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100 Moral Stories

Published: 2013

Chapter 1 100 MORAL STORIES IN THE NAME OF A AH THE MOST !ENEFICENT AN" ME#CIF$ As Sala%o Alai&u% 'a #ah%atullahi 'a !ar&atahu( I a% tha)&*ul to Allah *or +i,i)+ %e the opportu)it- to .o%pile %a)- o* %- *a,orite Moral Stories( i) the *or% o* a) ele.tro)i. boo&( /hi.h I had .olle.ted *ro% ,arious si).e last *e/ -ears0 E,e) thou+h %a)- o* these stories are *i.tio)al i) )ature( but at the e)d the- /ill +i,e a +reat lesso) to lear) *or a li*eti%e0 As the reader .a) hi%sel* see *ro% these stories( the sub1e.t 2Moral3 is u)i,ersal to e,erhu%a) bei)+0 He).e these stories are )ot 1ust *or a)- parti.ular se.t or the *ollo/ers o* parti.ular *aith( it is *or the e)tire hu%a)it-( irrespe.ti,e o* there belie*( .ulture( ra.e( .olor or a+e0 So( let4s start /ith a Moral Stor- .alled as 2A PON" F$ OF MI 50 3O).e there /as a &i)+ /ho told so%e o* his /or&ers to di+ a po)d0 O).e the po)d /as du+( the &i)+ %ade a) a))ou).e%e)t to his people sa-i)+ that o)e perso) *ro% ea.h household has to bri)+ a +lass o* %il& duri)+ the )i+ht a)d pour it i)to the po)d0 So( the po)d should be *ull o* %il& b- the %or)i)+0 A*ter re.ei,i)+ the order( e,er-o)e /e)t ho%e0 O)e %a) prepared to ta&e the %il& duri)+ the )i+ht0 He thou+ht that si).e e,er-o)e /ill bri)+ %il&( he .ould 1ust hide a +lass o* /ater a)d pour i)side the po)d0 !e.ause it /ill be dar& at )i+ht( )o o)e /ill )oti.e0 So he 6ui.&l- /e)t a)d poured the /ater i) the po)d a)d .a%e ba.&0 I) the %or)i)+( the &i)+ .a%e to ,isit the po)d a)d to his surprise the po)d /as o)l- *illed /ith /ater7 'hat has happe)ed is that e,er-o)e /as thi)&i)+ li&e the other %a) that 2I do)8t ha,e to put the %il&( so%eo)e else /ill do it0 3"ear *rie)ds( /he) it .o%es to help the #eli+io) o* Allah( do )ot thi)& that others /ill ta&e .are o* it0 #ather( it starts *ro% -ou( i* -ou do)4t do it( )o o)e else /ill do it0 So( .ha)+e -oursel* to the /a- o* Allah to ser,e Hi% a)d that /ill %a&e the di**ere).e0 'ith this I /ill e)d %- little i)trodu.tio) a)d pra- that Ma- Al%i+ht- Allah a..ept it0 So that /e %a- all be)e*it *ro% these stories0 'assala%u Alai&u% 'a #ah%utallahi 'a !ar&atahu A&ra%ulla S-ed Isla%i. O..asio)s Net/or&http:99///0isla%i.o..asio)s0.o% "ated: Su)da-( Mar.h 20( 200: Chapter 2 DON'T CHANGE THE WORLD O).e upo) a ti%e( there /as a &i)+ /ho ruled a prosperous .ou)tr-0 O)e da-( he /e)t *or a trip to so%e dista)t areas o* his .ou)tr-0 'he) he /as ba.& to his pala.e( he .o%plai)ed that his *eet /ere ,er- pai)*ul( be.ause it /as the *irst ti%e that he /e)t *or su.h a lo)+ trip( a)d the road that he /e)t throu+h /as ,er- rou+h a)d sto)-0 He the) ordered his people to .o,er e,er- road o* the e)tire .ou)tr- /ith leather0 "e*i)itel-( this /ould )eed thousa)ds o* .o/s4 s&i)( a)d /ould .ost a hu+e a%ou)t o* %o)e-0 The) o)e o* his /ise ser,a)ts dared hi%sel* to tell the &i)+( 2'h- do -ou ha,e to spe)d that u))e.essar- a%ou)t o* %o)e-; 'h- do)4t -ou 1ust .ut a little pie.e o* leather to .o,er -our *eet;3

The &i)+ /as surprised( but he later a+reed to his su++estio)( to %a&e a 2shoe3 *or hi%sel*0 There is actually a valua le less!" !# li#e i" this st!ry$ t! %a&e this '!rl( a ha))y )lace t! live* y!u etter cha"+e y!ursel# , y!ur heart- a"( "!t the '!rl(. Chapter 3 THE TRA/ELERS AND THE 0LANE TREE T/o %e) /ere /al&i)+ alo)+ o)e su%%er da-0 Soo) it be.a%e too hot to +o a)- *urther a)d( seei)+ a lar+e pla)e tree )earb-( the- thre/ the%sel,es o) the +rou)d to rest i) its shade0 <a=i)+ up i)to the bra).hes o)e %a) said to the other: 2'hat a useless tree this is0 It does )ot ha,e *ruit or )uts that /e .a) eat a)d /e .a))ot e,e) use its /ood *or a)-thi)+03 2"o)4t be so u)+rate*ul(3 rustled the tree i) repl-0 2I a% bei)+ e>tre%el- use*ul to -ou at this ,er- %o%e)t( shieldi)+ -ou *ro% the hot su)0 A)d -ou .all %e a +ood?*or?)othi)+73 All !# G!(1s creati!"s have a +!!( )ur)!se. Isla% teaches us that 'e sh!ul( "ever elittle Allah1s lessi"+s. Chapter @ LEARN 2ROM MISTA3ES Tho%as Ediso) tried t/o thousa)d di**ere)t %aterials i) sear.h o* a *ila%e)t *or the li+ht bulb0 'he) )o)e /or&ed satis*a.toril-( his assista)t .o%plai)ed( 2All our /or& is i) ,ai)0 'e ha,e lear)ed )othi)+0 3Ediso) replied ,er- .o)*ide)tl-( 2Oh( /e ha,e .o%e a lo)+ /a- a)d /e ha,e lear)ed a lot0 'e )o/ &)o/ that there are t/o thousa)d ele%e)ts /hi.h /e .a))ot use to %a&e a +ood li+ht bulb03 Chapter : THE 4O5 WHO CRIED 'WOL2' O).e there /as a shepherd bo- /ho had to loo& a*ter a *lo.& o* sheep0 O)e da-( he *elt bored a)d de.ided to pla- a tri.& o) the ,illa+ers0 He shouted( 2Help7 'ol*7 'ol*7 3The ,illa+ers heard his .ries a)d rushed out o* the ,illa+e to help the shepherd bo-0 'he) the- rea.hed hi%( the- as&ed( 2'here is the /ol*;3 The shepherd bo- lau+hed loudl-( 2Ha( Ha( Ha7 I *ooled all o* -ou0 I /as o)l- pla-i)+ a tri.& o) -ou0 3A *e/ da-s later( the shepherd bo- pla-ed this tri.& a+ai)0 A+ai) he .ried( 2Help7 Help7 'ol*7 'ol*73 A+ai)( the ,illa+ers rushed up the hill to help hi% a)d a+ai) the- *ou)d that bo- had tri.&ed the%0 The- /ere ,er- a)+r- /ith hi% *or bei)+ so )au+ht-0 The)( so%e ti%e later( a /ol* /e)t i)to the *ield0 The /ol* atta.&ed o)e sheep( a)d the) a)other a)d a)other0 The shepherd bo- ra) to/ards the ,illa+e shouti)+( 2Help7 Help7 'ol*7 Help7 So%ebod-73 The ,illa+ers heard his .ries but the- lau+hed be.ause the- thou+ht it /as a)other tri.&0 The bo- ra) to the )earest ,illa+er a)d said( 2A /ol* is atta.&i)+ the sheep0 I lied be*ore( but this ti%e it is true73 Fi)all-( the ,illa+ers /e)t to loo&0 It /as true0 The- .ould see the /ol* ru))i)+ a/a- a)d %a)- dead sheep l-i)+ o) the +rass0 'e %a- )ot belie,e so%eo)e /ho o*te) tells lies( e,e) /he) he tells the truth0

Chapter A THE 2ARMER AND THE STOR3 Fi)di)+ that .ra)es /ere destro-i)+ his )e/l- so/) .or)( a *ar%er o)e e,e)i)+ set a )et i) his *ield to .at.h the destru.ti,e birds0 'he) he /e)t to e>a%i)e the )et )e>t %or)i)+ he *ou)d a )u%ber o* .ra)es a)d also a stor&0 2#elease %e( I besee.h -ou(3 .ried the stor&( 2*or I ha,e eate) )o)e o* -our .or)( )or ha,e I do)e -ou a)- har%0 I a% a poor i))o.e)t stor&( as -ou %a- see ? a %ost duti*ul bird( I ho)or %- *ather a)d %other0 IB3 !ut the *ar%er .ut hi% short0 2All this %a- be true e)ou+h( I dare sa-( but I ha,e .au+ht -ou /ith those /ere destro-i)+ %- .rops( a)d -ou %ust su**er /ith the .o%pa)- i) /hi.h -ou are *ou)d03 0e!)le are 6u(+e( y the c!%)a"y they &ee). Chapter C THE HARE AND THE TORTOISE A tortoise o)e da- %et a hare /ho %ade *u) o* her0 2M-( %-( -ou %o,e so slo/l-( -ou /ill )e,er +et *ar7 3The tortoises( upset b- the hare4s %a))er( said( 2 et4s ha,e a ra.e a)d see /ho is *aster0 3The hare lau+hed a)d said( 2Dou %ust be 1o&i)+7 !ut all ri+ht( /e4ll see /ho rea.hes the other side o* the hill *irst03 O** he ra)( lea,i)+ the tortoise *ar behi)d0 A*ter a /hile( the hare stopped to /ait *or the tortoise to .o%e lo)+0 He /aited a)d /aited till he *elt sleep-0 2I %i+ht as /ell ta&e a )ap(3 he thou+ht0 2E,e) i* she .at.hes up /ith %e( I .a) easil- /i) the ra.e03 So he la- do/) u)der a shad- tree a)d .losed his e-es0 'he) the tortoise passed the sleepi)+ hare( she /al&ed o) slo/l- but steadil-0 !- the ti%e the hare /o&e up( the tortoise /as )ear the *i)ishi)+ li)e0 He ra) as *ast as he .ould( but he .ould )ot .at.h up /ith the tortoise0 Sl!' a"( stea(y ca" 'i" the race. Chapter E THE ANT AND THE DO/E O)e hot da-( a) a)t /as sear.hi)+ *or so%e /ater0 A*ter /al&i)+ arou)d *or so%e ti%e( she .a%e to a spri)+0 To rea.h the spri)+( she had to .li%b up a blade o* +rass0 'hile %a&i)+ her /a- up( she slipped a)d *ell i)to the /ater0 She .ould ha,e dro/)ed i* a do,e up a )earb- tree had )ot see) her0 Seei)+ that the a)t /as i) trouble( the do,e 6ui.&l- plu.&ed o** a lea* a)d dropped it i)to the /ater )ear the stru++li)+ a)t0 The a)t %o,ed to/ards the lea* a)d .li%bed up there0 Soo) it .arried her sa*el- to dr- +rou)d0 Fust at that ti%e( a hu)ter )earb- /as thro/i)+ out his )etto /ards the do,e( hopi)+ to trap it0 <uessi)+ /hat he /as about to do( the a)t 6ui.&l- bit hi% o) the heel0 Feeli)+ the pai)( the hu)ter dropped his )et0 The do,e /as 6ui.& to *l- a/a- to sa*et-0 O"e +!!( tur" (eserves a"!ther.

Chapter G THE MON3E5 AND THE DOL0HIN O)e da- lo)+ a+o( so%e sailors set out to sea i) their saili)+ ship0 O)e o* the% brou+ht his pet %o)&e- alo)+ *or the lo)+ 1our)e-0 'he) the- /ere *ar out at sea( a terrible stor% o,ertur)ed their ship0 E,er-o)e *ell i)to the sea( a)d the %o)&e- /as sure that he /ould dro/)0 Sudde)l- a dolphi) appeared a)d pi.&ed hi% up0 The- soo) rea.hed the isla)d a)d the %o)&e- .a%e do/) *ro% the dolphi)4s ba.&0 The dolphi) as&ed the %o)&e-( 2"o -ou &)o/ this pla.e;3 The %o)&e- replied( 2Des( I do0 I) *a.t( the &i)+ o* the isla)d is %- best *rie)d0 "o -ou &)o/ that I a% a.tuall- a pri).e; 35)o/i)+ that )o o)e li,ed o) the isla)d( the dolphi) said( 2'ell( /ell( so -ou are a pri).e7 No/ -ou .a) be a &i)+7 3The %o)&e- as&ed( 2Ho/ .a) I be a &i)+;3 As the dolphi) started s/i%%i)+ a/a-( he a)s/ered( 2That is eas-0 As -ou are the o)l.reature o) this isla)d( -ou /ill )aturall- be the &i)+73 Th!se 'h! lie a"( !ast %ay e"( u) i" tr!u le. Chapter 10 THE 2O7 AND THE STOR3 A sel*ish *o> o).e i),ited a stor& to di))er at his ho%e i) a hollo/ tree0 That e,e)i)+( the stor& *le/ to the *o>4s ho%e a)d &)o.&ed o) the door /ith her lo)+ bea&0 The *o> ope)ed the door a)d said( 2Please .o%e i) a)d share %- *ood03 The stor& /as i),ited to sit do/) at the table0 She /as ,er- hu)+r- a)d the *ood s%elled deli.ious7 The *o> ser,ed soup i) shallo/ bo/ls a)d he li.&ed up all his soup ,er6ui.&l-0 Ho/e,er( the stor& .ould )ot ha,e a)- o* it as the bo/l /as too shallo/ *or her lo)+ bea&0 The poor stor& 1ust s%iled politel- a)d sta-ed hu)+r-0 The sel*ish *o> as&ed( 2Stor&( /h- ha,e)4t -ou ta&e) -our soup; "o)4t -ou li&e it;3 The stor& replied( 2It /as ,er- &i)d o* -ou to i),ite %e *or di))er0 To%orro/ e,e)i)+( please 1oi) %e *or di))er at %- ho%e03 The )e>t da-( /he) the *o> arri,ed at the stor&4s ho%e( he sa/ that the- /ere also ha,i)+ soup *or di))er0 This ti%e the soup /as ser,ed i) tall 1u+s0 The stor& dra)& the soup easil- but the *o> .ould )ot rea.h i)side the tall 1u+0 This ti%e it /as his tur) to +o hu)+r-0 A sel#ish act ca" ac&#ire !" y!u. Chapter 11 THE WOL2 AND THE LAM4 A la%b /as +ra=i)+ /ith a *lo.& o* sheep o)e da-0 She soo) *ou)d so%e s/eet +rass at the ed+e o* the *ield0 Farther a)d *arther she /e)t( a/a- *ro% the others0 She /as e)1o-i)+ hersel* so %u.h that she did )ot )oti.e a /ol* .o%i)+ )earer to her0 Ho/e,er( /he) it pou).ed o) her( she /as 6ui.& to start pleadi)+( 2Please( please do)4t eat %e -et0 M- sto%a.h is *ull o* +rass0 I* -ou /ait a /hile( I /ill taste %u.h better03 The /ol* thou+ht that /as a +ood idea( so he sat do/) a)d /aited0 A*ter a /hile( the la%b said( 2I* -ou allo/ %e to da).e( the +rass i) %- sto%a.h /ill be di+ested *aster03 A+ai) the /ol* a+reed0

'hile the la%b /as da).i)+( she had a )e/ idea0 She said( 2Please ta&e the bell *ro% arou)d %- )e.&0 I* -ou ri)+ it as hard as -ou .a)( I /ill be able to da).e e,e) *aster03 The /ol* too& the bell a)d ra)+ it as hard as he .ould0 The shepherd heard the bell ri)+i)+ a)d 6ui.&l- se)t his do+s to *i)d the %issi)+ la%b0 The bar&i)+ do+s *ri+hte)ed the /ol* a/a- a)d sa,ed the la%b4s li*e0 The +e"tle a"( 'ea& ca" s!%eti%es e cleverer tha" #ierce a"( str!"+. Chapter 12 THE 2O7 AND THE GRA0ES It /as a su))- da- a)d *o> /as /al&i)+ a.ross the *ields0 Soo) he .a%e to a ,i)e-ard0 As he .a%e )earer( he .ould see so%e bu).hes o* 1ui.- +rapes0 The *o> loo&ed .are*ull- arou)d hi%0 He had to %a&e sure that he /as sa*e *ro% the hu)ters0 He de.ided to steal so%e be*ore a)-o)e .a%e alo)+0 He 1u%ped up/ards but he .ould )ot rea.h the +rapes0 He 1u%ped a+ai) as hi+h as he .ould0 He still .ould )ot rea.h the%0 The +rapes /ere 1ust too hi+h *or hi%7 He /as )ot read- to +i,e up0 He ba.&ed o**( too& so%e ru))i)+ step sa)d leapt i)to the air to/ards the +rapes0 A+ai) he *ailed to rea.h the%0 It /as +etti)+ dar&( a)d he /as +etti)+ a)+r-0 His le+s hurt /ith all that ru))i)+ a)d 1u%pi)+0 At last he stopped tr-i)+0 As he /al&ed a/a-( he said to hi%sel*( 2I do)4t reall- /a)t those +rapes0 I4% sure theare too sour to eat03 S!%eti%es 'he" 'e ca""!t +et 'hat 'e 'a"t* 'e )rete"( that it is "!t '!rth havi"+. Chapter 13 THE THIRST5 CROW O)e hot da-( a thirst- .ro/ *le/ all o,er the *ields loo&i)+ *or /ater0 For a lo)+ ti%e( she .ould )ot *i)d a)-0 She *elt ,er- /ea&( al%ost +i,i)+ up hope0 Sudde)l-( she sa/ a /ater 1u+ belo/ her0 She *le/ strai+ht do/) to see i* there /as a)/ater i)side0 Des( she .ould see so%e /ater i)side the 1u+7 The .ro/ tried to push her head i)to the 1u+0 Sadl-( she *ou)d that the )e.& o* the 1u+ /as too )arro/0 The) she tried to push the 1u+ do/) *or the /ater to *lo/ out0 She *ou)d that the 1u+ /as too hea,-0 The .ro/ thou+ht hard *or a /hile0 The) loo&i)+ arou)d her( she sa/ so%e pebbles0 She sudde)l- had a +ood idea0 She started pi.&i)+ up the pebbles o)e b- o)e( droppi)+ ea.h i)to the 1u+0 As %ore a)d %ore pebbles *illed the 1u+( the /ater le,el &ept risi)+0 Soo) it /as hi+h e)ou+h *or the .ro/ to dri)&0 Her pla) had /or&ed7 I# y!u try har( e"!u+h* y!u %ay s!!" #i"( a" a"s'er t! y!ur )r! le%. Chapter 1@ THE MIL3MAID A %il&%aid /as o) her /a- to the %ar&et to sell so%e %il& *ro% her .o/0 As she .arried the lar+e 1u+ o* %il& o) top o* her head( she be+a) to drea% o* all the thi)+s she .ould do a*ter selli)+ the %il&02 'ith that %o)e-( I4ll bu- a hu)dred .hi.&s to rear i) %- ba.&-ard0 'he) the- are *ull+ro/)0 I .a) sell the% at a +ood pri.e at the %ar&et03

As she /al&ed o)( she .o)ti)ued drea%i)+( 2The) I4ll bu- t/o -ou)+ +oats a)d rear the% o) the +rass .lose b-0 'he) the- are *ull- +ro/)( I .a) sell the% at a) e,e) better pri.e73 Still drea%i)+( she said to hersel*( 2Soo)( I4ll be able to bu- a)other .o/( a)d I /ill ha,e %ore %il& to sell0 The) I shall ha,e e,e) %ore %o)e-B 3'ith these happ- thou+hts( she be+a) to s&ip a)d 1u%p0 Sudde)l- she tripped a)d *ell0 The 1u+ bro&e a)d all the %il& spilt o)to the +rou)d0 No %ore drea%i)+ )o/( she sat do/) a)d .ried0 D! "!t c!u"t y!ur chic&e"s e#!re they are hatche(. Chapter 1: 0ARA4LE O2 THE 0ENCIL The Pe).il Ma&er too& the pe).il aside( 1ust be*ore putti)+ hi% i)to the bo>02 There are : thi)+s -ou )eed to &)o/(3 he told the pe).il( 2!e*ore I se)d -ou out i)to the /orld0 Al/a-s re%e%ber the% a)d )e,er *or+et( a)d -ou /ill be.o%e the best pe).il -ou .a) be03 O)e: 2Dou /ill be able to do %a)- +reat thi)+s( but o)l- i* -ou allo/ -oursel* to be held i) so%eo)e4s ha)d03 T/o: 2Dou /ill e>perie).e a pai)*ul sharpe)i)+ *ro% ti%e to ti%e( but -ou4ll )eed it to be.o%e a better pe).il03 Three: 2Dou /ill be able to .orre.t a)- %ista&es -ou %i+ht %a&e03 Four: 2The %ost i%porta)t part o* -ou /ill al/a-s be /hat8s i)side03 A)d Fi,e: 2O) e,er- sur*a.e -ou are used o)( -ou %ust lea,e -our %ar&0 No %atter /hat the .o)ditio)( -ou %ust .o)ti)ue to /rite03 The pe).il u)derstood a)d pro%ised to re%e%ber( a)d /e)t i)to the bo> /ith purpose i) its heart0 No/ repla.i)+ the pla.e o* the pe).il /ith -ou0 Al/a-s re%e%ber the% a)d )e,er *or+et( a)d -ou /ill be.o%e the best perso) -ou .a) be0 O)e: 2Dou /ill be able to do %a)- +reat thi)+s( but o)l- i* -ou allo/ -oursel* to be held i) <od4s ha)d0 A)d allo/ other hu%a) bei)+s to a..ess -ou *or the %a)- +i*ts -ou possess03 T/o: 2Dou /ill e>perie).e a pai)*ul sharpe)i)+ *ro% ti%e to ti%e( b- +oi)+ throu+h ,arious proble%s i) li*e( but -ou4ll )eed it to be.o%e a stro)+er perso)03 Three: 2Dou /ill be able to .orre.t a)- %ista&es -ou %i+ht %a&e03 Four: 2The %ost i%porta)t part o* -ou /ill al/a-s be /hat4s o) the i)side03 A)d Fi,e: 2O) e,er- sur*a.e -ou /al& throu+h( -ou %ust lea,e -our %ar&0 No %atter /hat the situatio)( -ou %ust .o)ti)ue to do -our duties03 Allo/ this parable o) the pe).il to e).oura+e -ou to &)o/ that -ou are a spe.ial perso) a)d o)l- -ou .a) *ul*ill the purpose to /hi.h -ou /ere bor) to a..o%plish0 Never all!' y!ursel# t! +et (isc!ura+e( a"( thi"& that y!ur li#e is i"si+"i#ica"t a"( ca""!t %a&e a cha"+e. Chapter 1A THE 4O5 AND THE A00LE TREE A lo)+ ti%e a+o( there /as a hu+e apple tree0 A little bo- lo,ed to .o%e a)d pla- arou)d it e,er-da-0 He .li%bed to the treetop( ate the apples( a)d too& a )ap u)der the shado/0 He lo,ed the tree a)d the tree lo,ed to pla- /ith hi%0 Ti%e /e)t b-( the little bo- had +ro/) up a)d he )o lo)+er pla-ed arou)d the tree e,er- da-0 O)e da-( the bo- .a%e ba.& to the tree a)d he loo&ed sad0

2Co%e a)d pla- /ith %e3( the tree as&ed the bo-0 2I a% )o lo)+er a &id( I do )ot pla- arou)d trees a)- %ore3 the bo- replied0 2I /a)t to-s0 I )eed %o)e- to bu- the%03 2Sorr-( but I do )ot ha,e %o)e-( but -ou .a) pi.& all %- apples a)d sell the%0 So( -ou /ill ha,e %o)e-0 3The bo- /as so e>.ited0 He +rabbed all the apples o) the tree a)d le*t happil-0 The bo)e,er .a%e ba.& a*ter he pi.&ed the apples0 The tree /as sad0 O)e da-( the bo- /ho )o/ tur)ed i)to a %a) retur)ed a)d the tree /as e>.ited0 2Co%e a)d pla- /ith %e3 the tree said0 2I do )ot ha,e ti%e to pla-0 I ha,e to /or& *or %- *a%il-0 'e )eed a house *or shelter0 Ca) -ou help %e;3 2Sorr-( but I do )ot ha,e a)- house0 !ut -ou .a) .hop o** %- bra).hes to build -our house03 So the %a) .ut all the bra).hes o* the tree a)d le*t happil-0 The tree /as +lad to see hi% happbut the %a) )e,er .a%e ba.& si).e the)0 The tree /as a+ai) lo)el- a)d sad0 O)e hot su%%er da-( the %a) retur)ed a)d the tree /as deli+hted0 2Co%e a)d pla- /ith %e73 the tree said0 2I a% +etti)+ old0 I /a)t to +o saili)+ to rela> %-sel*0 Ca) -ou +i,e %e a boat;3 said the %a)0 2$se %- tru)& to build -our boat0 Dou .a) sail *ar a/a- a)d be happ-0 3So the %a) .ut the tree tru)& to %a&e a boat0 He /e)t saili)+ a)d )e,er sho/ed up *or a lo)+ ti%e0 Fi)all-( the %a) retur)ed a*ter %a)- -ears0 2Sorr-( %- bo-0 !ut I do )ot ha,e a)-thi)+ *or -ou a)-%ore0 No %ore apples *or -ou3( the tree said0 2No proble%( I do )ot ha,e a)teeth to bite3 the %a) replied0 2No %ore tru)& *or -ou to .li%b o)03 2I a% too old *or that )o/3 the %a) said0 2I reall- .a))ot +i,e -ou a)-thi)+( the o)l- thi)+ le*t is %- d-i)+ roots(3 the tree said /ith tears0 2I do )ot )eed %u.h )o/( 1ust a pla.e to rest0 I a% tired a*ter all these -ears(3 the %a) replied0 2<ood7 Old tree roots are the best pla.e to lea) o) a)d rest( .o%e sit do/) /ith %e a)d rest03 The %a) sat do/) a)d the tree /as +lad a)d s%iled /ith tears0 This is a story of everyone. The tree is like our parents. When we were young, we loved to play without Mum and Dad. When we grow up, we leave them; only come to them when we need something or when we are in trouble. No matter what, parents will always be there and give everything they could ust to make you happy. !ou may think the boy is cruel to the tree, but that is how all of us treat our parents. We take them for granted; we don"t appreciate all they do for us, until it"s too late. Wallahi, May #llah forgives us of our shortcomings and may $e guide us. Chapter 1C THE ANGEL O).e upo) a ti%e there /as a .hild read- to be bor)0 O)e da- the .hild as&ed <od( 2Thetell %e -ou are +oi)+ to se)d %e to earth to%orro/ but ho/ a% I +oi)+ to li,e there bei)+ so s%all a)d helpless;3 <od replied( 2A%o)+ the %a)- a)+els I ha,e .hose) o)e *or -ou0 She /ill be /aiti)+ *or -ou a)d /ill ta&e .are o* -ou0

3Said .hild( 2!ut tell %e here i) Hea,e) I do)4t do a)-thi)+ else but si)+ a)d s%ile0 That4s /hat I )eed to be happ-73 <od replied( 2Dour a)+el /ill si)+ *or -ou e,er- da-0 A)d -ou /ill *eel -our a)+el4s lo,e a)d be happ-03 A)d( said the .hild( 2Ho/ a% I +oi)+ to be able to u)dersta)d /he) people tal& to %e( i* I do)4t &)o/ the la)+ua+e that %e) tal&;3 2That4s eas-3( <od said( 2Dour a)+el /ill tell -ou the %ost beauti*ul a)d s/eet /ords -ou /ill e,er hear( a)d /ith %u.h patie).e a)d .are( -our a)+el /ill tea.h -ou ho/ to spea&03 The .hild loo&ed up at <od sa-i)+( 2A)d /hat a% I +oi)+ to do /he) I /a)t to tal& to -ou;3 <od s%iled at the .hild sa-i)+( 2Dour a)+el /ill tea.h -ou ho/ to pra-03 The .hild said( 2I4,e heard o) earth there are bad %e)0 'ho /ill prote.t %e;3 <od replied( 2Dour a)+el /ill de*e)d -ou( e,e) i* it %ea)s ris&i)+ li*e73 The .hild loo&ed sad( sa-i)+( 2!ut I /ill al/a-s be sad be.ause I /ill )ot see -ou a)-%ore03 <od replied( 2Dour a)+el /ill al/a-s tal& to -ou about %e a)d /ill tea.h -ou the /a- to .o%e ba.& to %e( e,e) thou+h I /ill al/a-s be )e>t to -ou03 At that %o%e)t there /as %u.h pea.e i) Hea,e)( but , *ro% earth .ould alread- be heard0 The .hild i) a hurr-( as&ed so*tl-( 2Oh <od( i* I a% about to lea,e )o/ please tell %e %a)+el4s )a%e73 <od replied( Dour a)+el4s )a%e is o* )o i%porta).eB -ou /ill si%pl- .all her MOTHER8 Chapter 1E THE DE/OTED MOTHER A %other du.& a)d her little du.&li)+s /ere o) their /a- to the la&e o)e da-0 The du.&li)+s /ere ,er- happ- *ollo/i)+ their %other a)d 6ua.&?6ua.&i)+ alo)+ the /a-0 All o* a sudde) the %other du.& sa/ a *o> i) the dista).e0 She /as *ri+hte)ed a)d shouted( 2Childre)( hurr- to the la&e0 There4s a *o>73 The du.&li)+s hurried to/ards the la&e0 The %other du.& /o)dered /hat to do0 She be+a) to /al& ba.& a)d *orth dra++i)+ o)e /i)+ o) the +rou)d0 'he) the *o> sa/ her he be.a%e happ-0 He said to hi%sel*( 2It see%s that she4s hurt a)d .a)4t *l-7 I .a) easil- .at.h a)d eat her73 The) he ra) to/ards her0 The %other du.& ra)( leadi)+ the *o> a/a- *ro% the la&e0 The *o> *ollo/ed her0 No/ he /ould)4t be able to har% her du.&li)+s0 The %other du.& loo&ed to /ards her du.&li)+s a)d sa/ that the- had rea.hed the la&e0 She /as relie,ed( so she stopped a)d too& a deep breath0 The *o> thou+ht she /as tired a)d he .a%e .loser( but the %other du.& 6ui.&l- spread her /i)+s a)d rose up i) the air0 She la)ded i) the %iddle o* the la&e a)d her du.&li)+s s/a% to her0 The *o> stared i) disbelie* at the %other du.& a)d her du.&li)+s0 He .ould )ot rea.h the% be.ause the- /ere i) the %iddle o* the la&e0 Dear chil(re"* s!%e ir(s (ra+ !"e !# their 'i"+s !" the +r!u"( 'he" a" e"e%y is +!i"+ t! attac&. I" this 'ay they #!!l their e"e%ies i"t! thi"&i"+ they are hurt. Whe" the e"e%y #!ll!'s the% this +ives their chil(re" ti%e t! esca)e.

