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(nternshi$ Re$ort Managing Director

Po"er Di#ision Chairman Managing Director A$$liance Di#ision

on *Pak +lektron ,imite&-


Direct Marketing & Sales Director %$erations

GM Manufacturing (AD) Sales Sr. Manager HR&A Manufacturing Table of Contents GM Marketing (PD) Pro&uct De#elo$ment GM Manufacturing (PD) Qualit' Control & Assessment Marketing Sr. Manager QC. (AD) Customer Ser#ices GM Marketing (AD) inance & Accounts GM inance (n&ustrial Relations Sr. Manager H!A Human Resources (nternal Au&its


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(nternshi$ Re$ort on *Pak +lektron ,imite&-


De$artment of Management Sciences0 )he (slamia 1ni#ersit' of 2aha"al$ur is making a #alua3le contri3ution in generating such 3usiness e4ecuti#es "ho are ser#ing in #arious fiel&s throughout this "orl&. )he $re5re6uisite of internshi$ $rogram is to make the stu&ents of 2.2.A0 a"are of the $ractical e4$ertise an& to ac6uaint them "ith the real management $rocess. A si4 "eeks internshi$ is an im$ortant $art of this training. chose to learn in P+, ,ahore (Hea& office). During a s$an of si4 "eeks of training as intern ( thoroughl' o3ser#e& the functions of &ifferent &e$artments of P+, (Pak +lektron ,imite&). As a$$rentice ( anal'.e& the 3asic "orking of P+, an& es$eciall' its Marketing (AD) &e$artment an& summari.e this in m' internshi$ re$ort. )his internshi$ re$ort contains all the information a3out m' "ork e4$erience "ith Pak +lektron ,imite& (P+,) "hich is the lea&ing com$an' in $ro&ucing electrical e6ui$ment an& home a$$liance in Pakistan. or this Program0 De$artment of Management Sciences assigne& me to &o an internshi$ an& (

(nternshi$ Re$ort on *Pak +lektron ,imite&-


Executive Summery
Pak +lektron ,imite& (P+,) is the $ioneer manufacturer of electrical goo&s in Pakistan. (t "as esta3lishe& in /789 in technical colla3oration "ith m!s A+G of German'. (n %cto3er /7:;0 the com$an' "as taken o#er 3' Saigol Grou$ of com$anies. Since its ince$tion0 the com$an' has al"a's 3een contri3uting to"ar&s the a&#ancement an& &e#elo$ment of the engineering sector in Pakistan 3' intro&ucing "i&e range of 6ualit' electrical e6ui$ments an& hoe a$$liance an& 3' $ro&ucing hun&re&s of engineers0 skille& "orkers an& technicians through its a$$renticeshi$ scheme an& training $rograms. ( &i& m' internshi$ in Marketing AD &e$artment of P+,. ( learne& a lot &uring m' internshi$ $erio&. Ho" to "ork in&i#i&uall' as "ell as in grou$s un&er rela4e& an& stressful en#ironment. Ho" to "ork un&er someone<s su$er#ision. Ho" to manage affairs "hile launching ne" $ro&ucts. Patience is #er' im$ortant in &ealings0 as anger can lose 'our customer. )o increase 'our sales an& sta' in com$etition "ith to$ 3ran&s it is necessar' to kee$ 'our &ealers ha$$' 3' gi#ing them incenti#es. During a s$an of si4 "eeks of training as intern ( thoroughl' o3ser#e& the functions of &ifferent &e$artments of P+, (Pak +lektron ,imite&). As a$$rentice ( anal'.e& the 3asic "orking of P+, an& es$eciall' its Marketing (AD) &e$artment an& summari.e this in m' internshi$ re$ort. 1n&er the su$er#ision of Mr. Suhai3 (rfan =han "e carrie& out a research regar&ing the *Home A$$liance 2ran& Perce$tion-

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)his general aim of this research is to fin& out the 3ran& $erce$tion of home electric a$$liance0 an& the $erce$tion of the customer a3out 3eliefs "hile $urchasing it. i.e.0 Refrigerator0 micro"a#e o#en0 "ashing machine0 air con&itioner0 an& con&enser0 etc )his internshi$ re$ort contains all the information a3out m' "ork e4$erience "ith Pak +lektron ,imite& (P+,) "hich is the lea&ing com$an' in $ro&ucing electrical e6ui$ment an& home a$$liance in Pakistan.

(nternshi$ Re$ort on *Pak +lektron ,imite&-


Background of PEL
Pak +lektron ,imite& (P+,) is the $ioneer manufacturer of electrical goo&s in Pakistan. (t "as esta3lishe& in /789 in technical colla3oration "ith M!s A+G of German'. (n %cto3er /7:;0 the com$an' "as taken o#er 3' Saigol Grou$ of Com$anies. Since its ince$tion0 the com$an' has al"a's 3een contri3uting to"ar&s the a&#ancement an& &e#elo$ment of the engineering sector in Pakistan 3' intro&ucing a range of 6ualit' electrical e6ui$ment an& home a$$liance an& 3' $ro&ucing hun&re&s of engineers0 skille& "orkers an& technicians through its a$$renticeshi$ scheme an& training $rograms. P+, is no" technolog' forerunner an& market lea&er in $ro#i&ing ne" $ro&uct an& ser#ices to meet e#er changing an& technolog' intensi#e nee&s of its customers. P+,<s +PC contracting &i#ision &eli#ers customs &esigne& an& 3uilt H? an& +H? gri& stations0 electrification of housing $ro@ects0 in&ustrial $arks an& o$timum solutions for $o"er utili.ation to all kin&s of in&ustries an& commercial customers. P+, aims to maintain this com$etiti#e e&ge an& at the same time kee$ stri#ing to im$ro#e it further 3' continuous R&D0 creating ne" kno"le&ge an& a&a$ting to glo3al &e#elo$ment in technolog' an& $ro&uct &esign. +#er increasing local market share0 gro"ing e4$ort or&ers0 numerous successful $o"er $ro@ects an& greater than e#er 3ase of satisfie& customers are e#i&ence to these as$irations. Aorks of P+, are s$rea& at t"o facilities in ,ahore0 the historical cit' an& cultural hu3 of Pakistan. )he t"o facilities co#er an area of /0B>>0CBB S6 ft an& 9/D0C8C S6 ft res$ecti#el'. 2oth are e6ui$$e& "ith latest technolog'0 state of the art testing facilities an& en#ironment frien&l' $ro&uction $rocess.
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At the heart of P+,<s o$erations is its human resource. P+,<s em$lo'ees are its most #alua3le asset an& P+, kee$s them #er' &ear.

!rou" Profile
(n /7;D0 the Saigol migrate& from Calcutta an& initiate& their 3usiness in ,'all$ur (later name& to as aisala3a&)0 the te4tile cit' of Pakistan0 un&er the 3anner of =ohinoor (n&ustries ,imite&.

#o$inoor Textile %ills

)he Saigol set u$ the first ma@or te4tile unit E )he =ohinoor )e4tile Mills un&er the um3rella of =ohinoor (n&ustries ,imite&. )he =ohinoor )e4tile Mill has state of the art 6ualit' control from ra" material to finishe& $ro&uct manufacturing. (ts la3orator' is to$ rate& amongst the 3est la3oratories in Pakistan for testing ra" materials0 other in$uts an& 'arn.

Pak Elektron Limited &PEL'

(n /7:;0 the Saigol Grou$ of Com$anies $urchase& ma@or shares of Pak +lektron ,imite&. At that @uncture0 the com$an' "as onl' manufacturing transformer an& s"itchgears. Aith the Saigol in management0 P+, starte& e4$an&ing its $ro&uct range 3' entering into Air Con&itioning manufacturing. )he P+, Grou$ com$rises t"o &i#isions
/. A$$liances Di#ision C. Po"er Di#ision

Sarito( S"inning %ills ) *+am Textile %ills

(n /7;:0 the Sarito" S$inning Mills & )e4tile Mills "ere esta3lishe& un&er the 3anner of Saigol Grou$ of Com$anies. Sarito" S$inning Mills is a s$inning unit "ith C8.DDB s$in&les ca$acit'. acilities "ith the most mo&ern

(nternshi$ Re$ort on *Pak +lektron ,imite&-


an& efficient Fa$anese an& +uro$ean machiner'0 its knitte& 'arn is reno"ne& in the ar +ast an& +uro$e for its fine 6ualit'. )e4tile Mills is re$ute& for its car&e& an& com3e& 'arn0 "hich is 6uite $o$ular for $remier knitting an& "ea#ing.

#o$inoor Po(er Com"any Limited

(n /77/0 the first $o"er unit commissione& in Pakistan0 in the Pri#ate sector0 "as =ohinoor Po"er Com$an' ,imite&. (ts $resent $ro&uction ca$acit' is /8MA.

#o$inoor Energy Limited

/7780 another $o"er unit0 =ohinoor +nerg' ,imite&0 "as esta3lishe&. =ohinoor +nerg' ,imite& is a /CB MA $o"er $lant locate& on the outskirts of the cit' of ,ahore.

