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Persuasive Paper

by Dana Malhas


1430 7527


19-NOV-2013 01:52PM 375062409

Great! A strong yet qualified position statement. Keep working to smooth out and condense your intro--you don't need sources to get started.

which source is this? Use APA or MLA, both which require a name. contextualize this question. is it expensive? introduce the product and product claims before arguing against them.

is it the store?

Malhas 3 fall victim to a highly advertised 'magic liquid" that claims to perfectly balance the chemicals in your body. Alkaline water is not worth your money. If you buy a fancy alkaline water machine to use in your home , you won 't be investing in your health or your wallet. Louisiana s Health and Fitness Magazine Wl'Ote an a1ticle about how alkaline water is truly an expensive hoax (2013). The article discusses how several people are getting sucked into buying these pricy alkaline water machines that will end up hanning them more so than benefitting them in the long run (2013) The main reason to why all these people are foolishly buying these alkaline >vvater machines is because they honestly believe that drinbng alkaline water will ultimately tum them into a healthier person (2013). Although most scientists, doctors, and registered dietitians would agree that there is no real evidence that alkaline water benefits the human body , there are a few that would say otherwise (2013). Registered Dietitian Katherine Zeratsky of the Mayo Clinic states,. "Proponents say alkaline water can neutralize acid in your bloodstream , boost your metabolism and help your body absorb nutrients more effectively. Some even say that alkaline water can help prevent disease and slow the aging process" (2013). As you can see, this Registered Dietitian did her homework and worded her statement very carefully. She never used statements such as Scientific research provides ..." or "Research shows that. ..", instead she used the statement "Proponents say alkaline water ..." (2013). You may be wondering why Katherine Zeratsky didn't use stronger wording that possesses scientific findings to help reassure her credibility. Well , the answer is simple. It's because there are no scientific findings about alkaline water 's possible benefits for the human body, and therefore if she used such statements indicating scientific research , her statement would have been false altogether . Katherine Zeratsky made

give numbers here. how many articles, for example, are there with scientific data for and against this water?

Malhas 5 offer. With a lack of scientific research in regards to alkaline water, you must be cautious and avoid being fooled' It's simple. Without credible evidence, alkaline water cannot be proven to do anything beneficial for the body.

Malhas 6 Resources Ask Tufts Experts. (2009). Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter, 27(8), 4. An absence of health profit is present in alkaline water. Is Alkaline Water Necessary?. (2009).Running & FitNews, 27(1), 18-20. Jurick, N. (2013). The New Drink Trends-Decoded. Health (Time Inc.), 27(7), 11S. Vyas, B., & Le Quesne, S. (2008). The pH Balance Diet. Active Living, 17(1), 10. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary 0/1 \lledicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition . (2003). http://www.hea l thfi tnessmag .com/Hea l th- Fitness-Magazine/March- 20 13/A l kaline-Water- WhvAll-the-Hyoe/ http://www.nationa lrev iew .com/corner/ 196797/greatest-nonsense/vuval-lev

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