r050210801 Fluid Mechanics For Chemical Engineering

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Code No: R050210801 Set No.

II B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, February 2007
(Chemical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Develop an equation relating pressure and height, in a static fluid.

(b) An open tank holds certain amount of liquid whose relative density is 1.25.
The tank is fitted with a manometer to a certain point of its wall and it shows
a pressure of Pgage = 0.35 atm, what is the height of liquid level in the tank
from the point of connection of the manometer. [8+8]

2. (a) State the Bernoullis equation? Explain the significance of each term.
(b) Write any two applications of the Bernoullis equation.
(c) Write short notes on Average velocity. [8+4+4]

3. (a) Derive an expression for shear stress distribution in cylindrical tube of Incom-
pressible flow of fluids
(b) Find the relation between skin friction & wall shear. [8+8]

4. Methane gas is being pumped through a 305m length of 52.5mm diameter steel
pipe at a rate of 41.0kg/m2 -s.The inlet pressure is 345kPa abs. Assume isothermal
flow at 288.8K. (µmethane = 1.045 × 10−5 pa − sec, f = 0.0014).

(a) Calculate the pressure at the end of the pipe.

(b) Calculate the maximum velocity that can be obtained at these conditions. [16]

5. (a) What is the superficial velocity and how is it related to the average velocity
in the packed bed Describe the term shape factor.
(b) A particle of specific gravity 2.6 is falling by gravity in water (µ= 1cp) at a
Reynold’s number of 200.What is the size of the particle in microns and its
terminal velocity (ρH2 o = 990Kg/m3 )(CD = 0.95). [8+8]

6. (a) A Spherical bead catalyst of diameter 4.4 mm is to be fluidized with wa-

ter at 210 C in a 0.1524m diameter column. The catalyst has a density of
1600 Kg/m3 . The originally unexpanded column. height was 0.712m and the
voidage associated therewith was ∈ = 0.37. Find the height of the expanded
bed when the solids are subjected to an upward water rate of 0.1243 m/sec
and the voidage is 0.775.
(b) Give the merits and demerits of fluidization. [6+10]

7. (a) Describe briefly the joints and fittings used in transportation of fluids.

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Code No: R050210801 Set No. 1
(b) Describe the working of any one non-return valve with the help of a neat

8. (a) Explain the working of any one non-intrusive flow meter.

(b) Explain the working of a target meter. [8+8]


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Code No: R050210801 Set No. 2
II B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, February 2007
(Chemical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Develop an equation relating pressure and height, in a static fluid.

(b) An open tank holds certain amount of liquid whose relative density is 1.25.
The tank is fitted with a manometer to a certain point of its wall and it shows
a pressure of Pgage = 0.35 atm, what is the height of liquid level in the tank
from the point of connection of the manometer. [8+8]

2. Define the following:

(a) Steady and Unsteady flow

(b) Uniform and Non-Uniform flow
(c) Laminar and Turbulent flow
(d) Stream lines and stream tube. [4+4+4+4]

3. Under conditions of laminar flow , the friction factor is given by 16/ NRe .Derive
an expression for the pressure drop per unit length in terms of the pipe diameter,
’d’, the average velocity ’u’, the density and the viscosity of the fluid. [16]

4. (a) Explain about normal shock waves.

(b) Give a brief account of adiabatic frictional flow. [8+8]

5. Air at 394.3K flows through a packed bed of cylinders having a diameter of 0.0127m
and length is same as the diameter. The bed void fraction is 0.40and the length
of the packed bed is 3.66m.The air enters the bed at 2.20atm abs at the rate of
2.45kg/m2 . s based on the empty cross section of the bed. Calculate the pressure
drop of air in the bed. [16]

6. (a) A catalyst tower of spherical particle diameter 4.0 mm is to be fluidized with

water at 250 C. The original unexpanded bed was 0.7m ant the voidage asso-
ciated is 0.37.The height of the expanded bed is 2 m. Find the voidage for the
expanded bed.
(b) Distinguish between aggregative fluidization and particulate fluidization with
applications. [6+10]

7. (a) Describe briefly the joints and fittings used in transportation of fluids.
(b) Describe the working of any one non-return valve with the help of a neat

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Code No: R050210801 Set No. 2
8. (a) Discuss about ultrasonic meters used for flow measurement.
(b) Write the force balance on a float in a rotameter at equilibrium. [8+8]