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,-S-./ */0 %-SS-./ .1 PEL

+#er' organi.ation has ?ision an& Mission Statement0 "hich &emonstrate em$lo'ees0 customers an& other $ersonals relate& to 3usiness that "here the' $ro@ect themsel#es in coming 'ears an& "hat the' "ant to achie#e. (t reflects com$an' image. ?ision statements an& mission statements con#e' in a fe" "or&s0 "hat it is that the organi.ation e4ists in the "orl& for. P+,<s #ision an& mission areG

,-S-./ ST*TE%E/T To excel in providing engineering goods and services through continuous improvement %-SS-./ ST*TE%E/T To provide quality products & services to the complete satisfaction of our customers and maximize returns for all stakeholders through optimal use of resources To focus on personal development of our employees to meet future challenges To promote good governance, corporate values and a safe working environment with a strong sense of social responsibility

(nternshi$ Re$ort on *Pak +lektron ,imite&-


Cor"orate Profile
Board of 0irectors
Mr. M. Haseem Saigol Mr. M. Saigol Mr. Mura& Saigol Mr. M. Iei& Jousaf Saigol Mr. M. A3&ullah Haroon Saigol Mr. Haroon Ahme& =han Mr. S'e& Iu3air Ahme& Shah Mr. Ak3ar Hassan =han %r&inance Ms. )ahira Ra.a %r&inance Mr. =hali& Si&&i6 )irm.i %r&inance Mr. M. =huram =hu"a@a %r&inance H2P Hominee 1!S /;C of the 2%P Hominee 1!S /;C of the H2P Hominee 1!S /;C of the Managing Director H() Hominee H2P Hominee 1!S /;C of the Chairman! Chief +4ecuti#e

*udit Committee
Mr. Saigol Ms. )ahira Ra.a Mr. S'e& Iu3air Ahma& Shah Mr. Haroon Ahma& =han Chairman!Mem3er Mem3er Mem3er Mem3er

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Com"any Secretary
Mr. M. %mar aroo6

C$ief 1inancial .fficer

S'e& Hassan CA

M!s Jousaf A&il Saleem & Co. )ohmatsu) Chartere& Accountants (A mem3er firm of Deloitee )ouche

Legal *dvisors
M!s Hassan & Hassan A&#ocates

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ierarc$y of PEL

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ierarc$ical Structure in 0etailed

(nternshi$ Re$ort on *Pak +lektron ,imite&-


.ver vie( of 2Pak Elektron Limited3

Pak +lektron ,imite& (P+,) is the $ioneer manufacturer of electrical goo&s in Pakistan. (t "as esta3lishe& in 1456 in technical colla3oration "ith M!s A+G of German'. (n %cto3er 14780 the com$an' "as taken o#er 3' Saigol Grou$

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of Com$anies. Since its ince$tion0 the com$an' has al"a's 3een contri3uting to"ar&s the a&#ancement an& &e#elo$ment of the engineering sector in Pakistan 3' intro&ucing a range of 6ualit' electrical e6ui$ments an& home a$$liances an& 3' $ro&ucing hun&re&s of engineers0 skille& "orkers an& technicians through its a$$renticeshi$ schemes an& training $rogrammers. )he com$an' com$rises of t"o &i#isionsK

A$$liances Di#ision Po"er Di#ision

Po(er 0ivision
Pro&ucts manufacture& in Po"er &i#ision are )ransformers0 +nerg' Meters an& S"itch gears. 2usiness in this &i#ision has suffere& 3a&l' in $re#ious 'ears &ue to $ro3lems in AAPDA an& =+SC. )he most nee&e& u$ gra&ation of AAPDA<s &istri3ution $ilferage "as starte& 3' the ne" management. )he energ' meter $ro&uction of single $hase an& three $hases are mo#ing to"ar& an o$timum le#el. Plans for further im$ro#ement in $ro&ucti#it' an& 6ualit' of our meters are also in $rogress. )he' shares for the su$$l' of &istri3ution transformers to AAPDA ha#e taken a 6uantum lea$ recentl'. Accor&ingl'0 P+, is $lanning to increase our $ro&uction ca$acit' of transformer $lan through the techni6ues of im$ro#e& $ro&uction o$erations inclu&ing man$o"er utili.ation0 $ro&uct inno#ation0 $rocess reengineering. Ae are e4$ecting to o3tain the $ro&uction ca$acit' le#el of CBBB transformer $er annum. A 3reakthrough in the S"itch gear 3usiness has 3een alrea&' achie#e&. P+, has successfull' su$$lie& a large or&er of S"itch gear from AAPDA against (nternational )en&er. Since entire 3usiness of Po"er Di#ision is no" 3eing carrie& out against ,!C0 international ten&ers or a&#ance $a'ments0 chronic $ro3lem of &ela'e& $a'ments has also 3een resol#e&. P+,

(nternshi$ Re$ort on *Pak +lektron ,imite&-


also has ha& the $ri#ilege of getting its e6ui$ment a$$ro#e& an& certifie& from "ell re$ute& international consultants such asG

Preece0 Car&e6 an& Ri&er0 +nglan& Har.a +ngineering Com$an'0 1SA Snam Progeti0 (tal' Societe rance Miner & Miner (nternational (nc. 1SA +nsa0 rance

Products of P0
)he Po"er Di#ision of P+, has follo"ing $ro&uctsG

+PC Contracting Po"er )ransformer Distri3ution )ransformer Dr' t'$e )ransformer +nerg' Meter S"itch gear )ransformer Ser#ices

*""liances 0ivision
2usiness in a$$liances &i#ision has sho"n mi4e& tren& 3ut the Com$an' is finall' on the right track. Cr'stal Refrigerator "ith Aero &esign an& 0anfoss com$ressor "ith $erformance certification 3' Danfoss German' "as launche& in the e3ruar' /777. )his has 3een recei#e& #er' "ell in the market an& our refrigerator sales ha#e sho"n an increase of #er /C8L since /777. )his thrust is e4$ecte& to continue in the follo"ing 'ear as a result of
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com$an'<s inno#ati#e a$$roach in $ro&uct &e#elo$ment cou$le& "ith an aggressi#e marketing strateg'. Dee$ teste& an& certifie& 3' Danfoss German' an& "ith im$ro#e& aesthetics has also 3een "ell recei#e& 3' the market. Ae ha#e alrea&' 3een su$$l'ing our Dee$ ree.ers to Coca5Cola international an& le#er 2rothers an& inten& to continue our focus on institutional sales of this $ro&uct. Sales of "in&o" Air5con&itioners is almost at the same le#el of last 'ear 3ut ha#e not reache& the &esire& le#el "ith a $ressure on $rices an& e4change rates im$act causing increase in losses to the su3si&iar' P+, A$$liances ,imite&. Main reason of this situation is a huge influ4 of im$orte& $ro&uct as a result of change in custom #aluation recor&ers allo"ing im$orts at &uring $rices an& un&er in#oicing. (n a&&ition su$$l' of smuggle& air5con&itioners also continue& e#en after Go#ernment<s announcement to im$ose controls on such acti#ities. )his is e4$ecte& to &iscontinue after ol& stocks of smuggle& goo&s are e4hauste& an& fresh su$$lies are not allo"e&. )he com$an' in or&er to a&&ress the a3o#e situation has em3arke& u$on a ma@or $lan to im$ro#e $ro&uct 6ualit'0 "i&en $ro&uct range0 intro&uce $o"er efficient mo&els0 a&& com$etiti#e features like remote control0 a&&e& filters etc. An& to im$ro#e the $ro&uct a estheticall'. After consistent efforts in the recent 'ears P+, ha#e 3een a3le to &e#elo$ a ne" range of mo&els un&er the 3ran&s name of 9Energy Saver:. )he cooling an& 3alancing of this machine is teste& an& certifie& 3' Co$elan& of 1SA. )his has recei#e& a #er' $ositi#e res$onse from the market &ue to its efficient energ' sa#ings0 cooling0 lo" noise0 com$act si.e0 nature frien&l' features. P+, antici$ates that the com$an' "ill make a 3reakthrough in the #olume of +nerg' Sa#er as

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"hat "e ha#e successfull' $erforme& in case of Cr'stal 3ran& Refrigerators. (n a&&ition a ma@or e4ercise is 3eing &one to re&uce material cost an& im$ro#e manufacturing $rocess. )echnical su$$ort an& kno" ho" is 3eing o3taine& from international com$anies an& foreign la3oratories to achie#e this o3@ecti#e.


Dee$ ree.ers an& "in&o" air5con&itioners are the $ro&ucts of su3si&iar' P+, (t is e4$ecte& that P+, A$$liances ,imite& shoul& mo#e into a healthier situation in the ensuing 'ears.

PEL 0*E<.. ELECT=./-CS LT0;

Agreement for con#ersion of Son' )ele#ision at the $lant "as conclu&e& an& P+, has starte& $ro&uction of their $ro&ucts since Ma' /777. 1n&er this arrangement tele#ision kits are su$$lie& to us 3' Son' an& con#erte& tele#isions are &eli#ere& to them an& markete& through their o"n net"ork. )he 1SM &enominate& con#ersion $rice for the tele#isions assem3le& 3' us is charge& on fortnightl' 3asis. )ariff structure on )ele#isions has 3een rationali.e& in the fe&eral 3u&get for CBB/5CBBC an& as a result #iola3ilit' of locall' assem3le& tele#isions has consi&era3l' im$ro#e&. Son' inten&s to take full a&#antage of this situation an& #olumes of locall' assem3le& tele#isions are resultantl' e4$ecte& to increase manifol&s. Agreement for con#ersion of ?+GA flat screen tele#ision has also conclu&e& an& "e ha#e #er' successfull' starte& its $ro&uction in Se$tem3er CBBB.

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Products of *""liance 0ivision

A$$liance &i#ision has follo"ing $ro&uctsG =efrigerators P+,<s refrigerators are a#aila3le in 9 series of &ifferent colors0 mo&els0 $rices0 an& ca$acities. )he series are as follo"

N$ression Series

Premier Series 95Series Delu4e Series Smart Series Mini Series

*ir Conditioners )he air con&itioners are a#aila3le in three t'$esG

S$lit Air Con&itioners Ain&o" Air Con&itioners loor Stan&ing Air Con&itioners

(nternshi$ Re$ort on *Pak +lektron ,imite&-


%icro(ave .ven P+, also intro&uce mo&el series of *P+, Sil#er line- Micro"a#e

%#en. P+, $resents C9 &ifferent mo&els of o#en "ith &ifferent $rices0 mo&els an& ca$acities.

<as$ing %ac$ine P+,<s "ashing machines are a#aila3le in &ifferent mo&els. )he series are as follo"G

Magic Clean PAM::BB Magic Clean PAM8/C

<ater 0is"ensers P+, also (ntro&uce "ater &is$ensers. )he main $ur$ose to intro&uce it is

to increase their $ro&uct line an& gi#e #alue to their customers.

