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Aircraft High brake temperature issues 1.


While most of Airbus operators o!"t ha#e a!$ problem %ith the temperature of the brakes i! e#er$ a$ operatio!& some are sometimes e!cou!teri!g high brake temperatures a! are %orrie about that. These co!cer!s are comi!g from some brake %ar!i!g occurre!ces sai to be too !umerous a! that ma$ cause a bur e! to some operators. The$ are also amplifie b$ recomme! atio!s of some brake ma!ufacturers regar i!g operatio! of carbo! brakes !ot totall$ e! orse b$ Airbus I! ustrie. The purpose of this paper is to re#ie% #arious aspects eali!g %ith high brake temperatures. '. (rotectio! agai!st high brake temperature '.1. Regulatio! re)uireme!ts

Regar i!g the protectio! of e)uipme!t o! la! i!g gear a! i! %heel %ells& regulatio! *+AR ',.-'. *f// re)uires that0

12)uipme!t that is esse!tial to safe operatio! of the airpla!e a! that is locate o! the la! i!g gear a! i! %heel %ells must be protecte from amagi!g effects of0 A bursti!g tire *see AC+ ',.-'. *f//3 A loose tire trea u!less it is sho%! that a loose tire trea ca!!ot cause amage3 a! (ossible %heel brake temperature *see AC+ ',.-'. *f//1

The ACJ 25.729(f) reads: " The use of fusible plugs in the wheels is not a o!plete safeguard against da!age due to tire e"plosion. #here bra$e o%erheating ould be da!aging to the stru ture of& or e'uip!ent in& the wheel wells& an indi ation of bra$e te!perature should be pro%ided to warn the pilot." (egarding fla!!able fluid fire prote tion& JA( 25.)*+ (a) !entions that "in ea h area where fla!!able fluids or %apours !ight es ape b, lea$age of a fluid s,ste!& there !ust be !eans to !ini!ise the probabilit, of ignition of the fluids and %apours& and the rele%ant ha-ards if ignition does o ur".

2.2. Airbus .ndustrie design philosoph,

'.'.1 4ai! la! i!g gear ba$ fire protectio! I! or er to fulfil these regulatio! re)uireme!ts& Airbus I! ustrie electe to i!corporate o! all the aircraft a 5RA62 HOT %ar!i!g associate %ith the appropriate brake temperature. The ob7ecti#e of the 5RA62 HOT %ar!i!g is to re! er a fire of h$ raulic origi! *i! case of leakage/ e8tremel$ remote %hile la! i!g gear is retracte . This %ar!i!g is !ormall$ triggere %he! a temperature of 9::;C is reache i! the hottest part of the brake heat pack. The temperature of 9::;C e!sures a! a e)uate margi! %ith the lo%est auto ig!itio! temperature of all h$ raulic flui s allo%e to be use i! the brake s$stem& !amel$ the H$7et I< or I<= %hose auto ig!itio! temperature is 9'>;C i! the co! itio!s of the test specificatio! *i! the real life& the auto ig!itio! temperature is belie#e to be ge!erall$ %ell abo#e/. The temperature i! icate to the pilot i! the cockpit associate %ith the 5RA62 HOT %ar!i!g epe! s o! the brake t$pe a! the locatio! of the probe temperature %ithi! the brake heat si!k. It #aries from 1?,;C to '>:;C o! steel brakes a! from '>:;C to @::;C o! carbo! brakes. Abo#e this #alue& the 5RA62 HOT %ar!i!g is triggere a! takeoff is !ot allo%e because a fire might occur after la! i!g gear retractio!& i! the e#e!t of a h$ raulic leakage. The publishe proce ures a! the 2CA4 re)uire the takeoff to be ela$e as lo!g as the %ar!i!g is triggere . It isappears 1:;C belo% the #alue triggeri!g the %ar!i!g e.g. '.:;C for a %ar!i!g set at @::;C. I! or er to achie#e a! acceptable le#el of safet$ for fire protectio! i! flight& Airbus I! ustrie has also take! a series of multifacete precautio!s for the complete aircraft i! a itio! to the 5RA62 HOT %ar!i!g me!tio!e abo#e. Ho%e#er some operators report that their operatio! is sometimes affecte b$ the time !ee e for cooli!g o%! the brakes ue to the brake temperature associate %ith this %ar!i!g *e.g. @::;C/ %hich is fou! rather lo%. It is also sometimes reporte that competitio! aircraft are less affecte b$ brake temperature tha! Airbus aircraft as it is me!tio!e later. '.'.'. 5rake fa!s co!si eratio! 5ecause of the abo#e me!tio!e philosoph$ a opte b$ Airbus I! ustrie& i.e. to pre#e!t fire i! the la! i!g gear ba$ after la! i!g gear retractio!& the 5RA62 HOT %ar!i!g ma$ !ormall$ appear )uite regularl$ at la! i!g epe! i!g o! operati!g co! itio!s. This %ar!i!g is pro!e to reappear uri!g ta8i out if brakes ha#e !ot bee! coole o%! e!ough before lea#i!g the gate& particularl$ %he! lo!g ta8i times are a!ticipate o! co!geste airports ue to the !ee of e8te!si#el$ usi!g the brakes uri!g ta8i. The brake fa!s are propose to impro#e heat issipatio! a! brake cooli!g. 5$ re uci!g the time for cool o%!& the$ pre#e!t a takeAoff ela$ o! short tur!Aarou! . I! ee & Airbus I! ustrie esig!s the aircraft to ha#e the brake fa!s !ecessar$ for short tur! arou! . This pre#e!ts o#erAsiBi!g the brakes a! thus limits the tra!sport of u!!ecessar$ e8tra %eight.

