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Illegal Immigration: The effects, current solutions, and changes made in response. Clara I. Martinez University of Texas at El Paso


Congressional Budget Office, Krikorian, M., Vaughan, J.M., Edwards, J.R., Friedman, A., & Gonzales, R.G. (2012). Are current policies regarding illegal immigrants working?. In N. Merino (Ed.), Illegal immigration (pp. 96-129). Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press. (Chapter of book) The evolution of immigration policies have changed over the years. The US, currently offers two distinct ways to enter the US lawfully: permanent and or temporary admission. Even with these options it hasnt stopped people from coming to the US illegally. Because of this theyve created different methods to prevent illegal immigration. For example, the attrition strategy is a state and local enforcement or effort to deny jobs to illegals. Another popular effort is the 287(g) program, where the local law enforcement are being trained to know them as immigration agents; but their priority must be to keep up the enforcement. The government saw that the state and local immigration enforcement is working, therefore, it should then be expanded. Sometimes the state and local enforcement abuse the power given to them. Not only are that the issues but, the current policies regarding illegal immigrant children not sufficient. To try to fix all of the problems regarding, children/teenagers they proposed the DREAM Act but nothing actually ever happened with this Act, so again like many other undocumented people they are left in a trap. This article is very important for my research, because it provides information on current policies or possible solutions that are in place to prevent illegal immigration. This article lacks information on whether these solutions are working to prevent illegal immigration. In other words it doesnt give a number or a statistic to see how reliable or not the policies are.

Correa-Cabrera, G., & Rojas-Arenaza, M. (2012). The mathematics of MexicoUS migration and US immigration policy. Policy Studies, 33(4), 297-312. doi:10.1080/01442872.2012.694187 (Academic Article from an Online Periodical with DOI Assigned) Immigration is one of the most talked about matters in the US. Recent debates have really shown that the immigration framework (particularly from Mexico) needs to be fixed. The US immigration policy has been affected by the use of numbers and media spectacles, which are often released by anti-immigrants groups. Since this sometimes tends to push the immigration agenda, the government should consider dissecting all of the sides, taking into account how some of the information given out, could be manipulated. Many attempts to fix the broken immigration framework have been made. For example the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006 but like this act, nothing else has really turned into a law. Nevertheless, the debate always seems to come back to: economic effects of immigration; employment prospects of native-born Americans; effects of immigration on crime rates, among others. Illegal immigrants cost the US around $10


billion more than they contribute. In addition, the growing presence of them increase unemployment and reduce wages for native-born Americans. Supposedly, illegal immigrants also lead to higher crime rates but there is no comprehensive way of proving this. Despite all of the anti-immigrants other sources argue that this will be a positive thing for America. Illegal Immigrants actually help pay more in taxes than what the actual cost is for them in social services. Plus, immigrants do jobs that the Americans wouldnt want to do. Indeed, they say that with them we have higher crime rates but these effects have not been verified by official numbers or sources. The US has tried to keep the Mexican states along the border out, because of the violence they suffer, by a massive expansion of border enforcement. This border was not only wasted billions of dollars but it still hasnt stopped illegal immigrants like Mexicans to cross to the US. The current debate for a reform includes emotional biased arguments as well as personal beliefs. In conclusion the issue(s) with the immigrants have to be seen using appropriate use of numbers and the necessary quantitative analyses needed. This article provides me with multiple perspectives that will allow me to provide some arguments for my research and add to the solutions that they have created for the illegal immigration, not only that but possible things that the government should do.

Gonzalez, D. (2013, August 13). A year later, immigrants face DREAM Acts limits. Retrieved from (Web Page) The author Daniel Gonzales provides 3 highlights about the DREAM Act (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) and DACA (Deferred Actions by Childhood Arrival); 557,412 undocumented immigrants have applied for the program DACA but only 400,562 have received approval, the program temporarily removes chance of being deported for two years, and lastly immigrants still face obstacles to education and employment. First he presents, Jose Patino a guy from Phoenix, who at the beginning was so excited to have been approved for DACA, but then realized he like others, have to face the programs limitations and uncertain political future. Patino like others in this program, that have a degree are having trouble finding a job because most employers dont want temporary workers. Not only that but the president of the Arizona DREAM Act Coalition said that DACA recipients struggle to find a job because they cant get either a state ID or drivers license. As a result many people under this action in Arizona either look for a job close to their home or risk driving illegally. But other people like Carla Chavarria agree that the DACA program came when they needed some sort of hope but that they need something bigger. This is when the Senate then passed an immigration reform bill for the dreamers which is a track to become permanent residents and citizens. Which is the so called DREAM Act, but the bill remains stalled in the House, until further notice. Under the DREAM Act they would first apply for temporary legal

ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION status, then for permanent residency for at least five years, and as soon as they get their green card they now would be able to apply for citizenship. Unlike the DACA program that only gives a temporary permit to work and the deportation is pushed back 2 years. This article gives me yet another specific solution or what should be done for this issue, and allows me to give my audience more information on how the government is dealing with the students or dreamers.

