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com December 5-11, 2013 | Vol 1, Issue 44

Myanmar Summary
Contd. P 19...(IMF)
IMF Chief Lagarde
Due in Myanmar
he International
Monetary Fund
(IMF) chief Chris-
tine Lagarde will make
Ier hrsL vIsIL Lo Myunmur
this month adding to a
serIes oI IIgI-prohIe vIs-
its to the recently-opened
Southeast Asian country.
ugurde wIII vIsIL Myun-
mars capital Nay Pyi Taw
and commercial hub Yan-
gon during her December
6-; vIsIL, wIIcI wIII come
after stops in South Korea
Kyaw Min und CumbodIu, LIe PurIs-
based lender said in a
wIII vIsIL LIree coun-
LrIes In dIerenL sLuges
oI LrunsILIon - Koreu, LIe
worlds 13
largest econo-
my; CumbodIu, u IronLIer
economy on the rise; and
Myunmur, undergoIng
a great awakening to
counLIess possIbIIILIes,
Lagarde said.
Lagarde will meet with
LIe uuLIorILIes, IncIudIng
.~e. ~_~.~~_e.._
ChristineLagarde ._ _., .:
.. ,.- .....q..
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_., .:. - _._. ._.: .. .
.:.._~: ~..q ~, .. ~
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.:. . .q:~ q .:. _~._ .
Contd. P 19...(IMF)
Malaysian Exporters Eye
Myanmar for Trade Growth
yunmur oers
great potential
us u greenheId
market with regards to
both its products and
servIces, uccordIng Lo
the chief of Malaysias
national trade promotion
Speaking with Myan-
mar Business Today on
the sidelines of Interna-
LIonuI Trude (NTRADE)
MuIuysIu zo1, wIIcI wus
hosted in Kuala Lumpur
IusL week, Dr Wong uI
Sum, CEO oI MuIuysIu
ExLernuI Trude DeveIop-
menL Corp (MATRADE),
said trade is growing be-
tween the two countries
and the formerly-isolated
nuLIon oers greuL op-
portunities to Malaysia
for business.
In oil and gas for exam-
pIe, we Iuve InvesLed |In
Myanmar] already and
cooperuLIon Iuve begun,
allowing us to work with
companies from other
countries who are also in
Myunmur, Wong suId,
with particular reference
to the work being done
Oliver Slow by Malaysian oil giant
As Myanmar emerges
Irom hve decudes oI
military rule and works
towards a genuine
democruLIc sysLem, Wong
beIIeves LIuL MuIuysIu`s
expertise in the educa-
tion sector Malaysia
is ranked 11
in terms
of total international
sLudenL popuIuLIon, u
sign that its education is
highly respected can
pIuy u roIe In deveIopIng
key skills and education
in Myanmar.
In a country like My-
unmur, we ure IookIng uL
deveIopIng LIe skIIIs Iev-
eIs, sIe suId oI u counLry
wIere Iubour producLIvILy
is only 30 percent of other
Southeast Asian nations.
or exumpIe, II you ure
InLeresLed In deveIopIng u
cerLuIn IndusLry, you need
to either import the skills
or the know-how. So this
is about doing tie-ups
wILI vurIous InsLILuLIons
Lo ucquIre LIose skIIIs.
HosLed Irom November
z6 Lo z8, LIIs yeur`s
NTRADE MuIuysIu wus
Reporting from Kuala Lumpur
Contd. P 6...(Malaysian)
Myanmar Summary
Contd. P 6...(Malaysian)
IMF chief Christine Lagarde.
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International Trade
(INTRADE) Malaysia 2013
~ ....q:._._.~,.e
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(MATRADE) - ..~.~
Dr Wong Lai Sum ~
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December 5-11, 2013
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
Board of Editors
Editor-in-Chief - Sherpa Hossainy
Deputy Editor - Oliver Slow
Reporters & Writers
Sherpa Hossainy, Oliver Slow,
Kyaw Min, Shein Thu Aung, Phyu Thit Lwin, Htet Aung,
Su Su, Aye Myat, Daisuke Lon, Yasumasa Hisada
Art & Design
Zarni Min Naing (Circle)
May Su Hlaing
Shein Thu Aung, Phyu Maung
Tay Zar Zaw Win, Seint Seint Aye, Moe Hsann Pann
Advertising Hotline - 09 7323 6758
Managing Director
Prasert Lekavanichkajorn
Editor -
Special Publications -
Advertising -
Designer -
Editor - 09 42110 8150
Deputy Editor - 09 3176 9529
Designer - 09 7310 5793
U Myo Oo (04622)
22A Kaba Aye Pogoda Rd, Bahan Township,
Yangon, Myanmar.
Tel: 951-2301568, 951-2301569, 951-2301570
Fax: 951-8603288 ext: 007
Penbun Distribution Co., Ltd.
Tel: (662) 6158625-33 Fax: (662) 6158634
Distributor (Bangkok)
Subscription & Circulation
Aung Khin Sint -
Nilar Myint -
Suu Kyi to Australia:
Smart Moneys On Us
ung San Suu
Kyi has issued a
clarion call to Aus-
tralias political leaders:
take a punt on us.
The Myanmar presiden-
tial hopeful and National
League for Democracy
leader has used an ad-
dress in Sydney to call on
IoreIgn governmenLs Lo
Luke u Iong-Lerm vIew oI
her country as it works
Lo sIed LIe vesLIges oI u
brutal military regime.
She says she under-
stands the impulse for
governmenLs Lo Lry Lo
bolster relations with
enLrencIed power, buL
the smart money is on her
pro-democracy party.
LIInk muny govern-
menLs, noL jusL LIe Aus-
LruIIun governmenL, gen-
erally like to get on with
wIoever Iuppens Lo be
In power uL LIe momenL,
sIe LoId un uudIence,
including business giant
Frank Lowy and NSW
PremIer Burry O`urreII,
at the Lowy I nstitute on
Thursday last week.
But as I said its better
to look to the long run and
uILer uII, uren`L AusLruI-
ians supposed to be rather
IncIIned Lo Luke rIsks?
There were laughs as
Australia came in for a
gentle ribbing from the
Nobel laureate: Arent
you supposed to be a
ruLIer durIng, reckIess,
young nation?
You musL be very dur-
Ing und very reckIess buL
at the same time it would
be very, very sensIbIe oI
you to put your bets on
Suu Kyi urged foreign
InvesLors Lo consIder
LIe good oI Ier counLry,
which has only recently
allowed elections.
I know that when busi-
ness InvesL LIey InvesL
because they expect to
muke u prohL, sIe suId.
(But) you cannot
dIvorce economIcs Irom
poIILIcs, und wouId IIke
AusLruIIuns InvesLIng In
Burma to promote the
right kind of political
poIIcIes, LIuL our counLry
as well as their business
mIgIL prosper. AAP
Myanmar's opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi speaks during a seminar as Australia's Prime Minister Tony Abbott
looks on.
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December 5-11, 2013
Myanmar Business Today
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December 5-11, 2013
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
Myanmar: Not that Hard to Do Business
Andrew Tan
he recent World Banks
DoIng BusIness zo1q
report says that Myan-
mur Is one oI LIe mosL dIm cuIL
pIuces Lo do busIness, runkIng
it in the bottom ten of the table
(182 out of 189) in terms of ease
of starting a business.
The result is not at all unex-
pected as Myanmar grapples
with more than 50 years of
economIc mIsmunugemenL, un
evoIvIng IeguI Irumework, dys-
functional banking system and
poor infrastructure.
There is a correlation between
risk and return. Myanmar being
an emerging market is a high
risk market. Myanmar is not
for the faint hearted. I would
not recommend my clients to
put their retirement money
InLo Myunmur. However, us
Myanmar is coming in from a
very Iow buse - we cun expecL
the Myanmars GDP to grow by
at least 7 percent for the next 20
ookIng uL IL by secLor, II you
are starting a business in sectors
regulated by the State Owned
EconomIc EnLerprIses uw
(SOEE) - Ior exumpIe mInIng,
oil and gas or telecommunica-
LIons LIuL ure reserved Ior LIe
sLuLe - yes, IL cun be quILe mInd
SecLors reguIuLed by SOEE
muy requIre IoreIgn InvesLors
Lo hnd IocuI JV purLner, enLer
into a production sharing con-
tract with the state or bid for a
licence in an open tender. Due
Lo LIe myrIud oI governmenL
reguIuLIons und opuque decI-
sion making process it can be
quILe uncerLuIn und IrusLruLIng
Ior IoreIgn InvesLors. AILIougI
LIe Myunmur governmenL Ius
mude eorLs Lo Improve LIIs
over LIme IL Is sLIII un Issue Ior
muny IoreIgn InvesLors.
However, II you jusL wunL Lo
sLurL u servIce compuny under
the Myanmar Companies
AcL - IL Is quILe sImpIe und
sLruIgIL Iorwurd. ExumpIe oI u
servIce compuny wouId be busI-
ness udvIsory, murkeLIng und
udverLIsIng or engIneerIng ser-
vIces - LIe puperwork und sLeps
requIred ure noL LIuL onerous.
The company can be 100
percent foreign owned with
jusL Lwo sIureIoIders. You cun
normally get your temporary
business licence within two
weeks and the business can be
up and running within a month.
Of the minimum capital of
$o,ooo onIy IuII needs Lo be
remitted into your companys
bank account upon incorpora-
LIon, LIe oLIer IuII oI LIe cupILuI
needs to be remitted only when
the business licence is due for
renewal at the end of the fourth
year. So basically you can start
u servIce busIness wILI onIy
$z,ooo oI InILIuI cupILuI und
get the business up and running
within a month.
The World Banks Doing
BusIness ReporL IoIIows u
template in order to make it
compurubIe ucross dIerenL
countries being measured it
does not measure by sector or
industry nor does it profess to
do so.
Myanmar is not a hard place
to do business if you know what
you ure doIng und you Iuve LIe
right local partner.
Andrew Tan is the managing
director of Consult-Myanmar
Co Ltd. Consult-Myanmar is
a 100 percent Singaporean-
owned company that is incor-
porated in Myanmar. Consult-
Myanmar provides business
advisory, business partner
search, company incorpora-
tion and immigration service
to foreign investors that are
interested to start a business in
~.:~- ._~:....~ ~_.,
...: Doing Business 2014
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If you just want to start a ser-
vice company under the Myan-
mar Companies Act it is quite
simple and straight forward.

December 5-11, 2013
Myanmar Summary
Myanmar Business Today
Twenty firms drop out of bidding on
Myanmar offshore blocks
bout 20 compa-
nies dropped out
oI LIe hnuI pIuse
of bidding for oil and gas
bIocks o Myunmur`s
cousL, u senIor energy
mInIsLry omcIuI suId.
While 61 companies
were quuIIhed Lo bId, onIy
about 40 submitted appli-
cuLIons by LIe November
1 deudIIne, uccordIng Lo
Myanmar Summary
Japan Eyes Boosting
Trade, Investment in
apanese entrepreneurs are seeking cooperation in
boosLIng Lrude und InvesLmenL In Myunmur, sLuLe-
run media reported.
A meeting on bilateral trade conditions was held re-
cenLIy beLween U WIn MyInL, mInIsLer Ior economy, und
KuLsumuLu Nobuo, cIuIrmun oI LIe Jupun-Myunmur
EconomIc CommILLee oI KEDANREN (Jupun BusIness
The meeting focused on promotion of trade and in-
vesLmenL beLween LIe Lwo counLrIes, Lrude convenIence
und deveIopmenL oI Iumun resources und InIrusLruc-
Lures sucI us roud, brIdges und eIecLrIcILy.
AccordIng Lo omcIuI sLuLIsLIcs, Myunmur und Jupun
Iud u LoLuI Lrude voIume oI $1. bIIIIon In hscuI yeur
zo1z-1, oI wIIcI Myunmur`s ImporL Irom Jupun
reucIed $1.oq bIIIIon, wIIIe ILs exporL Lo LIe EusL AsIun
nation stood at $406.49 million.
Jupun`s InvesLmenL In Myunmur umounLed Lo $z;.qz
mIIIIon us oI JuIy, mukIng IL 11
in Myanmars foreign
InvesLmenL IIne-up.
Su Su
LIe omcIuI wIo decIIned
to name the companies.
Processing is still going
on, Ie suId on condILIon
of anonymity as he was
not authorised to speak to
Myunmur Is oerIng 11
shallow and 19 deep-sea
blocks. Those chosen to
deveIop sIuIIow bIocks
wIII be requIred Lo work
wILI IocuI purLners, wIIIe
foreign companies can
deveIop deep-seu bIocks
on their own as few local
compunIes Iuve experI-
ence in the sector.
Among the 79 com-
panies that bid in the
hrsL sLuge In AprII were
RoyuI DuLcI SIeII PIc,
CIevron Corp, Conoco-
PIIIIIps, Exxon MobII
Corp, runce`s ToLuI SA,
TIuIIund`s PTT ExpIoru-
tion and Production Plc
(PTTEP), und MuIuysIu`s
Petroliam Nasional BHD
ToLuI, PTTEP und PeLro-
nus Iuve u consIderubIe
edge over newcomers,
because they already
Iuve experIence und In-
IrusLrucLure In Myunmur,
according to an October
z1 unuIysIs by VDB oI, u
Iuw hrm LIuL Ius udvIsed
LIree super mujors on
InvesLmenL In oII und gus
exploration in Myanmar.
or LIe hrsL LIme In
Myunmur, LIe wInners
wouId be requIred Lo
perIorm EnvIronmenL
I mpact Assessments be-
Iore hnuI upprovuI Irom
LIe counLry`s InvesLmenL
commIssIon, LIe energy
mInIsLry omcIuI suId.
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.~._..J apan-Myanmar Economic Committee of
KEIDANREN (J apan Business Federation) -~_
Katsumata Nobuo ~ .|~ ......._~_.. e.~._.~.~.~
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A view of oiI weIIs in Myanmar's viIIage of Chauk, home to one of the Iongest producing oiI eIds in the worId.
December 5-11, 2013
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
From page ...(Malaysian)
Biman to Start Direct Dhaka-Yangon Flights
Flights to resume after six-year hiatus
iman Bangladesh Air-
IInes, LIe nuLIonuI ug
currIer oI BungIudesI,
wIII IuuncI dIrecL IgILs Lo
Yangon from the neighbouring
countrys capital Dhaka this
Kyaw Min
*All times mentioned above are local time
monLI, compuny omcIuIs suId.
Biman will start operating two
weekly commercial schedule
IgILs usIng ILs BoeIng ;;-8oo
from December 9.
Myanmar and Bangladesh
Iuve been workIng Lo re-esLub-
lish direct air link to connect
Yangon and Dhaka after Biman
sLopped ILs IgIL beLween LIe
cities in 2007 citing huge
Bimans Boeing 737 in this
rouLe wIII Iuve u seuLIng cupuc-
.:... q . - . . ..._~: .
.._e...: Biman Bangladesh
Airlines ._ Dhaka . q,~,_.
. e. .~ ..._~: .~ ~ , ~ ._..
. . .:.~ _.. . . :..~: ._ _e. ._~: .
~.~. ~...:.:.~ ._.:_~:._~
Biman ~.,_e .~. ,
ity of 12 business class and 150
economy class passengers.
TIe IgILs wIII be operuLed
IoIIowIng LIe uIr servIce ugree-
ment signed in August between
Bangladesh and Myanmar. In
Junuury zo1z, Myunmur und
Bangladesh agreed to launch
new bIIuLeruI uIr servIces In IIne
with international air transport
~~ ..e:.:.~ ~.._._ .~
:. q~.,.._ ~..~.
.._~.._....:..__e.._~:. .q
._. Biman ._ Dhaka .
q, ~ , ..._~:.._... . .:.~ ~~
...~ ~,...'.._~: q.,:.._..
_.,.:.. .:...q.~._
_., ._ _.. . q, ~~ ~ . ...| ...:
q ~ . _~._ . Biman - .~ . ,
._ business class ~ ...|.
~ . .|~.__e._.. economy class
~ ~~ ~ .|~.__e.._~:.
._. .q._. ..._~:.~~,~
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.. q . _., .:. . _._ ~ ...._~: .
~:~:. .:.~_. ~ .~ .~ . ~
Dr Wong Lai Sum, CEO of Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE).
LIe sevenLI edILIon oI LIe un-
nuuI Lrude evenL und wus gIven
LIe LIeme 'RevILuIIsIng ExporL
Growth in four key clusters
buIIdIng muLerIuIs, eIecLrIcILy
producLs, IIIesLyIe und munu-
facturing support.
A key Iocus oI LIe revILuIIs-
Ing uspecL oI LIe evenL Is wILI
regards to Malaysias small and
medIum enLerprIses (SMEs),
which make up more than 90
percent of all companies in the
We need to ensure that these
SMEs conLInue Lo Iuve oppor-
LunILIes Lo grow, suId Wong.
GrowLI Is very ImporLunL,
whether its in the domestic
murkeL or overseus.
Malaysias minister for inter-
nuLIonuI Lrude und IndusLry,
SrI MusLumu MoIumed, wIo
omcIuIIy opened LIe evenL, LoId
Myanmar Business Toady of
LIe ImporLunL roIe SMEs pIuy In
CurrenLIy SMEs conLrIbuLe
to about 23 percent of GDP and
we would like to see the impact
oI SMEs Increuse Lo ubouL qo
percenL, Ie suId.
He added that many compa-
nies had led the way in showing
Iow SMEs, In IndusLrIes sucI us
IeuILIcure und CT, cun boIsLer
a countrys economy.
Wong admitted that the inter-
national economy had slowed
down In zo1, buL wus opLImIs-
LIc LIuL LIIngs wIII Improve nexL
AccordIng Lo omcIuI hgures,
Malaysia is expecting to close
2013 with 3.3 percent growth
in trade and less than 1 percent
growLI In exporLs, Iowever, In
zo1q, Lrude Is projecLed Lo grow
by 5.2 percent and export 2.6
percenL. Wong suId evenLs IIke
NTRADE wIII Iuve u sLrong
contribution to the growth of
Malaysias export products.
The 2012 Intrade generated
RMzz mIIIIon ($;z mIIIIon)
wILI un uddILIonuI RM8 mII-
lion ($181 million) coming from
the incoming buying mission
(IBM) a precursor to the trade
evenL wIere MuIuysIun exporL-
ers are matched with foreign
buyers who are interested in
their products.
Wong reveuIed LIuL MA-
TRADE wouId be suLIshed
wILI u sImIIur hgure LIIs yeur,
although admitted that it can be
dImcuIL Lo cuIcuIuLe exucL suIes
Irom LIe evenL.
When people sit down to talk
IIke LIey do uL LIese evenLs, LIey
may not necessarily seal the deal
immediately it takes time.
After sitting down together for
IuII un Iour you mIgIL hnd one
or two good suppliers. You can
deveIop LIuL one or Lwo InLo
hve, sIx or seven IuLer on, sIe
Wong said that the years IBM
had attracted more than 800
foreign businesspeople from
6o8 compunIes ubroud, u o
percent increase from 2012 and
that the exhibition too had seen
sIgnIhcunLIy more InLeresL LIun
the year before.
Bilateral trade between Myan-
mar and Malaysia reached $880
mIIIIon In zo1z, un Increuse oI
almost 12 percent from a year
ugo, und u percenL Increuse
Irom zo1o. However, In LIe
hrsL nIne monLIs oI zo1, Lrude
was down 14 percent to $586
million from the same period a
year earlier.
Malaysias most popular
export to Myanmar is Palm
OII, wIIcI uccounLed Ior $
mIIIIon In zo1z, wIIIe LIe mosL
common product imported by
MuIuysIu Is crude rubber, wIIcI
collected $62.36 million.
NexL yeur`s NTRADE exIIbI-
tion will be hosted at MAT-
RADE, KuuIu umpur Irom
November z Lo z;.
From page ...(Malaysian)
If you are interested in developing a
certain industry, you need to either
import the skills or the know-how. So
this is about doing tie-ups with various
institutions to acquire those skills.
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q~.~qqq,._. ...:.._~:.
._. Wong ~ ._.: _~:..._.
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.~: ..:.~ ~..~.:. ~. ._~: .
Wong ~ ._.:_~:.._.. _._ ~ ....
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~ .~~ . . :~.q..|._~: . ,.~
....q:..- ~_.__._.q:
~ , . e .q.. .~ . . . , .~, _~ .
Sri MustamaMohamed ~ ....q :.
. ~ ~....:.. ~.~ .:.. . , .
.:. ~.q..|.~ Myanmar Business
Toady . ._.:_~:..._.
e..~q~ ~....:.. ~.~
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December 5-11, 2013
Myanmar Summary
Myanmar Business Today
Two More Law Firms Join Myanmar Rush
wo international
intellectual prop-
erLy (P) Iuw hrms
- UK-bused Rouse und
Thailand-based Tilleke
& GIbbIns - joIned LIe
ood oI Iuw hrms InLo LIe
recently-opened South-
east Asian country.
P Iuw hrm Rouse
opened ILs new om ce In
Yungon on November zz.
TIe om ce wIII oer hIIng
und prosecuLIon servIces
Ior Lrudemurks, puLenLs,
designs and geographical
indications. IP commer-
cialisation and technology
LrunsIer servIces wIII uIso
be uvuIIubIe.
TIe hrm suys LIuL LIe
om ce - Rouse`s 16LI - Is
LIe hrsL Lo be opened In
Myanmar by an interna-
LIonuI P Iuw hrm.
Rouse purLner ubrIce
Mattei and Moe Mynn
TIu, u quuIIhed uLLorney
from Myanmar who
joIns Irom beer muker
Myunmur Brewery, ure In
cIurge oI LIe om ce.
Rouse Ius worked
ucLIveIy In LIe counLry`s
murkeL Ior severuI yeurs
und beIIeves LIe LIme Is
now rIgIL Lo esLubIIsI
u buse In LIe counLry,
suId cIIeI execuLIve uke
We already manage
LIe P oI over o cIIenLs
In Myunmur, und LIIs
step will ensure we can
conLInue Lo deIIver LIe
IeveI oI servIce we prIde
ourseIves on uL Rouse.
Rouse Is unIqueIy
positioned to operate in
Myunmur, us ubrIce MuL-
tei and Moe Mynn Thu
Iuve been InsLrumenLuI In
workIng wILI LIe govern-
Shein Thu Aung menL Lo deveIop LIe Lrude-
mark law currently before
purIIumenL, Ie suId.
Myanmar has no spe-
cIhc P IegIsIuLIon, buL
is drafting separate laws
Ior puLenLs, Lrudemurks,
designs and copyright.
The countrys trademark
law is expected to be the
hrsL oI LIe P IegIsIuLIon
Lo be reudy, probubIy by
the end of this year. An IP
om ce wIII uIso be seL up.
MuLLeI, wIo Is TIuIIund
country manager and also
Ieud oI puLenLs uL Rouse,
suId LIe hrm wIII Iuve u
bright future in Myanmar.
Myunmur Is u LIrIv-
Ing, nuscenL economy,
with a strategic position
beLween ndIu, CIInu
and Thailand. Working in
the country brings many
opporLunILIes, us weII us
cIuIIenges, Lo P owners.
The countrys IP regime
is currently undergoing
Iuge, und posILIve cIunge
now is the right time
for companies to begin to
understand and protect
their IP in Myanmar. I
am looking forward to
working with the rest of
Rouse`s gIobuI neLwork
at this incredibly exciting
LIme, Ie suId.
Myunmur joIned LIe
WorId Trude OrgunIzu-
tion in 1994 and must be
IuIIy TRPs compIIunL by
Meanwhile Bangkok-
IeudquurLered regIonuI
hrm TIIIeke & GIbbIns
Ius uIso opened ILs om ce
in Yangon and has a par-
ticular focus on IP related
ApurL Irom Myunmur,
Tilleke has also launched
new om ces In ndonesIu
and Laos as part of the
hrm`s regIonuI expunsIon.
nILIuIIy, eucI oI LIese
om ces wIII Iocus prImur-
IIy on P work, un ureu oI
sLrengLI oI LIe hrm.
We`ve been servIng cII-
ents in IP matters in these
jurIsdIcLIons Ior muny
yeurs, IuvIng munuged
thousands of registration
matters in each country.