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!enerators rom long time Pakistan facing energ' crisis0 at that time

intro&uction of P+, Generator is #er' $ositi#e ste$s to"ar& a$$liance sector to facilitate their customers. An& the' are "orking more to increase their $ro&uct line0 $ro&uce 6ualit' $ro&ucts0 an& gi#e #alue to their customers an& 3ecome market lea&er in home a$$liance.

Ma@orl' there are si4 &e$artments in P+,0 "hich areG

Marketing De$artment inance De$artment Pro&uction De$artment Human Resource De$artment A&ministration De$artment Research &De#elo$ment De$artment

P+, hea& office ,ahore consists of follo"ing &e$artmentsG

C$airman Secretariat Chairman Secretariat is hea&e& 3' the chairman!chief e4ecuti#e officer. )he Chairman has his $ersonal staff com$rising of a Director Staff0 Protocol %fficer0 Pri#ate Secretar'0 Personal Assistant0 "ho are res$onsi3le to assist the Chairman in all the matters. Hormall' he #isits an& takes ke' &ecision a3out their com$an' matters.

(nternshi$ Re$ort on *Pak +lektron ,imite&-


%0 office Managing Director is one of the ke' $ost in an' organi.ation0 its @o3s inclu&es #arious a&ministrati#e @o3s this $erson actuall' &e#elo$ing $olices an& im$lement them.

-= ) *dmin (n&ustrial Relations ((R) is an area "here a $erson &eals "ith la3or0 la"s0 statutor'. Here this &e$artment &eals "ith a&ministration0 "orkers an& S/ (S/Osu$er#isors)

uman =esource )his &e$artment &eals e4ecuti#es a$$raisals0 their training0 hiring an& firing. )he' tra&itionall' ha#e 3een referre& as $ersonal management or a&ministration.

!ate ) Security office As0 Securit' gate officers0 also kno"n as securit' guar&s0 $atrol an& $rotect $ro$ert' from theft0 in#asion0 fire an& illegal acti#it'. Here P+, gi#e #er' much restrict an& ha#e high securit' s'stem.

0is"ensary )his &e$artment is esta3lishe& to han&le emergenc' me&ical treatment of P+, $ersonals an& "orks. )here are traine& me&ical officer "ho can $ro#i&e& first ai& in case of emergenc'. )he' also con&uct seminar time to time an& tell "orkers an& engineers a3out the safet' measurement an& ho" to $re#ent from acci&ents.

Tele"$one Exc$ange )his &e$artment controls all tele$hone calls "ithin the organi.ation an& outsi&e the organi.ation too. )his is #er' goo& e4change s'stem.


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P+, colla3orate "ith a com$an' name& Pcarrier<. (t is #er' famous foreign com$an' &eals in air con&itioner. )his &e$artment is connecte& "ith them an& &eals all issues relate& to their $ro@ect.

%arketing &*0 ) P0' (n this &e$artment all the sales an& marketing cam$aign are &esigne&0 marketing research is con&ucte&0 an& com$etitors< information is also stu&ie& to make their $lans accor&ing to them. )he' are "orking #er' har& to make their 3ran& name famous.

Po(er Pro>ects )his &e$artment &eals all $ro@ects relate& to $o"er. )he' ha#e goo& relation "ith Aa$&a an& other com$anies.

-nternal *udits )his &e$artment internall' au&its all accounts in P+,. )he com$an' internal au&itors tr' to fin& out faults0 frau& an& corru$tion an& ins$ect that "orkers an& com$an' are follo"ing ( RS or not.

Commercial )his &e$artment &eals all issues relate& to +4cise0 )a4es & &uties0 etc. Moreo#er it also looks after 3oun&e& "ear house. As most of ra" material the' $urchases is from a3roa&. So commercial &e$artment controls all issues relate& to e4cise0 &uties an& ta4es.

? SE )his &e$artment focuses on Qualit'0 Health0 Safet'0 an& +n#ironment. )his &e$artment "orks #er' efficientl' an& makes P+, culture frien&l'.


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(t is &e$artment0 "here the' offer loans to their em$lo'ees an& selecte& go#ernment $eo$les. )he' also gi#e a$$liance $ro&ucts at factor' rate to their em$lo'ees.

1inance )his &e$artment0 &e#elo$ financials for their e4ecuti#es. Annual re$ort for com$an' is also &e#elo$e& 3' this &e$artment.

*ccounts )his &e$artment manages all accounts. i.e.0 Accounts $a'a3les0 Account recei#a3le0 in#entor'0 $a' roll0 etc.

-nformation Tec$nology )his era is of ()0 "ithout gi#ing im$ortance to () no organi.ation can succee&. )he' are "orking #er' har& to im$ro#e al s'stem. After u$&ating PM(S< s'stem0 *%racle- the' 3ecome more efficient an& effecti#e.

Buying 2u'ing is one of the most im$ortant &e$artment0 it $urchase all ra" material "hich is use& in $ro&uction $rocess.

Stores )his is #er' im$ortant &e$artment all the $urchase items firstl' go to store &e$artment from their other &e$artment issue it.

Civil )he' &eal the maintenance of machiner' an& factor' maintenance. %anufacturing &P0 ) *0' All the manufacturing concerns as$ects are controlle& 3' this &e$artment.


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)he main $ur$ose of this &e$artment is to ensure 6ualit' an& maintenance of machiner'.

E%P +nerg' Meter Po"er0 is one of the mega $ro@ect of P+,0 "here $ro&uction of +MP is e4ecute& an& all matters relate& to it are control.

S(itc$ !air S"itch Gair &e$artment is also like +MP &e$artment0 "here s"itch gair are $ro&uce& an& other as$ects relate& to it are sol#e& an& "orke&.

CS0 (t is &e$artment "here the' offer loans to em$lo'ees an& selecte& go#ernment ser#ants.

-m"orts All im$orte& materials are controlle& 3' im$ort &e$artment. )he' also ha#e all kno"le&ge a3out their im$ortant im$orters an& the $ro&ucts the' im$orte&.

Ex"orts )his &e$artment controls an& &eals all e4$orts to other countries0 i.e.0 2angla&esh0 Afghanistan an& fe" other countries of Africa.

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Trend *nalysis
,ertical *nalysis
>/5Dec5 // +Q1()J AHD ,(A2(,()(+S SHAR+ CAP()A, & R+S+R?+S Authori.e& ca$ital (ssue&0 su3scri3e& an& $ai& u$ ca$ital Reser#es 1n5a$$ro$riate& $rofits C08BB0BBB C08BB0BB 7.:7 /B.8 B 9 /099;0C9D /099;0C9 9.8> :.BD B /9D0/>D /9D0/>D B.9D B.97 >/5Dec5 /B CB/ B CB/ /

/099809D7 C0:>>08; /B.: :.B> C / >0D7;0BD: D089807; /:.; /D.: B ; :

S1RP,1S %H R+?A,1A)(%H % PR%P+R)J0 P,AH) AHD +Q1(PM+H) H%H C1RR+H) ,(A2(,()(+S ,ong5term financing E secure& ,ia3ilities against assets su3@ect to finance lease Deferre& ta4ation Deferre& income C1RR+H) ,(A2(,()(+S )ra&e an& other $a'a3les
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>079C0BDB D0/9C09C /9.> /9.: 9 B >

D08D;0;8C D078D0>> /7.D /7.C > / / C/0;D/ /D0::9 B.B9 B.B7

/07:>0>8B C0:8/08/ /B.: ;.>> 8 ; 890B97 :D07>8 B.C7 B.CD

/0D:;0;;7 /0D790D; 8.;9 9.CD

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7 (nterest ! mark5u$ accrue& on loans an& other $a'a3les Short5term 3orro"ings Current $ortion ofK 5 long5term financing 5 lia3ilities against assets su3@ect to finance lease /0/B90>:8 /0/>;0BC D.D9 D.9: 9 >;0>7> 790/;8 B.>; B./9 ;C>0;79 >;B0/7: /.D7 >.D;

90/:D0;9B 80;780B: C>.B C9.B : 7 :

709CC0D/> 70BB807: >8.C DB.9 D ; > C%H)(HG+HC(+S AHD C%MM()M+H)S 2@A682A6 12 25A5@0A 1@4 100 100

ASS+)S H%H5C1RR+H) ASS+)S Pro$ert'0 $lant an& e6ui$ment (ntangi3le assets /D0B;70/; />0D>D0: 8C.9 87.D 8 B7 C 7 >/D0;:D 1BAB0BA0 54 ,ong term in#estments ,ong5term &e$osits C1RR+H) ASS+)S Stores0 s$ares an& loose tools /B708;C /B;0DB8 B.DC B.D9 D0D78 8D09>9 D8:0:DD /.:7 /.>> 1@A842A B5@ 5B; B2 60; 82

/>0DD: B.B8 B.BC :808/8 B.>B B.C>

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Stock5in5tra&e )ra&e &e3ts E unsecure& A&#ances )ra&e &e$osits an& short5term $re$a'ments %ther recei#a3les %ther financial assets Sales ta4 refun&a3le (ncome ta4 refun&a3le Cash an& 3ank 3alances )otal Current Assets 5

D0/>9.C; 8098C0B; CC./ B.BC 7 D >0::D0C;> >07CD0:: /8.> /8.7 C : D 9C80887 CC:0888 /:0CD/ :0D7/ 9;B09// C.9: C.9D CD:0C99 B.7: B.79 D80;97 B./; B.B: C90;/B B.// B.B> /9708;7 B.99 5 /7;0/B8 /C>0>CD 4A214AB2 2 2@A682A6 12 >D7089B /.>: B.;D >D>0:8> /.>8 B.8C 11A5B8A 72B 25A5@0A 1@4 B5; 2B 100 @8; 4@ 100 ;00

(nter$retationK (n #ertical anal'sis total assets an& total lia3ilities are $resente& as 3ase0 an& all other items of 3alance sheet are $resente& as follo"ing items of these 3asis. (n #ertical anal'sis also Com$an' $erformance is goo&. Although the increment or &ecreasing tren& is not so e4$ressi#e in #ertical anal'sis0 3ut it can 3e easil' anal'se that o#erall $erformance of Com$an' is goo&0 although

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total lia3ilities are increasing 3ut total assets also increasing "hich can o#ercome the effect of lia3ilities.