Grant, D. (2013). Immigration reform bill clears Senate, but faces roadblock in House. Christian Science Monitor. p. N.PAG. Retrieved from (News Article from database) Finally since 2006, immigration reform was able to pass the Senate. The house doesnt seem to be happy with what the Senate accomplished. Some conservatives dont like the idea of how the illegal aliens will be allowed to legalize before the bills many security measures are in place. Republican Charles Grassley of Iowa says that he doesnt want to make the same mistake again like what happened in 1986(Immigration Reform Bill, legalized 3 million illegal immigrants). For now the immigration reform is just up in the air until something is done by the House. This article really benefits my research because it shows that there has been an advancement for the illegal immigrants more than all of the past years, it shows that the government is responding but it faces many challenges, but the only bad thing is that it is from June of this year and a lot has been said about illegal immigration since then.

Hanson, G. H., Vliet, E.L., Martin, J., Confer, B., Anderson, S., & Schumacher-Matos, E. (2012). Does illegal immigration harm US citizens?. In N. Merino (Ed.), Illegal immigration (pp. 64-94). Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press. (Chapter of Book) In this specific chapter of the book they talk about the costs and gains of illegal immigrants, how they drain health care resources that they lead to higher crime rates and how they take American jobs, and lastly that it is a myth that they lead to higher crime rates. Having illegal immigrants in the US increases the income by allowing the economy to utilize domestic resources. On the other hand, since they pay little in taxes immigration generates burden on taxpayers. Immigration overall in the US looks modest, and really has a small negative impact. Immigrants for example, the illegal Mexicans come over to the US for their child to be born a US citizen and go back to live in Mexico and come whenever they need medical care, not only that but they get benefits such as welfare. No one knows if the mothers are legal or illegal legal citizens, taxpayers carry the weight because government doesnt document citizenship before providing medical services. In


the article they mention that there has been misleading studies on crime because of perception; this happens because they dont use reliable data. The article aids my research by showing both the negative and positive sides of illegal immigration. Which will help me give my audience different perspectives about illegal immigration.

Obama, B. H. (2010). Statement on Immigration Reform Legislation. Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents, 1. Retrieved from (Article from database) In this government document, they state that something must be done to fix the broken immigration system. Which they mention that this is something were both the Republicans and Democrats agree on. Obama says that the immigration legislation must have the following components; stronger border security, tougher penalties for employees who hire illegal workers and rules for controlling future immigration must be obvious. The illegal immigrants must get cleared from backgrounds checks and law, pay taxes and penalties, must learn/know English, nevertheless admit that they are here illegally. This article may not be very helpful because it is very short and not very thorough. On the other hand it shows the readers the point of view of Obama, and the things he believes are critical to the possible immigration legislation.

Saad, L., Swartz, Z., DeMint, J., Wilkinson, W., & Stock, M. (2012). How should the government respond to illegal immigration?. In N. Merino (Ed.), Illegal immigration (pp. 131-157). Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press. (Chapter of book) Illegal immigration is a serious growing concern to the US. Many people believe that illegal immigrants shouldnt be granted amnesty. The American job market isnt good and some feel that if they are legalized they wont be jobs for the actual citizens. They believe a good solution to end illegal immigration is a border fence. Congress should also end birthright citizenship. Not only that but they also show how people believe that there is a need for a constitutional amendment. That birthright citizenship should not be ended, and if it is ended then the US should have in place should have a national registry of American citizens. This resource like all others are useful information to keep adding to my research, because it mentions how people like and dislike the idea of an amnesty, and that they are like the government they agree something must be done to fix the immigration system, with or without an amnesty period.

ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION Sherman, R., & Ibarra, H. (2013). Being here, but not here. Phi Delta Kappan, 94(6), 39-41. Retrieved from (Article from database)

In this article they provide us with a story of an undocumented girl whose name is Jacqueline. Jacqueline was brought by her parents to the US illegally at age 2 years old and has been here ever since. Thanks to this she is fluent in both English and Spanish. Since little she decided she wanted to progress and that required continuing her education past high school. Luckily undocumented students like her can attend college, a trick that they fall in. What they dont know is that after college the immigrations laws wont allow them to work, because they cant hire any person without documents. Jaqueline now can continue to be successful unless the DREAM Act is passed. Unlike all other articles I gathered, this gives me a perspective from what an undocumented person goes through specifically the young adults, and provides me with another proposed solution that may help. The weakness is that it didnt give me information on where does the DREAM Act stand. Stein, Dan., (2013). For House Democratic Leadership, Amnesty for Illegal Aliens Takes Precedence Over Restoring Government Operations. Retrieved from (Web Page) The House says that rewarding people who broke the law sends the wrong message, while in a crisis that threatens the basic functions of the government. They must prioritize on the interests of the Americans. They must produce a budget to keep the government operating for the inconvenience caused by the shutdown. Congress will devote its time to ending the budget crisis, instead of rewarding the illegal immigrants. I find this as an excuse just to push it back as long as they can. This article help me add more to one of the previous articles on why the reform faces a road block in the House, but this seems to be very biased towards illegal immigration.

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