As our cIIenLs Iuve con-
tinued to entrust us with
more and more matters
ucross SouLIeusL AsIu, we
felt the time was right to
launch a physical pres-
ence In ndonesIu, uos,
und Myunmur, so LIuL
we cun IurLIer Improve
LIe servIces we deIIver
Lo our cIIenLs, suId Du-
runI VucIunuvuLLIvong,
co-managing partner of
Tilleke & Gibbins. Based
In Bungkok, VucIunuvuL-
LIvong wIII oversee LIe
LIree new om ces.
n ndonesIu, LIe
hrm expecLs Lo Iocus
excIusIveIy on puLenL und
trademark registration
und reIuLed ucLIvILIes. n
uos und Myunmur, ILs
InILIuI pusI wIII be drIven
by P, buL IL uIreudy Ius
sIgnIhcunL InLeresL Irom
cIIenLs Lo oer more
broadly into other areas.
We are constantly
revIewIng our sLruLegIc
InILIuLIves In order Lo de-
termine where we should
dIrecL our InvesLmenLs.
Many of our clients are
InLeresLed In IuvIng u
single point of contact for
their legal needs across
SouLIeusL AsIu, so we ure
certainly eyeing further
expunsIon possIbIIILIes,
suId VucIunuvuLLIvong.
Since the beginning of
LIIs yeur, u ruIL oI IoreIgn
hrms Ius enLered InLo LIe
murkeL, eILIer by seLLIng
up un om ce or LIrougI u
LIe-up wILI u IocuI hrm.
SIngupore-bused SeIvum
& Partners opened its
om ce In SepLember,
wIIIe US-bused HerzIeId
RubIn Meyer & Rose, und
UK-bused SLepIenson
Harwood opened their of-
hces In OcLober und Muy
MeunwIIIe, u sLrIng oI
oLIer InLernuLIonuI hrms
which continue to eye
Myanmar but are yet to
seL up un om ce IncIude
BerwIn eIgILon PuIsner,
NorLon Rose uIbrIgIL
und Buker & McKenzIe.
. . . . q:.... . , ..:.
_e. ._ e .~~._.. ~ Rouse
. ..~._..~ Tilleke
& Gibbins ~._ ...
. . , ..:.~.:.~_.:.~ .q:~
.:._ _., .:. ~ . . , .
.:. ..:q~.:..~:.__e.
._~:. .q._.
Rouse .....,.._
.~:. q~.,~
q, ~ , _. _ , .-, ... ~ e . .
. ._ .~. .|, ... . ~ , ~. ~
~...q: ....q:
.~....q:.:. ~.q._
~,..:..:.~ _....... :.
.__e.._~:. .q._.
Rouse ._ _.,.:.~
.. .. .~_ ._ _ ._ . q:
..,.~.._e.._~:. e.
. . , .. ._.:_~:.. ._ .
Rouse -~e~.:._e...:
Fabrice Mattei . Moe
Mynn Thu ~._ ,.~:.
_ ~ ._ ~. ..: q~.:..__e.
._~: . . q._ .
Rouse ._ _.,.:...~~
~ ~~ _~. : . . , ...:
q~ . _. . e. ~. , ~.|._
_.,.:.~ ~._.. ~ . .
..: q, ~~~ ~. , ~.|
.~: ._e. ._ e e _~_ ._~: .
~. ..: .. Luke Minford
~ ._.:_~:..._.
December 5-11, 2013
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
Mitsubishi to Build 7,000MW Power Plant in Myanmar
Te joint venture with two Tai frms to cost $9.85 billion
Aye Myat
apanese trading house
Mitsubishi Corp will build
u Iurge IossII-IueI-hred
power station in Myanmars
southeastern Dawei special eco-
nomIc zone LIrougI u joInL ven-
ture with two Thai companies.
Mitsubishi will team up with
EIecLrIcILy GeneruLIng und
LuIIun-TIuI DeveIopmenL Lo
set up the new entity as early as
nexL yeur, LukIng sLukes oI o,
o und zo percenL respecLIveIy,
Nikkei reported.
Outlays could reach 1 trillion
yen ($9.85 billion).
This marks the latest in a se-
ries of Myanmar infrastructure-
deveIopmenL projecLs speur-
Ieuded by Jupunese busInesses.
TIe InILIuLIve Is expecLed Lo IeIp
bolster industry in the newly
democruLIsIng nuLIon, wIIcI
suers Irom cIronIc eIecLrIcILy
The total output capacity of
the consortiums facilities will
evenLuuIIy reucI ;,ooo megu-
wuLLs (MW), or equIvuIenL oI
seven nucIeur reucLors.
Natural gas will likely to ac-
count for 20-30 percent of the
IueI, wILI LIe resL comIng Irom
couI. TIe hrsL IucIIILy Is sIuLed Lo
go into operation in 2015.
To IeIp recover InvesLmenL,
LIe pIunL wIII suppIy ,oooMW
wILIIn LIe economIc zone und
sell the rest to Thailand.
SooncIuI KumnoonsuLe,
governor oI LIe EIecLrIcILy Gen-
erating Authority of Thailand
(EguL), LoId NIkkeI LIe joInL
business in Dawei would be a
symbol of collaboration among
Myunmur, TIuIIund und Jupun.
He said Mitsubishis partici-
pation would encourage more
Jupunese busInesses Lo InvesL
In DuweI. EguL Is LIe purenL oI
EIecLrIcILy GeneruLIng.
The Thai and Myanmar
governmenLs Iuve esLubIIsIed
u joInL enLILy Ior overseeIng
DuweI`s deveIopmenL und
munugIng LIe necessury hnunc-
Ing. PorL IucIIILIes, ruII und
communications are among
LIe seven InIrusLrucLure heIds
LIuL wIII be IundIed by umIIuLed
companies. Mitsubishis par-
ticipation will come under the
power-generation sector.
., . - Mitsubishi Corp ._
_.,.:.-~.q .~:.. :.~e
~....:..q.~,~ .~.~ .
. ~~.~ ....| ._ , . _~ ...: .:
~. ._.._ .. .. .:~ ~:.....~ ,
_~.~. . ~:. ~_ ..:~ . :.._ _e.
._~:. .q._.
Mitsubishi ._ Electricity
Generating,Italian-Thai Development
~. ....|._ .:._..~..:..
~ .~,~:. ~_.:.:..__e.
_.. ..,.qee:.:.~:. ,~ q:.
.,. ~ q:..,.. ~ q:..,.
~,~.q~.: e,.. ~ q.e
~..q~,..'.: . .e,
~ .q:~q.._~:. .q._.e.
..~,.._ .,..,..:.- _.,.:
~._ .. ~..:~ ~~ ~_~ ~
.:_.. .....:~~:. _.~.~:~.
.:.~ _~.~.,q..: _.,.:.
~~ ~ ._. ~.:~ ~~ _e. ... .
.__e.._~:. .q._.
~, . ~ . . . .:.~ ~~ ~
.~....: . ._.
December 5-11, 2013
Myanmar Summary
Myanmar Summary
Myanmar Business Today
Wor l d Ba nk La unc he s Ent e r pr i s e
Sur ve y i n Mya nma r
Survey a part of investment climate assessment in Myanmar
Su Su
he World Bank
Group has launched
an enterprise sur-
vey In Myunmur Lo ussess
LIe busIness envIronmenL
und burrIers IucIng hrms
doing business in My-
unmur, LIe WusIIngLon-
based lender said.
TIe survey Is purL oI LIe
WorId Bunk`s nvesLmenL
Climate Assessment with
IundIng Irom LIe UK De-
partment of International
DeveIopmenL (UKAD).
TIe survey IncIudes
InLervIews wILI uImosL
1,qoo munuIucLurIng und
servIces compunIes - do-
mesLIc und IoreIgn, smuII
and large in Myanmar.
TIe survey resuILs und
analysis will help inform
governmenL poIIcy Lo
promoLe InvesLmenL, pro-
ducLIvILy und economIc
growLI, LIe WorId Bunk
Myanmar is imple-
menting a broad range
of reforms to stimulate
InvesLmenL und growLI.
Hearing from businesses
in Myanmar on what they
see as the main issues and
comparing constraints
they face with those in
other countries can help
to focus on policies with
LIe mosL ImpucL, suId
KunLIun SIunkur, WorId
Bank country manager in
The World Bank has
conducLed sImIIur surveys
In over 1zo counLrIes
around the world includ-
Ing In EusL und SouLI
Asia. The result is a set of
comparable indicators at
counLry IeveI on busIness
perIormunce und envI-
ronment including access
Lo hnunce, uccess Lo eIec-
LrIcILy, rouds und wuLer,
and business regulations.
As u hrsL survey, LIIs
will also set a benchmark
and help in measuring
progress as the Myanmar
busInesses envIronmenL
Improves, SIunkur suId.
The lender said the
enLerprIse survey wIII
provIde more deLuIIed
information to help
unswer sucI quesLIons
as: What is the main
obstacle for growth for
small businesses in My-
anmar? What are they key
obstacles to exporters?
How does producLIvILy
and the cost of labour in
Myanmar compare to
other countries?
The World Bank has
conLrucLed MMRD, u
IocuI reseurcI compuny,
Lo ImpIemenL LIe survey
using the standard World
Bank methodology.
TIe survey commenced
In November und covers
Yungon, MunduIuy, Mo-
nywu, TuunggyI und Bugo
cities. Preliminary results
oI LIe survey ure expecLed
In June zo1q, LIe bunk
The lender said to
ensure reliability of the
collected data and to
protect the identity of
LIe InLervIewed hrms LIe
World Bank guarantees
conhdenLIuIILy oI IndIvId-
uuI InIormuLIon oI hrms.
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_e.._ Kanthan Shankar
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Insurance Association to Launch Soon
Ie governmenL Is pIunnIng Lo IuuncI un Insur-
ance association comprising the lone state-run
Insurunce ugency und prIvuLe Insurunce orgunI-
suLIons, u mInIsLer suId.
TIe ussocIuLIon wIII IncIude governmenL-owned
Myunmu nsurunce EnLerprIse (ME) und prIvuLe
Insurunce compunIes, und wIII be seL up us u non-
governmenLuI InsLILuLIon, depuLy unIon mInIsLer Ior
hnunce Dr Muung Muung TIeIn suId.
However, LIe mInIsLer dIdn`L gIve uny exucL duLe oI
setting up the association.
U Aung Soe Oo, generuI munuger oI IocuI Insurunce
compuny KBZ, suId Insurunce IndusLry wIII be boI-
stered through the introduction of this association.
The association can educate the public and impart
knowledge to the industry stakeholders. The market
wIII dehnILeIy sLrengLIen LIrougI LIIs coIIuboruLIon.
The minister said local insurance company First Na-
LIonuI nsurunce Is coIIuboruLIng wILI LIe governmenL
to prepare the draft bill for the association.
CurrenLIy, LIere ure 1z prIvuLe Insurunce compunIes
In Myunmur besIdes ME, und 11 oI LIem Iuve sLurLed
their operations.
Phyu Thit Lwin
~. .q. . . , .~. . _e. ._ _., .: ~:.. . . , .. . . ~~:.
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December 5-11, 2013
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
EU Beefs up Humanitarian Assistance
Provides $4 million in fresh funding; encourages dialogue and intercommunal understanding to end violence in Rakhine and Kachin states
Ie Europeun CommIssIon
wIII provIde IurLIer Iu-
munILurIun IundIng oI C
million ($4.08 million) to assist
vIcLIms oI vIoIence In RukIIne
and Kachin states in Myanmar
which has left thousands of peo-
pIe dIspIuced und IomeIess, LIe
EU`s HumunILurIun AId & CIvII
ProLecLIon depurLmenL (ECHO)
This brings the commissions
humanitarian funding in 2012-
1 Lo Cq8.6 mIIIIon ($66 mII-
IIon), CIuus Sorensen, dIrecLor
generuI oI ECHO, suId uL u press
The assistance will be used to
provIde Iood Lo LIose uecLed,
and will be implemented by
LIe UnILed NuLIons WorId
ood Progrum (WP), wIIcI
Is uIreudy ucLIve In LIe uecLed
ureus und Ius LIe requIred
experLIse und IogIsLIcuI meuns,
ECHO suId In u sLuLemenL.
AccordIng Lo LIe UnILed
NuLIons, more LIun 1qo,ooo
peopIe Iuve now been dIspIuced
sInce June zo1z In RukIIne
sLuLe, mosLIy LIe MusIIm mI-
norILIes, wIIIe some 11,ooo
dIspIuced IIve In numerous
camps in Kachin state.
Sorensen said Myanmar has
mude posILIve poIILIcuI deveI-
opments through the reform
process, wIIcI wouId muke
Myunmur u mugneL Ior InvesL-
menL, und Ioped LIe vIoIence
wouId noL jeopurdIse LIe posI-
LIve ouLIook.
DespILe LIe eorLs uL recon-
ciliation and the peace process
underwuy Lo end vIoIence, we
remain extremely concerned
about the protection of thou-
Shein Thu Aung sunds oI cIvIIIuns In boLI RukI-
Ine und KucIIn sLuLes.
HuvIng reLurned Irom u vIsIL
Lo LIe RukIIne sLuLe, Ie suId Ie
was disturbed by the dramatic
deprIvuLIon oI LIe uecLed
communities and disrespect of
fundamental rights.
TIe vIcLIms pIeud hrsL und
foremost for security and for
a durable solution that allows
them to go back to their lost
Iomes und reguIn LIeIr dIgnILy.
Sorensen hoped that authori-
ties would do their outmost to
ensure unfettered access for
humanitarian aid workers to
LIe dIspIuced In RukIIne sLuLe.
We are disturbed by threats
made by some radical groups
against national and interna-
LIonuI sLu oI uId orgunIsuLIons
wIo ure LryIng Lo provIde Im-
partial humanitarian assistance
Lo uII LIose uecLed by vIoIence
In RukIIne sLuLe, Sorensen
There are clear opportuni-
LIes Lo Improve LIe sILuuLIon oI
LIousunds oI peopIe LIuL Iuve
been uecLed by vIoIence und
deprIved oI LIeIr mosL busIc
rIgILs, noLubIy by brIngIng In
suppIIes, Iood, sIeILer, IeuILI
and protection.
But a more lasting solu-
LIon wouId benehL Irom uII
responsIbIe poIILIcuI Iorces, LIe
governmenL us weII us IocuI
uuLIorILIes LukIng decIsIve sLeps
Lo proLecL cIvIIIuns und resLore
LIeIr rIgILs. EveryLIIng sIouId
uIso be done Lo ensure deveIop-
menL In uII purLs oI LIe RukIIne
sLuLe und brIdge LIe dIerences
between the communities to
creuLe un envIronmenL condu-
cIve Lo securILy und prosperILy,
he added
SInce LIe begInnIng oI LIe vIo-
Ience, ECHO Ius conLInuousIy
depIoyed experLs Lo boLI RukI-
ine and Kachin states to assess
the humanitarian situation in
the camps and communities.
CIuus Sorensen vIsILed My-
anmar to make an assessment
of the humanitarian situation
Highway Holdings to Utilise
Myanmar Operations for Manufacturing
Yasumasa Hisada
ong Kong-based
Highway Holdings Ltd
announced last week it
Ius receIved upprovuI Irom one
oI ILs Europeun cusLomers Ior
assembly manufacturing of one
series of electric synchronous
motors at the companys sub-
contracting facility in Myanmar.
The company said assembly
producLIon, wIIcI wus up-
proved IoIIowIng LesLIng und
quuIILy conLroI evuIuuLIon, Ius
sLurLed und hnIsIed producLs
are being shipped directly to the
customers factory in Germany.
Nusduq-IIsLed HIgIwuy HoId-
ings produces products for orig-
InuI equIpmenL munuIucLurers
from parts and components
Lo sub-ussembIIes und hnIsIed
products. Its manufacturing fa-
cIIILIes ure IocuLed In SIenzIen,
The assembly of these mo-
tors in Myanmar complements
our component manufacturing
operation in China and enables
us to realise meaningful cost-
suvIngs und u compeLILIve
udvunLuge, wIIIe muInLuInIng
LIe IIgIesL quuIILy sLundurds,
suId RoIund KoII, cIuIrmun,
presIdenL und cIIeI execuLIve
om cer oI HIgIwuy HoIdIngs.
Kohl said he expects the cus-
tomers entire line of synchro-
nous motors will be assembled
in Myanmar by September
zo1q, uL LIe IuLesL.
He added that this is High-
wuy HoIdIngs` second mujor
customer to utilise its capabili-
LIes In Myunmur, wILI sLrong
expectations that additional
businesses will transition as-
sembly work to the companys
operation in this country to take
udvunLuge oI LIe sIgnIhcunL cosL
We appreciate our cus-
Lomer`s conhdence In our cu-
pubIIILIes und supporL; und, we
ure gruLIhed LIuL LIIs more LIun
10-year relationship continues
Lo ourIsI.
Myanmar Summary
Claus Sorensen, director-General of the Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection department of
the European Commission (ECHO), speaks to media at a press conference in Yangon.
Irom 1q-z November.
ECHO Ius muInLuIned un
om ce In Yungon sInce zoo
Lo IucIIILuLe LIe deIIvery oI
humanitarian aid to the most
vuInerubIe peopIe. SInce 1qqq,
ECHO Ius provIded over C1;q
million in humanitarian aid.
~.e . q. _._ ,e . . ._._ ,e
.:.q .~._.:.~~~ .,:~.
..:.. ..:,:. ~~~_.:.~_e.
e , , . . e ~..q ~, ..'.: ,.~
..e, ~:. .:~.....:..__e.
._~:. .q._.
q._._,e. ~._._,e~
_e.. :....: ._.~.:.._~: ~..
~ . . _e. . :.. ..| ..:.. :q .,_. . ~ .e
. , .~ ~~ ~ . .:.. ..:,:. ~~
~_ .:.~_e. ~.:~ ~. .:. .... :.
._ _e. ._~: . ~.e- Humanitarian
Aid & Civil Protection department
(ECHO) . ._.:_~:..._.
~~~~, . . ~ ~ .e .~: .q
. ..:....:,:. ~.:~~.
~~~_.:.~_e. e, ,.' ..e
~..q~,..'.: '' ..e, ~
~~~_.:. ...:.._~:. ECHO
- ,_~:..q.....~ .~..:
q....~..~ ._.:_~:..._.
e.~.:~~....:.~:. ._
.~.:.._~: .~.q:~q.,..:.
~~~ ~.:.~.:.:. .:~.. :.
.__e._.. United Nations World
Food Program(WFP) . ~.~:
~_ .e: ..: q ~ . :.._ _e. ._ .
WFP . ~..|....:.~ e._
._ . ~.:~ ~. .:. ....,. ._~: .
._ .~ .:.._~: . ~ ._ ~ .q:~
_~q..:.~.,_e ,.~- ._..q.
~~~ ~:.......~ ....:
.. q_~_. . , .~ . ., .. q._ ~ .~ .
.:.~ _., ._ ., . . ~~~
..:..: ._eq...:.~._. ~.q
_~._~:. .q._.
.e:.~:~._..~ Highway
Holdings Ltd ._ _.,.:.~
......:~: ~...~,~..
...,..:.~ ..:q~q,~~~
,.- .q:.. .e:~._.:..
..:~ . _..~ ~ qq . _. _e. ._~: .
~.~. .._.~.~~...:.~
...~ ............:. ~q_
~......q: ,...... ~~
_e~_...:._e ~~__..._.. ~
. . . _. .._.:~ ._ ~ ~ , .. _ ..:.
~:. :.,q .~,. ~..,._~:.
._. .q._.
Nasdaq ~._..~ Highway
Holdings ._ ...._.~qe:
~....:.~~~ .._.~qe:
~. ~ ~. ..:.~ ~ . . ....,._
..,.~.._e._.. ,.-~...
..,..:.._ Shenzhen ~
~_q._~:.._. .q._.
_.,.:.~ ..:.~:~....
,..:.~:. ..:q~_.._e ~,~
.q ~ .:. ~:. .~ .:... ..
..,.e_...~._. ~.:~
~~....._~:. ~q_~.....
.q:~._. ~.~:...,....
. :.q.__e. ._~:. Roland Kohl ~
December 5-11, 2013
Myanmar Business Today
December 5-11, 2013
Myanmar Business Today
Contd. P 13...(Myanmar Modernises)
As Myanmar Modernises, Old Trades Are
Outpaced By New Competitors
Thomas Fuller
or years they poured out
their hearts on the broken
puvemenLs oI Myunmur`s
cILIes und Lowns, young Iovers
desperuLe Ior prIvucy yeL wILI
no choice but to use what the
Burmese call roadside phone
Duw MyInL MyInL TIun, wIo
rents out her two phone lines
In cenLruI Yungon, Ius Ieurd IL
uII: LIe sobbIng, IeurLbroken
women; the angry spouses;
the duplicitous boyfriends who
gush sweet nothings to one
gIrIIrIend, Iung up und repeuL
the same sweet nothings to
Iuve IosL uII IuILI In men,
suId MyInL MyInL TIun, wIo suL
on a plastic stool impatiently
wIggIIng Ier sIIver-puInLed Loe-
nails as her customers chatted
RoudsIde pIone sIops - ucLu-
ally no more than a tiny table
on the sidewalk and a few push-
buLLon pIones - ourIsIed
in Myanmar when the former
mIIILury junLu seL LIe prIce oI
obtaining a cellphone at thou-
sands of dollars.
But as this country opens to
LIe worId, LIe pIone renLuI
business is losing customers
quIckIy, one oI u number oI
unLIquuLed Lrudes LIuL ure dIs-
appearing from a rapidly mod-
ernising country. Who needs a
roadside phone shop when you
can now buy a cheap cellphone
and call from anywhere you
The list of soon-to-be obsolete
professions is growing: The
typewriter clerks who sit out-
sIde courLIouses und govern-
menL omces ure IosIng ground
to computers and email. The
mimeograph machines and a
whole neighbourhood of men
wIo munuuIIy curve rubber
stamps are being replaced by
Iuser prInLers, scunners und
n every socIeLy, proIessIons
disappear in the name of pro-
gress. But the pace of change in
Myunmur, wIere urmy generuIs
introduced a form of democ-
rucy Lwo yeurs ugo, Ius been
compressed InLo monLIs, noL
The typewriting business
Is bud, suId Duw Nwe Sundu,
who was at an outdoor shop in
Yungon, wIere LIe cIuck-cIuck-
clack of manual typewriters
hIIs LIe uIr. We sLIII Iuve our
regular customers. But some-
day computers will replace all
oI LIIs.
Myanmar today feels caught
between centuries. A clerk
next to Nwe Sanda paused
uL Ier LypewrILer, pIcked up
her smartphone and browsed
Shiny new cars pass her
sLuII, wIIcI sILs In IronL oI u
moss-covered, hve-sLory BrIL-
ish colonial building that is so
dilapidated that large plants
grow out of cracks in the facade.
To tourists who hail from
more orderIy, sunILIsed socIe-
LIes, Myunmur`s sLreeL IIIe cun
be charming.
On LIe sIdewuIks oI Yungon,
rudIsIes ure sIredded, corn Is
sLeumed, coconuLs ure IoIIowed
out and stalks of sugar cane are
crusIed InLo juIce. Vendors seII
knickknacks. On one stretch of
sIdewuIk, LIey Iuwk Leucups,
used knIves, CIInese-mude
pIusLIc Loys, Lwo Lypes oI ruL
poison and a large pile of
dusLy, secondIund TV remoLe
TIe sLreeLs ure cucopIonous,
crowded and colorful. But the
charm is lost on some here. It
Is more IIke desperuLIon, suId
U Suy TIu, wIo Ius mude rub-
ber stamps on a Yangon street
corner for the past decade.
No one would choose to work
on LIe roudsIde, suId Suy TIu,
who tries to support his wife
and children on an income
of about $200 a month. We
wouId preIer Lo be Indoors.