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ori+ontal *nalysis
>/5Dec5 // (Ru$ees in thousan& s) +Q1()J AHD ,(A2(,()(+S SHAR+ CAP()A, & R+S+R?+S Authori.e& ca$ital (ssue&0 su3scri3e& an& $ai& u$ ca$ital Reser#es 1n5a$$ro$riate& $rofits 8 9 : : C08BB0BB B /099;0C9 D /9D0/>D /099809D 7 >0D7;0BD : S1RP,1S %H R+?A,1A)(%H % PR%P+R)J0 P,AH) AHD +Q1(PM+H) H%H C1RR+H) ,(A2(,()(+S ,ong5term financing E secure& ,ia3ilities against assets su3@ect to finance lease Deferre& ta4ation 7 /B // D08D;0;8 C C/0;D/ /07:>0>8 D078D0>> > /D0::9 C0:8/08/ 5;./; D:.;/ 5 ; >079C0BD B C08BB0BB B /099;0C9 B /9D0/>D C0:>>08; C D089807; B D0/9C09C 9 B.BB B.BB B.BB 5 >7.B: 5 C>.>7 5D.;C >/5Dec5 /B CB/B

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B Deferre& income C1RR+H) ,(A2(,()(+S )ra&e an& other $a'a3les (nterest ! mark5u$ accrue& on loans an& other $a'a3les Short5term 3orro"ings Current $ortion ofK 5 long5term financing 5 lia3ilities against assets su3@ect to finance lease 7 /B /0/B90>: 8 >;0>7> 709CC0D/ > C%H)(HG+HC(+S AHD C%MM()M+H)S /9 C>09;C09 /C >/5Dec5 // ASS+)S H%H5C1RR+H) ASS+)S Pro$ert'0 $lant an& e6ui$ment (ntangi3le assets /: /; /D0B;70/ ;8 >/D0;:D /> /D /8 /0D:;0;; 7 ;C>0;79 90/:D0;9 B /C 890B97

8 :D07>8

C;.C; 5 C8./;

/0D790D; 7 >;B0/7: 80;780B: :

5/./; //9.: B D.:8

/0/>;0BC 9 790/;8 70BB807: D

5C.:; 5 9B.B; 9.;D

C808>B0/ >7 >/5Dec5 /B

5:.CD B.7B

/>0D>D0: B7 D8:0:DD

D.;: 5

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>/.C/ 1BAB0BA 054 ,ong term in#estments ,ong5term &e$osits C1RR+H) ASS+)S Stores0 s$ares an& loose tools Stock5in5tra&e )ra&e &e3ts E unsecure& A&#ances )ra&e &e$osits an& short5term $re$a'ments %ther recei#a3les %ther financial assets Sales ta4 refun&a3le (ncome ta4 refun&a3le Cash an& 3ank 3alances )otal Current Assets C; C9 C: C/ CC C> CD C8 /B708;C D0/>9.C; >0::D0C; > 9C80887 CC:0888 /:0CD/ :0D7/ 5 /7;0/B8 /C>0>CD 4A214AB /B;0DB8 8098C0B; 7 >07CD0:: C 9;B09// CD:0C99 D80;97 C90;/B /9708;7 >D7089B >D>0:8> 11A5B8A /.B7 5 77.7> 5>.;> 5;.B7 5:.7: 5 9C.D/ 5 :C.B9 5 5 D>.>> 5 9D./C 5 /7 CB D0D78 8D09>9 1@A842A B5@ />0DD: :808/8 >.9; 5 99.8: 5 C:.98

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22 C>09;C09 /C

72B C808>B0/ >7

CB./: 5:.CD

-nter"retationC (n the a3o#e hori.ontal anal'sis 0 CBB7 is the 3ase 'ear an& CB/B an& CB// is using as follo"ing 'ears0 in "hich P+,<s o#erall $erformance is #er' goo&. 2ut last 'ear CB// the' facing loss0 although total assets of P+, are increasing0 ho"e#er in#estment tren& is little 3it &ecreasing. Assets si&e is sho"ing a goo& tren& of P+,. %n lia3ilit' si&e also a goo& $icture is &e$icting0 3ut an increment in 3ills $a'a3le is sho"ing an in#erse effect. Current account of P+, is increasing. %ther lia3ilities "hich inclu&e man' short term lia3ilities are also increasing0 so the net result on lia3ilit' si&e is increasing tren& in total lia3ilities.

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=atio *nalysis
-ncome Statement
Hote Jear en&e& Decem3er >/0 CB// (Ru$ees in )housan&s) Re#enue Sales5ta4 an& &iscount Re#enue E net Cost of sales Gross $rofit %ther o$erating income >C >/ C7 >B />08D:0;>C C0>/B087D //0C>:0C>; /B0>;;09;7 ;D;08D7 >90B>C ;;D08;/ Distri3ution cost A&ministrati#e e4$enses %ther o$erating e4$enses inance cost >> >D >8 >9 97C0;>8 9;C0;/8 />0;7B /0D/>0B88 C0;BC0878 (,oss)! Profit 3efore ta4ation Pro#ision for >:
Page >>

Jear en&e& Decem3er >/0 CB/B

/70;780DD; C0>:C0:7C /:08CC0989 />0;/D0:8D >0:B:07BC 8B07>9 >0:8;0;>; /0B8:0B// :8/0B:8 9807>D /09C>09// >0D7:09>B C9/0CB; :C0/;D

5/07/;0B/D 59D70D78

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ta4ation (,oss)! Profit for the 'ear %ther com$rehensi#e income )otal com$rehensi#e (,oss)! income for the 'ear 5/0C9;08/7 5 5 /;70BCD



Ru$ees (,oss)! earnings $er share 2asic Dilute& DB DB 5/B.78 5/B.78


/.CD /./7

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Current ratioC
Current ratioO current assets current liabilities Table * Jear CB/B CB// Current assets //8D;:CD 7C/7DCC Current lia3ilities 7BB87:D 79CCD/> Current ratio /KC; B.79K/

-nter"retationC )he current ratio is one of the most common ratio anal'ses "hich ( use& to measure of the sol#enc' of firm an& its a3ilit' to $a' short term o3ligations. As sho"n in the ta3le in CB/B the P+, has /KC; ration "hich means that if it has / ru$ee it has to $a' C; $aisa as lia3ilit' that is nominal ratio.

0ebt ratioC
De3t ratioO Total liabilities Total asset !"## Table B Jear CB/B CB// )otal lia3ilities /90;B/08>> C /90CCC08C8 C88>B/>7 9>.8DL )otal assets C>9;C9/ De3t ratio :B. 7DL

-nter"retationC )he &e3t ratio measures the $ro$ortion of assets finance& 3' the outsi&er<s mone'. )he higher the ratio the greater the amount of other $eo$le<s mone'
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3eing use& to generate the re#enue. )he com$an' has almost same ratio in the t"o 'ears that sho"s its assets are finance& u$ to :/L 3' the cre&it mone' that is not a goo& sign 3ecause it re&uces the confi&ence of in#estors an& this is acce$ta3le u$ to 9DL onl'. )his ratio sho"s that com$an' has taken so man' loans to run its affairs.

."erating Profit %arginC

%$erating $rofit marginO$perating profit %evenue Table C Jear CB// CB/B %$erating $rofit ;;D08;/ >0:8;0;>; Re#enue />08D:0;>C /70;780DD; %.P margin 9.8>L /;.;7L

-nter"retationC )he o$erating $rofit margin sho"s the $ercentage of each ru$ee remain as $rofit after the &e&uction of costs an& all e4$enses e4ce$t interest an& ta4es. )he 9.8>L sho"s that P+, is earning minimal. )he higher the ratio 3etter the firm is earning. 2ut the ratio is #er' lo"0 "hich is not a goo& sign.

/et Profit %arginC

Het $rofit Margin&'et (rofit %evenue! "## Table 0 Jear CB/B CB// Het $rofit /;70BCD 5/C9;8/7 Re#enue /70;780DD; />08D:0;>C H.P margin B.78L 57.>9L

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-nter"retationC )he net $rofit margin sho"s the $ercentage of each ru$ee remain as $rofit after the &e&uction of costs an& all e4$enses inclu&ing interest an& ta4es. Higher net $rofit margin is $refera3le. P+, faces loss last 'ear.

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=eturn on *ssetsC
Return on AssetsO'et (rofit Total )ssets! "## Table E Jear Het $rofit )otal assets R%A CB/B CB// /;70BCD 5/C9;8/7 C>9;C9/C C808>B0/>7

B.:7L 5D.79L


)his ratio measures the effecti#eness of management that ho" it uses the a#aila3le assets to generate re#enue. Higher the ratio 3etter is the $osition. (n cases of P+, there is &ecline from B.:7 Lto 5D.79L in the J of CB// "hich in&icates the 3a& $erformance of P+,.

