

Central Bank Executive Governor Dr. J. Mills Jones took pains in his address to the Liberia Bankers Association (LBA) last Friday to reassure the Liberian people that their economy is not on the verge of collapse. One of the main concerns of everyone in Liberia citizens, residents, local and foreign businesspeople alikeis the drop in the value of the Liberian dollar vis-vis the United States dollar. As Christmas approaches, the currency pressures will mount, igniting even more fears than already exist. The Governor quickly cautioned that the Central Bank does not make . . . U.S. dollars . . . The economy has to earn [them]. He insisted that despite this Liberian dollar decline, the economy is not about to collapse, as some, whom he describes as non-economists, are thinking. The CBL has made some strong interventions in the economy and this has helped to contain the pressure on foreign exchange, he said. But he admitted that further CBL intervention has been curtailed due to the availability of limited foreign exchange to the CBL. Further, GOL has prevailed on the CBL to prioritize the accumulation of reserves, he added. The Governor gave further reasons why he thought the economy is not in trouble. Inflation in Liberia remains in single digits; the debt burden is relatively low; and insurance and other foreign companies continue to seek investments here. Moreover, engagement with the international organizations, including the African Development Bank (ADB), World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) remains positive. This is a vote of confidence. The Governor said the economy must earn its foreign exchange? How? The answer is very simple: produce, produce, produce. When we produce the food we eat, then we save foreign exchange. This newspaper has frequently urged the Liberian government and people to grow more food and to encourage the growing of more food. Liberia has no business importing food, especially such basic commodities as our staple, rice; and vegetables. Yet this newspaper has always lamented that much of the pepper, tomatoes and other vegetables we eat come from Guinea and La Cote dIvoire. Why is this so when we have the exact same vegetation as our two next door neighbors; and probably even more rainfall than they combined? We have frequently made two more points: first, that the Agriculture Ministry should train and deploy, as a matter of urgency, agricultural extension agents throughout the country to help our farmers boost their production. Over three years ago Agriculture Minister Florence Chenoweth told this newspaper that several ag extension agents were being trained for such deployment; yet, where are they? Second, we have repeatedly named Grand Kru and Lofa counties, especially Foya, where cattle grow naturally. But no one has taken this suggestion seriously. Cant we learn from Rwanda, which in five years became self sufficient in food? The good Lord has endowed us with mineral and other natural resources. Let us not wait for these to earn foreign exchange. We cant go wrong with making food production THE option, in which we could both save and earn fx and bring the Liberian dollar on par with the US dollarone for one!


The Constitution Review Committee (CRC) has taken a major stride towards achieving its mandate. At a Buchanan consultative meeting hosted by the CRC, registered political parties of Liberia seized the moment to generally endorse the constitutional review process and have appreciated the CRCs flexible engagement policies which make every Liberian citizen important and a part of the review process. The political parties have had several engagements with the CRC and had assured it that a set of proposals would be submitted by them that would aim at addressing crucial national issues that require constitutional considerations. Prior to the Buchanans meetings, registered political parties had submitted initial proposals representing each partys concerns about the 1986 Constitution. Those proposals which constitute national debates are subject to the approval of the Liberian people in referendum. The Buchanans meetings set the grounds for inter-party collaboration and the development of a joint position on critical national issues requiring constitutional interventions. The CRCs Chairperson, Cllr. Gloria Maya Musu-Scott told participating registered political parties that the Committee did not come to the meeting with a sealed envelope containing proposals for deliberation. The issues for debates and adoption would be generated by participants themselves with the CRC as note takers. However, the CRC told representatives of parties that issues developed and discussed at the consultative meeting would not be considered conclusive as the review process continues and would be embracing other views and counter views. Interestingly, the motivation of political parties needed no second guessing as regarding their determination to move the process into action. About nine crucial issues feature on the floor. These were: (a) Decentralization (b) Land (c) Qualification (d) Integrity (e) Citizenship, (f) Elections Commission (g) Gender (h) Property (I) Reduction of presidential powers. Democratic choices were made through the voting process and out of the nine crucial issues; the first six were chosen. They are: Land, Decentralization, Qualification, Citizenship, Integrity and Elections Commission. In an effort to guide the process, six Committee members were tasked to help supervise the conduct of the deliberations with no inputs and positions of their own. The thematic groups or focus groups discussions were democratic as well as their submissions made to the plenary of the consultative meeting. LAND On the question of land ownership, the assigned focus group critically looked at Article 22 (a) of the Liberian Constitution and proposed an amendment to include the right of customary ownership of land. They also proposed that Article 22 (b) gives rights to property owners to benefit from mineral resources found on or beneath their land at a 5% rate. This issue has been one which has, for some time now, generated the interest of the Liberian population. In their thought, the current land laws especially contained in the 1986 constitution provides prosperity to foreigners than Liberians and accounts for making them super rich and Liberians super poor. This columnist observed the anxiety and enthusiasm of political parties to reach a decision on this issue as well as on each topical issue and the analysis which followed their decisions. Another critical issue which generated interest as land was decentralization of governance. However, there were dissenting views on the issue of the election of chiefs. This generated mixed reactions; but the majority took the day. DECENTRALIZATION Articles 54 (d) & (e) and 56 (e) captured the concerns of parties. The focus group assigned to this critical task proposed that superintendent and district commissioner; paramount, clan, and town chiefs should be elected; while their removal should be done through special petition by eligible voters in their respective localities and not by the President or a legislative assembly. The petition shall follow due process which means court action. They also proposed that the constitution empowers the Chief Justice and Associate Justices to appoint marshal, deputy marshal, sheriff, justices of the peace and other court officers instead of the president. This in their reasoning, would reduce excessive presidential powers. INTEGRITY The debate on what constitute nepotism has been attracting diverse views from the Liberian public for a long time. There are those who believe that when the president or official of government relative or children are qualified, they should not be discriminated against. To do so would be a violation of their constitutional rights. Others dont think kindly about that. However, registered political parties focus group hearings on Integrity have proposed that the President shall not appoint more than two of his relations in the executive branch. According to the presentation of the group, no public official shall appoint a relative to institution they supervise. The President also shall not appoint more than two members of the same ethnic background to senior ministerial positions. In a bid to control or exterminate corruption, the group also proposed that anyone convicted of corruption under Liberian laws shall not be eligible for appointment in public offices. They want the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission or LACC to be constitutionally empowered to immediately prosecute after investigation. Any official accused and under LACC investigation shall not continue in office until the contrary is proven. The group further proposed that officials accused of acts of exploitation-be it sexual or financial-shall be immediately prosecuted and if found guilty, shall be dismissed. On public assets, it was recommended that the General Services Agency or GSA be given constitutional mandate to recommend the prosecution of anyone found abusing public assets. ELECTION COMMISSION On electoral matters, the focus group assigned to deliberate and recommend to the plenary of registered political parties at the consultative meeting, as expected, did not allow such glorious opportunity to slip away without discussing issues affecting their existence and operations. Two key issues (elections and qualification) were religiously discussed by them. At the conclusion of their deliberations, the group submitted that political parties, civil society organizations and the religious community should be constitutionally empowered to recommend nine names of commissioners to the President out of which seven names would be derived as commissioners of the National Elections Commission to serve for a period of five years and not more than two terms. They further submitted that a fixed amount be constitutionally endorsed to be declared in financial statements to the Elections Commission as required by Article 83d. The amount proposed is US$500.00 in addition to assets. They want other fees to remain as stipulated in Section 7.3 of the electoral laws. One of the amendments voted against prior to the 2011 elections was debated by the focus group and seemed to have received consideration by registered political parties. In their opinion, the second Tuesday in November would be appropriate for elections. This thought is generated from the inconveniences suffered during the raining season as well as low voters turnout due to torrential rain falls around October. The plenary of the consultative meeting endorsed the submission. The group, by democratic accent, also expressed disagreement over the Elec-



Contt on page 5

Tuesday, November 5, 2013 DAILY OBSERVER Monday, December 09, 2013 Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Page5 4 Page

American Professor Named President of Liberian Baptist Theological Seminary

By Marcus N. Malayea in Gbarnga Bong County

he Board of Trustees of the Liberia Baptist Theological Seminary (LBTS) has approved the nomination of Dr. Richard Francis Wilson, an American professor, as the sixth president of the Seminary. According to the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Mr. Aaron Marshall, the decision was reached at a well attended meeting at the Boards fourth quarterly meeting this past November 22, in Monrovia. Mr. Marshall told the Daily Observer that Dr. Wilson came to the Liberian Seminary from an evolving relationship with Mercer University in Macon, Georgia in the United States of America. He explained that prior to the Boards approval of the nomination of Dr. Wilson , the post was filled by Dr. Arnold Hill. Dr. Hill, a Liberian, has served as President of the Seminary but he resigned in May of 2013 to concentrate on his own business.