It took him almost a year
to master the art of hand-
curvIng rubber sLumps, wIIcI
companies used for decades to
gIve LIeIr correspondence un
omcIuI ImprImuLur. BuL hndIng
cusLomers Is geLLIng Iurder, Suy
Thu said. He works with his
buck Lo u wuII LIuL Is covered In
green fungus across the street
Irom SuIe Pugodu, LIe goIden
Buddhist shrine in central
My proIessIon Is In dunger,
he said. Its hard to make ends
A few blocks away is another
trade that seems bound for
obsolescence: the ice water
IudIes wIo oer Lo quencI LIe
thirst of customers with a block
of ice that drips through a sock
into a pitcher of water. Two
wrinkled women compete for
business by clanging metal cups
LogeLIer. TIeIr muIn LIreuLs,
convenIence sLores LIuL seII boL-
LIed wuLer, ure openIng ucross
the country.
IIe In Yungon Is movIng
Indoors. nvesLors puved over u
huge cemetery a few years ago
und buIIL JuncLIon Squure, u
giant shopping mall.
Omce buIIdIngs und IoLeIs
are under construction across
the city. Air-conditioned su-
permarkets carry delicacies like
RoqueIorL cIeese Irom runce
und uppIes Irom LIe UnILed
Once u reIuLIveIy scurce
Iuxury, uIr-condILIonIng Is
everywIere now, In LIe Iorm
of newly imported cars. After
decades when buying a car was
beyond the reach of all but the
weuILIy, LIe governmenL Ius
uIIowed u ood oI ImporLs.
A sIgnIhcunL porLIon oI Yun-
gons population now spends
lots of time shielded from the
LropIcuI IeuL - In Lrumc jums.
The new cars replaced what
populated Myanmars streets
before the country opened up:
decudes-oId Jupunese-mude
cars held together by the inge-
nuity of mechanics who welded
LIeIr own spure purLs, und used
needles and thread to repair
torn engine hoses.
But those resourceful me-
chanics can barely contain their
bumemenL us LIey sLure under
LIe Ioods oI LIe new curs, In
which microprocessors control
L`s u bIg probIem, suId U
Zuw Ye WIn, wIo IusL yeur
IeIped open EngIne DocLor
EngIneerIng, u compuny LIuL
trains old mechanics in the
ways of modern autos. Four
decudes oI udvunces In uuLomo-
LIve LecInoIogy Iuve cuscuded
InLo LIe counLry over LIe pusL
two years. Myanmars mechan-
Ics, IIke greuse-monkey RIp Vun
WInkIes, ure LryIng Lo grusp
LIe hner poInLs oI compuLer
Zuw Ye WIn, wIo wus LruIned
Lo be u mecIunIcuI engIneer, Is
a good example. He spent 12
years as a political prisoner for
deIyIng LIe mIIILury junLu und
was released during an amnesty
in 2011. When he emerged from
juII, Ie Iud never senL un emuII,
owned a mobile phone or used a
web browser, IeL uIone GoogIe.
He Ius quIckIy cuugIL up.
Many mechanics dont know
Iow Lo use u IupLop, Ie suId.
We expIuIn IL sIowIy.
The New York Times
Myanmar Summary
The typewriting business is bad.
We still have our regular customers.
But someday computers will replace
all of this.
Thandar Tun waits for customers at a pubIic caII ofce (PCU) phone shop in Yangon.

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December 5-11, 2013
Myanmar Summary
From page z... (Myanmar Modernises)
Myanmar Business Today
Si nga por e Woos MNCs t o Bui l d Up
3D Pr i nt i ng Se c t or
Commercial applications in aerospace, medical technology sectors can take of in Spore
Teh Shi Ning
Ie SIngupore EconomIc
DeveIopmenL Bourd
(EDB) wunLs muILInu-
tional companies to pick Singa-
pore us LIe IocuLIon Ior deveI-
opIng D prInLIng und uddILIve
manufacturing applications for
their businesses.
Were not ready to announce
unyLIIng yeL, buL we`re quILe
conhdenL oI beIng ubIe Lo un-
nounce some good progress
In LIuL spuce soon, EDB`s
managing director Yeoh Keat
CIuun suId In un InLervIew wILI
Business Times.
TIougI excILemenL over per-
sonal 3D printers for hobbyists
and the 3D printing of iPhone
covers uL Iome muy be neurIng
LIe peuk oI LIe Iype curve,
LIere Iuve noL been LIuL muny
large-scale commercial applica-
LIons worIdwIde, Ie suId.
BuL EDB beIIeves SIngupore Is
one location where commercial
uppIIcuLIons muy Luke o und
dIsrupL, posILIveIy, key secLors
such as aerospace and medical
technology. If any country is
In u good posILIon, IL Ius Lo be
SIngupore, YeoI suId.
3D printing is also known as
uddILIve munuIucLurIng becuuse
LIe LecInoIogy InvoIves buIId-
Ing soIId, LIree-dImensIonuI
objecLs by deposILIng und IusIng
together layers and layers of
pIusLIcs, meLuIs or oLIer muLerI-
uIs uccordIng Lo very precIse
digital models.
TIIs Is udvunLugeous Ior In-
dusLrIes wILI compIex purLs, us
it eliminates the need to cut or
drIII, reducIng wusLuge oI muLe-
rIuI. However, sucI IndusLrIes
musL be IIgI-vuIue ones us LIe
uddILIve munuIucLurIng process
remuIns quILe sIow.
Two IndusLrIes hL LIIs bIII weII
and are strong clusters in Sin-
gapore: aerospace and medical
YeoI suId, L Is noL jusL LIuL
the aerospace companies are
Iere, LIey Iuve been Iere Ior
u wIIIe. BuL, we now Iuve un
increasing number of them
doIng munuIucLurIng, doIng
deveIopmenL work.
RecenLIy, LIe Agency Ior ScI-
ence, TecInoIogy und ReseurcI
(A*Star) announced a new
progrumme Lo deveIop uddILIve
manufacturing technologies for
LIe uerospuce, uuLomoLIve, oII
und gus, murIne und precIsIon
engineering sectors. The $15
million 3D printing technolo-
gies fund will be split among
sIx projecLs underLuken by
Nunyung TecInoIogIcuI UnIver-
sILy (NTU) und LIe SIngupore
Institute of Manufacturing
Technology (SIMTech).
n AugusL, NTU und LIe
SIngupore UnIversILy oI TecI-
noIogy und DesIgn (SUTD) seL
up u joInL Iub Ior D prInLIng
research. Prime Minister Lee
Hsien Loong also spoke during
LIe NuLIonuI Duy RuIIy ubouL D
prInLIng oI bone LIssue scuoIds
deveIoped by ASLur, wIIcI
Iuve been commercIuIIsed Ior
Siam Commercial Bank Aims for 2014
Loan Growth Of 9-10pc
iam Commercial Bank Pcl
(SCB), TIuIIund`s LIIrd-
IurgesL Iender by usseLs,
said last week it is aiming for
loan growth of 9-10 percent in
zo1q, sIower LIun ILs LurgeL oI
10-12 percent this year.
SCB expects loan growth
Ior LIe overuII bunkIng secLor
Lo IIL 8-q percenL nexL yeur,
based on assumption that the
countrys economy will grow of
q- percenL, PresIdenL KunnIkur
Chalitaporn told reporters.
TIe Iender, wIIcI Iud Ioun
growLI oI 1z percenL In LIe hrsL
nIne monLIs oI LIIs yeur, pIuns
to sell at least $500 million to
$1 bIIIIon bonds beIore LIe US
ederuI Reserve sLurLs LuperIng
ILs QE progrum, sIe suId.
use by dentists by home-grown
hrm BIo-ScuoId nLernuLIonuI.
And NTU unnounced In Sep-
tember that it would build a $30
mIIIIon uddILIve munuIucLurIng
cenLre, Iunded by EDB.
A*Star said that the global
uddILIve munuIucLurIng murkeL
could grow to an estimated
$1o.8 bIIIIon by zoz1, cIose Lo
hve LImes LIe $z.z bIIIIon In
zo1z, Ied by uuLomoLIve, medI-
cal and aerospace applications.
Business Times
Myanmar Summary
~.:,_.._:e_e.~.~~. ~_
.:.. :~,~.~._..~ , ~ . . . .:.
~.,_e ._ ..~.._..:.~...
~ ~....:.~. . . .:.~ ._.. .
..~: ~~,~:. 3D printing
. . . q, ~~ ~ ~:, . ~ .:_~._ .
. ~:. . .. :..q.e_e.~.~~.~~
e ~._ . (EDB). ~_._ _._ . q:
~ ~._.. ~ . . ~ ..: q ~ .,
_~._ ~ . ~ .:.~:.. ~:. . ~
3Dprinting. . , ..:.~:...: q~
... ._~:..q._.
EDB - .,.,..|,~~:
Yeoh Keat Chuan ~ Business
Times. .~ . ..._., .. ~ , .~
~.,_e ~. . ~. q:~ ~ _., ._~
_:q, ~. ._ e. .....: ._ ..
.,.~:..:.~ ~_.,.:....
._ e e _~_ ._~: .._.:_~:.. ._ .
EDB . e_~_:.._.:
.~:..~ ... :..q..., ..:.
..~._.~..:q~ . ._ .,q:
~. . _e. _. . ..e: ~_ ..:~ . .
...~|.,_ .._:~. ~.~..,.
.:.~:. ..: q ~ . ._ .,q:~. . _e.
._~:. .q._.
. ~:. . ~.,_e 3D. . , ..:.
~:...: q ~ . ._ .,q:.~: .
~. . _e. ._~:., .~~. ~.:._ .:
. ._.. _e.._.
3D printing ~:. additive
manufacturing e . _~._ .
3Dprinting..: q ~ .:. . ._~:
.._..:. ... .~...~:...:
. . .. , . . ...:~. ~ ~. .
.:..|~ ._ .~ . ~ ~ , .:.~
_e~~_.. ~..|~.e:~ _. .~.
q ._ ~ ~ ..: q ~ .q:.. ~
.,~,.~.:.. ._._._e.._.
A picture shows gures that were created by means of 3B printing in BerIin. The gures are 3B printed representations of the originaI modeIs
that were recorded with 3D scanning technology by Gismo at the Raumfahrtagentur hacker space in Berlin.

.,. :.....:~~q ..
- ~~ e~_ ~ . . . ~ _ e. ..:
SiamCommercial Bank Pcl (SCB)
._ .,.._~.~~ ,.~~.,
_e ~~, ...~ .... q:.
.,.. ~~ q:..,. ~.~~.:..q,
q_ . , .:.._~: . ._.:_~:.. _. . e .
.,.:..: e...~~~ ~~ q:.
.,.. ~ q:..,. ..:.,..~~
..:,_..:.._~:. .q._.
SCB . ~..,.~_~:...
- ....~.~~. . : .:._..~
q:..,.. q:..,.~q._e
..: . , .:._. . . -. .. :..q.~ .~~
.. :._. , q:..,.. q:..,.q
.__e.._~:. SCB ~- ~_
Kannikar Chalitaporn ~ .~.
.:~.:.~:. ._.:_~:..._.
e. . . ..~ ..~:~~ . ~ -
.... ..:~~ .~~ . . : ~ q:. . , .
~ _. ~~ .:. _. . ~,_.. . ~..
q~,..'.: ~~ ..e. ~ .e
. ....:.. .:.~ .q: ... :.q, . .
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December 5-11, 2013
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
Asian Airlines to Give Flight Plans to China
After Airspace Zone Created
Airlines forced to acknowledge Chinas authority over new zone; Zone covers area about two-thirds the size of the UK; Beijing in war of words
with Tokyo, Washington
Ben Blanchard and
Tim Kelly
sIun uvIuLIon omcIuIs
said airlines would
Iuve Lo InIorm CIInu
oI IgIL pIuns beIore enLerIng
uIrspuce over wuLers dIspuLed
wILI Jupun, IorcIng currIers Lo
acknowledge Chinas authority
over u newIy decIured AIr De-
Iense denLIhcuLIon Zone.
China published coordinates
Ior LIe zone In LIe penuILImuLe
week oI November. TIe ureu,
ubouL Lwo-LIIrds LIe sIze oI LIe
UnILed KIngdom, covers mosL oI
LIe EusL CIInu Seu und LIe skIes
over u group oI unInIubILed
islands at the centre of a bitter
row beLween BeIjIng und Tokyo.
Jupun und ILs cIose uIIy, LIe
UnILed SLuLes, sIurpIy crILIcIsed
LIe move, wIIcI experLs suId
was aimed at chipping away at
Tokyo`s cIuIm Lo udmInIsLruLIve
conLroI over LIe ureu IncIudIng
the tiny uninhabited islands
known us LIe Senkuku In Jupun
and the Diaoyu in China.
While China said the new
ruIes wouId noL uecL normuI
operuLIons Ior InLernuLIonuI
IgILs, IL udded LIuL IL wouId
Luke deIensIve emergency
meusures uguInsL uIrcruIL LIuL
IuIIed Lo IdenLIIy LIemseIves
CIInu`s IuLesL move couId IeIp
spreud LIe vIew LIuL Jupun wus
IosIng udmInIsLruLIve conLroI oI
LIe ureu, suId HIroko Muedu,
reseurcI IeIIow uL Jupunese
think-tank the PHP Institute.
China has already been send-
ing its ships (there). It is clear
China is trying to undermine
Jupun`s udmInIsLruLIve conLroI.
Now they are stepping up their
eorL In LIe sky us weII, Muedu
Jupun proLesLed LIe move,
warning of an escalation into
LIe unexpecLed II BeIjIng en-
Iorced LIe ruIes. US SecreLury
oI SLuLe JoIn Kerry urged CIInu
to exercise restraint.
While Washington does
not take a position on the
sovereIgnLy oI LIe IsIunds, IL
recognIses LIuL Jupun Ius ud-
mInIsLruLIve conLroI over LIem
and is therefore bound by treaty
Lo deIend Jupun In LIe evenL oI
un urmed conIcL.
n u conLInuIng wur oI words,
Chinas Defence Ministry said
on Monday last week it had
Iodged proLesLs wILI LIe US und
Jupunese embussIes In BeIjIng
over LIe crILIcIsm Irom WusI-
IngLon und Tokyo oI LIe zone.
A LrunsporL mInIsLry omcIuI In
Seoul said South Korean planes
yIng In LIe new zone wouId
noLIIy CIInu`s cIvII uvIuLIon
uuLIorILIes oI LIeIr IgIL pIuns.
YI SIIn-Juung, depuLy dIrec-
Lor oI LIe uIr-Lrumc servIce
dIvIsIon oI LIe TuIwun CIvII
AeronuuLIcs AdmInIsLruLIon,
said Taiwanese carriers would
Issue sImIIur noLIhcuLIons, buL
wouId noL be requIred Lo udjusL
IgIL puLIs.
An omcIuI uL LIe Jupun CIvII
AvIuLIon Bureuu suId Jupunese
uIrIInes yIng LIrougI LIe re-
gion to non-mainland Chinese
destinations would likely need
to inform China of their plans.
AIrIInes Iuve been udvIsed Lo
Luke greuLer cure In LIe ureu,
suId unoLIer bureuu omcIuI.
Korean Air said Chinas proc-
IumuLIon meunL IgIL pIuns
wouId Iuve Lo be deIIvered Lo
Chinese authorities but the
routes its pilots took would not
be uecLed.
A spokeswoman for Qantas
Airways Ltd also said Qantas air
crew wouId Iuve Lo compIy wILI
the new rules when operating in
LIe uIr spuce In quesLIon.
Jupun AIrIInes und ANA
HoIdIngs suId LIe zone Iud noL
uecLed LIeIr IgILs LIrougI
the area.
Asia and Western diplomats
suId LIe zone wus u probIem Ior
Jupun, LIe UnILed SLuLes und
other countries that may be
wary of any acknowledgement
oI CIInu`s cIuIms over LIe ureu.
No one wants to be in a posi-
tion where by following Chinese
InsLrucLIons you ure gIvIng LucIL
ucknowIedgemenL oI LIeIr sov-
ereIgnLy over u dIspuLed ureu,
one Asian diplomat said. And
there is a fear that is precisely
the game that is being played
it seems no accident that the
disputed Senkaku islands are
now In LIe IeurL oI overIuppIng
Jupun Ius ILs own AIr DeIence
denLIhcuLIon Zone buL oI-
hcIuIs suId Tokyo onIy requIred
aircraft seen to be approaching
Jupunese LerrILorIuI uIrspuce Lo
IdenLIIy LIemseIves.
China also claims the South
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CIInu Seu, wIIcI Is beIIeved
to be rich in oil and gas. The
PIIIIppInes, VIeLnum, MuIuysIu,
Brunei and Taiwan also claim
purLs oI LIe SouLI CIInu Seu,
making it one of the regions
bIggesL usIpoInLs. Reuters
A group of disputed islands, Uotsuri island (top), Minamikojima (bottom) and Kitakojima, known as Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China is
seen in the East China Sea. Japan and its ally the United States sharply criticised China's move to impose new rules on airspace over islands at
the heart of a territorial dispute with Tokyo, warning of an escalation into the "unexpected" if Beijing enforces the rules.
China has already been sending
its ships (there). It is clear China
is trying to undermine Japans
administrative control. Now
they are stepping up their effort
in the sky as well.
December 5-11, 2013
Myanmar Summary
Myanmar Business Today
China Local Govt Debt
at Manageable Levels,
Though Some Risks
Xiaoyi Shao
IInu`s IocuI governmenL
debt is at a controllable
IeveI uILIougI rIsks ure
increasing in some areas and
projecLs due Lo u Iuck oI Lruns-
purency, u hnunce mInIsLry oI-
hcIuI uL u LIInk Lunk wus quoLed
us suyIng by LIe om cIuI PeopIe`s
JIu Kung, Ieud oI LIe ReseurcI
nsLILuLe oI IscuI ScIence, suId
in comments published last
week LIuL LIe overuII debL oI
Chinas public sector accounts
for about 50 percent of the
counLry`s GDP, wILIIn u suIe
CIInu`s IocuI governmenL debL
Ius surged us credIL owed
into the building of public in-
IrusLrucLure. Poor governmenL
dIscIosure on debL IeveIs Ius
IurLIer uggruvuLed concerns
ubouL LIe Lrue sIze oI LIe debL.
We still need to wait for this
yeur`s uudIL resuILs. Even II LIe
total debt ratio of the public sec-
Lor Ius Increused, IL sLIII wouId
noL surpuss IeveIs wurnIng oI
dunger subsLunLIuIIy, JIu suId.
He was referring to interna-
tionally accepted ways of meas-
urIng ouLsLundIng governmenL
debt as a percentage of GDP
und hscuI dehcILs us u percenL-
age of GDP.
CIInu`s AudIL Om ce suId In
JuIy IL wouId conducL un uudIL
oI uII governmenL debL uL LIe
requesL oI LIe cubIneL, buL
LIe resuILs Iuve noL yeL been
JIu uIso wurned LIuL CIInu
could not lower its guard on
potential risks arising from
hnuncIuI sLruIn In some ureus
und projecLs.
TIere Is sLIII reIuLIveIy IIgI
accumulation of risks in some
ureus und projecLs. We sIouId
Luke prevenLIve meusures uL un
eurIy sLuge, JIu suId, wILIouL
gIvIng more deLuIIs.
BeIjIng Ius repeuLedIy pIuyed
down Ieurs ubouL IocuI govern-
ment debt and insists systemic
probIems ure unIIkeIy. Om cIuI
hgures sIowed IocuI govern-
ment debt reached 10.7 trillion
yuan ($1.76 trillion) by the end
of 2010. Reuters
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Research Institute of Fiscal
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A model displays a Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
Samsungs Marketing Splurge Doesnt
Always Bring Bang-For-Buck
Miyoung Kim
umsung EIecLronIcs Co Is
expected to spend around
$14 billion more than
ceIund`s GDP - on udverLIsIng
und murkeLIng LIIs yeur, buL
IL doesn`L uIwuys geL vuIue Ior
The outlay buys the South
Korean technology giant pub-
IIcILy In TV und cInemu uds, on
bIIIbourds, und uL sporLs und
urLs evenLs Irom LIe Sydney
Operu House Lo New York`s Ru-
dio City Music Hall. Google Inc
spent less on buying Motorolas
handset business.
Sumsung, wIIcI Ius u murkeL
vuIue oI $zz; bIIIIon, Ius mude
no secret of keeping up its ag-
gressIve murkeLIng und promo-
tion splurge as it seeks to make
its brand as aspirational as
Apple Incs. But the money its
spending doesnt always bring
the desired result.
usL monLI, u Sumsung-
sponsored sIorL-hIm conLesL
hnuIe uL LIe Sydney Operu
House receIved poor revIews Ior
blatant product placement in a
serIes oI 'beIInd LIe scenes` vId-
eos. n BrILuIn, vIewers punned
a product placement deal with
TV`s popuIur X-ucLor LuIenL
show. Is this a singing compe-
tition or an extended Samsung
udverL? usked TwILLer user
Ryun Browne.
EurIIer LIIs yeur, Sumsung`s
New York launch of its lat-
est top-of-the-range Galaxy
smurLpIone cume under hre Ior
beIng sexIsL, porLruyIng gIggIIng
women cIuLLIng ubouL jeweIIery
and nail polish while the men
dIscussed LIe new pIone, und
the companys new fridge and
washing machine launch in
South Africa drew similar com-
plaints as it featured swim-suit
Samsungs marketing is too
mucI Iocused on projecLIng
an image they aspire to: be-
Ing InnovuLIve und uIeud oI
LIe puck, suId OI Jung-suk,
associate professor at the busi-
ness school of Seoul National
UnIversILy. TIey ure IuIIIng
Lo em cIenLIy brIdge LIe gup
between the aspiration and how
consumers actually respond
to the campaign. Its got to be
more uIIgned.
Samsung spends a bigger
cIunk oI ILs unnuuI revenue
on udverLIsIng und promoLIon
than any other of the worlds
top-20 companies by sales 5.4
percenL, uccordIng Lo TIomson
ReuLers duLu. AppIe spends jusL
o.6 percenL, und GeneruI Mo-
tors 3.5 percent.
When your brand doesnt
Iuve u cIeur IdenLILy, us Is LIe
cuse wILI Sumsung, Lo keep
spending is probably the best
sLruLegy, suId Moon JI-Iun,
head of brand consultant Inter-
brands Korean operation. But
maintaining marketing spend
uL LIuL IeveI In LIe Ionger Lerm
wouldnt bring much more ben-
ehL. No one cun beuL Sumsung
In Lerms oI (ud) presence, und
doubL wIeLIer keepIng InvesL-
Ing uL LIIs IeveI Is eecLIve.
n u sLuLemenL Lo ReuLers,
Samsung said it will continue
Lo Ieveruge our brund power Lo
muInLuIn growLI momenLum,
while focusing on optimising
LIe em cIency oI our murkeLIng
ucLIvILIes, reILeruLIng recenL
commenLs by ILs co-CEO.
Our producL InnovuLIon und
murkeLIng sLruLegy Iuve mude
Samsung the worlds most
preIerred smurLpIone brund,
JK SIIn, wIo uIso Ieuds LIe
group`s mobIIe busIness, LoId
InvesLors recenLIy. Now we`II
move Irom LIe mosL preIerred
brand to become one of the
worlds leading aspirational
Sumsung`s 'NexL BIg TIIng,`
und 'L`s TIme Lo CIunge` mur-
keting campaigns stress that
ILs producLs ure cuLLIng-edge,
und even LrumpeL ILs LecInoI-
ogy 'worId hrsLs` beIore LIey`re
reudy Ior prIme LIme, sucI us
curved smurLpIones, uvuIIubIe
onIy In SouLI Koreu, und curved
TVs LIuL cosL neurIy $1o,ooo.
For a company long seen as a
IoIIower, LIIs Is now u bIg seII
on IL beIng un InnovuLor.
Contd. P z8...(Samsung)
December 5-11, 2013
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
Maid in Singapore: Will Cambodian Domestic
Workers be Better Protected?
Kevin Ponniah
hol Srey Mach is one of
400 women taking part
in a pilot scheme that is
sending Cambodian domestic
workers to Singapore.
TIere ure more LIun zoo,ooo
foreign domestic workers on
LIe IsIund, und II LIe LrIuI goes
well it could open the way for a
new source of labour to sate the
umuenL cILy-sLuLe`s uppeLILe Ior
household help.