Therefore& brake fa!s shoul be co!si ere as part of the braki!g s$stem speciall$ %he! short tur!Aarou! times are re)uire b$ the operatio!. With brake fa!s i!stalle !o tur!Aarou! time limitatio! is a!ticipate . Operators usi!g brake fa!s !e#er report problems %ith hot brakes. '.'.@. 5rake fa!s operatio! 28cept for brakes ma!ufacture b$ A5C *Aircraft 5raki!g C$stem/& the temperature i! icate i! the cockpit %he! the brake fa!s are ru!!i!g is sig!ifica!tl$ lo%er tha! the temperature i! icate brake fa!s ODD. This is because the brake fa!s are #e!tilati!g the brake temperature se!sor that is !ot locate i!si e the material itself *carbo! or steel/. Therefore& as soo! as brake fa!s are ru!!i!g& the i! icate brake temperature ecreases almost i!sta!ta!eousl$ *e8cept A5C/. Cimilarl$& it %ill take se#eral mi!utes for the i! icate temperature to rise a! to match the actual brake temperature %he! brake fa!s are s%itche ODD. Dor all brake t$pes *e8cept A5C/& %he! the fa!s are ru!!i!g& the iffere!ce ra!ges t$picall$ from appro8imatel$ ,:;C at 1::;C actual brake temperature up to about 1,:;C at @::;C actual brake temperature. As a co!se)ue!ce& if the 5RA62 HOT %ar!i!g is acti#ate 7ust before takeoff& the 2CA4 %ill re)uest to select brake fa!s if i!stalle a! to ela$ the takeoff. Whe! fa!s are selecte & the %ar!i!g %ill isappear i!sta!ta!eousl$ but the takeoff must be ela$e u!til the i! icate temperature ecreases co!siste!tl$ belo% 1,:;C *for a %ar!i!g set at @::;C/. The! the brake fa!s shoul be s%itche ODD for takeoff. This is %ell ocume!te i! the DCO4. Notes0 5rake fa!s shoul !ot be use uri!g takeoff a! la! i!g roll to a#oi foreig! ob7ect amage to the fa!s a! the brakes at high spee . If !ot alrea $ selecte ODD& brake fa!s are automaticall$ s%itche ODD %he! la! i!g gear is retracte . If 5RA62 HOT %ar!i!g appears after la! i!g gear retractio!& the la! i!g gear shoul be e8te! e & if performa!ce permits& to allo% cooli!g i! flight as re)ueste b$ 2CA4 a! publishe proce ures. Ho%e#er this shoul !ot happe! if DCO4 publishe Cta! ar Operati!g (roce ures are a here to. 5rakes fa!s ma$ be s%itche ON o! A@:: a! A@1: aircraft as the$ ha#e pro#e to i!crease cooli!g efficie!c$ i! flight. O! other Airbus aircraft the cooli!g efficie!c$ of the fa!s i! flight is margi!al.