Dr. Richard Francis Wilson, President LBTS

Dr. Wilson currently serves as Columbus Roberts Professor of Theology and also Chairman of the Roberts Department of Christianity, in the College of Liberal Arts in the USA. Speaking to this paper, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Mr. Aaron Marshall, said Dr. Wilsons mandate will primarily focus on four decisive areas, which include: the overhauling of the institution curriculum to ensure regional and international certification; the expansion of the base of the school that would include other liberal arts subject matter; putting in place the mechanism for external financial support for theological education in post war Liberia and to establish proper modali-

ties for the election of a Liberian president within the period of one calendar year. Dr. Wilson will try to help the Liberian Baptist Theological Seminary get back to its previous status after struggling with a series of crises Mr. Marshall declared. At the same time, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, on behalf of the Board, has extended gratitude to Dr. Wilson for accepting what he termed as a challenging position; and the Mercer University family for the evolving partnership with Ricks, the Seminary and the people of Liberia. In a dispatch from Dr. Wilson from the United States of America, a copy of which is in the possession of the Daily Observer, said his first priority would be to rebrand the Seminary and give it a sense of community. This would be done by making it more attractive to prospective students and faculty, and by concentrating on the development of the faculty. My responsibility will be to clear the debris and secure the

Lack of Chairs, Other Facilities, Affect Learning

At J.W. Pearson in Ganta

earning activities for more than 3000 students at the John Wesley Pearson (J.W. Pearson) Elementary, Junior and Senior High School in Ganta, the commercial hub of Nimba County, is now in shambles as a result of inadequate seating capacity, coupled with a lack of basic educational facilities. J.W. Pearson was built by the government in the 1950s as an elementary school, and originally contained 11 classes. Because of the present constraints, the administration has been left with no alternative but to partition the auditorium and create an additional three classrooms. Since the 50s up to present, the institution has remained the only government-owned school in Ganta. Yet, nothing has been done to improve its learning facilities, the Principal, James L. Saye Kardamie, informed the Daily Observer in a recent exclusive interview in Ganta. Mr. Kardamie said, The institution is beset (troubled) by so many problems, including the lack of chairs, a library, and laboratory. In the case of the shortage of chairs, the principal explained some of the students come to school as early as 6 a.m. just to be the first to have some of the available seats. According to him, those who come between 7 and 7:30 a.m. have to bring their own chairs from their respective homes, or are otherwise forced to sit on the bare floor. Additionally, Mr. Kardamie said, Most of the instructors, especially the newly recruited teachers, often abandon classes to run after their pay checks, either in Sanniquellie, the countys political seat at the Chief Education offices (CEO), or in

Principal Kardamie: The situation worries me because my passion is quality education

Monrovia, the nations capital at the Ministry of Education (MOE). Mr. Kardamie disclosed that the situation was serious to the extent that learning at the school

to suspected thieves, Mr. Kardamie complained. Moreover, he said that the institution does not have a single janitor or security guard to keep the classrooms kempt (clean) and protect the property from being damaged or stolen at the hands of wicked-minded individuals. At present, he said the enrollment has increased from over 1,750 students last academic year, to about 2,995 students this year. Of the influx of students this year, Mr. Kardamie records about 1,700 of them in the senior high session, while the rest are registered in the lower classes. The J.W. Pearson School runs two sections (morning and afternoon) from kindergarten to the 12th grade. Interestingly, even with the poor learning condition, the ad-

foundation of the institution, while helping the seminary overcome some serious issues, many of which are the result of the countrys post war struggles. I will also bring renewed urgency to our task to offer sound theological education to pastors and church leaders in Liberia, Dr. Wilson declared. The American Professor will head the seminary for the period of one year and will return to Mercer University, Macon full time by 2015. Dr. Wilson intoned that his attraction to Liberia began with a former Liberian student, Olu Menjay, a 1995 graduate of the Mercer University who immigrated to the United States of America after surviving the civil war in Liberia. He furthered that on several occasions, Menjay has persistently asked him (Dr. Wilson) to visit Liberia and finally agreed and instantly bonded with Liberia. Since then I have traveled to Liberia nine times, Dr. Wilson disclosed. Mercers connection to Liberia was further strengthened On Thursday, November 21, 2013, the Minister of Education, Etmonia David Tarpeh, in a press statement, acknowledged some of the harsh condition students were enduring to acquire education. Minister Tarpehs comment fell in line with constant media reports that students in rural parts of the country lacked chairs in almost all of the government-owned institutions; resulting in students regularly sitting on the ground to acquire their education. Minister Tarpeh corroborated (confirmed) Mr. Kardamies story, but also shifted the blame on some members of the public for the insufficient chairs at many of the government schools across the country. According to her, there are individuals who usually borrow

when Menjay was elected president of the Liberian Baptist Missionary and Educational Convention in 2012, he (Menjay) approached the President of Mercer University, William Underwood, about the need for an interim president at the seminary, Dr. Wilson explained. Following Menjays return, he became principal of Ricks Institute, one of the boarding schools in the country, the dispatch maintained. The seminary is in poor financial shape due to decisions made by the past two presidents--- whose names were not disclosed--- that were not transparent and seemed to have further divided the faculty. These are some of the challenges Dr. Wilson will try to tackle. He will also travel across the country with the seminarys Board of Trustees helping to detect future leaders that would take over the seminary. The seminary is in decent shape compared with other Liberian buildings, its roofs are still intact and the library still stands and it is the largest library in the country, the Board

of Trustees Chairman indicated. Dr. Wilson holds a Doctor of Philosophy from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky, USA, from 1982, served as an assistant professor in 1983-88, and assistant dean of academic affairs from 1987-88. He obtained a Masters of Divinity in Historical Theological Studies, from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in 1978, and has worked as Chair of the Roberts Department of Christianity, at the Columbus Roberts Professor of Theology in 1999. He is also a member of several global organizations including the Lilly Fellows in Humanities and Arts, Baptist World Alliance Ethics Commission; Chair of the Commission 2010-2015, Paul Tillich Society; International Dietrich Society; Council of the Societies for Study of Religion; Baptist World Alliance Theological Education workgroup; Society of Biblical Literature and American Academy of Religion just to name a few.

Students carry chairs to school daily

chairs from public schools, for parties and other activities, and deliberately refuse to return those items. This, she claimed was one of the factors that are affecting the learning of the school-going pupils in Ganta. The Minister said that it was the responsibility of parents to repair broken chairs at the various public schools. When the chairs spoiled, let the parents fix it. That is what we call a viable PTA, because when the chairs are not there, the children will sit on the ground, Minister Tarpeh suggested. citizenship. Political parties position on the 10 years residency clause for those aspiring for the Presidency or Vice Presidency as enshrined in Article 52c be retained with a proviso that candidates cannot come from the same county and region of the country. These recommendations to the CRC do not constitute the CRCs final version of reports to be submitted to the President of Liberia for onward submission to the National Legislature for amendments. They are initial proposals. As the process continues, more proposals are expected from individual political parties, stakeholders and citizens from around the country. These debates are subject to more debates. If you wish to make your contributions to the CRC on the political parties proposals, please contact the following: Email: or call CRC short code lines: Novafone 1986; Lone Star 1986 or CellCom 0776305715.

One of the classes remains virtually emptied

was being hindered, causing students to repeatedly perform below academic standards whenever public tests are administered; making the schools present state of affairs worse. Principal Kardamie said the lack of a fence to scare away potential intruders from illegally entering the courtyard was another serious issue. Another major problem is the lack of a fence, which has virtually exposed the entire campus ministration enrolled over 70 students in a single class. The reason, said Mr. Kardamie, can be attributed to the introduction of the governments free and compulsory education. The number of students that is supposed to be in a single class is 45-50, but with the introduction of the free and compulsory education, the number of students per class has increased. Minister Etmonia David Tarpeh

tions Commission adjudicating cases brought against them by aggrieved parties. They want the Constitution to establish Election Courts around the Country to adjudicate electoral complaints. In their thought, the commission cannot be the defendant and the judge at the same time. With the intent to prevent undue influences, the group has proposed financial autonomy for the Elections Commission as well as state funding for political parties. They also proposed voters registration to be conducted twice before Presidential and General Elections. These issues seem to have received general consensus. The debate on qualification of electable public officers was rigorous. However, the group believes the minimum age requirement for the Presidency and Vice Presidency be set at 35 considering that young


people account for 60% of the population of Liberia. They have also recommended gender sensitivity in regards to qualification for the presidency and vice presidency. It is their view that the current constitution is masculine. CITIZENSHIP To qualify for citizenship, the thematic group on citizenship proposed that natural born Liberians should contest for President or Vice President and that the parents of the candidates must have been Liberian citizens at the time of birth and belong to one of the tribes, clans, chiefdoms, provided that descendants (AmericoLiberians) who can trace their roots to a settlement will not be disenfranchised. However, a consensus was derived by the Consultative Forums Plenary that Articles 27(abc) remains as it is and that Article 28 be maintained. They also rejected dual