WILI LIuL In mInd, Srey MucI,
z6, und dozens oI oLIer young
women Iuve been prepurIng
by scrubbIng oors, buLIIng
plastic babies and brushing up
on LIeIr EngIIsI uL u CumbodIun
recruitment centre.
TIe uILernuLIve Lo goIng over-
seas for many of these women
would be working in a garment
IucLory - u job LIuL puys ubouL
$75 per month.
Srey MucI, wIo Ius worked
In MuIuysIu, cun expecL Lo eurn
about $360 a month in Singa-
pore, ugenLs suy, LIougI Ier
salary will ultimately depend
on murkeL Iorces, wILI no
guaranteed minimum wage.
n zo11, LIe CumbodIun
governmenL sLopped sendIng
domestic workers to Malaysia
uILer u serIes oI rIgILs ubuses,
IncIudIng conhnemenL, beuL-
ings and sexual exploitation
emerged. Two Cambodian
agencies participating in the
Singapore scheme were alleg-
edly implicated in some of those
TIe CumbodIun governmenL
Ius suId IL beIIeves ILs workers
will be better protected in Sin-
gapore. But rights groups point
to large placement fees and a
lack of guaranteed rest days as
potential welfare issues.
Although Singapore has
recenLIy munduLed u weekIy o-
duy Ior muIds, empIoyers ure
allowed to pay workers extra in
lieu of a rest day if they agree.
or un exLru $1 u week, Srey
Mach says she wont take a day
o: don`L know wIuL wouId
do on un o-duy. We wunL Lo
work more so we can get more
Cambodian workers rights
udvocuLes ure uppeuIIng Lo
Singaporeans to pay the place-
menL Iees, wIIcI oLIer source
counLrIes, sucI us LIe PIIIIp-
pInes, InsIsL empIoyers beur.
Singaporeans complain that
LIey uIreudy Iuve Lo puy $z1 u
monLI In Luxes - u muId Ievy
- us weII us u $q,oo bond Lo
Iuve u IouseIoId worker.
The Cambodian women will
Iuve uImosL uII oI LIeIr suIurIes
deducLed durIng LIeIr hrsL sIx
monLIs oI work, Lo repuy u
$1,qo Ioun Luken ouL Lo cover
agency fees. If the worker re-
Lurns Iome premuLureIy, sIe
will still be tied to the loan.
n SepLember, LIe MunIIu-
based Association of Licensed
RecruILmenL AgencIes Lo SIn-
gapore (Alras) stopped sending
domestic workers to Singapore
in protest against salary deduc-
LIons und pIucemenL Iees, wIIcI
are illegal under Filipino law.
SInce AprII zo11, SInguporeun
law has set a two-month cap on
fees that local agencies can de-
duct from a workers salary. But
despILe LIe Iuws, some SIngu-
pore und IIIpIno ugencIes Iuve
continued to deduct salaries for
up Lo eIgIL monLIs, suId ucy
SermonIu, presIdenL oI AIrus,
which represents 110 Filipino
agencies. It is high time we
think about the welfare of the
IouseIoId servIce workers, sIe
Singapores ministry of man-
power told the Guardian it had
Luken u hrm sLunce uguInsL ex-
cessIve recruILmenL Iees, wILI
Ieuvy penuILIes Ior oenders.
We urge |ugencIes| Lo compIy
wILI requIremenLs Imposed by
source-counLry governmenLs .
However, SIngupore Is noL ubIe
to enforce the laws of another
counLry, u spokesperson suId.
SIngupore`s empIoymenL ucL,
which regulates working condi-
LIons, does noL cover domesLIc
Although workers welfare has
Improved over LIe yeurs, pIuce-
menL Iees Iuve Increused In
LIe pusL decude, suId JoIn Gee
from Transient Workers Count
Too, u SIngupore NGO. BeIore
LIe AsIun hnuncIuI crIsIs IL wus
pretty normal for Singapore
employers to expect to pay for
LIe pIucemenL cosLs, Ie suId.
TIen ugencIes begun udverLIs-
Ing '$o muIds`, und LIe cosL wus
transferred to the worker and
LIose cosLs Lended Lo go up.
The Philippines is the only
AsIun counLry Lo Iuve ruLIhed
the landmark International La-
bour OrgunIsuLIon convenLIon
on domesLIc workers, wIIcI -
among other rights protections
bans salary deductions to pay
placement fees.
Manilas tough stance has
pushed up demand for domestic
workers Irom oLIer counLrIes,
Gee suId, wILI SInguporeun em-
ployers knowing it will be harder
to get Filipino workers to forfeit
LIeIr resL duy. TIe |empIoyers|
know the Filipinos will stand
LIeIr ground, und LIey`ve goL
governmenL buckIng, Ie suId.
Workers from poorer countries
such as Burma are marketed
us docIIe, Ie udded. WIen
they talk about workers in these
Lerms, IL`s u IIcence Lo expIoIL.
They wont complain and will
do what they are told There is
LIe sume Imuge, `m uIruId, wILI
workers Irom CumbodIu.
Gury CIIn, munugIng dIrec-
Lor uL NuLIon EmpIoymenL,
un ugency In SIngupore, suId
Filipino workers share of the
market had plummeted from
90 percent two decades ago to
20-30 percent today because
LIey were Loo expensIve. I
|empIoyers| wunL Lo puy Iess,
they will turn to those countries
that still allow their maids to
SIngupore und ure |puyIng| LIe
pIucemenL Iees, IIke Burmu,
ndonesIu und CumbodIu, CIIn
said. The Guardian
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~.q..:.~ . .:...:.... ~. .
..:...'e ._~..:.~ ._ . ~_.:..
.:.. ...q._.
The Cambodian government has
said it believes its workers will be
better protected in Singapore. But
rights groups point to large place-
ment fees and a lack of guaranteed
rest days as potential welfare
Susan, a 36-year-old maid from the Philippines, works at her employer's house in Singapore. About half of Singapore's 170,000 foreign maids
do not have a rest day according to the Unitied Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM).

December 5-11, 2013
Myanmar Summary
Myanmar Business Today
Changed Weekend Irks Business Community in Johor
Oliver Slow
he decision to change
weekends to Fridays and
Saturdays in the southern
MuIuysIun sLuLe oI JoIor Ius
been met with a mixed reac-
tion in the regions business
usL week, IL wus unnounced
LIuL sLurLIng Irom Junuury 1,
zo1q, In JoIor - wIIcI borders
SIngupore Lo LIe souLI - gov-
ernment departments would
work on Sundays instead of Fri-
day in order to allow Muslims to
Iuve more LIme Ior LIeIr rIduy
prayers and also to encour-
age families to include their
children in the Friday prayer
However, IL wus reveuIed LIuL
prIvuLe secLor compunIes Iuve
the choice of either following
LIe rIduy-SuLurduy weekend,
or conLInuIng Lo observe LIe
more traditional Saturday-
Sunday weekend.
JoIor BuIru CIInese CIum-
ber of Commerce and Industry
president Loh Liam Hiang
said export-oriented and trade
compunIes wouId suer, even
if they chose to stick with the
Saturday-Sunday weekend.
n LIe evenL LIuL LIe prIvuLe
secLor conLInues Lo observe
Saturday and Sunday as the
weekend, LIere wIII be unoLIer
probIem. TIey wIII onIy Iuve
four days per week to go to
governmenL depurLmenLs und
ugencIes, wIIcI wIII cIose on
rIduy sLurLIng nexL yeur, Ie
told New Straits Times.
ExporL-orIenLed IndusLrIes
and trading companies may
Iuve Lo muke some udjusLmenLs
In order Lo geL mInImuI neguLIve
impact from the change in rest
duys, Ie suId, uILIougI wILIouL
uddIng wIuL LIose udjusLmenLs
would be.
MeunwIIIe, busInesspeopIe
in neighbouring Singapore that
Iuve InLeresLs In LIe regIon,
Iuve crILIcIsed LIe decIsIon. Ho
Meng KIL, CEO oI SIngupore
BusIness ederuLIon (SB),
wIose members Iuve busIness
InLeresLs In ILs neIgIbour, suId
LIe move couId muke JoIor
Iess uLLrucLIve us un InvesLmenL
TIe move wIII muke conducL-
Ing busIness more InemcIenL.
or exumpIe, II you Iuve u SIn-
gupore compuny wILI u JoIor
subsIdIury, LIere wIII onIy be
four working days. If you are
going to transfer goods and ser-
vIces beLween LIe IeudquurLers
und LIe subsIdIury, you couId
onIy do IL on Iour duys, Ie suId.
One Singaporean business-
mun, rederIck CIong, wIo
operates a real estate business
in Singapore with businesses in
JoIor, ugreed LIuL IL wouId be u
This is a waste of three days.
TIIngs muy be dIerenL II
SIngupore uIso IoIIows JoIor
on LIe new resL duys, buL LIIs Is
Another Singapore-based
enLrepreneur, CY CIIng, u
handphone dealer who operates
Lwo bruncIes In SIngupore, suId
that might need to force some
of his workers in Singapore to
work overLIme on Sunduy In
order to liaise with branches in
JoIor wIIcI wouId drIve up IIs
However, uuLIorILIes Irom
JoIor urgued LIuL LIe move
wouId noL Iuve u bIg ImpucL on
the economy and that in areas
oI LourIsm, couId Ieud Lo posI-
LIve eecLs.
JoIor Buru Is uIreudy u zqJ;
cILy, meunIng LIuL mosL busI-
nesses operate almost 24 hours
u duy In sIIILs und seven duys u
week. The change in rest days is
not much of a downside. More
ImporLunLIy, IL wIII noL Ieud Lo u
Ioss In busIness, suId skunder
Malaysia Chamber of Com-
merce und ndusLry udvIser Tun
Sri Shahrir Samad.
TIe buIk oI LourIsLs Lo JoIor
are from Singapore and other
neIgIbourIng counLrIes, wIo
usuuIIy vIsIL durIng LIe week-
ends. With the states weekly
o duys cIunged Lo rIduy und
SuLurduy, LIese IoreIgn LourIsLs
need not crowd into our theme
parks and shopping malls with
LIe IocuIs, suId MuIuysIun
Tour Guides Council President
JImmy eong.
Former Malaysia Prime Min-
IsLer Dr MuIuLIIr MoIumed,
who ruled the country from
1q81 Lo zoo, Iud LrIed Lo esLub-
lish a standard weekend for the
counLry, buL wus unsuccessIuI.
He wrote about his attempts
in his memoirs A Doctor in the
House, wIIcI wus pubIIsIed In
I prefer a Sunday weekend
because working while nobody
eIse Is In LIeIr omce In LIe resL
of todays globalised world is
InconvenIenL und unproduc-
LIve, Ie wroLe.
He added that a Sunday week-
end is generally practised due
to the religious connotations
In CIrIsLIunILy und JuduIsm
Lo observe LIe SubbuLI on LIuL
duy, buL In sIum`s IoIy book,
LIe Qurun, LIere Is no uspecL oI
IuvIng Lo resL on rIduys.
Choosing Friday as a day of
rest was a decision made by
people who wanted to empha-
sIse LIe dIerence beLween
sIum und CIrIsLIunILy, Ie suId.
JoIor BuIru prevIousIy oper-
ated a Friday-Saturday week-
end, buL In 1qqq reverLed Lo LIe
SuLurduy-Sunduy modeI. Ive
other states in the country oper-
ate a Friday-Saturday weekend.
The city of Johor Bahru, capital of Johor, Malaysia.
The move will make conducting busi-
ness more inefcient. For exampIe, if
you have a Singapore company with
a Johor subsidiary, there will only be
four working days. If you are going to
transfer goods and services between the
headquarters and the subsidiary, you
could only do it on four days.

....q:.. J ohor _._,e~
q~ .~ .~ ~:. .. q~ .:. ~:.
..:_~:., . ..,., . ._.: .. q,
~~~ .._e~.~. : ~..|...-
. .. :..q.~. .~~, .- ~ _., . .:.. :
. _~.~.,._~:. .q._.
.~: ~ ~ . ~:. . . ,e ,
. ~ .. .. .,..: Johor _._ ,e
~ ~~, ... ~,,~|q. ~ q~
.,.._ ~:...q~ ~._.:.~.~
.~ ._ e ._~_:. _. . ~,.. ., ~.:.
..:_~:., ~:. ~:... q~ ~_e.
._.:...~.~._~~~ ~..q
_:,.:.~.,_e._. ~,..., . :
. . , ..:. ..: q ~ . :.qe e q .,
._ . . .. .:.~:. ..:_~:., .:._
~~_.~.~e..:.~ ~. ,..qq_..
. .:.. ~ .:.. ~.... e .:.~:.
~~_.~.~e.~.~.~ ...|~
.:. q, ~~ ~ ~:... q~ ~._.: .
~.~ _...._.._e.._.
. ..: ._. . . ~_. ~ . ~ .:.
~.,_e ~:... q~ .:.~_e. ..:_~:
.., ..e~ e.~:...q~..
_e...: ..,~,..~ .q..e.
._~:. .q._. .q:~ J ohor
Bar ~ ~, ~ ~ , ._ _~ ..:.. .~ .
.~.~.._~. ~_ Loh Liam
Hiang ~ ..,~,...:.~:. ~:.
.. q~ ~_e. .~ . ~ _ e. ~~ .
..,...:q~...~: .~,
..,..:.. ~,.e.q.~.~.:.
~.,_e .~,.,:..:. .~_~.:
qeeq._~:. ._.:_~:..._.
. . ~_. .. , ..:.~.,_ e
.., ~,...:.~:. q~.~.~
~:... q~ .:.~_e. .~ .~ _:.q
~: .. , ..:.~:. ._ .~ ..: q ~
._ . . .~: .,:~ . _..,:
~..q._~:. ~..q_:,.:.. .~
..:.~.,_e ~..~. ...
q~.: ~...:. ..~_~q.__e.
_.. .:._...._ ..:_~:.,~
~. . . ~._ _ e. ._ ~: . , . ~
New Straits Times . ._.:_~:.. ._ .
~..|~:...q~.:. ._.:...
._~: ..~..:.~ ~,_... .~
.q:~..q,~~~ .~,..,..:.
. ~ , . e .q.~ . ~ .:.~.,_e
. , _ . .:.~ . . ..: q._ _e. ._~: .
,.~ .~.~ ._.:_~:..._.
~_. ~.,... .~:..q
... :..q...,.q.:.~.,_e._.
~..|...~ .~~.:...:. q.,
_. . ~:... q~ .~ . ~ . . ._e~ .~
~:. .~e,._~._~:. .q._.
Singapore Business Federation
(SBF) - .~.~ Ho Meng Kit
~ e.~.._ J ohor _._,e~
q..._.......q: ~.q..:.~
.~~.:...:. ..:,_..:.....
.__e.._~:. ._.:_~:..._.
e.~._.:.~.._ ..,..:.
~:. ~~..~.q:~.~ ~:.,_.
.....__e._.. ..:~:._e J ohor
~ ..,..q..: .~:.~.~
~..~.,_e ~..~. ...q~
.: ~....~q~q._~:. ~._.
.~,.. ..,...:.~_~:. ~,._
. ~,..:..:.~:. ...:q:~
...q~.: ....:.,q._~:.
._ . , .~ .~ .~ ._.:_~:.. ._ .
Johor ~ . . , ..:.q ..: . ~:.
. . . :. .q. . . , . q ~. . _ e. ._
Frederick Chong ~._. ~..|
~:...q~.~.~.. : _..,:~.
q._e..:eeq._~ .~.._~:.
December 5-11, 2013
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
Contd. P 19...(\S ]obs)
Bitcoin enthusiast Mike CaIdweII poses at his ofce in Sandy, Utah. CaIdweII produces physicaI coins Bitcoins, which
have been around since 2008, and have become a form of electronic money that can be exchanged without using
traditional banking or money transfer systems. Bitcoins, touted by some experts as the future of money, gained in
prominence during Europe's nanciaI crisis as more peopIe questioned the safety of hoIding their cash in the bank.
Bitcoin Price Zooms Through $1,000 as
Enthusiasm Grows
Wanfeng Zhou
he price of the
digital currency bit-
coIn soured ubove
$1,ooo Ior LIe hrsL LIme
on Wednesduy IusL week,
extending a 400 percent
surge in less than a month
that some see as a grow-
ing bubble in an asset that
is still a mystery to many.
Bitcoin hit a high of
$1,o; on Tokyo-bused
excIunge ML Gox, LIe
best-known operator of
a bitcoin digital market-
pIuce, compured wILI jusL
beIow $qoo LIe prevIous
At the beginning of the
monLI, bILcoIn, u promI-
nent digital currency that
Is noL bucked by u govern-
menL or cenLruI bunk,
traded at around $215.
The spike in its price has
some beIIevIng LIuL IL Ius
become overvuIued In u
sIorL perIod oI LIme, ow-
ing to its limited supply
and increasing demand.
A narrow asset class
und IoLs oI IIquIdILy Is LIe
perIecL envIronmenL Ior
u rupId bursL up In vuIue,
und LIen correcLIons,
suId SebusLIen GuIy, u cur-
rency strategist at Societe
Generale in New York.
Bitcoin trades 24 hours a
duy, every duy. TIe suppIy
oI LIe currency, wIIcI Is
mIned by soIvIng muLI
probIems, Is IImILed, und
recently stood at 12 mil-
IIon bILcoIns, worLI ubouL
$12.9 billion at recent
Bitcoin is not backed
by physical assets and is
not run by any person or
group. Ls vuIue depends
on peopIe`s conhdence In
the currency. I t has been
gaining acceptance by the
generuI pubIIc und InvesL-
ment community but has
yet to become an accepted
form of payment on the
websILes oI mujor reLuII-
ers sucI us
EurIIer In LIe monLI, LIe
US SenuLe IeId u IeurIng
on vIrLuuI currencIes, wILI
some om cIuIs expressIng
concern that it is notable
for its use in criminal
ucLIvILy und LIuL LIere
is a lack of regulatory
BuL bILcoIn udvocuLes
say the Senate hearing
guve more IegILImucy Lo
LIe currency, In purL IueI-
ling the gains.
L Isn`L jusL LIe bILcoIn
community saying that
bitcoin is used for good
things and theres a lot of
greuL poLenLIuI. We Iuve
members of Congress
und governmenL ugen-
cIes wIo uII ugree, suId
JInyoung ee EngIund,
spokeswoman for the
Bitcoin Foundation in
BILcoIn Is vuIued by
many users for its ano-
nymILy. BuL governmenL
om cIuIs expressed con-
cerns LIuL muny vIrLuuI
currency servIces do noL
Iuve LIe proper conLroIs
In pIuce Lo prevenL IIIeguI
ucLIvILIes sucI us money
VIrLuuI currencIes,
perhaps most notably
BILcoIn, Iuve cupLured
LIe ImugInuLIon oI some,
struck fear among others
and confused the heck out
oI LIe resL oI us, SenuLor
Thomas Carper told the
Senate Homeland Secu-
rity Committee earlier
this month.
n OcLober, IederuI
authorities shut down
an online marketplace
cuIIed SIIk Roud LIuL
was used for purchasing
drugs and hiring hit men.
AuLIorILIes seIzed $.6
mIIIIon worLI oI bILcoIn,
which was used instead
of cash or credit cards to
complete transactions on
SIIk Roud.
More than 200 bitcoin
businesses and other
merchants participated
in a bitcoin Black Friday
sIoppIng evenL, wIere
users cun buy everyLIIng
from airplane tickets to
Christmas trees to organic
US Jobs Picture
Manufacturing May Be
Lucia Mutikani
he number of
AmerIcuns hIIng
new claims for
unemployment aid un-
expecLedIy IeII IusL week,
but continued weakness
in business spending on
capital goods suggested
slower economic growth
In LIe IourLI quurLer.
I nitial claims for state
jobIess benehLs IeII
1o,ooo Lo u seusonuIIy
udjusLed 16,ooo, LIe u-
bor Department said on
Wednesday last week.
The second straight week
oI decIInes dehed econo-
mists expectations for a
rIse In cIuIms Lo o,ooo
and raised hopes for
strong payroll growth in
We ure uL u IeveI LIuL,
II susLuIned, wouId poInL
Lo soIId job guIns uIeud.
There is also a good
chance that the October
puyroII guIn muy noL Iuve
been un uberruLIon, suId
JoeI Nuro, cIIeI econo-
mIsL uL Nuro EconomIc
AdvIsors In HoIIund,
EmpIoyers udded
zoq,ooo new jobs Lo
LIeIr puyroIIs IusL monLI,
Iur more LIun expecLed,
fanning speculation that
LIe US ederuI Reserve
might start to wind down
its economic stimulus
sooner rather than later.
TIe ImprovIng Iubour
market tone has helped
to boost consumer senti-
ment. The Thomson
ReuLersJUnIversILy oI
MIcIIgun`s hnuI reudIng
on LIe overuII Index on
consumer sentiment
increased to 75.1 for
November, up Irom u
hnuI reudIng oI ;.z In
But while the labour
murkeL pIcLure Is hrmIng,
businesses appear to be
cuuLIous ubouL InvesL-
ment spending.
A separate report
from the Commerce
Department showed non-
defense capital goods or-
ders excIudIng uIrcruIL, u
closely watched proxy for
busIness spendIng pIuns,
dropped 1.2 percent last
I t was the second
monthly decrease in these
so-called core capital
goods. The data surprised
Wall Street economists
wIo Iud expecLed u guIn,
purLIy becuuse prIvuLe
.. . ~e . ._ ~._ e. ..:
bitcoin -....,..:..: .,
. ._ ~.~ ~ ... .~_~ .
~..q ~, ..'.: ~~~~ ~~
. _.~~.:.._~:. .q
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~~. ,~~ q:..,.~
_. ~~ .:._ ~~ ~ ~. ~
.. . . , . _ . ~~ .:. ~..'
..q...:.q ._~:. .q._.
Bitcoin ._ ...~e
...~ ~ - . . ~.:.. . .~:
..q~:_e. ..: ~ ~ ~._.. ~
Mt Gox ~ ....,.. : ~..
q ~, ..'.: ~~,~ _. ~~
.:. _. . . , . ._ ., ~ ~..
q~, ..'.: ~~.:q . ._~: .
.~..:..~ ~..q ..
e~ -e~. ..:q~.
._.._ bitcoin ...~e
.._~.~:. ~..q~,..'.:
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_.. e. ~ . .... , ..:. _. ~~
.:. ._ ~: ~. , ~ ~~ .
~,e..:. ~.,~~_.~~
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~.~_e q.,_.. ~e.~:.
.: _ . ~~ .:._ ~~ ~
~,e..:. ~.,~~_.~~
.:e e q ._~: .._. . q._ .
Bitcoin ._ .,. ~..,
. , ,:q~,.e. _...
.,_.. .q:..~:..: ~~,
~.~_e.: q.,_.. ._~:
....~ .q:..~:..: ~
..e bitcoins q.~: ~..
q~,..'.: ~. .e
~ ~, e .q ._~:. . q._ .
December 5-11, 2013
Myanmar Summary
From page 8...(\s ]obs)
Myanmar Business Today
WTO Talks Fail to Agree
on Global Trade Deal Text
Tom Miles
arathon talks on
the World Trade
OrgunIzuLIon`s hrsL-
ever worIdwIde Lrude reIorm
In Genevu IuIIed eurIy IusL week
to agree on a text to put to
ministers who meet in Bali in
The fate of the agreement to
streamline customs procedures
and speed up global trade could
now hang on whether the min-
IsLers cun overcome remuInIng
dIerences wIen LIey guLIer
early next month at the WTOs
biennial conference in Bali.
The I nternational Chamber
of Commerce says the deal
would add $960 billion to the
world economy and create
z1 mIIIIon jobs, 18 mIIIIon oI
LIem In deveIopIng counLrIes.
L wouId uIso revIve conhdence
in the WTO as a forum for trade
The proposed accord includes
elements of the Doha round
oI Lrude LuIks, wIIcI begun In
2001 but repeatedly failed to
produce un ugreemenL over LIe
subsequenL decude.
WTO DIrecLor-GeneruI Rob-
erLo Azevedo Ius Iorced dIp-
lomats from the 159 member
countries through a punishing
10 weeks of talks to try to
agree a text for the ministers to
Azevedo suId Ie Ioped Lo
cIIncI u deuI over LIe weekend.