Chapter 1G MENTALL5 RETARDED8 A *e/ -ears a+o( at the Seattle Spe.ial Ol-%pi.s( )i)e .o)testa)ts( all ph-si.allor%e)tall- disabled( asse%bled at the starti)+ li)e *or the 100?-ard dash0 At the +u)( the- all started out( )ot e> i) a dash( but /ith a relish to ru) thera.e to the *i)ish a)d /i)0 All( that is( e>.ept o)e little bo- /ho stu%bled o) the asphalt( tu%bled o,er a .ouple o* ti%es( a)d be+a) to .r-0 The other ei+ht heard the bo- .r-0 Theslo/ed do/) a)d loo&ed ba.&0 The) the- all tur)ed arou)d a)d /e)t ba.&B 00e,er- o)e o* the%0 O)e +irl /ith "o/)4s s-)dro%e be)t do/) a)d &issed hi% a)d said( 2This /ill %a&e it better03The) all )i)e li)&ed ar%s a)d /al&ed to+ether to the *i)ish li)e0 E,er-o)e i) the stadiu% stood(a)d the .heeri)+ /e)t o) *or se,eral %i)utes0 People /ho /ere there are still telli)+ the stor-0 Why9 4ecause (ee) (!'" 'e &"!' this !"e thi"+$ What %atters i" this li#e is %!re tha" 'i""i"+ #!r !urselves. What %atters i" this li#e is hel)i"+ !thers 'i"* eve" i# it %ea"s sl!'i"+ (!'" a"( cha"+i"+ !ur c!urse. Chapter 20 0AID IN 2:LL A little bo- .a%e up to his %other i) the &it.he) o)e e,e)i)+ /hile she /as *i>i)+ supper( a)d he ha)ded her a pie.e o* paper that he had bee) /riti)+ o)0 A*ter his %o% dried her ha)ds o) a) apro)( she read it( a)d this is /hat it said: For .utti)+ the +rass: H:000 For .lea)i)+ up %- roo% this /ee&: H1000 For +oi)+ to the store *or -ou: H0:0 !ab-?sitti)+ %- &id brother /hile -ou /e)t shoppi)+: H02: Ta&i)+ out the +arba+e: H1000 For +etti)+ a +ood report .ard: H:000 For .lea)i)+ up a)d ra&i)+ the -ard: H2000 Total o/ed: H1@0C: 'ell( his %other loo&ed at hi% sta)di)+ there( a)d the bo- .ould see the %e%ories *lashi)+ throu+h her %i)d0 She pi.&ed up the pe)( tur)ed o,er the paper he had /ritte) o)( a)d this is /hat she /rote: For the )i)e %o)ths I .arried -ou /hile -ou /ere +ro/i)+ i)side %e: No Char+e0 For all the )i+hts that I4,e sat up /ith -ou( do.tored a)d pra-ed *or -ou: No Char+e0 For all the tr-i)+ ti%es( a)d all the tears that -ou4,e .aused throu+h the -ears: No Char+e0 For all the )i+hts *illed /ith dread( a)d *or the /orries I &)e/ /ere ahead: No Char+e0 For the to-s( *ood( .lothes( a)d e,e) /ipi)+ -our )ose: No Char+e0 'he) -ou add it up( the .ost o* %- lo,e is: No Char+e0 'he) the bo- *i)ished readi)+ /hat his %other had /ritte)( there /ere bi+ tears i) his e-es( a)d he loo&ed strai+ht up at his %other a)d said( 2Mo%( I sure do lo,e -ou03 A"( the" he t!!& the )e" a"( i" +reat i+ letters he 'r!te$ ;0AID IN 2:LL.< Chapter 21 4EA:TI2:L GI2T8

A -ou)+ %a) /as +etti)+ read- to +raduate .olle+e0 For %a)- %o)ths he had ad%ired a beauti*ul sports .ar i) a dealer4s sho/roo%( a)d &)o/i)+ his *ather .ould /ell a**ord it( he told hi% that /as all he /a)ted0 As <raduatio) "a- approa.hed( the -ou)+ %a) a/aited si+)s that his *ather had pur.hased the .ar0 O) the %or)i)+ o* his +raduatio) his *ather .alled hi% i)to his pri,ate stud-0 His *ather told hi% ho/ proud he /as to ha,e su.h a *i)e so)( a)d told hi% ho/ %u.h he lo,ed hi%0 He ha)ded his so) a beauti*ul /rapped +i*t bo>0 Curious( but so%e /hat disappoi)ted the -ou)+ %a) ope)ed the bo> a)d *ou)d a lo,el-( leather?bou)d HolIur4a)0 A)+ril-( he raised his ,oi.e at his *ather a)d said( 2'ith all -our %o)e- -ou +i,e %e a Hol- boo&;3 a)d stor%ed out o* the house( lea,i)+ the hol- boo&0 He )e,er .o)ta.ted his *ather a+ai) *or lo)+ lo)+ ti%e0 Ma)- -ears passed a)d the -ou)+ %a) /as ,er- su..ess*ul i) busi)ess0 He had a beauti*ul ho%e a)d /o)der*ul *a%il-( but reali=ed his *ather /as ,er- old( a)d thou+ht perhaps he should +o to hi%0 He had )ot see) hi% si).e that +raduatio) da-0 !e*ore he .ould %a&e arra)+e%e)ts( he re.ei,ed a tele+ra% telli)+ hi% his *ather had passed a/a-( a)d /illed all o* his possessio)s to his so)0 He )eeded to .o%e ho%e i%%ediatel- a)d ta&e .are thi)+s0 'he) he arri,ed at his *ather4s house( sudde) sad)ess a)d re+ret *illed his heart0 He be+a) to sear.h his *ather4s i%porta)t papers a)d sa/ the still )e/ Hol- Iur4a)( 1ust as he had le*t it -ears a+o0 'ith tears( he ope)ed the HolIur4a) a)d be+a) to tur) the pa+es0 As he #ead those /ords( a .ar &e- dropped *ro% a) e),elope taped behi)d the Hol- Iur4a)0 It had a ta+ /ith the dealer4s )a%e( the sa%e dealer /ho had the sports .ar he had desired0 O) the ta+ /as the date o* his +raduatio)( a)d the /ords PAI" IN F$ 0 H!' %a"y ti%es (! 'e %iss GOD lessi"+s ecause they are "!t )ac&a+e( as 'e e=)ecte(9 Chapter 22 WHAT IS A 2AMIL59 A %a) .a%e ho%e *ro% /or& late( tired a)d irritated( to *i)d his :?-ear old so) /aiti)+ *or hi% at the door0 SON: 2"add-( %a- I as& -ou a 6uestio);3 "A": 2Deah sure( /hat is it;3 replied the %a)0 SON: 2"add-( ho/ %u.h do -ou %a&e a) hour;3 "A": 2That4s )o)e o* -our busi)ess0 'h- do -ou as& su.h a thi)+;3 the %a) said a)+ril-0 SON: 2I 1ust /a)t to &)o/0 Please tell %e( ho/ %u.h do -ou %a&e a) hour;3 "A": 2I* -ou %ust &)o/( I %a&e H20 a) hour03 2Oh(3 the little bo- replied( /ith his head do/)0 oo&i)+ up( he said( 2"add-( %a- I please borro/ H10;3 The *ather /as *urious( 2I* the o)l- reaso) -ou as&ed that is so -ou .a) borro/ so%e %o)e- to bu- a sill- to- or so%e other )o)se)se( the) -ou %ar.h -oursel* strai+ht to -our roo% a)d +o to bed0 Thi)& about /h- -ou are bei)+ so sel*ish0 I /or& hard e,er-da- *or su.h this .hildish beha,ior03 The little bo- 6uietl- /e)t to his roo% a)d shut the door0 The %a) sat do/) a)d started to +et e,e) a)+rier about the little bo-4s 6uestio)s0 Ho/ dare he as& su.h 6uestio)s o)l- to +et so%e %o)e-; A*ter about a) hour or so( the %a) had .al%ed do/)( a)d started to thi)&: Ma-be there /as so%ethi)+ he reall- )eeded to bu- /ith that H10 a)d he reall- did)4t as& *or %o)e- ,er- o*te)0 The %a) /e)t to the door o* the little bo-4s roo% a)d ope)ed the door02

Are -ou asleep( so);3 He as&ed0 2No dadd-( I4% a/a&e(3 replied the bo-0 2I4,e bee) thi)&i)+( %a-be I /as too hard o) -ou earlier(3 said the %a)0 2It4s bee) a lo)+ da- a)d I too& out %- a++ra,atio) o) -ou0 Here4s the H10 -ou as&ed *or03 The little bo- sat strai+ht up( s%ili)+0 2Oh( tha)& -ou dadd-73 He -elled0 The)( rea.hi)+ u)der his pillo/ he pulled out so%e .ru%pled up bills0 The %a)( seei)+ that the bo- alread- had %o)e-( started to +et a)+r- a+ai)0 The little bo- slo/l- .ou)ted out his %o)e-( a)d the) loo&ed up at his *ather02 'h- do -ou /a)t %ore %o)e- i* -ou alread- ha,e so%e;3 the *ather +ru%bled02 !e.ause I did)4t ha,e e)ou+h( but )o/ I do(3 the little bo- replied02 "add-( I ha,e H20 )o/0 Ca) I bu- a) hour o* -our ti%e; Please .o%e ho%e earlto%orro/0 I /ould li&e to ha,e di))er /ith -ou03 Share this stor- /ith so%eo)e -ou li&eB 0 !ut e,e) better( share H20 /orth o* ti%e /ith so%eo)e -ou lo,e0 It4s 1ust a short re%i)der to all o* -ou /or&i)+ so hard i) li*e0 'e should )ot let ti%e slip throu+h our *i)+ers /ithout ha,i)+ spe)t so%e ti%e /ith those /ho reall- %atter to us( those .lose to our hearts0 I* /e die to%orro/( the .o%pa)- that /e are /or&i)+ *or .ould easil- repla.e us i) a %atter o* da-s0 !ut the *a%il- J *rie)ds /e lea,e behi)d /ill *eel the loss *or the rest o* their li,es0 A)d .o%e to thi)& o* it( /e pour oursel,es %ore i)to /or& tha) to our *a%il-0 A) u)/ise i),est%e)t i)deed7 So /hat is the %oral o* the stor-;;; "o)4t /or& too hardB a)d -ou &)o/ /hat4s the *ull /ord o* FAMI D; FAMI D K LFMATHE# LAMN" LMMOTHE#(LIML MONE LDMO$7 Chapter 23 TR:E WEALTH O)e da- a *ather o* a ,er- /ealth- *a%il- too& his so) o) a trip to the .ou)tr- /ith the purpose o* sho/i)+ his so) ho/ the poor people li,e so he .ould be tha)&*ul *or his /ealth0 The- spe)t a .ouple o* da-s a)d )i+hts o) the *ar% o* /hat /ould be .o)sidered a ,erpoor *a%il-0 O) their retur) *ro% their trip( the *ather as&ed his so)( 2Ho/ /as the trip;3 2It /as +reat( "ad032"id -ou see ho/ poor people .a) be;3 the *ather as&ed0 2Oh -eah3 said the so)0 2So /hat did -ou lear) *ro% the trip;3 as&ed the *ather0 The so) a)s/ered( 2I sa/ that /e ha,e o)e do+ a)d the- had *our0'e ha,e a pool that rea.hes to the %iddle o* our +arde) a)d the- ha,e a .ree& that has )o e)d03 2'e ha,e i%ported la)ter)s i) our +arde) a)d the- ha,e the stars at )i+ht03 2Our patio rea.hes to the *ro)t -ard a)d the- ha,e the /hole hori=o)03 2'e ha,e a s%all pie.e o* la)d to li,e o) a)d the- ha,e *ields that +o be-o)d our si+ht03 2'e ha,e ser,a)ts /ho ser,e us( but the- ser,e others03 2'e bu- our *ood( but the- +ro/ theirs03 2'e ha,e /alls arou)d our propert- to prote.t usO the- ha,e *rie)ds to prote.t the%03 'ith this the bo-4s *ather /as spee.hless0 The) his so) added( 2Tha)&s dad *or sho/i)+ %e ho/ poor /e are03

Chapter 2@ A HOLE IN THE 2ENCE There o).e /as a little bo- /ho had a bad te%per0 His Father +a,e hi% a ba+ o* )ails a)d told hi% that e,er- ti%e he lost his te%per( he %ust ha%%er a )ail i)to the ba.& o* the *e).e0 The *irst da- the bo- had dri,e) 3C )ails i)to the *e).e0 O,er the )e>t *e/ /ee&s( as he lear)ed to .o)trol his a)+er( the )u%ber o* )ails ha%%ered dail- +raduall- d/i)dled do/)0 He dis.o,ered it /as easier to hold his te%per tha) to dri,e those )ails i)to the *e).eB 0 Fi)all- the da- .a%e /he) the bo- did)4t lose his te%per at all0 He told his *ather about it a)d the *ather su++ested that the bo- )o/ pull out o)e )ail *or ea.h da- that he /as able to hold his te%per0 The da- passed a)d the -ou)+ bo- /as *i)all- able to tell his *ather that all the )ails /ere +o)e0 The *ather too& his so) b- the ha)d a)d led hi% to the *e).e0 He said( 2Dou ha,e do)e /ell( %- so)( but loo& at the holes i) the *e).e03 The *e).e /ill )e,er be the sa%e0 'he) -ou sa- thi)+s i) a)+er( the- lea,e a 1ust li&e this o)e0 Dou .a) put a &)i*e i) a %a) a)d dra/ it out0 It /o)4t %atter ho/ %a)ti%es -ou sa- I4% sorr-( the /ou)d is still there0 A ,erbal /ou)d is as bad as a o)e0 Frie)ds a)d lo,ed o)es are a ,er- rare 1e/el( i)deed0 The- %a&e -ou s%ile a)d e).oura+e -ou to su..eed0 The- le)d a) ear( the- share a /ord o* praise( a)d the- al/a-s /a)t to ope) their hearts to us0 'ater -our relatio)ships /ith &i)d)essB a)d the- /ill +ro/0 So be .are*ul little lips /hat -ou sa-B7 A)d -ou /o)8t .hase *rie)dships a/a-0 Chapter 2: GRAND0A1S TA4LE A *rail old %a) /e)t to li,e /ith his so)( dau+hter?i)?la/( a)d *our?-ear old +ra)dso)0 The old %a)4s ha)ds tre%bled( his e-esi+ht /as blurred( a)d his step *altered0 The *a%ilate to+ether at the table0 !ut the elderl- +ra)d*ather4s sha&- ha)ds a)d *aili)+ si+ht %ade eati)+ di**i.ult0 Peas rolled o** his spoo) o)to the *loor0 'he) he +rasped( the +lass( %il& spilled o) the table.loth0 The so) a)d dau+hter?i)?la/ be.a%e irritated /ith the %ess0 2'e %ust do so%ethi)+ about <ra)d*ather(3 said the so)0 2I4,e had e)ou+h o* his spilled %il&( )ois- eati)+( a)d *ood o) the *loor03 So the husba)d a)d /i*e set a s%all table i) the .or)er0 There( <ra)d*ather ate alo)e /hile the rest o* the *a%il- e)1o-ed di))er0 Si).e <ra)d*ather had bro&e) a dish or t/o( his *ood /as ser,ed i) a /oode) bo/l0 'he) the *a%il- +la).ed i) <ra)d*ather4s dire.tio)( so%eti%es he had a tear i) his e-e as he sat alo)e0 Still( the o)l/ords the .ouple had *or hi% /ere sharp ad%o)itio)s /he) he dropped a *or& or spilled *ood0 The *our?-ear?old /at.hed it all i) sile).e0 O)e e,e)i)+ be*ore supper( the *ather )oti.ed his so) pla-i)+ /ith /ood s.raps o) the *loor0 He as&ed the .hild s/eetl-( 2'hat are -ou %a&i)+;3 Fust as s/eetl-( the borespo)ded( 2Oh( I a% %a&i)+ a little bo/l *or -ou a)d Ma%a to eat -our *ood i) /he) I +ro/ up03 The *our?-ear?old s%iled a)d /e)t ba.& to /or&0 The /ords so stru.& the pare)ts that the- /ere spee.hless0 The) tears started to strea% do/) their .hee&s0 Thou+h )o /ord /as spo&e)( both &)e/ /hat %ust be do)e0 That e,e)i)+ the husba)d too& <ra)d*ather4s ha)d a)d +e)tl- led hi% ba.& to the *a%iltable0 For the re%ai)der o* his da-s he ate e,er- %eal /ith the *a%il-0 A)d *or so%e

reaso)( )either husba)d )or /i*e see%ed to .are a)- lo)+er /he) a *or& /as dropped( %il& spilled( or the table .loth soiled0 Childre) are re%ar&abl- per.epti,e0 Their e-es e,er obser,e( their ears e,er liste)( a)d their %i)d se,er pro.ess the %essa+es the- absorb0 I* the- see us patie)tl- pro,ide a happ- ho%e at%osphere *or *a%il- %e%bers( the- /ill i%itate that attitude *or the rest o* their li,es0 The /ise pare)t reali=es that e,er- da- the buildi)+ blo.&s are bei)+ laid *or the .hild4s *uture0 et4s be /ise builders a)d role %odels0 ;Li#e is a !ut )e!)le c!""ecti"+ 'ith )e!)le* a"( %a&i"+ a )!sitive (i##ere"ce. Ta&e care !# y!ursel#* > a"( th!se y!u l!ve* > t!(ay* > a"( every(ay8< Chapter 2A 2ATHERS E5ES A tee)a+er li,ed alo)e /ith his *ather( a)d the t/o o* the% had a ,er- spe.ial relatio)ship0 The *ather belie,ed i) e).oura+e%e)t0 E,e) thou+h the so) /as al/a-s o) the be).h( his *ather /as al/a-s i) the sta)ds .heeri)+0 He )e,er %issed a +a%e0 This -ou)+ %a) /as the s%allest o* the .lass /he) he e)tered hi+h s.hool0 His *ather .o)ti)ued to e).oura+e hi% but also %ade it ,er- .lear that he did )ot ha,e to pla*ootball i* he did)4t /a)t to0 !ut the -ou)+ %a) lo,ed *ootball a)d de.ided to ha)+ i) there0 He /as deter%i)ed to trhis best at e,er- pra.ti.e( a)d perhaps he4d +et to pla- /he) he be.a%e a se)ior0 All throu+h hi+h s.hool he )e,er %issed a pra.ti.e or a +a%e( but re%ai)ed a be).h /ar%er all *our -ears0 His *aith*ul *ather /as al/a-s i) the sta)ds( al/a-s /ith /ords o* e).oura+e%e)t *or hi%0 'he) the -ou)+ %a) /e)t to .olle+e( he de.ided to tr- out *or the *ootball tea% as a 2/al&?o)03 E,er-o)e /as sure he .ould )e,er %a&e the .ut( but he did0 The .oa.h ad%itted that he &ept hi% o) the roster be.ause he al/a-s puts his heart a)d soul to e,er- pra.ti.e( a)d at the sa%e ti%e( pro,ided the other %e%bers /ith the spirit a)d hustle the- badl- )eeded0 The )e/s that he had sur,i,ed the .ut thrilled hi% so %u.h that he rushed to the )earest pho)e a)d .alled his *ather0 His *ather shared his e>.ite%e)t a)d /as se)t seaso) ti.&ets *or all the .olle+e +a%es0 This persiste)t -ou)+ athlete )e,er %issed pra.ti.e duri)+ his *our -ears at .olle+e( but he )e,er +ot to pla- i) the +a%e0 It /as the e)d o* his se)ior *ootball seaso)( a)d as he trotted o)to the pra.ti.e *ield shortl- be*ore the bi+ pla- o** +a%e( the .oa.h %et hi% /ith a tele+ra%0 The -ou)+ %a) read the tele+ra% a)d he be.a%e deathl- sile)t0 S/allo/i)+ hard( he %u%bled to the .oa.h( 2M- *ather died this %or)i)+0 Is it all ri+ht i* I %iss pra.ti.e toda-;3 The .oa.h put his ar% +e)tl- arou)d his shoulder a)d said( 2Ta&e the rest o* the /ee& o**( so)0 A)d do)4t e,e) pla) to .o%e ba.& to the +a%e o) Saturda-03 Saturda- arri,ed( a)d the +a%e /as )ot +oi)+ /ell0 I) the third 6uarter( /he) the tea% /as te) poi)ts behi)d( a sile)t -ou)+ %a) 6uietlslipped i)to the e%pt- lo.&er roo% a)d put o) his *ootball +ear0 As he ra) o)to the sideli)es( the .oa.h a)d his pla-ers /ere astou)ded to see their *aith*ul tea%?%ate ba.& so soo)02 Coa.h( please let %e pla-0 I4,e 1ust +ot to pla- toda-(3 said the -ou)+ %a)0 The .oa.h prete)ded )ot to hear hi%0 There /as )o /a- he /a)ted his /orst pla-er i) this .lose pla- o** +a%e0 !ut the -ou)+ %a) persisted( a)d *i)all- *eeli)+ sorr- *or the &id( the .oa.h +a,e i)0 2All ri+ht(3 he said0 2Dou .a) +o i)03 !e*ore lo)+( the .oa.h( the pla-ers a)d e,er-o)e i) the sta)ds .ould )ot belie,e their e-es0 This little u)&)o/)( /ho

had )e,er pla-ed be*ore( /as doi)+ e,er-thi)+ ri+ht0 The opposi)+ tea% .ould )ot stop hi%0 He ra)( he passed( blo.&ed a)d ta.&led li&e a star0 His tea% be+a) to triu%ph0 The s.ore /as soo) tied0 I) the .losi)+ se.o)ds o* the +a%e( this &id i)ter.epted a pass a)d ra) all the /a- *or the /i))i)+ tou.h do/)0 The *a)s bro&e loose0 His tea%?%ates hoisted hi% o)to their shoulders0 Su.h .heeri)+ -ou4,e )e,er heard7 Fi)all-( a*ter the sta)ds had e%ptied a)d the tea% had sho/ered a)d le*t the lo.&er roo%( the .oa.h )oti.ed that the -ou)+ %a) /as sitti)+ 6uietl- i) the .or)er all alo)e0 The .oa.h .a%e to hi% a)d said( 25id( I .a)4t belie,e it0 Dou /ere *a)tasti.73 Tell %e /hat +ot i)to -ou; Ho/ did -ou do it; He loo&ed at the .oa.h( /ith tears i) his e-es( a)d said( 2'ell( -ou &)e/ %- dad died( but did -ou &)o/ that %- dad /as bli)d;3 The -ou)+ %a) s/allo/ed hard a)d *or.ed a s%ile( 2"ad .a%e to all %- +a%es( but toda- /as the *irst ti%e he .ould see %e pla-( a)d I /a)ted to sho/ hi% I .ould do it73 Chapter 2C 4:TTER2L5 AND COCOON A %a) *ou)d a .o.oo) o* a butter*l-0 O)e da- a s%all ope)i)+ appearedO he sat a)d /at.hed the butter*l- *or se,eral hours as it stru++led to *or.e its bod- throu+h that little hole0 The) it see%ed to stop %a&i)+ a)- pro+ress0 It appeared as i* it had +otte) as *ar as it .ould a)d it .ould +o )o *arther0 The) the %a) de.ided to help the butter*l-( so he too& a pair o* s.issors a)d s)ipped o** the re%ai)i)+ bit o* the .o.oo)0 The butter*l- the) e%er+ed easil-0 !ut it had a s/olle) bod- a)d s%all( shri,eled /i)+s0 The %a) .o)ti)ued to /at.h the butter*l- be.ause he e>pe.ted that( at a)- %o%e)t( the /i)+s /ould e)lar+e a)d e>pa)d to be able to support the bod-( /hi.h /ould .o)tra.t i) ti%e0 Neither happe)ed7 I) *a.t( the butter*l- spe)t the rest o* its li*e .ra/li)+ arou)d /ith a s/olle) bod- a)d shri,eled /i)+s0 It )e,er /as able to *l-0 'hat this %a) i) his &i)d)ess a)d haste did )ot u)dersta)d /as that the restri.ti)+ .o.oo) a)d the stru++le re6uired *or the butter*l- to +et throu+h the ti)- ope)i)+ /ere )ature8s /a- o* *or.i)+ *luid *ro% the bod- o* the butter*l- i)to its /i)+s so that it /ould be read- *or *li+ht o).e it a.hie,ed its *reedo% *ro% the .o.oo)0 S!%eti%es stru++les are e=actly 'hat 'e "ee( i" !ur li#e. I# "ature all!'e( us t! +! thr!u+h !ur li#e 'ith!ut a"y ! stacles* it '!ul( cri))le us. We '!ul( "!t e as str!"+ as 'hat 'e c!ul( have ee". A"( 'e c!ul( "ever #ly> Chapter 2E THE O4STACLE IN O:R 0ATH I) a).ie)t ti%es( a &i)+ had a boulder pla.ed o) a road/a-0 The) he hid hi%sel* a)d /at.hed to see i* a)-o)e /ould re%o,e the hu+e ro.&0 So%e o* the &i)+4s /ealthiest %er.ha)ts a)d .ourtiers .a%e b- a)d si%pl- /al&ed arou)d it0 Ma)- loudl- bla%ed the &i)+ *or )ot &eepi)+ the roads .lear( but )o)e did a)-thi)+ about +etti)+ the bi+ sto)e out o* the /a-0 The) a peasa)t .a%e alo)+ .arr-i)+ a load o* ,e+etables0 O) approa.hi)+ the boulder( the peasa)t laid do/) his burde) a)d tried to %o,e the sto)e to the side o* the road0 A*ter %u.h pushi)+ a)d strai)i)+( he *i)allsu..eeded0 As the peasa)t pi.&ed up his load o* ,e+etables( he )oti.ed a purse l-i)+ i) the road /here the boulder had bee)0

The purse .o)tai)ed %a)- +old .oi)s a)d a )ote *ro% the &i)+ i)di.ati)+ that the +old /as *or the perso) /ho re%o,ed the boulder *ro% the road/a-0 The peasa)t lear)ed /hat %a)- others )e,er u)dersta)d0 Every ! stacle )rese"ts a" !))!rtu"ity t! i%)r!ve !"e1s c!"(iti!". Chapter 2G THE WOL2 IN SHEE01S CLOTHING A 'ol* *ou)d +reat di**i.ult- i) +etti)+ at the sheep o/i)+ to the ,i+ila).e o* the shepherd a)d his do+s0 !ut o)e da- it *ou)d the s&i) o* a sheep that had bee) *la-ed a)d thro/) aside( so it put it o) o,er its o/) pelt a)d strolled do/) a%o)+ the sheep0 The a%b that belo)+ed to the sheep( /hose s&i) the 'ol* /as /eari)+( be+a) to *ollo/ the 'ol* i) the Sheep4s .lothi)+O so( leadi)+ the a%b a little apart( he soo) %ade a %eal o** her( a)d *or so%e ti%e he su..eeded i) de.ei,i)+ the sheep( a)d e)1o-i)+ heart- %eals0 A))eara"ces are (ece)tive. Chapter 30 DON1T ?:DGE A 4OO3 45 ITS CO/ER8 A lad- i) a *aded +i)+ha% dress a)d her husba)d( dressed i) a ho%espu) threadbare suit( stepped o** the trai) i) !osto) a)d /al& ti%idl- /ithout a) appoi)t%e)t i)to the Har,ard $)i,ersit- Preside)t4s outer o**i.e0 The se.retar- .ould tell i) a %o%e)t that su.h ba.&/oods( .ou)tr- hi.&s had )o busi)ess at Har,ard a)d probabl- did)4t e,e) deser,e to be i) Ca%brid+e02 'e /a)t to see the preside)t(3 the %a) said so*tl-02 He4ll be bus- all da-(3 the se.retar- s)apped02 'e4ll /ait(3 the lad- replied0 For hours the se.retar- i+)ored the%( hopi)+ that the .ouple /ould *i)all- be.o%e dis.oura+ed a)d +o a/a-0 The- did)4t a)d the se.retar- +re/ *rustrated a)d *i)allde.ided to disturb the preside)t( e,e) thou+h it /as a .hore she al/a-s re+retted02 Ma-be i* -ou see the% *or a *e/ %i)utes( the-4ll lea,e(3 she said to hi%0 He si+hed i) e>asperatio) a)d )odded0 So%eo)e o* his i%porta).e ob,iousl- did)4t ha,e the ti%e to spe)d /ith the%( but he detested +i)+ha% dresses a)d ho%espu) suits .lutteri)+ up his outer o**i.e0 The preside)t( ster) *a.ed a)d /ith di+)it-( strutted to/ard the .ouple0 The lad- told hi%( 2'e had a so) /ho atte)ded Har,ard *or o)e -ear0 He lo,ed Har,ard0 He /as happ- here0 !ut about a -ear a+o( he /as a..ide)tall- &illed0 M- husba)d a)d I /ould li&e to ere.t a %e%orial to hi%( so%e/here o) .a%pus03 The preside)t /as)4t tou.hedB 0 He /as sho.&ed02 Mada%(3 he said( +ru**l-( 2/e .a)4t put up a statue *or e,er- perso) /ho atte)ded Har,ard a)d died0 I* /e did( this pla.e /ould loo& li&e a .e%eter-03 2Oh( )o(3 the lad- e>plai)ed 6ui.&l-0 2'e do)4t /a)t to ere.t a statue0 'e thou+ht /e /ould li&e to +i,e a buildi)+ to Har,ard03 The preside)t rolled his e-es0 He +la).ed at the +i)+ha% dress a)d ho%espu) suit( a)d the) e>.lai%ed( 2A buildi)+7 "o -ou ha,e a)- earthl- idea ho/ %u.h a buildi)+ .osts; 'e ha,e o,er se,e) a)d a hal* %illio) dollars i) the buildi)+s here at Har,ard03 For a %o%e)t the lad- /as sile)t0 The preside)t /as pleased0 Ma-be he .ould +et rid o* the% )o/0 The lad- tur)ed to her husba)d a)d said 6uietl-( 2Is that all it .osts to start a u)i,ersit-; 'h- do)4t /e 1ust start our o/);3 Her husba)d )odded0

The preside)t4s *a.e /ilted i) .o)*usio) a)d be/ilder%e)t0 Mr0a)d Mrs0 ela)d Sta)*ord +ot up a)d /al&ed a/a-( tra,eli)+ to Palo Alto( Cali*or)ia /here the- established the $)i,ersit- that bears their )a%e( Sta)*ord $)i,ersit-( a %e%orial to a so) that Har,ard )o lo)+er .ared about0 5!u ca" easily 6u(+e the character !# !thers y h!' they treat th!se 'h! they thi"& ca" (! "!thi"+. Chapter 31 MO:NTAIN STOR5 A so) a)d his *ather /ere /al&i)+ o) the %ou)tai)s0 Sudde)l-( his so) *alls( hurts hi%sel* a)d s.rea%s: 2AAAhhhhhhhhhhh73To his surprise( he hears the ,oi.e repeati)+( so%e/here i) the %ou)tai): 2AAAhhhhhhhhhhh73Curious( he -ells: 2'ho are -ou;3 He re.ei,es the a)s/er: 2'ho are -ou;3 A)d the) he s.rea%s to the %ou)tai): 2I ad%ire -ou73 The ,oi.e a)s/ers: 2I ad%ire -ou73 A)+ered at the respo)se( he s.rea%s: 2Co/ard73 He re.ei,es the a)s/er: 2Co/ard73He loo&s to his *ather a)d as&s: 2'hat4s +oi)+ o);3 The *ather s%iles a)d sa-s: 2M- so)( pa- atte)tio)03 A+ai) the %a) s.rea%s: 2Dou are a .ha%pio)73 The ,oi.e a)s/ers: 2Dou are a .ha%pio)73 The bo- is surprised( but does )ot u)dersta)d0 The) the *ather e>plai)s: 2People .all this ECHO( but reall- this is IFE0 3It +i,es -ou ba.& e,er-thi)+ -ou sa- or do0 Our li*e is si%pl- a re*le.tio) o* our a.tio)s0 I* -ou /a)t %ore lo,e i) the /orld( .reate %ore lo,e i) -our heart0 I* -ou /a)t %ore .o%pete).e i) -our tea%( i%pro,e -our .o%pete).e0 This relatio)ship applies to e,er-thi)+( i) all aspe.ts o* li*eO i*e /ill +i,e -ou ba.& e,er-thi)+ -ou ha,e +i,e) to it03 ;5!ur li#e is "!t a c!i"ci(e"ce. It1s a re#lecti!" !# y!u8< Chapter 32 A LESSON 2ROM A 2ROG TALE A +roup o* *ro+s /ere hoppi)+ .o)te)tedl- throu+h the /oods( +oi)+ about their *ro++busi)ess( /he) t/o o* the% *ell i)to a deep pit0 All o* the other *ro+s +athered arou)d the pit to see /hat .ould be do)e to help their .o%pa)io)s0 'he) the- sa/ ho/ deep the pit /as( the rest o* the dis%a-ed +roup a+reed that it /as hopeless a)d told the t/o *ro+s i) the pit that the- should prepare the%sel,es *or their *ate( be.ause the- /ere as +ood as dead0 $)/illi)+ to a..ept this terrible *ate( the t/o *ro+s be+a) to 1u%p /ith all o* their %i+ht0 So%e o* the *ro+s shouted i)to the pit that it /as hopeless( a)d that the t/o *ro+s /ould)4t be i) that situatio) i* the- had bee) %ore .are*ul( %ore obedie)t to the *ro++rules( a)d %ore respo)sible0 The other *ro+s .o)ti)ued sorro/*ull- shouti)+ that the- should sa,e their e)er+- a)d +i,e up( si).e the- /ere alread- as +ood as dead0 The t/o *ro+s .o)ti)ued 1u%pi)+ as hard as the- .ould( a)d a*ter se,eral hours o* desperate e**ort /ere 6uite /ear-0 Fi)all-( o)e o* the *ro+s too& heed to the .alls o* his *ello/s0 Spe)t a)d dishearte)ed( he 6uietl- resol,ed hi%sel* to his *ate( la- do/) at the botto% o* the pit( a)d died as the others loo&ed o) i) helpless +rie*0 The other *ro+ .o)ti)ued to 1u%p /ith e,er- ou).e o*

e)er+- he had( althou+h his bod- /as /ra.&ed /ith pai) a)d he /as .o%pletele>hausted0 His .o%pa)io)s be+a) a )e/( -elli)+ *or hi% to a..ept his *ate( stop the pai) a)d 1ust die0 The /ear- *ro+ 1u%ped harder a)d harder a)d ? /o)der o* /o)ders7 Fi)all- leapt so hi+h that he spra)+ *ro% the pit0 A%a=ed( the other *ro+s .elebrated his %ira.ulous *reedo% a)d the) +atheri)+ arou)d hi% as&ed( 2'h- did -ou .o)ti)ue 1u%pi)+ /he) /e told -ou it /as i%possible;3 #eadi)+ their lips( the asto)ished *ro+ e>plai)ed to the% that he /as dea*( a)d that /he) he sa/ their +estures a)d shouti)+( he thou+ht the- /ere .heeri)+ hi% o)0 'hat he had per.ei,ed as e).oura+e%e)t i)spired hi% to tr- harder a)d to su..eed a+ai)st all odds0 This simple story contains a powerful lesson. !our encouraging words can lift someone up and help him or her make it through the day. !our destructive words can cause deep wounds; they may be the weapons that destroy someone"s desire to continue trying % or even their life. !our destructive, careless word can diminish someone in the eyes of others, destroy their influence and have a lasting impact on the way others respond to them. Chapter 33 WEA3NESS OR STRENGTH9 So%eti%es -our bi++est /ea&)ess .a) be.o%e -our bi++est stre)+th0 Ta&e( *or e>a%ple( the stor- o* o)e 10?-ear?old bo- /ho de.ided to stud- Fudo despite the *a.t that he had lost his le*t ar% i) a de,astati)+ .ar a..ide)t0 The bo- be+a) lesso)s /ith a) old Fapa)ese Fudo Master Se)sei0 The bo- /as doi)+ /ell( so he .ould)4t u)dersta)d /h-( a*ter three %o)ths o* trai)i)+ the %aster had tau+ht hi% o)l- o)e %o,e0 2Se)sei(3 the bo- *i)all- said( 2Should)4t I be lear)i)+ %ore %o,es;3 2This is the o)l- %o,e -ou &)o/( but this is the o)l- %o,e -ou4ll e,er )eed to &)o/(3 the Se)sei replied0 Not 6uite u)dersta)di)+( but belie,i)+ i) his tea.her( the bo- &ept trai)i)+0 Se,eral %o)ths later( the Se)sei too& the bo- to his *irst tour)a%e)t0 Surprisi)+ hi%sel*( the bo- easil- /o) his *irst t/o %at.hes0 The third %at.h pro,ed to be %ore di**i.ult( but a*ter so%e ti%e( his oppo)e)t be.a%e i%patie)t a)d .har+edO the bo- de*tl- used his o)e %o,e to /i) the %at.h0 Still a%a=ed b- his su..ess( the bo- /as )o/ i) the *i)als0 This ti%e( his oppo)e)t /as bi++er( stro)+er( a)d %ore e>perie).ed0 For a /hile( the boappeared to be o,er%at.hed0 Co).er)ed that the bo- %i+ht +et hurt( the re*eree .alled a ti%e?out0 He /as about to stop the %at.h /he) the se)sei i)ter,e)ed0 2No(3 the Se)sei i)sisted( 2 et hi% .o)ti)ue0 3Soo) a*ter the %at.h resu%ed( his oppo)e)t %ade a %ista&e: he dropped his +uard0 I)sta)tl-( the bo- used his %o,e to pi) hi%0 The bo- had /o) the %at.h a)d the tour)a%e)t0 He /as the .ha%pio)0 O) the /a- ho%e( the bo- a)d Se)sei re,ie/ed e,er- %o,e i) ea.h a)d e,er- %at.h0 The) the bo- su%%o)ed the .oura+e to as& /hat /as reall- o) his %i)d0 2Se)sei( ho/ did I /i) the tour)a%e)t /ith o)l- o)e %o,e;3 2Dou /o) *or t/o reaso)s(3 the Se)sei a)s/ered0 2First( -ou4,e al%ost %astered o)e o* the %ost di**i.ult thro/s i) all o* Fudo0 A)d se.o)d( the o)l- &)o/) de*e)se *or that %o,e is *or -our oppo)e)t to +rab -our le*t ar%03 The bo-4s bi++est /ea&)ess had be.o%e his bi++est stre)+th0