Remarks by H.E. ZHAO Jianhua Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Peoples Republic of China at the Farewell Reception and Investiture Ceremony Held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Liberia (December 6, 2013)
Your Excellency Mrs. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of the Republic of Liberia, Your Excellency Mr. Joseph N. Boakai, Sr., Vice President of the Republic of Liberia, Hon. Speaker, Hon. Chief of Justice and Associate Justices, Hon. President Pro-Tempore, Hon. members of the Legislature and Judiciary, Acting Dean, members of the Cabinet and other government officials, Dean and members of Diplomatic Corps and International Organizations, National Traditional Council of Chiefs and Elders, Heads of Civil Society Institutions and Organizations, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, am extremely honored and overwhelmed by such a glorious title. The little things that I have done cant match this great generosity. I take it as Liberias profound appreciation of Chinas friendly and cooperative policy. Whatever I have done is only the result of my faithful implementation of such a policy. So the honor and the credit should go to the Chinese Government and Chinese people. In fact, I would not be able to have made some tangible and comprehensive progress if the Liberian Government and people had not rendered to me their valuable support and cooperation. Madam President, I would like to express heartfelt gratitude to you, and to the Liberian Government and people. Madam President, Ladies and Gentlemen, During my tenure, I have witnessed Liberias fundamental and positive changes. I would like to take this opportunity to commend you on the significant progress that Liberia has made under your strong and visionary leadership. Ten years of peace, average more than 7% growth rate, restoration of government institutions, and obvious improvement of infrastructure and so on. To be fair, it has not been easy. It is always difficult to rebuild a country from scratch. But Madam President, you and your team have been successful in uplifting Liberia and Liberian people, despite the constraints, difficulties and challenges that you have to face and overcome almost every day. I am very happy to see that Liberia is firmly moving forward on the path of stability, development and transformation. And I hope and believe that Liberia will become a middle-income country by 2030. Madam President, Ladies and Gentlemen, It would have been more difficult to rebuild and transform Liberia if the international community, particularly your major partners have not provided generous support and assistance. What China has done for Liberia is only a small part of it. Even for this small part, on numerous occasions, people from all walks of life in Liberia keep saying thank you and we are grateful for the help. Sometimes I am so overwhelmed by this gratefulness that I almost forget the cardinal principles that have been guiding our bilateral relations. Our relationship is not one-way or one-sided; it is based on equality, mutual respect and mutual benefit. I would like to highlight what Liberia has done for China, for which the Chinese Government and people remain forever grateful. The Liberian Government led by H.E. Madam President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has been pursuing a friendly and cooperative policy toward China. The Liberian Government has been firm in adhering to the One China policy, which consolidates the political basis for our relations. Last year, a resolution passed by both the Senate and the House reaffirmed the One China policy and demonstrated that the Liberian people are supportive of the friendship and cooperation subsisting between our two countries. On various regional and international affairs, Liberia has done the best it can in rendering valuable support to China, particularly on issues which are of great concerns to us. Liberia has been active in promoting bilateral economic and trade relations with China. Liberia has become one of Chinas major trading partners in Africa. Liberia has been encouraging and welcoming Chinese investments, and the Liberian Government has been working hard to improve business and investment environment. Liberia has also been open to cultural and personnel exchanges between the two countries, which allows us to enrich and expand our relations, to learn from each other and to enhance people to people friendship and cooperation at grass root level. Madam President, Ladies and gentlemen, With tangible, comprehensive progress, the relationship between China and Liberia has entered into a new phase. The future is bright and promising. Before my departure for a new bles me to advise my government to tailor our support to what the Liberians really and urgently need, and more importantly, to respect their ownership. What is most rewarding is what I have learned from you, Madam President, your wisdom, your ability, your experiences, your leadership skills, your hard work, most importantly, your firm and relentless dedication to your people. You have really enlightened me, of course, not for me to aspire to be the president, which is impossible for sure, but to be a person who serves the people even when he is a diplomat. This Child Will Be Great, your memoir, Madam President, I have read it and have learned the truth, that is, everybody can be great if he/ she can be as dedicated to the people as Madam President has been. Madam President, Ill miss you. Mr. Vice President, Ill miss you. Dear friends and colleagues, Ill miss you all. Wherever I go, Liberia will forever be in my heart. Thank you.


Sponsored by the Embassy of the Peoples Republic of China

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

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post, I feel obliged to say a few words about what we should do in the coming years. First, strengthen mutual trust. We appreciate Liberias firm and continuous adherence to the One China policy. China should and will strengthen its support to Liberias efforts to maintain peace and stability. We need to increase high-level visits and enhance people to people exchanges. China and Liberia should continue to support each other on major regional and international issues. Second, expand mutually beneficial cooperation. China will increase the amount of grants, technical assistance and scholarships to Liberia. China welcomes more import of Liberian products, 95% of which will enjoy dutyfree treatment. China would like to see Liberia taking full advantage of the measures announced at the FOCAC Ministerial Meeting held in Beijing last July, particularly the credit line of US$20 billion to African countries, which mainly supports the development of infrastructure, agriculture, manufacturing and development of small and medium-sized enterprises in Africa. Liberia still suffers huge infrastructure deficit. As infrastructure projects require huge amount of investment, no country in the world can develop infrastructure by using grants only, and Liberia is no exception. China would like to explore investment and financial cooperation with Liberia for infrastructure development. Despite continuous progress, food security remains a critical issue in Liberia. In agriculture, both countries can do a lot more in sharing skills and experiences, which will contribute significantly to job creation and income generation for Liberian farmers and young people. Liberia, up till

now, has no basic industries, especially labor-intensive industries. China would like to encourage and support Chinese enterprises to invest in Liberia and transfer technology and skills to Liberians in order to upgrade Liberias economy. Third, strengthen educational and cultural cooperation. People to people contacts and exchanges are becoming increasingly important in our bilateral relations, particularly those between young people. Job creation for Liberian youth remains a fundamental and very challenging task. China shall double its efforts to cooperate with the Liberian

Government in this regard. Madam President, Ladies and Gentlemen, This is the first time for me to be in Africa, and I feel very lucky to be sent to Liberia, because my tour of duty here has been very rewarding. I am proud that I have made many friends here, which include not only government officials, but also students, reporters, artists, farmers, and in particular friends who are helping the disabled, women and children. From these friends, I have come to understand the difficulties that Liberia is facing, and the hope that Liberia has for the future, which ena-

Sorrow after Departure (Selected Stanzas)

By Qu Yuan

Classical Chinese Poems

I sigh and wipe away my tears, oh! Im grieved at a life full of woes. Good and just, I hear only jeers, oh! Morning and night I suffer blows. I make a belt of grasses sweet, oh! And add to it clovers and thymes. My heart tells me its good and meet, oh! I wont regret to die nine times.


he above lines are selected from Li Sao, a long poem by Qu Yuan. It is considered that Li means parting, while Sao refers to

Sorrow. Li Sao consists of all together 373 lines, 2490 characters. Such a magnificent, powerful long poem composed in the ancient China more than 2000 years ago deserves the Chinese peoples

pride in the worlds poetic history. Because the entire poem is too long to be understood by the readers, only eight lines are chosen here. However, these eight lines alone have vividly portrayed the poets personal characters and pursuits. Qu Yuan presented himself in our eyes as a patriotic poet who was concerned about his country and his people, aiming at perfection and being ready to give his life for his ideal. In this selection, the first two lines of the first stanza and the last two lines of the second stanza have been handed down from ancient times and quoted very often. The line bemoan the so many hardships of the peoples life shows the poets concern and sympathy for the sufferings of the toiling masses. I would rather repent even if I had to die many times reflects the poets spirits of dauntless struggle and devotion.

Sponsored by the Embassy of the Peoples Republic of China. Please send your comments to the following email:


Tuesday December 10, 2013

5, 2013

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P.O. BOX 10-9024 1000 MONROVIA 10, LIBERIA, WEST AFRICA TEL.: (231) 226-858, FAX: (231) 226-281
November 26, 2013

I, the undersigned Registered Land Surveyor E. Lansana Johnson have been requested by Rev. DR. G. Franklin Holt SR. to resurvey a certain parcel of land on the 14th day of December 2013 at 11.00 clock A.M./P.M. Said parcel of land is lying and situated in Brewersville V.O. A Junction Montserrado County. The following names listed below are asked to be present with their deeds, diagrams and all other documents along with their technical representatives to verify their claims. 1. Brewersville City Corporation 2. Mr. Varney Konneh 3. Old Man John 4. Charles S. Holt. Sr. 5. Clarence Massaquoi 6. Octavius Sampson


This is to inform the general public that the Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy has observed and notice that there are some group of unlicensed surveyors and some illegal land sellers are in the constant habit of selling land illegally, forging some License Surveyors signatures on deeds in Margibi County, which is bringing lots of land dispute or conflict in Margibi County making the buyers or the grantees to be the looser. Therefore, any land buyer or individual wishing to purchase land in Margibi County should contact the Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy for a license surveyor or check the Resident County Surveyors office in Margibi County for Verification of License Surveyors. Any deed carrying E. Lassana Johnsons stamp will not be acceptable for probation, because he fails to defend his signature.

his is to inform the general public and the below listed names or individuals that the undersigned Licensed Surveyor (Henry K. Lamadine) has been requested by Madam Carmena E. Pierre Addallah to re-survey 2 lots of land on Saturday, December 14, 2013 at the hour of 10:00 a/m.

Said property is located at 12 houses road Paynesville, Montserrado County, sharing common boundary with Majorie P. Cooper and Inez A. Pierre.

Therefore, anyone who having property or claim on the said property are requested to be present on the day of the Survey with their relevant documents and technical representative to represent their claims as to avoid future land dispute or encroachment. Let this Notice claim the attention of the following individuals: 1. Mr. & Mrs. Togbah 2. Mr. Sam T. Slehsee 3. Mr. Mark George

This is where business meets customer.

Call NoW: 0777472772 to Advertise
Found at all major supermarkets in downtown Monrovia

Smallholder Tree Crop Revitalization Support Project (STCRSP) IFAD/PIU, Ministry of Agriculture NATIONAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING CONSTRUCTION/REHABILITATION OF GRAVEL ROAD PAYMENT OF 60. 2 KM FARM TO MARKET ROAD IN LOFA COUNTYMOA/PMU/IFAD/NCB/W-15/2012 Date of issue: December 9, 2013

1. The Project Implementation Unit (PIU), Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) has received a loan from the International Fund for AgricultuDevelopment to finance the Smallholder Tree Crop Revitalization Support Project (STCRSP) for the under mentioned now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders:

Lot Item No
1 2 3 4 5

Road Name
Folima - Nyeyama Kamatahun - Yengema Polorwu - Kaintahun Foya Tengia - Sadu Bendu Yasadu- Konjoloe

Length (Km)
6.3 5.0 6.6 4.5 8.5

Proposed Width (m)

4.5 4.5 6.0 4.5 6.0 6.0 6.0 4.5 4.5

Vahun Kolahun Kolahun Foya Foya Quardu Gbondi Quardu Gbondi Zorzor Zorzor

Date of Completion

TOTAL 30.9 Km 1 Baquedu Rd Junc - Konadu 10.9

2 3 3 4 Baquedu Rd Junc - Nyamakamadu Zorzor Rd. Junc - Nekebuzu Zorzor Rd. Junc - Vetesu 8.6 6.7 3.1

