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Perception/Creation Part 2 - Surrender to the IS Perception/Creation Part 2 Surrender to the IS Channeled by Susan Lie


e! the "rcturians! return to re#ind $ou that: Surrender to the IS%& IS'()( ISIt IS '()( and %& that $ou shall consciousl$ connect *ith $our S(+,.-our .ultidi#ensional S(+, IS.-our .ultidi#ensional S(+, e/ists '()( in the %& . -ou ha0e been trained 1ro# $our #an$ incarnations in a third di#ensional realit$ that $ou #ust *ait. -ou had to *ait because there *as ti#e! and it *as not the 2)ight 3i#e4 1or $ou to recei0e *hat $ou *anted %& 5 3here1ore! $ou learned to *ait. I1 $ou *ere 0er$ patient! as patience *as a co##endable 0irtue! $ou *ould get *hat $ou *anted. 'o*e0er! *hat *as in $our heart and #ind *hile $ou *aited6 as $our heart and #ind 1illed *ith the belie1 that that *hich $ou *anted *as alread$ $ours6 &r did the *aiting #a7e $ou belie0e that that $ou *ere not good enough! $et! to get *hat $ou *anted6 %o one told $ou that the ti#e $ou *aited *as best spent raising $our consciousness to li0e in the %& . 3hen! in the %& ! $ou could create that *hich $ou desired. %o one told $ou that once $ou li0ed in the %& there is no ti#e. 3here is no *aiting.3here is onl$ #ani1estation. ithin the %& ! $ou are in1initel$ &%( *ith all $ou belie0e $ou desire. 'ence! once $ou see7 that *hich $ou desire! it is instantl$ *ithin $ou. 3he process o1 *anting is a passi0e process. &n the other hand! the process o1 #ani1esting is an acti0e process o1 total 0igilance o0er $our (8()- thought and e#otion. .ani1estation does not ta7e an$ training. -ou #ani1est *hat $ou *ant e0er$ da$! in 1act! e0er$ #inute. I1 $ou *ere to be totall$ a*are o1 $our thoughts and e#otions! $ou *ould realize ho* the$ beco#e #ani1est in $our li1e. 'o* o1ten ha0e $ou 1eared that so#ething *ould go *rong and it did6 'o* o1ten ha0e $ou 1eared that $ou *ould %&3 get *hat $ou *anted! and $ou did %&3 get it6 %o* *e as7 $ou! ho* o1ten ha0e $ou held $our desired #ani1estation in $our heart and #ind and 1ed it e0er$ da$! e0er$ #inute! *ith $our o*n unconditional lo0e6 "nd did $ou #ani1est that *hich $ou unconditionall$ lo0ed6 &1 course there are parts o1 li1e that blindside $ou! such as a good thing co#ing out o1 the blue or a bad thing co#ing 1ro# no*here. 3hese #ani1estations are created on an unconscious or super conscious le0el o1 $our being and are o1ten contracts that $ou #ade be1ore $ou entered $our current earth 0essel. So#e o1 these contracts #a$ see# 0er$ harsh to $our present realit$. 3hus! $ou #ust re#e#ber that 9ust as $ou 1orget ho* *onder1ul the higher *orlds are! the -&: in those higher *orlds 1orgets ho* di11icult li1e is in the ph$sical *orld. ,ortunatel$! once $ou are in connection *ith $our higher S(+,! $ou gain a higher perspecti0e through *hich $ou can understand *h$ those things occurred in $our li1e. 1

,ro# this higher perspecti0e $ou can easil$ percei0e ho* $our thoughts and e#otions constantl$ create patterns o1 energ$ *ithin $our aura that *a1t out into $our dail$ li1e. e as7 that $ou ta7e a #o#ent to chec7 out the patterns o1 energ$ *ithin $our aura right %& ; In 1act! ta7e a #o#ent to close $our e$es and thin7 about so#ething that $ou reall$ "%3;<o $ou see ho* the concept o1 *anting creates energ$ patterns that collide and disappear6 -ou see! *anting and #ani1esting are not the sa#e energ$. anting is %&3 ha0ing and #ani1esting is ha0ing %& . %o*! thin7 o1 a ti#e that $ou #ani1ested a desire;<o $ou see ho* the energ$ patterns 1lo* cohesi0el$ in a united #anner6 hen $ou belie0e that $ou can #ani1est $our desires! $ou 1ocus on the 9o$ and 1ul1ill#ent o1 being the creator o1 $our o*n li1e. &n the other hand! *hen $ou are *anting! $ou 1eel #uch li7e a 0icti# to $our o*n sel1. h$ do $ou dare *ant that thing6 ho do $ou thin7 $ou are that $ou can ha0e that thing6 .a$be i1 $ou get a lot better and spend #ore ti#e *or7ing hard $ou *ill get that thing. 