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Safety Inspection

Checklist - Science
Worksite managers are required to conduct a safety inspection on at least an annual basis. Extreme or high risk hazards identified must be addressed immediately. Other hazards and/or issues identified during safety inspections must be corrected at the time, or, included on an OH !W "ction #lan. "n action plan should be prepared in con$unction %ith this checklist and the hazards and/or issues identified addressed in accordance %ith their le&el of risk. 'eferences to the rele&ant OH !W 'egulations are made %ithin headings. (his checklist pro&ides guidance only. )t is not intended as a definiti&e list for the identification of all hazards. ites are ad&ised to modify this list as needed in accordance %ith their o%n circumstances, Site: Person completing Checklist: Date:

Animals "re animal cages clean and maintained in safe, good condition* "re animals healthy* "re disposable glo&es a&ailable for handling specimens %hen appropriate* Buildings (Refer to OHS&W Regulations 2010, Part 2+ )s the area clean and tidy* )s there sufficient space for each person to perform their %ork safely* "re floor surfaces maintained in a safe condition and suitable for the type of acti&ities conducted* "re %alls, ceilings and roofs safe and in good condition* "re steps/stairs/ramps in a safe condition %ith non,slip surface, and secure handrails %here needed* "re doors, %indo%s, locks and latches in good condition and %orking order* )s guarding -mesh fitted+ and signage in place for any fragile roof area/s* )s there adequate &entilation* )s the lighting adequate to %ork safely* lectrical (Refer to OHS&W Regulations 2010, Division 2.5) )s electrical equipment in good condition and tested as required by the department.s electrical testing procedure* "re po%er boards, air pumps, po%er cords and po%er outlets at least /00 mm abo&e any source of %ater* 1o all po%er boards ha&e an o&erload s%itch* 1oes the area ha&e 'esidual 2urrent 1e&ice -'21+ protection* 1o sto&es/cookers ha&e an isolation s%itch* "re electrical cables/cords kept clear of %alk%ays etc*

Action if Required

Action if Required

Action if Required

Safety Inspection Checklist 3 Science 3 (his safety inspection checklist is based on the OH !W 'egulations /040.

!ire Safety and mergency Response "Refer to OHS&W Regulations 2010, Division 2.7. 2) "re safety rules, emergency information and e&acuation routes prominently displayed* 2an the alarm be heard in this area -%hen applicable+* "re door%ays, %alk%ays and e&acuation exits kept clear and at least 500 mm %ide* 2an external exit doors be opened from the inside %ithout a key and are they identified %ith an appropriate sign* )s fire control equipment easily accessible, signed, regularly tested and of the appropriate type* )s emergency lighting a&ailable if necessary* -e.g. chemical bunkers+ 1oes the facility ha&e emergency isolation for gas %here* )s an appro&ed first aid kit readily a&ailable and stocked appropriately* -'efer to the 2ode of #ractice for Occupational 6irst "id+ !ume Cup#oards (Refer OHS&W Regulations 2010) "re electrical s%itches located outside the cupboard* 1oes the fume extraction system operate effecti&ely* 1o fume cupboards ha&e a sliding screen to protect the operator* "re combustible materials stored in or under fume cupboards* -inappropriate+ )s the cupboard located appropriately -i.e. not compromised by draughts, air conditioners, %alk%ays etc+* "re emergency isolation s%itches a&ailable and clearly identified* !urniture$ !i%tures and !ittings "Refer to OHS&W Regulations

Action if Required

Action if Required

Action if Required

)s all furniture safe and in good condition* "re light fittings/fixtures and ceiling fans in good condition and %orking order* "re chairs fitted %ith roller casters used on &inyl floors* "re hanging displays hazardous* &eneral (Refer to OHS&W Regulations, 2010) Ha&e any other hazards such as sharps, glare, noise, fumes or &ermin been identified* "re hand,%ashing facilities a&ailable* "re all gas and %ater pipes clearly labelled* )s a fume extraction system in place %here required* "re isolation &al&es readily accessible and clearly labelled* )s the area contaminated by blood or offal* )s hazardous biological material e&ident* "re gas taps in good %orking order* 1oes the facility ha&e readily accessible emergency isolation points for gas in each %ork area* Action if Required

Safety Inspection Checklist 3 Science 3 (his safety inspection checklist is based on the OH !W 'egulations /040.