5 months

TOTAL 29.3 Km
Additional information are provided in the bidding documents. 2. To be considered responsive for particular lot, bidder shall quote for all items in its required quantities for that lot. Bidders who do not quote for all the items under a selected lot shall be rejected as incomplete. Bids will be evaluated and contract awarded on per lot basis or combination of lots whichever is financially advantageous to the purchaser. Alternative/option Bids will not be accepted. 3. Bidding will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding (NCB) process. 4. Bidding is opened to all national contractors who hold Ministry of Public Works CCCS Certificates with a Minimum Certificate of Class B0-B12. 5. Interested bidders may obtain further information and inspect the bidding documents at the address below between 8:30 A.M 5:00 P.M. Bidding documents may be purchased upon payment of a non-refundable fee of USD100.00 at the Project Implementation Unit, Old Road, Congo Town, Monrovia. 6. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before Thursday January 9, 2014 at 12:00 P.M. All bids must be accompanied by: Bid Security is 2% of the quoted price A copy of a valid business licence A copy of an updated tax certificate; A copy of valid business registration certificate/classification certificate- Class (B0-B12) (with the Ministry of Public Works). A list of recent contracts performed (at least two similar works) with evidence of completion. Site visit will be held on (December 15-17, 2013). Pre-bid Conference is scheduled for Friday January 3, 2014 at 2:00 P.M. 7. Bids will be opened on Thursday January 9, 2014 at 12:00 P.M. in the conference room of the Project Implementation Unit Office, Old Road, Congo Town, Monrovia. They will be opened in the presence of bidders/ bidders representatives who choose to attend. Late bids will be rejected and returned unopened to bidders. Signed: Project Coordinator STCRSP


Tuesday December 10, 2013

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United Nations Population Fund
Vacancy Number Post Title Contract Type (Level) satisfactory performance Duty Station Date of Issue Closing Date : : : : : : UNFPA/LBR/VA/003/13 Programme Associate (ASRH) Service Contract (SC - 6) One year initially, renewable subject to Monrovia, Liberia 01 December 2013 14 December 2013

Office of the GeneralManager December 06, 2013

Duties and responsibilities: Under the overall guidance and supervision of the UNFPA Representative, and the direct supervision of the Program Specialist for ASRH and National Program Officer for ASRH, the Program Associate for ASRH will provide technical support for UNFPAs response to national ASRH priorities. The ASRH Officer will specifically carry out the following duties and responsibilities: Policy and Capacity Development In collaboration with ASRH Programme Specialist and National Program Officer, review and update the progress report of the UNFPA ASRH Programme, including the checking and collection of information on achieved progress and the status of the programme implementation Coordinate with ASRH Program Staff to ensure that all documents such as financial reports, work plan, progress report, evaluation report, etc, are submitted in timely manner; Ensure logistical and administrative arrangements and follow-up relevant to the ASRH programme functions/meetings such as Adolescent Girls working group, Joint Program on Adolescent Girls, AfT Youth Development Partners meetings, UNDAF Pillar 3 meetings, and other related meetings as well as field monitoring missions are completed in a timely manner Support UN interagency collaboration and joint programming efforts in ASRH including joint planning and monitoring and evaluation Ensure follow-up and provide necessary inputs on government requests for technical assistance in ASRH-related areas that UNFPA can provide adequate response to Provide substantive input into the UN Technical Group on ASRH, and technical support on ASRH related issues at key stages of the UN joint programming processes and the UNFPA country programme cycle Guide and support implementing partners in the development of result oriented program and annual work plans Programme Technical Support Promote substantive and programmatic linkages between UNFPA-supported ASRH interventions with efforts to promote young peoples empowerment and gender equality, and prevention of early marriage, unwanted pregnancy and prevention/management of STIs and HIV/AIDS Assist in the Coordination and follow-up on the delivery of ASRH component output Conduct field visits to assigned project sites and assess the achievement of project results Support/Facilitate the inputs of ASRH Program during Joint review meetings and retreats Prepare and make inputs on status and progress reports including lessons learnt and recommendations; follow-up action plan on recommendations made Organize visiting missions, and field trips, including timely preparation of required documentations Assist in the development of materials for meetings, presentations and workshops Compile, analyze, summarizes data pertaining to the ASRH Program, maintains records, documents and work plans for the monitoring of ASRH project implementation as well as Audit Assists in the organization of meetings with representatives of implementing Partners involved in the implementation of ASRH Program Support and provide technical inputs for the implementation the UN Joint Program of Support HIV and AIDS as well as attend meetings Prepare draft of correspondence regarding ASRH programme related issues COMPETENCIES Core Competencies Integrity/Commitment to UNFPAs Mandate/Valuing Diversity Performance Management Developing People/Coaching and Mentoring Fostering Innovation and Empowerment Working in Teams & Communication Information and Ideas Self-Management/Emotional Intelligence Appropriate and Transparent Decision Making Analytical and Strategic Thinking and Results Orientation/Commitment to Excellence Knowledge Sharing/Continuous Learning Functional Competencies Conceptual Innovation in the provision of technical expertise Leveraging the resources of national governments & partners/Building strategic alliances and partnerships Job knowledge/Technical expertise Adaptation and application of knowledge/innovations in different contexts Integration in a multidisciplinary environment QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE Under graduate degree in public health or related health sciences; Minimum of three (3) years of relevant working experience Extensive knowledge of the ASRH situation and trends, and a thorough understanding of the social, cultural, economic and gender dimensions of Liberia Familiarity with the UN system and/or experience working with an international organization is an advantage Dedication to United Nations principles and demonstrated ability to work harmoniously within a team and with different nationalities Able to work under minimum supervision Demonstrate initiative and sound judgment and commitment to UNFPA mandate and mission Excellent interpersonal communication and writing skills Computer literacy

Public Service Announcement

he Management of the Liberia Domestic Airports Agency (LDAA) wishes to inform the Public that as a result of numerous incidenc ent of vehicles along the main road leading to the James Spriggs Payne Airport which obstructs the free flow of traffic, a number of security measures have been put in place to avoid any reoccurrence.

Therefore, the management is warning all those in the habit of parking or abandoning Vehicles without authorization to desist immediately. These new measures are intended to ensure the overall security of the Airport and traveling public. Drastic action awaits anyone caught violating these measures. Please cooperate to avoid future embarrassment.

HOW TO APPLY Candidates should submit their applications indicating post and vacancy number, attach an updated CV, and a complete United Nations Personnel History Form P.11 obtainable from the UNFPA office or on the UNFPA website at All applications should be marked confidential and addressed to the UNFPA Representative, H.G. Plaza, 5th Floor, Mamba Point, P.O Box 10-0274, 1000 Monrovia, Liberia. The last date to receive applications will be 14 December 2013. UNFPA will only respond to applicants who will meet the stated job requirements. Prepared by: Matthew S. Morris Cleared by: Elham Elamin Approved: Ratidzai Ndhlovu

Please note that this post is a National Post and is opened to applicants of either sex.
Preference will be given to equally qualified women candidates.


Tuesday December 10, 2013

Page 9


1. Background: IBI International, a development consulting firm in the USA and Liberia, is seeking an IT service provider / vendor to setup a standardized package to provide selected Ministries, Agencies and Commissions (MACs) with a secure IT platform for financial management and back-office activities as part of the USAID Governance and Economic Management Support Program (USAID-GEMS). GEMS is a five-year technical assistance program to strengthen public sector capacity in Liberia. 2. Objective The objective of this procurement is to put in place a secure and highly available Information and Communication Technology (ICT) platform at each selected MACs to support back office activities. The vendor will also be required to provide induction training for IT staff at the MACs in the use and support of the new systems. 3. Scope of Work: LOT 1: The setup and configuration of computer installations at four sites Supply, installation, configuration and support of scalable secure and high availability workgroup Client-Server base computer and network infrastructure at four separate government Ministries, Agencies or Commissions (MAC). The deployment includes a file/application server, client laptops, UTM device and network infrastructure. Comprehensive on-site support is required. The vendor should have a minimum of 3 years experience in setups of a similar nature and is required to provide no less than four site references for similar installations. LOT 2: The setup and configuration of computer installations at three sites Supply, installation, configuration and support of scalable secure and high availability workgroup Client-Server base computer and network infrastructure at three separate government Ministries, Agencies or Commissions (MAC). The deployment includes a file/application server, client laptops, UTM device and network infrastructure. Comprehensive on-site support is required. The vendor should have a minimum of 3 years experience in setups of a similar nature and is required to provide no less than four site references for similar installations. BIDDING INSTRUCTIONS: All interested bidders are asked to kindly visit the USAID-GEMS Office located at Coconut Plantation, U.N drive, Mamba Point, Monrovia, Liberia, starting Friday December 6th, 2013 and ending Friday December 13th, 2013 to pick up a copy of the detailed Requirement and Specification(s) for this project. Alternatively, bidders may request a soft copy by emailing The deadline for the submission of sealed bids to the USAID-GEMS office is 5:00 pm on Wednesday, December 18th, 2013. NOTE BELOW: Please deposit your sealed bid(s) in the procurement box standing in the lobby on the first floor and not to individual. IBI International reserves the right to cancel any or all bids without prior notification to bidders and without any liability, be it explicit or implicit. All discounts and/or free items or services are to be included in the bid submission Qualified Firms wishing to bid must kindly submit their proposal including the following: Business Registration Certificate for Liberia Brief profile of the institution with at least three contactable references Comprehensive on-site support is required In case a supplier bids for more than one lot, separate bids should be summited to for each lot.