3hese are not bad thoughts! but the$ are third di#ensional thoughts. It is true that *ithin $our third di#ensional thin7ing $ou *ill li7el$ ha0e to dare to desire. It is true that in $our ph$sical *orld $ou #a$ thin7 that $ou are not good enough and ha0e to ta7e ti#e to get better. 3hese are not incorrect thoughts! but the$ are third di#ensional thoughts. Since 2as $ou thin7! $ou li0e!4 *hen $ou thin7 in a third di#ensional #anner $our consciousness resonates to the third di#ension! $ou percei0e onl$ the third di#ension! and $ou are bound b$ the illusions o1 the third-di#ensional #atri/. =elo0ed ones *earing an earth 0essel! *e *ant to re#ind $ou again that -&: are %&3 third di#ensional. -&: logged into the 3< .atri/ and s*i1tl$ 1orgot $our true S(+,. 3hen once $ou began to dare to re#e#ber that $ou are #ore >that *ould be conceited in 3< thin7ing?! $our 3< thoughts consistentl$ o0er-rode $our higher di#ensional thin7ing and distanced $ou 1ro# $our S(+,. e as7 $ou to 3hin7 about so#ething that $ou *ant. 'o* does that *anting ,((+ in $our bod$6 'o* does that *anting ,((+ in $our consciousness6 'o* does the *anting ",,(C3 $our state o1 consciousness6 %o* *e as7 $ou to =(+I(8( that $ou ha0e 1ul1illed $our desire: 3'I%@ about ha0ing that *hich $ou 9ust *anted. I1 it is an ob9ect! such as a car or house! ho* do $ou ,((+ riding in $our car or *al7ing through $our house6 I1 it is a 9ob! pro#otion! pro9ect or change in pro1ession! ho* do $ou ,((+ about this e/pression o1 $oursel16 I1 it is a relationship! ho* do $ou ,((+ *hen $ou are bonded *ith this person6 'o* does this #ani1estation ,((+ in $our ph$sical bod$6 hen $ou place $our desire in $our #ental! e#otional and ph$sical %& ! ho* does it ",,(C3 $our state o1 consciousness6 3here is an ongoing relationship bet*een $our state o1 consciousness and $our =(+I(, in $our o*n po*er o1 #ani1estation. 3here1ore! i1 $ou are ha0ing di11icult$ raising $our consciousness! then 1ocus on =(+I(8I%A that $ou are the creator o1 $our li1e. Con0ersel$! i1 $ou are ha0ing di11icult$ =(+I(8I%A that $ou are the creator o1 $our li1e! 1ocus on raising $our state o1 consciousness. In other *ords! do not 1ight *ith $oursel1. Instead! 9ust #o0e into a di11erent area o1 $our #ind to loo7 at the sa#e thing 1ro# a di11erent angle. "lso! i1 $ou are e/hausted! hungr$! angr$! tired or stressed in 2

an$ #anner! 1ocus on clearing $our stress. I1 $ou *ere preparing to run a race! $ou *ould stretch $our bod$. 'ence! *hen $ou are preparing to #ani1est $our e/pectation! stretch $our #ind. -our #ind is! in 1act! the bod$ o1 $our consciousness. "nd $our consciousness resonates to #$riad 1reBuencies o1 realit$ in *hich $ou can! and do! #ani1est $our realit$ through the .aster$ o1 $our .I%<. )e#e#ber that $our #ind is not $our brain or e0en 9ust $our thoughts. -our .I%< is $our creati0e 1orce that includes $our thoughts! $our e#otions and $our state o1 consciousness. In 1act! $our .I%< is actuall$ $our 'eart/.ind. -our 'eart/.ind is e/pressed through $our Cro*n and =ro* Cha7ras in cooperation *ith $our 'eart and 'igh 'eart