HOW TO: Use NETWORKDAYS With Multiple Holidays in Excel 2000

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HOW TO: Use NETWORKDAYS with Multiple Holidays in Ex el !

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o o o o SUMMARY NETWORKDAYS DATE(A/UE Exa0ples That /ist Dates in the 1un tion Exa0ples That Use .ell Re2e#en es RE1EREN.ES 3#ope#ties 4i*e 1eed+a 5

This step'+y'step a#ti le des #i+es how to use the NETWORKDAYS 2un tion with 0ultiple holidays in Mi #oso2t Ex el !""") When you use the NETWORKDAYS 2un tion with 0ultiple holidays6 you an ente# the holidays as ell #e2e#en es o# in the se#ial nu0+e# 2o#0at6 and you 0ust en lose the dates in +#a es 789:) $n the NETWORKDAYS 2un tion6 dates in the 2o#0 o2 text a#e i;no#ed i2 you# wo#5sheet is in the <&"= date syste0) Dates #ep#esented as se#ial nu0+e#s a#e a epted)

The NETWORKDAYS 2un tion #etu#ns the nu0+e# o2 whole wo#5in; days +etween two dates) You an use the holidays pa#a0ete# to ex lude spe i2i dates 2#o0 the al ulation) You an ente# sta#tin; and endin; dates di#e tly as se#ial nu0+e#s6 as text6 th#ou;h a ell #e2e#en e6 o# +y usin; the DATE(A/UE 2un tion) You an also ente# sin;le holidays this way) Howe*e#6 you 0ust ente# 0ultiple holidays in the se#ial nu0+e# 2o#0at only6 and you 0ust en lose the set o2 holiday dates in +#a es 789:) NOTE: $2 the NETWORKDAYS 2un tion #etu#ns a >NAME e##o#6 2ollow these steps: <) On the Tools 0enu6 li 5 Add-Ins) !) .li 5 to sele t the Analysis ToolPak he 5 +ox) .li 5 OK) ?) .li 5 Yes i2 you #e ei*e an installation o# update 0essa;e) =) A2te# the installation o# update6 li 5 outside the ell that ontains the 2o#0ula6 li 5 to sele t the ell a;ain6 and then p#ess ENTER)

The o##e t way to indi ate dates in the 2o#0 o2 text is to use the DATE(A/UE 2un tion) Also6 i2 you a#e usin; an a##ay onstant to spe i2y 0ultiple @text@ dates 2o# the holidays a#;u0ent6 you 0ust en lose the a##ay onstant within the DATE(A/UE 2un tion) An exa0ple is p#o*ided in the Mi #oso2t Ex el Help 2ile)

Exa0ples That /ist Dates in the 1un tion

ANETWORKDAYS7DATE(A/UE7@<B<B&!@:6DATE(A/UE7@<!B?<B&!@:6 DATE(A/UE78@<!B!=B&!@6@<!B!%B&!@9:: 'o#'

ANETWORKDAYS7DATE(A/UE7@<B<B&!@:6DATE(A/UE7@<!B?<B&!@:68@<!B!=B&!@6@<!B!%B&!@9: 'o#' ANETWORKDAYS7DATE(A/UE7@<B<B&!@:6DATE(A/UE7@<!B?<B&!@:68??&C!6??&C?9:

Exa0ples That Use .ell Re2e#en es

A<: <!B!=B&! A!: <!B!%B&! Then6 type the 2ollowin; 2o#0ula in ell D<: ANETWORKDAYS7DATE(A/UE7@<B<B&!@:6DATE(A/UE7@<!B?<B&!@:6A<:A!: 'o#' A<: A!: A?: A=: <B<B&! <!B?<B&! <!B!=B&! <!B!%B&!

Then6 type the 2ollowin; 2o#0ula in ell D<: ANETWORKDAYS7A<6A!6A?:A=: Doth o2 the exa0ples a+o*e ;i*e !C" as the #esult) You annot6 howe*e# use the 2ollowin;: A<: <!B!=B&! .<: <!B!%B&! Then6 type the 2ollowin; 2o#0ula in ell D<: ANETWORKDAYS7DATE(A/UE7@<B<B&!@:6DATE(A/UE7@<!B?<B&!@:68A<6.<9: You #e ei*e a #e2e#en e e##o# +e ause the ell #e2e#en es do not t#anslate into date se#ial nu0+e#s) Da 5 to the top - 4i*e 1eed+a 5