'.@. Desig! philosoph$ a opte b$ some other ma!ufacturers

As me!tio!e abo#e& it is sometimes reporte that some competitio! aircraft are less affecte b$ brake temperature tha! Airbus aircraft. This is because a iffere!t philosoph$ regar i!g protectio! agai!st flammable flui s %as a opte . Dor e8ample the last certifie %i e bo $ aircraft of the competitio! i!corporates a 5RA62 T24( %ar!i!g acti#ate %ith a!

i! icate temperature e)ui#ale!t to ,@?;C *label , i! icate b$ the 5rake Temperature 4o!itori!g C$stem/. Ho%e#er this %ar!i!g is mea!t to co#er o!l$ the tire eflatio!& i.e. abo#e this #alue the tire fuse plugs ma$ melt. U!like o! Airbus aircraft& !o %ar!i!g e8ists o! this competitio! aircraft to pre#e!t a possible fire i! the la! i!g gear ba$ after la! i!g gear retractio!. The protectio! regar i!g flammable flui fire is 1e!sure 1 b$ a fire etectio! s$stem i!stalle i! the la! i!g gear ba$ that triggers a E2AR W2FF DIR2 %ar!i!g associate %ith a proce ure re)uesti!g la! i!g gear e8te!sio! to e8ti!guish the fire. Airbus I! ustrie i !ot a opt this philosoph$ because0 A fire co!fi!e to the brakes ma$ possibl$ be e8ti!guishe b$ la! i!g gear e8te!sio! i! flight but it is oubtful that gear e8te!sio! coul stop a! h$ raulic fire associate %ith a pipe leak i! the gear ba$ as the oors %ill close a! particularl$ %ithout fire suppressio! s$stem i!stalle . Ha#i!g a possible ,::;C heat source close to fuel ce!ter ta!k after gear retractio! is !ot a esirable situatio! a! %ill probabl$ be !o lo!ger accepte b$ the air%orthi!ess authorities for future aircraft. 5RA62 T24( %ar!i!g threshol oes !ot al%a$s protect agai!st a possible lack i! re7ecte takeoff performa!ce *see (erforma!ce co!si eratio!s %ith hot brakes here after/ @. (2RDOR4ANC2 CONCID2RATIONC WITH HOT 5RA62C @.1. Regulatio! re)uireme!ts

(rese!t regulatio! re)uires performa!ce achie#eme!ts to be emo!strate %ith efi!e brake co! itio!s %hich o !ot i!clu e high brake temperature. Ne#ertheless& e#er$bo $ k!o%s that braki!g performa!ce ge!erall$ ecreases at high brake temperature. This is particularl$ the case regar i!g the ma8imum e!erg$ that a brake ca! absorb. Therefore all aircraft ma!ufacturers performe the re)uire re7ecte takeoff performa!ce tests %ith the brakes at the temperature re)uire b$ certificatio! rules *DAA flight test gui e AC ',A-/. Dor emo!stratio! of the ma8imum brake e!erg$& regulatio! re)uires 4TOW co! itio!s& @ miles ta8i %ith all e!gi!es operati!g a! @ ta8i full stops correspo! i!g to about 1:G of the ma8imum e!erg$ take! out of the brakes prior to performi!g the test. This lea s i! practical to a! i! icate brake temperature arou! 1,:;C at the begi!!i!g of the brake applicatio!. Ho%e#er& Airbus I! ustrie !e#er performe such a test starti!g %ith the brake temperature at the 5RA62 HOT %ar!i!g *i.e. @::;C for most of the brakes/ !or other aircraft ma!ufacturers i it at the 5RA62 T24( %ar!i!g *e.g. ,@?;C/. @::;C bei!g for *most/ Airbus aircraft the ma8imum authoriBe i! icate brake temperature for takeoff& %hile !o %ar!i!g %oul pre#e!t pilots of the abo#e me!tio!e competitio! aircraft to takeoff 7ust belo% ,@?;C.

