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984205 P3 Our Freedoms are Being Violated

United States unfairly abridges First Amendment rights

No one comes to America expecting to have his or her beliefs repressed. In a world of religious persecution, America represents itself as a place of freedom. To remain so, the United States Supreme Court must deny the Obama administration the right to force businesses to provide workers with contraceptive health coverage, if it contradicts the morals or religious beliefs of the business owners. Telling business owners that they must provide birth control in their health coverage plans violates some peoples beliefs and religions. Until the 1930s, most Christian religions recognized that using contraception is a sin. Today, the Catholic Church remains the only Christian religion that continues to oppose the use of contraception. This does not mean, however, that there is not a large representation of Catholics in America. As stated in a in June 2007 USA Today article by Cathy Lynn Grossman, In 2006 there were about 64.4 million Catholics living in the United States. This is a huge population that may share the belief that contraception is a sin. It is completely wrong to force these people to provide birth control for their employees. The First Amendment in the constitution states: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. By forcing this law on business owners and going against their beliefs, Congress is prohibiting the free exercise of their religion. This presidential mandate is a violation of their First Amendment Rights, as well as their religious beliefs. A government that portrays itself to be accepting

984205 P3 of all people should at least respect the rights and morals of one of the largest religious groups within its borders. Not only does the proposed governmental action violate the business owners First Amendment Rights, it also violates conditions of the 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act. This act, as stated on, was created in order to explain that the government must refrain from limiting religious freedom, as well as select the least intrusive method to achieve their goal when dealing with any matter of religious liberty. This act was written by a coalition of religious groups. By going against the requirements of this act, the government is not only breaking the law, but also disrespecting a group of revered religious leaders. Many organizations are taking measures to have the mandate ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. On September 20th, 2013, attorneys for the Alliance Defending Freedom filed a federal lawsuit against the Obama Administration. The fight has gone through two different federal courts already, with opposing verdicts. The issue continues to be debated and will be brought to the Supreme Court for a final decision. An arts and crafts chain called Hobby Lobby is one of the leading companies that are protesting this federal mandate. As stated in a Religious News Service article by Sarah Pulliam Bailey, Kyle Duncan, a senior lawyer for the company explains, The United States government is taking the remarkable position that private individuals lose their religious freedom when they make their living. Hobby Lobby, and many other companies like it are offended by the conduct of the president. Duncan continues, Were

984205 P3 confident that the Supreme Court will reject the governments extreme position and hold that religious liberty is for everyone-- including people who run a business. This mandate not only contradicts religious convictions, but also American beliefs. That is not to say that the fight against it is not making headway. According to an article in JD Journal written on October 9th, 2013, The temporary relief means that for now, any Colorado business owned by a Catholic family may seek permission not to comply with the new contraception coverage mandate. While this is a small victory against the injustice, there is still a long road ahead as far as a definite end is concerned. The Obama administration is violating the First Amendment rights of its people, the requirements of the 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act, as well as the moral convictions of a large group of Americans. It is obvious that the United States Supreme Court must deny the Obama administration the right to force businesses to provide their workers with contraceptive health coverage if it contradicts the morals or religious beliefs of the business owners.

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