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How to Perform a Self-Breast Examination

Background Information:
According to the American Cancer Society, approximately 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime and about 40,000 women will die from breast cancer this year !01"#$ %t is crucial that women perform monthly self&breast examinations to aid in the early detection process$ Signs and symptoms may vary from woman to woman, but a self&breast examination can help determine whether or not any abnormalities exist or if medical attention is needed$ 'his instruction manual offers three different techni(ues in performing a self&breast examination$ A woman may choose to follow one techni(ue, or she may choose to try all three$ )egardless of which techni(ue is chosen, women should perform a self&breast examination every month starting at the age of twenty$ %f a lump is found during a self&breast examination, it is important that women see* medical attention and ma*e an appointment with their medical doctor as soon as possible$

&'o perform one of the three possible techni(ues, it will ta*e approximately ! to " minutes &'o perform all techni(ues, it will ta*e approximately + to 10 minutes

&,alm of hand &-irror &Shower &,illow or towel

Tip:You can perform your self-breast examination in front of a mirror, in the shower, or lying
down. Choose the technique that makes you feel most comfortable. Using every technique is highly recommended.


!: In "ront of a #irror

Step !: Become "amiliar with $%normalities

&Stand undressed in front of a mirror and loo* directly at your breasts to see if there are any abnormalities, such as. &&/iscoloration &&Sores &&0umps &&/imples &&Change in s*in color or texture &&Change in the appearance of the nipple &&Clear or bloody fluid discharge from nipple

Tip: he graphic above depicts possible abnormalities. Step &: 'heck for $%normalities
&Stand up straight in front of the mirror and loo* directly at your breasts$ &,lace your hands on your hips and turn from side to side to examine the outer area of your breasts$

Tip:You should be looking for any changes in

the si!e or color of your breasts.


Step (: Examine )uter Breast $rea

&2ring both hands behind your head and pull your chest forward towards the mirror$ &'urn from side to side to examine the outer area of your breasts, this time paying special attention to the crease underneath your breasts$

Tip:Use your hand to lift your breasts if youhttp.11www$associnobgyn$com cannot see the area below the crease.

Step *: 'heck +ipple $rea

&3sing your thumb and forefinger, gently pull the nipple outward$

&)epeat this step for the other breast$

Tip:You are looking for any fluid discharge, whether it is clear or bloody.


&: In the Shower

Step !: 'heck ,nderarm $rea

&0ather your hands with soap and water$ & )un your hand along your underarm, chec*ing for any lumps$ &After you have finished inspecting your underarm, continue running your hand in your armpit area, still searching for any lumps$ &4hen you have completed the process on one side, repeat the step on the opposite side$

Step &: 'heck +ear 'ollar%one

&4ith your hand, rub the areas above and below your collarbone$

Tip:"n this step, you are looking for any lumps or thickening of the skin.

Step (: Press Into Breast

&,lace one arm over your head$ &4ith your other hand, use your fingers to lightly press into the breast$ 5ollow in an upward and downward pattern when pressing into your breast$ &Complete this step for the other breast$

Tip:#hen pressing down into the breast, do not forget to cover the entire area from the bra line up to the collarbone.


(: /own

Step !: "eeling ,pper $rea of Breast

&0ie down and place a pillow or a towel underneath

your shoulders$ &,osition your right arm behind your head$ &3sing your left arm, bring your hand to the upper area of your right breast$ &6ently press on your right breast with the flat surface of your fingers$ &)epeat this step on the opposite breast$http.11www$nationalbreastcancer$org

Step &: 'ircular #otion on Breast

&3sing your left hand, rub in a circular motion over the right breast with two fingers$ &-ove to the area surrounding the nipple and continue rubbing in a circular motion$ &)epeat this step on the opposite side$

Tip:Circular motions should be clockwise.

Step (: Press on the +ipple!

&4ith your left hand, place two fingers directly on top of your right nipple and press down lightly$ &)epeat step on opposite side$

Tip:#hen you press down on the nipple, you should feel for any changes.

1All techniques were from retrieved from


'ongratulations .ou ha0e completed a self-%reast examination

%f any abnormality is detected after performing a self&breast examination, contact a physician immediately$ A physician will further examine the breasts and conduct a mammogram in order to determine if there are any problems with the breast region$ 'his experience can be terrifying but it is important to remember that early detection leads to early treatment$

Approximately 407 of newly diagnosed cases of breast cancer are detected by women who find a lump 84hat is 2reast Cancer9#$ According to Susan 6$ :omen, it is important to perform a self&breast examination at least once a month$ Self&breast examinations should not be seen as screening tools, but they are helpful in catching early signs of breast cancer$ %f a woman feels a lump or detects any type of abnormality with her breasts, she must see* medical attention from a physician$ 4omen who see* medical attention after finding an abnormality have a higher chance of preventing breast cancer from progressing$

)eferences American Cancer Society !01"#$ #hat are the keys statistics about breast cancer$ )etrieved from www$cancer$org American Cancer Society !01"#$ he best protection is early detection. )etrieved from www$cancer$org %reast awareness and self-exam )etrieved from http.11www$cancer$org1cancer1breastcancer1moreinformation1breastcancerearlydetection1 breast&cancer&early&detection&acs&recs&bse 2reast Cancer !01!#$ )etrieved from http.11www$breastcancer$org /epartment of Surgery$ )etrieved from http.11surgery$med$nyu$edu 6oldman$ !010#$ &igns of breast cancer. )etrieved from http.11greenhillgoldman$blogspot$com ;offman, -$ !008#$ 4eb-ed$ &elf breast exam$ )etrieved from www$webmd$com1breast&cancer1guide1breast&self&exam ;ow to lose weight < =xclusive 5itness 'ips for 4eight 0oss$ !01"#$ %reast Cancer. )etrieved from http.11www$howiamlosingweight$com

:omen, Susan 6$%reast &elf-'xam$ )etrieved from http.11ww+$*omen$org1content$aspx>id?+"10 -ission )egional -edical Center$ !01"# (elivering )uality *ealthcare$ )etrieved from http.11www$missionrmc$org

@ational 2reast Cancer 5oundation$ #hat is %reast Cancer> )etrieved from http.11www$nationalbreastcancer$org @orth Aa*s ;ealth System$ !01"# 2reast self exam$ )etrieved from http.11www$northoa*s$org Arlando ;ealth$ !01!#$ %reast self exam directions. )etrieved from http.11www$orlandohealth$com

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