@.'. 4a8imum brake e!erg$ assessme!t

As me!tio!e abo#e& the ma8imum e!erg$ that a heat pack ca! absorb ecreases %ith its temperature a! !o tests ha#e bee! performe up to the ma8imum allo%e brake temperature e.g. @::;C. Ha#i!g that i! mi! & the )uestio! that ca! be !aturall$ aske is %hether or !ot it is al%a$s possible to takeoff at the ma8imum brake temperature allo%e for takeoff as per the Airpla!e Dlight 4a!ual. To correctl$ a!s%er this )uestio!& the follo%i!g shoul be co!si ere . @.'.1. Wor! brake issues The e!erg$ that a brake is capable to absorb epe! s also o! the %eight of its heat pack. Co!se)ue!tl$ a %or! brake %ill be able to absorb less e!erg$ tha! a !e% o!e. O!l$ aircraft certifie follo%i!g the soAcalle +AA 1post Ame! me!t 9'1 ha#e emo!strate their capabilit$ to sustai! the ma8imum e!erg$ %ith 1::G %or! brakes. The re)uireme!t is to emo!strate a re7ecte takeoff at ma8imum e!erg$ %ith a .:G %or! brake a! a be!ch test %ith 1::G %or! brakes %ithout fire %ithi! , mi!utes after fi!al stop. No cre it for re#erse thrust is co!si ere . All Airbus aircraft certifie after the A@': e!tr$ i!to ser#ice& i.e. the A@9:& A@@:& A@'1& A@1. *a! A@': %ith the commo! A@1.HA@': 4essier or 5D Eoo rich C2(CAR5 III carbo! brakes fitte o! A@': si!ce the A@1. e!tr$ i!to ser#ice/ ha#e bee! certifie follo%i!g this rule a! ha#e thus emo!strate their capabilit$ to sustai! ma8imum e!erg$ %ith 1::G %or! brakes *but %ith i!itial brake temperature arou! 1,:;C as e8plai!e abo#e/. The certificatio! of all pre#ious aircraft t$pes& i.e. A@::& A@1:& i!itial A@':& i !ot re)uire a!$ test regar i!g %or! brakes. Ne#ertheless& the esig! specificatio! of the i!itial A@': brakes re)uire a be!ch test emo!stratio! of the ma8imum e!erg$ %ith 1::G %or! brakes. Durthermore& DAA issue a fe% $ears ago a! Air%orthi!ess Directi#e *AD/ that re)uires assessme!t of brake %ear limits %ith respect to brake e!erg$ capabilit$ for most of large tra!sport aircraft i!clu i!g A@::HA@1:HA@': aircraft. The gui eli!es for #ali ati!g brake %ear limits for aircraft co!cer!e & allo%e cre it for the use of re#erse thrust %ith a critical e!gi!e i!operati#e. Therefore ha#i!g fulfille this AD& all the A@::& A@1: a! A@': aircraft ca! be sai to be able to sustai! a ma8imum e!erg$ re7ecte takeoff %ith 1::G %or! brakes a! %ith thrust re#erses operati#e *%ith brakes at ambie!t temperature/. Dor A@@:& A@9:& A@'1& A@1. a! A@': si!ce A@1. 2IC thrust re#erses are of course !ot !ee e to sustai! ma8imum e!erg$ %ith full$ %or! brakes ue to 1post ame! me!t 9' certificatio!1. It has to be !ote that the 4essier or 5D Eoo rich carbo! brakes that are fitte o! A@': pro uctio! li!e si!ce A@1. 2IC a! that are !o% a#ailable for retrofit& are of the same t$pe as those fitte o! A@1. *C2(CAR5 III carbo! brakes/ a! ha#e thus bee! certifie as per this 1::G %or! rule. Therefore a safet$ margi! is a e o! these A@': aircraft mo els. It ma$ also be !otice that the certificatio! of the i!itial A@': mo els& i!clu e the full Ame! me!t 9' applicatio! %hich co!si ers that the aircraft accelerates for ' seco! s after