Chapter 3@ ?:ST 0.:.S.H8 A %a) /as sleepi)+ at )i+ht i) his .abi) /he) sudde)l- his roo% *illed /ith li+ht( a)d the ord told the %a) he had /or& *or hi% to do( a)d sho/ed hi% a lar+e ro.& i) *ro)t o* his .abi)0 The ord e>plai)ed that the %a) /as to push a+ai)st the ro.& /ith all his %i+ht0 So( this the %a) did( da- a*ter da-0 For %a)- -ears he toiled *ro% su) up to su) do/)O his shoulders set s6uarel- a+ai)st the .old( %assi,e sur*a.e o* the u)%o,i)+ ro.&( pushi)+ /ith all o* his %i+ht0 Ea.h )i+ht the %a) retur)ed to his .abi) sore a)d /or) out( *eeli)+ that his /hole da- had bee) spe)t i) ,ai)0 Si).e the %a) /as sho/i)+ dis.oura+e%e)t( the Ad,ersar-LSata)M de.ided to e)ter the pi.ture b- pla.i)+ thou+hts i)to the /ear- %i)d: 2-ou ha,e bee) pushi)+ a+ai)st that ro.& *or a lo)+ ti%e( a)d it has)4t %o,ed03 Thus( +i,i)+ the %a) the i%pressio) that the tas& /as i%possible a)d that he /as a *ailure0 These thou+hts dis.oura+ed a)d dishearte)ed the %a)0 Sata) said( 2'h- &ill -oursel* o,er this;3 2Fust put i) -our ti%e( +i,i)+ 1ust the %i)i%u% e**ortO a)d that /ill be +ood e)ou+h03 That4s /hat he pla))ed to do( but de.ided to %a&e it a %atter o* pra-er a)d ta&e his troubled thou+hts to the ord0 2 ord(3 he said( 2I ha,e labored lo)+ a)d hard i) -our ser,i.e( putti)+ all %- stre)+th to do that /hi.h -ou ha,e as&ed0 Det( a*ter all this ti%e( I ha,e )ot e,e) bud+ed that ro.& b- hal* a %illi%eter0 'hat is /ro)+; 'h- a% I *aili)+;3 The ord respo)ded .o%passio)atel-( 2M- Ser,a)t( /he) I as&ed -ou to ser,e Me a)d -ou a..epted( I told -ou that -our tas& /as to push a+ai)st the ro.& /ith all o* -our stre)+th( /hi.h -ou ha,e do)e0 Ne,er o).e did I %e)tio) to -ou that I e>pe.ted -ou to %o,e it0 Dour tas& /as to push0 A)d )o/ -ou .o%e to Me /ith -our stre)+th spe)t( thi)&i)+ that -ou ha,e *ailed0 !ut( is that reall- so; oo& at -oursel*0 Dour ar%s are stro)+ a)d %us.led( -our ba.& si)e/- a)d bro/)( -our ha)ds are .allused *ro% .o)sta)t pressure( -our le+s ha,e be.o%e %assi,e a)d hard0 Throu+h oppositio) -ou ha,e +ro/) %u.h( a)d -our abilities )o/ surpass that /hi.h -ou used to ha,e0 Det -ou ha,e)4t %o,ed the ro.&0 !ut -our .alli)+ /as to be obedie)t a)d to push a)d to e>er.ise -our *aith a)d trust i) M- /isdo%0 This -ou ha,e do)e0 No/ I( %ser,a)t( /ill %o,e the ro.&03 At ti%es( /he) /e hear a /ord *ro% <od( /e te)d to use our o/) i)telle.t to de.ipher /hat He /a)ts( /he) a.tuall- /hat <od /a)ts is 1ust a si%ple obedie).e a)d *aith i) Hi%0 !- all %ea)s( e>er.ise the *aith that %o,es %ou)tai)s( but &)o/ that it is still <od /ho %o,es %ou)tai)s0 'he) e,er-thi)+ see%s to +o /ro)+ B B B B B B B B B B B 0 1ust P0$0S0H7 'he) the 1ob +ets -ou do/) B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 00 1ust P0$0S0H7 'he) people do)4t rea.t the /a- -ou thi)& the- should B 1ust P0$0S0H7 'he) -our %o)e- is 2+o)e3 a)d the bills are due B B B B 0 1ust P0$0S0H7 'he) people 1ust do)4t u)dersta)d -ou B B B B B B B B B 0 1ust P0$0S0H7 P P $ P S P H K Pra- P $)til P So%ethi)+ P Happe)s Chapter 3: DETERMINATON I) 1EE3( a .reati,e e)+i)eer )a%ed Foh) #oebli)+ /as i)spired b- a) idea to build a spe.ta.ular brid+e .o))e.ti)+ Ne/ Dor& /ith the o)+ Isla)d0 Ho/e,er brid+e buildi)+ e>perts throu+hout the /orld thou+ht that this /as a) i%possible *eat a)d told #oebli)+

to *or+et the idea0 It 1ust .ould )ot be do)e0 It /as )ot pra.ti.al0 It had )e,er bee) do)e be*ore0 #oebli)+ .ould )ot i+)ore the ,isio) he had i) his %i)d o* this brid+e0 He thou+ht about it all the ti%e a)d he &)e/ deep i) his heart that it .ould be do)e0 He 1ust had to share the drea% /ith so%eo)e else0 A*ter %u.h dis.ussio) a)d persuasio) he %a)a+ed to .o),i).e his so) 'ashi)+to)( a) up a)d .o%i)+ e)+i)eer( that the brid+e i) *a.t .ould be built0 'or&i)+ to+ether *or the *irst ti%e( the *ather a)d so) de,eloped .o).epts o* ho/ it .ould be a..o%plished a)d ho/ the obsta.les .ould be o,er.o%e0 'ith +reat e>.ite%e)t a)d i)spiratio)( a)d the headi)ess o* a /ild .halle)+e be*ore the%( the- hired their .re/ a)d be+a) to build their drea% brid+e0 The pro1e.t started /ell( but /he) it /as o)l- a *e/ %o)ths u)der/a- a tra+i. a..ide)t o) the site too& the li*e o* Foh) #oebli)+0 'ashi)+to) /as i)1ured a)d le*t /ith a .ertai) a%ou)t o* brai) da%a+e( /hi.h resulted i) hi% )ot bei)+ able to /al& or tal& or e,e) %o,e0 2'e told the% so03 2Cra=- %e) a)d their .ra=- drea%s03 2It4s *oolish to .hase /ild ,isio)s03 E,er-o)e had a )e+ati,e .o%%e)t to %a&e a)d *elt that the pro1e.t should be s.rapped si).e the #oebli)+s /ere the o)l- o)es /ho &)e/ ho/ the brid+e .ould be built0 I) spite o* his ha)di.ap 'ashi)+to) /as )e,er dis.oura+ed a)d still had a bur)i)+ desire to .o%plete the brid+e a)d his %i)d /as still as sharp as e,er0 He tried to i)spire a)d pass o) his e)thusias% to so%e o* his *rie)ds( but the- /ere too dau)ted b- the tas&0 As he la- o) his bed i) his hospital roo%( /ith the su)li+ht strea%i)+ throu+h the /i)do/s( a +e)tle bree=e ble/ the *li%s- /hite .urtai)s apart a)d he /as able to see the s&- a)d the tops o* the trees outside *or 1ust a %o%e)t0 It see%ed that there /as a %essa+e *or hi% )ot to +i,e up0 Sudde)l- a) idea hit hi%0 All he .ould do /as %o,e o)e *i)+er a)d he de.ided to %a&e the best use o* it0 !- %o,i)+ this( he slo/l- de,eloped a .ode o* .o%%u)i.atio) /ith his /i*e0 He tou.hed his /i*e4s ar% /ith that *i)+er( i)di.ati)+ to her that he /a)ted her to .all the e)+i)eers a+ai)0 The) he used the sa%e %ethod o* tappi)+ her ar% to tell the e)+i)eers /hat to do0 It see%ed *oolish but the pro1e.t /as u)der /a- a+ai)0 For 13 -ears 'ashi)+to) tapped out his i)stru.tio)s /ith his *i)+er o) his /i*e4s ar%( u)til the brid+e /as *i)all- .o%pleted0 Toda- the spe.ta.ular !roo&l-) !rid+e sta)ds i) all its +lor- as a tribute to the triu%ph o* o)e %a)4s i)do%itable spirit a)d his deter%i)atio) )ot to be de*eated b- .ir.u%sta).es0 It is also a tribute to the e)+i)eers a)d their tea% /or&( a)d to their *aith i) a %a) /ho /as .o)sidered %ad b- hal* the /orld0 It sta)ds too as a ta)+ible %o)u%e)t to the lo,e a)d de,otio) o* his /i*e /ho *or 13 lo)+ -ears patie)tl- de.oded the %essa+es o* her husba)d a)d told the e)+i)eers /hat to do0 Perhaps this is o)e o* the best e>a%ples o* a )e,er?sa-?die attitude that o,er.o%es a terrible ha)di.ap a)d a.hie,es a) i%possible +oal0 O*te) /he) /e *a.e obsta.les i) our da-?to?da- li*e( our hurdles see% ,er- s%all i) .o%pariso) to /hat %a)- others ha,e to *a.e0 The !roo&l-) !rid+e sho/s us that drea%s that see% i%possible .a) be reali=ed /ith deter%i)atio) a)d persiste).e( )o %atter /hat the odds are0 Eve" the %!st (ista"t (rea% ca" e reali@e( 'ith (eter%i"ati!" a"( )ersiste"ce. Chapter 3A

THE CRAC3ED 0OT O).e upo) a ti%e there /as a /ater?bearer i) I)dia /ho had t/o lar+e pots( ea.h hu)+ o) ea.h e)d o* a pole /hi.h he .arried a.ross his )e.&0 O)e o* the pots had a .ra.& i) it( a)d /hile the other pot /as per*e.t a)d al/a-s deli,ered a *ull portio) o* /ater at the e)d o* the lo)+ /al& *ro% the strea% to the %aster4s house( the .ra.&ed pot arri,ed o)l- hal* *ull0 For a *ull t/o -ears this /e)t o) dail-( /ith the bearer deli,eri)+ o)l- o)e a)d a hal* pot *ull o* /ater i) his %aster4s house0 O* .ourse( the per*e.t pot /as proud o* its a..o%plish%e)ts( per*e.t to the e)d *or /hi.h it /as %ade0 !ut the poor .ra.&ed pot /as asha%ed o* its o/) i%per*e.tio)( a)d %iserable that it /as able to a..o%plish o)l- hal* o* /hat it had bee) %ade to do0 A*ter t/o -ears o* /hat it per.ei,ed to be a bitter *ailure( it spo&e to the /ater?bearer o)e da- b- the strea%0 2I a% asha%ed o* %-sel*( a)d I /a)t to apolo+i=e to -ou03 2'h-;3 as&ed the bearer02 'hat are -ou asha%ed o* ;3 2I ha,e bee) able( *or these past t/o -ears( to deli,er o)l- hal* %- load be.ause this .ra.& i) %- side .auses /ater to lea& out all the /a- ba.& to -our %aster4s house0 !e.ause o* %- *la/s( -ou ha,e to do all o* this /or& a)d -ou do)4t +et *ull ,alue *ro% -our e**orts( the pot said0 The /ater?bearer *elt sorr- *or the old .ra.&ed pot( a)d i) his .o%passio) he said( 2As /e retur) to the %aster4s house( I /a)t -ou to )oti.e the beauti*ul *lo/ers alo)+ the path03 I)deed( as the- /e)t up the hill( the old .ra.&ed pot too& )oti.e o* the su) /ar%i)+ the beauti*ul /ild *lo/ers o) the side o* the path( a)d this .heered it so%e0 !ut at the e)d o* the trail( it still *elt bad be.ause it had lea&ed out hal* its load( a)d so a+ai) it apolo+i=ed to the bearer *or its *ailure0 The bearer said to the pot( 2"id -ou )oti.e that there /ere *lo/ers o)l- o) -our side o* -our path( but )ot o) the other pot4s side; That4s be.ause ha,e al/a-s &)o/) about -our *la/( a)d I too& ad,a)ta+e o* it0 I pla)ted *lo/er seeds o) -our side o* the path( a)d e,er- da- /hile /e /al& ba.& *ro% the strea%( -ou4,e /atered the%0 For t/o -ears I ha,e bee) able to pi.& these beauti*ul *lo/ers to de.orate %- %aster4s table0 'ithout -ou bei)+ 1ust the /a- -ou are( he /ould )ot ha,e this beaut- to +ra.e his house03 Each !# us has !ur !'" u"iAue #la'. 4ut it1s the crac&s a"( #la's 'e each have that %a&e !ur lives t!+ether s! very i"teresti"+ a"( 'ar(i"+. 5!u1ve 6ust +!t t! ta&e each )ers!" #!r 'hat they are a"( l!!& #!r the +!!( i" the%. Chapter 3C GOD E7ISTS A %a) /e)t to a barbershop to ha,e his hair a)d his beard .ut as al/a-s0 He started to ha,e a +ood .o),ersatio) /ith the barber /ho atte)ded hi%0 The- tal&ed about so %a)thi)+s o) ,arious sub1e.ts0 Sudde)l-( the- tou.hed the sub1e.t o* <od0 The barber said: 2 oo& %a)( I do)4t belie,e that <od e>ists as -ou sa- so03 2'h- do -ou sa- that;3 As&ed the .lie)t0 'ell( it4s so eas-O -ou 1ust ha,e to +o out i) the street to reali=e that <od does )ot e>ist0 Oh( tell %e( i* <od e>isted( /ould there be so %a)- si.& people; 'ould there be aba)do)ed .hildre); I* <od e>isted( there /ould be )either su**eri)+ )or pai)0 2I .a)4t thi)& o* a <od /ho per%its all o* these thi)+s03

The .lie)t stopped *or a %o%e)t thi)&i)+ but he did)4t /a)t to respo)d so as to pre,e)t a) ar+u%e)t0 The barber *i)ished his 1ob a)d the .lie)t /e)t out o* the shop0 Fust a*ter he le*t the barbershop( he sa/ a %a) i) the street /ith a lo)+ hair a)d beard Lit see%s that it had bee) a lo)+ ti%e si).e he had his .ut a)d he loo&ed so u)tid-M0 The) the .lie)t a+ai) e)tered the barbershop a)d he said to the barber: 2&)o/ /hat; !arbers do )ot e>ist03 2Ho/ .o%e the- do)4t e>ist;3 as&ed the barber0 2'ell I a% here a)d I a% a barber03 2No73 ? the .lie)t e>.lai%ed0 2The- do)4t e>ist be.ause i* the- did there /ould be )o people /ith lo)+ hair a)d beard li&e that %a) /ho /al&s i) the street03 2Ah( barbers do e>ist( /hat happe)s is that people do )ot .o%e to us03 2E> ? A**ir%ed the .lie)t0 2That4s the poi)t0 <od does e>ist( /hat happe)s is people do)4t +o to Hi% a)d do )ot loo& *or Hi% that4s /h- there4s so %u.h pai) a)d su**eri)+ i) the /orld03 Chapter 3E A 4O5 WITH STRONG 4ELIE2 Shei&h Fath al?Mo/sil- relates( o).e I sa/ a -ou)+ bo- /al&i)+ throu+h the 1u)+le0 It appeared as i* he /as utteri)+ so%e /ords0 I +reeted hi% /ith Salaa% a)d he replied a..ordi)+l-0 I i)6uired( 2'here are -ou +oi)+;3 He retorted( 2To the house o* AllahLMa&&ahM03 I *urther as&ed( 2'hat are -ou re.iti)+;3 2The Iur4a)3 he replied0 I re%ar&ed( 2Dou are at a te)der a+e( it is )ot a) obli+atio) that -ou are re6uired to *ul*ill03 He said( 2I ha,e /it)essed death approa.h people -ou)+er tha) %e a)d there*ore /ould li&e to prepare i* death /as to &)o.& o) %- door03 I astou)di)+l- .o%%e)ted( 2Dour steps are s%all a)d -our desti)atio) *ar03 He respo)ded( 2M- dut- is to ta&e the step a)d it re%ai)s the respo)sibilit- o* Allah to ta&e %e to %- desti)atio)03 I .o)ti)ued to as&( 2'here is -our pro,isio) a)d .o),e-a).e L%ea)s o* tra)sportM03 He replied( 2M- Da6ee) Lbelie*M is %- pro,isio) a)d %- *eet4s are %- .o),e-a).e03 I e>plai)ed( 2I a% as&i)+ -ou re+ardi)+ bread a)d /ater03 He replied7 2Oh Sha-&h i* so%eo)e i),ited -ou to his house( /ould it be appropriate to ta&e -our o/) *ood;3 I e>.lai%ed( 2No73 2Si%ilarl-( M- ord has i),ited His ser,a)t to His house( it is o)l- the /ea&)ess o* -our Da6ee) that %a&es us .arr- pro,isio)s0 "espite this( do -ou thi)& Allah /ill let %e +o to /aste;3 2Ne,er3 I replied0 He the) le*t0 So%eti%e later I sa/ hi% i) Ma&&ah0 He approa.hed %e a)d i)6uired( 2Oh Sha-&h are -ou still o* /ea& belie*;3 Sour.e: Stories o* the Pious b- Shai&h Ah%ad Ali0 Chapter 3G A /ER5 0OWER2:L STOR5 He re%e%bered his +ra)d%other4s /ar)i)+ about pra-i)+ o) ti%e: 2M- so)( -ou should)4t lea,e pra-er to this late ti%e03 His +ra)d%other4s a+e /as C0 but /he)e,er she heard the Adha)( she +ot up li&e a) arro/ a)d per*or%ed Salah9 Na%a=9 pra-er0 He( ho/e,er .ould )e,er /i) o,er his e+o to +et up a)d pra-0 'hate,er he did( his Salah /as al/a-s the last to be o**ered a)d he pra-ed it 6ui.&l- to +et it i) o) ti%e0 Thi)&i)+ o* this( he +ot up a)d reali=ed that there /ere o)l- 1: %i)utes le*t be*ore Salat?ul Isha0 He 6ui.&l- %ade 'udhu a)d per*or%ed Salat?ul Ma+hrib0 'hile %a&i)+ Tasbih( he a+ai) re%e%bered his +ra)d%other a)d /as e%barrassed b- ho/ he had pra-ed0 His

+ra)d%other pra-ed /ith su.h tra)6uilit- a)d pea.e0 He be+a) %a&i)+ "ua a)d /e)t do/) to %a&e Sa1dah a)d sta-ed li&e that *or a /hile0 He had bee) at s.hool all da- a)d /as tired( so tired0 He a/o&e abruptl- to the sou)d o* )oise a)d shouti)+0 He /as s/eati)+ pro*usel-0 He loo&ed arou)d0 It /as ,er- .ro/ded0 E,er- dire.tio) he loo&ed i) /as *illed /ith people0 So%e stood *ro=e) loo&i)+ arou)d( so%e /ere ru))i)+ le*t a)d ri+ht a)d so%e /ere o) their &)ees /ith their heads i) their ha)ds 1ust /aiti)+0 Pure *ear a)d apprehe)sio) *illed hi% as he reali=ed /here he /as0 His heart /as about to burst0 It /as the "a- o* Fud+%e)t0 'he) he /as ali,e( he had heard %a)- thi)+s about the 6uestio)i)+ o) the "a- o* Fud+%e)t( but that see%ed so lo)+ a+o0 Could this be so%ethi)+ his %i)d %ade up; No( the /ait a)d the *ear /ere so +reat that he .ould )ot ha,e i%a+i)ed this0 The i)terro+atio) /as still +oi)+ o)0 He be+a) %o,i)+ *ra)ti.all- *ro% people to people to as& i* his )a%e had bee) .alled0 No o)e .ould a)s/er hi%0 All o* a sudde) his )a%e /as .alled a)d the .ro/d split i)to t/o a)d %ade a passa+e/a- *or hi%0 T/o people +rabbed his ar%s a)d led hi% *or/ard0 He /al&ed /ith u)&)o/i)+ e-es throu+h the .ro/d0 The a)+els brou+ht hi% to the .e)ter a)d le*t hi% there0 His head /as be)t do/) a)d his /hole li*e /as passi)+ i) *ro)t o* his e-es li&e a %o,ie0 He ope)ed his e-es but sa/ o)l- a)other /orld0 The people /ere all helpi)+ others0 He sa/ his *ather ru))i)+ *ro% o)e le.ture to the other( spe)di)+ his /ealth i) the /a- o* Isla%0 His %other i),ited +uests to their house a)d o)e table /as bei)+ set /hile the other /as bei)+ .leared0 He pleaded his .aseO 2I too /as al/a-s o) this path0 I helped others0 I spread the /ord o* Allah0 I per*or%ed %- Salah0 I *asted i) the %o)th o* #a%ada)0 'hate,er Allah ordered us to do( I did0 'hate,er he ordered us )ot to do( I did )ot03 He be+a) to .r- a)d thi)& about ho/ %u.h he lo,ed Allah0 He &)e/ that /hate,er he had do)e i) li*e /ould be less tha) /hat Allah deser,ed a)d his o)l- prote.tor /as Allah0 He /as s/eati)+ li&e )e,er be*ore a)d /as sha&i)+ all o,er0 His e-es /ere *i>ed o) the s.ale( /aiti)+ *or the *i)al de.isio)0 At last( the de.isio) /as %ade0 The t/o a)+els /ith sheets o* paper i) their ha)ds( tur)ed to the .ro/d0 His le+s *elt li&e the- /ere +oi)+ to .ollapse0 He .losed his e-es as the- be+a) to read the )a%es o* those people /ho /ere to e)ter Faha))a%9Hell0 His )a%e /as read *irst0 He *ell o) his &)ees a)d -elled that this .ould)4t be( 2Ho/ .ould I +o to Faha))a%; I ser,ed others all %- li*e( I spread the /ord o* Allah to others03 His e-es had be.o%e blurr- a)d he /as sha&i)+ /ith s/eat0 The t/o a)+els too& hi% b- the ar%s0 As his *eet dra++ed( the- /e)t throu+h the .ro/d a)d ad,a).ed to/ard the bla=i)+ *la%es o* Faha))a%0 He /as -elli)+ a)d /o)dered i* there /as a)- perso) /ho /as +oi)+ to help hi%0 He /as -elli)+ o* all the +ood deeds he had do)e( ho/ he had helped his *ather( his *asts( pra-ers( the Iur4a) that he read( he /as as&i)+ i* )o)e o* the% /ould help hi%0 The Faha))a% a)+els .o)ti)ued to dra+ hi%0 The- had +otte) .loser to the Hell*ire0 He loo&ed ba.& a)d these /ere his last pleas0 Had )ot #asulullah Qsa/Rsaid( 2Ho/ .lea) /ould a perso) be /ho bathes i) a ri,er *i,e ti%es a da-( so too does the Salah per*or%ed *i,e ti%es .lea)se so%eo)e o* their si)s;3 He be+a) -elli)+( 2M- pra-ers; M- pra-ers; M- pra-ers;3 The t/o a)+els did )ot stop( a)d the- .a%e to the ed+e o* the ab-ss o* Faha))a%0 The *la%es o* the *ire /ere bur)i)+ his *a.e0 He loo&ed ba.& o)e last ti%e( but his e-es /ere dr- o* hope a)d he had )othi)+ le*t i) hi%0 O)e o* the a)+els pushed hi% i)0 He *ou)d hi%sel* i) the air a)d *alli)+ to/ards the *la%es0 He had 1ust *alle) *i,e or si> *eet /he) a ha)d +rabbed hi% bthe ar% a)d pulled hi% ba.&0 He li*ted his head a)d sa/ a) old %a) /ith a lo)+ /hite

beard0 He /iped so%e dust o** hi%sel* a)d as&ed hi%( 2'ho are -ou;3 The old %a) replied( 2I a% -our pra-ers03 2'h- are -ou so late7 I /as al%ost i) the Fire7 Dou res.ued %e at the last %i)ute be*ore I *ell i)03 The old %a) s%iled a)d shoo& his head0 2Dou al/a-s per*or%ed %e at the last %i)ute( a)d did -ou *or+et;3 At that i)sta)t( he bli)&ed a)d li*ted his head *ro% Sa1dah0 He /as i) a s/eat0 He liste)ed to the , .o%i)+ *ro% outside0 He heard the adha) *or Salat?ulIsha0 He +ot up 6ui.&l- a)d /e)t to per*or% 'udhu0 ;Say 5!ur 0rayers 4e#!re 0rayers 2!r 5!u Are Sai(.< ;Na%a@ 0arh Is Se 0ehle 3e Teri Na%a@ 0arhi ?aye.< Chapter @0 WORDS AND ACTIONS SHO:LD 4E THE SAME There o).e /as a bo- /ho lo,ed eati)+ s/eets0 He al/a-s as&ed *or s/eets *ro% his *ather0 His *ather /as a poor %a)0 He .ould )ot al/a-s a**ord s/eets *or his so)0 !ut the little bo- did )ot u)dersta)d this( a)d de%a)ded s/eets all the ti%e0 The bo-4s *ather thou+ht hard about ho/ to stop the .hild as&i)+ *or so %a)- s/eets0 There /as a ,erhol- %a) li,i)+ )earb- at that ti%e0 The bo-4s *ather had a) idea0 He de.ided to ta&e the bo- to the +reat %a) /ho %i+ht be able to persuade the .hild to stop as&i)+ *or s/eets all the ti%e0 The bo- a)d his *ather /e)t alo)+ to the +reat %a)0 The *ather said to hi%( 2O +reat sai)t( .ould -ou as& %- so) to stop as&i)+ *or s/eets /hi.h I .a))ot a**ord;3 The +reat %a) /as i) di**i.ult-( be.ause he li&ed s/eets hi%sel*0 Ho/ .ould he as& the bo- to +i,e up as&i)+ *or s/eets; The hol- %a) told the *ather to bri)+ his so) ba.& a*ter o)e %o)th0 "uri)+ that %o)th( the hol- %a) +a,e up eati)+ s/eets( a)d /he) the bo- a)d his *ather retur)ed a*ter a %o)th( the hol- %a) said to the bo- 2M- dear .hild( /ill -ou stop as&i)+ *or s/eets /hi.h -our *ather .a))ot a**ord to +i,e -ou;3 Fro% the) o)( the bo- stopped as&i)+ *or s/eets0 The bo-4s *ather as&ed the sai)t( 2'h- did -ou )ot as& %- so) to +i,e up as&i)+ *or s/eets /he) /e .a%e to -ou a %o)th a+o;3 The sai)t replied( 2Ho/ .ould I as& a bo- to +i,e up s/eets /he) I lo,ed s/eets %-sel*0 I) the last %o)th I +a,e up eati)+ s/eets03 A perso)4s e>a%ple is %u.h %ore po/er*ul tha) 1ust his /ords0 'he) /e as& so%eo)e to do so%ethi)+( /e %ust do it oursel,es also0 'e should )ot as& others to do /hat /e do)4t do oursel,es0 Al'ays %a&e sure that y!ur acti!"s a"( y!ur '!r(s are sa%e. Chapter @1 5O:'RE 2AR MORE 0RECIO:S THAN DIAMONDS AND 0EARLS 2I* %e%or- ser,es %e I /as /eari)+ a little /hite ta)& top a)d a short bla.& s&irt0 I had bee) raised Orthodo> Musli%( so I had )e,er be*ore /or) su.h re,eali)+ .lothi)+ /hile i) %- *ather4s prese).e0 'he) /e *i)all- arri,ed( the .hau**er es.orted %- -ou)+er sister( eila( a)d %e up to %- *ather8s suite0 As usual( he /as hidi)+ behi)d the door /aiti)+ to s.are us0 'e e>.ha)+ed %a)hu+s a)d &isses as /e .ould possibl- +i,e i) o)e da-0 M- *ather too& a +ood loo& at us0 The) he sat %e do/) o) his lap a)d said so%ethi)+ that I /ill )e,er *or+et0 He loo&ed %e strai+ht i) the e-es a)d said( 2Ha)a( e,er-thi)+ that <od %ade ,aluable i) the /orld is .o,ered a)d hard to +et to0 'here do -ou *i)d dia%o)ds; "eep do/) i) the +rou)d .o,ered a)d prote.ted0 'here do -ou *i)d pearls; "eep do/) at the botto% o* the o.ea) .o,ered up a)d prote.ted i) a beauti*ul shell0 'here do -ou *i)d +old; 'a- do/) i) the

%i)e( .o,ered o,er /ith la-ers a)d la-ers o* ro.&0 Dou4,e +ot to /or& hard to +et to the%0 3He loo&ed at %e /ith serious e-es0 2Dour bod- is sa.red0 Dou4re *ar %ore pre.ious tha) dia%o)d sa)d pearls( a)d -ou should be .o,ered too03 Sour.e: More Tha) A Hero: Muha%%ad Ali4s E-es0 i*e esso)s Throu+h His "au+hter4s

Chapter @2 THE ONE,E5ED DOE A "oe had the %is*ortu)e to lose o)e o* her e-es( a)d .ould )ot see a)- o)e approa.hi)+ her o) that side0 So to a,oid a)- da)+er she al/a-s used to *eed o) a hi+h .li** )ear the sea( /ith her sou)d e-e loo&i)+ to/ards the la)d0 !- this %ea)s she .ould see /he)e,er the hu)ters approa.hed her o) la)d( a)d o*te) es.aped b- this %ea)s0 !ut the hu)ters *ou)d out that she /as bli)d o* o)e e-e( a)d hiri)+ a boat ro/ed u)der the .li** /here she used to *eed a)d shot her *ro% the sea0 2Ah(3 .ried she /ith her d-i)+ ,oi.e0 2Dou .a))ot es.ape -our *ate03 Chapter @3 THE CAGE 4IRD'S ESCA0E O).e upo) a ti%e( there /as a bird i) a .a+e /ho sa)+ *or her %er.ha)t o/)er0 He too& deli+ht i) her so)+ da- a)d )i+ht( a)d /as so *o)d o* her that he ser,ed her /ater i) a +olde) dish0 !e*ore he le*t *or a busi)ess trip( he as&ed the bird i* she had a /ish: 2I /ill +o throu+h the *orest /here -ou /ere bor)( past the birds o* -our old )ei+hborhood0 'hat %essa+e should I ta&e *or the%;3 The bird said( 2Tell the% I sit *ull o* sorro/ i) a .a+e si)+i)+ %- .apti,e so)+0 "a- a)d )i+ht( %- heart is *ull o* +rie*0 I hope it /ill )ot be lo)+ be*ore I see %- *rie)ds a+ai) a)d *l- *reel- throu+h the trees0 !ri)+ %e a %essa+e *ro% the lo,el- *orest( /hi.h /ill set %heart at ease0 Oh( I -ear) *or %- !elo,ed( to *l- /ith hi%( a)d spread %- /i)+s0 $)til the) there is )o 1o- *or %e( a)d I a% .ut o** *ro% all o* li*e4s s/eet thi)+s03 The %er.ha)t tra,eled o) his do)&e- throu+h the de)se *orest0 He liste)ed to the %elodies o* %a)- birds0 'he) the %er.ha)t rea.hed the *orest /here his bird .a%e *ro%( he stopped( pushed his hood ba.&( a)d said( 2O -ou birds7 <reeti)+s to -ou all *ro% %prett- bird lo.&ed i) her .a+e0 She se)ds tidi)+s o* her lo,e to -ou a)d /a)ts to tell o* her pli+ht0 She as&s *or a repl- that /ill ease her heart0 M- lo,e *or her &eeps her .apti,e /ith bars all arou)d her0 She /a)ts to 1oi) her !elo,ed a)d si)+ her so)+s throu+h the air /ith a *ree heart( but I /ould %iss her beauti*ul so)+ sa)d .a))ot let her +o03 All the birds liste)ed to the %er.ha)t4s /ords0 Sudde)l- o)e bird shrie&ed a)d *ell *ro% a tree bru).h to the +rou)d0 The %er.ha)t *ro=e to the spot /here he stood0 Nothi)+ .ould astou)d hi% %ore tha) this did0 O)e bird had *alle) do/) dead7 The %er.ha)t .o)ti)ued o) to the .it- a)d traded his +oods0 At last he retur)ed to his ho%e0 He did )ot &)o/ /hat to tell his bird /he) she as&ed /hat %essa+e he had brou+ht0 He stood be*ore her .a+e a)d said( 2Oh( )othi)+ to spea& o* )o( )o03 The bird .ried( 2I %ust &)o/ at o).e0 3I do )ot &)o/ /hat happe)ed( said the %er.ha)t0 2I told the% -our %essa+e0 The)( o)e o* the% *ell do/) dead03 Sudde)l- the %er.ha)t4s bird let out a terrible shrie& a)d *ell o) her head to the botto% o* the .a+e0 The %er.ha)t /as horri*ied0 He /ept i) despair( 2Oh( /hat ha,e I do)e;3 He .ried( 2'hat Ha,e I do)e; No/ %- li*e %ea)s )othi)+0 M- %oo) has +o)e a)d so has %- su)0 No/ %- o/) bird is dead03

