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Hi Imma, I have some quick news in this email and an article at the end on "How to summon universal forces in a flash!" There are many things that can summon universal forces - your desire, imagination, your feelings and intentions, gratitude, commitment, etc. There is one that 'su ersedes' these !ecause of it can im act all of them! "heck it out in my iece further !elow and get using it #$ How to Summon Universal Forces in a Flash! The !elow article was shared recently in the %lo!al &ove 'ro(ect e)ine. It's a!out the ower of "H*I"+. "hoice is yours for the taking &ife is yours for the making! One thing that can change everything... The Choice Factor! ,y -ine ,elton "hoice is a gateway to the ossi!le - not only at cross-roads on your ath, !ut in every moment, giving access to the limitless alate with which to aint your life. .ou can choose a new action, thought, feeling, or !ehaviour at any time, and !irth an entirely new reality as a result. There are no ' erfect' choices, !ut there may !e choices that you may feel more assionate a!out, aligned to, enlivened and ins ired !y, choices that move you, s eak to your heart, and take you towards !right futures. Those may !e small choices, !ig choices, easy or more challenging choices. *ne of the magical things a!out choice is... you can make a new one in any moment! "hoice, when owned and yielded, is a owerful tools with which you create your reality, es ecially as it can steer and direct the others - namely your !eliefs, thoughts, feelings, imagination, focus, and so on. - vast num!er of choices you make are !arely conscious, or you may fail to acknowledge them as the choices they indeed are. Ha!its, for e/am le, are choices that have !ecome more automatic, !e they your slee ing atterns, the way you communicate, your (o!, your daily routine, how you take your coffee 0that you even drink coffee$, etc. 1hat you tangi!ly do 0your actions$ are the most o!vious choices, !ut there are choices at su!tler levels, i.e. what you think and feel, your attitudes, rinci les and values, etc. "hoice o ens you to the reali)ation that each moment is filled with ossi!ilities - for more love and (oy, for a new !eginning, a new direction, e/ anded success, etc. +very choice has an im act to a greater or lesser e/tent, each one like a e!!le dro ed in

a ond2 the ri your life.

les, the ramifications, s reading out into your future and other areas of

+ven one small choice made today that shifts your life !y one degree, overtime can lead to a future far !righter than where you may !e currently heading, o ening you u to a new ath and life2 new doorways, visions, eo le, hori)ons, laces, and o ortunities, new levels of love, ha iness, health and success. I've no dou!t you can remem!er choices you made weeks, months or even years ago that have significantly changed who and where you are right now. 'erha s you can also think of choices you didn't make and wonder where your life may have ended u , for !etter or worse, if you had. What choice could you make TODAY that would chan e your li!e !or the "etter # "oth now$ and in the comin days$ weeks and months ahead% *ne of the contri!utors to our education ro(ect I'll !e sharing a!out was telling me how some years ago he !egan asking the question, several times a day, "How may I serve3" 4rom that asking, ins irations !egan flowing to him, including a !ook, that flowed out onto a er within 5 days. It reminds me of a quote I share on twitter# "If you lack vision, assion, motivation or direction, think of how your gifts can !e of service in some way". If you feel unclear or unins ired !y choices, reflecting on how you may !e of hel to yourself, others and the world can ignite ossi!ilities. What choices could you make !or sharin some way% your i!ts$ love and "ein o! service in

There are many ways you can give. .ou can give of your time, care, attention, love, money, information, su ort, a reciation, (oy. That includes giving those to you and making serving choices for you and your life too, o!viously. If your tank's em ty, you're not going to have any (uice for others. *ne of the greatest gifts you have to give the world is the gift of your ha iness. &ove and (oy, -ine ,elton The !elow is from the %lo!al &ove 'ro(ect 4, age you can (oin at# www.4ace!ook.com6%lo!al&ove'ro(ect

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