<1 before brake applicatio!& i!stea of the ' seco! s at co!sta!t spee i!clu e i! the !e% post Ame! me!t 9'. The Ame! me!t 9' is more pe!aliBi!g. It is estimate that it is e)ui#ale!t o! A@': at about a , 4+ pe!alt$. @.'.'. 5rake thermal characteristics The follo%i!g tables gi#e e8amples of brake thermal characteristics pro#i e b$ some brake ma!ufacturers a! i! icate the i!itial temperature at %hich the ma8imum e!erg$ ca! be absorbe . This ata has bee! etermi!e follo%i!g a thermal a!al$sis o!l$ a! are !ot the result of a!$ tests. Data for effect of re#erse thrust a! brake %ear are also gi#e!. Cteel brakes A@:: H A@1: Aircraft 4a!ufacturer 4o ificatio! 2!erg$Htempera ture co!#ersio! factor *;CH4+Hbrake/ Temp. %ar!i!g *;C/ Certifie e!erg$ *4+Hbrake/ Ne% brakeH!o re#erse I Ne% brakeH%ith re#erse I Wor! brakeH%ith re#erse I A@:: 5' 4essi er 5asic 1: A@::59 4essi er 5asic ? 5e! i8 '@?@ . A@1: Eoo ri ch '>>@ 4essi er 5asic ? A@::A>:: 5e! i 4essi 8 er @'1. -., 5asic . 5e! i 8 9?.? -.,

1?, ,?.9 ,: 1:: ,:

1?, -> ,: 1:: ,:

'', -> ,: 1:: ,:

1?, -> ,: 1:: ,:

'1: >9 1@: 1.: .:

'>: >, 1': 1.: 1::

'1: -> 1:: 1,: ,:

'>: -,: 1:: ,:

I I!itial temperature *;C/ at %hich e!erg$ ma8 ca! be absorbe

Carbo! brakes A@:: H A@1:

Aircraft 4a!ufacturer

A@::5 9 4essie r

A@1: 4essi er 4essie Foral r A5C 4essier

A@::A>:: 4essier

4o ificatio!








2!erg$Htemperatur e co!#ersio! factor 1' *;CH4+Hbrake/ Temp. %ar!i!g *;C/ Certifie e!erg$ *4+Hbrake/ Ne% brakeH!o re#erse I Ne% brakeH%ith re#erse I Wor! brakeH%ith re#erse I @:: -> 1@: '1: 11:

1, @:: -' 1,: '@: 1@:

1, @:: -' 1,: '@: 1@:

1, @:: -' 1?: '?: -:

1@ @:: -' 1,, '9: 1@:

1' @:: ?1 ,: 1@: ':

1' @:: ?1 ,: 1@: ':

I I!itial temperature *;C/ at %hich e!erg$ ma8 ca! be absorbe

Carbo! brakes A@': *i!itial carbo! CA@D/

4a!ufacturer 4o ificatio! Temp. %ar!i!g *;C/ Certifie e!erg$ *4+Hbrake/ Ne% brakeH!o re#erse I Ne% brakeH%ith re#erse I Wor! brakeH%ith re#erse I

4essi er 5ogie @:: @, '1: '.: 1':

4essier H 5D Eoo rich Diabolo @:: >. 1.: '?: 1?:

I I!itial temperature *;C/ at %hich e!erg$ ma8 ca! be absorbe

Carbo! brakes A@@:HA@9:



5asic 1,:: F(O 4o ificatio! 2!erg$Htempera ture co!#ersio! factor *;CH4+Hbrake/ Temp. %ar!i!g *;C/ Certifie e!erg$ *4+Hbrake/ Ne% brakeH!o re#erse I Ne% brakeH%ith re#erse I ',:: F(O

Ero%th 1,:: F(O ',:: F(O

9,@.1 9,@.: 9,@.' 9,.,:





@:: 1:, '@: @::

@:: 1:, '>, '.: '>:

@:: 1:, '@: @:: '@,

@:: 1:, '>, '.: '>:

Wor! brakeH%ith '@, re#erse I

I I!itial temperature *;C/ at %hich e!erg$ ma8 ca! be absorbe

4a!ufacturer 5asic 1,:: F(O 4o ificatio! 2!erg$Htemperature co!#ersio! factor *;CH4+Hbrake/ Temp. %ar!i!g *;C/ Certifie e!erg$ *4+Hbrake/ Ne% brakeH!o re#erse I Ne% brakeH%ith re#erse I Wor! brakeH%ith re#erse I

52NDIJ *AFFI2D CIENAF/ Ero%th ',:: F(O 9:.1' 1:.9 @:: 1:, ',, @@: '>, 1,:: F(O 9'-,: 1:.' @:: 1:, '>, @,: '', ',:: F(O 9@'@. 1:.9 @:: 1:, @>: 9-: @-, 9@'@1:.' @:: 1:, @-, 9., @@:

I I!itial temperature *;C/ at %hich e!erg$ ma8 ca! be absorbe



5asic 1,:: F(O 4o ificatio! 2!erg$Htempera ture co!#ersio! factor *;CH4+Hbrake/ Temp. %ar!i!g *;C/ Certifie e!erg$ *4+Hbrake/ Ne% brakeH!o re#erse I Ne% brakeH%ith re#erse I

Ero%th 1,:: F(O 911'>=99 19: 1,:: F(O 9@'@ 9@'@?=99 ? 19:




@:: 1:, 1.: '9:

@:: 1:, 1?: '@, '@:

@:: 1:, ':: ',, ',,

Wor! brakeH%ith '9: re#erse I

I I!itial temperature *;C/ at %hich e!erg$ ma8 ca! be absorbe

Thus& %he! the i! icate brake temperature is higher tha! the abo#eAme!tio!e figures& the brakes are theoreticall$ !ot capable of absorbi!g the ma8imum e!erg$ for %hich the$ ha#e bee! certifie . It ca! be see! that there is a large scatter i! the figures. 5rakes certifie follo%i!g the %or! rule& i.e. A@@:HA@9:& sho% better #alues.

Although abo#e me!tio!e figures ha#e to be co!si ere %ith cautio!& it ca! be assesse that %ith brakes at the temperature %ar!i!g0 Come aircraft o!l$& ca! sustai! the ma8imum e!erg$& %ith !e% brakes a! the use of re#erse thrust& *1 re#erser o! t%i!& ' re#ersers o! A@9:/ De% aircraft are capable to sustai!i!g it %ith brakes full$ %or! a! the use of re#erse thrust <er$ fe% aircraft ca! sustai! it %ithout re#erse thrust a! !e% brakes (ossibl$ !o!e ca! sustai! it %ithout re#erse thrust a! %or! brakes *although !ot me!tio!e i! the tables/ @.'.@. 4argi!s 5ehi! the figures gi#e! i! the tables abo#e& specialists agree that the$ are some margi!s that coul be etermi!e o!l$ b$ costl$ tests that ha#e !ot bee! co! ucte because !ot re)uire b$ regulatio!. Cuch a margi! has bee! e#i e!ce for e8ample %he! performi!g re7ecte take off test at

ma8imum e!erg$ o! the A@9: fitte %ith 5D Eoo rich brakes. The mea! e!erg$ *i!a #erte!tl$/ achie#e %as 11' 4+Hbrake *i!stea of 1:,/ %ith some brakes ha#i!g absorbe more *up to 1': 4+/& a! this %ithout a!$ problem. Ho%e#er& the brake ma!ufacturer i !ot perform $!amometer tests abo#e 1:, 4+. This lea s us to be sure that a ma8imum e!erg$ margi! e8ists i! postAAme! me!t 9' brakes before performa!ce is sig!ifica!tl$ egra e or e!gulfi!g fire risk after stop is sig!ifica!tl$ i!crease . Ho%e#er& this margi! has !ot bee! )ua!tifie . @.'.9. Re7ecte take off probabilit$ The probabilit$ !ot to be able to sustai! a ma8imum e!erg$ re7ecte takeoff shoul be also co!si ere . The probabilit$ to perform a highAe!erg$ re7ecte takeoff *high %eight at a spee close to <1/ is arou! 1:A, per flight hour. The probabilit$ of ha#i!g all brakes %or! a! the probabilit$ of loosi!g thrust re#ersers are assume to be arou! 1:A' per flight hour each. Therefore the probabilit$ of bei!g u!able to sustai! a re7ecte takeoff i! this case is arou! 1:A. thus 1e8tremel$ improbable1 as referre b$ both DAR a! +AR regulatio!s from 1:A. per flight hour a! be$o! . Durthermore if %e co!si er that the probabilit$ of ha#i!g brakes hot is lo%& the resulti!g probabilit$ is %ell be$o! the 1:A. per flight hour. @.'.,. Airbus I! ustrie positio! Certificatio! tests regar i!g ma8imum brake e!erg$ ha#e bee! co! ucte as re)uire b$ applicable regulatio!& i.e. up to about 1,:;C& a! %ith !e% brakes for A@::5'H59& A@1:& A@::A>:: a! i!itial A@': a! %ith %or! brakes for others *A@9:& A@@:& A@'1& A@1. a! last A@':/. The Airpla!e Dlight 4a!ual allo%s takeAoff %ith a brake temperature up to the 5RA62AHOT %ar!i!g e.g. @::;C for carbo! brakes. The air%orthi!ess authorities ha#e gra!te this because the probabilit$ to be abo#e the #alue of the certificatio! tests *about 1,:;C/ %as 7u ge remote. Ha#i!g iscusse all abo#eAme!tio!e items& a! %ithout a itio!al certificatio! re)uireme!t i! term of brake temperature& Airbus I! ustrie %ill tr$ to get refi!e ata from the brakes ma!ufacturers. It is also !ot operatio!all$ realistic to gi#e recomme! atio!s as a fu!ctio! of the brake t$peHmo el i!stalle o! the aircraft.