BuL LIe hnuI Genevu negoLIuLIng
sessIon hnIsIed uL ; um wILIouL
Tuco SLoppeIs, u counseIIor uL
LIe DuLcI mIssIon Lo LIe WTO,
LweeLed LIuL Azevedo cIosed
meeting by simply thanking
everyone. TexL Is noL reudy.
PeopIe InvoIved In LIe LuIks
suId negoLIuLors Iud come very
cIose Lo u deuI, uILIougI pro-
gress at times had been glacial.
We spent nine hours on one
paragraph this morning. Once
uguIn, u neur-deuLI experI-
ence, one purLIcIpunL suId.
UnresoIved Issues IncIude un
I ndian crop stockpiling plan
that is exempt from WTO sub-
sidy rules and a challenge to the
US economIc emburgo on Cubu.
Turkey also has concerns about
new ruIes on LrunsIL, wIIIe LIere
is Central American resistance
to demands to stop using cus-
toms brokers to handle trade.
Myanmar Summary
From page ...(IMF)
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VIce PresIdenL Nyun Tun, mIn-
IsLer Ior hnunce und revenue
U WIn SIeIn und CenLruI Bunk
oI Myunmur Governor U Kyuw
Kyaw Maung. She is also sched-
uIed Lo Iuve u meeLIng wILI
opposition leader Aung San Suu
SIe wIII concIude Ier vIsIL Lo
Myanmar by participating in
the Myanmar Womens Forum
to highlight the role of women
in the economy and will also
speak to students at the Yangon
nsLILuLe oI EconomIcs, M
TIe M Ius InLensIhed ILs
engagement with Myanmar
recently following a raft of
reforms undertaken by the cur-
renL governmenL. TIe Iender
udvIsed LIe Myunmur govern-
menL on unIIyIng LIe vurIous
excIunge ruLes, wIIcI exIsLed
durIng LIe prevIous mIIILury re-
gImes, Lo InLroduce u munuged
ouL currency In AprII IusL yeur.
TIe M, uIong wILI LIe
Jupunese governmenL, Is uIso
currenLIy udvIsIng und provId-
ing technical assistance to the
Central Bank of Myanmar to
overIuuI Myunmur`s dIsmuI
hnuncIuI und bunkIng sysLem.
n Muy, LIe M suId
Myanmars economy would
expand 6.75 percent in 2013-14
drIven by gus producLIon und
On December z-, ugurde
wIII be In CumbodIu, wIere
she is expected to meet King
SIIumonI, us weII us PrIme
MInIsLer Hun Sen, DepuLy
PrIme MInIsLer KeuL CIIon,
und oLIer senIor governmenL
omcIuIs. SIe wIII uIso speuk Lo
sLudenLs oI LIe RoyuI ScIooI oI
AdmInIsLruLIon, und excIunge
vIews wILI women busIness
leaders and policy makers as
weII us LIInk Lunk und prIvuLe
secLor represenLuLIves.
On December q-, ugurde
wIII vIsIL Koreu Lo meeL wILI
PresIdenL Purk Geun-Iye,
Deputy Prime Minister and Fi-
nunce MInIsLer Hyun OI-seok,
und Bunk oI Koreu Governor
Kim Choongsoo. She will also
meeL wILI women Ieuders, und
address students at a town
hall meeting at Seoul National
UnIversILy. n uddILIon, sIe wIII
participate in the inauguration
oI LIe HeudquurLers oI LIe UN
Green Climate Fund and attend
a signing ceremony with Deputy
Prime Minister and Finance
Minister Hyun on Koreas con-
tribution to the I MFs capacity
building program.
Lagarde ~.,_e _., .:. -
~ . .. .q._. .~: .,_._ .~: .
.:.q:~.__e._.. ...:..q._. .~:
q,~,. .~:. ' q~., .
q~ ., .:.~ .q:~ q .:._ _ e.
._~:. .q._.
Lagarde ~ ,.~.,_e ~q.e:.
~..:..e:.. _.,.:. ....
.:..q:~.__e.._~:. ._.:_~:..
._.~.: ~, .._.:~ ...:..q.
~~:._~.._e...: .~:~q.
e:.. . .. :..q.~.:.~.:.~: .
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..:_~_.:._ _.,.:. ~.q
._ . . .. ~ - _._. ._.: .. .
- ~_.:._.:.,:...:.~ .~_..:.
q,~~~ Lagarde ~.,_e . :.
From page ...(IMF)
.q:~ .. .:. :.._ _e. ._ .Lagarde
~.,_e ...~ ._~,. _:
.q.~,_~._:, ~,_~. .~.q, -e
~~_ ..~:.~:..: ~.q
._ ...:..._. .~..:.
._ _e. .. ~~ ~ ~. .|~ ..| ...:
..'.~: ., .. _~_ . .~ . . :.q,
~.~.q._~:. .q._.
_. Myanmar Womens Forum
~ ._ . ~~ .q:~ . :.._ _e. _. .
q, ~ , . . :..q.~~ . . _ .~: ..:.
.:.~ ._. .~:.._.:_~:.. :.._ _e.
._~: . ~_._ _._ . q: . ._~.q, .
.~e. ._.:_~:..._.
_.,.:.- .~q~..q. _._.
._.: .. . .:.. :~ _.. . . , . ._~_._
_._ . q: . ._~.q, . . ~e ._
_.,.:.. ...~.~.~.e.
.:. _....:.._. ~_.__._.
q:.._~.q,..~e. managed
foat currency .,. ~:. _., .:. .
~ . ..:q, ~~ ~ ._. ~_~ .~: .
.:. ...~..._. ...~ ~_._
_._.q: .._~.q,..~e. ._.:
_~:..~~q _.,.:.- ... :..q.
._ ~~,~~, _:.q...~
.:~.:~ . ~ . . . . q .. .
_.. . . .:. ~ .~~ .:_ . .._ ~:
'. q:..,.~ ~.~~.:..
._ e ._.:_~:.. ._ . . ~ :.
q~.,. , q~.,~ Lagarde
._ ~..:..e:... .~:.
, q~.,. q~.,~ ~q.e:.
.~_ q.__e.._~:. .q._.
Lagarde ._ ~..:..e:...
. ~, .~. .q~. ..: .:.. .~ .
q, ..:.:... ~q.e:.-
.. ~ Park Geun-hye ~_. ~_.:.
. ~, .~. ..: .:.. ._ . .~ .
q, ..:.,.:.._~:. .q._.
surveys oI nuLIonuI IucLory
ucLIvILy Iud sIown sLrengLI In
The picture of manufactur-
Ing sLrengLI Irom survey duLu
is not being captured in the
governmenL-coIIecLed duLu on
new orders und LIIs dIvergence
Is u puzzIe, suId JoIn RydIng,
cIIeI economIsL uL RDQ Eco-
nomics in New York.
NeverLIeIess, LIe IuLesL reporL
suggested some ebbing in the
IucLory secLor`s momenLum,
and hinted that a 16-day partial
governmenL sIuLdown IusL
monLI IurL busIness conh-
dence. Reuters
World Trade Organization (WTO) Director General Roberto Azevedo informs the media about
the next ministerial meeting on Bali during a press conference, after the General Council at the
headquarters of the World Trade Organization in Geneva, Switzerland.
~..q ~, . - ~. . ~~ ~.
~... .:. ~ . ~~ .:..: ._ .
~,~...~_. : ~.~~. ...
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~.:~~.~~~_.:. .~:...
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.__e.._~:. .q._.
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..:.:q .~ ~. . ~~ ..|.
~,~~~ ~ .._..._..
..: . , .:.._ ~ .:.. :.~: . ,
. ._~: . . q._ .~..q ~, -~. .
~~ .~ . . , .:. ~ . ..:.
._~: US Federal Reserve ~.,
_e ,.- .._~....:.~.~.
.:.~ ._~:.~.,~~. ~q,
..: .. ~ e e q ._~: .._ . . q
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._. ...:....~~~._.~.,.:
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~.,_e q..._.... ~...q~.:.
~ .~ :...: q ~ . :.q._ _e.
December 5-11, 2013
Myanmar Business Today
Educating Yourself Financially
David Mayes
am often asked by clients
what sort of things they
can read to increase their
hnuncIuI IILerucy und generuIIy
jusL muke beLLer decIsIons In
LIe ureu. I you Iuve ever gone
InLo LIe hnuncIuI secLIon oI u
large bookstore you are prob-
ubIy uwure Iow overwIeImIng
the number of books written by
so cuIIed experLs cun be, us weII
us LIe wIde vurIeLy oI LopIcs.
MosL ure surprIsed Lo hnd LIuL
in general I think it is wise to
uvoId uImosL uII oI LIese.
n generuI, LIe bIggesL IeIp
you gIve yourseII und your cIII-
dren would be to read a book
cuIIed TIe RIcIesL Mun In
BubyIon by George CIuson, us
weII us u TIInk und Grow RIcI
by Napoleon Hill. The second is
noL reuIIy ubouL hnunce LecInI-
cuIIy buL LIe Iessons, II IoIIowed,
wIII sureIy Ieud Lo hnuncIuI
Independence. TIe Iormer,
is a set of principles to follow
wIIcI ure LoId vIu u sLory seL In
ancient Babylon. Long before
uny oI LIe udvenLs oI modern
hnunce, LIe LIrIvIng socIeLy oI
Babylon produced an extremely
weuILIy cIuss oI cILIzens und LIe
basis on which they grew and
compounded their wealth is still
vuIId Loduy.
TIuL suId, LIere ure some
more technical bits and pieces
LIuL IL Is good Lo Iuve u gen-
eruI knowIedge oI, und LIe hrsL
thing of utmost importance is
Lo sepuruLe und know LIe dIer-
ence between speculating and
InvesLIng. SpecuIuLIng Is more
ukIn Lo gumbIIng, und u Iurge
portion of that book section I
menLIon ubove wIII be specuIu-
LIve sLruLegIes. gnore unLII you
ure very secure, und LIen uIwuys
remember speculation is only
Ior rIsk cupILuI, money you cun
uord Lo Iose In ILs enLIreLy.
nvesLIng InLeIIIgenLIy und
cautiously is how most fortunes
are made. I n todays world
everyone Is IookIng Ior u geL
rIcI quIck scIeme, buL you cun
be u Iow puId junILor und II you
IoIIow LIe rIgIL InvesLmenL
prIncIpuIs you wIII evenLuuIIy
retire rich. I f you are interested
In LIe sLock murkeL, reud up
on Wurren BueL und IoIIow
his approach as closely as you
can. Otherwise simply dollar
cosL uveruge InLo LIe murkeLs
by placing a small amount of
money uL rIsk every monLI InLo
u dIversIhed veIIcIe sucI us un
Index ET (excIunge Lruded
fund which mirrors the return
oI LIe Index, or murkeL). Over
20+years you will surely come
out far ahead of the crowd.
LIInk knowIng wIuL Lo uvoId
reading is as important as
knowing what to read. Books
on options trading strategies
are great if you want to be a full
time speculator and are explor-
Ing LIe vurIous sLruLegIes und
securILIes you cun use. However
keep in mind this is either a
full time profession where the
youngest and sharpest minds of
LIe worId ure compeLIng, or eIse
LIe modern cusIno oI LIe very
rIcI wIo cun uord Lo Luke LIe
WIen IL comes Lo hnuncIuIIy
educating yourself stick to the
classics. Choose a boring but
tried and tested strategy that
wIII puy o sIowIy over u Iong
LIme IorIzon. Once LIere, you
can take a small portion of your
wealth and try your hand at
some oI LIe more excILIng sLu.
David Mayes MBA provides
wealth management ser-
vices to expatriates throughout
Southeast Asia, focusing on
UK Pension Transfers. He
can be reached at david.m@ Faramond UK
is regulated by the FCA and
provides advice on pensions
and taxation. Views expressed
here are his own.
Myanmar Summary
q..._.....:.~.,_e ,.~-
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~. . q :.. .:.~~ ~ ~. .|.:~ .
.:.. : ~.._....:._. .:.,
q..._.....:.~~~ ...:
.:~..:.~ e~,_.. ,:.._._.
.:q, ~~ ~ .~ . ... . ._ . David
Mayes ~ ~..|.:~..:.~ ..
.,q, ._.:_~:.:._.. e.e.~
.q..:.. ..:.:~ . .:.~ .|~ ..:
~.~.:.~:. e.,..~_:.q.
...,...q:~ ~..~.,...
._ ~.~ ~ . q :.q, . ~. ._ .
..:~:._e George Clason -
TheRichest Man in Babylon .:~.
. Napoleon Hill - Think and
Grow Rich .:~.~~ .|~..:
~._~:.~q:.:.._ e.,~.
~. .~ .,...._ ~ . _. . ._ .
~..|.:~..:.~ e~,...:_..
. ._~.. .. q:~ ._ . . .:
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._. q..._.....:.~.,_e._.
.e e~:._e ~._.. ~. ~_.
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._. ~.q..|._~ .q .._.
q..._....~.._...q:~ ....
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~:_.:..~~ .qq, .~.._.
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..: .~.:.~. . _._. .. . _. .
..,.q._~.q:e. : _~..:.._~:.
._. .~_.~..._.
~~~ .e:_....: .:~..
q .:~..:.~ .:~...|..:..:
._ ~~_..:._e .q..:.:.
_. ._e. _. . .. ., . ._~:. David
Mayes ~ ~_~ _.:.._ .. ~.:..
._ q..._....~.. _...q:~
~.,~~~. ~~ .~_.~_.,._
qqq, ..:._~..q._.
.q:~ .~:_...: ... :..q.
..,.q.:.. ...:..q...,..:.
~ ..~._~_q:~ ,.~~.,_e
..:..: ~~.~......:._e
~.,~.~:_~: q..._..._....:
~~.~_.~ _., ._ qq ._ ~ .~ _.
Iojilm Istublishes Locul Sobsidiury in Myunmur
Kyaw Min
apanese photography and
ImugIng compuny ujIhIm
Corp has established a
IocuI subsIdIury, ujIhIm Myun-
mur Ld, In Myunmur wIere LIe
company expects growth.
Business operations will com-
mence on December z, ujIhIm
n Myunmur, ujIhIm Ius
focused on the sales of imaging
producLs, sucI us pIoLogrupIIc
pupers, LIrougI dIsLrIbuLors
since the 1970s.
ujIhIm suId LIe esLubIIsImenL
of a local subsidiary will enhance
sales and technical support to
LIese dIsLrIbuLors, IeIp grusp
market needs of the local area
and expand sales channels.
It will increase sales of medi-
cal products such as diagnostic
ImugIng sysLems und X-ruy
hIms, us weII us grupIIc urLs
producLs sucI us oseL prInL-
Ing pIuLes, producLs Ior wIIcI
greuLer demund Is Iocused, LIe
company said.
ujIhIm Myunmur Is ujI-
hIm`s ;
local subsidiary in
LIe ASEAN regIon besIdes LIe
ones In ndonesIu, MuIuysIu,
LIe PIIIIppInes, SIngupore,
TIuIIund und VIeLnum.
The paid-in capital for the
subsidiary is 20 million
($1q,16o), und RyuLuro wukI
wIII be LIe represenLuLIve Ior
LIe new omce.
While aiming for further en-
hancement of its business foun-
dation in Southeast Asia where
LIe economy Is rupIdIy growIng,
ujIhIm suId IL wIII promoLe LIe
deIIvery oI soIuLIons LIuL meeL
dIversIIyIng murkeL needs us IL
conLrIbuLes Lo LIe deveIopmenL
of industries in each country.
Also known as the last fron-
LIer In AsIu, Myunmur Ius up-
proximately twice the land area
oI Jupun und Ius u popuIuLIon
of approximately 60 million
people. Since the establishment
oI u new governmenL In zo11,
reguIuLIons Iuve been eused,
und economIc ucLIvILIes Iuve
been progressing. Due to in-
creased labour population and
InIrusLrucLure deveIopmenL In
LIe IuLure, Myunmur Is guLIer-
ing attention as a market where
continuous economic growth is
Myanmar Summary
.,.- .:~...,.~.._e.
._ Fujiflm Corp ._ _.,.:
. ~ . . , .. ~. . ~ ~_ .:
. _. _e. ._~: . . q._ . ~. .| . . , .
. . : Fujiflm Myanmar Ltd _e. _. .
~ . ~ ~.,_e _., .: ...~ ~ ~
..,.e_e.~.~~.:q, ..:.,.
:.._~:.._. .q._.
. . , ...: q ~ . .:.~ . ~ :.
q~ ., ~ .~ ..: q ~ . :.._
_e.._~:. Fujiflm . ._.:_~:..
._. Fujiflm ._ ~~ ...
~~_ .~ _e, . . .:.. ~. . _., .:
. ~ .:~ . . . , .. .. q: ~
~,.:.~ .q:..q,~~~ ~:,
. ~ . . ..: . ._ ._._ ~ .. . , ..
~. . ~:. ~_ .: _. ._e .q: ..q
..:.. _e,. . .:.~~~ ,_.._:
.:~......:.~ .._....:..
.__e.._~:. Fujiflm . ._.:_~:.
December 5-11, 2013
Myanmar Summary
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Moves to Bring Finances Out of The Shadows
ith wide-ranging re-
Iorms seL Lo Improve
the transparency of
Myunmur`s pubIIc hnunces,
LIe governmenL Is expecLed Lo
IuuncI u drIve uImed uL brIngIng
businesses into the mainstream
The states budget remained
opuque Ior decudes under
mIIILury ruIe, prompLIng mosL
nuLIonuIs Lo uvoId puyIng Luxes
und sIunnIng pubIIc servIces.
The decision to open up My-
anmars markets to the outside
worId, IoIIowIng LIe cIunge oI
governmenL In zo11, brougIL
wILI IL u hrsL-LIme opporLunILy
for both nationals and global
observers, IncIudIng InLernu-
LIonuI hnuncIuI InsLILuLIons
(s), Lo vIew LIe sLuLe`s uIIocu-
tion of resources.
Maj or task ahead
TIe move Ius gurnered sIg-
nIhcunL InLeresL umong Inves-
Lors, uILIougI Myunmur Iuces
a gargantuan task in putting its
pubIIc hnunces In order. Among
ILs cIuIIenges, LIe governmenL
will be looking to draw more
enLerprIses InLo LIe omcIuI
economy, uIIocuLe puymenLs eI-
hcIenLIy und LrunspurenLIy, und
boost tax collection.
AccordIng Lo conservuLIve
think tank the Heritage Foun-
duLIon, Myunmur Ius one oI LIe
lowest tax-to-GDP ratios in the
worId, uL uround percenL, Iur
beIow ILs ASEAN peers, wIere
LIIs hgure uveruges 1 percenL.
However, ussessIng LIe exLenL
of taxation is complicated by the
fact that Myanmars GDP is also
known Lo be vusLIy undersLuLed.
ExperLs ugree LIuL wILI
business dealings largely
cusI-bused, unbunked und un-
Luxed, LIe sIze oI LIe economy
cun never be more LIun un
educated guess. Local business
represenLuLIves puL Myunmur`s
shadow economy at between 30
und 1oo percenL oI omcIuI GDP
hgures, provIdIng LIe udmInIs-
tration with huge potential for
boosLIng Lux revenues.
TIe governmenL wIII be Iop-
ing that as Myanmars com-
mercIuI envIronmenL Increuses
In Lrunspurency, more IocuI
businesses will be encouraged
to come out of the shadows
and participate in the countrys
deveIopmenL, buoyed by rIsIng
IoreIgn InvesLmenL und InLernu-
tional trade.
Tr acki ng spendi ng
A recent World Bank study
on Myunmur`s pubIIc hnunce
management highlighted many
buIIdIng bIocks LIuL LIe govern-
menL couId use Lo Improve uc-
counLubIIILy und boosL ILs hscuI
Aware of the challenges that
Myunmur`s governmenL Iuces,
the institution put an emphasis
on making expenditures more
accountable and allocating re-
sources emcIenLIy, ruLIer LIun
IncreusIng revenue or sLeppIng
up enforcement.
WIIIe LIe sLuLe`s revenues
are generally in line with the
governmenL`s projecLIons,
spendIng Is oILen more dImcuIL
to track. According to the World
Bunk, LIe dIerence beLween
actual and budgeted expendi-
tures has increased in recent
yeurs, rIsIng Irom 8.; percenL oI
upproved spendIng In zoo8-oq
to 20.2 percent in 2010-11.
The World Bank also pointed
Lo IeILy revIsIons und udjusL-
menLs In budgeLs, uIongsIde
a lack of arrears monitoring.
Other concerns included exten-
sIve use oI LIe oLIer uccounLs
secLIon, wIIcI In zo11-1z regIs-
tered receipts of K2.54 trillion
($z.q bIIIIon), or qq percenL
oI LoLuI budgeLed revenue, und
expenditures of 2.26 trillion
($z.z6 bIIIIon), represenLIng
28 percent of total budgeted
Wi nni ng over the voter s
TIe new regIme Ius moved Lo
target problem areas at a rapid
ruLe, In LIe spIrIL oI LIe equuIIy
fast-paced broader reform
RecenL LeIevIsIon debuLes
on LIe uIIocuLIon oI hnunces,
together with the publication
oI u budgeL Iuw In IocuI pupers,
ure provIng InsLrumenLuI In
convIncIng Myunmur`s cILIzens
LIuL governmenL expendILure Is
being negotiated more openly.
Accountability is also a key
LopIc oI dIscussIon, purLIcuIurIy
in light of the elections that the
country is set to hold in 2015.
s, rIvuI poIILIcuI purLIes,
scIoIurs und cILIzens ure umong
the broad range of groups
calling for transparency to be
gIven u prIorILy by u Myunmur
However, sInce LIe govern-
menL Ius onIy one hscuI yeur
under its belt after deciding to
open up the country to watch-
dogs und voLers, LIe process Is
widely expected to be a gradual
With information and histori-
cuI records sLIII comIng Lo IIgIL,
mosL InLernuLIonuI InsLILuLIons,
IncIudIng LIe WorId Bunk,
recognIse LIuL u cooperuLIve
approach will yield the best re-
sults. When local parties begin
cumpuIgnIng Ior LIe eIecLIons,
Iowever, LIe upproucI und Lone
could change. OBG
Employees work at the Myanmar central bank's headquarters in Nay Pyi Taw. As Myanmar opens up after almost 50 years of army rule, and
foreign investors descend on the resource-rich country of 60 million, its long-isolated institutions are struggling to keep up, raising the risk of
a policy misstep that could wreck stability in this nascent democracy.

Local business representatives put My-
anmars shadow economy at between 30
and 1UU percent of ofciaI CBP gures,
providing the administration with huge
potential for boosting tax revenues.
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December 5-11, 2013
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
Power Shortages Hold Myanmar Back


Eric Jiang
he recent protests in
Yangon against a hike in
eIecLrIcILy cIurges Iuve
shed some light on Myanmars
serious power crisis.
In the past three years Myan-
mar has witnessed the suspen-
sIon oI LIe CIInese-InvesLed
MyILsone dum projecL, muss
demonstrations against black-
outs in big cities like Yangon
und MunduIuy, und proLesLs
against the rate rise.
EIecLrIcILy Is very ImporLunL
Ior LIe deveIopmenL oI LIe
nuLIon, buL LIe counLry Iuces
power sIorLuges, u compIex
InvesLmenL envIronmenL, und
dIm cuIL IocuI condILIons. My-
anmar urgently needs to tackle
these problems.
EIecLrIcILy Is onIy uvuIIubIe Lo
30 percent of the population.
The lack of power for both
industrial and household use
keeps InvesLors uwuy.
There are two main reasons
for this power shortage. The
counLry doesn`L Iuve udequuLe
power suppIy, und ILs eIecLrIcuI
power grid is outdated.
TIere Is no unIhed, IIgI-
voILuge power LrunsmIssIon neL-
work In Myunmur. Even II LIere
wus enougI power produced,
the customers in border areas
couldnt be reached because of
InudequuLe LrunsmIssIon IInes.
