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Code No: R050212306 Set No.

II B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, February 2007
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) What are the different theories of mass transfer.

(b) Explain film theory and state the assumptions. [8+8]

2. Write the expression to calculate maximum cell concentration. Define each term in
the above equation and write the units. [16]

3. (a) How does the power input to agitator influence the interfacial area.
(b) Describe the influence of temperature and pressure on the oxygen transfer rate
in fermentation broths. [6+10]

4. Discuss the variation of Power number with Reynolds number for laminar, turbulent
and transition region for ungassed fluids. [16]

5. Discuss the mechanism of mixing in stirred vessels. [16]

6. Discuss the rheological properties of the following cultures:

(a) Aspergillus niger

(b) Cellulomonas uda
(c) Nicotiana tobacum
(d) Datura stramonium [4+4+4+4]

7. Calculate the heat loss per meter square of surface area for an insulating wall
composed of 25.4mm thick fiber insulating board, where the inside temperature
is 352.70 and the outside temperature is 297.10 k. Thermal conductivity of fiber
insulating board is 0.048 w/m0 k . [16]

8. Ethylene glycol is to be heated from 200C to 540 Cin a tube having 50mm inside
diameter. The tube wall is maintained at a constant temperature of 85 0 C. The
flow velocity through the tube is 2 m/s. Density is 1104 kg /m3 ; specific heat is
2460 J/kg 0 K; viscosity is 0.0107N-s/ m2 ; thermal conductivity is 0.255w/m 0 K;
viscosity at wall temperature is 0.0029 N-s / m2 . Calculate the length of the heat
exchanger tube. [16]


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Code No: R050212306 Set No. 2
II B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, February 2007
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) What is the driving force for energy transfer.

(b) Write the units of thermal conductivity.
(c) Write the units of heat transfer coefficient.
(d) Write the transport properties for momentum, heat and mass transfer. [3+4+4+5]

2. Why gas liquid mass transfer is important in bio processing. Explain with examples.

3. Explain dynamic method to determine the mass transfer coefficient . [16]

4. (a) Write the expression for the ratio of gassed to un gassed power as a function
of operating conditions.
(b) Define impeller Reynolds number and power number for Newtonian fluids.

5. Discuss the phenomena of boundary layer separation and wake formation [16]

6. Write on the rheological parameters of saccharomyces cerevisiac, Aspergillus niger,

streptomyces aurefaciens, Endomyces sp. [16]

7. (a) Write briefly on individual heat transfer coefficient and overall heat transfer
(b) Draw the temperature profile for heat transfer with fouling deposits on both
surfaces. [10+6]

8. A single pass shell and tube heat exchanger is used to heat a dilute salt solution
used in large scale protein chromatograph. 25.5 m3 /hr solution passes through
42 parallel tubes inside the heat exchanger; the internal diameter of the tubes is
105cm and the tube length is 4m. The viscosity of bulk salt solution is 10−3 kg/ms
and the density is kg/m3 , the average heat capacity is 4 kJ/kg0 C and the thermal
conductivity is 0.64 w/m 0 C. Calculate the heat transfer coefficient. [16]


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Code No: R050212306 Set No. 3
II B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, February 2007
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Write the units of pressure. Relate pressure and force.

(b) A fluid is flowing through a horizontal pipe of radius R. What are the forces
acting on it.
(c) If the above fluid flows through a vertical pipe, mention the forces acting on
the fluid.
(d) For a film flow over a vertical flat plate, mention by virtue of which forces the
fluid is flowing. [4+4+4+4]

2. Explain with a neat sketch the oxygen transfer methodology from gas to liquid bulk
to active site in the cell cluster. [16]

3. How are the agitators used to improve the mass transfer rate are classified. What
type of agitators are used for better gas liquid contact, viscous liquids and slurries,
semi solid masses. [16]

4. Describe the procedure to estimate the power requirements for ungassed non New-
tonian fluids. [16]

5. (a) What is laminar flow. Explain.

(b) Explain turbulent flow.
(c) Explain the transition flow.
(d) Define Reynold’s number for flow through circular pipe. [4+4+4+4]

6. Discuss the rheological properties of the fermentation broths. [16]

7. (a) Write the units of thermal conductivity and heat transfer coefficient
(b) Write the equation to calculate conductive heat flux.
(c) Write the equation to calculate convective heat flux .
(d) Write the equation to calculate heat flux by conduction through a series of
plane walls. [4+4+4+4]

8. A fermenter used for antibiotic production must be kept at 270 C. The maximum
heat transfer rate required is estimated as 550kw. Cooling water is available at
10 0 C. The exit temperature of the cooling water is 25 0 C. The heat transfer
coefficient of the fermenter broth is given as 2150 w/m2 0 C. The heat transfer
coefficient for the cooling water is calculated as 14000 w/m2 0 C. It is proposed to
install a helical coil inside the fermenter; the outer diameter of the coil pipe is 8cm;

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Code No: R050212306 Set No. 3
the pipe thickness is 5mm and the thermal conductivity os the steel is 60 w/m 0 C.
An average internal fouling factor of 8500 w/m2 0 C is expected; the fermenter side
surface of the coil is kept relatively clean. What length of cooling coil is required.


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Code No: R050212306 Set No. 4
II B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, February 2007
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. What are the various theories of diffusion mass transfer. Explain. [16]

2. (a) Mention the different phases between which the mass transfer takes place.
(b) Write the equation to determine the liquid mass transfer flux.
(c) Write the equation to determine the mass transfer flux through gas film.
(d) Write the units of concentration. [4+5+5+2]

3. (a) Write the equation to calculate mass transfer coefficient using static method
and explain each term.
(b) Write the equation to determine mass transfer coefficient by dynamic gassing
out method and explain each term. [8+8]

4. Discuss the parameters on which the mixing power for non aerated fluids depend.

5. (a) Explain the process of distribution

(b) Explain dispersion
(c) Draw the side view and bottom view of flow pattern produced by an axial flow
impeller in a baffled tank. [4+4+8]

6. Write a short note on scale up of mixing systems. [16]

7. Calculate the heat loss per meter square of surface area for an insulating wall
composed of 25.4mm thick fiber insulating board, where the inside temperature
is 352.70 and the outside temperature is 297.10 k. Thermal conductivity of fiber
insulating board is 0.048 w/m0 k . [16]

8. (a) Draw a neat labeled sketch of single pass shell and tube heat exchanger.
(b) Draw the curves for temperature changed for counter current flow in a double
pipe heat exchanger. [10+6]


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