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DAILY OBSERVER Monday, December 09, 2013 Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Page 10

hile tablets get all the attention these days, many people still can only afford laptops and are more comfortable using laptops than tablets. But what do you consider when you go to buy a laptop? Do you simply consider the look of it or is it because a friend has the same brand? In todays article I will discuss a few things that you need to know or the questions you need to ask when you go and purchase a laptop. While this may not be the definitive guide, it provides at least some information to give you a head start in making a decision regarding the type of laptop you would like to invest in. Many things come into play when you are about to purchase a laptop. Things such as screen size, brand, manufacturer, operating system, speed, screen resolution, warranty, antivirus definition, etc. Theres a wide variety of sizes, features and

By: Darren Wilkins | DWilkins@SaharaTechnology.Com | 0777129092/0886703789

A Few Things to Consider When Purchasing a New Laptop

prices, which makes choosing the right laptop a challenge. Thats why you need to figure out what your needs are prior to purchasing a laptop. To help you make the right decision, read the following paragraphs. Operating System (Windows 8): When purchasing a laptop you will need to know the type of operating system you need. Most folks in Liberia use Windows 7 but most new laptops come with Windows 8 installed. While I dont recommend this, you have the choice to retro your operating system to one of your choosing (i.e. Windows XP or 7). If you are a Linux person like me, you can also have Ubuntu Linux installed at probably no cost. But I strongly recommend retaining the operating system that is currently installed on the laptop; which most likely is Windows 8. Size: Laptops are usually categorized by their display sizes. The thinnest and lightest systems around have 11 to 12-inch screens and typically weigh 3 to 3.5 pounds. The 13 to 14-inch screens provide the best balance of portability and usability, and they usually performance. While not as fast as an SSD, a flash cache will help boost load and boot times while allowing you to store all your data on a large hard drive. Solid State Drives (SSDs): These drives cost quite a bit more than traditional hard drives and come with less capacity (usually 128 to 256GB), but they dramatically improve performance. Youll enjoy faster boot times, faster resume times, and faster application open times. Display: The more pixels you have, the more content you can fit on-screen, and the sharper it will look. Most budget and mainstream laptops come with 1366 x 768-pixel resolutions. However, if you have the option, choose a laptop with a higher pixel count 1600 x 900 or 1920 x 1080 always go for the highest resolution you can get. Touch Screen: Windows 8 is simply exciting and immersive with touch screen capabilities, but if your laptop is not a hybrid with a bendable or rotatable screen, you can probably live without it. Graphics Chip: For the most part, an integrated graphics chip will be fine for basic tasks, including surfing the Web, watching video and even playing some mainstream games. But a discrete graphics processor from AMD or Nvidia (which has dedicated video memory) will provide better performance when it comes to the most-demanding games. And, a good GPU can accelerate video playback on sites such as Youtube, as well as speed up video editing. DVD/Blu-ray Drives. Fewer and fewer laptops these days come with optical drives. Thats because you can download most software and download or stream video from the Web. Unless you burn discs or want to watch Blu-ray movies, you dont need one of these drives.

weigh between 3.5 and 4.5 pounds. The 15-inch screen is the most popular size, but is usually quite bulky and heavy at 5 to 6.5 pounds. The 17 or 18-inch system could provide you with the kind of processing power you need to play highend games or do workstationlevel productivity. Technical Specifications: What you need really depends on what you plan to do with your laptop. More intensive tasks such as 3D gaming and HD video-editing require

Youth Empowerment Tied to National Development

-USAID Mission Director

Mr. Winfield- Liberias youth, countrys natural resources

natural resource, and challenged them to strive to reach their full potential. Despite facing many challenges, he recognized that the young people participating in the summit have proven their dedication to improving their lives. You are here today not just as learners, but as leaders and role models from your community who are showing that it is never too late to learn. I want to encourage all of you to continue with your efforts

he Mission Director of the U.S. Agency for International Development in Liberia, John Mark Winfield, says youth learning and empowerment are key to the development of Liberia. Addressing the closing of a national youth summit sponsored by the U.S. Government, Mission Director Winfield recognized that Liberias youth are the countrys most important

and mutual support - through hard work and collaborating together, you can achieve more. He praised the Government of Liberia for its commitment to assisting out of school youth through concrete actions, including having a voice in the national debate on youth issues. Mission Director Winfield said the U.S. Government, through USAID, would continue its partnership with the Government of Liberia and others to ensure broad access to education and employment for Liberian youth. The summit, which brought together over 100 youth from Bong, Grand Bassa, Lofa, Margibi, Montserrado and Nimba Counties, is part of the USAID Advancing Youths Alternative Basic Education (ABE) program. ABE provides quality alternative basic education, social and leadership development and promotes livelihoods for out-of-school Liberian young people,

more expensive components. Here are the main components you need to pay attention to: CPU (processor): The least expensive laptops on the market have AMD E Series or Intel Pentium CPUs, which will struggle to handle serious productivity or media tasks but can handle Web surfing. Dont settle for less than an Intel Core i3 CPU or AMD A Series. Power users should settle for no less than Core i7 system, preferably a quad-core chip. RAM: When it comes to memory, or RAM, even the cheapest laptops have 4GB these days so dont settle for less. If you can get a system with 6 or 8GB, you should be fine. Hard Drive: For most users, a fast drive is more important than a large one. If you have a choice, go for a 7,200-rpm hard drive over a 5,400-rpm unit. Even if you have several movies and photos on your hard drive, a 320GB should provide more than enough space, but 500GB or 750GB drives usually dont cost much more. Flash Cache: Any Ultrabook and some other laptops come with 8, 16 or 32GB flash caches you can use to increase aged 13-35, who have little education. During the summit, Assistant Minister for Student Personnel Services at the Ministry of Education, William Gaye, thanked the U.S. Government for its support, and acknowledged the beneficial impact of the Advancing Youth program. He confirmed that youth learning and empowerment is a high priority of the Ministry of Education, the Government of Liberia, and the Liberian

Battery life: Battery life matters, especially in Liberia where we have challenges with electricity. Also, nobody wants to be chained to a power outlet, even if theres a socket within reach. If youre buying a 15-inch notebook, look for at least 4 hours of endurance. Your actual battery life will vary depending on your screen brightness and what tasks you perform (video eats more juice than Web surfing). Brand: So far according to the literature and from my personal experience, Lenovo and ASUS have done well. That does not mean they are the best of course. But your laptop is only as good as the company that stands behind it. Accurate and timely technical support is paramount. You also have to consider how the manufacturer stacks up to the competition in terms of design, value and selection, review performance, and other criteria. Warranty: Make sure you get at least a 3-year warranty when your purchase your laptop. Engineers tell us that the Meantime Between Failure (MTBF) of a computer is 100,000 hours. But thats not always the case. Some computers do come with factory defects which only warranty can cover. Finally, the most impressive specifications in the world will not mean anything if the laptop you intend to purchase doesnt have good ergonomics. Find out whether the keyboard has solid tactile feedback and enough space between the keys. Is the touchpad smooth to operate or jumpy? Do the mouse buttons have a satisfying click, or do they feel squishy? How well do multitouch gestures work? Get answers to these questions before you pay for your laptop. Thats it for this week. Until next week, Carpe diem!

people. Those who attended the summit were the most successful leaders of Youth Clubs supported by the program. The clubs carry out a range of activities to support their communities and to encourage their colleagues to enroll in the program and continue with their studies. Their activities include establishing gardens and growing food for consumption and sale, reading and study clubs, sports activities and

community service. USAIDs Advancing Youth Project is implemented by the U.S.-based Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC) in collaboration with the YMCA of Liberia and Mercy Corps. The project is currently reaching more than 10,000 learners with education, livelihoods and leadership opportunities in six counties. The goal is to reach more than 16,000 Liberian youth by 2016.


Tuesday December 10, 2013

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DAILY OBSERVER Monday, December 09, 2013 Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Page 12

(http://www.economist. com/news/middle-eastand-africa/21591215regional-governmentslook-better-deals-foreignmining-firms-wheres-our)

Wheres Our Cut?

HE mining town of Yekepa in Liberias Nimba County has all the hallmarks of a boom: an Olympic-sized swimming pool, world-class tennis courts, a cinema and a golf course. But the boom took place two decades ago, when Yekepa was known to Liberians as Little New York, a town where many prospered until the civil war that broke out in 1989 tore their country apart and spread its poison across the region. Now there is new hope, albeit mixed with cynicism, that its wealth will trickle down to the people as the mine is exploited again. The Nimba mountains, straddling the borders of Liberia, Guinea and Ivory Coast, hold one of the worlds richest deposits of iron ore. The Yekepa mine, opened in the 1950s by a LiberianAmerican-Swedish company, was the countrys first largescale one. But it remained dormant throughout the civil war. In 2006, to much fanfare, it was restarted by a multinational steel company, ArcelorMittal, which has been exporting iron ore for the past two years. Other companies, such as BHP Billiton and China Union, are now active too. China Union says it expects to start shipping ore soon. Aureus Mining, a Canadian company, hopes to start producing gold in 2015. Sable Mining Africa, a British company, is the first to have secured permission