Myunmur needs Lo Improve ILs
transmission networks based
on economIc deveIopmenL und
power demunds In dIerenL
GIven Myunmur`s Iuck oI couI
or udvunced uILernuLIve energy
LecInoIogy, ILs ubundunL wuLer
resources are undoubtedly
natures gift and Myanmars
best choice for clean power
n LIe pusL decudes, muny
counLrIes In LIe worId Iuve
prIorILIsed LIe deveIopmenL
of their water resources. The
uveruge Iydropower uLIIILy
ruLe In LIe deveIoped counLrIes
Ius reucIed ;o percenL, wIIIe
in Myanmar it is less than 3
percent. Thats partly why
Myanmar faces this awkward
Catering to the publics de-
munds over eIecLrIcILy prIces
Is unoLIer Issue. CurrenLIy,
Myanmars rate is K35 ($0.036)
for household subscribers per
unIL. Even LIougI more LIun ;o
percent of electricity in Myan-
mur Is Irom cIeup Iydropower,
LIe governmenL sLIII Ius IosL
un uveruge oI Kzz per unIL und
K185 billion per annum accord-
ing to local media reports. The
electricity generated from other
sources sucI us couI, nuLuruI
gus, soIur und wInd wouId cosL
much more.
AL presenL, LIe Myunmur
governmenL cun sLIII munuge
to subsidise 10 billion kilowatt
Iours per yeur, buL II power
consumption increases sharply
In LIe IuLure, und IL Is currenLIy
estimated to grow at 15 percent
eucI yeur, IL wIII be unsusLuIn-
ubIe Ior LIe governmenL Lo
continue these subsidies and it
wIII evenLuuIIy Iuve Lo Increuse
eIecLrIcILy prIces. However, LIe
recent proposal for a price hike
was strongly opposed by the
An udvIsubIe soIuLIon Is Lo
deveIop cIeup und renewubIe
power sources. The production
cost of hydropower is only 25
to 50 percent of other types
oI power generuLIon, sucI us
soIur, wInd, gus or couI-hred
power. TukIng udvunLuge oI rIcI
water resources is undoubtedly
a long-term choice. It will be
unrealistic if there are no more
subsIdIes Lo deveIop Iurge scuIe
wind or solar-power in Myan-
mur, suId one WesLern InvesLor
uLLendIng LIe Myunmur Energy
nvesLmenL SummIL In Yungon
on September 3.
WIen deveIopIng Iydro-
power, more uLLenLIon sIouId
be Iocused on Iurge projecLs
ruLIer LIun smuII ones. RIver
hydropower plants will be op-
eruLed uL u Iow IeveI In LIe dry
seuson wIen Myunmur`s rIvers
ure runnIng uL Iow ows.
urge reservoIrs ure IeIpIuI
In udjusLIng ows, generuLIng
more power for the system
in the dry season as well as
conLroIIIng oods In LIe ruIny
seuson. L Is uIso benehcIuI Ior
nuvIguLIon und IrrIguLIon.
Generally it takes 20 to 30
yeurs, or even Ionger, Lo recover
LIe cosL oI power projecLs. So u
sLubIe und reIIubIe InvesLmenL
envIronmenL Is oI purLIcuIur Im-
porLunce In uLLrucLIng InvesLors.
TIe deveIopmenL oI megu Iy-
dropower projecLs Ius been In
stagnation since the suspension
Protesters hoId candIes during a demonstration to protest the eIectricity price increase for the rst time in two years in Yangon.
oI LIe MyILsone dum projecL. r-
responsible remarks about the
projecL und CIInese InvesLors
are common in the local media
wIIIe ruLIonuI reecLIon Is un-
common. SucI un envIronmenL
Is u IoL poLuLo Ior InvesLors.
TIe deveIopmenL oI uII pro-
jecLs Ius cerLuIn envIronmenLuI
und socIuI ImpucLs. An objecLIve
assessment from comprehen-
sIve unuIysIs sIouId be bused on
jusLIIyIng LIe IeusIbIIILy oI LIe
projecLs. DemonIsIng Iydro-
power deveIopmenL or prejudIce
uguInsL InvesLors Irom u cerLuIn
counLry Is undesIrubIe, und wIII
noL onIy IurL LIe InvesLors buL
uIso jeopurdIse LIe InLeresLs oI
the public and the nation.
Some analysts hold that con-
LroversIes over envIronmenLuI
proLecLIon, securILy und cuILure
concerning the Myitsone dam
projecL ure onIy superhcIuI.
They say that the essence of
the problem is that politics
erodes economIc deveIopmenL
for the personal gains of some
Some envIronmenLuIIsLs Iuve
also pointed out that the eco-
envIronmenL oI LIe rruwuddy
RIver regIon Ius conLInuuIIy
deteriorated in the past decades
due Lo oods, drougILs, deIor-
estation for farmland reclama-
LIon, over-IunLIng, und goId
ConsLrucLIng Iurge reservoIrs
couId udjusL oods, meeL
the demand of electricity for
IndusLrIuI deveIopmenL uIong
LIe rIver und creuLe more job
opportunities to help locals to
abandon their outdated and
wuy oI IIIe. n LIIs sense, Iy-
dropower construction is not
conLrudIcLory Lo envIronmenLuI
conservuLIon; LIe Lwo cun mu-
LuuIIy udvunce.
The public desire to escape
darkness cannot be ignored
during Myanmars democratic
transition. Its time for My-
anmar to face up to its power
The author is an employee
of a Nay Pyi Taw-based com-
pany. Views expressed here are
his own.
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December 5-11, 2013
Myanmar Summary
Myanmar Summary
Myanmar Business Today
SingPost to oHer Remittunce Services to Myunmur
ingapore Post Ltd (Sing-
Post) last week announced
that it has launched a new
remittance corridor to Myan-
mur, mukIng IL LIe hrsL posLuI
servIce provIder Lo oer remIL-
Lunce servIces Lo Myunmur.
SIngPosL wIII oer Iund
transfers from Singapore to
Myunmur vIu ILs CASHOME
remILLunce servIce LIrougI ILs
partnerships with four banks
in Myanmar Asia Green De-
veIopmenL Bunk (AGD Bunk),
CooperuLIve Bunk (CB Bunk),
Kunbuwzu Bunk (KBZ Bunk)
and Tun Foundation Bank
Our partnerships with AGD
Bunk, CB Bunk, KBZ Bunk und
TB ure sIgnIhcunL mIIesLones
In our ongoIng eorLs Lo Iorge
direct bilateral relationships
wILI esLubIIsIed hnuncIuI InsLI-
LuLIons, sLrengLIenIng our vuIue
proposILIon us u IusL, secured
und convenIenL cIunneI Ior
Aye Myat Iund LrunsIers, MurjorIe OoI,
SIngPosL`s senIor vIce presIdenL
Ior hnuncIuI servIces, suId.
We Iuve been expundIng our
CASHOME remILLunce servIces
and growing our network of in-
stitutional partners to enhance
our remILLunce oerIngs, sIe
The money will be remitted in
LIe IocuI currency KyuL, wILI LIe
exchange rate determined at the
poInL oI remILLunce LrunsucLIon,
SingPost said. A transfer fee of
S$8 applies for each remittance
Funds remitted before 12
noon (Singapore time) on a
busIness duy wIII be uvuIIubIe
for cash collection or credited
InLo LIe benehcIury`s bunk
account on the same day after
1 pm (Myunmur LIme), excepL
TB wIIcI provIdes cusI coIIec-
tion on the next business day.
AGD Bunk, CB Bunk, KBZ
Bunk und TB Iuve over zoo
bank branches across Myanmar
Ior benehcIurIes Lo coIIecL Iunds
wILI no servIce cIurge. Ben-
ehcIurIes cun uIso uccess Iunds
Irom over q;o um IIuLed bunks
of AGD Bank and CB Bank at
u servIce cIurge oI Koo pIus
0.15 percent of the remittance
Myanmar senders can also
remit salaries back home for
suvIngs purpose und geL un
interest rate of 8 percent per
unnum, compounded quurLerIy.
To access SingPosts remit-
Lunce servIces, senders need onIy
Lo regIsLer once Ior u CASHOME
curd Ior Iree. or subsequenL
remILLunces, senders need onIy
Lo presenL LIeIr CASHOME curd
und sLuLe LIe benehcIurIes` bunk
account number and remittance
The Myanmar community in
Singapore is estimated to be
uround 1o,ooo Lo zoo,ooo.
Singapore Post Ltd (SingPost)
._ .,.._~.~~ _.,.:.
~ .._.:......q: ~,..:.
.:.~ _.... :..~:.__e.._~:.
._~_:. _. . _., .:. ~ .. .. .
,.- ..._.:.......q: ~,
..: . .:.~ _.. . . :.. ._ ~.
SingPost ~.,_e . ~:. . _., .:
.. CASHOME ..._.:.
~,..:..,._e .._~..._.:..
~,..:..:.~ _.... :..__e._..
_ ., .:. - ~ ... . _ e. ..:
~:q . . .., .e _e ..q.~ Cooperative
Bank (CB Bank) ~..:~~
, ..e: ...q .~ .:.. ~~ .
~ ....|._ ..:q~. :..__e.
._~:.._. .q._.
~. .|~ .:.. . ...| ...: q ~
.._ .~q _~.....,..: _.,.:
.. .~:.. .....e~ .~
. e . . _:.q.. .. q: ~_ .:
. ~ ~.q..|._ . ~ ~ .. ~. q.
~ . ~ . :.. ._ _e. ._~: . SingPost
. _:.q.. .. q: ~, ..: . .:.
~~~ ~_~.~,..~e~__e..
Marjorie Ooi ~ ._.:_~:..._.
, .~ ~.,_e . . ._.: ..... .
~,..:..:.~:. ..,.._~:.
. . . ._.: .. . q: ~ , q~ .:.~:.
~ .~~ .:..q, ~~ ~ ._ . _~ ... .
.,._~:. ,.~ .~.~ ._.:_~:.
.._..._.:.....~:. _._~.
~. . _e qq . :.._ _e. _. . . . ._.: .
....~_e. .~:...'.: ..'.:
~,~.:..__e.._~:. .q._.
Philips Sets Up Lighting Operations with Local Partners
Aims delivering energy ef cient and sustainable lighting solutions in Myanmar
Htet Aung
utch multinational engi-
neering and electronics
conglomerate Philips
announced last week that it has
set up its lighting operations in
Philips appointed three lo-
cal distributors to meet the
needs oI LIe generuI pubIIc,
busInesses und governmenL
organisations looking to install
energy em cIenL und susLuInubIe
IIgILIng soIuLIons In LIeIr Iome,
workpIuces und om ces, LIe
company said.
TIe IocuI dIsLrIbuLors Iuve
been uppoInLed Lo provIde
servIce Lo eucI dIsLIncL murkeL
Pahtama Group will supply
Philips Lighting products to
LIe consumer murkeL, wIIIe
JJ-Pun und Power IgIL wIII
servIce und commercIuI secLors
TIe operuLIons In LIe counLry,
und ILs IocuI dIsLrIbuLors, wIII
help the citys growing urban
population continue the eco-
nomIc und socIuI deveIopmenL
of Yangon by bringing sustain-
ubIe, IIgI-quuIILy IIgILIng Lo uII,
Philips said.
As Myunmur deveIops und
ILs urbun popuIuLIon grows, LIe
current energy infrastructure
will come under increasing
pressure, MIeke De ScIepper,
generuI munuger, PIIIIps IgIL-
Ing SIngupore und ExporL.
Yangon currently consumes
45 percent of Myanmars en-
ergy supply and this is likely
Lo Increuse us deveIopmenL
conLInues, sIe suId.
L Is ImperuLIve LIuL peopIe
muke use oI energy-em cIenL
solutions as they can help
ucIIeve sIgnIhcunL suvIngs und
meaningfully bring electric-
ity demand and supply into
Mieke said by switching
Lo energy-em cIenL IIgILIng
technologies such as Light-
EmILLIng DIode (ED) buIbs
LIese suvIngs wouId umounL Lo
an estimated $ 9.7 million in
reduced electricity costs and 45
kilotonnes of CO2 annually.
HuII oI LIese suvIngs cun be
ucIIeved In Yungon uIone.
Philips said its re-entry into
Myunmur ucross ILs IIgILIng,
healthcare and consumer
IIIesLyIe busIness unILs reecLs
LIe compuny`s conhdence In
Myanmars long-term business
n IeuILIcure, PIIIIps Is
working with stakeholders to
build Myanmars health infra-
structure. It has introduced the
hrsL PETJCT ImugIng sysLem
Lo Myunmur, Lo be InsLuIIed
In Yungon GeneruI HospILuI,
and has started a year-long
program of clinical education in
association with the Myanmar
RudIoIogIcuI SocIeLy.
Philips said its consumer
producLs Iuve uIreudy guIned
Iuvour wILI Yungon consumers
uILer LIe openIng oI ILs hrsL con-
sumer sLore In MurcI, IoIIowed
by un uddILIonuI seven sLores In
key cities across the country.
n June, PIIIIps purLnered
with the Yangon Heritage Trust
Lo IIgIIIgIL und preserve LIe
cultural heritage of Yangon
through the use of its sustain-
ubIe ED IIgILIng soIuLIons.
PIIIIps guve $;,ooo Ior LIe
Yungon bIue pIuques InILIuLIve
to highlight key cultural herit-
age sites throughout Yangon.
HeudquurLered In AmsLer-
dum, LIe NeLIerIunds, PIIIIps
posLed zo1z suIes oI Czq.8
billion and employs approxi-
muLeIy 11q,ooo empIoyees wILI
suIes und servIces In more LIun
100 countries.
. ~ .~ .q:,. . . , ..:.~:.
~._.. ~ . . ..: ..: ~ ~:..
_~ ._e. ._ Philips._.,. ._~
.~ ~ _.,.:.~ lighting ~
~,.:.~:. .q: ..q, ~~ ~ . . , .
..:q~..:.~ ~._.._._e.._~:.
~.:._._.- .~..~~ _e_
._ .q, ... :..q.. . , ..:.. ~. .q
~e~._..:.- ...~~:.~~.q
. : ~.._._.. .qq_~_~e_e...:
lighting ._eq...:.~:. ....:
.... q, ~~ ~ _._ ~ ._e, . . . . .
~ Philips . .,~.:.._~:.
._. .q._.
_ ._~._e,.. .:.~.,_e ,.~
- ~ _ .:...:.. .~~ ~. .. .~
~, ..: . .:.~ .:~ . .... :.q
._ _e. _.. PahtamaGroup . Philips
- Lighting ~ ~ , .:.~ .:.. ..
...~~. .:~....q.__e...
J J -Pun . Power Light ~.
~, ..: . . .q: .~e .e:~ ~:..
~_.:.~ ~......:q~ . :.q
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q, ~ , _. ._e..~q~ _.,.:
.-. . .~ .:~ . . -,q:. . , .
~ ~....,q_..e_e.~.~~..:.
q .:_. .. ~~ . . .~ . .. . .|_.
~~ .:.__e.._.
Philips representatives launch the company's lighting programme in Yangon.
December 5-11, 2013
Myanmar Business Today
Fliggh htss ffroom Yanggon (RGNN) to Bangkok ((BKK) Fliggh htss ffroom Banggkok (BKKK) to Yaangon (RGN)
Flight No. DDayys From To ETD ETA Operated by: Flight No. DDayys From To ETD ETA Operated by:
PG 706 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN BKK 7:15 9:30 Bangkok Airways 8M336 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BKK RGN 6:40 7:25 MAI
FD2752 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN DMK 8:30 10:20 Thai AirAsia FD2751 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DMK RGN 7:15 8:00 Thai AirAsia
8M335 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN BKK 8:40 10:25 MAI TG303 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BKK RGN 8:00 8:45 Thai Airways
TG304 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN BKK 9:50 11:45 Thai Airways PG701 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BKK RGN 9:05 9:55 Bangkok Airways
PG702 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN BKK 10:45 12:40 Bangkok Airways FD2755 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DMK RGN 11:35 12:20 Thai AirAsia
FD2756 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN DMK 12:50 14:40 Thai AirAsia TG301 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BKK RGN 13:00 13:45 Thai Airways
TG302 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN BKK 14:45 16:40 Thai Airways FD2753 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DMK RGN 16:20 17:05 Thai AirAsia
8M331 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN BKK 16:30 18:15 MAI PG703 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BKK RGN 17:05 17:55 Bangkok Airways
FD2754 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN DMK 17:35 19:25 Thai AirAsia TG305 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BKK RGN 17:55 18:40 Thai Airways
PG704 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN BKK 18:45 20:40 Bangkok Airways 8M332 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BKK RGN 19:20 20:05 MAI
TG306 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN BKK 19:40 21:35 Thai Airways PG705 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BKK RGN 20:15 21:30 Bangkok Airways
FFliggh htss ffroom m Yangoon (RGN)) to Chiaang Maii (CNX) FFliggh htss ffroom m Chiangg Mai (CCNX) to YYangon (RGN)
W9-9607 4 7 RGN CNX 14:50 16:20 Air Bagan W9-9608 4 7 CNX RGN 17:20 17:50 Air Bagan
Flligghtss ffroom Yanggon (RGNN) to Sinngapore (SIN) Flligghtss ffroom Singaapore (SIN) to Yangon ((RGN)
MI509 1 6 RGN SIN 0:25 5:00 SilkAir SQ998 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SIN RGN 7:55 9:20 Singapore Airline
8M231 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN SIN 8:30 13:00 MAI 8M6231/3K585 1 3 4 5 6 SIN RGN 9:10 10:40 Jetstar Asia
SQ997 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN SIN 10:25 14:45 Singapore Airline 8M232 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SIN RGN 14:10 15:40 MAI
8M6232/3K586 1 3 4 5 6 RGN SIN 11:30 16:05 Jetstar Asia MI518 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SIN RGN 14:20 15:45 SilkAir
8M233 5 6 7 RGN SIN 13:45 18:15 MAI 8M234 5 6 7 SIN RGN 19:15 20:45 MAI
MI517 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN SIN 16:40 21:15 SilkAir MI520 5 7 SIN RGN 22:10 23:35 SilkAir
FFliightts frromm Yangonn (RGN) tto Kualaa Lumpu ur (KUL) Fligghtts frro om m Kuala LLumpur (KUL)too Yangonn (RGN)
AK859 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN KUL 8:30 12:50 AirAsia AK859 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 KUL RGN 6:55 8:00 AirAsia
8M501 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN KUL 8:55 12:55 MAI MH740 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 KUL RGN 10:05 11:15 Malaysia Airlines
MH741 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN KUL 12:15 16:30 Malaysia Airlines 8M502 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 KUL RGN 14:00 15:00 MAI
AK1421 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN KUL 17:15 21:30 AirAsia AK1420 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 KUL RGN 15:40 16:45 AirAsia
Fligghtts frrom Yanngon (RGGN) to HHanoi (HHAN) Fligghtts frrom Hannoi (HANN) to Yanngon (RRGN)
VN956 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN HAN 19:10 21:30 Vietnam Airlines VN957 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 HAN RGN 16:35 18:10 Vietnam Airlines
Flliggh htss ffroom m Yangon (RGN) to Ho CChi Minhh (SGN) Flliggh htss ffroom m Ho Chii Minh (SSGN) to Yangonn (RGN)
VN942 2 4 6 7 RGN SGN 14:25 17:10 Vietnam Airlines VN943 2 4 6 7 SGN RGN 11:40 13:25 Vietnam Airlines
Flligghtss ffrom Yanngon (RGGN) to TTaipei (TTPE) Flligghtss ffrom Taipei (TPEE) to Yanngon (RGN)
CI7916 1 2 3 4 5 6 RGN TPE 10:50 16:10 China Airline CI7915 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TPE RGN 7:15 10:05 China Airline
BR288 2 5 6 RGN TPE 11:35 17:20 EVA Air BR287 2 5 6 TPE RGN 7:30 10:35 EVA Air
Flliggh htss ffroom Yanggon (RGNN) to Kunming(KMG) Flliggh htss ffroom Kunmming(KMMG) to Yangon ((RGN)
CA906 2 3 4 6 7 RGN KMG 14:15 17:35 Air China CA905 2 3 4 6 7 KMG RGN 12:40 13:15 Air China
MU2032 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN KMG 14:40 17:55 China Eastern MU2031 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 KMG RGN 13:30 14:00 China Eastern
MU2012 3 6 RGN KMG 12:20 18:10 China Eastern (via NNG) MU2011 3 6 KMG RGN 8:25 11:30 China Eastern (via NNG)
Flligghtss from Yanngon (RGGN) to BBeijing (BJS) Flligghtss from Beijjing (BJSS) to Yanngon (RRGN)
CA906 2 3 4 6 7 RGN BJS 14:15 21:55 Air China (via KMG) CA905 2 3 4 6 7 BJS RGN 8:05 13:15 Air China (via KMG)
Fliggh htss ffroom Yanggon (RGNN) to Naanning (NNG) Fliggh htss ffroom Nannning (NNNG) to Yaangon ((RGN)
Flight No. DDayys From To ETD ETA Operated by: Flight No. DDayys From To ETD ETA Operated by:
MU2012 3 6 RGN NNG 12:20 16:25 China Eastern MU2011 3 6 NNG RGN 10:15 11:30 China Eastern
FFliggh htss ffroom m Yangoon (RGN)) to Honng Kong (HKG) HHonng g KKo ong (HKG) Flights from Yaangon ((RGN)
KA251 1 2 4 6 RGN HKG 1:00 6:00 Dragon Air KA250 1 3 5 7 HKG RGN 21:20 23:35 Dragon Air
Flliggh htss ffroom m Yangon (RGN) to Guanng Zhouu (CAN) Flliggh htss ffroom m Guang Zhou (CCAN) to Yangonn (RGN)
8M711 2 4 7 RGN CAN 8:40 13:15 MAI CZ3055 3 6 CAN RGN 8:40 10:30 China Southern Airlines
CZ3056 3 6 RGN CAN 11:20 15:50 China Southern Airline 8M712 2 4 7 CAN RGN 14:15 15:45 MAI
CZ3056 1 5 RGN CAN 17:40 22:15 China Southern Airline CZ3055 1 5 CAN RGN 14:45 16:35 China Southern Airlines
FFlighhts ffroom Yanggon (RGN) to Koolkata (CCCU) FFlighhts ffroom Kolkkata (CCUU) to Yaangon (RRGN)
Flight No. DDayys From To ETD ETA Operated by: Flight No. DDayys From To ETD ETA Operated by:
AI228 5 RGN CCU 18:45 19:45 Air India AI227 1 5 CCU RGN 10:35 13:20 Air India
AI234 1 5 RGN CCU 13:40 16:55 Air India (via GAY) AI233 5 CCU RGN 13:30 18:00 Air India (via GAY)
Fliggh htss ffrom Yanngon (RGGN) to GGaya (GAAY) Fliggh htss ffrom Gayya (GAY) to Yanngon (RGGN)
8M 601 1 3 5 6 RGN GAY 10:30 11:50 MAI 8M 602 1 3 5 6 GAY RGN 12:50 16:00 MAI
AI234 1 5 RGN GAY 13:40 15:00 Air India AI233 5 GAY RGN 15:00 18:00 Air India
Fligghtts frrom Yanngon (RGGN) to TTokyo (NNRT) FFliightts frrom Tokkyo (NRTT) to Yaangon (RRGN)
NH914 1 3 6 RGN NRT 22:00 06:40+1 ALL NIPPON Airways NH913 1 3 6 NRT RGN 11:10 17:05 ALL NIPPON Airways
FFliggh htss ffrom Yanngon (RGGN) to SSeoul (ICCN) FFliggh htss ffrom Seooul (ICN)) to Yanngon (RGGN)
KE472 1 3 5 7 RGN ICN 0:05 8:00 Korean Air KE471 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ICN RGN 18:40 22:55 Korean Air
OZ7463 4 7 RGN ICN 0:50 8:50 Asiana OZ4753 3 6 ICN RGN 19:30 23:40 Asiana
Flligghtss ffrom Yanngon (RGGN) to DDoha (DOOH) Flightts frrom Dohha (DOH) to Yangon (RRGN)
QR619 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN DOH 8:00 11:45 Qatar Airways QR618 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DOH RGN 21:05 06:29+1 Qatar Airways
Flligghtss froom Yangon (RGNN) to Fraankfurt (FRA) Flligghtss froom Frankkfurt (FRRA) to YYangon ((RGN)
DE2369 3 RGN FRA 5:35 16:40 Condor Air (via HKT) DE2368 2 FRA RGN 12:40 4:25+1 Condor Air
Days - (1) Monday (2)) Tuessdaay ((3) Weednesday (4)) Thursday (55) Friday (6)) Saturday (77) Sunday Days - (1) Monday (2)) Tuessdaay ((3) Weednesday (4)) Thursday (55) Friday (6)) Saturday (77) Sunday
All the flight scheddulees aaree suubjectt too be changedd without anyy prior noticce by the airlines. All the flight scheddulees aaree suubjectt too be changedd without anyy prior noticce by the airlines.