Therefore Airbus I! ustrie positio! is that it is allo%e to takeoff up to the 5RA62 HOT %ar!i!g but it is recomme! e & as far as practical& to keep the brakes cool for takeoff.

Respect the tur!Aarou! charts publishe i! the A@::HA@1: DCO4& as ata for these aircraft are base o! !e% brakes o!l$. Cuch charts ha#e !ot bee! publishe for the other aircraft t$pe because there are more margi!s ue to the %or! brake certificatio! a! the use of

re#erse thrust. Drom the iscussio! abo#e& a! as far as ma8imum e!erg$ is co!cer!e & %ith tests performe at about 1,:;C it ca! be co!clu e that0 With the help of the re#erse thrust& %e ca! most of the time cope %ith a takeAoff at @::;C speciall$ %ith carbo! brakes

We o!"t k!o% %hat coul be the result& for a ma8imum e!erg$ re7ecte takeoff %ith brakes at a temperature abo#e @::;C *as allo%e abo#e ,::;C for e8ample o! competitor aircraft/ %ith certificatio! tests o!e as re)uire b$ regulatio! i.e. about 1,:;C. (ossibl$ the a!s%er is 7ust that the probabilit$ to be i! this situatio! is 1e8tremel$ improbable1& but it is highl$ probable that %ell abo#e @::;C& the performa!ce egra atio! a! the fire risk i!crease co!se)ue!tl$.


9.1. Carbo! brakes life

5ecause of high price of carbo! brakes a! because some operators obtai! brake life results belo% %hat %as promise b$ brake ma!ufacturers Airbus I! ustrie a! brake ma!ufacturers are re)ueste to gi#e recomme! atio!s for brake sa#i!g. Whe! %e look at the carbo! brake ser#ice life status publishe b$ iffere!t brake ma!ufacturers& %e ma$ obser#e a large scatter. The !umber of la! i!g per o#erhaul *F(O/ obtai!e b$ the 1best1 operator is t%ice to three times the !umber of F(O achie#e b$ the 1%orst1 operator3 a! this for a!$ aircraft a! brake t$pe. Therefore most of the brake ma!ufacturers co! ucte tests a! stu ies i! or er to u! ersta! %h$ such iffere!ces e8ist a! to etermi!e parameters that affect carbo! brake life. Come of them are gi#i!g recomme! atio!s to operate the brakes. 5rake temperature has bee! etermi!e b$ certai! brake ma!ufacturers mai!l$ %ith laborator$ tests& as bee! o!e of the parameters ha#i!g a! effect o! carbo! brake life. I! real life& it is )uite impossible to isolate from the other parameters the temperature effect alo!e. As a remi! er mai! parameters suppose to affect brake %ear are me!tio!e belo%. 9.'. (arameters affecti!g brake life

9.'.1. 4ai!te!a!ce practices The brake life is of course ma8imiBe b$ keepi!g them o! the aircraft as lo!g as possible.