He ope)ed the .a+e door( rea.hed i)( a)d too& her i)to his ha)ds +e)tl- a)d .are*ull-0 2I /ill ha,e to bur- her )o/(3 he saidO 2poor thi)+ is dead03 Sudde)l-( the %o%e)t he had li*ted the bird out o* the .a+e( she s/ooped up( *le/ out o* the /i)do/ a)d la)ded o) the )earest roo* slope0 She tur)ed to hi% a)d said( +rate*ull-( 2Tha)& -ou( %er.ha)t %aster( *or deli,eri)+ %- %essa+e0 That bird4s repl- i)stru.ted %e ho/ to /i) %- *reedo%0 All I had to do /as to be dead0 I +ai)ed %- *reedo% /he) I .hose to die03 2So )o/ I *l- to %- !elo,ed /ho /aits *or %e0 <ood?b-e( +ood?b-e( %- %aster )o lo)+er03 2M- bird /as /iseO she tau+ht %e se.ret(3 the %er.ha)t re*le.ted0 I# y!u 'a"t t! e 'ith the !"es y!u l!ve* y!u %ust e rea(y t! +ive u) everythi"+* eve" li#e itsel#. A"( the"* y Allah* y!u 'ill 'i" y!ur heart1s (esire. Chapter @@ THE THREE WISE MEN O)e da- so%e /ise %e)( /ho /ere +oi)+ about the .ou)tr- tr-i)+ to *i)d a)s/ers to so%e o* the +reat 6uestio)s o* their ti%e( .a%e to Nasreddi)4s distri.t a)d as&ed to see the /isest %a) i) the pla.e0 Nasreddi) /as brou+ht *or/ard( a)d a bi+ .ro/d +athered to liste)0 The *irst /ise %a) be+a) b- as&i)+( 2'here is the e>a.t .e)ter o* the /orld;3 2It is u)der %- ri+ht heel(3 a)s/ered Nasreddi)0 2Ho/ .a) -ou pro,e that;3 as&ed the *irst /ise %a)0 2I* -ou do)4t belie,e %e(3 a)s/ered Nasreddi)( 2%easure a)d see0 3The *irst /ise %a) had )othi)+ to a)s/er to that( so the se.o)d /ise %a) as&ed his 6uestio)0 2Ho/ %a)- stars are there i) the s&-;3 he said0 2As %a)- as there are hairs o) %- do)&e-(3 a)s/ered Nasreddi)0 2'hat proo* ha,e -ou +ot o* that;3 as&ed the se.o)d /ise %a)0 2I* -ou do)4t belie,e %e(3 a)s/ered Nasreddi)( 2.ou)t the hairs o) %- do)&e- a)d -ou /ill see03 2That4s *oolish tal&(3 said the other0 2Ho/ .a) o)e .ou)t the hairs o) a do)&e-;3 2'ell(3 a)s/ered Nasreddi)( 2Ho/ .a) o)e .ou)t the stars i) the s&-; I* o)e is *oolish tal&( so is the other03 The se.o)d /ise %a) /as sile)t0 The third /ise %a) /as be.o%i)+ a))o-ed /ith Nasreddi) a)d his a)s/ers( so he said( 2Dou see% to &)o/ a lot about -our do)&e-( so .a) -ou tell %e ho/ %a)- hairs there are i) its tail;3 2Des(3 a)s/ered Nasreddi)0 2There are e> as %a)- hairs i) its tail as there are i) -our beard03 2Ho/ .a) -ou pro,e that;3 said the other02 I .a) pro,e it ,er- easil-(3 a)s/ered Nasreddi)0 2Dou .a) pull o)e hair out o* %do)&e-4s tail *ore,er o)e I pull out o* -our beard0 I* the hairs o) %- do)&e-4s tail do )ot .o%e to a) e)d at e> the sa%e ti%e as the hairs i) -our beard( I /ill ad%it that I /as /ro)+03 O* .ourse( the third /ise %a) /as )ot /illi)+ to do this( so the .ro/d de.lared Nasreddi) the /i))er o* the da-4s ar+u%e)ts0 Chapter @: OLD GRA/E O)e da-( the Nasreddi) said to his *rie)ds: 2I* I die( bur- %e i) a) old +ra,e03 2'h-3( as&ed his *rie)ds0 2!e.ause3( he e>plai)ed( 2i* the a)+els .o%e( I4ll tell the% that I died

-ears be*ore a)d ha,e alread- bee) 6uestio)ed a)d the) the- /ill retur) the /a- the.a%e03 Chapter @A THE CLE/ER 4O5 A %a) /ith his do)&e- .arr-i)+ t/o sa.&s o* /heat /as o) his /a- to the %ar&et0 A*ter a little /hile he /as tired a)d the- rested u)der a tree0 'he) he /o&e up *ro% his )ap he .ould )ot see the do)&e- a)d started sear.hi)+ *or the do)&e- e,er-/here0 O) the /a- he %et a bo-( he as&ed the bo-( 2Ha,e -ou see) %- do)&e-;3 The bo- as&ed( 2Is the do)&e-4s le*t e-e bli)d( his ri+ht *oot la%e a)d is he .arr-i)+ a load o* /heat;3 The %a) /as happ- a)d said( 2Des( e> 'here ha,e -ou see) it;3 the bo- a)s/ered 2I ha,e)4t see) it03 This %ade the %a) ,er- a)+r- a)d he too& the bo- to the ,illa+e .hie* *or pu)ish%e)t0 The 1ud+e as&ed( 2"ear bo-( i* -ou had )ot see) at the do)&e-( ho/ .ould -ou des.ribe it;3 The bo- a)s/ered( 2I sa/ the tra.&s o* a do)&e- a)d the ri+ht a)d le*t tra.&s /ere di**ere)t *ro% this I u)derstood that the do)&e- that passed there /as li%pi)+0 A)d the +rass o) the ri+ht side o* the road /as eate) but the +rass o) the le*t /as )ot0 Fro% that I u)derstood that his le*t e-e /as bli)d0 There /ere /heat seeds s.attered o) the +rou)d a)d I u)derstood that he %ust ha,e bee) .arr-i)+ a load o* /heat0 The 1ud+e u)derstood the bo-4s .le,er)ess a)d told the %a) to *or+i,e the bo-0 This story teaches us that we should not be &uick to udge the people. Chapter @C A MERCHANT AND HIS DON3E5 O)e beauti*ul spri)+ %or)i)+( a %er.ha)t loaded his do)&e- /ith ba+s o* salt to +o to the %ar&et i) order to sell the%0 The %er.ha)t a)d his do)&e- /ere /al&i)+ alo)+ to+ether0 The- had )ot /al&ed *ar /he) the- rea.hed a ri,er o) the road0 $)*ortu)atel-( the do)&e- slipped a)d *ell i)to the ri,er a)d )oti.ed that the ba+s o* salt loaded o) his ba.& be.a%e li+hter0 There /as )othi)+ the %er.ha)t .ould do( e>.ept retur) ho%e /here he loaded his do)&e- /ith %ore ba+s o* salt0 As the- rea.hed the slipper- ri,erba)&( )o/ deliberatel-( the do)&e- *ell i)to the ri,er a)d /asted all the ba+s o* salt o) its ba.& a+ai)0 The %er.ha)t 6ui.&l- dis.o,ered the do)&e-4s tri.&0 He the) retur)ed ho%e a+ai) but re? loaded his do)&e- /ith ba+s o* spo)+es0 The *oolish( tri.&- do)&e- a+ai) set o) its /a-0 O) rea.hi)+ the ri,er he a+ai) *ell i)to the /ater0 !ut i)stead o* the load be.o%i)+ li+hter( it be.a%e hea,ier0 The %er.ha)t lau+hed at hi% a)d said: 2Dou *oolish do)&e-( -our tri.& had bee) dis.o,ered( -ou should &)o/ that( those /ho are too .le,er so%eti%es o,er rea.h the%sel,es03 Chapter @E THE ANT AND THE GRASSHO00ER O)e .old( *rost- da- i) the %iddle o* /i)ter a .olo)- o* a)ts /as bus- dr-i)+ out so%e( +rai)s o* .or)( /hi.h had +ro/) da%p duri)+ the /et autu%) /eather0

A +rasshopper hal* dead /ith .old a)d hu)+er( .a%e up to o)e o* the a)ts0 2Please +i,e %e a +rail or t/o *ro% -our store o* .or) to sa,e %- li*e(3 he said *ai)tl-0 2'e /or&ed da- a)d )i+ht to +et this .or) i)0 'h- should I +i,e it to -ou;3 as&ed the a)t .rossl-0 2'hate,er /ere -ou doi)+ all last su%%er /he) -ou should ha,e bee) +atheri)+ -our *ood;3 Oh I did)4t ha,e ti%e *or thi)+s li&e that( said the +rasshopper0 2I /as *ar too bussi)+i)+ to .arr- .or) about03 The a)t lau+hed I u)&i)dl-0 2I) that .ase -ou .a) si)+ all /i)ter as *ar as I a% .o).er)ed(3 he said0 A)d /ithout a)other /ord he tur)ed ba.& to his /or&0 Isla% teaches us that 'e sh!ul( hel) the less #!rtu"ate. 4ut it als! teaches us that 'e %ust '!r& har( a"( "!t rely !" the &i"("ess !# !thers #!r !ur (aily "ee(s. Chapter @G THE 2O7 WHO GOT CA:GHT IN THE TREE TR:N3 O).e upo) a ti%e( there /as a hu)+r- *o> that /as loo&i)+ *or so%ethi)+ to ear0 He /as ,er- hu)+r-0 No %atter ho/ hard he tried( the *o> .ould )ot *i)d *ood0 Fi)all- he /e)t to the ed+e o* the *orest a)d sear.hed there *or *ood0 Sudde)l- he .au+ht si+ht o* a bi+ tree /ith a hole i) it0 I)side the hole /as a pa.&a+e0 The hu)+r- *o> i%%ediatel- thou+ht that there %i+ht be *ood i) it( a)d he be.a%e ,er- happ-0 He 1u%ped i)to the hole a)d /he) he ope)ed the pa.&a+e( he sa/ there /ere a lot o* *ood( bread( %eat a)d *ruit i) it7 A) old /ood.utter had pla.ed the *ood i) the tree tru)& /hile he .ut do/) trees i) the *orest0 He /as +oi)+ to eat it *or his lu).h0 The *o> happil- be+a) to eat0 A*ter the *o> had *i)ished eati)+( he *elt thirst- a)d de.ided to lea,e the tru)& a)d dri)& so%e /ater *ro% a )earb- spri)+0 Ho/e,er( )o %atter ho/ hard he tried( he .ould )ot +et out o* the hole0 "o -ou &)o/ /h-; Des( the *o> had eate) so %u.h *ood that he be.a%e too bi+ to *it throu+h the hole0 The *o> /as ,er- sad a)d upset0 He told hi%sel*( 2I /ish that I had thou+ht a little be*ore 1u%pi)+ i)to the hole03 5es chil(re"* this is the result !# (!i"+ s!%ethi"+ 'ith!ut thi"&i"+ a !ut it #irst. Chapter :0 CATS AND ROOSTERS O).e upo) a ti%e i) A*ri.a( roosters ruled .ats0 The .ats /or&ed hard all da- a)d at )i+ht the- had to bri)+ all the- had +athered *or the roosters0 The &i)+ o* the roosters /ould ta&e all the *ood *or hi%sel* a)d *or the other roosters0 The roosters lo,ed to eat a)ts0 Thus( e,er- .at had a purse hu)+ rou)d its )e.&( /hi.h it *illed /ith a)ts *or the &i)+ o* the roosters0 The .ats did )ot li&e the situatio)0 The- /a)ted to rid the%sel,es o* the &i)+ so that the *ood the- +athered throu+h hard /or& a)d +reat di**i.ult- /ould be their o/)0 !ut the- /ere a*raid o* the roosters0 The roosters had told the .ats that rooster4s .o%bs /ere %ade out o* *ire a)d that the *ire o* their .o%bs /ould bur) a)-o)e /ho disobe-ed the%7 The .ats belie,ed the% a)d there*ore /or&ed *ro% earl- %or)i)+ u)til )i+ht *or the roosters0 O)e )i+ht( the *ire o) the house o* Mrs0 Cat /e)t out0 She told her &itte)( Flu**-( to bri)+ so%e *ire *ro% Mr0 #ooster4s house0 'he) Flu**- /e)t i)to the house o* the rooster( she sa/ that Mr0 #ooster /as *ast asleep( his sto%a.h s/olle) /ith the a)ts he had eate)0 The &itte) /as a*raid to /a&e the rooster( so she retur)ed ho%e e%pt- ha)ded a)d told her %other /hat had happe)ed0

Mrs0 Cat said( 2No/ that the rooster is asleep( +ather so%e dr- t/i+s a)d pla.e the% )ear his .o%b0As soo) as the t/i+s .at.h *ire( bri)+ the% ho%e03 Flu**- +athered so%e dr- t/i+s a)d too& the% to the rooster4s house0 He /as still asleep0 Flu**- *ear *ull- put the dr- t/i+s )ear the rooster4s .o%b but it /as )o use( the t/i+s did )ot .at.h *ire0 Flu**- rubbed the t/i+s a+ai)st the rooster4s .o%b a+ai) but it /as )o use the- /ould )ot .at.h *ire0 Flu**- retur)ed ho%e /ithout a)- *ire a)d told her %other( 2The roost4s .o%b does )ot set t/i+s o) *ire03 Mrs0 Cat a)s/ered 2'h- .a)4t -ou do a)-thi)+ ri+ht7 Co%e /ith %e I4ll sho/ -ou ho/ to %a&e *ire /ith the rooster4s .o%b03 So to+ether the- /e)t to the house o* Mr0 #ooster0 He /as still asleep0 Mrs0 Cat put the t/i+s as )ear to the rooster4s .o%b as she .ould0 !ut the t/i+s did )ot .at.h *ire0 The)( sha&i)+ /ith *ear( she put her pa/ )ear the rooster4s .o%b a)d +e)tl- tou.hed it0 To her surprise( the .o%b /as )ot hot( it /as ,er- .old( a)d it /as 1ust red .olored0 As soo) as Mrs0 Cat reali=ed that the roosters had lied to the .ats about their .o%bs( she 1o-*ull- /e)t out a)d told the other .ats about the rooster4s tri.&s0 Fro% that da- o)( the .ats )o lo)+er /or&ed *or the roosters0 At *irst( the &i)+ o* the roosters be.a%e ,er- a)+r- a)d said to the .atsO 2I /ill bur) all o* -our houses i* -ou do )ot /or& *or %e7 3!ut the .ats said( 2Dour .o%b is )ot %ade o* *ire0 It is 1ust the .olor o* *ire0 'e tou.hed it /he) -ou /ere sleep0 Dou lied to us03 'he) the &i)+ o* the roosters *ou)d out that the .ats &)e/ that he had lied to the%( he ra) a/a-0 No/( /he)e,er roosters see a .at( the- s.urr- a/a-( be.ause to this ,er- dathe- are a*raid o* .ats0 Chapter :1 THE 0RO:D RED ROSE O)e beauti*ul spri)+ da- a red rose blosso%ed i) a *orest0 Ma)- &i)ds o* trees a)d pla)ts +re/ there0 As the rose loo&ed arou)d( a pi)e tree )earb- said( 2'hat a beauti*ul *lo/er0 I /ish I /as that lo,el-03 A)other tree said( 2"ear pi)e( do )ot be sad( /e .a) )ot ha,e e,er-thi)+03 The rose tur)ed its head a)d re%ar&ed( 2It see%s that I a% the %ost beauti*ul pla)t i) this *orest03 A su)*lo/er raised its -ello/ head a)d as&ed( 2'h- do -ou sa- that; I) this *orest there are %a)- beauti*ul pla)ts0 Dou are 1ust o)e o* the%03 The red rose replied( 2I see e,er-o)e loo&i)+ at %e a)d ad%iri)+ %e03 The) the rose loo&ed at a .a.tus a)d said( 2 oo& at that u+l- pla)t *ull o* thor)s73 The pi)e tree said( 2#ed rose( /hat &i)d o* tal& is this; 'ho .a) sa- /hat beaut- is; Dou ha,e thor)s too03 The proud red rose loo&ed a)+ril- at the pi)e a)d said( 2I thou+ht -ou had +ood taste7 Dou do )ot &)o/ /hat beaut- is at all0 Dou .a))ot .o%pare %- thor)s to that o* the .a.tus03 2'hat a proud *lo/er3( thou+ht the trees0 The rose tried to %o,e its roots a/a- *ro% the .a.tus( but it .ould )ot %o,e0 As the da-s passed( the red rose /ould loo& at the .a.tus a)d sa- i)sulti)+ thi)+s( li&e: This pla)t is useless; Ho/ sorr- I a% to be his )ei+hbor0 The .a.tus )e,er +ot upset a)d he e,e) tried to ad,ise the rose( sa-i)+( 2<od did )ot .reate a)- *or% o* li*e /ithout a purpose03 Spri)+ passed( a)d the /eather be.a%e ,er- /ar%0 i*e be.a%e di**i.ult i) the *orest( as the pla)ts a)d a)i%als )eeded /ater a)d )o rai) *ell0 The red rose be+a) to /ilt0 O)e dathe rose sa/ sparro/s sti.& their bea&s i)to the .a.tus a)d the) *l- a/a-( re*reshed0 This

/as pu==li)+( a)d the red rose as&ed the pi)e tree /hat the birds /ere doi)+0 The pi)e tree e>plai)ed that the birds +ot /ater *ro% the .a.tus0 2"oes it )ot hurt /he) the- %a&e holes;3 as&ed the rose0 2Des( but the .a.tus does )ot li&e to see a)- birds su**er(3 replied the pi)e0 The rose ope)ed its e-es i) /o)der a)d said( 2The .a.tus has /ater;3 2Des -ou .a) also dri)& *ro% it0 The sparro/ .a) bri)+ /ater to -ou i* -ou as& the .a.tus *or help03 The red rose *elt too asha%ed o* its past /ords a)d beha,ior to as& *or /ater *ro% the .a.tus( but the) it *i)all- did as& the .a.tus *or help0 The .a.tus &i)dl- a+reed a)d the birds *illed their bea&s /ith /ater a)d /atered the rose4s roots0 Thus the rose lear)ed a lesso) a)d )e,er 1ud+ed a)-o)e b- their appeara).e a+ai)0 Chapter :2 THE SEL2ISH MAN O).e upo) a ti%e( there /as a sel*ish %a)0 He li&ed e,er-thi)+ to be his o/)0 He .ould )ot share his belo)+i)+s /ith a)-o)e( )ot e,e) his *rie)ds or the poor0 O)e da-( the %a) lost thirt- +old .oi)s0 He /e)t to his *rie)d4s house a)d told hi% ho/ he lost his +old .oi)s0 His *rie)d /as a &i)d %a)0 As his *rie)d4s dau+hter /as .o%i)+ *ro% a) erra)d she *ou)d thirt- +old .oi)s( /he) she arri,ed ho%e( she told her *ather /hat she had *ou)d0 The +irl4s *ather told her that the +old .oi)s belo)+ to his *rie)d a)d he se)t *or hi%0 'he) the sel*ish %a) arri,ed( he told hi% ho/ his dau+hter had *ou)d his thirt- +old .oi)s a)d ha)ded the) to hi%0 A*ter .ou)ti)+ the +old .oi)s the %a) said that te) o* the% /as %issi)+ a)d had bee) ta&e) b- the +irl as he had *ort- +old .oi)s0 He *urther .o%%e)ted that he /ill re.o,er the re%ai)i)+ a%ou)t *ro% hi%0 !ut the +irl4s *ather re*used0 The %a) le*t the +old .oi)s a)d /e)t to the .ourt a)d i)*or%ed the 1ud+e there about /hat had ta&e) pla.e bet/ee) hi% a)d the +irl4s *ather0 The 1ud+e se)t *or the +irl a)d her *ather( a)d /he) the- arri,ed as&ed the +irl ho/ %a)+old .oi)s did she *i)d0 She replied thirt- +old .oi)s0 The Fud+e that as&ed the sel*ish %a) ho/ %a)- +old .oi)s did he lose a)d he a)s/ered *ort- +old .oi)s0 The 1ud+e the) told the %a) that the +old .oi)s did )ot belo)+ to hi% be.ause the +irl *ou)d thirt- a)d )ot *ort- as he .lai%ed to ha,e lost a)d the) told the +irl to ta&e the +old .oi)s a)d that i* a)-bod- is loo&i)+ *or the% he /ill se)d *or the +irl0 The 1ud+e told the %a) that i* a)-bod- reports that the- ha,e *ou)d *ort- +old .oi)s he /ill se)d *or hi%0 It /as the) that the %a) .o)*essed that he lied a)d that he lost thirt- +old .oi)s but the 1ud+e did )ot liste) to hi%0 This story teaches us to be always honest as dishonest never pays. Chapter :3 5O: ARE 0RICELESS TO THOSE WHO LO/E 5O: A /ell?&)o/) spea&er started o** his se%i)ar b- holdi)+ up a H20 bill0 I) the roo% o*200( he as&ed( 2'ho /ould li&e this H20 bill;3 Ha)ds started +oi)+ up0 He said( 2I a% +oi)+ to +i,e this H20 to o)e o* -ou but *irst( let %e do this03 He pro.eeded to .ru%ple up the H20 bill0 He as&ed( 2'ho still /a)ts it;3 Still ha)ds /ere up i) the air0

2'ell( /hat i* I do this;3 He dropped it o) the +rou)d a)d started to +ri)d it i)to the *loor /ith his shoe0 He pi.&ed it up( )o/ .ru%pled a)d dirt- a)d as&ed( 2'ho still /a)ts it;3 Still ha)ds /e)t up i)to the air0 M- *rie)ds( /e ha,e all lear)ed a ,er- ,aluable lesso)0 No %atter /hat /as do)e to the %o)e-( it /as still /a)ted be.ause it did )ot de.rease i) ,alue0 It /as still /orthH200 Ma)- ti%es i) our li,es( /e are dropped( .ru%pled a)d +rou)d i)to the dirt b- the de.isio)s /e %a&e a)d the .ir.u%sta).es that .o%e our /a-0 'e %a- *eel as thou+h /e are /orthless0 !ut )o %atter /hat has happe)ed or /ill happe)( -ou /ill )e,er lose -our ,alue: dirt- or .lea)( .ru%pled or *i)el- .reased( -ou are still pri.eless to those /ho lo,e -ou0 Chapter :@ 4E CARE2:L WHAT 5O: 0LANT A) e%peror i) the Far East /as +ro/i)+ old a)d &)e/ it /as ti%e to .hoose his su..essor0 I)stead o* .hoosi)+ o)e o* his assista)ts or his .hildre)( he de.ided so%ethi)+ di**ere)t0 He .alled -ou)+ people i) the &i)+do% to+ether o)e da-0 He said( 2It is ti%e *or %e to step do/) a)d .hoose the )e>t e%peror0 I ha,e de.ided to .hoose o)e o* -ou03 The &ids /ere sho.&ed7 !ut the e%peror .o)ti)ued0 2I a% +oi)+ to +i,e ea.h o)e o* -ou a seed toda-0 O)e ,er- spe.ial seed0 I /a)t -ou to pla)t the seed( /ater it a)d .o%e ba.& here a*ter o)e -ear *ro% toda- /ith /hat -ou ha,e +ro/) *ro% this o)e seed0 I /ill the) 1ud+e the pla)ts that -ou bri)+( a)d the o)e I .hoose /ill be the )e>t e%peror7 O)e bo- )a%ed i)+ /as there that da- a)d he( li&e the others( re.ei,ed a seed0 He /e)t ho%e a)d e>.itedl- told his %other the stor-0 She helped hi% +et a pot a)d pla)ti)+ soil( a)d he pla)ted the seed a)d /atered it .are*ull-0 E,er- da- he /ould /ater it a)d /at.h to see i* it had +ro/)0 A*ter about three /ee&s( so%e o* the other -ouths be+a) to tal& about their seeds a)d the pla)ts that /ere be+i))i)+ to +ro/0 i)+ &ept .he.&i)+ his seed( but )othi)+ e,er +re/0 3 /ee&s( @ /ee&s( : /ee&s /e)t b-0 Still )othi)+0 !- )o/( others /ere tal&i)+ about their pla)ts but i)+ did)8t ha,e a pla)t( a)d he *elt li&e a *ailure0 Si> %o)ths /e)t b-( still )othi)+ i) i)+4s pot0 He 1ust &)e/ he had &illed his seed0 E,er-o)e else had trees a)d tall pla)ts( but he had )othi)+0 i)+ did)4t sa- a)-thi)+ to his *rie)ds( ho/e,er0 He 1ust &ept /aiti)+ *or his seed to +ro/0 A -ear *i)all- /e)t b- a)d all the -ouths o* the &i)+do% brou+ht their pla)ts to the e%peror *or i)spe.tio)0 i)+ told his %other that he /as)4t +oi)+ to ta&e a) e%pt- pot0 !ut ho)est about /hat happe)ed( i)+ *elt si.& to his sto%a.h( but he &)e/ his %other /as ri+ht0 He too& his e%pt- pot to the pala.e0 'he) i)+ arri,ed( he /as a%a=ed at the ,ariet- o* pla)ts +ro/) b- the other -ouths0 The- /ere beauti*ul i) all shapes a)d si=es0 i)+ put his e%pt- pot o) the *loor a)d %a)- o* the other &i)ds lau+hed at hi%0 A *e/ *elt sorr- *or hi% a)d 1ust said( 2He- )i.e tr-03 'he) the e%peror arri,ed( he sur,e-ed the roo% a)d +reeted the -ou)+ people0 i)+ 1ust tried to hide i) the ba.&0 2'hat +reat pla)ts( trees a)d *lo/ers -ou ha,e +ro/)(3 said the e%peror0 2Toda-( o)e o* -ou /ill be appoi)ted the )e>t e%peror73 All o* a sudde)( the e%peror spotted i)+ at the ba.& o* the roo% /ith his e%pt- pot0 He ordered his +uards to bri)+ hi% to the *ro)t0 i)+ /as terri*ied0 2The e%peror &)o/s I4% a *ailure7 Ma-be he /ill ha,e %e &illed73 'he) i)+ +ot to the *ro)t( the E%peror as&ed his )a%e0 2M- )a%e is i)+(3 he replied0 All the &ids /ere lau+hi)+ a)d %a&i)+ *u) o* hi%0 The e%peror as&ed e,er-o)e to 6uiet do/)0 He loo&ed at i)+( a)d the) a))ou).ed to the .ro/d( 2!ehold -our )e/ e%peror7

His )a%e is i)+73 i)+ .ould)4t belie,e it0 i)+ .ould)4t e,e) +ro/ his seed0 Ho/ .ould he be the )e/ e%peror; The) the e%peror said( 2O)e -ear a+o toda-( I +a,e e,er-o)e here a seed0 I told -ou to ta&e the seed( pla)t it( /ater it( a)d bri)+ it ba.& to %e toda-0 !ut I +a,e -ou all boiled seeds( /hi.h /ould )ot +ro/0 All o* -ou( e>.ept i)+( ha,e brou+ht %e trees a)d pla)ts a)d *lo/ers0 'he) -ou *ou)d that the seed /ould )ot +ro/( -ou substituted a)other seed *or the o)e I +a,e -ou0 i)+ /as the o)l- o)e /ith the .oura+e a)d ho)est- to bri)+ %e a pot /ith %- seed i) it0 There*ore( he is the o)e /ho /ill be the )e/ e%peror73 I* -ou pla)t ho)est-( -ou /ill reap trust0 I* -ou pla)t +ood)ess( -ou /ill reap *rie)ds0 I* -ou pla)t hu%ilit-( -ou /ill reap +reat)ess0 I* -ou pla)t perse,era).e( -ou /ill reap ,i.tor-0 I* -ou pla)t .o)sideratio)( -ou /ill reap har%o)-0 I* -ou pla)t hard /or&( -ou /ill reap su..ess0 I* -ou pla)t *or+i,e)ess( -ou /ill reap re.o).iliatio)0 I* -ou pla)t ope))ess( -ou /ill reap i)ti%a.-0 I* -ou pla)t patie).e( -ou /ill reap i%pro,e%e)ts0 I* -ou pla)t *aith( -ou /ill reap %ira.les0 !ut I* -ou pla)t disho)est-( -ou /ill reap distrust0 I* -ou pla)t sel*ish)ess( -ou /ill reap lo)eli)ess0 I* -ou pla)t pride( -ou /ill reap destru.tio)0 I* -ou pla)t e),-( -ou /ill reap trouble0 I* -ou pla)t la=i)ess( -ou /ill reap sta+)atio)0 I* -ou pla)t bitter)ess( -ou /ill reap isolatio)0 I* -ou pla)t +reed( -ou /ill reap loss0 I* -ou pla)t +ossip( -ou /ill reap e)e%ies0 I* -ou pla)t /orries( -ou /ill reap /ri)&les0 I* -ou pla)t si)( -ou /ill reap +uilt0 So be .are*ul /hat -ou pla)t )o/( It /ill deter%i)e /hat -ou /ill reap to%orro/( The seeds -ou)o/ s.atter( 'ill %a&e li*e /orse or better( -our li*e or the o)es /ho /ill .o%e a*ter0 Des( so%eda-(-ou /ill e)1o- the *ruits( or -ou /ill pa- *or the -ou pla)t toda-0 Chapter :: GENEROSIT5 Mahat%a <a)dhi /e)t *ro% .it- to .it-( ,illa+e to ,illa+e .olle.ti)+ *u)ds *or the Char&ha Sa)+h0 "uri)+ o)e o* his tours he addressed a %eeti)+ i) Orissa0 A*ter his spee.h a poor old /o%a) +ot up0 She /as be)t /ith a+e( her hair /as +re- a)d her .lothes /ere i) tatters0 The ,olu)teers tried to stop her( but she *ou+ht her /a- to the pla.e /here <a)dhi Fi /as sitti)+0 2I %ust see hi%(3 she i)sisted a)d +oi)+ up to <a)dhi Fi tou.hed his *eet0 The) *ro% the *olds o* her sari she brou+ht out a .opper .oi) a)d pla.ed it at his *eet0 <a)dhi Fi pi.&ed up the .opper .oi) a)d put it a/a- .are*ull-0 The Char&ha Sa)+h *u)ds /ere u)der the .har+e o* Fa%)alal !a1a10 He as&ed <a)dhi Fi *or the .oi) but <a)dhi Fi re*used0 2I &eep .he6ues /orth thousa)ds o* rupees *or the Char&ha Sa)+h(3 Fa%)alal !a1a1 said lau+hi)+l- 2-et -ou /o)4t trust %e /ith a .opper .oi)03 2This .opper .oi) is /orth %u.h %ore tha) those thousa)ds3 <a)dhi Fi said0 2I* a %a) has se,eral la&hs a)d he +i,es a/aa thousa)d or t/o( it does)4t %ea) %u.h03