It will be more high-tech than this

from Guineas government to transport iron ore direct to the Liberian port at Buchanan, which is closer to Nimba than Conakry, Guineas capital. The company expects to begin production and start transporting iron ore in 2015. In this section New ways to play an old song Taken down a peg Banda and the bandits Wheres our cut? Could it be any more baffling? In ruins Reprints Gold has long been west Africas dominant mineral, but iron ore is exciting more interest, says Rolake Akinola of Ecobank, a pan-African firm founded in Nigeria. The region is undeveloped and mining firms are busy exploring and discovering potential sites even as they develop new mines, he says. Yet foreign companies will not find it easy. Infrastructure is poor, geological information scanty, land ownership often murky and institutions weak, especially in countries like Liberia and Sierra Leone that have been ravaged by civil war and dictatorship. Commodity prices have wobbled and some big companies will be wary of investing until the legal framework is more robust. The Revenue Watch Institute, a New York-based lobby promoting better management of natural

f r i c a n Development Bank (AfDB) president Donald Kaberuka is among the world leaders and dignitaries who are in Johannesburg to pay final respects to Nelson Mandela, who will finally be laid to rest on Sunday 15 December 2013 in his home town of Qunu in the province of East Cape (formerly Transkei), South Africa. Before leaving for Johannesburg to represent the Bank Group for the rites, which last for five days beginning from Tuesday, 10 December, President Kaberuka had previously paid tribute to the late Mandela in which he described the South African leader as an extraordinary man and one of the worlds and Africas most illustrious sons. Eulogizing Mandela, the AfDB President said: As we mourn today, we also celebrate one extraordinary life that touched the hearts of millions of people. Nelson Mandela was a true servant - not just of his country and of Africa, but of men and women all over the world. resources in the poor world, has helped Guineas government to draw up a new mining code, which requires the government to hold at least 15% of the equity in new mines. The code also sets a new tax regime and a higher threshold for foreign investors. This, says the institutes Patrick Heller, could offer a model for other countries in the region. Lets talk again Guineas government is reviewing all existing concessions, as is Sierra Leones. Malis new government is expected to follow suit, and may renegotiate some contracts. Liberia is also drafting a new mining code. Ghanas government has raised taxes on gold-mining companies, which say their operating costs will rise sharply. Michael Keating of the University of Massachusetts, Boston, says that these reviews of mining codes and contracts have been instigated by Western donors who do not want local people or their governments to be ripped off. But investors may be deterred.

AfDB President Joins World Leaders to Mark Late Madiba Nelson Mandela Rites

As we mourn today, we also celebrate one extraordinary life that touched the hearts of millions of people - Kaberuka
His leadership was borne of humility, humanity and passionate desire for change. His vision was equality and opportunity for all and we honour Madiba by striving everyday to complete the task he began. The Bank mourns a man whose release from prison on 11 February 1990 paved the way for a high-level AfDB Its one thing to conduct an inventory and another to go back to concessionaires and attempt to renegotiate signed contracts, he says. Nothing will scare investors away faster than the notion that legally signed deals can be nullified at the whim of a government agency. Most west African governments have signed or pledged to signthe Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI). The EITI tries to ensure that contracts and accounts of taxes and revenue generated by concessions are open to public scrutiny. But that is easier said than done. Last year Liberias government asked a British accounting firm, Moore Stephens, to carry out an audit of Liberian mining contracts signed between the middle of 2009 and the end of 2011. The audit, published last May, found that 62 of the 68 concessions ratified by Liberias parliament had not complied with laws and regulations. The government has yet to take action after a string of recommendations delegation to South Africa and the commissioning of a study on how to integrate the country into AfDB operations. Today, South Africa is a key player in AfDB operations both in its share capital structure and as a committed client, with Johannesburg hosting one of the Banks two Regional Resource Centres. emerged from an EITI retreat in July. Regional governments also fret over a practice known as concession flipping, whereby foreign mining companies that do not have the capacity to exploit sites sell their concessions to larger companies for windfall profits. Every flip is essentially a heist on the government exchequer, with anonymous offshore firms as the getaway car, says Leigh Baldwin of Global Witness, a London-based lobby that fights for fairer deals for local people and their governments from mining and other resources. Concession flipping, he adds, is widespread in Africa. The Africa Progress Panel, headed by Kofi Annan, a Ghanaian who once led the UN, has put out a report called Equity in Extractives. This, too, stresses a need for more openness in mining contracts. As people in the region demand more democracy, better deals from mining are a new priority.

DAILY OBSERVER Tuesday, December 10, 2013

the struggle against South Africas brutal apartheid regime, was jailed for 27 years, and emerged from prison to become South Africas first democratically elected President in 1994, stepping down after serving a single term. On Wednesday, December 11, there will be the Lyingin-State for the official viewing of the mortal remains of the late Madiba, at the Union Buildings, in the capital, Pre-

Ellen Departs

Page 13
held today at the Centennial pavilion in Monrovia. The South African Embassy near Monrovia released the official state memorial protocol for the fallen icon and hero on Sunday December 8, 2013. Mr. Mandela, the founding President of South Africans inclusive democratic nation, departed the world at around 20:50 GMT on the 5th of December. He was 95. The South African Embassy said a memorial service will be held in honor of Mr. Mandela, at the Centennial Memorial Johnson Sirleaf, US President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama, and Frances President Francois Hollande, have announced that they are going to attend Mr. Mandelas state memorial service Tuesday, December 10, in Johannesburg. President George Walker Bush and Laura Bush, President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, Prince Charles, British Prime Minister David Cameron and others are also among the 60 heads of state and government that so far have consented to be in attendance at the memorial serwe dont pay them before the Christmas, people are going to die; a situation that we dont want to happen. ArcelorMittal responds: To date, ArcelorMittal Liberia owes no past due payments to Engineers and Planners (E&P). Each month, E&P bills ArcelorMittal Liberia for services rendered in the previous month and those payments are paid as per terms of the contract. All payments are current to the contractor; however the contractor has requested an advance payment against their November bill, which ArcelorMittal Liberia has agreed to pay in good faith, once that bill is received. Absolutely no threats have been issued against any employee of Engineers and Planners, and furthermore, ArcelorMittal Liberia has no authority to hire or fire any E&P employee. The Ghanaian-owned company was Pavilion on Broad Street on Tuesday, December 10, beginning at some point between 1:00 p.m. and 2: 00.p.m. The South Africans further announced that, at their Embassy opposite Sophies in Congo Town, the Book of Condolence has also been opened for Mr. Mandela, who President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf described as a towering and inspiring world leader whose moral authority was unsurpassed. vice and state funeral, which is to be held in Qunu. In Mandelas autobiography, Long Walk to Freedom, Qunu, according to Mandela, is where he spent the happiest moments of his childhood. This small rural village in South Africas Eastern Cape Province will be the final resting place for Mr. Mandela, whose indelible marks will be engraved on the pages of history ad infinitum (forevermore). He will be buried in Qunu on December 15, 2013. contracted by ArcelorMittal Liberia in May, 2011 to carry out mining activities at the Tokadeh mine in Nimba County; however, ArcelorMittal Liberias management informed Engineers and Planners in October, 2013 that at the end of the current contract, which expires on December 31, 2013, ArcelorMittal Liberia will take over the running of the Mine as part of its localization strategy, which is consistent with the Companys compliance to the MDA. We do not want to see any Liberian unemployed; therefore all Liberians currently employed by E & P will be given first and top priority to join ArcelorMittal Liberia as full time workers. We value our relationship and partnership with E &P and are open to further dialogue and discussions. As a Company we believe in full transparency as it relates to all of our agreements. very proud to say that since I came here, significant progress has been made in the development of our friendship and cooperation. We have further proven ourselves as steadfast and reliable partners bilaterally and internationally. As a result, the relationship between our two countries has entered a new period. He indicated that politically, the two countries have strengthened mutual trust and the Liberian government is firmly adhering to the One China policy, while at the same time, the Chinese government is firmly supporting Liberias peace and stability. The outgoing Chinese Ambassador reminded Liberians that the two countries have common dreams, making reference to Liberias Vision 2030 policy document and Chinas Reform and Transformation Policy, which aims at improving the lives of the Chinese people in the same way that Liberia envisages for its people.

toria. The State Funeral will take place on Sunday, December 15, at Madibas ancestral village of Qunu, Eastern Cape, a 14-hour drive from Pretoria, to which the 80 to 100 heads of State expected are not obliged to attend as the village does not have the necessary facilities to accommodate everyone and their entourage. Because of their many years of promoting human rights

By Alaskai Moore Johnson

Boakai Leads

and democracy, both Dr. Amos Sawyer, Chairman of the Governance Commission, and Dr. Togba Nah-Tipoteh, a prominent Liberian politician, have been invited to play roles in commemorating the homegoing of the former South African President. Dr. Sawyer accompanied the President to South Africa, while Dr. Tipoteh will work, on the ground, with South Africas Ambassador to Liberia, H.E. Masilo Esau Mabeta, to organize activities commemorating Mandelas life. m., the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rep. Alex Tyler and Members of the Legislature are expected to be on hand to sign the Book; while Chief Justice Francis Korkpor and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court Bench will sign the Book of Condolence at 11: 45 a.m. Thereafter, a National Memorial Service will be held at 2:00 p.m. at the Centennial Memorial Pavilion on Ashmum Street. The Government of Liberia, in collaboration with the South African Embassy near Monroto go to work under threat of being fire, though they (employees) are not under their jurisdiction. Madam Bowen said that several employees of E&P are now threatening to seize the companys equipment or vandalize the companys warehouse. Some of the employees have even threatened to take severe actions against some senior staffs if their severance, bonuses, and other benefits owe them are not paid before the festive season, she disclosed. If not properly handled, the situation may escalate into a complete chaos as some of the employees of E&P have threatened to seize equipment belonging to the company, Madam Bowen added. She said a fraction of the 189 employees has now ignored the order of their original employer (E&P) to stop work and have now deflected to Arcelor-