'a(ardous Su#stances (Refer to OHS&W Regulations 2010, Division 1.!.20"25, !.2, # an$ t%e Ha&ar$ous Su'stan(es Pro(e$ure.) 1oes the area ha&e a dedicated chemical storage area* -see attached checklist+ 1oes the facility ha&e a dedicated area for mixing/decanting chemicals* "re current -%ithin 7 years+ material safety data sheets readily a&ailable for hazardous substances* "re hazardous substances stored and labeled appropriately* - ee the Hazardous ubstances #rocedure for further information.+ "re spill control systems in place i.e. earth bunds, absorbing materials etc* "re banned substances present* "re appropriate %ashing/dousing -including eye %ash+ facilities a&ailable in the e&ent of an accident %ith chemicals* "re asbestos rock samples sealed* "re radioacti&e materials stored in lead lined containers* )s there a lockable flammable liquids cabinet* "re incompatible substances stored together* e.g.

Action if Required

Oxidizers 3 class 7 -keep separate+ 6lammables , 2lass 8, 9.4, 9.8 -keep separate+ pontaneously combustibles 3 2lass 9./ -keep separate+ 2orrosi&es 3 2lass : -keep separate+

"re separate storage areas a&ailable for incompatible substances* 2an storage cabinets be locked %hen not in use* "re cabinets adequately labelled* "re all storage areas adequately &entilated* "re chemical storage areas used to store other items and materials* )s shel&ing appropriate* "re gas cylinders chained and full/empty cylinders stored separately a%ay from heat sources and traffic areas* - ee ;#< <as tank and 2ylinder safety for further information+ "re gas cylinders equipped %ith pressure regulator &al&es* )anagement Procedures (Refer to OHS&W Regulations 2010) "re safe operating procedures displayed %ith all potentially hazardous equipment* )s required personal protecti&e equipment a&ailable and in good condition* 1o all %orkstations comply %ith "6E<="'1, < 55/4 2omputer Workstations 1esign <uidelines* - ee http>// Plant "Refer to OHS&W Regulations, 2010, Divisions !.!) "re manuals a&ailable for operating equipment and machinery* )s a maintenance register in place for all equipment and machinery that requires regular maintenance*
Safety Inspection Checklist 3 Science 3 (his safety inspection checklist is based on the OH !W 'egulations /040.

Action if Required

Action if Required

"re the mo&ing parts of all machinery and equipment guarded in accordance %ith the regulations* )s all equipment fitted %ith the appropriate safety signs and O#s* PP "re the safety goggles of an appro&ed type* "re there sufficient numbers of safety goggles a&ailable %here required by staff/students* )s there a safety shield a&ailable %hen demonstrating potentially hazardous experiments* "re disposable glo&es a&ailable* "re heat resistant glo&es a&ailable* "re sufficient laboratory coats/aprons a&ailable* Storage (Refer to OHS&W Regulations 2010, Division 2.15.7), 2.*) 2an storage areas be secured to pre&ent un%anted access* )s flammable material stored and handled in a safe manner* "re required resources and equipment stored safely* "re free standing shel&es/cupboards secured to ensure stability* "re storage areas labeled appropriately* *aste -'efer to OH !W 'egulations /040 and departmental OH !W @anual.+ "re %aste containers a&ailable for liquids and sharps, as %ell as general rubbish* "re all %aste containers appropriately labelled* +ther Issues Action if Required

Action if Required

Safety Inspection Checklist 3 Science 3 (his safety inspection checklist is based on the OH !W 'egulations /040.

