UIU Organizational Stucture

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Organizing can be in crude terms defined as arranging and structuring work to accomplish the organizations goals. Organizational structure can be defined as: Formal and informal framework of policies and rules within which an organization arranges its lines of authority and communications and allocates rights and duties. Or The formal arrangement of jobs within an organization Organizational determines the structure manner and

extent to which roles, power, and responsibilities controlled, and are and how

delegated, coordinated,

information flows between levels of management. It refers to the way that an organization arranges people and jobs so that its work can be performed and its goals can be met. An organization chart illustrates the organizational structure.

Organizational structure is much like a human skeletal structure. It determines what shape an organization will take. We don't spend much time thinking about our skeletal structure until something breaks, and so it goes with organizations.

How an organization is structured basically means how the reporting relationships and work teams are organized. It reveals a great deal about the culture, function and leadership of a company. KEY ELEMENTS OF ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE: Work Specialization Departmentalization Chain of command Span of Control Centralization and Decentralization Formalization


About UIU
United International University (UIU) is the outcome of the initiative taken by a couple of renowned academicians. It is established with the generous support and patronage of the United Group, a successful business conglomerate operating in diverse business areas. Mission: Mission of UIU is to produce excellent human capital with intellectual, creative, technical, moral and practical skill of the highest possible level.

Vision of UIU: Vision of UIU is to become the center of excellence in teaching and research in each academic program we offer. Strategy of UIU: Strategy of UIU is to develop united, interactive, involving, and caring relationship among teachers, students, and guardians. UIU Policy: UIU policies are to,

Develop and implement the state-of-the-art curricula, Recruit committed, accessible and inspiring teachers, Select brilliant and promising students, Provide the most attractive infrastructure and logistic support, and Pursue a never ending quest for excellence.

Work Specialization:
It is defined as: Dividing work activities into separate job tasks. UIU use the term work specializations or division of labor and describes the degree to which activities in the organization will be subdivided into separate jobs. In essence individuals specialize doing part of an activity rather to the entire activity. The organization structure makes the decision process since every decisions are examined by all the managerial level of the organization. One important thing to mention that all the member of Board of Trustees are from business entities rather than educational institutional background who are more aware of current changes in the society and offer the new major accordingly. It is quite important to involve all the faculties and different schools and discuss about the changes in the society and approach for changing the existing course curriculum/course syllabus or even offering new majors. Every dynamic organization secure the access of information and distribute it throughout the different parts of the organization and individuals. The following diagram describes the work specialization process of UIU.

Linking parallel activities instead of integrating their result: Faculties from different department can communicate with each other rather than personally talk to each other which saves time.

Putting the decision point where the work is performed, and building control into the process: Top management gives authority to take decision by the lower level management if the concept (may be a new major) is relevant to the overall organization mission.

Established R&D Department who develops computer based information system. It creates a network through it any employee/faculty can exchange information. R&D dept. transforms all the information and develops a concept on the basis of that. This concept is inspected and then implemented

Captures information once and at the source: All the faculties/administrator send the information to the R&D department rather than keeping the information within them.

Organizes around outcomes: Giving an objective to individual rather than series of task. As a result, employees are more focused.

The major job of the faculties are to come to the class-teach-go home, which actually crates barrier to grow. Besides, it also make the faculties less motivated. That is why, the following approaches are also followed by UIU management: Rotates faculties to different department and develops communication with the others. By sharing knowledge and ideas with faculties from different specialization which makes faculties more creative and ultimately more motivated. Gives faculties more autonomy and control over their logical suggestion. Their suggestion is sent to the R&D department and if the suggestion is valuable, faculty is given the autonomy and authority to take the decision immediately. Decentralized organizational structure can be established if a bottom-up management system can be introduced. There should be an individual head each major and the head of the major can manage all the faculties under each major. This extended division will relive the huge burden of directors of each school. As result, the bottom level management will generate more suggestions. It will also help the top level to get the exact information. Each major can work in group and working horizontally. This action may develop an effective communication channel among the organization.