Dr. Tipoteh had accompanied the President to South Africa for Madibas 90th birthday celebration. Also on hand will be Liberias Ambassador to South Africa, Cllr. Lois Brutus. President Sirleaf returns home on Friday, December 13. While she is away, the Minister of Finance, Mr. Amara Konneh, will chair the Cabinet in consultation with Vice President Joseph N. Boakai, Sr. Meanwhile, a memorial service in honor of the late South African head of state will be via, is hosting the Memorial and Reflection Service in honor of the late Nelson Mandela, former President of South Africa and Eminent Statesman; an Advocate for peace, social justice, and freedom for humanity. Todays memorial service is being held simultaneously with the South African Government, which is also having a memorial service for their fallen hero at the First National Bank (FNB) Stadium in Johannesburg, South Africa. At least over 60 world leaders, including President Ellen Mittal because of threats emanating from ArcelorMittals management. She stated: We have been having problem with some of our employees who decided to ignore our decision to halt every operation until the company can pay our money. They are still working without our consent. This technically means that they have ended all agreements they had with E&P. What is troubling is that though they decided to disobey our order, but they are still demanding us to meet up with the agreements that we had with them which is not possible, because we were using our halt action to prevail on the Mittal Steels management to pay our money. But they decided to listen to Mittal Steel rather than us who employed them. Some of the employees have threatened some of our senior staffs that if

ice President Joseph N. Boakai is expected to lead an array of government officials to sign the Book of Condolence for former South African President Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela. Mr. Mandela, the founding President of South Africans

United States Dollars for work it has done. ArcelorMittal is one of the worlds largest iron ore mining companies and has a Mineral Development Agreement (MDA) with the government of Liberia. E&P was contracted by ArcelorMittal to carryout the mining activities of the company. The two companies have been in the contractual agreement since 2011. The agreement comes to an end on the 31st of this month. The situation is reportedly due to the alleged failure of the ArcelorMittal management to fully settle E&P for services rendered the steel giant. The situation has further exacerbated the mounting tension between some employees of E&P and the management. The management of E&P had earlier promised their

Chaos Looms

inclusive democratic nation, departed the world at around 20:50 GMT on the 5th of December. He was 95. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), the signing of the Book of Condolence will take place Tuesday, December 10, at the South African Embassy in Congo Town, commencing at 10 a. m. The Embassy is opposite Sophie. According to the protocol for the ceremony, by 10:45 a.

employees some benefits and bonuses. The situation has left the fate of about 189 personnel, who are legitimate employees of E&P, in limbo. All of the employees concerned are Liberians. Speaking to newsmen in Monrovia on Monday December 9, 2013, the Country Director of E&P, Madam Pamela Bowen, said the management as ArcelorMittal has failed to pay them since 2011, a situation that is inconveniencing the operation of her company. According to her, this has led to her company halting all operations at the mining sites until the matter is adequately addressed. She indicated that her companys decision has been ignored by the management of ArcelorMittal, who are prevailing on E&Ps employees

Policy has paid Liberia huge benefits, indicating that her administration will continue to subscribe to this globally renowned policy. Pres. Sirleaf said Liberia is pleased to have resumed diplomatic relations with the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) and to have joined other nations of the world that continue to adhere to that policy. President Sirleaf made these comments recently at a farewell reception for outgoing Chinese Ambassador Zhao Jianhua at the Chinese Embassy near Monrovia. She told Ambassador Zhao that during his tour of duty, he had gone above the call of duty by identifying and making interventions in critical priority areas; some of which are being implemented while others are already completed. The President named the near-completed Monrovia Vocational Training Center

One China

(MVTC) and the proposed Ministerial Complex as some of the projects Ambassador Zhao ensured were approved by his government. She also recounted interventions made in the areas of human resource development and sports. In the former, hundreds of Liberians had either been trained at the degreegranting level or certificated in various disciplines, and had returned home to contribute their quota to nation- building, while others were still pursuing their studies in China. In the area of sports, the President said that Ambassador Zhao sponsored regular table tennis competitions among Liberian youth, which gave them motivation and inspiration in helping them shape their minds to compete internationally. We see the transformation of the mind-set as the most important intervention which

President Sirleaf congratulates a gowned and decorated Ambassador Zhao Jianhua after he is admitted into the Humane Order of African Redemption on December 6.
leads people to change course, to see things differently, to act in a new manner in the interest of the nation, she said. This is why we are grateful to the Chinese people for their role in education, she added. She renewed Liberias commitment to a strong bilateral and private-sector partnership, leading to a long-lasting remembrance of the Ambassadors intervention during his time in Liberia. Speaking earlier, Ambassador Zhao described his stay in Liberia as rewarding, and he promised to always push Liberias development interests in whatever capacity he assumes after his assignment in Liberia. He said the projects being funded by the Chinese Government will go a long way in strengthening bilateral relations between the two countries, and serve as a demonstration of Chinas commitment to helping rebuild Liberia. Ambassador Zhao said: Many people ask why does China give so much to Liberia, and the most important reason is that you, Madam President, together with the Government and people of Liberia, have won the respect and trust of the Chinese people and the international community. Ambassador Zhao Jianhua said since he commenced his tour of duty in Liberia in 2011, the bilateral relationship between the two countries made steady progress and entered a new phase. Ambassador Jianhua: Im

DAILY OBSERVER Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Other Page


Place a number from 1 to 9 in every empty cell so that each row, each column and each 3x3 box containing all the numbers from 1 to 9. No number can appear twice in a row, column or 3x3 box. Do not guess you can work it out by process of elimination. GOOD LUCK!


Mystery Christmas Carol


With Fumbah Kromah & BSG

I fini setting up my Christmas tree. Now I coming go find people to put my Christmas on, so I can get money to buy gifts to put under my Christmas tree.

Last weeks results:

With A. Leslie Lumeh


Circle the 10 differences between the two illustrations below:


WITH Fumbah Kromah

Last weeks results:

Tuesday, November 5, 10, 2013 DAILY OBSERVER Monday, December 09,2013 2013 Tuesday, December

Page 4 Page 15

Fo r ad qu ve ick rt ise bu in sine th ss is re sp su ac lts e ,

Mandela - The Heavyweight Boxer

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Oilers Departs for FIBA Finals in Tunisia

-10 Officials, 13 Players

The changing faces of Nelson Mandela

scribes his love of boxing (and why he did it): I did not enjoy the violence of boxing so much as the science of it. I was intrigued by how one moved ones body to protect oneself, how one used a strategy both to attack and retreat, how one paced onself over a match. Boxing is egalitarian. In the ring, rank, age, color, and wealth are irrelevant . . . I never did any real fighting after I entered politics. My main interest was in training; I found the rigorous exercise to be an excellent outlet for tension and stress. After a strenuous workout, I felt both mentally and physically lighter. It was a way of losing myself in something that was not the struggle. After an evenings workout I would wake up the next morning feeling strong and refreshed, ready to take up the fight again. (Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom, page 193.) How did Mandela assess his personal boxing ability? He gives his candid opinion in Long Walk to Freedom: Although I had boxed a bit at Fort Hare, it was not until I had lived in Johannesburg that I took up the sport in earnest. I was never an outstanding boxer. I was in the heavyweight division, and I had neither enough power to compensate for my lack of speed nor enough speed to make up for my lack of power. (Long Walk, at page 193.) Mandela had considerable power, however, in other aspects of his life. One of his most-respected skills was the ability to maintain his dignity even in the face of unimaginable hardship. the next round. Its enough to make their supporters dream the seemingly possible qualification with their home-advantage. Group III is definitely an easy cross over for defending champs Grand Cape Mount County and 2012 County Meet champs, Margibi County. The likes of Lofa and River Gee Counties may likely not make a great difference, though the games will be played at Voinjama Sports Stadium in Voinjama, Lofa, this could not positvely affect Lofa County. Sinoe Countys zone is the second tensely contented group with the host, Gbarpolu, Nimba and Rivercess Counties, seated in Group IV. The 2010 and 2011 winner, Nimba County, has claimed more titles in the eight years and is inarguably the most favorite to emerge as one of the two qualifiers at the James E. Green Sports Stadium. Gbarpolu County emerged winner in 2004 after the resumption of the County Meet and has since been mostly stopped in the preliminary rounds, while Rivercess won the 2007 title and settled as runner-up in 2008 County Meet. The Cestos and Bopolu boys have been struggling since then to restore their image. Its most likely that both might not surpass host Sinoe County, whose recent record showed their improvement, evidently of reaching the semi finals.

ven while he was imprisoned in an impossibly small cell on Robben Island, Nelson Mandela maintained a physical-fitness regimen. In his younger years, he was also a heavyweight boxer, as depicted in this photo (which was made for Drum magazine). It depicts Mandela on the roof of a Johannesburg building. Cropped out of the image is Jerry Moloi, with whom Mandela had been sparring. In his autobiography, Long Walk to Freedom, Mandela de-

LPRC Oilers Basket Team, representing Liberia in the FIBA Africa Club Champions

4 Days to County Meet

-Who Are The First Favorites?

