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Technical report writing and Presentation Skills that is the title for spe cial lectures for Ningen

Ryoku. The lectures divide into two parts that is the first lecture consists of technical report writing skills on Monday (28/10/13) and effective presentation skills on Thursday (31/10/13). The lecturer for this special lecture is Dr Rory Padfield that is really good presenter and writer for technical report. Dr Rory started the lectures about the technical report writing with the story Challenger space shuttle that get destroyed after 73 seconds after launching. Then he relates this to the failure of the engineers writing a good technical report regarding the safety of the space shuttle that lead to the tragic accident. Then he stress on how important the technical report and how accident can happen from all this small mistakes in our technical report writing. When we write technical report writing, we need to remember IMRAD(C) that is I stand for introduction, M stand for methodology, R stand for research instruments, A stand for analysis and lastly C stand for conclusion. He also said that there are nine general rules or writing the report that consists of the reader, conciseness of the report, organize report, good reference, correct diagram and summary with no technical error in the whole report and so on. Dr Rory also explains about the preparation before writing the report. He said that, we need to know how to differentiate the aim and objective of the report. Then he talks about the structure of the report, grammatical error and what are the correct words to use when writing the reports. Lastly he advise we can improve the report writing skills by always reading academic literature like journals, practice in writing skills and keep improving the grammar in our life. The second day of the lecture is on Thursday and Dr Rory talks about the effective presentation skills and how to improve the presentation skills. The first thing that he show to us is a video of bad presentation. He emphasize that we need to avoid this kind of presentations. Then he told us five things that we can see in a good presentation. We need to have a good, simple and clean materials with zero typing error , nice attire that can show the presenter charisma, good eyes contact with all the audiences, speaker talk loudly and clearly with good intonation and correct body language, and lastly presenter can also sometimes do a clumsy movement depends on the situation. There are also things that we need to avoid in our presentation that is too much clumsy movement in the presentation, not prepared enough for script and slide, too much text in the slide and lastly when it come to more worst situation is the presenter is out of topic. Dr Rory also talks about eight tips that we can have in our presentations, that is be well prepared, know your stuff, keep it simple, a sensible structure, the slide should have good design and look, keep background simple, use some visuals in the slides, talk very clearly in front of the audiences with nice speech and lastly we need to look presentable. Last but not least, preparation, think and communicate with the audiences, be prepares, structure your presentations, find your voice, do not read from the slide, do some non-verbal communications, have a nice slide designs and lastly, always practice.


Assignment 3


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