(+1) means next day (+1) means next day
Fliggh htss ffroom m Yangon (RGN) to Nay Pyi Taww (NPT) Flliggh htss ffroom m Nay Pyyi Taw (NNYT) to Yangonn (RGN)
Flight No. DDayys From To ETD ETA Operated by: Flight No. DDayys From To ETD ETA Operated by:
UB-A1 1 2 3 4 5 RGN NYT 7:45 8:45 FMI UB Charter UB-A2 1 2 3 4 5 NYT RGN 9:15 10:15 FMI UB Charter
UB-B1 1 2 3 4 5 RGN NYT 11:30 12:30 FMI UB Charter UB-B2 1 2 3 4 5 NYT RGN 13:00 14:00 FMI UB Charter
UB-C1 1 2 3 4 5 RGN NYT 16:00 17:00 FMI UB Charter UB-C2 1 2 3 4 5 NYT RGN 17:30 18:30 FMI UB Charter
UB-A1 6 RGN NYT 8:00 9:00 FMI UB Charter UB-A2 6 NYT RGN 10:00 11:00 FMI UB Charter
UB-A1 7 RGN NYT 15:30 16:30 FMI UB Charter UB-A2 7 NYT RGN 17:00 18:00 FMI UB Charter
6T211 1 7 RGN NYT 15:30 16:25 Air Mandalay 6T212 1 7 NYT RGN 16:45 17:40 Air Mandalay
FFliightts frrom Yangoon (RGN) to Manndalay ((MDY) FFliightts frrom Manddalay (MDDY) to YYangon (RGN)
YH 909 2 4 6 7 RGN MDY 6:30 8:10 Yangon Airways YH 910 1 3 MDY RGN 7:40 10:30 Yangon Airways
YH 917 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN MDY 6:10 8:30 Yangon Airways YH 918 1 2 3 4 6 7 MDY RGN 8:30 10:25 Yangon Airways
YH 727 1 5 RGN MDY 11:15 13:25 Yangon Airways YH 728 1 5 MDY RGN 9:10 11:05 Yangon Airways
YH 731 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN MDY 15:00 17:10 Yangon Airways YH 732 1 2 3 4 5 6 MDY RGN 17:10 19:15 Yangon Airways
W9 501 1 2 3 4 RGN MDY 6:00 7:25 Air Bagan W9 502 1 2 3 4 MDY RGN 16:10 18:15 Air Bagan
K7 222 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN MDY 6:30 8:40 Air KBZ K7 223 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MDY RGN 9:00 11:05 Air KBZ
YJ 201 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN MDY 11:30 12:55 Asian Wings YJ 202 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MDY RGN 16:00 17:25 Asian Wings
December 5-11, 2013
Myanmar Summary
Myanmar Business Today
Construction Materials
Prices Drop
emand for construction
materials in Myanmar
has dropped in recent
monLIs, due Lo LIe ceIebruLIon
oI BuddIIsL IenL, consLrucLIon
materials traders say.
PebbIes In purLIcuIur Iuve
seen u murked IuII In prIces,
us Iomeowners Iuve been Iess
concerned with building and
renovuLIng LIeIr Iomes durIng
LIe IenL perIod, wIIcI runs
Irom mId-JuIy Lo mId-OcLober.
Traditionally in Myanmar
cuILure, IoIIowers ure encour-
aged to spend the lent period
IocusIng on cIurILubIe deeds,
und very Iew BuddIIsLs move
house during the period.
As this is towards the end
oI BuddIIsL IenL, muny peopIe
Lurn Lo LIeIr donuLIons, suI
Kyaw Min Ko Than Aung from Aswe Taw
Construction Material. Busi-
nesses will be better again in
December, buL LIe Iow umounL
of purchases compared with the
high supply has led to a fall in
prIces, Ie udded.
n OcLober, u box oI pebbIes,
which are measured in boxes
LIuL ure 1o squure IeeL by one
IeeL, wus prIced uL Ko,ooo
($o), droppIng Irom K;o,ooo
Cement too has seen a small
drop. One bag of cement was
soId Ior K,;oo ($.;) IusL
monLI, buL Ius dropped Lo
K,oo ($.), suId U Soe TIu
from Toe Kyaw Construction
Material shop.
However, IocuI seIIers suy LIuL
brIck prIces Iuve rIsen sIIgILIy
and sandstone is remaining
reIuLIveIy sLubIe.
Real Estate Market Remains
Slow due to Capped Prices
Phyu Thit Lwin
Ince LIe Yungon RegIonuI
governmenL seL Iund
prIces per squure meLre
In SepLember, LIe Yungon reuI
esLuLe murkeL Ius sIowed down,
according to real estate traders
in the city.
With spiralling land prices na-
LIonwIde, LIe governmenL InLro-
duced a scheme to try and tackle
LIe Issue, by seLLIng u muxImum
prIce on Iund, dependIng on LIe
township in which the property
wus IocuLed, wILI BuIun Lown-
ship in Yangon being one of the
mosL expensIve.
n Yungon, muny seIIIng und
buying properties fell silent
when the news came that the
governmenL wus hxIng muxI-
mum prIces Ior Iund, suId U
TIun Oo, cIuIrmun oI Mun Tu-
Ing ReuI EsLuLe ServIce Co. We
Iuve wuLcIed LIe murkeL sInce
LIen, und IL remuIns sIow, Ie
According to Deputy Finance
MInIsLer U Muung Muung
TIeIn, LIe hxed Iund prIces wus
seL noL Lo conLroI LIe IIgI prIce,
buL Lo uIIow LIe governmenL
better control taxes.
MurkeL experLs Iowever Iuve
suId LIuL IndIrecLIy, LIe scIeme
has ensured that high land
prIces, wIIcI Iuve been u bur-
rIer Lo muny IoreIgn InvesLors
comIng InLo LIe counLry, Iuve
been curbed.
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Myanmar Summary
._ ~ . _ . ._ . ~, ..: . ~ .~
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~,_~._:, .~e~,_~. ...:..:
...~ ._.:_~:..._.
A labourer works in a construction site in Yangon.

December 5-11, 2013
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
Income, Property Disparity Interlinked: Economists
yanmar must deal with
the concern regarding
unequuI Income und
property distribution in the
counLry, uccordIng Lo IeudIng
economists in the region.
SpeukIng uL un evenL IosLed
In Yungon IusL week, Muung
Muung Soe, u reLIred proIes-
sor from the Applied Geology
department from the Yangon
UnIversILy oI EconomIcs, suId,
We need Lo consIder IL |Income
distribution] with the property
distribution here. A handful of
peopIe ure exLremeIy weuILIy,
while 99 percent of the people
are extremely poor and many
do noL Iuve u pIuce Lo IIve.
He added that part of the issue
in income distribution is im-
pacted by the property situation
in the country.
Almost all of the land in
the country is in the posses-
sion of the extremely wealthy.
Myunmur does noL onIy Iuve u
probIem wILI Income dIspurILy,
buL uIso wILI unequuI properLy
dIsLrIbuLIon, Ie suId, speukIng
at the economic forum which
was organised by May Kha
Chairman of the MCC Group
oI CompunIes, U TIn WIng
Aung, suId LIuL LIe unequuI In-
come distribution in the country
cun conLrIbuLe Lo vIoIence und
conIcLs In LIe counLry, wIIcI
could in turn lead to political
Oliver Slow stability.
People say that when a coun-
Lry`s economy deveIops, ILs In-
come disparity can be eased. In
economIc Lerms, LIuL Is u kInd
oI 'growLI onIy poIIce`, IocusIng
on growLI hrsL, und LIe Income
IuLer. n reuIILy, LIIs Lukes u IoL
oI LIme, Ie suId.
Myunmur`s economy, und
wILI IL, GDP, Is expecLed Lo
increase monumentally in com-
Ing yeurs, purLIcuIurIy due Lo u
surge of interest from foreign
compunIes In LIe counLry, buL
economIsLs Iuve wurned LIuL IL
Is ImporLunL Ior LIe governmenL
to ensure that its economic
policies ensure that this growth
occurs Lo LIe IeveI LIuL muny
observers expecL IL Lo be.
UsIng hscuI poIIcIes, LIe gov-
ernment can ensure economic
growth and a well-distributed
Income. or exumpIe, LIe
governmenL cun use ILs Income
from selling natural gas to
Improve InIrusLrucLure In edu-
cation and healthcare to further
IeIp LIe Iow-Income peopIe,
Tin Win Aung said.
Political parties should speak
about these things. They should
not be waiting in line for the
counLry`s economy Lo deveIop
Lo soIve LIe unequuI Income
dIsLrIbuLIon. TIe governmenL
should also show its commit-
menL, Ie udded.
According to an economic
report earlier this year from
InLernuLIonuI consuILuncy hrm
McKInsey nsLILuLe, Myunmur`s
GDP is likely to grow from $45
billion to $200 billion by 2030.
Star City A5 Apartments Only for Rent
Phyu Thit Lwin
roperties in the A5 section
of the Star City Housing
DeveIopmenL In TIunIyIn
wIII be mude uvuIIubIe Lo renL,
buL noL Ior suIe, uccordIng Lo
M CIuIrmun U TIeIn WuI.
n AprII, LIe hrsL group oI
Iome owners moved InLo LIeIr
Iomes In LIe S1 secLIon, wIIIe
those in the A2 building will
soon be ubIe Lo move. TIe A
and A4 sections remain under
construction and are expected
to be ready by the end of 2014
and almost all of the apartments
In LIe A secLIon Iuve been soId.
90 percent of apartments in
LIe B1 zone Iuve uIreudy been
sold and 60 of B2 and B5 apart-
ments are up for sale. B3 and
B4 apartments were put up for
suIe on November zq.
The Star City Housing de-
veIopmenL begun In zo1o und
is aimed at further spreading
Yangons growing population as
the city expands.
A part of the Star City Housing Development project in Thanlyin.
M receIved Kz.o bIIIIon
($z.oq mIIIIon) In Income, und
K1.46 billion ($1.48 million) in
prohL In zo1z-zo1 hscuI yeur.

Myanmar Summary
FMI ~.~~ ~_..:~.~q
._ .,._~e.~.q:- A5
~..:~~~~ ..q:.. ~ :.
.~ .~ .: _.. . . :. ._ _e. _. .
~..:~ ~~ ~. . . - ._._ . ~
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~ q, .,q:.:.~ , .. . .. :.._e
FMI ~ _ .. . ..~- ._.:_~:..~
~q .q._.
~. .|. . ~ , .-.... . ~..:~
~~~ A1 ~..:~~~_ -_..
~ .q.:. ~~.,.~...._ .q
._.:..,._~_.. A2 ~..:~
~~. : ~_..:~_.....~:.__e.
q: . q .:. . ._.: ....:.._~: .
A3 . A4 ~..:~~~.:.~
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._...:._. _..,:._e.._~:.
....e: ...q .. . . _.. . ..:
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MCC Group - ~__e...:
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. . .q..~_ ._ . _e. . . . .~_
..._~:. ._.:_~:..._.
December 5-11, 2013
Myanmar Summary
Contd. P z8...(Telenor)
Myanmar Business Today
MRTV to Get Australian
Counterparts Help
Aye Myat
he Australian Broadcast-
ing Corp (ABC) will
cooperate with state-run
Myunmur RudIo und TeIevIsIon
(MRTV) In progrum broudcusL-
ing in a bid to increase the tech-
nical skills of local broadcast
media professionals.
A memorandum of under-
sLundIng (MoU) Ius been
signed between the two parties
regurdIng LIe cooperuLIon,
state-run daily New Light of
Myanmar said.
The ABC is Australias na-
tional public broadcaster. With
a total annual budget of A$1.18
bIIIIon, LIe corporuLIon pro-
vIdes LeIevIsIon, rudIo, onIIne
und mobIIe servIces LIrougIouL
metropolitan and regional
AusLruIIu, us weII us overseus
through the Australia Network
und RudIo AusLruIIu.
ABC becomes the second
foreign media to cooperate with
Myanmar in the nascent sector
uILer VoIce oI AmerIcu (VOA)
sIgned u sImIIur MoU In June
last year.
VOA Is provIdIng Myunmur
wILI udvunced equIpmenL und
training courses for the employ-
ees oI MRTV Lo Improve LIeIr
technical skills.
Myanmars cooperation with
foreign media comes as the for-
mer pariah country embarked
on a road to political and eco-
nomIc reIorm sInce u cIvIIIun
governmenL wus InsLuIIed In
March 2011.
As LIe governmenL reIeuses ILs
IroncIud conLroI over LIe medIu
secLor In Myunmur, u number
oI IoreIgn medIu sucI us CNN,
BBC und AI Juzeeru Iuve been
ucLIveIy seekIng Lo enLer LIe
IocuI LeIevIsIon broudcusLIng
Although funded and owned
by LIe governmenL, LIe ABC re-
mains editorially independent
as ensured through the Austral-
ian Broadcasting Corporation
Act 1983.
MRTV Is operuLed under
Myanmars Ministry of
Myanmar Summary
Apple Acquires Israels
Primesense In A $350m Deal
pple Inc agreed to buy
Israel-based PrimeSense
Ld, u deveIoper oI cIIps
that enable three-dimensional
mucIIne vIsIon, Ior ubouL $o
mIIIIon, BIoomberg reporLed
citing a source.
PrimeSenses sensing technol-
ogy, wIIcI gIves dIgILuI devIces
LIe ubIIILy Lo observe u scene In
LIree dImensIons, wus used Lo
IeIp power MIcrosoIL`s Xbox
Apples interest in PrimeS-
ense wus hrsL reporLed In JuIy
by the Israel-based Calacist
news website.
Apple buys smaller technol-
ogy companies from time to
LIme, und we generuIIy do noL
dIscuss our purpose or pIuns, u
company spokeswoman Kristin
HugueL LoId ReuLers vIu emuII.
The PrimeSense deal makes it
Apples second purchase of an
srueII compuny. L bougIL usI
storage chip maker Anobit in
Junuury zo1z.
PrImeSense`s InvesLors In-
cIude Cunuun PurLners, SIIver
Myanmar Summary
Austral i an Broadcasti ng
Corporation (ABC) ~.,_e _.,.:
. -. . Myanmar Radio and
Television (MRTV) . ....|._
_._ ~ ., . . ~ . . . . e:~. .
~ . .:. - ,_ . ._:.. . q_ .:.
~.~~.:..q,~~~ ,..~
.....q: ~.~.~.q.~
_....:..__e.._~:. .q._.
~. .|. ...| ...: q ~ . ~. ~.
~~~ ABC . MRTV ~.
,:.._..:.,.:~ .~.~.q..
._.._e.._~:.._. .q._. ABC
._ _..._~...- ~...:.
~.:._._ . . q:, . . ~ . . _e.
_. . ~. . . ~: ~ ~ ..:~. . ..| .
. : _..._~....'.: ~.~ .e
Apple Inc ._ ~..q.~._..~
3D ~_. e,~..._ ,_.._:q
._ PrimeSense Ltd ~:. ~..
q ~, ..'.: ,~ . . e _e ~e eq,
._:_e ~q:~~.:.~:. ..e~_.
. . _e _. ~ .e, ~ .. _. . Microsoft
- Xbox Kinect ~~~ ~.:~
~~_e...q,~~~._. ~.._..
Apple - Prime Sense ~:.
~e e q, . ~ ~ .:.. ~ ~ . .~~_.
~ . q . q_.. ~. .q.~._.. ~ Calacist
.~.~~.~~ .~..e:_..
._~:.._. .q._. Apple .
,_.._:~.~e.:.~ ~ee._..
.ee~:._e q_qe.~. ~.
~. .:.~ .. ... ... .q ._~: .
~.~- ._.:.q...q. Kristin
Huguet ~ ,~~:. ~......
~..._.:_~:..._. Prime Sense
._ Apple - . ~ e._.:~ ~. .q.
~ . ~~. . ~:. ~e e _. ._e. _. . ~~
. . . ~,,~|q.~ Anobit ~:.
uke, GemInI srueI unds und
GenesIs PurLners, BIoomberg
reported. Reuters
~q._. ABC ~.,_e ,._.
._~:. .q.e ~,... ..
~,..:..:.~ _._~..:.. _..
._~..- ....:.~~. ..:q~
.,_.. ..eq._.:.~._. ..:
q~..:.q._~:. .q._.
ABC ._ _.,.:.. e_e.
~.~~.~_~ ....|...:q~
.:._ .~e._.:~ ._.:...e:
.. , .~. . _e. _. . Voiceof America
(VOA) ._ .,.._.. ~,.~
.~.~.q...._~:. .q._.
A passerby photographs an Apple store logo with his phone in central Sydney.

Telenor to Hold Career Seminar to Recruit Myanmar Employees
Htet Aung
elenor Myanmar said it
wIII IosL ILs hrsL cureer
semInur In Yungon,
bringing together expert
speakers to share insights with
candidates interested to build a
career in the strategic telecom-
munications industry.
The seminar will be held on
December 5 from 9am to 4pm
uL LIe Co-OperuLIve BusIness
CenLre (Iormer Suyur Sun PIuzu)
in Yangon. Interested appli-
cunLs wIII Iuve LIe opporLunILy
to submit their resume directly
to the company and learn more
ubouL new cureer opporLunILIes,
Telenor said in a statement.
Attendance is free-of-charge
und no regIsLruLIon Is requIred.
AppIIcunLs Iuve Lo brIng copIes
of their resume with them when
attending this seminar.
Since Telenor Myanmar
IuuncIed LIe hrsL pIuse oI ILs
employee recruitment program
In AugusL LIIs yeur, LIe compuny
Ius IIred ubouL 8o empIoyees,
wILI Myunmur cILIzens LukIng
up key positions in departments
IncIudIng munugemenL, Iumun
resources, und hnunce, umong
oLIers, TeIenor suId.
The company is on track to
hire 160 employees by the end of
LIIs yeur und 1,ooo empIoyees
by LIe end oI zo1q, In uddILIon
Lo creuLIng unoLIer z,ooo jobs
through indirect employment
with local business partners
und vendors.
We Iuve receIved un over-
wIeImIngIy posILIve response
Irom u dIverse runge oI cundI-
dates who want to be part of
TeIenor`s . work envIronmenL
und cuILure, und we ure pIeused
to be on track in meeting our
short-term and long-term
recruILmenL objecLIves, suId
TIpuyuruL KuewsrIngurm,
cIIeI peopIe omcer, TeIenor
TIe compuny wIII uIso InvesL
In cureer und skIII deveIopmenL
programs for all employees in
u bId Lo deveIop Myunmur`s
telecommunications industry
LIrougI job creuLIon und LIe
LrunsIer oI experLIse, IL suId.
The Telenor Myanmar Acad-
emy, u cenLre Ior proIessIonuI
deveIopmenL progrums Ior
empIoyees uL uII IeveIs, wIII kIck
o u serIes oI IeudersIIp und
professional training programs
Tipayarat Kaewsringarm, chief peopIe ofcer, TeIenor Myanmar, speaks at a press conference
in Yangon.
Contd. P z8...(Telenor)
Telenor Myanmar ~ q,~,~
.. .. . , .-.~ .. .. . . , .. .
.q: ....:e.e.~ _....:.
._ _e. _. . .~ . e .q.. . , .~
~.~...~...~:._.q, .~~.:.
. .:.~:. ~. .~ . .:.. ~_~ _~
.... .:.~ ._ . _.. . . :.._ _e.
._~:. .q._.
~..|....:e.e.~:. q,~,_.
Co-Operative Business Centre ~
.~:. q~.,~ .,~ ,:q
. _., , ,:q~ _...~...:.
.__e.._~:. .q._.
~..|.... :e.e.. ~~.q:~
q, .~.|~.:...:.~.,_e ,.~
- resume .:.~ ~.~. ~~,~
.....:.q.__e.~: ~.~...~..
.~:....q: ~.~....:.~
.. .: . qq . :. ._ _ e. ._ ~: .
Telenor . ._.:_~:.. ._ .
December 5-11, 2013
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
From page z;...(Telenor)
Ior LIe hrsL group oI ILs empIoy-
ees In eurIy December, und wIII
oer oLIer ongoIng LruInIng
programs for new and current
sLu members.
The courses run by the
academy will be conducted in
Bungkok und Yungon, und wIII
provIde LruInIng Lo equIp em-
ployees with the knowledge and
skIIIs requIred Lo perIorm In
LIeIr roIes und supporL ucIIeve-
menL oI LIeIr cureer gouIs,
Telenor said.
Kaewsringarm said: We
take pride in knowing that our
employees can share in our pas-
sion and dedication to play an
ImporLunL roIe In LIe deveIop-
ment of state-of-the-art telecom
InIrusLrucLure Ior LIeIr counLry,
us weII us provIde InnovuLIve
mobIIe communIcuLIon servIces
that will empower society and
enrIcI LIe IIves oI mIIIIons oI
peopIe ucross Myunmur.
From page z;...(Telenor)
e .. ... :e.e.. ~~.q:~.
.:.~.,_e ~.._~.. ...q, .. ~.
.. .~.~_..~._. _....:.
q, ..._~:. .q._. ~~.q:~
...:.~.,_e ,.~- resume
. ~ .:.~ . ... :e. e . . ~~ .q:~
q:~ e..:.:q,.: .~.
._~:. .q._.
e... _.~.~ Telenor .
. . .:.q :.e . ..: ..q. ~. ~.
~.q.~ ..~.~.q.~.,_e
..: q ~ . _. . . . .:...| . ~ , ..|.
~ ~...,~..._~:. .q._.
e...~,~ ...:...|. ~'~
~ ., ~. . :.._ ._._e. _. . ~~,
..~,~ ...:...|. ~~~~ ~
.,~..:.q, ~.~.q._~:. .q
_. .,:~. ~..~~..|.
~~~ ,..|.~._. _._~....:..q.
. ...|.. . ..: . .:.. ~. . e, ~ .
. :.e e q ._ .
EU Hands Over Statistical Software to Myanmar
Eyes improving the availability of reliable trade statistics
Aye Myat
Ie Europeun UnIon IusL
week Iunded over LIe
EuroLruce sLuLIsLIcuI
soILwure und reIuLed T equIp-
ment to the Myanmars Central
Statistical Organisation (CSO)
in a bid to help the Southeast
Asian nation generate reliable
trade statistics.
EuroLruce Is u soILwure
LIuL Ius been deveIoped und
muInLuIned by EurosLuL, LIe
sLuLIsLIcuI omce oI LIe EU. TIIs
software has been installed in
over 6o counLrIes worIdwIde,
IncIudIng In ASEAN counLrIes
und regIon wILIIn LIe ASEAN
TIe EU provIded LIe CSO
wILI 1o compuLers, und serv-
ers worLI over Co,ooo, uII
equIpped wILI EuroLruce soIL-
ware to process the trade data
transmitted by the Customs
This will enable the CSO to
dIssemInuLe LImeIy, reIIubIe und
accurate trade statistics to all its
users, LIe EU suId.
EU umbussudor Lo Myun-
mur, RoIund KobIu, suId,
EU Is pIeused Lo supporL LIe
strengthening of the Myanmar
sLuLIsLIcuI sysLem, wIIcI sIouId
transform into a national
system of harmonised and
consolidated statistical data at
nuLIonuI IeveI.
Kobia said this will produce
beLLer quuIILy sLuLIsLIcs Lo meeL
user`s needs und Improve eI-
hcIenL poIIcy mukIng.