Partial view of Liberians at the SKD during the County Meet

By Leroy M. Sonpon, lll

he seventh cashsplitting County Meet is expected to kick-off this Saturday, with traditionally, all of the 15 Counties, battling for the gold. But who are the favorites in the preliminary? Unlike the past, sports lovers would just toss the dice and predict the preliminaries favorites that could become a reality; but this years fixture has been de-regionalized with counties from either the west, southeast and central or north pulling to a site to gain qualification for the finals in Monrovia at the always record crowded Samuel K. Doe Sports Complex. In Group I, with Grand Bassa County being the host and part of a three-member Group, the

Gbehzohn boys will certainly begin the campaign with phenomenal start as well as an advantage at the Doris Williams Sports Stadium in Buchanan, Grand Bassa. Bassa has an overwhelming record of graduating from the 1st round though not lucky to reach the grand finals in the last eight years. The Tubmanburg boys practically put up a surprising show four years ago and locked down the championship, which brought smile on President Ellen JohnsonSirleaf in appreciation to her county heroes. In the late 1970s and 1980s, Grand Kru County was the Marvel of County Meet Football, but after the resumption of the County Meet in 2004, Grand Kru was noted only for crossing over the first

round, which up to present has been its peak. Being the only record-triumph county in the County Meet, Grand Kru is the second favorite in Group II. The second group is mostly tense in term of qualification from the 1st round owing to the members: Montserrado, Grand Gedeh, Maryland and host, Bong County. The Pleebo boys of Maryland are the least amongst the group, with worst performance in eight years in comparison to the groups members. The Tuzon boys of Grand Gedeh have reached the finals twice in 2007 and 2010, but lost in similar goal-margin, 2-0. They have been impressive amongst the Southeastern Counties, unlike Sinoe who managed to reach the semifinals only last year. Grand Gedeh is the first favorite, and is able to lock the horns at the David Kuyon Sports Stadium in Gbarnga, Bong County. The most populated county, Montserrado County has been very unlucky in the County Meet, unlike in the 1960s. But, Montserrado Countys last performance led them to emerge as the runner-up, in the narrow 1-1 pulsating draw that ended in a lottery shot. One could say its a comeback from the 1960s, which could have made them one of the favorites, but the 2008 County Meet winners, Bong, who are also the host, have been reasonably full of confidence for

23-man team delegation of basketball giants, LPRC Oilers is expected to leave the country today for Sousse, Tunisia for the FIBA Africa Club Championship finals from Wednesday, December 11 to Saturday, December 21, 2013. The delegation includes 10 officials and 13 players. The officials are the Secretary General of the Liberia Basketball Association (LBA), D. Allen Goodridge (head of the delegation); Momolu J. Dukuly, Charles Sherman, James Jappah and Edward J. Harris, Head coach Paul Houlsen, Assistant Coach Charles Cummings, team manager Armah Cassell, and statistician Archie Pennoh and Medics William Harris. The players are Captain Ben Dixon, Assistance Captain Jethro Bing, Samuel Bull Dog Davidson and John Bing. The rest are Aloysius Teah, Clarence Davies, Jr., Glen

By Leroy M. Sonpon, III

Nimely, George Pennoh and Moucta Toure, Baimba Manoba, Mohammed Jabateh, Choco Lee and Yamussa Kamara. According to a source from the Oilers Sports Association (OSA) due to financial constraints, the number of the delegation could not be increased. The games will be shown live on SuperSport from December 11th December 21st. ArcelorMittal Liberia is sponsoring the trip, according to the LPRC because of the historical significance of the teams accomplishment for basketball in Liberia and the lasting impact on the LPRC Oilers Basketball Team and Liberian youth. Oilers booked their ticket to the finals when they emerged runners-up to Nigerias Kano Pillars, in the just ended FIBA Zone 3 Club Championships qualifiers, for both men and women, held in Monrovia. This is the first time, since the establishment of basketball in the country, in the 1960s, for a Liberian basketball team to qualify for an FIBA Africa Club Championship Finals.

Kenyan fan unable to cope with Manchester Uniteds loss to Newcastle United committed suicide over the weekend, according to police. John Macharia, 28, plunged to his death from a multistorey apartment block in the capital, Nairobi. This followed Uniteds 1-0, their second home defeat in four days. Newcastles first win at Old Trafford since February 1972 means the reigning champions are now 13 points adrift of league leaders Arsenal. Macharia jumped from seventh floor of an apartment at Pipeline Estate after realising that his team Manchester United lost 1-0 to Newcastle

Fan Kills Himself over United Loss

at Old Trafford and committed suicide, said Nairobis County Police Commander Benson Kibui. Macharias death is reminiscent of the suicide by a Kenyan Arsenal fan in 2009. Suleiman Omondi, 29, was found hanging in his flat after the Gunners were trounced 3-1 by Manchester United in the second leg of a Champions League semi-final. Kibui urged football-obsessed Kenyan fans to support local teams rather than foreign clubs who do not have a link to the east African nation. The football fans should enjoy the matches... but they should not commit suicide since life is very precious, Kibui added. BBC.

Fo r ad qu ve ick rt ise bu in sine th ss is re sp su ac lts e ,


What Did Dr. Owl Say?

Greater love hath no man than this: that a man should lay down his life for his friends.
--Dr. Owls Biblical Guest

Normal Activities Resume at UL -As Classes Start January 2014

VOL. 16. NO. 34


interim vice president for Academic Affairs and Provost, effective immediately. ULFA Response ULFA says it appreciates the timely intervention of the Board of Trustees of the UL in ensuring an amicable resolution of the current crises existing on the campuses of the institution. ULFA, in a statement also issued yesterday said, it remains committed to constructively engaging the administration and the Board of Trustees, and therefore, wishes to admonish all faculty members to remain calm as they await the finality (conclusion). The ULFA remains committed to working with the President of the UL, Dr. Emmet A. Dennis, who has ensured that both faculty members and the student body along with other staff of UL are treated humanely prior to the appointment of the vice president for Academic Affairs/Provost, and at the same time, committed to participating in the ensuring the December 18, 2013 commencement exercises, the statement maintained.


By C.Y. Kwanue

he Administration of the University of Liberia (UL), has with immediate effect, and with the approval of the Board of Trustees, announced the formal resumption of regular official activities on all of the campuses (Capitol Hill and Fendall) as of Monday, December 9. Also, the administration said

regular classes will be reintroduced under a revised academic calendar, and will commence early January, 2014. Meanwhile, the planned commencement Convocation for this year takes place on Wednesday, December 18, 2013 at the Samuel K. Doe Sports Complex in Paynesville, outside Monrovia. It can be recalled that on November 18, the UL Student Union (ULSU) presented a position paper to the vice president for Student Affairs,

Dr. Julius Sarwolo Nelson, detailing complaints, in which it called for the administrations immediate attention. According to a statement issued Tuesday under the signature of the UL Vice President/ UL Relations, Dr. S. Momolu Getaweh, most of the issues raised were based on the 2013/2014 registration process, and the administration of the mid-term examinations. While the concerns of the students were being addressed, the UL Faculty As-

Prosecution Produces First Witness in Kidnapping Case

By Abednego Davis
he first witness for government in the ongoing kidnapping case of an American citizen, Christiana Andrianopoulos on Monday , December 9, told Criminal Court D that defendant David Safranu, a Nigerian, played a major role by assisting the other three defendants to leave the country. He personally used his brown Cherokee jeep with plate number 866, and drove his colleagues to the border in Grand Cape Mount where they fled the country, Emanuel Doe Jleeken alleged. Jleeken is the Deputy Chief of Service for the Liberia National Police (LNP), one of the officers, who investigated the defendant before he was indicted by the grand jury. Defendant Safranu, together with Niclolus Elijah, Efemy Sixtus Chlders, and Stanley Nnaqmoi Aquzie, were indicted in early 2012 for the crimes of kidnapping, terrorizing, and criminal conspiracy and facilitation. Unfortunately, the other defendants have left the country prior to Mondays proceedings. When Safranu first appeared before the courtroom he denied the allegation, when his indictment was read to him by the clerk of the court thereby joining issue with the government. Interestingly, the victim, Madam Andrianopoulos herself was not in open court, because prosecution in keeping with law, plead with the court to allow her deposition (statement) to read to the jury. In his testimony, the witness explained that on Septem-

ber 20, 2012, the defendant received the victim from the Roberts International; Airport (RIA) in an attempt to take her to the RLJ Hotel situated on the Robertsfield Highway, outside Monrovia. Instead he took her to an isolated and dilapidated home on the GSA road and placed her in a dark room where he and the other defendants began to search her personal belongings, prosecutions witness further claimed. They photographed the victim naked and sent it by email to her fiance, George Casino, who resides in the United States of America, demanding a ransom of five million US dollars. Of that amount, the defendant was promised between 8 to 10 percent, the witness alleged. When the five million could not be extorted, the defendant

sociation (ULFA), also issued a press statement with a litany of their own concerns, and announcing the disengagement of faculty from teaching, the statement declared. Subsequently, the statement continued, the Alumni Association, in a letter to the UL president, also expressed concerns about the institution. All three of the different groups connected to the crisis have called for the stepping down of the vice president for Academic Affairs, Dr. Wede Elliot-Brownell. However, the statement noted that the violence surrounding the expression of concerns by students, particularly those concerning Dr. Brownell, is herewith condemned in no uncertain terms, and will be dealt with after ensuring investigations. The UL Administration and the Board of Trustees said they have spent an enormous time in consultations with stakeholders, and the parties

concerned hearing, receiving and understanding concerns, views, and suggestions regarding possible adjudication over the weeks since the institution was closed. Based of the conclusion of the various consultations, the UL administration, with the approval of the Board of Trustees will, meanwhile, launch an externally mediated (representatives from the Council of Churches, Civil Society, Association of Liberian Universities) the stepping down of the vice president. The investigation is expected to conclude no later than January 31, 2014, the statement added. However, during the period of the investigation, all parties are requested to refrain from activities that would incite demonstrations, unrest, or any form of instability to allow the process to derive conclusions relevant to the interest of the university. Meanwhile, the UL administration has hired the services of Dr. Walter Wiles to serve as

and his conspirators reduced the amount from five million to one million, of which he was still promised 10 percent. The witness continued, When they could not succeed in getting the one million they again reduce it to two hundred and fifty thousand and the defendant still maintained his 10 percent share. It was when the victim was pleading and crying not to be killed, they reduced the money to fifty thousand, and he still maintained his 10 percent. When they got to know that the police were in search of the victim he took the news to the other defendants, the witness concluded.

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Published by the Liberian Observer Corporation (LOC), 23 McDonald Street, P.O. Box 1858, Monrovia, Liberia; Tel: 06 812-888; 06 578476; and 06 472772; Printed by the Observer Printing Press; Bai S. Best, Marketing Manager; Lindiw Khumalo Yasiah, Business Strategist; Publisher & Managing Director, Kenneth Y. Best.

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, VOL, No.34.indd 1

12/9/13 10:38 PM

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