It can be defined as: Departmentalization refers to the process of grouping activities into departments. Division of labor creates specialists who need coordination. This coordination is facilitated by grouping specialists together in departments. To keep every segment organized, UIU follows the following departmentalization process:

Functional Departmentalization:
United International University does not have any specific organizational structure. 1. Board of Trustees
2. Governing Council

Vice Chancellor

3. Academic council Treasurer

Chancellor and Principal Officers







School of Business & Economics

School of Science & Engineering

English Language Institute

Institute of Natural Sciences

Institute of Business & Economic Research

Cisco Network Academy Research

United International University does not have any concrete organogram drawn anywhere. However, the above organogram based on the information was given in the annual report. It is relevant to highlight that Board of Trustees has direct influence and sole decision on any major decision. All relevant departments provide sufficient information regarding proceedings of the university operations. Chancellor and principal officers (CPO) are in the administrative position and the governing council monitors the performance of the CPO. Day-to-day operations and internal decision made by Directors of respective institutes. Usually, Directors provide sufficient information to the upper level if there is any suggestion and the decision made by the top level.

Product Departmentalization:
United International University, Bangladesh has three major departments/schools. Following figure will be helpful in this regard:

Product (Major Courses)

School of Business & Economics

> BBA > BBA in AIS > Dept. of ECONOMICS > MBA(Executive) > MBA(Regular) > IBER

School of Science & Engineering

English Language Institute >Basic English >English I >English II

Institute of Natural Sciences


>Chemistry >Mathematics >Physics

Institute of Business & Economic Research

Cisco Network Academy Research


United International University has six departments/schools. Total number of fifteen majors offered and Institute of Business & Economic Research is not offering any major.

Geographical Departmentalization:
Departmentalization by geographical regions:

Dhanmondi Campus 1 The UIU Campus is built with the purpose of imparting education in a befitting infrastructure and congenial environment. Containing about 80,000 sq. ft. floor space, the campus has 8 floors with two basements. With this capacity, UIU accommodates state-of-the-art IT and omputer Labs, Language Lab, different Engineering Labs and other essential facilities.

Address: House # 80, Road # 8A (Old-15) Dhanmondi, Dhaka 1209

Dhanmondi Campus 2 The entire space of Dhanmondi Campus 2 is approximately 48,402 sq.ft. of which North Building contains 30,078 sq.ft. (ground floor to 5th floor) and South Building 18,324 sq.ft. (ground floor to 3rd floor). All required facilities are available in the Dhanmondi Campus 2 for imparting education to the students in a congenial & effective manner. Address:

House # 36 (new), Road # 16 (new)/27 (old), Dhanmondi, Dhaka 1209

Chain of Command:
Chain of command is the line of authority extending from upper organizational levels to the lower levels. This basically clarifies the problem who reports to whom? At Independent United International University each of the employee reports to the head of his/her department. The head of the department reports to the Vice Chancellor. Authority at Independent University, Bangladesh flows top down through organizations Hierarchy. Vice Chancellors Office is the main administrative wing of the university. Employees here work under direct supervision of the Vice Chancellor. There are six institutes at UIU. A Director heads each school. There are faculty members and one administrative officer working each school under the supervision of director. The directors of the schools do not have any individual decision-making role. The schools do not have any kind of autonomy. The directors have to depend on VC, Board of Trustees, Academic Council and Governing Council. Regitrars office works under the supervision Registrar.

United International University, UIU, has been established with a view to creating an educational institution with a difference. Its goal is to provide quality education in the fields of Science, Engineering and Business, and at the same time to produce skilled professionals with high standard of human/moral values. Befitting infrastructure, congenial environment, well equipped laboratories and highly qualified experienced faculty members are precondition for quality education UIU is committed to provide all these necessary components to make it an educational institution of international standing. Teaching only cannot be the sole aim of a university, as the basic definition of the university lies in extending the horizon of knowledge. UIU is particularly keen to develop research activities so that its graduates and the faculty members can leave a lasting impression at home and abroad. Arrangements are being made to establish links with renowned universities of Asia, Europe, Australia and North America and very soon UIU will have credit transfer agreements with a number of internationally reputed universities.

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