Cha7ras. -our 'eart/.ind thin7s and 1eels $our highest creati0it$! *hich is e/pressed through the higher di#ensional co##unication o1 $our 3hroat Cha7ra. -our 3hroat Cha7ra is not li#ited to 9ust $our speech and hearing. In 1act! $our higher di#ensional co##unications are e/pressed and shared *ith others through $our creati0e 1orce o1 spea7ing! singing! pla$ing an instru#ent! *riting! dancing! athletics! gardening! etc.! etc. ith $our 'eart/.ind and 3hroat 9oined in this #anner $ou open a Portal o1 .ani1estation. -ou *ill ground this Portal into the bod$ o1 Aaia and then through $our ph$sical bod$ 0ia $our Solar Ple/us! %a0el and )oot Cha7ras. -our cha7ras also trans#ute $our thoughts and e#otions into energ$ 1ields! *hich 1lo* into $our aura! out into $our realit$ and into AaiaCs biosphere. -ou can lie to $oursel1! but $ou cannot lie to $our cha7ras. &1ten *hen $ou are ha0ing di11icult$ *ith a cha7ra it is because $ou are tr$ing to a0oid a truth in $our li1e. 3hen! the cha7ras that rule this area o1 $our bod$ beco#e con1used! as cha7ras cannot lie.>http://***$ -ou can lie to $oursel1 because $ou ha0e been 1ed *ith lies throughout $our entire third di#ensional incarnation. 'o*e0er! $ou cannot lie to $our cha7ras or $our bod$ an$ #ore than $ou can lie to $our belo0ed dog or cat. 3he act o1 l$ing does not e/ist in energ$ 1ields or in the ani#al 7ingdo# >$our earth 0essel is an ani#al?. ConseBuentl$! i1 $ou *ant to 7no* the truth! loo7 into $our bod$! or $our aura. ,or #an$ o1 $ou! $our ph$sical brain has been trained to 1orget ho* to consciousl$ inter1ace *ith $our bod$ in the *a$ that other ani#als do. -our brain has been trained to 1orget ho* to read energ$ 1ields 0ia $our aura. .ost un1ortunatel$! $our brain has not been trained in ho* to e/pand $our consciousness. 'o*e0er! it is Buite si#ple to re-ignite this #e#or$. "s a $oung child! $ou still re#e#bered ho* to read energ$ and ho* to tal7 *ith the 1a#il$ pet. It *as $our 3< education that #ade $ou 1orget. %o* that the higher light is e/panding $our consciousness #ore and #ore each da$! $ou are re#e#bering that -&: are the creator o1 $our realit$. -ou are also re#e#bering that $our onl$ ene#$ is the lies $ou tell $oursel1. -(S! $our *orld is dangerous. -(S there are #an$ still lost in dar7ness. 'o*e0er! that is the realit$ that the$ are creating 1or the#. <o not engage or inter#ingle *ith that realit$. Instead! send these lost ones $our unconditional lo0e and 1orgi0eness. In that #anner! $our resonance *ill re#ain 1ar be$ond the reach o1 those *ho still cherish 2po*er o0er others.4

(#otions are contagious. In 1act! e#otions/1eelings are the language o1 the higher *orlds. In the higher *orlds e#otions and 1eelings are the sa#e. 'o*e0er! e#otions in the third di#ension can be polarized into good or bad! *hereas 1eelings are o1ten percei0ed as energ$ 1ields. In the higher 1reBuenc$ realities! both e#otions and 1eelings are percei0ed as energ$ 1ields o1 pure potential a*aiting #ani1estation co#bining *ith $our thoughts and e/pectations. e "rcturians and $our higher e/pressions o1 S(+, are al*a$s '()( in the in1inite %& .Eust gi0e us a call us *ith $our 'eart/.ind and *e *ill ans*er. Please go do*n t*o articles to 10-1F 1or Part &ne
P")3 &%( An Unexpected Message -- Simultaneous Perceptions and Creation