!ut this .oi) /as perhaps all that the poor /o%a) possessed0 She +a,e %e all she had0 That /as ,er- +e)erous o* her0 'hat a +reat sa.ri*i.e she %ade0 That is /h- I ,alue this .opper .oi) %ore tha) a .rore o* rupees0 Chapter :A THE CR5STAL 4ALL I) the south o* Spai)( there /as a s%all ,illa+e /hose people /ere ,er- 1o-*ul a)d lu.&-0 The .hildre) pla-ed u)der the shade o* trees i) the +arde)s o* their ho%e0 A shepherd bo- /hose )a%e /as Nasir( sta-ed )ear the ,illa+e /ith his *ather( %other a)d +ra)d%other0 Earl- %or)i)+ ea.h da-( he ta&es his herd o* +oats up the hills to *i)d a suitable pla.e *or the% to +ra=e0 I) the a*ter)oo) he /ould retur) /ith the% to the ,illa+e0 At )i+ht his +ra)d%other /ould tell hi% a stor-0 The stor- o* stars0 This storreall- i)terested Nasir0 As usual( o) o)e o* these da-s( as Nasir /as /at.hi)+ his herd a)d pla-i)+ his *lute he sudde)l- sa/ a /o)der*ul li+ht behi)d the *lo/er bush0 'he) he .a%e to/ards the bra).hes he sa/ a tra)spare)t a)d %ost beauti*ul .r-stal ball0 The .r-stal ball /as +litteri)+ li&e a .olor*ul rai)bo/0 Nasir .are*ull- too& it i) his ha)d a)d tur)ed it arou)d0 'ith surprise sudde)l- he heard a /ea& ,oi.e .o%i)+ *ro% the .r-stal ball0 It saidO 2Dou .a) %a&e a /ish that -our heart desires a)d I /ill *ul*ill it03 Nasir .ould )ot belie,e that he had a.tuall- heard a ,oi.e0 !ut he be.a%e so e)+rossed i) his thou+hts *or he had so %a)- /ishes but he %ust /ish *or so%ethi)+ /hi.h /as i%possible li&e the /ish to be able to *l-0 He said to hi%sel*( i* I /ait till to%orro/ I /ill re%e%ber %a)- thi)+s0 He put the .r-stal ball i) a ba+ a)d +athered the herd( happilretur)ed ba.& to the ,illa+e0 He de.ided that he /ould )ot tell a)-o)e about the .r-stal ball0 O) the *ollo/i)+ da- also( Nasir .ould )ot de.ide /hat to /ish *or( be.ause he reall- had e,er-thi)+ he )eeded0 The da-s passed as usual( a)d Nasir appeared to be ,er- .heer*ul that the people arou)d hi% /ere a%a=ed to see his .heer*ul dispositio)0 O)e da- a bo- *ollo/ed Nasir a)d his herd a)d hid behi)d a tree0 Nasir as usual sat i) o)e .or)er( too& out the .r-stal ball a)d *or a *e/ %o%e)ts loo&ed at it0 The bo- /aited *or the %o%e)t /he) Nasir /ould +o to sleep0 The) he too& the .r-stal ball a)d ra) a/a-0 'he) he arri,ed i) the ,illa+e( he .alled all the people a)d sho/ed the% the .r-stal ball0 The .iti=e)s o* that ,illa+e too& the .r-stal ball i) their ha)d a)d tur)ed it arou)d /ith surprise0 Sudde)lthe- heard a ,oi.e *ro% i)side the .r-stal ball( /hi.h sa-s( 2I .a) *ul*ill -our /ish03 O)e perso) too& the ball a)d s.rea%ed( 2I /a)t o)e ba+ *ull o* +old03 A)other too& the ball a)d said loudl-( 2I /a)t t/o .hest *ull o* 1e/elr-03 So%e o* the% /ished that the- /ould ha,e their o/) pala.e /ith +ra)d door %ade *ro% pure +old i)stead o* their old houses0 So%e also /ished *or ba+s *ull o* 1e/elr-( but )obod- as&ed *or +arde)si) their pala.es0 All their /ishes /ere *ul*illed but still the .iti=e)s o* the ,illa+e /ere )ot happ-0 The- /ere 1ealous be.ause the perso) that had a pala.e had )o +old a)d the perso) that had the +old had )o pala.e0 For this reaso)( the .iti=e)s o* the ,illa+e /ere a)+r- a)d /ere )ot spea&i)+ to ea.h other0 There /as )ot e,e) o)e +arde) /hi.h e>isted i) the ,illa+e /here the .hildre) .ould pla-0 The patie).e o* the .hildre) /as ru))i)+ out a)d the- /ere u).o%*ortable0 Nasir a)d his *a%il- /ere happ- a)d pleased0 E,er- %or)i)+ a)d a*ter)oo) he /ould pla- the *lute0 The .hildre) .ould )ot /ait a)-%ore a)d de.ided to retur) the .r-stal ball to Nasir0 The pare)t sa)d )ei+hbors /e)t to hi%0 The .hildre) said to NasirO 2'he) /e had a s%all ,illa+e /e all /ere happ- a)d 1o-*ul03 The pare)t also spo&e0 I) o)e /a- or a)other )obod- is happ-0 The e>pe)si,e a)d 1e/elr- o)l- bri)+ us pai)0 'he) Nasir sa/ that the people /ere reallre+ret*ul( he said I ha,e )ot /ished till )o/( i* -ou reall- /a)t e,er-thi)+ to retur) to its o/) pla.e( the) I /ill /ish *or it0 E,er-o)e happil- a+reed0 Nasir too& the .r-stal ball i) his ha)d tur)ed arou)d a)d /ished that the ,illa+e be.o%e the sa%e as it /as be*ore0 E,er-o)e 6ui.&l- tur)ed to/ards the ,illa+e a)d sa/ it be.a%e the sa%e old ,illa+e /ith +arde)s *ull o* trees a)d *ruits0 O).e a+ai) the people started to li,e happil- a)d the .hildre) pla-ed u)der the shade o* trees0 Fro% the )e>t da- a)d e,er-da- at su)set the sou)d o* Nasir4s *lute .ould be heard i) the ,illa+e0 This story teaches us that we should be happy with whatever we have and not to be greedy. Chapter :C THE SIGNS O2 HA00INESS There /as a -ou)+ .ouple /ho led a ,er- happ- li*e to+ether0 The o)l- thi)+ that the/orried about /as( /hether their happi)ess /ould last *ore,er or /ould the- too /ould ha,e to *a.e proble%s0 O)e da-( the- heard that a /ise old %a) had .o%e to to/)O he .ould sol,e all &i)ds o* proble%s a)d +uide people0 So the .ouple de.ided to ,isit the /ise old %a) a)d tell hi% their sour.e o* /orr-0 The /ise old %a) told the%O 2Tra,el arou)d the /orld a)d see& a %a) a)d a /o%a) /ho are per* happ- as a .ouple0 'he) -ou *i)d su.h a .ouple( as& the% *or a pie.e o* .loth *ro% the %a)4s shirt( the) &eep that pie.e o* .loth /ith -ou( a)d -ou al/a-s re%ai) happ-03 The -ou)+ .ouple be+a) their 1our)e-( to *i)d the happiest .ouple i) their /orld0 I) o)e pla.e the- heard that the +o,er)or a)d his /i*e /ere the happiest people( so the- /e)t to their pala.e a)d as&ed the%( 2Are -ou the happiest .ouple;3 The +o,er)or a)d his /i*e replied( 2Des( /e are happ- i) e,er- /a- e>.ept *or o)e thi)+O /e do )ot ha,e a)- .hildre)03 'ell that did)4t %a&e the +o,er)or a)d his /i*e the happiest .ouple0 So the- .o)ti)ued their 1our)e-0 The- arri,ed i) o)e .it- /here the- had heard that the happiest .ouple li,ed0 The- /e)t to their house a)d as&ed the%( 2Are -ou the happiest .ouple;3 The .ouple replied( 2Des( /e are reall- happ- i) e,er- /a- e>.ept that /e ha,e too %a).hildre) /hi.h %a&e our li*e a bit u).o%*ortable03 No( this .ouple did )ot sou)d to be the happiest0 A)d( so the- .o)ti)ued their 1our)e-0 The- ,isited %a)- .ou)tries( .ities( to/)s a)d ,illa+es as&i)+ the sa%e 6uestio) but thedid )ot *i)d /hat the- /ere loo&i)+ *or0 O)e "a- the -ou)+ .ouple .a%e a.ross a shepherd i) the desert0 The shepherd /as +ra=i)+ his sheep /he) his /i*e a)d .hild .a%e alo)+0 The shepherd +reeted his /i*e a)d +e)tl- patted the .hild she /as .arr-i)+0 She laid the %at a)d started to eat .o)te)tedl-0 The -ou)+ .ouple .a%e to the% a)d as&ed the%( 2Are -ou the happiest .ouple;3 The shepherd a)d his /i*e replied( 2Nobod- is u)happier tha) the &i)+03 The -ou)+ .ouple i%%ediatel- reali=ed that the- /ere the happiest .ouple a)d as&ed the% *or a pie.e o* the shepherd4s shirt( so that their happi)ess too /ould last throu+hout0 The shepherd said( 2I* I +i,e -ou a pie.e o* .loth *ro% %- shirt the) I /ill be le*t /ithout a).lothes si).e I o/) 1ust o)e shirt03 The -ou)+ .ouple at o).e u)derstood that it is ,er- di**i.ult to *i)d per*e.t happi)ess a)-/here i) the /orld0 The .ouple de.ided to retur) to their o/) .ou)tr-0

The- /e)t to the /ise old %a) a)d related all that had ta&e) pla.e0 The- also .o%plai)ed that his +uida).e /as di**i.ult to abide b-0 The /ise old %a) lau+hed a)d said( 2'as -our 1our)e- useless or did -ou lear) so%ethi)+ *ro% it;3 The -ou)+ %a) replied( 2Des( a*ter this trip I ha,e lear)t that i) this /orld( )obod- is per* happ-( o)l- that perso) is happ- /ho does e,er-thi)+ to please <od0 3Hol- Iura) L2:3EM sa-s: 2A)d /hose,er *ollo/s M- LAllah4sM +uida).e( o) the% shall be )o *ear )or shall the+rie,e03 The /i*e said( 2I ha,e lear)t that i) order to be happ- it is i%porta)t to re%e%ber t/o thi)+sO *irst( all hu%a) bei)+s should be tha)&*ul a)d .o)te)ted /ith /hate,er theha,e0 3Hol- Iura) L1@:CM sa-s: 2A)d -our ord de.lared publi.l-: i* -ou are +rate*ul( I /ill add %ore *a,ors u)to -ou03 A)d se.o)dl-( *or ulti%ate happi)ess o)e %ust al/a-s pra.ti.e patie).e0 Hol- Iura) L2:@:M sa-s: 2See& help throu+h patie)t perse,era).e a)d pra-ers03 A*ter that( -ou)+ .ouple tha)&ed the /ise old %a) *or his +uida).e a)d retur)ed ho%e0 The /ise %a) pra-ed *or the% a)d said( 2I)deed the si+) o* happi)ess is i) their heart a)d the- ha,e +ood %a))ers a)d i* the li*eti%e is spe)t i) pleasure o* <od there /ould be )o di**ere).es i) the e>iste).e o* %a)&i)d03 Hol- Iura) L20:123?12@M sa-s: 2'hosoe,er *ollo/s M- LAllah4sM +uida).e( /ill )ot loose his /a- or *all i)to %iser!ut /hosoe,er tur)s a/a- *ro% M- %essa+e( ,eril- *or hi% is a %iserable li*e03 Chapter :E HO0E AND GREED Caliph Haroo) #ashid desired that a)- o)e /ho had see) the Hol- Prophet LSA'M i) his li*eti%e be brou+ht be*ore hi%0 A*ter so%e ti%e a ,er- old /o%a) /as brou+ht be*ore the Caliph0 The Caliph as&ed the old /o%a)( 2"id -ou see the Prophet -oursel*;3 She said( 2Des7 Sir03 The Caliph the) as&ed her i* she re%e%bered a)- )arratio) *ro% hi%0 She said -es a)d said( 2'he) old a+e .o%es t/o thi)+s be.o%e -ou)+( o)e is hope a)d the other is +reed03 The Caliph tha)&ed her a)d +a,e her o)e hu)dred di)ars0 The /o%a) tha)&ed Caliph a)d she /as ta&e) ba.&0 Hal* the /a- so%e thou+ht passed throu+h her %i)d a)d she desired to be brou+ht be*ore the Caliph o).e %ore0 'he) she /as sho/) i)( the Caliph as&ed( 2'ell( /h- ha,e -ou .o%e ba.&;3 She said0 2I 1ust .a%e to i)6uire /hether the %o)ies -ou +a,e %e /ere o).e *or all or is it to .o)ti)ue e,er- -ear;3 The Caliph thou+ht0 2Ho/ true is the Prophet4s LSA'M /ord;3 she has hope o* li*e e,e) )o/ a)d she has +reed *or %o)e- too0 The Caliph said( 2"o)4t /orr-O -ou /ill be paid e,er- -ear03 She /as ta&e) ba.& but o) the /a- she breathed her last0 Chapter :G 2O:R WI/ES O).e upo) a ti%e0 There /as a ri.h %er.ha)t /ho had @ /i,es0 He lo,ed the @th /i*e the %ost a)d ador)ed her /ith ri.h robes a)d treated her to deli.a.ies0 He too& +reat .are o* her J +a,e her )othi)+ but the best0

He also lo,ed the 3rd /i*e ,er- %u.h0 He4s ,er- proud o* her a)d al/a-s /a)ted to sho/ o** her to his *rie)ds0 Ho/e,er( the %er.ha)t is al/a-s i) *ear that she %i+ht ru) a/a/ith so%e other %e)0 He too( lo,ed his 2)d /i*e0 She is a ,er- .o)siderate perso)( al/a-s patie)t J i) *a.t is the %er.ha)t4s .o)*ida)te0 'he)e,er the %er.ha)t *a.ed so%e proble%s( he al/a-s tur)ed to his 2)d /i*e a)d she /ould al/a-s help hi% out a)d tide hi% throu+h di**i.ult ti%es0 No/( the %er.ha)t4s 1st /i*e is a ,er- lo-al part)er a)d has %ade +reat .o)tributio)s i) %ai)tai)i)+ his /ealth a)d busi)ess as /ell as ta&i)+ .are o* the household0 Ho/e,er( the %er.ha)t did )ot lo,e the 1st /i*e a)d althou+h she lo,ed hi% deepl-( he hardl- too& )oti.e o* her0 O)e da-( the %er.ha)t *ell ill0 !e*ore lo)+( he &)e/ that he /as +oi)+ to die soo)0 He thou+ht o* his lu>urious li*e a)d told hi%sel*( 2No/ I ha,e @ /i,es /ith %e0 !ut /he) I die( I4ll be alo)e0 Ho/ lo)el- I4ll be73 Thus( he as&ed the @th /i*e( 2I lo,ed -ou %ost( e)do/ed -ou /ith the *i)est .lothi)+ a)d sho/ered +reat .are o,er -ou0 No/ that I4% d-i)+( /ill -ou *ollo/ %e a)d &eep %e .o%pa)-;3 2No /a-73 replied the @th /i*e a)d she /al&ed a/a- /ithout a)other /ord0 A)s/er .ut li&e a sharp &)i*e ri+ht i)to the %er.ha)t4s heart0 The sad %er.ha)t the) as&ed the 3rd /i*e( 2I ha,e lo,ed -ou so %u.h *or all %- li*e0 No/ that I4% d-i)+( /ill -ou *ollo/ %e a)d &eep %e .o%pa)-;3 2No73 replied the 3rd /i*e0 2 i*e is so +ood o,er here7 I4% +oi)+ to re%arr- /he) -ou die73 The %er.ha)t4s heart sa)& a)d tur)ed .old0 He the) as&ed the 2)d /i*e( 2I al/a-s tur)ed to -ou *or help a)d -ou4,e al/a-s helped %e out0 No/ I )eed -our help a+ai)0 'he) I die( /ill -ou *ollo/ %e a)d &eep %e .o%pa)-;3 2I4% sorr-( I .a)4t help -ou out this ti%e73 replied the 2)d /i*e03 2At the ,er%ost( I .a) o)l- se)d -ou to -our +ra,e03 A)s/er .a%e li&e a bolt o* thu)der J %er.ha)t /as de,astated0 The) a ,oi.e .alled out: 2I4ll lea,e /ith -ou0 I4ll *ollo/ -ou )o %atter /here -ou +o03 The %er.ha)t loo&ed up a)d there /as his 1st /i*e0 She /as so s&i))-( al%ost li&e she su**ered *ro% %al)utritio)0 <reatl- +rie,ed( the %er.ha)t said( 2I should ha,e ta&e) %u.h better .are o* -ou /hile I .ould ha,e73 A.tuall-( /e all ha,e @ /i,es i) our li,es0 The @th /i*e is our bod-0 No %atter ho/ %u.h ti%e a)d e**ort /e la,ish i) %a&i)+ it loo& +ood( it4ll lea,e us /he) /e die0 Our 3rd /i*e is our possessio)s( status a)d /ealth0 'he) /e die( the- all +o to others0 The 2)d /i*e is our *a%il- a)d *rie)ds0 No %atter ho/ .lose the- had bee) there *or us /he) /e4re ali,e( the *urthest the- .a) sta- b- us is up to the +ra,e0 The 1st /i*e is i) *a.t our soul( o*te) )e+le.ted i) our pursuit o* %aterial /ealth J se)sual pleasure0 <uess /hat; It is a.tuall- the o)l- thi)+ that *ollo/s us /here,er /e +o0 Perhaps it4s a +ood idea to .ulti,ate a)d stre)+the) it )o/ rather tha) to /ait u)til /e4re o) our deathbed to la%e)t0 Chapter A0 LION* RATS* SNA3E B THE HONE5COM4 O).e a %a) sa/ i) his drea%( that a lio) /as .hasi)+ hi%0 The %a) ra) to a tree( .li%bed o) to it a)d sat o) a bra).h0 He loo&ed do/) a)d sa/ that the lio) /as still there /aiti)+ *or hi%0

The %a) the) loo&ed to his side /here the bra).h he /as sitti)+ o) /as atta.hed to the tree a)d sa/ that t/o rats /ere arou)d a)d eati)+ the bra).h0 O)e rat /as bla.& a)d the other o)e /as /hite0 The bra).h /ould *all o) the +rou)d ,er- soo)0 The %a) the) loo&ed belo/ a+ai) /ith *ear a)d dis.o,ered that a bi+ bla.&s)a&e had .o%e J settled u)der hi%0 S)a&e ope)ed its %outh ri+ht u)der the %a) so that he /ill *all i)to it0 The %a) the) loo&ed up to see i* there /as a)-thi)+ that he .ould hold o) to0 He sa/ a)other bra).h /ith a ho)e-.o%b0 "rops o* ho)e- *alli)+ *ro% it0 The %a) /a)ted to taste o)e o* the drops0 So( he put his to)+ue out a)d tasted o)e o* the *alle) drops o* ho)e-0 The ho)e- /as a%a=i)+ i) taste0 So( he /a)ted to taste a)other drop0 As he did( he +ot lost i)to the ho)e- s/eet)ess0 Mea)/hile( he *or+ot about the t/o rats eati)+ his bra).h a/a-( the lio) o) the +rou)d a)d the s)a&e that is sitti)+ ri+ht u)der hi%0 A*ter a /hile( he /o&e up *ro% his sleep0 To +et the %ea)i)+ behi)d this drea%( the %a) /e)t to a pious s.holar o* Isla%0 The s.holar said( the lio) -ou sa/ is -our death0 It al/a-s .hases -ou a)d +oes /here,er -ou +o0 The t/o rats( o)e bla.& a)d o)e /hite( are the )i+ht a)d the da-0 !la.& o)e is the )i+ht a)d the /hite o)e is the da-0 The- .ir.le arou)d( .o%i)+ o)e a*ter a)other( to eat -our ti%e as the- ta&e -ou .loser to death0 The bi+ bla.& s)a&e /ith a dar& %outh is -our +ra,e0 It4s there( 1ust /aiti)+ *or -ou to *all i)to it0 The ho)e-.o%b is this /orld a)d the s/eet ho)e- is the lu>uries o* this /orld0 'e li&e to taste a drop o* the lu>uries o* this /orld but it4s ,er- s/eet0 The) /e taste a)other drop a)d -et a)other0 Meanwhile, we get lost into it and we forget about our time, we forget about our death and we forget about our graves. 2This '!rl( is li&e a ser)e"t* s! s!#t t! t!uch* ut s! #ull !# lethal )!is!". :"'ise )e!)le are allure( y it a"( (ra'" t!'ar(s it* a"( 'ise %e" av!i( it a"( &ee) a'ay #r!% its )!is!"!us e##ects.< I%a% Ali CASD Chapter A1 THE MOST 4EA:TI2:L HEART O)e da- a -ou)+ %a) /as sta)di)+ i) the %iddle o* the to/) pro.lai%i)+ that he had the %ost beauti*ul heart i) the /hole ,alle-0 A lar+e .ro/d +athered a)d the- all ad%ired his heart *or it /as per*e.t0 There /as )ot a %ar& or a *la/ i) it0 Des( the- all a+reed it trul- /as the %ost beauti*ul heart the- had e,er see)0 The -ou)+ %a) /as ,er- proud a)d boasted %ore loudl- about his beauti*ul heart0 Sudde)l-( a) old %a) appeared at the *ro)t o* the .ro/d a)d said( 2'h- -our heart is )ot )earl- as beauti*ul as %i)e03 The .ro/d a)d the -ou)+ %a) loo&ed at the old %a)4s heart0 It /as beati)+ stro)+l- B but *ull o* s.ars0 It had /here had bee) re%o,ed a)d other put i) B but the- did)4t *it 6uite ri+ht a)d there /ere se,eral 1a++ed ed+es0 I) *a.t( i) so%e there /ere deep +ou+es /here /hole /ere %issi)+0 The people starred B ho/ .ould he sa- his heart is %ore beauti*ul( the- thou+ht; The -ou)+ %a) loo&ed at the old %a)4s heart a)d sa/ its state a)d lau+hed0 2Dou %ust be 1o&i)+(3 he said0 2Co%pare -our heart /ith %i)e B %i)e is per*e.t a)d -ours is a %ess o* s.ars a)d tears03

2Des(3 said the old %a)( 2Dours is per*e.t loo&i)+ B but I /ould )e,er trade /ith -ou0 Dou see( e,er- represe)ts a perso) to /ho% I ha,e +i,e) %- lo,eB 00 I tear out a pie.e o* %- heart a)d +i,e it to the% B a)d o*te) the- +i,e %e a pie.e o* their heart /hi.h *its i)to the e%pt- pla.e i) %- heart B but be.ause the are)4t e>a.t( I ha,e so%e rou+h ed+es( /hi.h I .herish( be.ause the- re%i)d %e o* the lo,e /e shared0 So%eti%es I ha,e +i,e) o* %- heart a/a- B a)d the other perso) has)4t retur)ed a pie.e o* his heart to %e0 These are the e%pt- +ou+es B +i,i)+ lo,e is ta&i)+ a .ha).e0 Althou+h these +ou+es are pai)*ul( the- sta- ope)( re%i)di)+ %e o* the lo,e I ha,e *or these people too B a)d I hope so%eda- the- %a- retur) a)d *ill the spa.e I ha,e /aiti)+0 So )o/ do -ou see /hat true beaut- is;3 The -ou)+ %a) stood sile)tl- /ith tears ru))i)+ do/) his .hee&s0 He /al&ed up to the old %a)( rea.hed i)to his per*e.t -ou)+ a)d beauti*ul heart( a)d ripped a pie.e out0 He o**ered it to the old %a) /ith tre%bli)+ ha)ds0 The old %a) too& his o**eri)+( pla.ed it i) his heart a)d the) too& a pie.e *ro% his old s.arred heart a)d pla.ed it i) the /ou)d i) the -ou)+ %a)4s heart0 It *it B 0 but )ot per* as there /ere so%e 1a++ed ed+es0 The -ou)+ %a) loo&ed at his heart( )ot per*e.t a)-%ore but %ore beauti*ul tha) e,er( si).e lo,e *ro% the old %a)4s heart *lo/ed i)to his0 The- e%bra.ed a)d /al&ed a/aside b- side0 0hysical )er#ecti!" is "!t al'ays eauti#ul. Chapter A2 THE CL:4 EE So%e ti%e a+o( there li,ed a 5i)+0 This 5i)+ should ha,e bee) .o)te)ted /ith his li*e( +i,e) all the ri.hes a)d lu>uries he had0 Ho/e,er( this /as )ot the .ase7 The 5i)+ al/a-s *ou)d hi%sel* /o)deri)+ /h- he 1ust )e,er see%ed .o)te)t /ith his li*e0 Sure( he had the atte)tio) o* e,er-o)e /here,er he /e)t( atte)ded *a).- di))ers a)d parties( but so%eho/( he still *elt so%ethi)+ /as la.&i)+ a)d he .ould)4t put his *i)+er o) it0 O)e da-( the 5i)+ had /o&e) up earlier tha) usual to stroll arou)d his pala.e0 He e)tered his hu+e li,i)+ roo% a)d .a%e to a stop /he) he heard so%eo)e happil- si)+i)+ a/a-B *ollo/i)+ this si)+i)+B he sa/ that o)e o* the ser,a)ts /as si)+i)+ a)d had a ,er.o)te)ted loo& o) his *a.e0 This *as.i)ated the 5i)+ a)d he su%%o)ed this %a) to his .ha%bers0 The %a) e)tered the 5i)+4s .ha%bers as ordered0 The 5i)+ as&ed /h- he /as so happ-; To this the %a) replied: 2Dour Ma1est-( I a% )othi)+ but a ser,a)t( but I %a&e e)ou+h o* a li,i)+ to &eep %- /i*e a)d .hildre) happ-0 'e do)4t )eed too %u.h( a roo* o,er our heads a)d /ar% *ood to *ill our tu%%-0 M- /i*e a)d .hildre) are %- i)spiratio)O theare .o)te)t /ith /hate,er little I bri)+ ho%e0 I a% happ- be.ause %- *a%il- is happ-03 Heari)+ this( the 5i)+ dis%issed the ser,a)t a)d su%%o)ed his Perso)al Assista)t to his .ha%bers0 The 5i)+ related his perso)al a)+uish about his *eeli)+s a)d the) related the stor- o* the ser,a)t to his Perso)al Assista)t( hopi)+ that so%eho/( he /ill be able to .o%e up /ith so%e reaso)i)+ that here /as a 5i)+ /ho .ould ha,e a)-thi)+ he /ished *or at a s)ap o* his *i)+ers a)d -et /as )ot .o)te)ted( /hereas( his ser,a)t( ha,i)+ so little /as e>tre%el.o)te)ted0

The Perso)al Assista)t liste)ed atte)ti,el- a)d .a%e to a .o).lusio)0 He said( 2Dour Ma1est-( I belie,e that the ser,a)t has )ot bee) %ade part o* The GG Club03 2The GG Club; A)d /hat e> is that;3 the 5i)+ i)6uired0 To /hi.h the Assista)t replied( 2Dour Ma1est-( to trul- &)o/ /hat The GG Club is( -ou /ill ha,e to do the *ollo/i)+B pla.e GG <old .oi)s i) a ba+ a)d lea,e it at this ser,a)t4s doorstep( -ou /ill the) u)dersta)d /hat The GG Club is03 That ,er- sa%e e,e)i)+( the 5i)+ arra)+ed *or GG <old .oi)s to be pla.ed i) a ba+ at the ser,a)t4s doorstep0 Althou+h he /as sli+htl- hesita)t a)d he thou+ht he should ha,e put 100 <old .oi)s i)to the ba+( but si).e his assista)t had ad,ised hi% to put GG that is /hat he did0 The ser,a)t /as 1ust steppi)+ out o* his house /he) he sa/ a ba+ at his doorstep0 'o)deri)+ about its .o)te)ts( he too& it i)to his house a)d ope)ed the ba+0 'he) he ope)ed the ba+( he let out a +reat bi+ shout o* 1o-B <old Coi)sB so %a)- o* the%0 He .ould hardl- belie,e it0 He .alled his /i*e to sho/ her the .oi)s0 He the) too& the ba+ to a table a)d e%ptied it out a)d be+a) to .ou)t the .oi)s0 "oi)+ so( he reali=ed that there /ere GG .oi)s a)d he thou+ht it /as a) odd )u%ber so he .ou)ted a+ai)( a)d a+ai) a)d a+ai) o)l- to .o%e to the sa%e .o).lusio)B GG <old Coi)s0 He be+a) to /o)der( /hat .ould ha,e happe)ed to that last o)e .oi); For )o o)e /ould lea,e GG.oi)s0 He be+a) to sear.h his e)tire house( loo&ed arou)d his ba.&-ard *or hours( )ot /a)ti)+ to lose out o) that o)e .oi)0 Fi)all-( e>hausted( he de.ided that he /as +oi)+ to ha,e to /or& harder tha) e,er to %a&e up *or that o)e <old .oi) to %a&e his e)tire .olle.tio) a) e,e) 100 <old Coi)s0 He +ot up the )e>t %or)i)+( i) a) e>tre%el- horrible %ood( shouti)+ at the .hildre) a)d his /i*e *or his dela-( )ot reali=i)+ that he had spe)t %ost o* the )i+ht .o)1uri)+ /a-s o* /or&i)+ hard so that he had e)ou+h %o)e- to bu- hi%sel* that +old .oi)0 He /e)t to /or& as usual ? but )ot i) his usual best %ood( si)+i)+ happil- ? as he +ru%pil- did his dail- erra)ds0 Seei)+ the %a)4s attitude .ha)+e so drasti.all-( the 5i)+ /as pu==led0 He pro%ptlsu%%o)ed his assista)t to his .ha%bers0 The 5i)+ related his thou+hts about the ser,a)t a)d o).e a+ai)( his assista)t liste)ed0 The 5i)+ .ould )ot belie,e that the ser,a)t /ho u)til -esterda- had bee) si)+i)+ a/a- a)d /as happ- a)d .o)te)t /ith his li*e had ta&e) a sudde) .ha)+e o* attitude( e,e) thou+h he should ha,e bee) happier a*ter re.ei,i)+ the +old .oi)s0 To this the assista)t replied 2Ah7 !ut -our Ma1est-( the ser,a)t has )o/ o**i.iall- 1oi)ed The GGClub03 He e>plai)ed: 2The GG Club is 1ust a )a%e +i,e) to those people /ho ha,e e,er-thi)+ but -et are )e,er .o)te)ted( there*ore the- are al/a-s /or&i)+ hard a)d stri,i)+ *or that e>tra o)e to rou)d it out to 1007 'e ha,e so %u.h to be tha)&*ul *or a)d /e .a) li,e /ith ,er- little i) our li,es( but the %i)ute /e are +i,e) so%ethi)+ bi++er a)d better( /e /a)t e,e) %ore7 'e are )ot the sa%e happ- .o)te)ted perso) /e used to be( /e /a)t %ore a)d %ore a)d b- /a)ti)+ %ore a)d %ore /e do)4t reali=e the pri.e /e pa- *or it0 'e lose our sleep( our happi)essO /e hurt the people arou)d us 1ust as a pri.e to pa- *or our +ro/i)+ )eeds a)d desires0 That is /hat 1oi)i)+ The GG Club is all about03 Heari)+ this 5i)+ de.ided that *ro% that da- o)/ards( he /as +oi)+ to start appre.iati)+ all the little thi)+s i) li*e0 Strivi"+ #!r %!re is al'ays +!!(* ut let1s "!t strive s! har( a"( #!r s! %uch that 'e l!ses all th!se "ear a"( (ear t! !ur hearts* 'e sh!ul("1t c!%)r!%ise !ur ha))i"ess #!r %!%e"ts !# lu=uries8

Chapter A3 RE0ENTANCE A perso) o).e heard a pious Musli% sa- that 2For the last thirt- -ears I a% repe)ti)+ *or a si) a)d I do)4t &)o/ ho/ Allah /ill deal /ith %e re+ardi)+ it;3 The liste)er as&ed: 2'hat /as -our si);3 The pious Musli% said: 2I used to ha,e a shop i) the !a=aar0 O)e da- I heard that the /hole !a=aar /as bur)i)+ so I rushed to see %- shop0 'he) I rea.hed there I sa/ that e>.ept %- shop all the shops /ere ra=ed to the +rou)d0 I said SAl?Ha%do lillah4 LAll praise to AllahMObut i%%ediatel- I reali=ed %- %ista&e0 Ho/ .a) I .all %-sel* a Musli% /he) I .ould)4t *eel the loss o* %- )ei+hbors; That is /h- I a% repe)ti)+ *or that lapse o) %- part *or the last thirt- -ears03 Chapter A@ THE NEIGH4OR Sa--ed Fa/ad A%eli( a +reat Mu1tahid( /as ha,i)+ his di))er /he) so%eo)e &)o.&ed at his door0A ser,a)t *ro% his %aster( A-atullah Sa--ed Mehdi !ahrul $loo%( appeared a)d said: 2Dour %aster has se)t *or -ou to .o%e i%%ediatel-0 He has 1ust sat do/) *or his di))er but re*uses to eat u)til he sees -ou03 There /as )o ti%e to lose0 Sa--ed Fa/ad A%eli le*t his di))er a)d rushed to A-atullah !ahrul $loo%4s reside).e0 Fust as he e)tered( the %aster loo&ed disappro,i)+l- at hi% a)d said: 2Sa--ed Fa/ad7 Dou ha,e )o *ear o* Allah7 "o)4t -ou *eel asha%ed i) *ro)t o* Allah;3 This .a%e as a sho.& to hi%( as he .ould )ot re%e%ber doi)+ a)-thi)+ to i).ur the /rath o* his %aster0 He said: 2M- %aster %a- +uide %e /here I ha,e *ailed03 A-atullah !ahrul $loo% replied: 2It is )o/ a /ee& that -our )ei+hbor a)d his *a%il- are /ithout /heat a)d ri.e0 He /as tr-i)+ to bu- so%e dates *ro% a shop o) .redit but the shop&eeper re*used to +ra)t hi% a)- %ore .redit0 He retur)ed ho%e e%pt-?ha)ded a)d the *a%il- is /ithout a %orsel o* *ood03 Sa-ed Fa/ad /as ta&e) b- surprise0 2!- Allah(3 he said( 2I ha,e )o &)o/led+e about this03 That is /h- I a% displeased all the %ore0 Ho/ .a) -ou be u)a/are o* -our o/) )ei+hbor; Se,e) da-s o* di**i.ulties ha,e passed a)d -ou tell %e -ou do )ot &)o/ about it0 'ell( I* -ou had &)o/) a)d i+)ored hi% despite -our &)o/led+e( the) -ou /ould )ot e,e) he a Musli%( A-atullah $loo% ad 1oi)ed0 The) he i)stru.ted hi% to ta&e all the dishes o* *ood be*ore hi% to his )ei+hbor0 2Sit /ith hi% to eat( so that he does )ot *eel asha%ed0 A)d ta&e this su% *or his *uture ratio)0 Pla.e it u)der his pillo/ or .arpet so that he is )ot hu%iliated( a)d i)*or% %e /he) this /or& is .o%pleted( *or )ot u)til the) shall I eat03 ;That %a" is "!t #r!% %e 'h! slee)s c!"te"te(ly 'hile his "ei+h !r slee)s hu"+ry.< H!ly 0r!)het Muha%%a( C0eace e u)!" hi%D Chapter A: A 4O7 2:LL O2 3ISSES The stor- +oes ba.& so%e ti%e a+o( a %a) pu)ished his 3?-ear?old dau+hter *or /asti)+ a roll o* +old /rappi)+ paper0 Mo)e- /as ti+ht a)d he be.a%e i)*uriated /he) the .hild tried to de.orate a bo> to put u)der the Christ%as tree0 Ne,ertheless( the little +irl brou+ht the +i*t to her *ather the )e>t %or)i)+ a)d said( 2This is *or -ou( "add-03 The %a) /as e%barrassed b- his earlier o,er rea.tio)( but his a)+er *lared a+ai) /he) he *ou)d out the bo> /as e%pt-0 He -elled at her( stati)+( 2"o)4t -ou &)o/( /he) -ou +i,e so%eo)e a prese)t( there is supposed to be so%ethi)+ i)side;3 The little +irl loo&ed up at

hi% /ith tears i) her e-es a)d .ried( 2Oh( "add-( it4s )ot e%pt- at all0 I ble/ &isses i)to the bo>0 The-4re all *or -ou( "add-03 The *ather /as .rushed0 He put his ar%s arou)d his little +irl( a)d he be++ed *or her *or+i,e)ess0 O)l- a short ti%e later( a) a..ide)t too& the li*e o* the .hild0 It is also told that her *ather &ept that +old bo> b- his bed *or %a)- -ears a)d( /he)e,er he /as dis.oura+ed( he /ould ta&e out a) i%a+i)ar- &iss a)d re%e%ber the lo,e o* the .hild /ho had put it there0 I" a very real se"se* each !"e !# us* as hu%a"s ei"+s* have ee" +ive" a +!l( c!"tai"er #ille( 'ith u"c!"(iti!"al l!ve a"( &isses> #r!% !ur chil(re"* #a%ily %e% ers* #rie"(s* a"( G!(. There is si%)ly "! !ther )!ssessi!"* a"y!"e c!ul( h!l(* %!re )reci!us tha" this. Chapter AA THE THREE COWS There /as a +ree) a)d *resh pasture( i) /hi.h three .o/s li,ed( a /hite .o/( a bla.& .o/ a)d a reddish?bro/) o)e0 The .o/s /ere &i)d to ea.h other0 The- /ere )i.e to ea.h other0 The- used to +ra=e i) the %eado/ to+ether0 a)d the- used to sleep )ear ea.h other0 Till it happe)ed o)e da-( the reddish?bro/) .olored lio) o* the *orest happe)ed to pass that /a-0 The lio) /as u)happ-0 It /as hu)+r-( a)d /as loo&i)+ *or a pre-0 O) .at.hi)+ si+ht o* the .o/s it be.a%e +lad( but .ould)8t atta.& the%( be.ause the- /ere to+ether0 So( the lio) sat i) a .or)er a)d /aited till the .o/s /ould separate *ro% ea.h other0 The .o/s /ere to+ether a)d /ould)4t part a/a- *ro% ea.h other( be.ause the- &)e/ that i* the- /ere to+ether( )o predator .ould atta.& the%0 The lio) la- i) a%bush )earb- *or t/o or three da-s0 !ut the .o/s .o)ti)ued to re%ai) to+ether( a)d /ould)4t separate *ro% ea.h other0 The lio) be.a%e u)happ-0 A pla) o..urred to it0 It /e)t to/ards the .o/s( +reeted the% a)d said: 2Ho/ are -ou %*rie)ds;3 Are -ou *i)e; I ha,e bee) re%e%beri)+ -ou *or a lo)+ ti%e( but be.ause I a% too bus-( I .a)4t .o%e to -ou a)d as& about -our health0 Toda- I said to %-sel*: 2A)-ho/ I should .o%e a)d see -ou *ro% )ear a)d ,isit -ou03 The reddish?bro/) .o/ said: 2Sir( -our .o%i)+ has reall- pleased us a)d bri+hte)ed our pasture03 The lio) said: 2I ha,e al/a-s re%e%bered -ou( a)d ha,e e,e) ordered a better pasture %ade read- *or -ou03 #eddish?bro/) .o/ said: 2Sir( -ou ha,e reall- obli+ed us a)d /e are ,er- tha)&*ul to -ou03 !oth the /hite a)d the bla.& .o/s /ere troubled b- /hat their *rie)d( the reddish?bro/) .o/ said( a)d /ere +rie,ed at its thou+htless)ess0 The- *eared lest it should be de.ei,ed0 The- said to ea.h other: 'hi.h *orest has )ot +ot a better pasture; 'h- does the reddish? bro/) .o/ belie,e /hat the lio) sa-s; "oes)4t it &)o/ that lio)s see& other a)i%als o)lto pre- o) the%; The reddish?bro/) .o/ be.a%e %ore a)d %ore a .lose *rie)d o* the lio) ea.h da-0 The bla.& .o/ a)d the /hite .o/ ad,ised it as %u.h as the- .ould( but /ith )o a,ail0 O)e da- the lio) said to the reddish?bro/) .o/: 2Dou &)o/ that the .olor o* our bodies is dar& a)d that the .olor o* the bod- o* the /hite .o/ is li+ht( a)d -ou also &)o/ that the li+ht .olor is the opposite o* the dar& .olor0 It /ould be ,er- +ood i* I eat the /hite .o/( so that there /ill be )o di**ere).e a%o)+ us a)- lo)+er a)d that /e /ill be able to li,e to+ether /ell03 The reddish?bro/) .o/ a..epted the sa-i)+ o* the sel*ish lio) a)d started tal&i)+ to the bla.& .o/ to &eep it bus-( so that the lio) .ould eat the /hite .o/ /ith %ore ease0 The