S<.T */*LDS-S

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)he strengths0 "eaknesses0 o$$ortunities an& threats of P+, are &iscusse& 3elo"K

P+, has the follo"ing strengths an& is in more com$etiti#e $osition in these areas than its com$etitors. ollo"ing are the main strong $oints of P+,K

Strong 3ran& image Strong &ealer net"ork Strong 6ualit'0 sale an& ser#ice Market lea&er in ARAC Hum3er C in refrigerators in Pakistan Strong gri$ in home a$$liances Strong Management Distri3ution of Authorit' Strong research an& &e#elo$ment &e$artment ree customer ser#ice

Strong Brand -mage P+, has create& the strong 3ran& image in the min& of the customers through higher 6ualit' an& lo" $rice. )he customers of the P+, al"a's $refer to 3u' the P+, home a$$liances like ARAC s$lit AC an& refrigerators "hene#er the' "ante& to 3u'. P+, is a $o$ular com$an' in Pakistan an& e#er'one kno"s a3out the P+, $ro&ucts an& its 3ran&. )hat<s "h' P+, selling of ARAC are #er' high in the market than the com$etitors selling. Strong 0ealer /et(ork (t is also the $lus $oint for the P+, that it has also &e#elo$e& the strong &ealer net"ork in the market. )he &ealers are al"a's tr'ing to sell the P+, a$$liance to the customers 3ecause the' kno" there are high margin in the
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P+, $ro&ucts. )he' can get more mone' after selling the P+, $ro&ucts. )he management of P+, also $ro#i&es more incenti#es to their &ealers than their com$etitors. Dealers are #er' conscious a3out the P+, $ro&ucts an& al"a's gui&e the customer in 3u'ing the P+, a$$liances an& tell them the more 6ualities of P+, $ro&ucts than others $ro&ucts. Strong ?ualityA Sale and Service P+, is also in a strong $osition that it $ro#i&es the su$erior 6ualit' to 'our customers. (t makes sense in the min& of the customers that P+, $ro&ucts are 3etter in 6ualit' than the other com$anies< $ro&ucts. P+, also $ro#i&es the after sale ser#ice to their customers "hich &elight the customers satisfaction. (t is another "a' to a&#ertise the $ro&ucts 3ecause "hen customer is highl' satisfie& then he tells the other ten $ersons that the' shoul& 3u' the P+, $ro&ucts. (t is the free $u3licit' of P+, $ro&ucts that P+, Com$an' gains. %arket leader in <=*C &<indo( =oom *ir Conditioner' (t is another strong $oint that P+, is a market lea&er in ARAC. )he "in&o" room air con&itioner is more &eman&e& 3' the customers than its com$etitor<s air con&itioners 3ecause it has more &ura3ilit' in o$erating s'stems an& cools the room in fe" minutes. P+, al"a's stri#es to $ro#i&e the inno#ati#e features in ARAC. P+, air con&itioner is chea$er an& has a higher 6ualit' than others ARAC. )hat<s "h' customers al"a's $urchase the P+, "in&o" air con&itioner. /umber 2 in =efrigerators in Pakistan After the Da"lance refrigerators0 P+, has a secon& $osition in refrigerators market. P+, al"a's continuousl' stri#es to $ursue the strategies a&o$te& 3' the com$etitors. As a conse6uence the $rice "ar starts among the

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com$anies so each com$an' re&uces the $rices an& tries to increase the sales of its refrigerators. P+, is also making efforts for the 6ualit' im$ro#ements than its com$etitor Da"lance. Strong !ri" in ome *""liance

So P+, is one of the com$anies0 "hich is ha#ing a strong gri$ in the home a$$liance i.e. ARAC0 Refrigerators0 micro "a' %"en etc that is a strong $oint for the com$an'. P+, is $enetrating the market 3' intro&ucing the ne" home a$$liance like S$lit Air con&itioner an& al"a's tr'ing to get the ma4imum shares in the home a$$liance market. Strong %anagement (t is another $lus $oint that P+, has a strong management. (ts em$lo'ees are more com$etent an& full' skill an& kno"le&ge. )he' al"a's coo$erate the to$ management in achie#ing the goals that are assigne& to them. +m$lo'ees are "ell a"are a3out the com$an' o3@ecti#es an& so the' are committe& to the &e#elo$ment of com$an'. 0istribution of *ut$ority )o$ management of P+, &elegates the $o"er to the su3or&inates for achie#ing the marketing o3@ecti#es in a s$ecifie& time $erio&. So e#er' manager has an authorit' that use in achie#ing the Goals. He can easil' han&le the com$laints of customers an& tr' to satisf' them. So it is a strong $oint for the P+, 3ecause there is &ecentrali.ation of $o"ers. Strong =esearc$ and 0evelo"ment 0e"artment P+, has a strong research an& &e#elo$ment &e$artment that is continuousl' tr'ing to &e#elo$ ne" features for the $ro&ucts. R&D &e$artment s$en&s
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huge amount of mone' for the &e#elo$ment of $ro&uct. R&D makes research for intro&ucing the ne" $ro&uct an& asks the customers "hat the' "ant e4tra in our $ro&ucts. or this $ur$ose the' hire the highl' 6ualifie& em$lo'ees in R&D &e$artment. )hat is another strong $osition of P+,. !ood Customer Service P+, $ro#i&es free customer ser#ice for one 'ear to its customers. So the customers al"a's 3u' the P+, $ro&ucts &ue to its free ser#ice an& it 3ecomes lo'al customer for the P+,. P+, al"a's $ro#i&es hel$ to their customers for re$airing the ARAC0 Refrigerators an& other items. P+, al"a's make efforts to satisf' the customers. Public Limited Com"any Although P+, is o"ne& 3' the SA(G%, GR%1P 3ut its shares can 3e $urchase& an& sol& in stock e4change market. So e#er'one "ho is intereste& in $urchasing the shares of P+, he can $urchase. (t is also calle& $u3lic limite& com$an'. So $eo$le are more intereste& in 3u'ing the P+, $ro&ucts.

,ike other com$anies P+, has some "eaknesses in o$erating the 3usiness. (f P+, o#ercome on these "eaknesses then it can 3ecome a market lea&er in the home a$$liance. P+, lose some com$etiti#e e&ge in the follo"ing $ointsK

,ack of effecti#e a&#ertisement S'stem #ariations ,ack of Pro&uct range ,ess 1tili.ation of ca$acit' inancial Pro3lems

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Lack of Effective *dvertisement (t is a secon& ma@or "eakness of P+, that it the' &on<t make effecti#e a&#ertisement cam$aign. )hat creates hur&le in selling the $ro&ucts an& customers cannot kno" the changes0 "hich are ma&e in $ro&ucts 3' the com$an' time to time. Com$an' is not in a $osition that it ma&e a&#ertising of all their $ro&ucts on a "i&e range 3ecause of its high cash re6uirement to"ar&s the $ro&uction si&e. Due to this $ro3lem com$an' al"a's make efforts to &e#elo$ strong relationshi$s "ith &ealers. System ,ariations (t is also the main "eakness of P+, that there are ra$i&l' a change in $olices of selling the $ro&ucts. )hat<s creates $ro3lems for the selling team ho" to sell the $ro&ucts to the &ealers 3ecause the to$ management re6uires the urgent amount of mone'. So selling team sells the $ro&ucts sometimes on har& cash that "ill re&uce the $rices of $ro&ucts that gi#es the 3enefits to the &ealers an& creates $ro3lems for the management. Lack of Product =ange P+, has intro&uce& more $ro&ucts of consumer items 3ut there are more nee&s to &e#elo$ ne" consumer items like P+, "ashing Machines0 ?acuum cleaner an& other items. Due to lack of $ro&uct Range0 Com$an' cannot earn more $rofit 3ecause consumers ha#e high &eman& of these $ro&ucts an& the' sa' that if com$an' is in#esting in these $ro&ucts then "e can kee$ all P+, items an& "e ne#er nee& to kee$ other<s com$an' $ro&ucts.

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Less Etili+ation of Ca"acity Due to lack of finance a com$an' cannot utili.e all its resources on its full ca$acit'. (t increases the cost of $ro&ucts $er unit that &ecreases the $rofit margin of each consumer item. Sometimes com$an' cannot allocate the resources accor&ing to the re6uirements of $ro&uction &e$artment that<s 3ecomes the $ro3lem for the com$lete utili.ation of resources. com$an' it is also the main $oint of "eakness. 1inancial Problems Sometimes P+, faces the financial $ro3lems 3ecause its stocks are so much $ile& u$ in the stores that create the $ro3lem of cash flo" 3ecause "hen the stocks are not sol& an& the $ro&uction is in $rocess for CD hours a &a' than the com$an' faces such $ro3lems. So com$an' aggressi#el' researches the sources of cash an& stresses the &ealers to sell the P+,<s $ro&ucts to the en& consumers. Com$an' sometimes sells their $ro&ucts on a&#ance 3ases to the &ealers an& gi#es them high margin of $rofit. )hat<s "h' a com$an' is facing the financial $ro3lems an& com$an' ne#er $a's attention on the alternati#e resources that "ill hel$ in re&ucing the stocks. )hat is a customer &eman& an& &ue to this it is the main "eakness of com$an'. or the

or the P+, there are more o$$ortunities for e4$ansion the 3usiness. (f P+, reali.e that o$$ortunities then it "ill 3e more fruitful an& $rofita3le for the com$an'. +#en if com$an' &oes not take a&#antage of these o$$ortunities then it "ill lose its com$etiti#e $osition an& high $rofit. (ts com$etitors "ill gi#e P+, tough time to $ursuing the o$$ortunities that are a&o$te& 3' them. ollo"ing are the o$$ortunities for the P+,.