10-14-13 An Unexpected Message Simultaneous Perception and Creation Note from Author My mind has been going round and round the concept of simultaneous perception and creation. Howe er! my original intention for this article was to write about being a channel. "ut first! # wanted to as$ the Arcturians about a statement # read which was %our senses are projectors rather than receivers.& 'his statement seemed to somehow address the possibility of simultaneous perception and creation! but # did not $now how. 'he answer to my first (uestion was so detailed that it became the entire article. #n $eeping with my original intention I would like to say that when your higher guidance speaks, IS!"# . #n fact! that statement is the baseline for all channeling. #n closing # would li$e to add that channeling is actually a conscious connection and surrender into a higher fre(uency e)pression of our Multidimensional *+,-. MY QUESTION: Dear Arcturians, are our senses of perception projectors or receivers? AR TURIAN ANS!ER: Your senses are actua""# $ot% projectors an& receivers, $ut t%e# are projectors first' You project your sensory expectations out into your reality and then you receive the perception of that expectation within that reality. ("ease re)e)$er t%at #our state of consciousness &eter)ines *%at #ou *i"" perceive' T%us, no )atter *%at e+pectation #ou project, if #ou are in a t%ir& &i)ensiona" state of consciousness #ou *i"" on"# perceive t%e t%ir& &i)ensiona" e+pression of t%at e+pectation' ,o*ever, #our projection "eaves an i)print on #our et%eric aura' Once t%is e+pectation is i)printe& into #our aura it is inf"uence& $# #our persona" %istor# of &esires, fai"ures, successes, )ora"ities an& "i)itations' The mprint T%is i)print t%en )oves into up into fre-uenc# to interface $et*een #our aura an& t%e fourt% &i)ensiona" )atri+' As #our e+pectation )oves fro) t%e et%eric p"ane into #our fourt% &i)ensiona" astra" p"ane t%e i)print of #our e+pectation is affecte& $# a"" of #our past, future, para""e" an& a"ternate "ives' T%is i)print is furt%er a"tere& as it )oves into #our fourt% &i)ensiona" e)otiona" $o&# to $e inf"uence& $# a"" t%e emotions of #our past, future, para""e" an& a"ternate "ives' T%is i)print t%en )oves into #our fourt% &i)ensiona" )enta" $o&# in *%ic% a"" t%e thoughts of #our past, future, para""e" an& a"ternate "ives inf"uence t%e i)print' !%en t%e i)print of #our ori.ina" e+pectation resonates to t%e fre-uenc# of #our upper fourt% &i)ensiona" spiritua" $o&# it $are"# rese)$"es #our ori.ina" &esire' If #ou are in co))unication *it% #our I A) (resence at

t%e t%res%o"& to fift% &i)ension, #ou *i"" $e a$"e to %a"t t%e i)print of t%is e+pecte& perception, as #ou *i"" rea"i/e t%at #our e+pectation %as $een inva&e& $# t%e virus of #our past' On t%e ot%er %an&, if this expectation is of a desire in which you ha!e had great success in your current and"or past"future li!es# it will li$ely mo!e through the fourth dimension with more clarity rather than distortion. It is for t%is reason t%at #ou can easi"# perceive0create t%at *%ic% is %istorica""# 1in t%is "ife an& in ot%er "ives2 $een successfu"' Your unconscious )e)or# of success protects #our ori.ina" projecte& e+pectation *it% t%e po*er of #our 3E4IE5 t%at #ou &eserve to $e successfu"' ,opefu""#, t%e projections0e+pectations t%at *ent a*r# in #our fourt% &i)ensiona" %istor# of fai"ure an& fear &o not ta6e for) in t%e p%#sica"' 5ortunate"#, if #ou can )aintain a %i.