/hite .o/ /as le*t alo)e a)d /as &illed( /hile the bla.& a)d the reddish?bro/) .o/s /ere bus- /ith idle tal&s0 T/o or three da-s passed si).e the lio) had de,oured the /hite .o/0 The lio)( a)+r- a)d u)eas-( /as l-i)+ i) a .or)er( a)d the reddish?bro/) .o/ /as %o,i)+ arou)d the lio) a)d +ra=i)+0 The lio) .alled the reddish?bro/) .o/0 The .o/ a)s/ered: 2Des sir73 The lio) said: 2The .olor o* %- bod- a)d the .olor o* -our bod- are reddish?bro/)( a)d bla.& does )ot +o /ith our .olor0 It /ill be ,er- +ood i* I eat the bla.& .o/( so that i) this *orest /e all /ill be o* the sa%e .olor03 The reddish?bro/) .o/ a..epted a)d %o,ed a/a- *ro% the bla.& .o/0 The lio) atta.&ed a)d de,oured the bla.& .o/( too0 A)d as *or the reddish?bro/) .o/( it /as so *illed /ith 1o- that it did)4t &)o/ /hat to do0 It roa%ed a)d +ra=ed a)d said to itsel*: 2It is o)l- %e /ho has the .olor o* the lio)B 3 A *e/ da-s passed si).e the bla.& .o/ had bee) de,oured b- the lio)0 The lio) roared a)d said0 2O the reddish?bro/) .o/7 'here are -ou;3 The reddish?bro/) .o/( sha&i)+ /ith *ear( /e)t *or/ard a)d said: 2Des sir73 The lio) said: 2 is -our tur)( +et -oursel* read-( I a% +oi)+ to eat -ou03 The reddish?bro/) .o/( /ith +reat *ear J horror said: 2'h- sir( I a% -our *rie)d0 I did /hate,er -ou said0 So /h- do -ou /a)t to eat %e;3 The lio) roared a)d said: 2Frie)d o* a *rie)dless73 Ho/ is it possible that a lio) %a&es *rie)dship /ith a .o/; No %atter ho/ %u.h the reddish?bro/) .o/ be++ed a)d e)treated( the lio) did)4t a..ept its /ords0 The lio) atta.&ed the .o/0 The .o/ said: 2Mr0 io)( please allo/ %e to .r- out three ti%es be*ore -ou eat %e03 The lio) said: 2Iui.&l-( 6ui.&l-73 The reddish?bro/) .o/ .ried out: 2I /as eate) the ,erda- the /hite .o/ /as eate)0 I /as eate) the ,er- da- the bla.& .o/ /as eate)0 I /as eate) the ,er- da- I %adeB 0 /ith -ou03 The lio) de,oured the reddish?bro/) .o/ ,er6ui.&l-0 The) it said to itsel*: 2I ha,e *i)ished %- 1ob i) this *orest0 No/ I had better +o to other *orests03 "i,ide a)d rule poli.-0 Chapter AC A WHITE HAS NO S:0ERIORIT5 O/ER A 4LAC3 The *ollo/i)+ s.e)e too& pla.e o) a !A *li+ht bet/ee) Foha))esbur+ a)d o)do)0 A /hite /o%a)( about :0 -ears old( /as seated )e>t to a bla.& %a)0 Ob,iousl- disturbed b- this( she .alled the air Hostess0 Mada%( /hat is the %atter( the hostess as&ed -ou ob,iousl- do )ot see it the); She respo)ded0 Dou pla.ed %e )e>t to a bla.& %a)0 I do )ot a+ree to sit )e>t to so%eo)e *ro% su.h a repu+)a)t +roup0 <i,e %e a) alter)ati,e seat0 !e .al% please( the hostess replied0 Al%ost all the o) this *li+ht are ta&e)0 I /ill +o to see i* a)other pla.e is a,ailable0 The Hostess /e)t a/a- a)d the) .a%e ba.& a *e/ %i)utes later0 Mada%( 1ust as I thou+ht( there are )o other a,ailable seats i) the e.o)o%- .lass0 I spo&e to the .aptai) a)d he i)*or%ed %e that there isalso )o seat i) the busi)ess .lass0 All the sa%e( /e still ha,e o)e pla.e i) the *irst .lass0 !e*ore the /o%a) .ould sa- a)-thi)+( the hostess .o)ti)ued0 It is )ot usual *or our .o%pa)- to per%it so%eo)e *ro% the e.o)o%- .lass to sit i) the *irst .lass Ho/e,er( +i,e) the .ir.u%sta).esO the .aptai) *eels that it /ould be s.a)dalous to %a&e so%eo)e sit )e>t to so%eo)e so dis+usti)+0 She tur)ed to the bla.& +u-( a)d said0 There*ore( Sir( i* -ou /ould li&e to( please ta&e -our ha)d lu++a+e be.ause a seat a/aits -ou i) the *irst

.lass0 At the %o%e)t( the other passe)+ers /ho /ere sho.&ed b- /hat the- had 1ust /it)essed stood up a)d applauded0 This is a true story against racism, which is not usually told. #ll mankind is from #dam and 've; an #rab has no superiority over a non%#rab, nor a non%#rab has any superiority over an #rab; also a white has no superiority over a black, nor does a black have any superiority over white e(cept by piety and good action. )earn that every Muslim is the brother of another Muslim, and that Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Chapter AE GH:LAM H:SSEIN AND THE GAME O2 CHANCE <hula% husei) /as a popular so.ial *i+ure a)d a &ee) host o* +uests .o%i)+ to hi% *ro% dista)t la)ds0 He li,ed i) Moshi( a beauti*ul s%all to/) at the *oot o* Mt0 5ili%a)1aro i) Ta)=a)ia0 He /as +e)erous a)d hospitable to o)e a)d all0 O)e o* his hobbies duri)+ leisure hours parti.ularl- o) Saturda-s a)d Su)da-s /as to pla- the +a%e o* .ards /ith his *rie)ds0 For hours the- used to +et to+ether /here the- e)1o-ed the +a%e0 It /as )ot /ith the ai% o* +a%bli)+ but rather 1ust *or pleasure a)d pass ti%e0 O).e i) the %idst o* a li,el- +a%e o* .ards( his ser,a)t .a%e to i)*or% hi% that a +uest o* his /as seriousl- ill at the +uest house a)d )eeded his i%%ediate atte)tio)0 He se)t the ser,a)t ba.& sa-i)+ he /ould .o%e soo)0 !ut he /as so %u.h e)+rossed to /ithdra/ *ro% it0 So he .o)ti)ued to pla- /ith &ee) i)terest0 A*ter a /hile( his ser,a)t .a%e a+ai) to report that the .o)ditio) o* the +uest /as deteriorati)+ a)d )eeded his ur+e)t atte)tio) as there /as )o o)e else to atte)d0 !ut <hula% husei) /as so deepl- e)+rossed i) the +a%e that he did )ot /a)t to be disturbed0 As su.h( a+ai) he se)t the ser,a)t ba.& pro%isi)+ to .o%e soo)0 !- the ti%e he .ould be *ree *ro% the ,er- %i)d .apti,ati)+ +a%e o* .ards( the ser,a)t .a%e *or the third ti%e0 !ut this ti%e he reported that the +uest o* his a poor tra,eler *ro% dista)t la)ds had alread- died0 This )e/s +a,e a sho.& o* his li*e to <hula% husei)0 It .o),i).ed hi% o* the e,il a)d har%*ul e**e.t o* su.h a) i)door +a%e0 There a)d the) he ,o/ed )e,er to i)dul+e hi%sel* i) su.h a +a%e0 Is this )ot a) e-e?ope)i)+ e>a%ple o* a) i)to>i.ati)+ a)d %e)tall- distra.ti)+ +a%e o* .ards( .o%%o)l- pla-ed toda- either as a pass?ti%e or *or +a%bli)+ purposes; Perhaps it also e>plai)s the philosoph- behi)d absolute Isla%i. *orbidda).e to pla- or /at.h su.h a +a%e( e,e) /ithout the .ha).e o* +ai)i)+ or losi)+ %o)e-0 It is %ea)t to be pre,e)tio) tha) a .ure( lest %a) is o)e da- te%pted to use the +a%e *or +a%bli)+ purpose0 FA ste"ti!" #r!% si"s is etter tha" see&i"+ hel) a#ter'ar(.F I%a% Ali CASD Chapter AG 2INDERS 3EE0ERS A /ise /o%a) /ho /as tra,eli)+ i) the %ou)tai)s *ou)d a pre.ious sto)e i) a strea%0 The )e>t da- she %et a)other tra,eler /ho /as hu)+r-( a)d the /ise /o%a) ope)ed her ba+ to share her *ood0 The hu)+r- tra,eler sa/ the pre.ious sto)e J as&ed the /o%a) to +i,e it to hi%0 She did so /ithout hesitatio)0 The tra,eler le*t( re1oi.i)+ his +ood *ortu)e0 He &)e/ the sto)e /as /orth e)ou+h to +i,e hi% se.urit- *or a li*eti%e0 !ut a *e/ da-s later he .a%e ba.& to retur) the sto)e to the /ise /o%a)0 2I4,e bee) thi)&i)+(3 He said( 2I &)o/ ho/ ,aluable the sto)e is( but I +i,e it ba.& i) the hope that -ou .a) +i,e %e so%ethi)+ e,e) %ore pre.ious: <i,e %e /hat -ou ha,e /ithi) -ou that e)abled -ou to +i,e %e the sto)e03

Chapter C0 4ANDAGE O2 COM0LAINT8 O).e a sai)t sa/ a %a) /ith a ba)da+e tied rou)d his head0 2'h- ha,e -ou tied the ba)da+e;3 he as&ed0 2!e.ause %- head a.hes(3 the %a) replied0 2Ho/ old are -ou;3 he de%a)ded0 2Thirt-(3 he replied0 2Ha,e -ou bee) i) pai) a)d a)+uish the +reater part o* -our li*e;3 he e)6uired0 2No(3 the %a) a)s/ered0 2For thirt- -ears -ou ha,e e)1o-ed +ood health(3 he re%ar&ed( 2a)d -ou )e,er tied the ba)da+e o* tha)&*ul)ess0 No/ be.ause o* this o)e )i+ht head a.he( that -ou ha,e( -ou tie the ba)da+e o* .o%plai)t73 Chapter C1 AN AGED ST:DENT Si&a&i /as a s&illed artist a) artisa)0 'ith +reat e>pertise a)d i)terest( he %ade su.h a )i.e a)d beauti*ul i)&pot that it .ould be prese)ted to the &i)+0 He e>pe.ted that( appre.iati)+ his artisti. s&ill( the &i)+ /ould e).oura+e hi% as *ar as possible0 So( /ith .ou)tless hopes a)d thousa)d o* desires( he prese)ted that i)&pot to the &i)+0 I) the be+i))i)+ the &i)+ /as ,er- i%pressed b- his artisti. s&ill but a*ter/ards a) u)pleasa)t e,e)t o..urred that .aused a) e>traordi)ar- .ha)+e i) Si&a&i4 s li*e a)d /a- o* thi)&i)+0 'he) the &i)+ /as obser,i)+ the s&illed artistr- o* the beauti*ul i)&pot a)d Si&a&i /as lost i) the /orld o* thou+hts( the people i)*or%ed that a s.holar?literar- perso) or 1ur- is about to e)ter the .ourt0 As soo) as the s.holar e)tered( the &i)+ +ot so %u.h absorbed i) /el.o%i)+ a)d tal&i)+ to hi% that he *or+ot Si&a&i a)d his s&illed artistr-0 This i).ide)t .aused a) ad,erse a)d deep e**e.t o) the heart o* Si&a&i0 He reali=ed that )o/ he /ould )ot re.ei,e the e).oura+e%e)t he had e>pe.ted a)d all his desires a)d hopes are useless )o/0 !ut Si&a&i4s hi+h spirited %i)d did )ot allo/ hi% to be i) pea.e( so he started thi)&i)+ as to /hat should he do0 He de.ided to do /hat the others ha,e do)e a)d +o o) the sa%e /a- that the others ha,e +o)e Lup till )o/M0 There*ore( he de.ided to sear.h *or his lost hopes i) the /orld o* &)o/led+e( literature a)d boo&s0 Althou+h *or a /ise %a) /ho has passed the da-s o* his -ou)+ a+e( it /as )ot eas- to stud- /ith -ou)+ .hildre) a)d to start ri+ht *ro% the preli%i)ar- sta+e0 !ut he did )ot ha,e a .hoi.e 0 A*ter all /he)e,er the *ish is ta&e) out o* /ater( it is *resh0 'orse tha) that( i) the be+i))i)+ he did )ot *i)d a)- sort o* i)terest i) hi%sel* re+ardi)+ readi)+ a)d /riti)+0 Perhaps spe)di)+ a lo)+ ti%e i) artisti. /or&s a)d ha)di.ra*t /as the reaso) *or sta+)a).- i) his*i. a)d literar- tale)t0 !ut )either his ad,a).ed a+e )or la.& o* .apabilit-( )o)e o* these .ould .ha)+e his de.isio)0 'ith +reat e)thusias% a)d =eal *or attai)i)+ &)o/led+e( he +ot bus- /ith his studies( u)til a)other i).ide)t o..urred: The tea.her /ho /as tea.hi)+ hi% Sha*i4e 1urisprude).e L*i6h Sha*i4eM( tau+ht hi% this lesso): 2The tea.her belie,es that the s&i) o* a do+ be.o%es .lea) LtahirM a*ter ta))i)+03 Si&a&i repeated this se)te).e a lot o* ti%es so that at the ti%e o* e>a%i)atio) he should be able to su..eed0 !ut /he) he /as as&ed to a)s/er this 6uestio)( he said: 2The do+ belie,es that the s&i) o* a tea.her be.o%es .lea) a*ter ta))i)+03 The audie).e upo) heari)+ this a)s/er started lau+hi)+0 It /as .lear *or e,er-bod- that this old %a) is absolutel- i).apable o* readi)+ a)d /riti)+0 A*ter this i).ide)t Si&a&i )ot o)l- le*t the s.hool ( but he le*t the to/) a)d /e)t to/ards the Fu)+le0 !- .ha).e( he rea.hed the *oot o* a %ou)tai)( /here he sa/ that the /ater is *alli)+ drop b- drop *ro% the top a)d due to the .o)ti)uous *alli)+ o* /ater( a hole had bee) *or%ed i) that hard sto)e0 He re*le.ted *or so%eti%e( a +ood idea .rossed his %i)d li&e li+ht)i)+0 A)d he

said: 2Ma-be %- heart is )ot read- to a..ept L&)o/led+eM but it is )ot harder tha) this sto)e0 It is i%possible that .o)ti)uous stud-i)+ a)d hard /or& /ould be i)e**e.ti,e03 There*ore( he .a%e ba.& a)d /ith hard /or&( he +ot bus- i) the attai)%e)t o* &)o/led+e0 As a result he /as re.&o)ed as o)e o* the popular s.holars o* his ti%e0 5!u "ever e t!! !l( t! lear" s!%ethi"+ "e'. Chapter C2 WEALTH , LO/E , S:CCESS A /o%a) .a%e out o* her house a)d sa/ 3 old %e) /ith lo)+ /hite beards sitti)+ i) her *ro)t -ard0 She did )ot re.o+)i=e the%0 She said 2I do)4t thi)& I &)o/ -ou( but -ou %ust be hu)+r-0 Please .o%e i) a)d ha,e so%ethi)+ to eat03 2Is the %a) o* the house ho%e;3( the- as&ed0 2No(3 she replied0 2He4s out03 2The) /e .a))ot .o%e i)(3 the- replied0 I) the e,e)i)+ /he) her husba)d .a%e ho%e( she told hi% /hat had happe)ed0 2<o tell the% I a% ho%e a)d i),ite the% i)7 3The /o%a) /e)t out a)d i),ited the %e) i)0 2'e do )ot +o i)to a House to+ether(3 the- replied0 2'h- is that;3 she as&ed0 O)e o* the old %e) e>plai)ed: 2His )a%e is 'ealth(3 he said poi)ti)+ to o)e o* his *rie)ds( a)d said poi)ti)+ to a)other o)e( 2He is Su..ess( a)d I a% o,e03 The) he added( 2No/ +o i) a)d dis.uss /ith -our husba)d /hi.h o)e o* us -ou /a)t i) -our ho%e03 The /o%a) /e)t i) a)d told her husba)d /hat /as said0 Her husba)d /as o,er1o-ed0 2Ho/ )i.e7(3 ? he said0 2Si).e that is the .ase( let us i),ite 'ealth0 et hi% .o%e a)d *ill our ho%e /ith /ealth7 3His /i*e disa+reed0 2M- dear( /h- do)4t /e i),ite Su..ess; 3Their dau+hter?i)?la/ /as liste)i)+ *ro% the other .or)er o* the house0 She 1u%ped i) /ith her o/) su++estio): 2'ould it )ot be better to i),ite o,e; Our ho%e /ill the) be *illed /ith lo,e73 2 et us heed our dau+hter?i)?la/4s ad,i.e(3 said the husba)d to his /i*e0 2<o out a)d i),ite o,e to be our +uest03 The /o%a) /e)t out a)d as&ed the 3 old %e)( 2'hi.h o)e o* -ou is o,e; Please .o%e i) a)d be our +uest03 o,e +ot up a)d started /al&i)+ to/ard the house0 The other 2 also +ot up a)d *ollo/ed hi%0 Surprised( the lad- as&ed 'ealth a)d Su..ess: 2I o)l- i),ited o,e( 'h- are -ou .o%i)+ i);3 The old %e) replied to+ether: 2I* -ou had i),ited 'ealth or Su..ess( the other t/o o* us /ould4,e sta-ed out( but si).e -ou i),ited o,e( /here,er He +oes( /e +o /ith hi%0 'here,er there is o,e( there is also 'ealth a)d Su..ess7773 Chapter C3 LO/E AND TIME O).e upo) a ti%e( there /as a) isla)d /here all the *eeli)+s li,ed: Happi)ess( Sad)ess( 5)o/led+e( a)d all o* the others( i).ludi)+ o,e0 O)e da- it /as a))ou).ed to the *eeli)+s that the isla)d /ould si)&( so all .o)stru.ted boats a)d le*t0 E>.ept *or o,e0 o,e /as the o)l- o)e /ho sta-ed0 o,e /a)ted to hold out u)til the last possible %o%e)t0 'he) the isla)d had al%ost su)&( o,e de.ided to as& *or help0

#i.h)ess /as passi)+ b- o,e i) a +ra)d boat0 o,e said( 2#i.h)ess( .a) -ou ta&e %e /ith -ou;3 #i.h)ess a)s/ered( 2No( I .a)4t0 There is a lot o* +old a)d sil,er i) %- boat0 There is )o pla.e here *or -ou03 o,e de.ided to as& Na)it- /ho /as also passi)+ b- i) a beauti*ul ,essel0 2Na)it-( please help %e73 2I .a)4t help -ou( o,e0 Dou are all /et a)d %i+ht da%a+e %- boat(3 ? Na)it- a)s/ered0 Sad)ess /as .lose b- so o,e as&ed( 2Sad)ess( let %e +o /ith -ou03 2Oh B o,e( I a% so sad that I )eed to be b- %-sel*73 Happi)ess passed b- o,e( too( but she /as so happ- that she did )ot e,e) hear /he) o,e .alled her0 Sudde)l-( there /as a ,oi.e( 2Co%e( o,e( I /ill ta&e -ou03 It /as a) elder0 So blessed a)d o,er1o-ed( o,e e,e) *or+ot to as& the elder /here the/ere +oi)+0 'he) the- arri,ed at dr- la)d( the elder /e)t his o/) /a-0 #eali=i)+ ho/ %u.h /as o/ed the elder( o,e as&ed 5)o/led+e( a)other elder( 2'ho Helped %e;3 2It /as Ti%e(3 5)o/led+e a)s/ered0 2Ti%e;3 as&ed o,e0 2!ut /h- did Ti%e help %e;3 5)o/led+e s%iled /ith deep /isdo% a)d a)s/ered( 2!e.ause o)l- Ti%e is .apable o* u)dersta)di)+ ho/ ,aluable o,e is03 Chapter C@ ALWA5S THAN32:L TO GOD Arthur Ashe( the le+e)dar- 'i%bledo) pla-er /as d-i)+ o* AI"S0 Fro% /orld o,er( he re.ei,ed letters *ro% his *a)s( o)e o* /hi.h .o),e-ed: 2'h- does <O" ha,e to sele.t -ou *or su.h a bad disease;3 To this Arthur Ashe replied: The /orld o,er : Crore .hildre) start pla-i)+ te))is( :0 a&h lear) to pla- te))is( : a&h lear) pro*essio)al te))is( :0(000 .o%e to the .ir.uit( :000 rea.h the +ra)d sla%( :0 rea.h 'i%bledo)( @ to se%i *i)al( 2 to the *i)als( 'he) I /as holdi)+ a .up I )e,er as&ed <O" 2'h- %e;30 A)d toda- i) pai) I should )ot be as&i)+ <O" 2'h- %e;3 4e tha"&#ul t! GOD #!r EGH !# +!!( thi"+s i" li#e. Chapter C: THE MA5ONNAISE AND THE CO22EE 'he) thi)+s i) -our li*e see% al%ost too %u.h to ha)dle( /he) 2@ hours i) a da- are )ot e)ou+h( re%e%ber the %a-o))aise FarB a)d the Co**eeB A pro*essor stood be*ore his philosoph- .lass a)d had so%e ite%s i) *ro)t o* hi%0 'he) the .lass be+a)( /ordlessl-( he pi.&ed up a ,er- lar+e a)d e%pt- %a-o))aise Far a)d pro.eeded to *ill it /ith +ol* balls0 He the) as&ed the stude)ts i* the Far /as *ull0 The- a+reed that it /as0 So the pro*essor the) pi.&ed up a bo> o* pebbles a)d poured the% i)to the Far0 He shoo& the Far li+htl-0

The pebbles rolled i) to the ope) areas bet/ee) the +ol* balls0 He the) as&ed the stude)ts a+ai) i* the Far /as *ull0 The- a+reed it /as0 The pro*essor )e>t pi.&ed up a bo> o* sa)d a)d poured it i)to the Far0 O* .ourse( the sa)d *illed up e,er-thi)+ else0 He as&ed o).e %ore i* the Far /as *ull0 The stude)ts respo)ded u)a)i%ous 2-es03 The pro*essor the) produ.ed t/o .ups o* Co**ee *ro% u)der the table a)d poured the e)tire .o)te)ts i)to the Far( e**e.ti,el- *illi)+ the e%pt- spa.e bet/ee) the sa)d0 The stude)ts lau+hed02 No/(3 said the pro*essor( as the lau+hter subsided( 2I /a)t -ou to re.o+)i=e that this Far represe)ts -our li*e0 The +ol* balls are the i%porta)t thi)+s( -our <od( *a%il-( -our .hildre)( -our health( -our *rie)ds( a)d -our *a,orite passio)s thi)+s that i* e,er-thi)+ else /as lost a)d o)l- the- re%ai)ed( -our li*e /ould still be *ull03 The pebbles are the other thi)+s that %atter li&e -our 1ob( -our house( a)d -our .ar0 The sa)d is e,er-thi)+ else the s%all stu**0 2I* -ou put the sa)d i)to the Far *irst(3 ?he .o)ti)ued( 2there is )o roo% *or the pebbles or the +ol* balls03 The sa%e +oes *or li*e0 I* -ou spe)d all -our ti%e a)d e)er+- o) the s%all stu**( -ou /ill )e,er ha,e roo% *or the thi)+s that are i%porta)t0 Pa- atte)tio) to the thi)+s that are to -our happi)ess0 Pla- /ith -our .hildre)0 Ta&e .are o* the +ol* balls *irst( the thi)+s that reall- %atter0 Set -our priorities0 The rest is 1ust sa)d0 O)e o* the stude)ts raised her ha)d a)d i)6uired /hat the Co**ee represe)ted0 The pro*essor s%iled0 2I4% +lad -ou as&ed0 It 1ust +oes to sho/ -ou that )o %atter ho/ *ull -our li*e %a- see%( there4s al/a-s roo% *or a .ouple o* .ups o* Co**ee /ith a *rie)ds03 Chapter CA THE 4AR A tale is told about a s%all to/) that had histori.all- bee) 2dr-(3 L)o al.ohol soldM but the) a busi)ess%a) de.ided to build a ta,er)0 A +roup o* Christia)s *ro% a .hur.h /ere .o).er)ed a)d pla))ed a) all?)i+ht pra-er %eeti)+ to as& <od to i)ter,e)e0 It 1ust so happe)ed that shortl- therea*ter li+ht)i)+ stru.& the bar a)d it bur)ed to the +rou)d0 The o/)er o* the bar sued the .hur.h( .lai%i)+ that the pra-ers o* the .o)+re+atio) /ere respo)sible( but the .hur.h hired a la/-er to ar+ue i) .ourt that the/ere )ot respo)sible0 The )resi(i"+ 6u(+e* a#ter his i"itial revie' !# the case* state( that ;N! %atter h!' this case c!%es !ut* !"e thi"+ is clear. The taver" !'"er elieves i" )rayer a"( the Christia"s (! "!t.< Chapter CC LESSONS ON LI2E There /as a %a) /ho had *our so)s0 He /a)ted his so)s to lear) )ot to 1ud+e thi)+s too 6ui.&l-0 So he se)t the% ea.h o) a 6uest( i) tur)( to +o a)d loo& at a pear tree that /as a +reat dista).e a/a-0 The *irst so) /e)t i) the /i)ter( the se.o)d i) the spri)+( the third i) su%%er( a)d the -ou)+est so) i) the *all0 'he) the- had all +o)e a)d .o%e ba.&( he .alled the% to+ether to des.ribe /hat thehad see)0 The *irst so) said that the tree /as u+l-( be)t( a)d t/isted0 The se.o)d so) said )o it /as .o,ered /ith +ree) buds a)d *ull o* pro%ise0 The third so) disa+reedO he said it /as lade) /ith blosso%s that s%elled so s/eet a)d loo&ed so beauti*ul( it /as the %ost +ra.e*ul thi)+ he had e,er see)0 The last so) disa+reed /ith all o* the%O he said it /as ripe a)d droopi)+ /ith *ruit( *ull o* li*e a)d *ul*ill%e)t0

The %a) the) e>plai)ed to his so)s that the- /ere all ri+ht( be.ause the- had ea.h see) but o)l- o)e seaso) i) the tree4s li*e0 He told the% that -ou .a))ot 1ud+e a tree( or a perso)( b- o)l- o)e seaso)( a)d that the esse).e o* /ho the- are a)d the pleasure( 1o-( a)d lo,e that .o%e *ro% that li*e .a) o)l- be %easured at the e)d( /he) all the seaso)s are up0 I# y!u +ive u) 'he" it1s 'i"ter* y!u 'ill %iss the )r!%ise !# y!ur s)ri"+* the eauty !# y!ur su%%er* #ul#ill%e"t !# y!ur #all. D!"1t let the )ai" !# !"e seas!" (estr!y the 6!y !# all the rest. D!"1t 6u(+e li#e y !"e (i##icult seas!". 0ersevere thr!u+h the (i##icult )atches a"( etter ti%es are sure t! c!%e s!%e ti%e !r later. Chapter CE THE ROSE WITHIN A .ertai) %a) pla)ted a rose a)d /atered it *aith*ull- a)d be*ore it blosso%ed( he e>a%i)ed it0 He sa/ the bud that /ould soo) blosso%( but )oti.ed thor)s upo) the ste% a)d he thou+ht( 2Ho/ .a) a)- beauti*ul *lo/er .o%e *ro% a pla)t burde)ed /ith so %a)sharp thor)s;3 Sadde)ed b- this thou+ht( he )e+le.ted to /ater the rose( a)d 1ust be*ore it /as read- to bloo%B it died0 So it is /ith %a)- people0 'ithi) e,er- soul there is a rose0 The +ood 6ualities pla)ted i) us at birth( +ro/ a%id the thor)s o* our *aults0 Ma)- o* us loo& at oursel,es a)d see o)lthe thor)s( the de*e.ts0 'e despair( thi)&i)+ that )othi)+ +ood .a) possibl- .o%e *ro% us0 'e )e+le.t to /ater the +ood /ithi) us( a)d e,e)tuall- it dies0 'e )e,er reali=e our pote)tial0 So%e people do )ot see the rose /ithi) the%sel,esO so%eo)e else %ust sho/ it to the%0 O)e o* the +reatest +i*ts a perso) .a) possess is to be able to rea.h past the thor)s o* a)other( a)d *i)d the rose /ithi) the%0 This is o)e o* the .hara.teristi. o* lo,eB to loo& at a perso)( &)o/ their true *aults a)d a..epti)+ that perso) i)to -our li*eB all the /hile re.o+)i=i)+ the )obilit- i) their soul0 Help others to reali=e the- .a) o,er.o%e their *aults0 I* /e sho/ the% the 2rose3 /ithi) the%sel,es( the- /ill .o)6uer their thor)s0 O)l- the) /ill the- blosso% %a)- ti%es o,er0 LESSONS ON LI2E The %!st #av!ra le #rie"( t! %e is that 'h! sh!'s %e %y #la's. I%a% Sa(iA CASD Chapter CG 0:T THE GLASS DOWN8 A pro*essor be+a) his .lass b- holdi)+ up a +lass /ith so%e /ater i) it0 He held it up *or all to see a)d as&ed the stude)ts( 2Ho/ %u.h do -ou thi)& this +lass /ei+hs;3 S:0 +%s74B 0 S100 +%s74B B S12: +%s4 B B the stude)ts a)s/ered0 2I reall- do)4t &)o/ u)less I /ei+h it(3 said the pro*essor( 2but( %- 6uestio) is: 'hat /ould happe) i* I held it up li&e this *or a *e/ %i)utes;3 2Nothi)+3 the stude)ts said0 2O&7 'hat /ould happe) i* I held it up li&e this *or a) hour;3 the pro*essor as&ed0 2Dour ar% /ould be+i) to a.he(3 said o)e o* the stude)ts0 2Dou4re ri+ht( )o/ /hat /ould happe) i* I held it *or a da-;3 2Dour ar% .ould +o )u%b( -ou %i+ht ha,e se,ere %us.le stress a)d paral-sis a)d ha,e to +o to hospital *or sure73 ,e)tured a)other stude)tO a)d all the stude)ts lau+hed0 2Ner- +ood0 !ut duri)+ all this( did the /ei+ht o* the +lass .ha)+e;3 as&ed the pro*essor0 2No3 the stude)ts said02 The) /hat .aused the ar% a.he a)d the %us.le stress;3 The stude)ts /ere pu==led0