+4$loration of market in Pakistan

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(ncrease in $ro&uct range +4$ort o$$ortunit' (ncrease in $ro&uction ca$acit'

Ex"loration of %arket in Pakistan P+, has the o$$ortunit' to e4$lore the market in all o#er the Pakistan. +#en though P+, intro&uce its $ro&ucts in all cities of Pakistan 3ut there are so man' $laces that ha#e the ca$acit' to a3sor3 the P+,<s $ro&ucts. )hese $laces are tri3al areas in HA P an& northern areas of Pun@a3 an& HA P0 central area of S(HD. (f com$an' intro&uces their $ro&ucts in these areas then it can get a large amount of $rofit an& increase its market shares. -ncrease in Product =ange (t is the main o$$ortunit' for the P+, that it can increase its $ro&uct range that "ill 3e a more $rofita3le for the com$an'. )here are more nee&s to &e#elo$ ne" consumer items like P+, "ashing Machines0 ?acuum cleaner an& other items. Due to lack of $ro&uct Range0 Com$an' cannot earn more $rofit 3ecause consumers ha#e high &eman& of these $ro&ucts. (f P+, &oes not take this o$$ortunit' then it "ill lose high margin of $rofit an& market share. (t "ill re&uce the fi4e& cost an& increase the efficienc' of the em$lo'ees. Ex"ort .""ortunity P+, Com$an' has also the o$$ortunit' to e4$ort their $ro&ucts in other international countries like 1A+0 SA1D( ARA2(A0 an& other Ara3ic an& African countries. (t "ill not onl' re&uce the &e$en&ence on one market 3ut also increase the market shares an& $rofits. (t "ill also hel$ the com$an' to

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s$rea& the fi4e& cost on all of its $ro&uction that "ill re&uce the total cost an& com$an' "ill en@o' the high $rofit. -ncrease in Production Line Com$an' can also increase its $ro&uction line at the ma4imum le#el that "ill increase the efficienc' of the em$lo'ees an& also "ill re&uce the total cost. Sometimes com$an' cannot allocate the resources accor&ing to the re6uirements of $ro&uction &e$artment that<s 3ecomes the $ro3lem for the com$lete utili.ation of resources. Com$an' shoul& look the market con&itions then it "ill $ro&uce their $ro&ucts.

P+, Com$an' in such a com$etiti#e era has man' threats as "ell. )hese threats are for the $resent situations an& future. Com$an' shoul& make its $olicies an& strategies accor&ing to these threats. So follo"ing are the main threats for the P+,K

Strong com$etition China<s $ro&uct intro&uction in the market Price "ar Slo" gro"th rate in Pakistan (nsta3ilit' of go#ernment )a4 &e$artment Aorl& )ra&e %rgani.ation (n#estors

Strong Com"etition )here is #er' strong com$etition for the home a$$liance in the market. So e#er' com$an' tries to come in the num3er / $osition for achie#ing the

(nternshi$ Re$ort on *Pak +lektron ,imite&-


ma4imum shares in the market. +#er' com$an' a&o$ts &ifferent strategies for selling of the $ro&ucts. (t re&uces the $rofit margin of each com$an' an& increase the 3argaining $o"er of the 3u'ers "ho "ill &eman& higher 6ualit' of $ro&ucts an& lo"er cost. )hat is the main threat for the P+, Com$an'. C$ina:s Product China<s $ro&ucts are another threat for the Pakistani com$anies 3ecause these $ro&ucts are chea$er than the Pakistani $ro&ucts. An e#en china $ro&uct not "ell in 6ualit' 3ut it is com$arati#el' in lo" $rices than the consumer<s home a$$liance that are manufacture& 3' the in&igenous com$an'. China $ro&ucts stress the in&igenous com$anies to lo"er the 6ualit' an& $rices that "ill not 3e $rofita3le in the long run. Price <ar Due to stiff com$etition in home a$$liance market0 "hich cause $rice "ar. So e#er' com$an' re&uces the $rices of its $ro&ucts to increase the sales. (t "ill not onl' re&uce the $rofit margin of the com$an' 3ut also re&uce the 6ualit' of $ro&ucts. So $rice "ar is the main threats for all the com$anies0 "hich are o$erating in these $ro&ucts. Slo( !ro(t$ =ate in Pakistan )here is also slo" gro"th rate of home a$$liance in Pakistan that "ill increase the stocks of the com$an'. (t 3ecomes the 3ur&en for the com$an' that ho" to sell these stocks. (ts main reason is that $urchasing $o"er of the 3u'er is #er' lo" an& it has no income to 3u' the e4$ensi#e the home a$$liance. (t is also 3ecoming a main threat for all the com$anies.

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-nstability of !overnment )he ra$i& changes in go#ernments "ill 3ecome threats for the com$anies 3ecause e#er' go#ernment a&o$ts its o"n $olicies for the in&ustries. So it increases the uncertaint' for the in#estors "ho "ant to in#est hea#' amount in their ne" $ro@ects. )hat<s 3ecome the ma@or threat for the com$anies an& &ecreases the $rofita3ilit'. Due to fear of $oliticall' insta3ilit' com$anies "ill also not in#est the hea#' amounts. Tax 0e"artment )a4 &e$artment is another ma@or threat for the com$anies that "ill restrain the 3usiness e4$ansion. )here is more com$licate& ta4 $roce&ure for the com$anies0 "hich are intereste& to increase the in#estment in their 3usinesses. A ta4 &e$artment also asks the com$an' from "here it recei#es the mone' an& "here this mone' "ill s$en&. Due to fear of hea#' ta4es com$anies "oul& not like to in#est the hea#' amount. <orld trade .rgani+ation Aorl& tra&e organi.ation "ill gi#e the $ermission in CBB8 to each com$an' of home a$$liance to e4$ort their $ro&ucts after $a'ing fe"er &uties or &ut' free $ro&ucts. )hat "ill increase the $ressures for the in&igenous com$anies to re&uce the $rices an& increase the 6ualit'. (t "ill increase the com$etition among the foreign com$anies an& in&igenous com$anies. 2ut our com$anies also run un&er uncertaint' con&itions. )his "ill &ecrease the morale of in&igenous com$anies. -nvestor:s )here are fe" $eo$le "ho ha#e 3ig in#estments an& the' are im$orting the Chinese $ro&uct 3' their o"n 2ran& name. )his is a #er' 3ig threat for the

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com$an' an& com$an' is tr'ing to create some attraction for the in#estors to &emoti#ate the in#estors.

1n&er the su$er#ision of Mr. Suhai3 (rfan =han0 C internees from Marketing 5 A&#ertising &e$artment namel' Shaheer Ri.#i0 Muhamma& Ammar carrie& out a research regar&ing the *Home A$$liance 2ran& Perce$tion-

*ims of researc$
!eneral aim )his general aim of this research is to fin& out the 3ran& $erce$tion of home electric a$$liance0 an& the $erce$tion of the customer a3out 3eliefs "hile $urchasing it. i.e.0 Refrigerator0 micro"a#e o#en0 "ashing machine0 air con&itioner0 an& con&enser0 etc S"ecific aims )he research con&ucte& aime& at fin&ing outK

Ahich 3ran& customers like more in home a$$liance Ho" &i& the' get to kno" a3out their fa#orite 3ran&Q Ho" much the' a$$eal from a&#ertisement Ahat t'$e of a&#ertisement a$$eal the customers Ho" the' rank the 3ran& Ho" much sale $erson #ie" affects Pro&uct

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Sco"e of researc$
Home A$$liance 2ran& Perce$tion 6uestioner (A)2+Q) is a&o$te& as a measurement scale. Sam$le si.e of 8> $eo$le "as taken from all o#er Pakistan through $hone calls an& $ersonal inter#ie"s.


)ime constraint for carr'ing out the research Research coul& not 3e carrie& out all o#er Pakistan $ro$erl' 1n"illingness of customers to coo$erate Hot a goo& su$$ort from com$an' ,ack of finance an& 3u&get

)he research "as carrie& out using 3oth Primar' an& Secon&ar' resources. Primar' research metho&s such as 6uestionnaires0 $ersonal inter#ie"s0 tele$honic inter#ie"s0 o3ser#ations an& focus grou$s "ere use&. (n a&&ition to that0 "e also ma&e use of Secon&ar' resources such as the internet0 search engines an& &ifferent com$etitors< "e3sites0 &ifferent sur#e's re$ort to e4$lore a3out 3ran& $erce$tion in home a$$liance. (Questionnaire is in anne4ure A)

(nternshi$ Re$ort on *Pak +lektron ,imite&-


=esults of =esearc$
in&ings of our sur#e' are as follo"sG


Male emale


9;L /: >CL

A3out 8> res$on&ent res$on& us out of them 9;L are male an& >CL are females. )he reason to inclu&e this 6uestion is to check the $attern of $urchasing 3et"een male customers an& females. Age



;/L Page 8/

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C8R>C >>5D/ DC5a3o#e > C

8 9L DL


Ma@orit' of res$on&ent are l'ing from /;5C8 an& @ust DL of them are a3o#e DC. )he reason to kno" age of res$on&ent is that0 "e "ant to kno" the tren&s to $urchase home a$$liance on 3asis of age.

(nternshi$ Re$ort on *Pak +lektron ,imite&-



House "ife 2usiness man +m$lo'e& 1nem$lo'e& Stu&ent %thers

D ; B

;L C /8L BL >7 B :DL BL DL

During our sur#e' "e fille& out 6uestionnaire from &ifferent $eo$les0 from them some are house "ife0 3usiness man0 stu&ents an& others. (t is #er' goo& e4$erience for us to interact "ith #ersatile nature of $erson. Your monthly income

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Iero5C80BBB C80BBB58B0BBB 8B0BBB5:80BBB :80BBB5A3o#e


99L // > > C/L 9L 9L

)he $ur$ose to kno" a3out the monthl' income of $eo$le is that "e can fin& out the relation of 3u&get "hile $urchasing home a$$liance0 an& also keen to kno" $eo$le $refer 6ualit' or $rice.

(nternshi$ Re$ort on *Pak +lektron ,imite&-


Are you really willing to opt

,ocal 2ran& /7 >9L

(nternational 2ran&



rom the hel$ of this 6uestion0 "e tr' to fin& out the tren& of $urchasing that0 customers $refer local 3ran&s or international 3ran&. Hormall' customer $refer international 3ran&. rom this sur#e' "e come to kno" that a3out >DL $eo$le $refer (nternational 2ran&.

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Your Favorite brand in home

Haier P+, Da"lance %rient %ther /C D C8 9 9 C>L ;L D:L //L //L

rom this 6uestion0 "e fin& out the fa#orite 3ran& of the $eo$les. Accor&ing to this sur#e' Da"lance is market lea&er ha#ing D:L liking an& on num3er secon& is Heier ha#ing C>L liking an& #er' strange P+, has @ust ;L liking.