2hemical tore afety )nspection 2hecklist

,' & - RA. S,+RA& AR A 1oes the <eneral 2hemicals torage "rea consist of at least one shel&ing unit 4:0 cm %ide x 4:0 cm high x 87 cm deep, plus one shel&ing unit 4/0 cm %ide x 4:0 cm high x 87 cm deep, or equi&alent* )s shel&ing ad$ustable to allo% for different sized bottles* )s the 2hemicals tore 'oom sited %ithin close proximity of the #reparation 'oom and (eaching areas* C+-S,R/C,I+- +! ,' C' )ICA.S S,+R R++) )s the tore 'oom at least six square metres in floor area -e.g. three metres x t%o metres+* )s it fitted %ith a lockable door* 1oes the door open out%ards* 2an the door be opened from inside %ithout a key* )s construction -%alls, door, and ceiling+ fire rated* 1oes the 2hemicals tore 'oom ha&e an external &entilation grille* )s the &entilation sufficient to eliminate any chemical smells and odours* 1oes the store ha&e spark,proof fluorescent lighting* )s the light s%itch outside the store room* )s the floor non porous and chemical resistant -e.g. &inyl+* "re storage or shel&ing units safely fixed to the %alls* "re storage or shel&ing units all belo% a safe %orking height -max approx 4:0 cm,+ or use safety stepladder* "re there A2hemical tore 'oomB and ACo =nauthorised "ccessB signs* !.A))AB. S S,+RA& /-I, )s the 6lammables tore a proper Aappro&edB type* -2ommonly red enamelled steel, double insulated %alls, self closing lockable door %ith seal+ )s it of at least /70 ;itre capacity* -2ommonly supplied item is approx 440 cm %ide x 97 cm deep x 450 cm high+ )s it properly &ented to the outside* 1oes it ha&e at least 9 shel&es -including fixed bottom shelf+, spaced suitably for storing laboratory chemicals* "re shel&es made of material suitable for storing laboratory chemicals -i.e. not coarse %ire mesh+* )s there a sump or tray in the bottom to contain any spillage* "re all of the 6lammables -as recommended by cience 2atalogue+, including small bottle sets, stored in the 6lammables torage =nit* "re all containers correctly labelled, including diamond shaped 2lass labels* Action if Required Action if Required

Action if Required

Safety Inspection Checklist 3 Science 3 (his safety inspection checklist is based on the OH !W 'egulations /040.

"re all containers stored here correctly identified %ith bands of colour coding tape -ie red, red ! %hite, or blue+* "re only the recommended chemicals stored in this area -ie 2lass 8, 6lammable ;iquid, 2lass 9.4 6lammable olid, 2lass 9.8 1angerous When WetD but CO( 2lass 9./ pontaneously 2ombustible or 2lass 7 Oxidiser+ "re solids stored abo&e liquids* ,' C+RR+SI0 S S,+RA& /-I, )s the unit at least approx 4/0 cm %ide x 90 cm deep x 4:0 cm high* 1oes the torage =nit ha&e a door/doors* )s the storage unit made of corrosion resistant material* -plastic or plastic laminated %ood, %ith stainless steel hinges and brackets+ )s the torage =nit adequately &ented to the outside* "re there spillage trays in the bottom to contain any spillage* )s the torage =nit fitted %ith at least 5 shel&es* "re shel&es ad$ustable for height* "re all of the 2orrosi&es -as recommended by cience 2atalogue+, including small bottle sets, stored in this =nit* "re all containers correctly labelled, including diamond shaped A2orrosi&eB label* "re all containers stored here correctly identified %ith bands of colour coding tape -black+* "re only the corrosi&e chemicals -as recommended by cience 2atalogue+ stored here* "re chemicals separated into 2orrosi&e olids, Organic and )norganic "cids, and Organic and )norganic "lkalis* "re the solids stored abo&e liquids* +1IDIS RS S,+R )s the Oxidisers torage "rea it at least 9 shelf spaces each approx 50 cm %ide x 80 cm deep x 87 cm high -or equi&alent+* )s the torage "rea lined %ith flameproof material -e.g. cement sheeting+* )s the torage "rea fitted %ith a door* "re all of the Oxidisers, including small bottles, sets stored in this torage "rea -as recommended by cience 2atalogue+* "re all containers correctly labelled, including diamond shaped Oxidiser labels* "re all containers stored here correctly identified %ith bands of colour coding tape -yello%+* "re only Oxidisers stored in this area -and not 6lammables+* SP+-,A- +/S.2 C+)B/S,IB. S S,+RA& AR A )s the pontaneously 2ombustibles torage "rea at least 50cm %ide x 80 cm deep x 87 cm high* )s this torage "rea lined %ith flameproof material* -e.g. cement sheeting+ )s the torage "rea fitted %ith a door* "re all of the pontaneously 2ombustibles -as recommended by cience 2atalogue+, including small bottle sets, stored in this area*
Safety Inspection Checklist 3 Science 3 (his safety inspection checklist is based on the OH !W 'egulations /040.

