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Annotated Bibliography

By: Hallie Searcy (CREATING A WEBSITE) Women Suffrage

National Organization for Women (NOW). "'Bill of Rights for Women'." National Organization for Women, Inc., Washington DC. American History Online. Facts On File, Inc. (Accessed November 13, 2013). This is an historical document written by the National Organization For Women in November 1967 at its second national conference held in Washington, D.C.. This document is called the Bill of Rights for Women and was delivered to the 1968 Republican and Democratic platform committees and to all candidates of the 1968 Congress Election. This speech included all the rights that the women in this organization demanded to have. This relates to my website because it allows me to have a broader understanding of the different rights these women wanted, not just the right to vote.

National Organization for Women (NOW). "National Organization for Women (NOW) Statement of Purpose." National Organization for Women, Inc. Washington DC. American History Online. Facts On File, Inc. (Accessed November 13, 2013). This is a historical document created by the National Organization for Women (NOW) that stated the purpose of their organization. In 1966 this statement was released and included all the goals of the organization and what they stood for. This document provides a precise and to the point overall purpose for this organization so that I can better understand what NOW wanted to see changed in their society.

Anthony, Susan B. "Petition to Congress Requesting Women's Suffrage." In Frost, Elizabeth, and Kathryn Cullen-DuPont. Women's Suffrage in America: An Eyewitness History. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 1992. American History Online. Facts On File, Inc. (Accessed November 25, 2013). This historical document is extremely important to American history because it was one of the major causes of the right for women to vote. Susan B. Anthony wrote this petition to congress effectively requesting the right for women to vote using evidence and reasoning to support her request. This contributes to the making of my website because it shows just how badly women wanted their right and their reasoning behind it.

U.S. Congress. "Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution." In Todd, Lewis Paul, and Merle Curti, eds. Triumph of the American Nation. Orlando: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1986. American History Online. Facts On File, Inc. (Accessed November 25, 2013). This is another very important document that still effects the U.S. today. This is the amendment passed in 1919 that gives women the right to vote and what is in todays U.S. Constitution. This is very important to the making of this website because it shows the ending result and the lasting effect that the women involved in this movement had on the nation today.

Bryant, Claudia. "women's suffrage." In Sabato, Larry J., and Howard R. Ernst. Encyclopedia of American Political Parties and Elections. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2006. American History Online. Facts On File, Inc. (Accessed November 25, 2013). This article, like the many others that are listed, provided a great deal of facts on the women suffrage movement beginning with Dolley Madisons caution to James Madison to mention the ladies all the way to the passing of the Nineteenth Amendment that gives women the right to vote. The article provided multiple accounts of different people from this time period which helped me to better understand the mixed feelings during this time period.

Faue, Elizabeth. "women's suffrage, 19001920." In Faue, Elizabeth, and Gary B. Nash, eds. Encyclopedia of American History: The Emergence of Modern America, 1900 to 1928, Revised Edition (Volume VII). New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2010. American History Online. Facts On File, Inc. (Accessed November 25, 2013). This online article does a great job summing up the main points and events of the womens uffrage movement. It briefly mentions major associations and people involved in this movement. This article provided basic information for this website and laid down the basic information used to build this website.

Kauffman, Heather. Woman Suffrage. October 1, 2005. Issues & Controversies in American History. Infobase Publishing. (Accessed November 15, 2013). This article goes into great detail about the process of women gaining their right to vote. It includes the many ways that women protested and pushed for their right to vote from Conventional Halls to picket lines. Another important part of this article is section on the arguments held for both the for and against sides of this controversy. This article relates to my project because woman suffrage was a major part of women gaining equal rights as men.

Sagan, Miriam. Womens Suffrage. San Diego, CA: Lucent Books.

This book is an informative book on womens suffrage. This book proved to be very helpful in the production of this website because it provided many facts about the process it took to create equal rights for women and more specifically the voting rights for women. A unique part of this book is that it starts the process all the way back in 1972, unlike most books, and goes all the way up to the present day. This book contributed to this website by helping to provide a base line/ outline that crafted the website.

Monroe, Judy. The Nineteenth Amendment: Womens Right to Vote. Springfield, NJ: Enslow Publishers, Inc, 1998. This book discusses in detail the process of the passing of the 19th Amendment. The book provided me with a lot of information on the individual women who worked hard and effortlessly to gain equal voting rights for women. In addition, it provide many photographs for the time period that showed the women protesting and gaining awareness. This book contributed to this website by providing great detail on the important people of this time.

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