(nternshi$ Re$ort on *Pak +lektron ,imite&-


How did you get to know

about your favorite brand?

Dealer Aor& of mouth : A&#ertisement 7 (nternet 9 Personal e4$erience %ther B > />L /:L //L C; BL 9L


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From this we find out the way customer make the image about their brand. And results show about !" people of customers prefer and take decision on basis of personal use. #elect the name of home

appliance company$ in which you are really inspire with their commercial advertisement
Haier P+, Da"lance %rient %ther /8 8 /7 /C C C;L 7L >9L C>L DL

rom this 6uestion "e fin& the im$act of tele#ision a& of &ifferent 3ran&s. Most of the $eo$le like Da"lance0 after this the' $refer P+,. Da"lance a& cam$aigns ha#e a3out >9L liking.

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%hich type of advertisement is appealing according to your mind setup? +n#ironmental S Cor$orate a& Com$uter gra$hic S unn' a& Pro&uct 3ase& a& H'giene S Pro&uct 3ase& a& %ther /> /C /C /8 / C8L C>L C>L C;L CL

&ost of the people like hygiene and product base advertisement. #o' company must prefer this type of ad.

(nternshi$ Re$ort on *Pak +lektron ,imite&-


You rank the brand on basis of ( &a)imum product range

,east (m$ortant Some"hat (m$ortant Heutral (m$ortant Most (m$ortant

; 8 // CC 8

/8L 7L C/L DCL 7L

*eople rank importance to m)imum product range' they belive that a good brand have ma)imum product range.

,east (m$ortant Some"hat (m$ortant Heutral (m$ortant Most (m$ortant

2 @ 2 2 B2


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You rank the brand on basis of + ,uality

Peo$le 3elie#e that 6ualit' of $ro&uct is the most im$ortant thing in an' 3ran&.

(nternshi$ Re$ort on *Pak +lektron ,imite&-


You rank the brand on basis of ( *rice ,east (m$ortant Some"hat (m$ortant Heutral (m$ortant Most (m$ortant 9 C D CB /7 //L DL ;L >;L >9L Peo$le also gi#e im$ortance to

$rice0 so from that "e can sa' that most of $eo$le are $rice conscious. You rank the brand on basis of ( After sale service

,east (m$ortant

CL /8L
Page 9>

Some"hat (m$ortant 8

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Heutral (m$ortant Most (m$ortant

5 14 18

7L >9L >DL

After sale ser#ice is one of the im$ortant factor $eo$le like in their 3ran&.

(nternshi$ Re$ort on *Pak +lektron ,imite&-


You rank the brand on basis of ( -esigning ./)ternal Appearance0 ,east (m$ortant Some"hat (m$ortant Heutral (m$ortant Most (m$ortant 2 @ 11 18 17 DL 9L C/L >DL >CL

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You rank the brand on basis of

( Features .1nternal Appearance0 ,east (m$ortant Some"hat (m$ortant Heutral (m$ortant Most (m$ortant 2 6 2 20 21 DL //L DL >;L DBL

(nternshi$ Re$ort on *Pak +lektron ,imite&-


You rank the brand on basis of ( Advertisement

,east (m$ortant Some"hat (m$ortant Heutral (m$ortant Most (m$ortant / /> /: /; C CL C8L >CL >DL DL

You rank the brand on basis of ( #ale person view

,east (m$ortant Some"hat (m$ortant Heutral

: /C //
Page 9:

/>L C>L C/L

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(m$ortant Most (m$ortant

/> ;

C8L /8L

%hile purchasing home appliances' how much rank you give to followings2 ( 3rand 4ame

,east (m$ortant Some"hat (m$ortant Heutral (m$ortant Most (m$ortant

8 D C C> /:

7L ;L DL D>L >CL

(nternshi$ Re$ort on *Pak +lektron ,imite&-


%hile purchasing home appliances' how much rank you give to followings2 ( Advertisement

,east (m$ortant Some"hat (m$ortant Heutral (m$ortant Most (m$ortant

D /> /C CB C

;L C8L C>L >;L DL

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%hile purchasing home appliances' how much rank you give to followings2 ( #ale person view

,east (m$ortant Some"hat (m$ortant Heutral (m$ortant Most (m$ortant

: // /> /9 D

/>L C/L C8L >BL ;L

(nternshi$ Re$ort on *Pak +lektron ,imite&-


%hile purchasing home appliances' how much rank you give to followings2 ( ,uality

,east (m$ortant Some"hat (m$ortant Heutral (m$ortant Most (m$ortant

/ B > : DB

CL BL 9L />L :8L

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%hile purchasing home appliances' how much rank you give to followings2 ( *rice

,east (m$ortant Some"hat (m$ortant Heutral (m$ortant Most (m$ortant

C / C C/ C8


%hile purchasing home appliances' how much rank you give to followings2 ( After sale service

(nternshi$ Re$ort on *Pak +lektron ,imite&-


,east (m$ortant Some"hat (m$ortant Heutral (m$ortant Most (m$ortant

B > ; C> /:

BL 9L /8L D>L >CL

%hile purchasing home appliances' how much rank you give to followings2 ( -esigning ./)ternal Appearance0

,east (m$ortant Some"hat (m$ortant Heutral (m$ortant Most (m$ortant

D / ; C/ /:


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%hile purchasing home appliances' how much rank you give to followings2 ( Features .1nternal Appearance0

,east (m$orta nt Some"h at (m$orta nt Heutral (m$orta nt Most (m$orta nt

> >

9L 9L

D /; C>

;L >DL D>L

4umber of daily responses

(nternshi$ Re$ort on *Pak +lektron ,imite&-


( start this sur#e' from C7th Ful'0 CB/C to /st August0 CB/C. Ae &o tele$honic calls0 one to one inter#ie"s0 an& social net"ork to com$ile this sur#e'. )his general aim of this research is to fin& out the 3ran& $erce$tion of home electric a$$liance0 an& the $erce$tion of the customer a3out 3eliefs "hile $urchasing it. i.e.0 Refrigerator0 micro"a#e o#en0 "ashing machine0 air con&itioner0 an& con&enser0 etc Da"lance is most fa#orite 3ran& $eo$le like the most. Hormall' $eo$le $refer $ersonal e4$erience "hile the' $reference an' 3ran&. A&#ertisement is one of the most im$ortant factor $eo$le a$$eals. An& $eo$le like $ro&uct 3ase a&#ertisement Home A$$liance 2ran& Perce$tion 6uestioner (A)2+Q) is a&o$te& as a measurement scale. Sam$le si.e of 8> $eo$le "as taken from all o#er Pakistan through $hone calls an& $ersonal inter#ie"s.

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1indings in&ing of this sur#e' areG

P+, ha#e to focus on a&#ertisement )he' ha#e to increase their $ro&uct line

(nternshi$ Re$ort on *Pak +lektron ,imite&-


Strong 3ran& name has #er' goo& im$ression in consumer<s min& an& the' usuall' $refer to $urchase the same 3ran& "hich the' 3elie#e that is a"esome. As no" a &a' consumer<s &eman& is for Haier & Da"lance refrigerator. Peo$le ha#e strong faith in these 3ran& names. All other factors like $rice0 a&#ertisement0 "or& of mouth an& e#en &ealers are secon&ar' im$ortance in this regar&. ( 3elie#e that P+, is focusing more on Push Strateg' & Dealers net"ork rather than Pull Strateg' to create consumer &eman&s in the market. P+, is not targeting through effecti#e a&#ertising0 coor&inating marketing efforts an& using a&#ance& interacti#e communication tools. )his is true that ne" technologies an& formats create ne" "a's for marketers to reach & anal'.e consumers interacti#el'0 3ut still ma@orit' of consumers in Pakistan is 3eing affecte& 3' tra&itional me&ia )ele#ision0 Maga.ines an& He"s$a$ers. Although P+, is &oing some a&#ertising efforts 3ut $ro3lem is that there is no creati#it' in a&s. Ho &ou3t P+, is making e4cellent $ro&ucts0 3ut unfortunatel' P+, is not creati#e a&#ertising is also im$ortant $art of their Marketing success. As ( o3ser#e&0 recent me&ia cam$aign &one "ith the famous mo&el Ha&i6a ='ani0 "hich "as too much critici.e& as it seems to 3e the mo&eling shoots of Ha&i6a for $romoting its ne" al3ums instea& of com$an' $ro&ucts. )he' also take Sharukh =han in their a& 3ut there a&s are not creati#e0 the' ha#e to focus on creati#it'. Pak +lektron ,imite& (P+,) is the $ioneer manufacturer of electrical goo&s in Pakistan. (t "as esta3lishe& in 1456 in technical colla3oration "ith M!s A+G of German'. (n %cto3er 14780 the com$an' "as taken o#er 3' Saigol Grou$

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of Com$anies. Since its ince$tion0 the com$an' has al"a's 3een contri3uting to"ar&s the a&#ancement an& &e#elo$ment of the engineering sector in Pakistan 3' intro&ucing a range of 6ualit' electrical e6ui$ments an& home a$$liances an& 3' $ro&ucing hun&re&s of engineers0 skille& "orkers an& technicians through its a$$renticeshi$ schemes an& training $rogrammers. )he com$an' com$rises of t"o &i#isionsK

A$$liances Di#ision Po"er Di#ision

Ma@orl' P+, ha#e follo"ing &e$artmentG Marketing De$artment0 inance De$artment0 Pro&uction De$artment0 Human Resource De$artment0 A&ministration De$artment0 Research & De#elo$ment De$artment

-nterns$i" *ctivities
( ha#e $erforme& these &uties &uring m' internshi$ $rogram (Fune 8 to August CB0 CB/C). All &oings an& acti#ities are check 3' m' su$er#isor0 Mr. =ashif Fafri (Marketing Manager) an& his team mem3ers Mr. Funai& (ftikhar an& Mr. (rfan 2ashir (2ran& Managers)0 Mr. Suhai3 (rfan (Marketing +4ecuti#e) an& Mr. )an#eer Ahme& (Marketing +4ecuti#e) "hom ( re$ort to.