%er state of consciousness, #ou can .ain a &etac%)ent fro) t%e &ra)as of 7D "ife an& rea"i/e t%at #ou *i"" nee& to c%an.e #our approac% to*ar& )anifestation' So, *%at is one to &o? ,o* can #ou avoi& #our "on. t%ir& an& fourt% &i)ensiona" %istor# of fai"ure to e)pect an& recei e successfu" )anifestations in #our "ife? T%e ans*er is -uite si)p"e' The %&&' of (imensions You must learn to differentiate )etween the $eeling of the third# the $eeling of fourth dimension and $eeling of the fifth dimension. !e sa# 8fee"in.9 as oppose& to 8perception9 $ecause fift%:&i)ensiona" perceptions 5E4T *it% #our entire "i.%t$o&#' 3. /erceptions On t%e ot%er %an&, #our t%ir& &i)ension 5EE4S "i6e #ou are "i)ite& to t%ir& &i)ensiona" $oun&aries of separation $et*een persons, p"aces, situations an& t%in.s' To rise a$ove t%is feeling of "i)itation, #ou )ust re"ease #our attac%)ent to t%ir& &i)ensiona" $e"ief t%at #ou can on"# perceive t%at *%ic% resonates to a s)a"" ran.e of fre-uencies on t%e e"ectro)a.netic spectru)' 4. /erceptions !%en #our fourt% &i)ensiona" perceptions co)e on"ine to #our *a6in. "ife, t%e# are si)i"ar to #our &rea) i)' T%e# sti"" appear so)e*%at separate, $ut t%e# are of )uta$"e s%apes t%at *aft in an& out of #our perceiva$"e ti)e"ine' T%us t%e &ensit# an& $oun&aries of t%ir& &i)ensiona" perceptions are -uite &ifferent fro) t%e )uta$"e an& f"itterin. perceptions of t%e fourt% &i)ension' In t%e third dimension #ou 8fee"9 a perception $# touc%in. it, ta"6in. to it, %earin. it or interactin. *it% it in #our p%#sica" ti)e"ine' In t%e fourth dimension, #our perceptions are c"ear, #et )uta$"e, as #ou are usua""# &rea)in. or in )e&itation' You )a#, a"so, %ave a fourt% &i)ensiona" perception of si.%t, %earin. or touc% t%at $"in6s in an& out of #our p%#sica" "ife' 0. /erceptions 5ift% &i)ensiona" perceptions are on"# perceiva$"e *%en #ou are )e&itatin. or %o"&in. a fift% &i)ensiona" state of consciousness, *%ic% is usua""# &e"ta *ave consciousness' !%i"e in &e"ta *ave consciousness #ou usua""# %ave #our p%#sica" e#es c"ose& an& #our intention p"ace pri)ari"# on #our inner *or"&' ,o*ever, with practice you can remem)er the %&&' of unconditional lo!e and unity with all life that wafts into and through your higher consciousness. T%en #ou can open #our e#es *%i"e co))unin. *it% t%is fre-uenc# of #our Mu"ti&i)ensiona" SE45' .ifferentiation of -++, T%ir& &i)ensiona" consciousness re)in&s #ou to $e a"ert to A44 fearfu" sti)u"i so t%at #ou can protect #our p%#sica" for)' (erceptions fro) #our fourt% &i)ensiona" consciousness *i"" not %ar) #our p%#sica" for), $ut t%e# can .ive #ou *arnin.s to protect #ourse"f' T%erefore, )oth third and fourth dimensional consciousness can ha!e !arying degrees of the feeling of fear or warning ' On t%e ot%er %an&, t%e fift% &i)ension resonates to a fre-uenc# $e#on& %ar) an&, %ence, $e#on& fear' Instea&, fifth dimensional consciousness feels *oyful# )lissful and filled with unconditional lo!e. T%ese t%ree sensations are se"&o) fe"t in t%e t%ir& or fourt% &i)ension, so #ou can use t%e) to i&entif# t%at #ou are *it%in a fift% &i)ensiona", or $e#on&, state of consciousness'

Once #ou can i&entif# #our t%ir& an& fourt% &i)ensiona" %istor#, #ou can "earn fro) t%e fai"ures an&0or trau)as of #our past an& raise #our consciousness into t%e NO! of t%e fift% &i)ension' In t%is )anner, #ou can $#pass #our t%ir& an& fourt% &i)ensiona" %istor# to attac% to t%e e+pectations of t%e ti)e"ess fift% &i)ension' Understand that if there is no time there can )e no history ' Even t%ou.