TIe governmenL Ius been
mukIng eorLs Lo prepure u
nuLIonuI sLruLegy Ior LIe deveI-
opmenL oI sLuLIsLIcs. TIe EU
co-chairs the Sector Working
Group on Statistical Quality
DeveIopmenL, cIuIred by LIe
CSO, wIIcI Is responsIbIe Ior
LIe duLu cupLure, compIIuLIon
and dissemination of statistics
in Myanmar.
TIe EU Ius been ussIsLIng
both the CSO and the Customs
Department of Myanmar to
produce reliable and compara-
bIe Lrude sLuLIsLIcs wILI ASEAN
and international standards.
TIe EU Ius been provIdIng
reIevunL LruInIngs und T equIp-
menL, IncIudIng LIe EuroLruce
software in this regard.
TIe Myunmur governmenL
and policy makers need reliable
and timely trade statistics that
can assist in the formulation of
trade policy and monitor Myan-
mars economic integration in
LIe regIon und InLernuLIonuIIy,
LIe EU suId In u sLuLemenL.
SInce Junuury, LIe EU Ius
been supporting the work of the
CSO under u C. mIIIIon pro-
gramme aiming to strengthen
the capacity of the Myanmar
cIvII servIce In supporL oI LIe
reform process.
TIe EU ussIsLunce IncIudes
sharing of technical knowledge
und besL prucLIce, us weII us
institutional support. The
programme is implemented by
BuL, wIIIe Sumsung Ius
become the worlds biggest
udverLIser, spendIng $q. bII-
IIon on uds uIone IusL yeur, ILs
gIobuI brund vuIue oI $q.6
billion is less than half that of
AppIe, wIIcI spenL onIy $1 bII-
IIon on udverLIsIng, uccordIng
to Interbrand and ad researcher
Ad Age.
To be sure, Sumsung Ius u
more dIverse runge oI mobIIe
producLs, wIIcI uIong wILI ILs
chips and household appliance
businesses need more market-
Ing ucross dIerenL LurgeL uudI-
ences. BuL LIe Ieuvy murkeLIng
spend suggests a need to con-
vInce consumers LIuL IL beIongs
uL LIe Lop. AppIe cun uord Lo
spend less as it already has that
brund recognILIon, und cucIeL.
TIe sLronger, more dII-
IerenLIuLed LIe producL, LIe
less it needs to be propped up
by udverLIsIng, suId Horuce
DedIu, Iounder oI IndependenL
reseurcI hrm Asymco und u
Iormer NokIu busIness deveI-
opmenL munuger, reIerrIng Lo
Apples ad spend.
Defending its marketing
budgeL, Sumsung cun poInL Lo
its lead in the global smartphone
murkeL - IL seIIs one In every
three smartphones and has
more than double Apples mar-
ket share. The Korean groups
suvvy udverLs mockIng AppIe
devoLees, und Ieuvy InvesLmenL
In dIsLrIbuLIon cIunneIs Iuve
strengthened its Galaxy mobile
From page ,...(Samsung)
The Galaxy brand has estab-
IIsIed ILseII, und LIe Sumsung
brand is now much stronger
than Android or any of the
oLIer OEM brunds, excepL Ap-
pIe, suId BenedIcL Evuns, un
independent technology and
media consultant in London.
The underlying problem is that
Samsung has established itself
us u dependubIe quuIILy brund,
noL u dIerenLIuLed or premIum
quuIILy producL, so IL does besL
where its not competing di-
recLIy wILI AppIe.
Samsung works with a num-
ber oI udverLIsIng ugencIes,
IncIudIng PubIIcIs Groupe,
nLerpubIIc Group, und MDC
Samsungs latest marketing
splash has been on its Galaxy
Geur smurLwuLcI, wIIcI Ius
been uImosL unIversuIIy punned
by revIewers. TIe devIce Ius
been uggressIveIy murkeLed
LIrougI udverLs und coIIuboru-
tion with fashion shows yet
onIy 8oo,ooo Geurs Iuve
been shipped since its launch
two months ago. Compare
that to the more than 5 mil-
lion Note 3 smartphones that
Iuve been sIIpped sInce ILs
IuLe-SepLember IuuncI, und IL
suggesLs Iewer LIun u hILI oI LIe
Note buyers are also buying the
uccessory devIce.
UndeLerred, Sumsung Ius
vowed more Geur promoLIons
for the crucial year-end holiday
season as it seeks to lead the
wearable computer market and
prove ILs InnovuLIon credenLIuIs.
Probably Samsung knows
better than anyone that Gear
will not become a mainstream
producL. SLIII, LIey ure LryIng
Lo convey LIe messuge LIuL 'we
ure hrsL wILI sucI LecInoIogy,`
which they hope will help build
LIeIr brund us un udvunced
LecInoIogy hrm, suId nLer-
brands Moon.
A deep-pocketed Samsung it
eurned operuLIng prohL oI $q.6
bIIIIon In LIe LIIrd quurLer uIone
- Is sLIII pusIIng LIe enveIope
Lo wIn over consumers.
TIIs monLI, LIe bIg-spendIng
omcIuI sponsor oI LIe pusL eIgIL
Winter and Summer Olympics
launched a fantasy-inspired
soccer marketing campaign
ahead of the mid-2014 World
Cup In BruzII - seIecLIng 11 oI
LIe worId`s Lop pIuyers, IncIud-
ing Argentine striker Lionel
MessI, Ior u vIrLuuI muLcI Lo
suve EurLI Irom uIIens - wILI
LIe IeIp oI GuIuxy devIces.
Myanmar Summary
~ .e. . , . ._ ~.~ ~ Eurotrace
.:q.~....q:..:e~. .~
.. _ ..:.~:. _., .:. - -e .:q .
~ .~e ~._ .~:. ...~. . _. . _., .:
.- ~,.e..q: .:q.~.
~.~ ~.~ .:.~ . . e _~_ . q
.:.._ . . ~ .~~ .:..q, ~~ ~
e.~. ...~.._.._e.._~:. .q
Eurotrace ._ Eurostat .
e,~.,....:...: ..:e~~.
.._e._.. ~.:~.~,.q ...|. '~
.~: ~~ . e ...: e ~ ~:. _ . .
~. ._._~._~: . . q._ .~. .|.
.:.~ ~:.e..:.._. ~.|
~~_e.._~:. .q._.
~ .e . -e .:q .~ .~e ~._ .
_~.~:. ~,.~: ~~ ... .:-:
.:.~ .:~ . . _. . ~, e .~:._e e ,
,~~~~ q._~:. .q_.. ~.~:~
.,..._:,. ......: ~,.e.
~.~ ~.~ .:.~ Eurotrace ..: e ~
_e ..:q~.:..__e.._~:. .q
._.e_~_.~.q_.. .,~,~~
..: ~ , . e . . q:.:q .~ .~.~
~.~.:.~ ~.,.~.._.._ qq
.:. ._ _e. ._~: . ~ .e . ._.:_~:.
_.,.:..q: ~.e.~.~_e.
._ Roland Kobia ~ ~.e~.,
_e _.,.:.- .:q.~..,.~:.
. . . .:.:..q, ~~ ~ ~.:~
~~...q._~ ~..._.:~._~:.
._.:_~:.._.. .:q.~..,.~.,_e
.~. e,.~__.. ..:~~
._ .:q.~..q: ~.~~.~
.:.~ _._. ._.: .. . _.. . . ._~: .
._. ._.:_~:..._.
Samsung Electronics Co ._
e...~ ._~:_ :..,...:q~
. . ...~ ~ ..: q ~ . ~ ~ ~..
q~, ..'.: ~, . e , ..|. ~. ._.
q, ..:.,.:._.. ~..|..:~.:
Iceland - ....|._._~.~
~,~,e.~. .~:.,.,._~:.
~.,_e ~-. ,.q._~:_:.:.
~:.~.:.. ~. ._:~. ~. .:.~
._~:_:..,.~:. ~~:..~:.
.~:._e ..:q~.,._~:. .q
...~ ~ ~, e .~q ~..q ~, ..'.:
.e~,e.q._ Samsung
._ ,.- ...~~..:q~..:.
. ~.q:._.~..:.~ . ._~.
~~:.~.:.~_ .:..._ ..:q~
.,_. . Apple Inc ~:. . . e _. .:
.q,~~~ _~.....,_.._e.._.
e..~..:..~ Samsung -
.,:~ . ...' Galaxy ..~ e , ..:.~
,e..e:.~ .~.q:..._.. ,.
~- ._~:_:. : .~:_.. .q...
.~: ~:eq ~~ .q. ..~ :.
~~~ ..:.~ ~ . . .q: ..q:~
._. ._~:_:_ .q~.~~._e ~_.
..:. .|~ ._ ~~ ~ .~e, . .:.q .
._~:. .q._.
Samsung ~.,_e ,.-~.~
~..~:. .,...~e,~...
.,..|~q,~~~ ._~:_:.:.~
~:,.~....:.,..:._. ..:
.,..~. .....:.- ~_.,._ ~:.
~ :e.~ ~ _ e_ ._ . q, ~~ ~
. ~. .,...._~: .._. . q._ .
the International Management
Group (MG), un InLernuLIonuI
organisation operating in My-
anmar since 2012.
December 5-11, 2013
Myanmar Summary
Myanmar Summary
Myanmar Business Today
Suzuki Provides 100 Motorcycles to Myanmar Police
apanese automaker Su-
zukI MoLor Corp donuLed
100 police motorcycles
Lo LIe Myunmur governmenL
last week to help the countrys
police force in maintaining law
and order.
The motorbikes will be used
us securILy veIIcIes Ior ASEAN
leaders who will attend the
ASEAN summIL nexL yeur, und
to control law and order during
LIe SEA Gumes wIIcI wIII be
IeId Irom December 11-zz, oI-
hcIuIs suId.
TIese bIkes, wIIcI ure bused
on V-SLrom 6o ABS, cosL ubouL
K1z mIIIIon ($1z,zoo) eucI.
Myanmars police chief Zaw
WIn suId, TIIs donuLIon wIII
help our police force maintain
security during the regional
summits. We will also procure
more moLorbIkes |Ior LIe Iorce|
and distribute them in town-
sIIps uround LIe counLry.
TIese SuzukI bIkes were
presented at a ceremony at
Myanmar International Con-
venLIon CenLre In Nuy PyI Tuw.
The ceremony was attended
by governmenL om cIuIs wIIIe
TosIIIIro SuzukI, execuLIve vIce
presIdenL oI SuzukI MoLor Corp,
presented the bikes.
SuzukI enLered producLIon oI
uuLomobIIes vIu ILs subsIdIury
SuzukI Myunmur MoLor Co
Kyaw Min Ltd in May this year wherein
motorcycles ranging from 110
to 125cc are all imported into
the country and distributed by
its local dealer.
Toshihiro said: We are
planning to manufacture mo-
torbikes and luxurious cars in
Myunmur, und uIso IookIng InLo
producing accessories for cars
and motorbikes.
AILer surveyIng LIe moLor-
bike and car market in Myan-
mur, we wIII decIde wIuL Lype
of motorbike to manufacture
q ~. e . . . ~ ~ .. ~e ~. . ~~~
~ .~~.~.~~ _.,.:.q~.e
. .~: q~~ .,_._.~: q
~:~ ...~...|,..._~: . .q
~. .|..: .~: . ~e ~. . .~, e .
. : ~..,. ~~ .,q~: e.
.~e.:.~ e... .~:~
~ ..._ ~.q .~: ~:q ~:.~.:.
_..~._..~:. _.,.:.~
~ ..._ ~~, . . . ~:. e . ..
~._ .~.~..:.. .~ .. ~._ .
~.~..:.. ~~.q:~._ ~:.e
.~..... ~_~.~~.:.- ._.
.q.e: ~, ..:.~ ._ . ~. ._.
.:..__e.._~:. .q._.
e...~.~_ .~~.~.~ .
Executive Vice President Mr.
Toshihiro ~ ~.e:.~ ..:
.~: . ~e .~ ~ ~~, ..: .e .|.
.,:~.q _.,.:.. : .~e..
~ _._ . .~ q ~._.~.,~..'. ~_
_.. .~e.~ ~... :..e.
~....:.~:e:.~._. ~..
.:..e..,:~_.. ~:..~e, .~
.~_.. ~..._..~~._. ~
...:.e ~.~.q~e.
_., .:. q ..: .~: ~:., . ~e
...~ ~ ~ .. .:_... e . . ~e
.. ~.....~:~ .._e~.:.
.|.e ''e ._.:._ ._., .:. q ~. e .
q .. .~: ~ .~ e. ~ . . ~ ~.~ . ~
. _.,.:.q~.e~:. q~.e..
.~e~.. ~~~ ..|,._...
.~ .~ _ . . . . q ~. e . .. ~e
.~ ..|,.~:e: ~q...~:..|
~e . . . . .. :._. ~. ._. .e .
~:. e . . .~._ .~.~..~ . :
._. ~.._..:..: _e..|~e.
~,.~:~~.,,._. ...,~e
:.~ .~e.~q~e. .~.~
,e._..~~.~ ..~e.~~
....:..: _e..|~e'' e ._.:._.
_., .:. . . ~ ~ .~ . ~ ~ ._
~ . . . ~~_.~ Suzuki Carry
~:.~ _., .:. ~ ~. . ~ . .
._~._~:. .q._.
China Breaks Up Gangs That
Smuggled $164m Worth of Cars
Ben Blanchard
IInese uuLIorILIes Iuve
broken up six rings that
smuggled around $164
million worth of cars into the
counLry over LIe pusL LIree
yeurs, IncIudIng more LIun 8o
top-end models such as BMWs
und RoIIs-Royces, sLuLe medIu
said last week.
Police arrested 54 gang mem-
bers who had smuggled in the
veIIcIes Irom LIe UnILed SLuLes,
VIeLnum, Myunmur und Hong
Kong, LIe om cIuI XInIuu news
agency reported.
The gangs had smuggled in
more LIun ,ooo veIIcIes, IL
Smuggling of cars into China
has long been a problem for
LIe governmenL, us cur-mud
CIInese consumers Lry Lo uvoId
puyIng sLeep Luxes Ior coveLed
foreign models.
TurIs on IoreIgn curs brougIL
into China are 25 percent for
uny Lype oI cur. n uddILIon,
LIere Is u vuIue-udded Lux oI 1;
percenL und consumpLIon Lux,
wIIcI depends on engIne sIze.
n JuIy, XInIuu uccused
foreign carmakers of reaping
exorbILunL prohLs by seIIIng
imported luxury cars in China
and called for them to face an
unLI-LrusL InvesLIguLIon.
Policemen are seen with Suzuki motorbikes, which were donated to Myanmar by Suzuki Corp last week, in Nay Pyi Taw.

~,~~:~:..:.~ .,...:
.....~:~~. ~..q~,..'.:
~', ..e ~,e.q~:..:.~ .. :.
~ , ~ .. ._ ~e ._.:~ . ~:. e. .. ..
._~:. .q._. ~..|..:.~,
~..._~:..:.~ BMWs .
Rolls-Royces ~ ~ . ~. _. ~:.
..:.e.:.._. .|~._~:. .q
q.:.~.,_e ..:.~e~ , .
~ e....._.. ,.~. : ~..q~,
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Auto Sector Adds Spark to Japans
Electronic Components Industry
Nobuhiro Kubo and
Yoshiyuki Osada
apanese electronic compo-
nent makers are looking
beyond u hckIe smurL-
phone market that once lured
LIem wILI rockeLIng growLI, Ly-
ing their fortunes more closely
Lo LIe mosL resIIIenL oI Jupun`s
big industries: automobiles.
Component makers such as
Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
and TDK Corp are capitalising
on rising demand for electron-
ics like those that make cars
safer with automatic braking
or less polluting with engine
n conLrusL, MuruLu und oLI-
ers ure IuvIng un up-und-down
ride shipping components for
AppIe nc`s IPIones, wIIIe de-
clining smartphone orders were
u IucLor In Junuury wIen TDK
slashed its full-year operating
prohL IorecusL.
TIe uuLo IndusLry oers u
sLubIe uILernuLIve, especIuIIy
because of the enduring promi-
nence of compatriot automak-
ers such as global leader Toyota
MoLor Corp. TIe vuIue oI eIec-
tronic components per car will
grow z6 percenL over LIe dec-
ude Lo zozz, uccordIng Lo ujI
CIImeru ReseurcI nsLILuLe.
BuL LIe puyo muy noL be us
quIck und wIII Iuvour LIose wILI
a longer history in the business.
TDK and Murata were early
to start working in automobiles
und ure sLrong LIere, suId
Munubu AkIzukI, execuLIve
director at Nomura Securities.
MovIng InLo uuLomobIIes Is noL
so dIm cuIL buL IL Lukes 1o yeurs
Lo beur IruIL.
MuruLu Ius ucquIred severuI
companies to bolster its posi-
LIon In uuLos, IncIudIng InnIsI
microelectro-mechanical sen-
sor muker VT TecInoIogIes,
bought in 2012 for 20 billion
yen ($200 million). The sen-
sors, wIIcI deLecL u cur`s move-
menLs, ure used In sLubIIILy con-
LroI sysLems Lo prevenL skIddIng
that can cause accidents.
Myanmar Summary
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Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
. TDK Corp ~._ ....
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Apple Inc - iPhones . :e . .:.
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December 5-11, 2013
Myanmar Business Today
December 5-11, 2013
Myanmar Business Today
Toyota Dream Car Art Contest @ Hledan Centre
Myo Myint Tein (L), general manager of TTAS (vehicle sales &
marketing department), and Shotaro Honda of Toyota Tsusho
Corp, attend the press conference. Phyu Tit Lwin
Shotaro Honda (L), Toyota Tsusho Corp, U Aye Zaw, managing
director of TTAS (2
L), artist Nyein Chan Su and actress Chit
Tu Wai at the press conference. Phyu Tit Lwin
SCG Sharing the Dream Myanmar 2013 in Yangon
Pisanu Suvanajata, ambassador of Tailand to Myanmar, addresses the audience at the SCG Sharing the
Dream ceremony held at IBC in Yangon. 100 high school students who have shown gratitude towards their
families, proactively contributed to their communities and exhibited good academic records were awarded
scholarships by SCG as part of the SCG Sharing the Dream program. SCG Myanmar
Pisanu Suvanajata, ambassador of Tailand
to Myanmar (L) and Chana Poomee, Country
director, SCG Myanmar (R), awarding schol-
arships to students from various townships in
Yangon who were awarded SCG Sharing the
Dream scholarships at a ceremony held.
SCG Myanmar
Chana Poomee, country director, SCG Myanmar,
presents school supplies to a student as part of the
SCG Sharing the Dream ceremony held at IBC in
Yangon. 100 students received funding of up to
K200,000 ($206) which will help cover school fees for
an academic year as well as school supplies.
SCG Myanmar
Pisanu Suvanajata, ambassador of Tailand to Myan-
mar, awards a SCG Sharing the Dream certifcate to a
student. SCG Myanmar
Sorasak Keeratichokechaikul, Government
and Public Afairs Manager, SCG Myanmar,
awards a SCG Sharing the Dream certifcate
to a student. SCG Myanmar
Pisanu Suvanajata,ambassador of Tailand to Myan-
mar (centre, lef) and Chana Poomee, country direc-
tor, SCG Myanmar (centre, right), fanked by students
from Yangon who received the SCG Sharing the
Dream 2013 scholarship. SCG Myanmar
(Centre, lef to right) Sorasak Keeratichokechaikul,
Government and Public Afairs Manager, SCG Myanmar,
Pisanu Suvanajata, ambassador of Tailand to Myan-
mar, Chana Poomee, country director, SCG Myanmar,
and Dr Tun Myint, Vice-President, MBE, with students
from Yangon who were awarded SCG Sharing the Dream
2013 scholarships. SCG Myanmar
Suzuki Donation Ceremony of Police Bikes to Myanmar
@ MICC (Nay Pyi Taw)
U Soe Tane (L), union minister for the President's of ce,
Toshihiro Suzuki, executive vice president of Suzuki Motor
Corp, talks before the ceremony. Kyaw Min Delegates and government of cials listen to a speech. Kyaw Min
Toshihiro Suzuki, executive vice president of Suzuki Motor
Corp, gives his speech. Kyaw Min Delegates having lunch. Kyaw Min
U Chan Maung recieves the Suzuki bike key. Kyaw Min U Chan Maung gives his speech. Kyaw Min
Raul Falon, director of P&G, gives his speech. Kyaw Min
Daw Win Win Tint, CEO of City Mart, gives her speech.
Kyaw Min
Film director Aung Ko Latt gives his speech. Kyaw Min
Daw Khin Khin Lay, managing director of Forever Group, gives
a speech. Kyaw Min
Delegates pose for a photo. Kyaw Min Delegates at their dinner table. Kyaw Min
P&G Water Donation Ceremony @ Traders Hotel
Delegates inspect a bike. Kyaw Min Delegates pose with a bike. Kyaw Min
Toshihiro Suzuki, executive vice president of Suzuki Motor
Corp, pose with a bike. Kyaw Min Delegates pose with a bike. Kyaw Min
Actress Chit Tu Wai gives her speech. Phyu Tit Lwin Delegates pose for a photo. Phyu Tit Lwin
December 5-11, 2013
Myanmar Business Today
The Best Dim Sum in Town
Uncle Tah
esLerduy evenIng, Ieurd
tunes that reminded
me oI LIe sevenLIes.
It reminded me of being ten
yeurs oId, sILLIng In LIe buck oI
my purenL`s sLuLIon wugon, LIe
wIndows down, u cooI breeze
running through my hair. The
radio was playing the exact
same song that I had heard
all those years ago. It was so
sweeL wILI ILs IyrIcs, soIL und so
beautiful with both its melody
und Iurmony, pIuyed wILI LIuL
dIsLIncLIve sound oI ucousLIc
instruments. I couldnt imagine
how or why the youngsters of
Loduy Iuve noL Ieurd LIIs sorL
of music before.
It was at that time that I went
for lunch.
TIIs pIuce, Loo, brougIL buck
memories from those wonder-
fully nostalgic days all those
years ago. A friend recently
recommended me Lo vIsIL LIe
Chinese restaurant in Yangons
Truders HoLeI, wIIcI Ius
recently employed a new chef
from Hong Kong.
My curIosILy eecLIveIy pIqued,
some friends and I decided to
see wIuL IL Iud Lo oer. A greuL
vurIeLy oI dIm sum wus quued
LIuL duy. We Iud Sew-MuI, Hu-
Guo, Spure RIbs, RousLed Duck
und CIu-SIew (RousLed Pork).
To udd Lo LIe pIeusure, LIey were
decoruLed wILI ubsoIuLe quuIILy
and the taste was fantastic too.
OI uII LIe greuL dIsIes LusLed,
I would recommend both
the roasted duck and pork.
TIe duck wus very soIL wILI u
smooLI LusLe, wIIIe LIe pork
wus served wILI u sIIce oI KIwI
IruIL. TIuL dIdn`L seem rIgIL,
buL us soon us bIL InLo IL, LIe
mixtures worked perfectly to
gIve IL u wonderIuI LusLe.
After all those starters (should
we call them starters?) we had
sweeL und sour soup, some uL
noodle rolls and deep-fried soft
Events Calendar
Friday 6
Strand Happy Hour Drinks
Friday Night Bike Ride- Contact Jef at or 09 5134190. Bike
hire available.
Saturday 7
Rehab Party House party at Yangons new-
est club, Flamingo Bar, located at Yangon
International Hotel.
Hash House Harriers a drinking club
with a running problem. 2.45pm University
Avenue Road (opposite Yangon University)
Sunday 8
Yangon Dragons Rugby Training 10.30am
at Yangon United Football Club, Insein
Australian Club Barbecue Cook your own
meat. Starts at 5.30pm
Sunday Morning Bike Ride - Contact Jef at or 09 5134190. Bike
hire available.
Monday 9
Monday Night Meditation 7.15 to 9pm at
53A Golden Valley Road.
Tuesday 10
Pansodan Gallery mingle and drinks
sIeII crub. InuIIy, we ended
wILI E-Mee noodIes und hn-
ished our lunch with desserts.
All of us agreed that this
Chinese restaurant should be
considered one of the best Dim-
Sums in town.

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