2Put the +lass do/)73 said o)e o* the stude)ts0 2E> said the pro*essor0 2 i*e4s proble%s are so%ethi)+ li&e this0 Hold it *or a *e/ %i)utes i) -our head a)d the- see% o&a-0 Thi)& o* the% *or a lo)+ ti%e a)d the- be+i) to a.he0 Hold it e,e) lo)+er a)d the- be+i) to paral-=e -ou0 Dou /ill )ot be able to do a)-thi)+03 2It4s i%porta)t to thi)& o* the .halle)+es Lproble%sM i) -our li*e( but ENEN MO#E IMPO#TANT is to ha,e trust i) Allah Ls/tM a)d to Sput the% do/)4 at the e)d o* e,erda- be*ore -ou +o to sleep0 That /a-( -ou are )ot stressed( -ou /a&e up e,er- da- *resh a)d stro)+ a)d .a) ha)dle a)- issue( a)- .halle)+e that .o%es -our /a-73 So( as it be.o%es ti%e *or -ou to lea,e o**i.e toda-( #e%e%ber *rie)d to 2P$T THE < ASS "O'NTO"AD3 a)d ha,e tra)6uilit- b- putti)+ trust i) Al%i+ht- Allah Ls/tM0 Hol- Iura) L@E:@M sa-s: 2He it is /ho se)t do/) tra)6uilit- i)to the hearts o* the belie,ers that the- %i+ht ha,e %ore *aith added to their *aith03 Tra)6uilit- is si+) o* stro)+ *aith /hile /orries a)d stress is si+) o* /ea& *aith0 Tell to -our %i)d e,er- dabe*ore -ou +o to sleep: 2DAA ADDAT$HAN NAFS$ M$TMAINNAH( I#FI4II I AA #A!!I5I #A"HIDATAN MA#"HIDDAH(FA"5H$ II FII I!AA"II 'A"5H$ II FANNATII30 LAl?Fa1r EG:2C?30M2 O soul that is at rest satis*ied0 #etur) to -our ord /ell?pleased L/ith Hi%M( /ell? pleasi)+ LHi%M0So( e)ter a%o)+ M- ser,a)ts( a)d e)ter i)to %- Paradise03 4y '!rryi"+ s! %uch* (! "!t tur" y!ur li#e t! hell. G!!( luc&. Chapter E0 MA5 I NE/ER GET TOO 4:S5 IN M5 OWN A22AIRS8 It /as a bitter( .old e,e)i)+0 The old %a)4s beard /as +la=ed b- /i)ter4s *rost /hile he /aited *or a ride a.ross the ri,er0 The /ait see%ed e)dless0 His bod- be.a%e )u%b a)d sti** *ro% the *ri+id )orth /i)d0 He heard the *ai)t( stead- rh-th% o* approa.hi)+ hoo,es +allopi)+ alo)+ the *ro=e) path0 A)>iousl-( he /at.hed as se,eral horse%e) rou)ded the be)d0 He let the *irst o)e pass b/ithouta) e**ort to +et his atte)tio)0 The) a)other passed b-B a)d a)other0 Fi)all-( the last rider )eared the spot /here the old %a) sat li&e a s)o/ statue0 As this o)e dre/ )ear( the old %a) .au+ht the rider4s e-e a)d said( 2Sir( /ould -ou %i)d +i,i)+ a) old %a) a ride to the other side; There does)4t appear to be a passa+e/a- b*oot03 #ei)i)+ his horse( the rider replied( 2Sure thi)+0 Hop aboard03 Seei)+ the old %a) /as u)able to li*t his hal*?*ro=e) bod- *ro% the +rou)d( the horse%a) dis%ou)ted a)d helped the old %a) o)to the horse0 The horse%a) too& the old %a) )ot 1ust a.ross the ri,er( but to his desti)atio)( /hi.h /as 1ust a *e/ %iles a/a-0 As the- )eared the ti)- but .o=- .otta+e( the horse%a)4s .uriosit- .aused hi% to i)6uire( 2Sir( I )oti.e that -ou let se,eral other riders pass b- /ithout %a&i)+ a) e**ort to se.ure a ride0 The) I .a%e up a)d -ou i%%ediatel- as&ed %e *or a ride0 I4% .urious /h-( o) su.h a bitter /i)ter )i+htO -ou /ould /ait a)d as& the last rider0 'hat i* I had re*used a)d le*t -ou there;3 The old %a) lo/ered hi%sel* slo/l- do/) *ro% the horse( loo&ed the rider strai+ht i) the e-es( a)d replied( 2I4,e bee) arou)d here *or so%e ti%e0 I re.&o) I &)o/ people prett+ood03 The old?ti%er .o)ti)ued( 2I loo&ed i)to the e-es o* the other riders a)d i%%ediatel- sa/ there /as )o .o).er) *or %- situatio)0 It /ould ha,e bee) useless e,e) to as& the% *or a ride0 !ut /he) I loo&ed i)to -our e-es( &i)d)ess a)d .o%passio) /ere e,ide)t0 I &)e/(

the) a)d there( that -our +e)tle spirit /ould /el.o%e the opportu)it- to +i,e %e assista).e i) %- ti%e o* )eed03 Those heart /ar%i)+ .o%%e)ts tou.hed the horse%a) deepl-0 2I4% %ost +rate*ul *or /hat -ou ha,e said(3 he told the old %a)0 2Ma- I )e,er +et too bus- i) %- o/) a**airs that I *ail to respo)d to the )eeds o* others /ith &i)d)ess a)d .o%passio)0 3Da Allah( Ma&e %e a%o)+ those about /ho% the Hol- Iura) LHashr :G:GM has said: 2A)d the- +i,e the% pre*ere).e o,er their o/) sel,es e,e) thou+h the- are i) )eed03 Chapter E1 DON1T WE ALL I /as par&ed i) *ro)t o* the %all /ipi)+ o** %- .ar0 I had 1ust .o%e *ro% the .ar /ash a)d /as /aiti)+ *or %- /i*e to +et out o* /or&0 Co%i)+ %- /a- *ro% a.ross the par&i)+ lot /as /hat so.iet- /ould .o)sider a bu%0 Fro% the loo&s o* hi%( he had )o .ar( )o ho%e( )o .lea) .lothes( a)d )o %o)e-0 There are ti%es /he) -ou *eel +e)erous but there are other ti%es that -ou 1ust do)4t /a)t to be bothered0 This /as o)e o* those 2do)4t /a)t to be bothered ti%es03 2I hope he does)4t as& %e *or a)- %o)e-(3 I thou+ht0 He did)4t0 He .a%e a)d sat o) the .urb i) *ro)t o* the bus stop but he did)4t loo& li&e he .ould ha,e e)ou+h %o)e- to e,e) ride the bus0 A*ter a *e/ %i)utes he spo&e0 2That4s a ,er- he said0 He /as ra++ed but he had a) air o* di+)it- arou)d hi%0 His s.ra++l- blo)d beard &eeps %ore tha) his *a.e /ar%0 I said( 2Tha)&s(3 a)d .o)ti)ued /ipi)+ o** %- .ar0 He sat there 6uietl- as I /or&ed0 The e>pe.ted plea *or %o)e- )e,er .a%e0 As the sile).e bet/ee) us /ide)ed so%ethi)+ i)side said( 2As& hi% i* he )eeds a)help03 I /as sure that he /ould sa- 2-es3 but I held true to the i))er ,oi.e02 "o -ou )eed a)- help;3 I as&ed0 He a)s/ered i) three si%ple but pro*ou)d /ords that I shall )e,er *or+et0 'e o*te) loo& *or /isdo% i) +reat %e) a)d /o%e)0 'e e>pe.t it *ro% those o* hi+her lear)i)+ a)d a..o%plish%e)ts0 I e>pe.ted )othi)+ but a) outstret.hed +ri%- ha)d0 He spo&e the three /ords that shoo& %e0 2"o)4t /e all;3 he said0 I /as *eeli)+ hi+h a)d %i+ht-( su..ess*ul a)d i%porta)t( abo,e a bu% i) the street( u)til those three /ords hit %e li&e a t/el,e +au+e shot+u)0 "o)4t /e all; I )eeded help0 Ma-be )ot *or bus *are or a pla.e to sleep( but I )eeded help0 I rea.hed i) %- /allet a)d +a,e hi% )ot o)l- e)ou+h *or bus *are( but e)ou+h to +et a /ar% %eal a)d shelter *or the da-0 Those three little /ords still ri)+ true0 No %atter ho/ %u.h -ou ha,e( )o %atter ho/ %u.h -ouha,e a..o%plished( -ou )eed help too0 No %atter ho/ little -ou ha,e( )o %atter ho/ loaded -ouare /ith proble%s( e,e) /ithout %o)e- or a pla.e to sleep( -ou .a) +i,e help0 E,e) i* it4s 1ust a .o%pli%e)t( -ou .a) +i,e that0 Dou )e,er &)o/ /he) -ou %a- see so%eo)e that appears to ha,e it all0 The- are /aiti)+ o) -ou to +i,e the% /hat the- do)4t ha,e0 A di**ere)t perspe.ti,e o) li*e( a +li%pse at so%ethi)+ beauti*ul( a respite *ro% dail- .haos( that o)l- -ou throu+h a tor) /orld .a) see0 Ma-be the %a) /as 1ust a ho%eless stra)+er /a)deri)+ the streets0 Ma-be he /as %ore tha) that0 %a-be he /as se)t b- a po/er that is +reat a)d /ise( to %esse)+er to a soul too

.o%*ortable i) the%sel,es0 Ma-be <od loo&ed do/)( .alled a) A)+el( dressed hi% li&e a bu%( a)d the) said( 2<o %esse)+er to that %a) .lea)i)+ the .ar( that %a) )eeds help03 "o)4t /e all; ;> ..Eve" a s%ile ca" e charity> ..< H!ly 0r!)het Muha%%a( C0eace e u)!" hi%D Chapter E2 THE STRANGER IN THE GARDEN O).e upo) a ti%e there /as a %a) /ho had a bi+ +arde)0 He had pla)ted %a)- *ruit trees a)d .ared *or the% till the- bear *ruits0 No/ he /a)ted to pi.& up the *ruits a)d sell the% to %a&e %o)e- *or his *a%il-0 O)e *i)e da- /hile pi.&i)+ *ruits /ith his so)( the %a) sa/ a stra)+er sitti)+ o) the bra).h o* a tree a)d pi.&i)+ the *ruits0 This %a) be.o%e a)+r- a)d shouted( 2He- -ou7 'hat are -ou doi)+ o) %- tree; Are)4t -ou asha%ed o* steali)+ *ruits i) the da- ti%e;3 The stra)+er o) the bra).h 1ust loo&ed at the +arde)er but did)4t repl-( a)d .o)ti)ued pi.&i)+ the *ruits0 The +arde)er /as ,er- a)+r- a)d shouted a+ai)( 2For a /hole -ear I ha,e ta&e) .are o* these trees( -ou ha,e )o ri+ht to ta&e the *ruits /ithout %- per%issio) so .o%e do/) at o).e73 The stra)+er o) the tree a)s/ered( 2'h- should I .o%e do/); This is the +arde) o* <od a)d I a% the ser,a)t o* <od( so I ha,e the ri+ht to pi.& these *ruits a)d -ou should )ot i)ter*ere bet/ee) the /or& o* <od a)d his ser,a)t03 The +arde)er /as ,er- surprised at this a)s/er a)d thou+ht o* a pla)0 He .alled his so) a)d said( 2+o bri)+ a rope a)d +et this %a) do/) *ro% the tree03 His so) brou+ht the rope a)d the +arde)er ordered hi% to tie the stra)+er to the tree0 The +arde)er the) too& a sti.& a)d started to beat the stra)+er0 The stra)+er be+a) to s.rea%0 2'h- are -ou beati)+ %e; Dou ha,e )o ri+ht to do this03 The +arde)er paid )o atte)tio) a)d .o)ti)ued beati)+ hi%0 The stra)+er s.rea%ed( 2"o)4t -ou *ear <od( -ou are beati)+ a) i))o.e)t %a); The +arde)er a)s/ered( 2'h- should I *ear; This /ood i) %- ha)d belo)+s to <od a)d I a% too the ser,a)t o* <od( so I ha,e )othi)+ to *ear( a)d -ou should)4t i)ter*ere /ith the /or& o* <od a)d his ser,a)t03 The stra)+er hesitated a)d the) spo&e( 2'ait do)4t beat %e( I a% sorr- *or ta&i)+ the *ruits0 This is -our +arde) a)d I should see& -our per%issio) be*ore ta&i)+ the *ruits0 So( please *or+i,e a)d set %e *ree03 The +arde)er s%iled a)d said( 2Si).e -ou ha,e )o/ reali=ed -our %ista&e( I /ill *or+i,e -ou but re%e%ber that <od has +i,e) all his ser,a)ts brai)s so e,er- perso)4s deeds are i) his o/) ha)ds03 The) the +arde)er u)tied hi% a)d let hi% +o *ree0 Chapter E3 TO TELL THE TR:TH 2'ho did this;3 as&ed %- tea.her0 Thirt- .hildre) tried to thi)& about )ot o)l- /hat thehad do)e( but also /hat our tea.her %a- ha,e *ou)d out0 2'ho did this;3 as&ed %tea.her o).e %ore0 She /as)4t reall- as&i)+( she /as de%a)di)+ a) a)s/er0 She seldo% be.a%e a)+r-( but she /as this ti%e0 She held up a pie.e o* bro&e) +lass a)d as&ed( 2'ho bro&e this /i)do/;3 2Oh( oh(3 I thou+ht0 I /as the o)e /ho bro&e the /i)do/0 I had )ot do)e it i)te)tio)all-0 It /as .aused b- a) erra)t thro/ o* a baseball0 I /as /or&i)+ o) %- &)u.&leball0 It )eeded %ore /or&0 'h- did it ha,e to be %e; It /as)4t reall- %- *ault0 I* I ad%itted +uilt( I /ould be i) a lot o* trouble0 Ho/ /ould I be able to pa- *or a bi+ /i)do/ li&e that; I did)4t e,e) +et a) allo/a).e0 2M- *ather is +oi)+ to ha,e a *it(3 I thou+ht0 I did)4t

/a)t to raise %- ha)d( but so%e *or.e %u.h stro)+er tha) I/as pulled it s&-/ard0 I told the truth0 2I did it03 I said )o %ore0 It /as hard e)ou+h sa-i)+ /hat Ihad0 M- tea.her /e)t to o)e o* our librar- shel,es a)d too& do/) a boo&0 She the) be+a) /al&i)+ to/ards %- des&0 I had )e,er see) %- tea.her to stri&e a stude)t( but I *eared she /as +oi)+ to start /ith %e a)d she /as +oi)+ to use a boo& *or the s/atti)+0 2 I &)o/ ho/ -ou li&e birds(3 she said as she stood loo&i)+ do/) at %- +uilt?ridde) *a.e0 2Here is that *ield +uide about birds that -ou are .o)sta)tl- .he.&i)+ out0 It is -ours0 It4s ti%e /e +ot a )e/ o)e *or the s.hool a)-/a-0 The boo& is -ours a)d -ou /ill )ot be pu)ished as lo)+ as -ou re%e%ber that I a% )ot re/ardi)+ -ou *or -our %isdeed( I a% re/ardi)+ -ou *or -our truth*ul)ess03 T"o )ot be li&e perso)s o) /ho% ad,i.e has )o e**e.tO the- re6uire pu)ish%e)ts to i%pro,e the%0 A se)sible %a) a.6uires +uida).e throu+h ad,i.e( /hile brutes a)d beasts al/a-s i%pro,e throu+h pu)ish%e)ts0T I%a% Ali LASM Chapter E@ WHEN THE WINDS 4LOW Dears a+o a *ar%er o/)ed la)d alo)+ the Atla)ti. sea.oast0 He .o)sta)tl- ad,ertised *or hired ha)ds0 Most people /ere relu.ta)t to /or& o) *ar%s alo)+ the Atla)ti.0 Thedreaded the a/*ul stor%s that ra+ed a.ross the o.ea)( /rea&i)+ ha,o. o) the buildi)+s a)d .rops0 As the *ar%er i)ter,ie/ed appli.a)ts *or the 1ob( he re.ei,ed a stead- strea% o* re*usals0 Fi)all-( a short( thi) %a)( /ell past %iddle a+e( approa.hed the *ar%er0 2Are -ou a +ood *ar%ha)d;3 the *ar%er as&ed hi%0 2'ell( I .a) sleep /he) the /i)d blo/s(3 a)s/ered the %a)0 Althou+h pu==led b- this a)s/er( the *ar%er( desperate *or help( hired hi%0 The little %a) /or&ed /ell arou)d the *ar%( bus- *ro% da/) to dus&( a)d the *ar%er *elt satis*ied /ith the %a)8s /or&0 The) o)e )i+ht the /i)d ho/led loudl- i) *ro% o**shore0 Fu%pi)+ out o* bed( the *ar%er +rabbed a la)ter) a)d rushed )e>t door to the hired ha)d4s sleepi)+ 6uarters0 He shoo& the little %a) a)d -elled( 2<et up7 A stor% is .o%i)+7 Tie thi)+s do/) be*ore the- blo/ a/a-73 The little %a) rolled o,er i) bed a)d said *ir%l-( 2No sir0 I told -ou( I .a) sleep /he) the /i)d blo/s0 E)ra+ed b- the respo)se( the *ar%er /as te%pted to *ire hi% o) the spot0 I)stead( he hurried outside to prepare *or the stor%0 To his a%a=e%e)t( he dis.o,ered that all o* the ha-sta.&s had bee) .o,ered /ith tarpauli)s0 The .o/s /ere i) the bar)( the .hi.&e)s /ere i) the .oops( a)d the doors /ere barred0 The shutters /ere ti+htl- se.ured0 E,er-thi)+ /as tied do/)0 Nothi)+ .ould blo/ a/a-0 The *ar%er the) u)derstood /hat his hired ha)d %ea)t( so he retur)ed to his bed to also sleep /hile the /i)d ble/0 'he) -ou4re prepared( spirituall-( %e)tall-( a)d ph-si.all-( -ou ha,e )othi)+ to *ear0 Ca) -ou sleep /he) the /i)d blo/s throu+h -our li*e; The hired ha)d i) the stor- /as able to sleep be.ause he had se.ured the *ar% a+ai)st the stor%0 'e /ith *aith se.ure oursel,es a+ai)st the stor%s o* li*e b- putti)+ our trust i) the <od( Our Prophet LSA'M a)d his Ahlul !-at LASM('e do)4t )eed to u)dersta)d( a)d /e 1ust )eed to hold His ha)d to be se.ure i) the %idst o* the stor%s0 Chapter E:

THE RO0E The )i+ht *ell hea,- i) the hei+hts o* the %ou)tai)s a)d the %a) .ould )ot see a)-thi)+0 All /as bla.&0 Uero ,isibilit-( a)d the %oo) a)d the stars /ere .o,ered b- the .louds0 As he /as .li%bi)+ o)l- a *e/ *eet a/a- *ro% the top o* the %ou)tai)( he slipped a)d *ell i) to the air( *alli)+ at +reat speed0 He .ould o)l- see bla.& spots as he /e)t do/)( a)d the terrible se)satio) o* bei)+ su.&ed b- +ra,it-0 He &ept *alli)+( a)d i) the %o%e)ts o* +reat *ear( it .a%e to his %i)d all the +ood a)d bad episodes o* his li*e0 He /as thi)&i)+ )o/ about ho/ .lose death /as +etti)+( /he) all o* a sudde) he *elt the rope tied to his /aist pull hi% ,er- hard0 His bod- /as ha)+i)+ i) the air0 O)l- the rope /as holdi)+ hi% a)d i) that %o%e)t o* still)ess he had )o other .hoi.e other to s.rea%: 2Help %e <od0 3All o* a sudde) a deep ,oi.e .o%i)+ *ro% the s&- a)s/ered( 2'hat do -ou /a)t %e to do;3 2Sa,e %e <od03 2"o -ou reall- thi)& I .a) sa,e -ou;3 2O* .ourse I belie,e Dou .a)03 2The) .ut the rope tied to -our /aist03 There /as a %o%e)t o* sile).e a)d the %a) de.ided to hold o) to the rope /ith all his stre)+th0 The res.ue tea% tells that the )e>t da- a .li%ber /as *ou)d dead a)d *ro=e)( his bod- ha)+i)+ *ro% a rope0 His ha)ds holdi)+ ti+ht to it0 O)l- o)e *oot a/a- *ro% the +rou)d0 A)d 'e; Ho/ atta.hed /e are to our rope /ill /e let +o;;; "o)4t e,er doubt about the /ords o* <od0 'e should )e,er sa- that He has *or+otte) us or aba)do)ed us0 Chapter EA THE SHI0 A ,o-a+i)+ ship /as /re.&ed duri)+ a stor% at sea a)d o)l- t/o o* the %e) o) it /ere able to s/i% to a s%all( desert li&e isla)d0 The t/o sur,i,ors( )ot &)o/i)+ /hat else to do( a+reed that the- had )o other re.ourse but to pra- to <od0 Ho/e,er( to *i)d out /hose pra-er /as %ore po/er*ul( the- a+reed to di,ide the territor- bet/ee) the% a)d sta- o) opposite sides o* the isla)d0 The *irst thi)+ the- pra-ed *or /as *ood0 The )e>t %or)i)+( the *irst %a) sa/ a *ruit? beari)+ tree o) his side o* the la)d( a)d he /as able to eat its *ruit0 The other %a)4s par.el o* la)d re%ai)ed barre)0 A*ter a /ee&( the *irst %a) /as lo)el- a)d he de.ided to pra- *or a /i*e0 The )e>t da-( a)other ship /as /re.&ed( a)d the o)l- sur,i,or /as a /o%a) /ho s/a% to his side o* the la)d0 O) the other side o* the isla)d( there /as )othi)+0 Soo) the *irst %a) pra-ed *or a house( .lothes( %ore *ood0 The )e>t da-( li&e %a+i.( all o* these /ere +i,e) to hi%0 Ho/e,er( the se.o)d %a) still had )othi)+0 Fi)all-( the *irst %a) pra-ed *or a ship( so that he a)d his /i*e .ould lea,e the isla)d0 I) the %or)i)+( he *ou)d a ship do.&ed at his side o* the isla)d0 The *irst %a) boarded the ship /ith his /i*e a)d de.ided to lea,e the se.o)d %a) o) the isla)d0 He .o)sidered the other %a) u)/orth- to re.ei,e <od4s blessi)+s( si).e )o)e o* his pra-ers had bee) a)s/ered0 As the ship /as about to lea,e( the *irst %a) heard a ,oi.e *ro% hea,e) boo%i)+( 2'hare -ou lea,i)+ -our .o%pa)io) o) the isla)d;3

2M- blessi)+s are %i)e alo)e( si).e I /as the o)e /ho pra-ed *or the%(3 the *irst %a) a)s/ered02 His pra-ers /ere all u)a)s/ered a)d so he does )ot deser,e a)-thi)+03 2Dou are %ista&e)73 the ,oi.e rebu&ed hi%0 2He had o)l- o)e pra-er( /hi.h I a)s/ered0 I* )ot *or that( -ou /ould )ot ha,e re.ei,ed a)- o* %- blessi)+s03 2Tell %e(3 the *irst %a) as&ed the ,oi.e( 2'hat did he pra- *or that I should o/e hi% a)-thi)+;3 2He pra-ed that all -our pra-ers be a)s/ered03 For all /e &)o/( our blessi)+s are )ot the *ruits o* our pra-ers alo)e( but those o* a)other pra-i)+ *or us0 Chapter EC THE CLE/ER 3ING8 There /as a .ou)tr- lo)+ ti%e a+o /here the people /ould .ha)+e a &i)+ e,er- -ear0 The perso) /ho /ould be.o%e the &i)+ had to a+ree to a .o)tra.t that he /ould be se)t to a) isla)d a*ter his o)e -ear o* bei)+ a &i)+0 O)e &i)+ *i)ished his ter% a)d it /as ti%e *or hi% to +o to the isla)d a)d li,e there0 The people dressed hi% up i) e>pe)si,e .lothes a)d put hi% o) a) elepha)t a)d too& hi% arou)d the .ities to sa- +oodb-e to all the people0 This /as the %o%e)t o* sad)ess *or all the &i)+s /ho ruled *or o)e -ear0 A*ter sa-i)+ *are/ell( the people too& the &i)+ /ith a boat to re%ote isla)d a)d le*t hi% there0 O) their /a- ba.&( the- dis.o,ered a ship that had su)& 1ust re.e)tl-0 The- sa/ a -ou)+ %a) /ho sur,i,ed b- holdi)+ o) to a *loati)+ pie.e o* /ood0 As the- )eeded a )e/ &i)+( the- pi.&ed up the -ou)+ %a) a)d too& hi% to their .ou)tr-0 The- re6uested hi% to be a &i)+ *or a -ear0 First he re*used but later he a+reed to be a &i)+0 People told hi% about all the rules a)d re+ulatio)s a)d that ho/ he /ill be se)t to a) isla)d a*ter o)e -ear0 A*ter three da-s o* bei)+ a &i)+( he as&ed the %i)isters i* the- .ould sho/ hi% the isla)d /here all the other &i)+s /ere se)t0 The- a+reed a)d too& hi% to the isla)d0 The isla)d /as .o,ered /ith thi.& Fu)+les a)d sou)ds o* ,i.ious a)i%als /ere heard .o%i)+ out o* the%0 The &i)+ /e)t little bit i)side to .he.&0 Soo) he dis.o,ered the dead bodies o* all the past &i)+s0 He u)derstood that as soo) as the- /ere le*t i) the isla)d( the a)i%als .a%e a)d &illed the%0 The &i)+ /e)t ba.& to the .ou)tr- a)d .olle.ted 100 stro)+ /or&ers0 He too& the% to the isla)d a)d i)stru.ted the% to .lea) the Fu)+le( re%o,e all the deadl- a)i%als J .ut do/) all e>.ess trees0 He /ould ,isit the isla)d e,er- %o)th to see ho/ the /or& /as pro+ressi)+0 I) the *irst %o)th( all the a)i%als /ere re%o,ed a)d %a)- trees /ere .ut do/)0 I) the se.o)d %o)th( the /hole isla)d /as .lea)ed out0 The &i)+ the) told the /or&ers to pla)t +arde)s i) ,arious parts o* the isla)d0 He also too& /ith hi%sel* use*ul a)i%als li&e .hi.&e)s( du.&s( birds( +oats( .o/s et.0 I) the third %o)th( he ordered the /or&ers to build bi+ houses a)d do.&i)+ statio)s *or ships0 O,er the %o)ths( the isla)d tur)ed i)to a beauti*ul pla.e0 The -ou)+ &i)+ /ould /ear si%ple .lothes a)d spe)d ,er- little *ro% his ear)i)+s as a &i)+0 He se)t all the ear)i)+s to the isla)d *or stora+e0 'he) )i)e %o)ths passed li&e this( the &i)+ .alled the %i)isters a)d told the%: 2I &)o/ that I ha,e to +o the isla)d a*ter o)e -ear( but I /ould li&e to +o there ri+ht )o/03 !ut the %i)isters did)4t a+ree to this a)d said that he has to /ait *or a)other 3%o)ths to .o%plete the -ear0

3 %o)ths passed a)d )o/ it /as a *ull -ear0 The people dressed up the -ou)+ &i)+ a)d put hi% o) a) elepha)t to ta&e hi% arou)d the .ou)tr- to sa- +oodb-e to others0 Ho/e,er( this &i)+ is u)usuall- happ- to lea,e the &i)+do%0 People as&ed hi%( 2All the other &i)+s /ould .r- at this %o%e)t a)d /h- are -ou lau+hi)+;3 He replied( 2"o)4t -ou &)o/ /hat the /ise people sa-; The- sa- that /he) -ou .a%e to this /orld as a bab-( -ou /ere .r-i)+ a)d e,er-o)e /as s%ili)+0 i,e su.h a li*e that /he) -ou are die( -ou /ill be s%ili)+ a)d e,er-o)e arou)d -ou /ill be .r-i)+0 I ha,e li,ed that li*e0 'hile all the other &i)+s /ere lost i)to the lu>uries o* the &i)+do%( I al/a-s thou+ht about the *uture a)d pla))ed *or it0 I tur)ed the deadl- isla)d i)to a beauti*ul abode *or %e /here I .a) sta- pea.e*ull-03 The %oral lesso) *ro% this stor- is about ho/ /e should li,e our li*e0 The li*e o* this /orld is to prepare *or the li*e herea*ter0 I) this li*e( /e should)4t +et lost i)to the de.ei,i)+ a)d attra.ti,e thi)+s o* this /orld a)d *or+et about /hat is to .o%e i) the a*terli*e0 #ather( e,e) i* /e are &i)+s( /e should li,e a si%ple li*e li&e our belo,ed Prophet Muha%%ad LSA'M a)d sa,e all our e)1o-%e)ts *or the herea*ter0 Ma- Allah %a&e it eas- *or us all0 A%i)0 Hol- Iura) L31:3@M sa-s: Neril- the &)o/led+e o* the Hour is /ith Allah Lalo)eM0 It is He 'ho se)ds do/) rai)( a)d He 'ho &)o/s /hat is i) the /o%bs0 Nor does a)- o)e &)o/ /hat it is that he /ill ear) o) the %orro/: Nor does a)- o)e &)o/ i) /hat la)d he is to die0 Neril- /ith Allah is *ull &)o/led+e a)d He is a.6uai)ted L/ith all thi)+sM0 Hol- Iura) L:G:1EM ur+es us to prepare *or to%orro/: O -e /ho belie,e7 Fear Allah( a)d let e,er- soul loo& to /hat Lpro,isio)M He has se)t *orth *or the %orro/0 Dea( *ear Allah: *or Allah is /ell?a.6uai)ted /ith LallM that -e do0 S!%e !(y as&e( I%a% Hassa" CASD* Why are 'e relucta"t t! (ie* 'hy (!"1t 'e li&e (eath9 ;4ecause*< re)lie( the I%a% Hassa" CASD*;5!u rui"e( y!ur "e=t '!rl( a"( (evel!)e( this !"e- "aturally* y!u (! "!t li&e t! e tra"s#erre( #r!% #l!urishi"+ t! (ecli"e.< Chapter EE THE ILL:SION O2 RE2LECTION O).e there /as a &i)+ /ho had prese)ted his dau+hter( the pri).ess( /ith a beauti*ul dia%o)d )e.&la.e0 The )e.&la.e /as stole) a)d his people i) the &i)+do% sear.hed e,er-/here but .ould )ot *i)d it0 So%e said a bird %i+ht ha,e stole) it0 The &i)+ the) as&ed the% all to sear.h *or it a)d put a re/ard *or H:0(000 *or a)-o)e /ho *ou)d it0 O)e da- a .ler& /as /al&i)+ ho%e alo)+ a ri,er )e>t to a) i)dustrial area0 This ri,er /as .o%pletel- polluted( *ilth- a)d s%ell-0 As he /as /al&i)+( the .ler& sa/ a shi%%eri)+ i) the ri,er a)d /he) he loo&ed( he sa/ the dia%o)d )e.&la.e0 He de.ided to tr- a)d .at.h it so that he .ould +et the H:0(000 re/ard0 He put his ha)d i) the *ilth-( dirt- ri,er a)d +rabbed at the )e.&la.e( but so%e ho/ %issed it a)d did)8t .at.h it0 He too& his ha)d out a)d loo&ed a+ai) a)d the )e.&la.e /as still there0 He tried a+ai)( this ti%e he /al&ed i) the ri,er a)d dirtied his pa)ts i) the *ilth- ri,er a)d put his /hole ar% i) to .at.h the )e.&la.e0 !ut stra)+el-( he still %issed the )e.&la.e7 He .a%e out a)d started /al&i)+ a/a-( *eeli)+ depressed0 The) a+ai) he sa/ the )e.&la.e( ri+ht there0 This ti%e he /as deter%i)ed to +et it( )o %atter /hat0 He de.ided to plu)+e i)to the ri,er( althou+h it /as a dis+usti)+ thi)+ to do as the ri,er /as polluted( a)d his /hole bod- /ould be.o%e *ilth-0 He plu)+ed i)( a)d sear.hed e,er-/here *or the )e.&la.e a)d -et he *ailed0 This ti%e he /as reall-

be/ildered a)d .a%e out *eeli)+ ,er- depressed that he .ould )ot +et the )e.&la.e that /ould +et hi% H:0(0000 Fust the) a sai)t /ho /as /al&i)+ b-( sa/ hi%( a)d as&ed hi% /hat /as the %atter0 The .ler& did)8t /a)t to share the se.ret /ith the sai)t( thi)&i)+ the sai)t %i+ht ta&e the )e.&la.e *or hi%sel*( so he re*used to tell the sai)t a)-thi)+0 !ut the sai)t .ould see this %a) /as troubled a)d bei)+ .o%passio)ate( a+ai) as&ed the .ler& to tell hi% the proble% a)d pro%ised that he /ould )ot tell a)-o)e about it0 The .ler& %ustered so%e .oura+e a)d de.ided to put so%e *aith i) the sai)t0 He told the sai)t about the )e.&la.e a)d ho/ he tried a)d tried to .at.h it( but &ept *aili)+0 The sai)t the) told hi% that perhaps he should tr- loo&i)+ up/ard( to/ard the bra).hes o* the tree( i)stead o* i) the *ilth- ri,er0 The .ler& loo&ed up a)d true e)ou+h( the )e.&la.e /as da)+li)+ o) the bra).h o* a tree0 He had bee) tr-i)+ to .apture a %ere re*le.tio) o* the real )e.&la.e all this ti%e0 Material ha))i"ess is 6ust li&e the #ilthy* )!llute( river- ecause it is a %ere re#lecti!" !# the TR:E ha))i"ess i" the s)iritual '!rl(. We ca" "ever achieve the ha))i"ess 'e are l!!&i"+ #!r "! %atter h!' har( 'e e"(eav!r i" %aterial li#e. I"stea( 'e sh!ul( l!!& u)'ar(s* t!'ar( G!(* 'h! is the s!urce !# real ha))i"ess* a"( st!) chasi"+ a#ter the re#lecti!" !# this ha))i"ess i" the %aterial '!rl(. This s)iritual ha))i"ess is the !"ly thi"+ that ca" satis#y us c!%)letely. *$appy is the man who always kept the afterlife in his view, who remembers the Day of +eckoning through his deeds, who led a contented life and who was happy with the lot that #llah hath destined for him., -mam #li .#/0 Chapter EG 4:ILDING 5O:R HO:SE A) elderl- .arpe)ter /as read- to retire0 He told his e%plo-er?.o)tra.tor o* his pla)s to lea,e the house?buildi)+ busi)ess to li,e a %ore leisurel- li*e /ith his /i*e a)d e)1o- his e>te)ded *a%il-0 He /ould %iss the pa-.he.& ea.h /ee&( but he /a)ted to retire0 The.ould +et b-0 The .o)tra.tor /as sorr- to see his +ood /or&er +o J as&ed i* he .ould build 1ust o)e %ore house as a perso)al *a,or0 The .arpe)ter said -es( but o,er ti%e it /as eas- to see that his heart /as )ot i) his /or&0 He resorted to shodd- /or&%a)ship a)d used i)*erior %aterials0 It /as a) u)*ortu)ate /a- to e)d a dedi.ated .areer0 'he) the .arpe)ter *i)ished his /or&( his e%plo-er .a%e to i)spe.t the house0 The) he ha)ded the *ro)t?door &e- to the .arpe)ter a)d said( TThis is -our houseB %- +i*t to -ou0T The .arpe)ter /as sho.&ed7 'hat a sha%e7 I* he had o)l- &)o/) he /as buildi)+ his o/) house( he /ould ha,e do)e it all so di**ere)tl-0 So it is /ith us0 'e build our li,es( a da- at a ti%e( o*te) putti)+ less tha) our best i)to the buildi)+0 The)( /ith a sho.&( /e reali=e /e ha,e to li,e i) the house /e ha,e built0 I* /e .ould do it o,er( /e /ould do it %u.h di**ere)tl-0 4ut* y!u ca""!t +! ac&. 5!u are the car)e"ter* a"( every (ay y!u ha%%er a "ail* )lace a !ar(* !r erect a 'all. S!%e!"e !"ce sai(* ;Li#e is a (!,it,y!ursel# )r!6ect.< 5!ur attitu(e* a"( the ch!ices y!u %a&e t!(ay* hel)s uil( the ;h!use< y!u 'ill live i" t!%!rr!'. There#!re* uil( 'isely8