Calculate the Number of Days Between Two Dates in Excel

By Ted French, Guide

Excel NETWORKDAYS Function


Free Video Free Interactive Multimedia Courses. View Our Courses Online Calculate the Number of Days Between Two Dates in Excel ! Ted Frenc"

Note: f you are ex!erienced usin" Excel functions try the Excel NET#$%&DA'( Function )uic* Tutorial which is a bare bones tutorial on this function. This tutorial is intended for users new to usin" Excel+s date functions. Calculate the Number of Days Between Two Dates in Excel Excel has se,eral built in date functions that can be used to calculate the number of days between two dates. Each date function does a different -ob so that the results differ from one function to the next. #hich one you use, therefore, de!ends on the results you want. Excel NETWORKDA ! "unction The NET#$%&DA'( function is used to calculate the number of whole business or wor*in" days between the start date and end date of a !ro-ect. NET#$%&DA'( automatically remo,es wee*end days .(aturday and (unday/ from the total. n addition, s!ecific days, such as statutory holidays, can be omitted as well. f you need to use wee*end days other than (aturday and (unday and you are usin" Excel 0121, try usin" the Excel 0121 NET#$%&DA'(. NT3 Function 4ses for this function include !lannin" or writin" !ro!osals to determine the time frame for an u!comin" !ro-ect or to bac* calculate the amount of time s!ent on a com!leted one. The NETWORKDA ! "unction#s !yntax an$ Ar%uments A function+s syntax refers to the layout of the function and includes the function+s name, brac*ets, and ar"uments. The syntax for the NET#$%&DA'( function is5 & NETWORKDA ! ' !tart($ate ) En$($ate ) *oli$ays +

(tart6date 7 .re8uired/ the start date of the chosen time !eriod. The actual start date can be entered for this ar"ument or the cell reference to the location of this data in the wor*sheet can be entered instead. End6date 7 .re8uired/ the end date of the chosen time !eriod. As with the Start#date, enter the actual end date or the cell reference to the location of this data in the wor*sheet. 9olidays 7 .o!tional/ one or more additional dates that are excluded from the total number of wor*in" days. 4se the cell references to the location of the data in the wor*sheet for this ar"ument. Exam,le: Countin% the Number of Days Between Two Dates For hel! with this exam!le, see the ima"e abo,e. n this exam!le we will use the NET#$%&DA'( function to find the number of wor*days a,ailable between :uly ;, 0120 and No,ember 0, 0120. Two holidays .(e!tember < and $ctober =/ that occur durin" this !eriod will be deducted from the total. Note: To a,oid calculation !roblems that can occur if dates are accidentally entered as text, the DATE function will be used to enter the dates used in the function. Enterin% the Data 2. Enter the followin" data into the a!!ro!riate cell5 D- 7 (tart5 D. 7 Finish5 D/ 7 9oliday 25 D0 7 9oliday 05 D1 7 Number of Days5 E- 7 >DATE.0120,?,;/ E. 7 >DATE.0120,22,0/ E/ 7 >DATE.0120,;,</ E0 7 >DATE.0120,21,=/ Note: f the dates in cells E2 to E@ do not a!!ear as shown in the ima"e abo,e, chec* to see that these cells are formatted to dis!lay data usin" the short date format. Enterin% the NETWORKDA ! "unction


Clic* on cell EA to ma*e it the acti,e cell 7 this is where the results of the NET#$%&DA'( function will be dis!layed


Clic* on the Formulas tab


Choose Date an$ Time functions 2 NETWORKDA ! from the ribbon to brin" u! the function+s dialo" box

Clic* on the Start#date line in the dialo" box


Clic* on cell E2 in the wor*sheet to enter this cell reference into the dialo" box


Clic* on the $nd#date line in the dialo" box


Clic* on cell E0 in the wor*sheet to enter this cell reference into the dialo" box


Clic* on the %olida&s line in the dialo" box


Dra" select cells E< and E@ in the wor*sheet to enter these cell references into the dialo" box

Clic* $& in the dialo" box to com!lete the function


The number of wor*in" days 7 =< 7 should a!!ear in cell EA of the wor*sheet


9ow Excel arri,es at this answer is 5 the total number of wee* days between :uly ; and No,ember 0, 0120 e8uals =A .2? wee*s x A days !er wee*/ from this total the two holiday dates s!ecified .(e!tember < and $ctober =/ are subtracted to lea,e a result is =< wor*in" days #hen you clic* on cell EA the com!lete function & NETWORKDA ! ' E- ) E. ) E/ : E0 + a!!ears in the formula bar abo,e the wor*sheet


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