Biomedical Instrumentation

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Scheme E

Sample Question Paper

Course Name : Diploma in Instrumentation Engineering. Course Code : IS Semester : Fifth

Time: 3Hrs.

Subject Title : Biomedical Instrumentation Marks Instructions: 1. All questions are compulsory. 2. Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4. Assume suitable data if necessary. 5. Preferably, write the answers in sequential order. : 100

Q.1 A) Attempt any THREE a) Draw the neat & labeled block diagram of Man Instrument system.

12 Marks

b) What do you mean by bioelectric signal? List any three bioelectrical signals. c) State two needs of dialysis. Write two points of differentiation in internal & external pacemaker d) Write down two application of each i) Centrifuge ii) Deionizer.

Q.1 B) Attempt any ONE a) Draw a neat & labeled diagram of internal structure of heart. b) Write three applications of X-ray & ultrasonography

06 Marks

Q.2) Attempt any TWO

16 Marks

a) Draw neat & labeled diagram of neuron. Write two function of medulla oblongata. b) Describe with neat & labeled diagram the processor of blood pressure measurement using sphygmomanometer. Write the typical value of blood pressure. c) With the help of neat & labeled diagram describe the working of DC defibrillator. Q.3) Attempt any FOUR 16 Marks

a) Write the meaning of residual volume. Expiratory reserve volume, vital capacity & function reserve capacity in relation to lung volumes & capacity. b) Write the meaning of micro shock & macro shock. Write two effects of electric shock of human body. c) Draw neat & labeled diagram of plethysmography setup & its waveform. d) In the given block diagram given below, fill the appropriate names in the empty blocks. and redraw the block diagram

e) Write two application of each i) ii) CT scan Ultrasonography

Q.4 A) Attempt any THREE a) Compare X ray & Ultrasonography

12 Marks

b) If volume= 600ml, IRV=3000ml, ERV= 1200ml find vital capacity & inspiratory capacity. c) List the names of four chambers of heart. d) Give reason why prolonged exposure to X ray is hazardous as compared to ultrasonography. Give two application of ultrasonography.

Q.4 B) Attempt any ONE a) Write six effect of electric shock on human body.

06 Marks

b) Write the meaning of fibrillation & defibrillation. Classify defibrillators & write the meaning of each type. Write the name of electrodes used in defibrillation.

Q.5) Attempt any TWO

16 Marks

a) Write the meaning of respiration. In which organ of body this process takes place? Describe mechanism of breathing. b) Describe various stages of sleep with waveforms & specific frequency. c) Draw the neat & labeled diagram of CT scan.

Q.6) Attempt any FOUR a) Describe action potential with neat & labeled diagram.

16 Marks

b) Write the meaning of leakage current. State its types. State two methods to reduce leakage current. c) Draw neat & labeled diagram of ultrasonic blood flow meter. d) Write names of any two electrodes for each of the following i) ECG ii) EMG e) Draw cut section of kidney & labels the following parts. i) ii) iii) Medulla Major calyx Renal Papilla

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