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Code No: R050210801 Set No. 3
II B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, February 2007
(Chemical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Show that in a gravity decanter the position of the liquid-liquid interface in
the separator depends on the ratio of the densities of the two liquids and on
the elevation of the overflow line and is independent of the ratios of flow of
the liquids.
(b) What should be the volume of the separator to separate 1600 kg/h chloroben-
zene from 2100 kg/h of wash liquid? The wash liquid is to be the continuous
phase; its viscosity is the same as that of water at the operating temperature
of 350 C. ( data: Viscosity = 0.723 cp , Density of the Chloro- benzene= 1109
kg/m3 , Aq. Wash liquid = 1020 kg/m3 ) [8+8]

2. Define the following:

(a) Steady and Unsteady flow

(b) Uniform and Non-Uniform flow
(c) Laminar and Turbulent flow
(d) Stream lines and stream tube. [4+4+4+4]

3. An oil of viscosity 0.1 Pa-s and relative density 0.9 is flowing through a circular
pipe of diameter 50mm and of length 250m. The rate of flow of fluid through the
pipe is 3.5 lit/sec. Find the pressure drop in the entire length and also the shear
stress at the pipe wall. [16]

4. (a) Derive an expression for area velocity relationship for a compressible fluid.
(b) An air plane is flying at a Mach number of 0.65 at an altitude where the
temperature is −400 C. Determine the velocity of the air plane at this altitude.
(γair = 1.4, R = 287J/kg − m − K).

5. What is terminal velocity? Derive an expression for terminal velocity of spherical

particles settling in a fluid by gravity, in the Stokes law regime. [16]

6. Silica sand particles of diameter 120µm, shape factor 0.86 and specific gravity of
2.65 are to be fluidized using air at 250 C and 1 atm. The originally unexpanded col-
umn height was 0.94m and the voidage is 0.37. The voidage at minimum fluidizing
condition is 0.55 (ρair = 1.187Kg/m3 ,µair = 1.845 × 10−5 pa − sec).

(a) Determine the expanded bed height.

(b) The minimum fluidization velocity

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Code No: R050210801 Set No. 3
(c) The corresponding Reynolds Number. [16]

7. (a) Define NPSH and it’s significance

(b) Water at 50o C is in an open tank at atmospheric pressure. The pump is 4.0m
above the open tank level. The velocity in the pipe is 1m/s. The friction head
loss in the pipe has been calculated as 2.0m. The required NPSH for this
pump is 2.0m, according to its manufacturer. Comment on the suitability of
this pump. ρwater = 988.07 kg/m3 , vapor pressure = 12.35 kPa. [6+10]

8. (a) Explain the working of any one impeller used in centrifugal fans.
(b) What is the principle involved in using the jet ejectors as vacuum pumps?
Discuss the advantages of jet ejectors. [6+10]


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Code No: R050210801 Set No. 4
II B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, February 2007
(Chemical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Define fluid mechanics. Classify fluid mechanics and explain its branches.
(b) Write about the basic concepts in unit operation. [8+8]

2. A pipe line of 0.6 m diameter is 1.5 km long. To increase the discharge , another
line of the same diameter is introduced parallel to the first in the second half of
the length. Neglecting minor losses, find the increase in discharge if , f= 0.04. The
head at inlet is 30 m. [16]

3. (a) Define ’Equivalent diameter’ for fluid flow through ducts of noncircular diam-
(b) Calculate the hydraulic mean diameter of the annular space between a 4 cm
and 6 cm tubes.
(c) Draw velocity profile for laminar flow in a circular pipe. [5+5+6]

4. Explain in detail about the processes of compressible flow. [16]

5. (a) Explain in brief about various drag forces.

(b) Describe in detail about the friction in flow through bed of solids. [8+8]

6. Silica sand particles of diameter 120µm, shape factor 0.86 and specific gravity of
2.65 are to be fluidized using air at 250 C and 1 atm. The originally unexpanded col-
umn height was 0.94m and the voidage is 0.37. The voidage at minimum fluidizing
condition is 0.55 (ρair = 1.187Kg/m3 ,µair = 1.845 × 10−5 pa − sec).

(a) Determine the expanded bed height.

(b) The minimum fluidization velocity
(c) The corresponding Reynolds Number. [16]

7. (a) Describe the construction and working of a centrifugal pump with the help of
a neat sketch.
(b) Discuss the merits and demerits of centrifugal pumps. [10+6]

8. Explain the purpose and working principle of a pitot tube. Derive the expression
for calculating the point velocity of an incompressible fluid flowing through a duct
using a pitot tube. [16]


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