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2 theSun | WEDNESDAY AUGUST 26 2009

PUASA TIMES news without borders

PERLIS Break Fast 7.3Opm
Imsak (tomorrow) 5.45am

KOTA SETAR Break Fast 7.30pm

Imsak (tomorrow) 5.45am


Break Fast 7.29pm
Imsak (tomorrow) 5.46am

Break Fast 7.17pm

Imsak (tomorrow) 5.37am
PAC to question Tiong’s

Break Fast

Break Fast
Imsak (tomorrow) 5.35am

Imsak (tomorrow) 5.42am
Kuala Dimensi today IN



KUALA LUMPUR: Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd, The Port Klang Authority (PKA) recently
IPOH Break Fast 7.26pm the turnkey contractor in the scandal-hit lodged a police report after a task force found
Imsak (tomorrow) 5.43am Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) project, will billing discrepancies of between RM500 mil-
be grilled by the Public Accounts Committee lion and RM1 billion to Kuala Dimensi and
PETALING JAYA Break Fast 7.23pm (PAC) today. BTA Architect, the project’s development
/SHAH ALAM It is not known if the company’s chief contractor.

Imsak (tomorrow) 5.42am executive officer, Datuk Seri Tiong King Kuala Dimensi was at the centre of a report
Sing, who is also the Bintulu MP and Barisan compiled by PricewaterhouseCoopers, which
KUALA LUMPUR Break Fast 7.23pm Nasional Backbenchers Club chairman, will was appointed by PKA to look into the fiasco.
/PUTRAJAYA Imsak (tomorrow) 5.42am make a personal appearance. The company had countered with a legal
PAC chairman Datuk Seri Azmi Khalid suit against Transport Minister Datuk Seri Ong
said the company had been notified to send Tee Keat, PKA, and PKA chairman Datuk Lee
SEREMBAN Break Fast 7.20pm a representative. Hwa Beng, claiming the three defendants had
Imsak (tomorrow) 5.42am “If Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing comes, all overstepped their authority by publishing the
the better,” he told Bernama. report.
MALACCA Break Fast 7.20pm Asked if Kuala Dimensi had a lot of On Monday, Ong sued Tiong for RM500
Imsak (tomorrow) 5.41am explaining to do, Azmi said: “That I cannot million for defamation after Tiong refused to
say.” retract the allegation that he had given a RM10
The PKFZ, an integrated 400ha free com- million “loan” to Ong last year for MCA activi-
JOHOR BARU Break Fast 7.12pm mercial and industrial zone adjacent to Port ties.
Imsak (tomorrow) 5.35am Klang, is embroiled in controversy after it was Ong denied taking the money, saying the
revealed that the cost of its development has allegation was made in bad faith and designed
Our movies are of
KUCHING Break Fast 6.48pm shot up from RM2.5 billion to RM4.6 billion. to prevent a fair and correct investigation into inferior quality
The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commis- the PKFZ issue and Kuala Dimensi’s role in compared to foreig
Imsak (tomorrow) 5.11am n films. But at this
sion is also investigating the PKFZ issue. the affair. moment you cann
ot really compare
local movies with for
KOTA KINABALU Break Fast 6.26pm eign movies. Only
with support, will th
Imsak (tomorrow) 4.42am
Five Perak divisions call be able to improve.
e local film-makers

for Tee Keat’s suspension

– Film producer
Raja Azmi Raja

IPOH: Five Perak MCA divisions Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing, the chief He said
have called on the party’s disciplinary executive officer of Kuala Dimensi suspension while pending investiga-
board to suspend its president, Datuk Sdn Bhd, the turnkey developer of tion could happen if it pertains to law
Seri Ong Tee Keat, and investigate an the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ), for enforcement agencies but in politics,
allegation he received a RM10 million defamation on Monday. rumours were spreading all the time.
donation. Ong claimed that Tiong, who is also “We cannot afford to suspend any
MCA Batu Gajah division deputy the Bintulu MP and Barisan Nasional leader who faces allegations, so party
chairman Datuk Lee Kon Yin said Backbenchers Club chairman, had members must be rational in view-
an investigation or an inquiry must issued a defamatory statement about ing this issue,” he told reporters after
be convened to determine whether giving him RM10 million, which was chairing a meeting of the the youth
the allegation was true to protect the published in the malaysiakini website wing’s political bureau.
good name, image and integrity of the on Aug 12. Wee said it is normal for members
party. Ong said the statement was made to support or dislike the leaders but
He said a memorandum, signed in bad faith and with malice to prevent whatever stand or decision they take
by the Batu Gajah, Ipoh Barat, Ipoh a fair and correct investigation into must be justified.
Timur, Tambun and Bagan Datoh the alleged abuse of funds by PKFZ, He also said the rumour about
divisions’ representatives, was sent and Kuala Dimensi’s role in the affair. Umno’s intervention in the conflict
to party disciplinary board chairman Kuala Dimensi is also the subject of was a mere speculation and “we
Datuk Ng Cheng Kiat yesterday. a probe by the Public Accounts Com- do not think in such a complicated
The board has to stop Ong from mittee. way”.
carrying out his duties and activities re- In Kuala Lumpur, MCA Youth On the Malaysian Anti-Corruption
lated to MCA until his name is cleared, chief Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong urged Commission’s probe on the party
Lee told a news conference here. party members to be rational in view- over the allegation, he said: “There is
Ong, who is also the transport min- ing the accusation by Tiong against nothing to worry if there is nothing
ister, filed a RM500 million suit against Ong. to hide.”

1,699 shortlisted for citizenship interview AG vs

Govt told
by Hemananthani Sivanandam the “more than 35,000 applications” responsible and inform the ministry if with the ministry. there are changes.” to file
He said he received many calls Chong encouraged those whose reply
KUALA LUMPUR: One thousand six from the public inquiring why the applications have been rejected to affidavit
hundred and ninety-nine people may number of successful applicants for reapply.
have a reason to smile as they have the interview was more for a certain He also warned them not to be pg 6
been shortlisted for their final citizen- race group. duped by middlemen who claim they
ship interview by the Home Ministry. “People should understand that can help get approval for their citizen-
They are on the list published in this list only has a handful of people ship application.
the ministry’s website this week. out of the 35,000 applications under Dr Jeffrey Goh, who is in charge
The candidates will have to go for review. Please don’t politicise this is- of the MCA Citizenship Task Force
a final interview with the ministry sue and give the ministry some time,” Service Centre, said more than 3,000
before their citizenship is approved. he said. people have sought the party’s help.
“This is a good sign and we are Chong also urged others who He said many of them claimed
happy that the minister, Datuk Seri have sent in their applications for they did not get any response from
Hishammuddin Hussein, has taken citizenship but have not received any the ministry.
positive steps to help these people response to not take things for granted Goh said the task force, which was
get their citizenship,” MCA Public and provide the relevant details to the set up in April, has gathered details
Service and Complaints Department ministry. of some of the grouses faced by these
chief Datuk Michael Chong said “Some people call us and say they people and sent a memorandum to the
yesterday. applied for their citizenship a long ministry.
He told a press conference at the time ago but when we ask for their The interviews for the success-
party’s headquarters that 75 or 4.41% reference number, they don’t have ful applicants will take place from
of the candidates are Chinese, 66 one,” he said. Sept 1 to 16. For more information,
(3.89%) Indians, 33 (1.94%) from other “Some even change their address visit and look for
races, and the rest Malays. but they fail to update the ministry. “temuduga permohonan taraf kewar-
Chong said he hopes the ministry These are technical matters, so they ganegaraan” (citizenship application
will approve more applications from can’t be complacent. They should be status).

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