% #our "o*er &i)ensiona" %istor# is an o$stac"e to #our return ,o)e to t%e fift% &i)ension, it *as t%e co""ection of a 8%istor#9 t%at *as one of #our pri)ar# reasons for #our first incarnation in t%e "o*er *or"&s' !e can sa# 8first incarnation9 $ecause incarnations in a ti)e:$oun& rea"it# can $e counte& in a se-uentia", nu)erica" )anner' You, of course 6ne* t%is $efore #ou entere& #our first incarnation, $ut %avin. never e+perience& ti)e, #ou %a& no i&ea of t%e conse-uences of %avin. a 8%istor#'9 In #our ti)e"ess state #ou *ere forever ne*' T%us, #ou &i& not %ave #our )#ria& e+periences in ti)e:$oun& ti)e"ines in *%ic% ever# rea"it# *as separate fro) t%e ot%ers' In t%e fift% &i)ension #ou e+perience )#ria& rea"ities *it%in t%e NO!' A"" of t%ese rea"ities are connecte& an& inter)in."e& in t%e ONE of #our f"o* of consciousness' You are not a person, or a p"ace or even a t%in.' YOU are pure consciousness' 5or) e+ists in t%e %i.%er *or"&s, $ut on"# as a create& pac6a.e for #our "i.%t0ener.# fie"&' +eing Pure Consciousness As a $ein. of pure consciousness, #our sense of SE45 is not t%e for) #ou are *earin.' Your SE45 is t%e ener.# fie"& t%at ani)ates t%at for)' As t%e ener.# fie"& of #our consciousness a&&s an& su$tracts uni-ue for)s to #our ,ERE of t%e NO!, #our consciousness e+pan&s an& contracts &epen&in. on #our c%oice of in:f"o* an& out:f"o*, *%ic% easi"# occurs in t%e sa)e NO!' ,o*ever, in:f"o* an& out:f"o* are not separate in t%e fift% &i)ension an& $e#on&' Instea& t%e# are un&u"ations of #our consciousness, ener.# fie"&, an& SE45' Of course, SE45 is not an in&ivi&ua" ter) in t%e %i.%er *or"&s' In t%e sa)e )anner as .rass, air, *ater, fire are not in&ivi&ua" ter)s, #our SE45 is not an in&ivi&ua" ter)' ;rass is not a tin# $"a&e of .rass, nor is fire a s)a"" spar6 or air an& *ater just one )o"ecu"e or ato)' In t%e %i.%er *or"&s a 8$ein.9 is a )u"tip"e ter)' Your SE45 in t%e fift% &i)ension an& $e#on& creates an& is si)u"taneous"# create& $# t%e )#ria& &i)ensiona" e+periences to *%ic% #our ener.# fie"& is attac%e& an&0or ca"i$rate&' ,ence, t%e sense0perceptions of #our fift% &i)ensiona" SE45 are projections of #our ener.# fie"& inter)in."in. *it% t%e rea"it#0rea"ities t%at #ou are e+pectin. to perceive' T%is e+pectation f"o*s in unit# *it% t%e fift% &i)ensiona"<s perceptua" fie"& t%at #our e+pectation instant"# creates' ,ence, expectation of a perception creates the !ery perception that is expected' An nfinite Circle ,i.%er &i)ensiona" rea"ities f"o* in an infinite circ"e t%at never $e.ins an& never en&s' Perception in these realities is a ,-./ -0 that that which you desire to percei!e instantly flows into your awareness. Ever# perception a"rea&# IS for t%ere is NO $e.innin. an& NO en&in. in an infinite rea"it#' T%in6 of #ourse"f *a"6in. t%rou.% a %u.e store in *%ic% ever#t%in. #ou cou"& ever *ant is avai"a$"e for #our instant purc%ase' ,o*ever, in t%is store, ever#t%in. is store& not on ais"es or s%e"ves *it% &ifferent for)s of i&entification' Ever#t%in. in t%is store is pure potentia" store& as possi$i"ities' You &o not nee& to *a"6 up an& &o*n t%e ais"es of t%is store or as6 an atten&ant *%ere #ou )ust .o to fin& a certain t%in.' Ever#t%in. is ever#*%ere in a for)"ess state of pure potentia" patient"# a*aitin. an e+pectation to ca"" t%is potentia" into )anifestation' T%erefore, #ou &o not perceive an#t%in. in t%is store $efore #ou e+pect0&esire it' T%en, #our e+pectation0&esire instant"# ca""s t%is possi$i"it# into )anifestation *it%in #our ener.# fie"& 1$ein.2' Uncon&itiona" "ove is t%e $on&in. force of t%e )u"tiverse' ,ence, #our uncon&itiona" "ove for t%is )anifestation $on&s it to #our ener.# fie"&' Once #ou re"ease #our $on& of uncon&itiona" "ove for t%is )anifestation, it returns to t%e for)"ess potentia" t%at f"o*s *it%in t%e infinite ONE of t%e NO!' Since t%ere is no ti)e in t%is NO!, t%ere is no space, as t%ere is on"# ,ERE'

