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The Lumos Treaty

With the interest of fostering peaceful relations within the Middle East and around the World, signatories of The Lumos Treaty agree to uphold the provisions as follows: Concede to the utilization of nuclear energy in the Middle East solely for peaceful purposes and for their own use only. All Middle Eastern States may not create, attempt to create, or possess enriched uranium that exceeds 19.75%. All signing Middle Eastern States must, within 72 hours of signing, accommodate IAEA inspections. During the first year, all Middle East States must be in accordance with IAEA verification and by the end of the second year any nuclear weapons and/or nuclear weapon grade material discovered shall be removed to the EU3. All Middle Eastern States must comply with full range IAEA inspections. All Non-Proliferation Treaty Nuclear Weapons States will deplete 10% of their nuclear stocks within 5 years of signing. All States in noncompliance will face a range of consequences elaborated upon below. Sanctions and other economic barriers will be lifted incrementally based on treaty compliance and with each positive IAEA inspection.

Article 1: Obligations 1. All signatories of The Lumos Treaty must comply with IAEA standards, inspections, and specifics. 2. The IAEA will enter all Middle East States who sign The Lumos Treaty within 72 hours to begin inspections. During the first year the IAEA will inspect all Middle Eastern States, and will not publicly report on what the inspections find. During the second year of The Lumos Treaty, all nuclear weapons and highly enriched uranium and plutonium will have been dismantled and sent to EU3 with cooperation of the Middle East State under IAEA supervision. At the end of the second year of the signing of the Treaty of the Lumos, the IAEA will report its findings and certify that each Middle East States does not have nuclear weapons. 3. Upon approval by the IAEA and after the second year of signing The Lumos Treaty, all signatories of this treaty must become members of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). 4. All signatories must additionally join the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT); in compliance with the treaty, no signatory may test Nuclear Weapons in any environment. 5. Any Middle East State who has enriched uranium above 19.75% will dilute it to at least 19.75% by the end of the first year of signing The Lumos Treaty. 6. All Non-Proliferation Treaty Nuclear Weapons States must deplete 10% of their nuclear weapons stores within 5 years of signing The Lumos Treaty.

7. No nation may directly or indirectly sell, trade, transport, ship, store, or provide any nuclear materials to another state, region, rogue third party, or any interest groups. Article 2: Definition of Nuclear Materials 1. A nuclear weapon is any device that releases nuclear energy in an explosive manner as a result of a chain reaction involving fusion or fission. 2. This includes but is not limited to test explosives, uranium enriched nuclear device and/or a plutonium enriched nuclear device. Article 3: Use of Nuclear Materials 1. All Middle Eastern States may produce for themselves nuclear energy for only peaceful purposes. 2. Those in possession of or attempting to create facilities that potentially have the capacity to enrich uranium and plutonium must comply with both regular and unannounced inspections by the IAEA. 3. Limitations of enrichment capabilities are as follows: (a). All uranium enrichment levels shall not exceed 19.75% in any Middle East State. (b). If any Middle Eastern States are utilizing heavy water reactors, enrichment levels of the uranium produced shall not exceed 1.5%. 4. Inspections of nuclear pursuing sites shall be as follows: (a). Compliance with this treaty assures that the IAEA will be the body in charge of inspections at, but not limited to, nuclear pursuing facilities; centrifuge assembly workshops; uranium mines and mills; and centrifuge rotor production workshops and storage facilities. (b). The IAEA has the capacity to impose inspectors on site with a 72 hour notice, to any declared or suspected site as described above. (c). Any signatory refusing to comply with IAEA regulations will be subjected to sanctions. Article 4: Consequences of Noncompliance 1. Any party in noncompliance of The Lumos Treaty will face the imposition of sanctions by the other signatories of this treaty and the UN targeting industries associated with nuclear aspirations as well as those most profitable to the nation in violation. 2. Any party in noncompliance of The Lumos Treaty will have their assets frozen and international banking regulated by the other signatories of this treaty and the UN.

3. Any party in noncompliance of The Lumos Treaty will face sanctions by the other signatories of this treaty and the UN in energy resources trading, including but not limited to coal, petrochemical, and petroleum. Article 5: Incentives of Compliance 1. With every successful bi-annual IAEA inspection conducted in Middle Eastern States, sanctions in place will be lifted incrementally. 2. Successful is defined as full cooperation with the IAEA in any and all requests, as well as full and transparent compliance with The Lumos Treaty.

Article 6: Non Aggression Agreement 1. All signatories agree not to act in any aggressive manner, including but not limited to a direct or indirect threat either externally or internally, to any other signatory. Article 7: IAEA and NTI Responsibilities 1. The IAEA will inspect, monitor, and report on all Middle East States, following its guidelines and standards, to ensure the compliance of The Lumos Treaty. 2. The NTI has the authority to assist the IAEA in its responsibilities of The Lumos Treaty. 3. The NTI possesses the authority to act as a secondary security safety in all matters outlined in The Lumos Treaty on a private consulting basis. The NTI is required to document and report all instances of noncompliance with guidelines and standards to the IAEA. 4. The NTI will help to secure nuclear weapon grade materials for nuclear reactors with additions of new states to the World Institute of Nuclear Security (WINS). 5. The NTI will establish and fund an IAEA administered International Nuclear Fuel Bank in the event of a general desire to create options for countries seeking nuclear energy for peaceful purposes without creating proliferation threats. Article 9: Enter Into Effect 1. The Lumos Treaty enters into immediate effect once all signatories sign.


_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ Iran Israel United States China _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ Russia EU+3 Jordan Turkey _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ Egypt GCC IAEA NTI

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