Katherine L. Marcheski: Experience

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1231 Fredericksen Ct. Ames, IA 50010 847-254-0321 klmarch@iastate.


Katherine L. Marcheski
Fall 2013 Editorial Writer &rite articles 'r m tin! the sta"", students, and uni(ersit) " r the C lle!e " #i$eral Arts and %ciences. *dit rial c ntent 'ertainin! t the C#A% in the " rmat " "eatures, 'u$lic relati ns, e(ent in" rmati n r student hi!hli!hts. C lle!e " #i$eral Arts and %ciences Ames, IA

%'rin! 2012, Fall 2012, Fall 2013

C lle!e " #i$eral Arts + %ciences, Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics " 0er ines1 " r the Catt Center. !ra'hies.

Database entry intern ,aintain the data$ase s)stem " r the -.la/a 2asks include editin!, u'datin!, and "ilin! $i 3ther ""ice tasks as needed. &riter " r m nthl) ne4sletters

August 2012- December 2012

Projects & Publications &ritin! articles " r the $i-m nthl) ne4sletter & rk 4ith ad(isers n the -Catt .ri/e1 a4ard- 'r (idin! a''licants 4ith in" rmati n, and rec rdin!

data and a''licati ns & rkin! 4ith the -#e!ac) " 0er ines1 sch larshi'- 'r (idin! in" rmati n t sch lars and d n rs, sendin! thank ) u and in" rmati nal letters t d n rs, and 'r !rammin! 4ith sch lars. 3ther 'r 5ects as needed

Au!ust 2011- 6ecem$er 2012

Community Ad isor

I 4a %tate 7ni(ersit) 6e'artment " 8esidence

Ames, IA

F rm c mmunit) thr u!h 'r !rammin! e(ents that stri(e t 'r duce 'ers nal !r 4th am n!st residents, de(el ' leadershi', and create a sa"e and 4elc min! c mmunit) t all residents. ,ana!e a "l r 4ith 50 !irls 9en" rcin! ' licies, maintainin! a 'eace"ul c mmunit), hel'in! inter(ene 4ith r mmate c n"licts r ther issues am n!st the h use.: Attend 4eekl) sta"" meetin!s, desk h urs, attend meetin!s 4ith su'er(is r $i-4eekl), h st h use meetin!s, su'er(ise h use ca$inet, c m'lete 12 4eekni!ht and 5 4eekend ni!ht duties 'er semester.

; (em$er 2011-Au!ust 2012, Au!ust 2012- 3ct $er 2012

Daily !ta"" #riter

I 4a %tate 6ail) Ames, IA

,ana!e (ari us assi!nments, inter(ie4s, and meetin!s under deadline. C -'r duce (ide 'acka!es, includin! editin!, "ilmin!, and ( ice (er. 8esearch and 4rite articles " r $ th 'rint and nline. .u$lished 35 articles n multiculturalism at I 4a %tate 7ni(ersit).

Clerk and $et Assistant

Famil) .et Care Clinic

Al! n<uin, I#

Assisted cust mers (er the 'h ne. %cheduled a'' intments. Cleaned and maintained kennel area. Fed and 'r (ided dail) care " r all animals in the Clinic=s care. ,aintained ""ice areas $) em't)in! trash and m ''in! " "l rs.

,a) 2014
%achelor o" !cience

I 4a %tate 7ni(ersit)

Ames, IA

,a5 rs> ? urnalism@ ,ass C mmunicati ns ,in r> %'anish A.A> 3.12@4.00


ities&Achie ements Archel n %ea 2urtle 8escue Center 9Athens, Areece: B %ummer 2013 ( lunteer %tud) A$r ad B 7ni(ersidad de %e(illa, %e(illa, *s'aCa 9%'rin! 2013: Internati nal %tudent C uncil- 0umanitarian A4areness 6irect r 9%'rin! 2012, Fall 2012: %tudent Admissi ns 8e'resentati(es 9%2A8%:- Fall 2013-%'rin! 2014 9'r (ide cam'us t urs, 'artici'ate in cam'us (isit da)s: ; n-.r "it .r tD!D .r !ram- 'artici'ant 4ith 0eartland %eni r %er(ices 94 rk cl sel) 4ith the 6irect r t learn a$ ut h 4 n n-'r "its 4 rk, !et in( l(ed 4ith the n n-'r "it, 4 rked n (ide " r their "undraiser $an<uet as a "inal 'r 5ect: Al'ha .hi 3me!a B Acti(e mem$er --nati nal c educati nal ser(ice $ased "raternit) 92011current: *203% ,a!a/ine B sta"" 4riter 9%'rin! 2012: 0a$itat " r 0umanit) 9Fall 2010-%'rin! 2011: I%7t( 9Fall 2011, s'rin! 2012: %tudents 0el'in! 8escued Animals 92010-2011: I 4a %tate 6ail) B ,ulticultural $eat 8e' rter 92010-2011, 2012: #utheran ser(ices " I 4a, Eel it 8esidential 2reatment Facilit)- E ) %c uts ( lunteer 4ith Al'ha .hi 3me!a 9s'rin! 2012: F lunteer ser(ices t Eel it, l cal sch l districts, and E ) %c uts " America

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