+e 1&2& -./ Even in t%e t%ir& &i)ension, it &oes not ta6e ti)e to $e ,ERE NO!' It is for t%is reason t%at *e of t%e %i.%er &i)ensions of rea"it# can instant"# $e *it%in #our consciousness in t%e NO! t%at #ou e+pect to perceive us' A"so, since t%ere is no space, *e are not separate& fro) #ou in an# )anner' !e, #our %i.%er e+pressions of SE45 are infinite"# ,ERE NO!' ,o*ever, if #ou &o not e)pect to perceive us, #our ener.# fie"& *i"" not resonate to t%e fre-uenc# in *%ic% #ou can perceive us' You see, #our e+pectations a"so ca"i$rate t%e fre-uenc# of #our pri)ar# state of consciousness' If #ou e+pect to co))une *it% #our %i.%er e+pressions, #our consciousness e+pan&s into t%e fift% &i)ension $ecause of #our 3E4IE5' If #ou &o not belie e #ou can co))une *it% t%e %i.%er *or"&s, #ou *i"" not e)pect t%at co))unication to occur' In t%e sa)e )anner, if #ou 3E4IE=E t%at #ou can perceive t%e %i.%er fre-uencies of "i.%t0"ife 1as "i.%t an& "ife are s#non#)ous at t%at fre-uenc#2 #our consciousness *i"" re)ain ca"i$rate& to t%at fre-uenc# of rea"it# for as "on. as #ou are free of A44 &ou$t or ju&.)ent' Once #ou fee" an# &ou$t or ju&.)ent, *%ic% are $ot% create& $# fear, #our consciousness "o*ers into t%e t%ir& or fourt% &i)ension' Unconditional 'o!e It is i)portant to re)e)$er t%at #ou ANNOT perceive t%e fift% &i)ension an& $e#on& *%i"e in a "o*er state of consciousness $ecause #our sensor# preceptors are not ca"i$rate& to t%at fre-uenc#' 5ortunate"#, unconditional lo!e for yourself will expand your consciousness into the fifth dimension and )eyond. !%i"e in t%is e+pan&e& state of consciousness, #ou can c%oose to si)u"taneous"# use #our fift% &i)ensiona" consciousness to perceive t%e %i.%er *or"&s an& #our t%ir&0fourt% &i)ensiona" consciousness to .roun& t%ose perceptions into #our t%ir&0fourt% &i)ensiona" for), as *e"" as into ;aia<s p"anetar# for) of Eart%' T%is tas6 ta6es practice an& a stron. connection to t%e uncon&itiona" "ove of t%e %i.%er fre-uencies' ,o*ever, once #ou re.ain #our )u"ti&i)ensiona" perceptions, #ou $eco)e a portal opener. As a porta" opener #ou continue to *ear #our eart% vesse" *%i"e #ou si)u"taneous"# .roun& #our fift% &i)ensiona" perceptions into t%e $o&# of ;aia' n this manner# your fifth dimensional perceptions )ecome third dimensional creations. Your expectations of fifth-dimensional perceptions acti!ate your multidimensional consciousness ' ,ence, #ou can perceive t%e %i.%er *or"&s as t%e# inter)in."e *it% t%e 7D Matri+' T%is inter)in."in. of t%e fift%: &i)ensiona" fre-uenc# *it% t%e t%ir&:&i)ensiona" )atri+ &esta$i"i/es t%e 7D Matri+ an& a""o*s t%e %i.%er "i.%t to $"ee& t%rou.% into #our p%#sica" rea"it#' In fact, t%is $"ee& t%rou.% of %i.%er "i.%t is occurrin. *it%in #our NO!, an& is a %u.e co)ponent of p"anetar# ascension' !e *i"" .o into &etai" on t%is su$ject at a "ater &ate in #our 7D ti)e' ,o*ever, #ou can a"*a#s e+pan& #our consciousness into t%e fift% &i)ension an& as6 us #ourse"f' In c"osin., *e as6 #ou to $e patient *it% #ourse"f, as #ou %ave $een traine& to $e"ieve t%at #ou are on"# p%#sica"' T%erefore, re)e)$er t%at uncon&itiona" "ove for #our se"f e+pan&s #our consciousness an& attac%es #ou to t%e %i.%er *or"&s of #our Mu"ti&i)ensiona" SE45 *%o is"# a*aitin. #our co))unication' A"" #ou nee& do is 3E4IE=E in #our SE45' T%e Arcturians

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