Chapter G0 SAND AND STONE A stor- tells that t/o *rie)ds /ere /al&i)+ throu+h the desert0 "uri)+ so%e poi)t o* the 1our)e- the- had a) ar+u%e)t( a)d o)e *rie)d slapped the other o)e i) the *a.e0 The o)e /ho +ot slapped /as hurt( but /ithout sa-i)+ a)-thi)+( /rote i) the sa)d: 2TO"AD MD !EST F#IEN" S APPE"ME IN THE FACE03 The- &ept o) /al&i)+ u)til the- *ou)d a) oasis( /here the- de.ided to ta&e a bath0 The o)e( /ho had bee) slapped( +ot stu.& i) the %ire a)d started dro/)i)+( but the *rie)d sa,ed hi%0 A*ter the *rie)d re.o,ered *ro% the )ear dro/)i)+( he /rote o) a sto)e: 2TO"AD MD !ESTF#IEN" SANE" MD IFE03 The *rie)d /ho had slapped a)d sa,ed his best *rie)d as&ed hi%( 2A*ter I hurt -ou( -ou /rote i) the sa)d a)d )o/( -ou /rite o) a sto)e( /h-;3 The other *rie)d replied: 2'he) so%eo)e hurts us( /e should /rite it do/) i) sa)d /here /i)ds o* *or+i,e)ess .a) erase it a/a-0 !ut( /he) so%eo)e does so%ethi)+ +ood *or us( /e %ust e)+ra,e it i) sto)e /here )o /i)d .a) e,er erase it03 ear) to /rite -our hurts i) the sa)d( a)d to .ar,e -our be)e*its i) sto)e0 Chapter G1 A TEACHER1S 0ROTEST8 There /as )o ti%etable )or a roo% desi+)ated *or P#ADE#S i) the S.hool0 The S.hool /as Sse.ular(4 he).e pra-ers /ere )ot supposed to be allo/ed0 A*ter bei)+ i)ter,ie/ed a)d a..epted b- the s.hool ad%i)istratio)( the ea+er tea.hi)+ prospe.t said i) protest: 2 et %e see i* I4,e +ot this ri+ht03 Dou /a)t %e to +o i)to that roo% /ith all those &ids a)d *ill their e,er- /a&i)+ %o%e)t /ith a lo,e *or lear)i)+0 A)d I4% supposed to i)still a se)se o* pride i) their eth) %odi*- their disrupti,e beha,ior( obser,e the% *or si+)s o* abuse a)d e,e) .e)sor their T?shirt %essa+es a)d dress habits0 Dou /a)t %e to /a+e a /ar o) dru+s a)d se>uall- tra)s%itted diseases( .he.& their ba.&pa.&s *or /eapo)s o* %ass destru.tio)( a)d raise their sel*?estee%0 Dou /a)t %e to tea.h the% *ir% belie* i) <od( patriotis%( +ood .iti=e)ship( sports%a)ship( a)d *air pla-( ho/ a)d /here to re+ister to ,ote( ho/ to bala).e a .he.&boo&( J ho/ to appl- *or a 1ob0 I a% to .he.& their heads *or li.e( %ai)tai) a sa*e e),iro)%e)t( re.o+)i=e si+)s o* a)tiso.ial beha,ior( o**er ad,i.e( /rite letters o* re.o%%e)datio) *or stude)t e%plo-%e)t a)d s.holarships( a)d e).oura+e respe.t *or their elders a)d *uture e%plo-ers0 A)d I a% to .o%%u)i.ate re+ularl- /ith the pare)ts b- letter( telepho)e( )e/sletter( J report .ard0 All o* this I a% to do /ith 1ust a pie.e o* .hal&( a bla.&board( a *e/ boo&s( a bulleti) board( a)d a bi+ s%ile AN" o) a starti)+ salar- that 6uali*ies %- *a%il- *or *ood sta%ps7 Dou /a)t %e to do all o* this( a)d -ou e>pe.t %e NOT TO P#AD0 Dou e>pe.t %e )ot to pra- /he) Hol- Iura) L!a6arah 2:@:M sa-s: 2Na-( see& LAllah4sM help /ith patie)t perse,era).e a)d P#ADE#: It is i)deed hard( e>.ept to those /ho bri)+ a lo/l- spirit03 2O %- ord7 Ma&e %e a)d %- .hildre) a%o)+ those /ho establish pra-ers03 LIbrahi%: @0M 2I)deed it is the Pra-ers( /hi.h helps to re*rai) *ro% i)de.e)t a.ts a)d e,ils03 LA)&abut: @:M

Dou /a)t %e to do all o* this a)d -ou e>pe.t %e )ot to pra- /he) S$CCESS o* e,ero)e depe)ds o) Pra-ers0 Hol- Iura) LAl?Mu4%i)uu): GM sa-s that su..ess*ul belie,ers are: 2B B those /ho are pu).tual i) their pra-ers03 "ear sir( si).e I a% sure that I /ill )ot be able to *ul*ill -our e>pe.tatio)s( )or I /ill be su..ess*ul i) %- .areer 'ITHO$T pra-ers( 2I resi+) /illi)+l- *ro% the post03 The Ad%i)istrator loo&ed do/) *or a /hile the) sudde)l- de.lared: 2Dou)+ %a)( +o ahead /ith -our 1ob0 Dou ha,e tau+ht %e a ,er- i%porta)t lesso) toda-: 'ithout pra-ers a)d help *ro% <od( )o /or& is a su..ess0 'e shall %a&e spe.ial arra)+e%e)ts *or pra-ers *ro% toda-03 Chapter G2 DO NOT DO E/IL TO AN5ONE There /as a %a) i) Is*aha) /ho used to beat his /i*e but u)*ortu)atel- she su..u%bed to his beati)+ thou+h he had )ot i)te)ded to &ill her0 !ut /he) she /as dead he be.a%e *ear*ul o* her relati,es0 I) a state o* a)>iet- he .a%e out o* his house a)d %et a) a.6uai)ta).e to /ho% he posed his proble%0 The *rie)d told hi% to i),ite a -ou)+ %a) to his house a)d behead hi% a)d put the se,ered head )e>t to the /i*e4s .orpse0 The) he /ould tell the /i*e4s relati,es that he had *ou)d the% to+ether i) bed a)d /as u)able to .o)trol his ire0 A)d sle/ the% both0 The %a) li&ed the idea a)d sat at the door/a- i) a)ti.ipatio) o* a -ou)+ %a)0 A*ter so%eti%e a ha)dso%e -outh passed b- his house0 He i),ited hi% i)side a)d beheaded hi%0 The) he su%%o)ed the /i*e4s relati,es a)d told the% the *i.titious stor-0 The- /ere satis*ied but the perso) /ho had de,ised this pla) had a tee)a+e so) /ho did )ot rea.h ho%e that da-0 The %a) /as /orried a)d /he) the so) *ailed to tur) up he .a%e to the house o* the o)e /ho% he had o**ered e,il ad,i.e a)d as&ed hi% i* he .arried out the pla) su++ested b- hi%0 Des( said he a)d too& hi% )ear the dead bodies0 He /as sho.&ed /he) he sa/ that the -outh he had &illed /as his o/) so)0 His e,il ad,i.e .aused the death o* his o/) so)0 The %!ral !# this st!ry is that !"e 'h! (i+s a )it #!r !thers #alls i"t! it hi%sel#. Hist!ry is re)lete 'ith such i"ci(e"ts. A..ordi)+ to Ta*serul Mi=a) the *ollo/i)+ sa-i)+ /as .o%%o) a%o)+ the Arabs: O)e /ho di+s a hole *or his brotherO Allah thro/s hi% headlo)+ i)to it0 A si%ilar pro,erb is prese)t i) Persia) also: "o )ot do e,il to a)-o)e the sa)e e,il /ill tur) to/ards -ou0 #e*ere).e: <reater Si)s Nol0 3 LE)+lishM b- A-atullah "asta+aub Shira=i Chapter G3 0:00IES 2OR SALE A *ar%er had so%e puppies he )eeded to sell0 He pai)ted a si+) ad,ertisi)+ the pups a)d set about )aili)+ it to a post o) the ed+e o* his -ard0 As he /as dri,i)+ the last )ail i)to the post( he *elt a tu+ o) his o,eralls0 He loo&ed do/) i)to the E-es o* a little bo-0 2Mister(3 he said( 2I /a)t to bu- o)e o* -our puppies03 2'ell(3 said the *ar%er( as he rubbed the s/eat o** the ba.& o* his )e.&( 2these puppies .o%e *ro% *i)e pare)ts a)d .ost a +ood deal o* %o)e-03 The bo- dropped his head *or a %o%e)t0 The) rea.hi)+ deep i)to his po.&et( he pulled out a ha)d*ul o* .ha)+e a)d held it up to the *ar%er0 2I4,e +ot thirt-?)i)e .e)ts0 Is that e)ou+h to ta&e a loo&;3 2Sure(3 said the *ar%er0 A)d /ith that he let out a /histle( 2Here "oll-73 he .alled0

Out *ro% the do+house a)d do/) the ra%p ra) "oll- *ollo/ed b- *our little balls o* *ur0 The little bo- pressed his *a.e a+ai)st the .hai) li)& *e).e0 His e-es da).ed /ith deli+ht0 As the do+s %ade their /a- to the *e).e( the little bo- )oti.ed so%ethi)+ else stirri)+ i)side the do+house0 Slo/l- a)other little ball appearedO this O)e )oti.eabl- s%aller0 "o/) the ra%p it slid0 The) i) a so%e/hat a/&/ard %a))er the little pup be+a) hobbli)+ to/ard the others( doi)+ its best to .at.h upB 0 2I /a)t that o)e(3 the little bo- said( poi)ti)+ to the ru)t0 The *ar%er &)elt do/) at the bo-8s side a)d said( 2So)( -ou do)4t /a)t that pupp-0 He /ill )e,er be able to ru) a)d pla- /ith -ou li&e these other do+s /ould03 'ith that the little bo- stepped ba.& *ro% the *e).e( rea.hed do/)( a)d be+a) rolli)+ up o)e le+ o* his trousers0 I) doi)+ so he re,ealed a steel bra.e ru))i)+ do/) both sides o* his le+ atta.hi)+ itsel* to a spe.iall- %ade shoe0 oo&i)+ ba.& up at the *ar%er( he said( 2Dou see sir( I do)4t ru) too /ell %-sel*( a)d he /ill )eed so%eo)e /ho u)dersta)ds03 The '!rl( is #ull !# )e!)le 'h! "ee( s!%e!"e 'h! u"(ersta"(s. Chapter G@ O22ICE 4O5 A 1obless %a) applied *or the positio) o* 2o**i.e bo-3 at a ,er- bi+ *ir%0 The H# %a)a+er i)ter,ie/ed hi%( the) a test: .lea) the *loor0 2Dou are hired3 he said( +i,e %e -our e%ail address( a)d I4ll se)d -ou the appli.atio) to *ill( as /ell as /he) -ou /ill start0 The %a) replied 2I do)4t ha,e a .o%puter( )either a) e%ail03 I4% sorr-( said the H# %a)a+er( i* -ou do)4t ha,e a) e%ail that %ea)s -ou do )ot e>ist0 A)d /ho does)4t e>ist( .a))ot ha,e the 1ob0 The %a) le*t /ith )o hope at all0 He did)4t &)o/ /hat to do( /ith o)l- H10 $S i) his po.&et0 He the) de.ided to +o to the super%ar&et a)d bu- a 10 5< to%ato .rate0 He the) sold the to%atoes i) a door to door rou)d0 I) less tha) t/o hours( he su..eeded to double his .apital0 He repeated the operatio) 3 ti%es( a)d retur)ed ho%e /ith HA0 $S0 The %a) reali=ed that he .a) sur,i,e b- this /a-( a)d started to +o e,er-da- earlier( a)d retur) late0 Thus( his %o)e- doubles or triples e,er-da-0 Shortl- later( he bou+ht a .art( the) a tru.&( a)d the) he had his o/) *leet o* deli,er- ,ehi.les0 : -ears later( the %a) is o)e o* the bi++est *ood retailers i) the $S0 He started to pla) his *a%il-4s *uture( a)d de.ided to ha,e a li*e i)sura).e0 He .alled a) i)sura).e bro&er( a)d .hooses a prote.tio) pla)0 'he) the .o),ersatio) /as .o).luded( the bro&er as&ed hi% his e%ail0 The %a) replied: 2I do)4t ha,e a) e%ail03 The bro&er replied .uriousl-( -ou do)4t ha,e a) e%ail( a)d -et ha,e su..eeded to build a) e%pire0 "o -ou i%a+i)e /hat -ou .ould ha,e bee) i* -ou had a) e%ail; The %a) thou+ht *or a /hile( a)d replied: a) o**i.e bo-7 The %!ral !# this st!ry$ 1$ I"ter"et is "!t the s!luti!" t! y!ur li#e. I$ I# y!u (!"1t have i"ter"et a"( y!u '!r& har( y!u ca" e a %illi!"aire. J$ I# y!u receive( this %essa+e y e%ail* y!u are cl!ser t! e a" !##ice !y* rather tha" a MILLIONAIRE. Chapter G: ONE 4EDROOM 2LAT As the drea% o* %ost pare)ts I had a.6uired a M!!S de+ree a)d passed P A! to e)ter $5( the la)d o* bra,es a)d opportu)it-0 'he) I arri,ed i) the $5( it /as as i* a drea% had .o%e true0 Here at last I /as i) the pla.e /here I /a)ted to be0 I de.ided I /ould be

sta-i)+ i) this .ou)tr- *or about Fi,e -ears L%a>i%u% Per%it Free PeriodM i) /hi.h ti%e I /ould ha,e ear)ed e)ou+h %o)e- to settle do/) i) I)dia0 M- *ather /as a +o,er)%e)t e%plo-ee a)d a*ter his retire%e)t( the o)l- asset he .ould a.6uire /as a de.e)t o)e bedroo% *lat0 I /a)ted to do so%e thi)+ %ore tha) hi%0 I started *eeli)+ ho%esi.& a)d lo)el- as the ti%e passed0 I used to .all ho%e a)d spea& to %- pare)ts e,er- /ee& usi)+ .heap i)ter)atio)al pho)e .ards0 T/o -ears passed( t/o -ears o* !ur+ers at M."o)ald4s a)d .hi.&e) le+s i) 5FC a)d dis.os a)d 2-ears /at.hi)+ the *orei+) e>.ha)+e rate +etti)+ happ- /he)e,er the #upee ,alue /e)t do/)0 Fi)all- I de.ided to +et %arried0 Told %- pare)ts that I ha,e o)l- 10 da-s o* holida-s a)d e,er-thi)+ %ust be do)e /ithi) these 10 da-s0 I +ot %- ti.&et boo&ed i) the .heapest *li+ht0 'as 1ubila)t as I /as a.tuall- e)1o-i)+ shoppi)+ *or +i*ts *or all %- relati,es a)d *rie)ds ba.& ho%e0 I* I %iss a)-o)e the) there /ill be tal&s0 A*ter rea.hi)+ ho%e I spe)t ho%e o)e /ee& +oi)+ throu+h all the photo+raphs o* +irls a)d as the ti%e /as +etti)+ shorter I /as *or.ed to sele.t o)e .a)didate0 I)?la/s told %e( to %- surprise( that I /ould ha,e to +et %arried i) 2?3 da-s( as I /ill )ot +et a)-%ore holida-s soo) a)d the- .a))ot /ait *or lo)+0 A*ter the %arria+e( it /as ti%e to retur) to $5( a*ter +i,i)+ so%e %o)e- to %- pare)ts a)d telli)+ the )ei+hbors to loo& a*ter the%( /e LI /as lu.&- a)d %a)a+ed to +et the ,isa o* %- /i*e earl-M retur)ed to $50 M- /i*e e)1o-ed this .ou)tr- *or about t/o %o)ths a)d the) she started *eeli)+ lo)el-0 The *re6ue).- o* .alli)+ I)dia i).reased to t/i.e i) a /ee& so%eti%es 3 ti%es a /ee& as she also has to .all her pare)ts0 Our sa,i)+s started di%i)ishi)+0 A*ter t/o %ore -ears /e started to ha,e &ids0 T/o lo,el- &ids( a bo- a)d a +irl( /ere +i*ted to us b- the al%i+ht-0 E,er- ti%e I spo&e to %- pare)ts( the- as&ed %e to .o%e to I)dia so that the- .a) see their +ra)d?.hildre)0 E,er- -ear I de.ide to +o to I)dia0 !ut part /or&( part %o)etar- .o)ditio)s pre,e)ted it0 Dears /e)t b- a)d ,isiti)+ I)dia /as a dista)t drea%0 The) sudde)l- o)e da- I +ot a %essa+e that %- pare)ts /ere seriousl- si.&0 I tried but I .ould)4t +et a)- holida-s a)d /as stu.& up i) the pro.edures a)d thus .ould )ot +o to I)dia0 The )e>t %essa+e I +ot /as %- pare)ts /ere passed a/aa)d as there /as )o o)e to do the last rites the so.iet- %e%bers had do)e /hate,er the.ould0 I /as depressed0 M- pare)ts passed a/a- /ithout seei)+ their +ra)d .hildre)0 A*ter .ouple %ore -ears passed a/a-( %u.h to %- .hildre)4s disli&e Lb- )o/ )earl.o.osM a)d %- /i*e4s 1o- /e retur)ed to I)dia to settle do/)0 I started to loo& *or a suitable propert-( but to %- dis%a- %- sa,i)+s /ere short a)d the propert- had +o)e up duri)+ all these -ears0 I had to retur) to the $50 M- /i*e re*used to .o%e ba.& /ith %e a)d %- .hildre) re*used to sta- i) I)dia0 M- 2 .hildre) a)d I retur)ed to $5 a*ter pro%isi)+ %- /i*e I /ould be ba.& *or +ood a*ter t/o -ears0 Ti%e passed b-( %- dau+hter de.ided to +et %arried to a S.ottish a)d %- so) /as happli,i)+ i) Irela)d0 I de.ided that e)ou+h is e)ou+h a)d /ou)d?up e,er- thi)+ a)d retur)ed to I)dia0 I had 1ust e)ou+h %o)e- to bu- a de.e)t T/o?bed roo% *lat i) a /ell?de,eloped lo.alit-0 No/ I a% A0-ears old a)d the o)l- ti%e I +o out o* the *lat is *or the routi)e ,isit to the )earb- pla.e o* /orship0 M- *aith*ul /i*e has also le*t %e a)d +o)e to the holabode0 So%eti%es I /o)dered /as it /orth all this; M- *ather( e,e) a*ter sta-i)+ i) I)dia( had a house to his )a%e a)d I too ha,e the sa%e( )othi)+ %ore0 I lost %- pare)ts a)d .hildre) *or 1ust ONE EVT#A !E"#OOM0 oo&i)+ out *ro% the /i)do/ I see a lot o* .hildre) da).i)+0 This da%)ed .able TN has spoiled our )e/

+e)eratio) a)d these .hildre) are losi)+ their ,alues a)d .ulture be.ause o* it0 I +et o..asio)al .ards *ro% %- .hildre) as&i)+ I a% alri+ht0 'ell at least the- re%e%ber %e0 No/ perhaps a*ter I die it /ill be the )ei+hbors a+ai) /ho /ill be per*or%i)+ %- last rites( <od !less the%0 !ut the 6uestio) still re%ai)s S/as all this /orth it;4 I a% still sear.hi)+ *or a) a)s/erB 0There are )o u)a)s/ered pra-ersB 0 At ti%es the a)s/er is NO0 Chapter GA THE5 ARE NOT IN NEED O2 5O:R 0RESENTS...8 A4bdullah Ib) Masud had bee) o)e o* the .lose .o%pa)io)s o* the Hol- Prophet LSA'M a)d had de,eloped i)to bei)+ a disti)+uished a)d =ealous perso)alit- o* Isla%0 "uri)+ the .aliphate o* Ha=rat $4th%a)( he su**ered a bout o* ill)ess( /hi.h e,e)tuall- resulted i) his death0 Ha=rat $4th%a) o).e .a%e to pa- hi% a ,isit a)d *i)di)+ hi% distressed( as&ed( /hat distresses -ou so +reatl-; M- si)s( he a)s/ered0 Tell %e -our /ish so that I .a) *ul*ill it *or -ou0 I desire <od %er.-( replied Ib) Masud0 The .aliph as&ed( i* -ou per%it( I .ould .all *or the do.tor0 It is the "o.tor /ho has %ade %e si.&( replied Ib) Masud0 I* -ou /a)t( I .ould prese)t -ou /ith +i*ts *ro% the Publi. Treasur-0 Ib) Masud retorted( at the ti%e /he) I /as i) )eed( -ou did )ot +i,e %e a thi)+ a)d )o/ that I a% )ot i) )eed( -ou /ish to sho/er %e /ith prese)ts7 Ha=rat $4th%a) i)sisted( et these +i*ts be *or -our dau+hters the)0 The- are )ot i) )eed o* -our prese)ts( Ib) Masud replied tersel-0 I ha,e i)stru.ted the% to re.ite the .hapter Al?'aa6iah e,er- )i+ht( *or surel-( I ha,e heard the Hol- Prophet LSA'M sa-: O)e( /ho re.ites the .hapter Al?'aa6iah e,er- )i+ht( shall )e,er be a**li.ted b- po,ert-0 *The honor of a Mu"min lies in night worship and his esteem lies in his being independent of the people., -mam /adi& .#/0 *1rayer reverts both what has been destined and what has not been destined., -mam Musa .#/0 Chapter GC 5O: ARE 4EA:TI2:L8 It4s a phrase that %- %other uses a lot0 I used to /o)der( 2Ho/ i) the /orld .a) Mother .all the% beauti*ul;3 I a% a %a)0 I .all thi)+s as I see the%0 I did)4t see beaut-0 M- %other /ould tell people this /ith a) e)thusias% the- .ould *eel0 She /as +e)ui)e0 She /as)4t telli)+ the% the- /ere beauti*ul to +et so%ethi)+ *ro% the%0 Most o* the ti%e( the- /ere tr-i)+ to +et so%ethi)+ *ro% her0 I /o)dered *or -ears /hat /as /ro)+ /ith Mother4s per.eptio) a)d ,isio)0 Could)4t she see that all o* the people she .alled beauti*ul /ere)4t beauti*ul; Dou /ere beauti*ul o)l- i* -ou had a .ertai) *i+ure a)d *a.e that /as .lassed as beauti*ul b- the la/s o* the /orld a)d +la%our0 Det /he) %- %other spo&e( people s%iled as thou+h <la%our %a+a=i)e had listed the% as o)e o* the beauti*ul people o* the -ear0 It too& %e -ears to *i)all- u)dersta)d %- %other4s ,isio) a)d the phrase( 2!eaut- is i) the e-e o* the beholder03 M- %other had a spirit that .ould see the beaut- i) a perso)0

Most o)l- loo& o) the outside a)d the) .o%pare /hat the- see /ith the sta)dards the /orld has +i,e) the%0 That /as /hat I /as doi)+0 Toda- /he) -ou lea,e -our house( .are*ull- loo& at the *irst perso) /ho% -ou see a)d )oti.e ho/ beauti*ul the- are0 The- %a- be baldi)+( *at( /ri)&led( pi%pl-( or a)- o* the other thi)+s the /orld *ro/)s upo) as beaut-0 oo& at the% .losel- a)d loo& *or the beaut-0 I* -ou reall- loo&( -ou4ll see it0 I did)4t belie,e that at *irst u)til I tried it0 Sure e)ou+h( as I stared a)d ope)ed a)other set o* e-es( I /as able to see the beaut- i) e,er- perso)0 No %atter ho/ rou+h or /or) a perso) loo&ed( ea.h pai) et.hed li)e held a +li%pse o* beaut-0 Dou 1ust had to loo& *or the beaut-0 It4s there0 'he) -ou lea,e -our ho%e this %or)i)+( loo& hard at ea.h perso)0 Dou /ill start to see the beaut- o* e,er- hu%a) /ho -ou did)4t &)o/ e>isted0 Trust %e a)d tr- this0 I* -ou si).erel- loo&( -ou /ill see it0 'he) -ou +et ho%e a*ter seei)+ the beaut- i) * -ou see( loo& i) the %irror0 Dou are beauti*ul0 Tha)& -ou %a%a *or all o* the beaut- that -ou ha,e )ot o)l- see)( but added0 She used to tell %e: 2!e li&e a ho)e- bee /hi.h al/a-s sits o) beauti*ul *lo/ers0 3Prophet Muha%%ad LSA'M said: 2I)deed Allah is !eauti*ul a)d He lo,es beaut-03 I) other pla.e he LSA'M sa-s: 2A belie,er is beauti*ul be.ause Allah has +i,e) hi% beauti*ul .hara.ters03 Hol- Iura) e%phasi=es o) re%e%beri)+ the beauti*ul thi)+s Allah LS'TM has .reated a)d praise the% pro*usel-0 2A)d as *or the blessi)+ o* -our ord( do a))ou).e it03 LG3:11M Allah LS'TM Hi%sel* re%e%bers a)d praises the +ood .reatio)s He has .reatedO a%o)+ the% is His belo,ed Prophet Muha%%ad LSA'M: 2A)d He e>alted -our praise LO Muha%%adM03 LG@:@M2 I)deed Allah a)d His A)+els are se)di)+ blessi)+s upo) the Prophet0 O -ou /ho belie,e( se)d blessi)+s upo) hi% L-ou as /ellM a)d salute hi% /ith a Lbe.o%i)+M salutatio)03 L33::AM Dear rea(ers* y!u are eauti#ul. May Allah1s eauti#ul lessi"+s e u)!" y!u al'ays. Chapter GE 4E 0ATIENT A %a) .a%e out o* his ho%e to ad%ire his )e/ tru.&0 To his pu==le%e)t( his three?-ear?old so) /as happil- ha%%eri)+ de)ts i)to the shi)pai)t o* the tru.&0 The %a) ra) to his so)( &)o.&ed hi% a/a-( a)d ha%%ered the little bo-4s ha)ds i)to pulp as pu)ish%e)t0 'he) the *ather .al%ed do/)( he rushed his so) to the hospital0 Althou+h the do.tor tried desperatel- to sa,e the .rushed bo)es( he *i)all- had to a%putate *i)+ers *ro% bo-4s both ha)ds0 'he) the bo- /o&e up *ro% the sur+er- a)d sa/ his ba)da+ed stubs( he i))o.e)tl- said( 2"add-( I4% sorr- about -our tru.&03 The) he as&ed( 2!ut /he) are %- *i)+ers +oi)+ to +ro/ ba.&;3 The *ather /e)t ho%e a)d .o%%itted sui.ide0 Thi)& about this stor- the )e>t ti%e so%eo)e steps o) -our *eet or -ou /ish to ta&e re,e)+e0 Thi)& *irst be*ore -ou lose -our patie).e /ith so%eo)e u lo,e0 Tru.&s .a) be repaired0 !ro&e) bo)es a)d hurt *eeli)+s o*te) .a)4t0

Too o*te) /e *ail to re.o+)i=e the di**ere).e bet/ee) the perso) a)d the per*or%a).e0 'e *or+et that *or+i,e)ess is +reater tha) re,e)+e0 0e!)le %a&e %ista&es. We are all!'e( t! %a&e %ista&es. 4ut the acti!"s 'e ta&e 'hile i" a ra+e 'ill hau"t us #!rever. 0ause a"( )!"(er. Thi"& e#!re y!u act. 4e )atie"t. 2!r+ive a"( #!r+et. L!ve !"e a"( all. *2ne who cannot benefit by patience will die of grief and e(citement., -mam #li .#/0 Chapter GG THE 2ATHER AND HIS SONS A *ather had a *a%il- o* so)s /ho /ere perpetuall- 6uarreli)+ a%o)+ the%sel,es0 'he) he *ailed to heal their disputes b- his e>hortatio)s( he deter%i)ed to +i,e the% a illustratio) o* the e,ils o* disu)io)O a)d *or this purpose he o)e da- told the% to bri)+ hi% a bu)dle o* sti.&s0 'he) the- had do)e so( he pla.ed the *a++ot i)to the ha)ds o* ea.h o* the% i) su..essio)( a)d ordered the% to brea& it i) pie.es0 The- tried /ith all their stre)+th( a)d /ere )ot able to do it0 He )e>t ope)ed the *a++ot( too& the sti.&s separatel-( o)e b- o)e( a)d a+ai) put the% i)to his so)s4 ha)ds( upo) /hi.h the- bro&e the% easil-0 He the) addressed the% i) these /ords: 2M- so)s( i* -ou are o* o)e %i)d( a)d u)ite to assist ea.h other( -ou /ill be as this *a++ot( u)i)1ured b- all the atte%pts o* -our e)e%iesO but i* -ou are di,ided a%o)+ -oursel,es( -ou /ill be bro&e) as easil- as these sti.&s03 I) $)io) there is stre)+th0 "i,ided /e *allO $)ited /e sta)d0 Chapter 100 A SENSE O2 A GOOSE Ne>t autu%)( /he) -ou see +eese headi)+ south *or the /i)ter( *l-i)+ i) a 2N3 *or%atio)( -ou %i+ht .o)sider /hat has dis.o,ered as to /h- the- *l- that /a-0 As ea.h bird *laps its /i)+s( it .reates upli*t *or the bird i%%ediatel- *ollo/i)+0 !*l-i)+ i) a 2N3 *or%atio)( the /hole *lo.& adds at least C1 per.e)t +reater *l-i)+ ra)+e tha) i* ea.h bird *le/ o) its o/)0 People /ho share a .o%%o) dire.tio) a)d se)se o* .o%%u)it- .a) +et /here the- are +oi)+ %ore 6ui.&l- a)d easil-( be.ause the- are tra,eli)+ o) the thrust o* o)e a)other0 'he) a +oose *alls out o* *or%atio)( it sudde)l- *eels the dra+ a)d resista).e o* tr-i)+ to +o it alo)e a)d 6ui.&l- +ets ba.& i)to *or%atio) to ta&e ad,a)ta+e o* the li*ti)+ po/er o* the bird i) *ro)t0 I* /e ha,e the se)se o* a +oose( /e /ill sta- i) *or%atio) /ith those people /ho are headi)+ the sa%e /a- /e are0 'he) the head +oose +ets tired( it rotates ba.& i) the /i)+ a)d a)other +oose *lies poi)t0 It is se)sible to ta&e tur)s doi)+ de%a)di)+ 1obs( /hether /ith people or /ith +eese *l-i)+ south0 <eese ho)& *ro% behi)d to e).oura+e those up *ro)t to &eep up their speed0 'hat %essa+e do /e +i,e /he) /e ho)& *ro% behi)d; Fi)all- ? a)d this is i%porta)t ? /he) a +oose +ets si.& or is /ou)ded b- +u)shot( a)d *alls out o* the *or%atio)( t/o other +eese *all out /ith that +oose a)d *ollo/ it do/) to le)d help a)d prote.tio)0 The- sta- /ith the *alle) +oose u)til it is able to *l- or u)til it diesO a)d o)l- the) do the- lau).h out o) their o/)( or /ith a)other *or%atio) to .at.h up /ith their o/) +roup0 I* /e ha,e the se)se o* a +oose( /e /ill sta)d b- ea.h other li&e that0

Chapter 101 MA3ING A DI22ERENCE M- *rie)d /as /al&i)+ do/) a deserted Me>i.a) bea.h at su)set0 As he /al&ed alo)+( he be+a) to see a)other %a) i) the dista).e0 As he +re/ )earer( he )oti.ed that the )ati,e &ept lea)i)+ do/)( pi.&i)+ so%ethi)+ up a)d thro/i)+ it out i)to the /ater0 Ti%e a)d a+ai) he &ept hurli)+ thi)+s out i)to the o.ea)0 As %- *rie)d approa.hed e,e) .loser( he )oti.ed that the %a) /as pi.&i)+ up star*ish that had /ashed up o) the bea.h( a)d( o)e at a ti%e( he /as thro/i)+ the% ba.& i)to the /ater0 M- *rie)d /as pu==led0 He approa.hed the %a) a)d said0 2<ood e,e)i)+( *rie)d0 I /as /o)deri)+ /hat -ou are doi)+03 2I4% thro/i)+ these star*ish ba.& i)to the o.ea)0 Dou see its lo/ tide ri+ht )o/ a)d all o* these star*ish ha,e bee) /ashed up o)to the shore0 I* I do)4t thro/ the% ba.& i)to the sea( the-4ll die up here *ro% la.& o* o>-+e)03 2I u)dersta)d(3 %- *rie)d replied( 2but there %ust be thousa)ds o* star*ish o) this bea.h0 Dou .a)4t possibl- +et to all o* the%0 There are si%pl- too %a)-0 A)d do)4t -ou reali=e this is probabl- happe)i)+ o) hu)dreds o* bea.hes all up a)d do/) this .oast0 Ca)4t -ou see that -ou .a)4t possibl- %a&e a di**ere).e;3 The )ati,e s%iled( be)t do/) a)d pi.&ed up -et a)other star*ish( a)d as he thre/ it ba.& i)to the sea( he replied( 2Made a di**ere).e to that o)e73 2r!% the sa%e auth!r !" 2ee( !!&s Fa=ail ul Mahdi Lat*sM L2013M A short bio+raph- o* the I%a%( the Messiah( his reappeara).e( )e.essito* re.o+)i=i)+ hi%( li)ea+e( si%ilarit- /ith the prophets( reaso) o* his arri,al( lo)+i)+ *or i%a% a)d the *i)al proo* o* Allah /ith his u)i,ersal +o,er)%e)t i)?sha?Allah7 Tha)&s to /ila-at%issio)0.o% IS AMICMO!I ITD0COM ? ///0*eedboo&s0.o% Food *or the %i)d

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