Action if Required

Action if Required

Action if Required

"re all containers correctly labelled, including diamond shaped pontaneously 2ombustible labels* "re all containers stored here correctly identified %ith bands of colour coding tape -red and %hite+* "re only pontaneously 2ombustibles -and not 6lammables or Oxidisers+ stored in this area* ,' /S +! ,' C' )ICA.S S,+R R++) )s the tore 'oom used exclusi&ely for storing 2hemicals* -e.g. storage of furniture or other equipment is inappropriate+ "re all chemicals stored at a safe height -i.e. belo% 4:0, /00 cm+* "re all of the chemicals, including small bottle sets and stock solutions, recommended to be stored a%ay from Work and #reparation "reas, stored in the 2hemicals tore 'oom* -as per the list de&eloped by cience #ro$ect Officer and published in the cience "pparatus 2ommittee Ce%sletter.+ & - RA. S,+RA& "re all containers correctly labelled, including diamond shaped Harmful and #oison labels, %here appropriate* "re containers arranged systematically so that they can be easily and safely accessed* "re the ma$ority of chemicals stored outside of the 2hemicals tore 'oom* "re these chemicals stored in a compactus, fixed shel&ing or cupboards* 3/ S,I+-S !+R *+R4SI, S ,'A, D+ -+, 'A0 A D DICA, D C' )ICA.S S,+RA& R++) )s there an adequate exhaust &entilation system in place to pre&ent any lo% le&el exposure to chemical fumes and dust* )s the room %here the chemicals are stored fitted %ith a lockable door* 1oes the door open out%ards* 2an the door be opened from inside %ithout a key* "re storage or shel&ing units safely fixed to the %alls* "re storage or shel&ing units all belo% a safe %orking height -max approx 4:0 3 /00 cm+* "re there A2hemical tore 'oomB and ACo =nauthorised "ccessB signs* 1oes the <eneral 2hemicals torage "rea consist of at least one shel&ing unit 4:0 cm %ide x 4:0 cm high x 87 cm deep, plus one shel&ing unit 4/0 cm %ide x 4:0 cm high x 87 cm deep, or equi&alent* )s shel&ing ad$ustable to allo% for different sized bottles* "re un%anted and excess chemicals hazardous* )s the 2hemicals tore 'oom equipped %ith the follo%ing storage units sufficient to at least store all of the 6lammables, 2orrosi&es, Oxidisers, pontaneously 2ombustibles, and all of the other chemicals -including small bottle sets and stock solutions+ required to be stored a%ay from Work and #reparation areas -as per the list de&eloped by the cience #ro$ect Officer, and published in the cience "pparatus 2ommittee Ce%sletter+ Action if Required Action if Required Action if Required

Safety Inspection Checklist 3 Science 3 (his safety inspection checklist is based on the OH !W 'egulations /040.

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