Making a re$ort on the u$ gra&ation of $rice com$arison on &ifferent $ro&ucts "ith the changes in the $rices of com$etitors. ee&ing the &ata of "arrant' car&s of #arious a$$liances from all o#er Pakistan an& making a &ata3ase of ne" customers along "ith their a&&resses0 $hone num3ers an& mo&el sol&.

Partici$ate& in the &istri3ution agreement function 3et"een ,G an& P+,.

(nternshi$ Re$ort on *Pak +lektron ,imite&-

2012 the factor' &is$la' centre 3' re$lacing the ol& $ro&ucts "ith the ne" $ro&ucts on the #isit of ,G C+%. Making gate $ass (returna3le an& non5returna3le) for the clerical staff so the' can take #arious a$$liances out of the factor' for marketing $ur$oses an& then 3ring them 3ack if the gate $ass is returna3le.

Sen&ing a&#ertising material ($osters0 stickers0 "o33lers0 3untings0 3anners etc) an& letters or notification to all area sale offices of P+, in Pakistan as $er instruction of Mr. )an#eer Ahma&.

Ran&oml' calling e4isting customers in &ifferent areas of Pakistan an& asking them if the' "ere satisfie& "ith the $ro&uct the' $urchase&0 an& then make a customer satisfaction re$ort.

( ha#e also $erforme& the &uties of &is$atch at ,ahore for the launch of ,G in =arachi. Pre$aration of monthl' re$ort Sales Plan #s. Actual Pro&uction. Making list of $rice com$arisons of &ifferent 3ran&s to P+,. ( ha#e sur#e'e& in the market an& check the res$onse of the market after the ne" scheme of free generators "ith the $urchasing of S$lits. ( ha#e also sur#e'e& in the market to kno" the $rices an& $ro&ucts of our com$etitors. ( ha#e han&le& all the affairs relate& to our M=)G (AD) store.

<orking (it$ my manager in PEL

During m' 95"eek internshi$0 ( "as associate& "ith Mr. =ashif Fafri 0 "ho is the marketing managers of P+, an& his team0 Mr. Suhai3 (rfan (Marketing +4ecuti#e)0 Mr. )an#eer Ahme& (Marketing +4ecuti#e) an& Mr. Afra. Ahme& (Me&ia Coor&inator). Mr. =ashif Fafri has a #er' $leasant $ersonalit' an& (

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foun& no fear in his team "hich make their efficienc' u$ to mark. ( ne#er face& an' ma@or conflict or "as un&er stress "hile "orking un&er his management. Mr. Funai& (ftikhar (2ran& Manager) has ne#er create& stress "hile taking "ork for me0 3ut &i& sa' a fe" "or&s "hen he "as not ha$$' or "hen the "ork &one "as not u$ to his stan&ar&s0 an& "hen he a$$reciate& m' "ork he al"a's ga#e a $at on m' 3ack sa'ing Pgoo&< 3' sho"ing his thum3 im$ression. %#erall it<s not eas' for me to name the "hole team o#er an& o#er again 3ut all of Mr. =ashif Fafri<s team ma&e m' #ision 3roa&er. )hanks to them0 for making me learn from the acti#ities an& from the en#ironment.

/e( T$ings LearnedC

Some ne" things0 "hich ( learne& here0 "ereK

Ho" to "ork in&i#i&uall' as "ell as in grou$s un&er rela4e& an& stressful en#ironment. Ho" to "ork un&er someone<s su$er#ision. Ho" to manage affairs "hile launching ne" $ro&ucts. Patience is #er' im$ortant in &ealings0 as anger can lose 'our customer. )o increase 'our sales an& sta' in com$etition "ith to$ 3ran&s it is necessar' to kee$ 'our &ealers ha$$' 3' gi#ing them incenti#es. Ho" to coor&inate "ith the other sales areas of P+, #ia tele$hone!fa4. Ho" to &eal "ith 'our customer<s com$laints in such a "a' to satisf' them. Ho" to manage $romotional materials. Ho" to manage )(M+ for multi$le tasks at simultaneous Hour. Ho" to manage a communication among &ifferent &e$artments.

(nternshi$ Re$ort on *Pak +lektron ,imite&-


Ho" to manage things for &is$la' center for e4ecuti#es. Ho" em$o"erment $la'<s im$ortant role in the $rogress of the com$an'

After careful o3ser#ation of com$etiti#e market con&itions0 ( "oul& recommen& some reme&ies for P+, in or&er to co$e "ith future threats.

Effective *dvertising
P+, shoul& also consi&er the im$ortance of A&#ertisement for its micro"a#es an& "ashing machines an& "ater &is$ensers0 "hich can $la' an im$ortant role in increasing a"areness0 customer $references an& in market share. )he' coul& also use some $romotional tools like sho"s0 schemes0 gifts an& so on.

Strong C$eck ) Balance System

P+, shoul& also tighten u$ its monitoring an& ins$ection Het"orks in or&er to minimi.e the miss5utili.ation of the resources 3' the em$lo'ees an& #erif' the &ata accurac' gathere& 3' them.

=educed =eceivable Time Period

P+, shoul& also form es$ecial skille& an& efficient sales collection team in or&er to collect Recei#a3les amount from the retailers es$eciall' from ones locate& in =arachi0 ,ahore an& at least re&uce their $a'ment time $erio&.

EFual -ncentive Sc$emes

P+, shoul& also ensure e6ual incenti#es to all the &ealers in or&er to increase their "illingness to offer more shelf s$ace to the com$an' an& shoul& remain lo'al to the com$an' to $romote P+,<s 3ran&.

S'e& Shaheer Hassan Ri.#i

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(nternshi$ Re$ort on *Pak +lektron ,imite&-


/eed Strong Brand to (in Customers: Loyalty

As ( 3elie#e0 3ran& name is #er' im$ortant factor in consumer 3u'ing 3eha#ior0 thus it is a&#ise& that P+, shoul& "ork on the 3ran& image. Ho &ou3t P+, alrea&' has strong 3ran& name 3ut it has 6uite more to &o0 mainl' through a&#ertising0 to com$ete "ith Da"lance0 Haier, an& other local an& international 3ran&s.

Better Product *ttributes

)he com$an' shoul& a&& more features to their $ro&ucts. Peo$le are attracte& to"ar&s a $ro&uct "ith uni6ue features an& something that "oul& make the customers feel that the' ha#e got their mone'<s "orth.

-ncrease of *dvertising Budget

P+, more focus shoul& 3e on electronic me&ia to get com$etiti#e a&#antage o#er the com$etitors. )he' ha#e to increase their a&#ertising 3u&get more.

Seasonal Sc$emes ) !ift ,ouc$ersC

(ntro&uction of seasonal schemes can hel$ to 3oost sales like Ae&&ing Packages0 free gift #ouchers in +i&s0 etc.

=evolutionary C$anges in *dvertising T$emes

)he com$an' shoul& change the a&#ertising theme $erio&icall' an& if necessar' the' coul& also change slogan to attract an& for the attention of customers. )he' shoul& sho" some creati#it' in all $romotional acti#ities 3' intro&ucing some catch' Slogans an& interacti#e me&ia cam$aigns to a&&ress $u3lic o$inion.

Home Appliance Brand Perception

This questionnaire is developed to find out the brand perception of home electric appliance, and the perception of the customer about beliefs while purchasing it. i.e., Refrigerator, microwave oven, washing machine, air conditioner, and condenser, etc

(nternshi$ Re$ort on *Pak +lektron ,imite&-


Gender Male Female Age 1 !"# "#!$" $$!%1 %"!above &ccupation 'ouse wife (usiness man )mplo*ed +nemplo*ed ,tudent &ther.our monthl* income lies in /ero ! "#,000 "#,000 ! #0,000 #0,000 ! 1#,000 1#,000 ! Above Are *ou reall* willing to opt. 2ocal (rand 3nternational (rand .our favorite (rand in home appliance 'aier 4)2 5awlance &rient &ther-

S'e& Shaheer Hassan Ri.#i

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(nternshi$ Re$ort on *Pak +lektron ,imite&-


'ow did *ou get to 6now about *our favorite brand7 5ealer 8ord of mouth Advertisement 3nternet 4ersonal e9perience &ther,elect the name of home appliance compan*: in which *ou are reall* inspire with their commercial advertisement 'aier 4)2 5awlance &rient &ther8hich t*pe of advertisement is appealing according to *our mind setup )nvironmental ; <orporate ad <omputer graphic ; Funn* ad 4roduct based ad '*giene ; 4roduct based ad &ther-

.ou ran6 the brand on basis of

2east 3mportat Ma9imum product range

,omewhat 3mportant


3mportan t

Most 3mportant

(nternshi$ Re$ort on *Pak +lektron ,imite&-


2east 3mportat >ualit* 4rice After sale service 5esigning ?)9ternal Appearance@ Features ?3nternal Appearance@ Advertisement ,ale person view

,omewhat 3mportant


3mportan t

Most 3mportant

8hile purchasing home appliances, how much ran6 *ou give to followings-

S'e& Shaheer Hassan Ri.#i

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2east 3mporta nt (rand =ame Advertisemen t ,ale person view >ualit* 4rice After sale service 5esigning ?)9ternal Appearance@ Features ?3nternal Appearance@

,omewh at 3mportant

=eutr al

3mporta nt

Most 3mporta nt

(nternshi$ Re$ort on *Pak +lektron ,imite&-


S'e& Shaheer Hassan Ri.#i

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(nternshi$ Re$ort on *Pak +lektron ,imite&-


)hanks an& 2et Regar&s0 S'e& Shaheer Hassan Ri.#i

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