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To determine the high, average, and low student in the classroom, I took information from their literacy folders

and MAP scores from the previous year and information from the first few weeks of school. Their reading level at the beginning of the year was one of the factors that I took in consideration the most. Each student was tested at the end of first grade and during the first few weeks of second grade. High: The high student in the class was one of the higher students in first grade as well. er reading level is one of the highest in the classroom. !he had one of the highest grades on the pretest for this magnet unit. !he was the only student to list two ways that magnets can be used in everyday life. er parents studied with her and signed the magnets study guide both nights, which she received two e"tra credit points on her test for. There was a total of eleven points different from her pretest to her posttest for this unit. These eleven points do not include the e"tra two points she received for her study guide being signed. !he made a ninety#eight on both the vocabulary and magnet portfolio. The few points she did miss were for capital letters in the middle of her sentences. Average: The average student was in E!$% during first grade, but had graduated out of the program prior to entering second grade. e did not receive the services at any point during this year. $n the pretest his score was right there with the rest of the students in the classroom. e knew some of the information prior to the unit. is parents or siblings studied with him both nights, which he received two e"tra credit points on his test for. e scored thirty#si" points better on his posttest than his pretest. e scored a ninety#eight on both the vocabulary and magnet portfolio. The few points he missed on each section was from not having complete sentences, capital letters and end marks where they needed to be in his sentences. Low: The low student in the classroom is a response to intervention student. e receives more one on one time than the other students. $ne of the district employees came once a week to help him with his work. e also received e"tra time with a volunteer tutor. This student was also pulled aside by my cooperating teacher to work on his class work while we read a read alouds and checked Morning Munch. is study guide was not signed either night, which told us that his parents did not study with him. $n this magnet unit he showed great improvement from his pretest to posttest. e made an eighty#nine on his magnet portfolio because he decided he wanted to leave a portion of activity five blank. The other few points he lost was due to not having complete sentences.

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