It is thus recomme! e to appl$ all e8te!sio! life co!cepts e#elope b$ brake ma!ufacturers *e.g. life e8te!sio! shim co!cept e#elope b$ 4essier/. It is recomme! e to use the brakes up to flush %ear pi!. Ho%e#er& %he! the %ear pi! is flushe & the heat pack is full$ %or! a! the brake must be replace . Criteria for brake remo#al at the mai! base shoul be e#elope . Dor e8ample& is the remai!i!g %ear pi! le!gth is fou! to be @mm. If the a#erage recor i!g of the operator is 1>:: F(O %ith a >, mm heat pack %ear le!gth& the %ear rate is so etermi!e to be 1>::0>, L '9.> la! i!gs per mm. Therefore the remai!i!g @mm %ear pi! allo%s -@ la! i!gs before the !e8t #isit to the mai!te!a!ce base. 9.'.'. Area of operatio! a! climatic co! itio!s Come brake ma!ufacturers *e.g. 4essier/ report that the %ear rate ecreases as a fu!ctio! of the absolute humi it$0 hot a! humi climate fa#ors the carbo! brake life. 5est results i! term of carbo! brake life are obtai!e b$ airli!es operati!g i! the southAeast Asia regio!. 9.'.@. Number of brake applicatio!s The !umber of brake applicatio!s is efi!iti#el$ recog!iBe as bei!g the mai! parameter go#er!i!g carbo! brakes %ear. This is e#i e!ce b$ the fact that airli!es operati!g from H to co!geste airports %hich fa#or multiple brake applicatio!s at ta8i sho% a ':G to @:G brake life ecrease.

9.'.9. 2!erg$ All ma!ufacturers agree that the e!erg$ is !ot the primar$ parameter for carbo! brake %ear %hile it is the most importa!t o!e for steel brakes

T$pical spectrum of brake %ear #ersus e!erg$ 9.'.,. 5rake temperature It is ge!erall$ a mitte that the best co! itio! for carbo! brake %ear is %he! the brakes are slightl$ %arm as sho%! i! the follo%i!g graph.

T$pical spectrum of carbo! %ear rate #ersus temperature

9.@. 5rake ma!ufacturers recomme! atio!s

Ha#i!g all this ata i! mi! & some brake ma!ufacturers are gi#i!g recomme! atio!s to certai! operators achie#i!g poor results i! term of carbo! brake life. These recomme! atio!s are li!ke %ith the parameters that ma$ be i!flue!ce b$ pilot operati!g proce ures. 4ai! recomme! atio!s of certai! carbo! brakes ma!ufacturers are ge!erall$ as follo%s0 A mi!imiBe !umber of brake applicatio!s A i!crease brake temperature for ta8i

I! or er to i!crease brake temperature for ta8i& the$ recomme! for la! i!g0 A !ot to select full re#erse A use autobrake 42D or FOW A mi!imiBe the use of brake fa!s uri!g ta8i

No! selectio! of full re#erse thrust at la! i!g is recomme! e b$ some brake ma!ufacturers because it partl$ pre#e!ts brake applicatio! %he! FOW autobrake is selecte as sho%! o! the graph belo%. Of course& this %oul pre#e!t brake temperature i!crease.

Decelerati!g forces istributio! uri!g la! i!g stop M A@': t$pical

9.9. Airbus I! ustrie recomme! atio!s

Airbus I! ustrie prese!tl$ oes !ot totall$ agree %ith all of the abo#eAme!tio!e recomme! atio!s. This has bee! e8plai!e uri!g #arious Operatio!s Fiaiso! meeti!gs a! to most of the brake ma!ufacturers themsel#es. The reaso! is that these recomme! atio!s are o!l$ go#er!e b$ eco!omic aspect& %hile our first co!cer! is safet$.

Airbus I! ustrie totall$ agrees %ith the first recomme! atio! i.e. 1mi!imiBe the !umber of brake applicatio!s1 as the !umber of brake applicatio!s is recog!iBe as bei!g the mai! parameter go#er!i!g carbo! brakes %ear as me!tio!e earlier. Our Cta! ar Operati!g (roce ures i!clu e i! the DCO4 highlight this& a! recomme! !ot to 1ri e the brakes1& thus to rather let the spee i!crease up to @: kt at ta8i if the aircraft accelerates at grou! i le a! appl$ a firm braki!g to ecrease the spee o%! to 1: kt. Ci!gle e!gi!e ta8i *t%oAe!gi!e ta8i o! A@9:/ shoul also be co!si ere to ecrease thrust a! thus ecrease the ta8i spee . Associate proce ure is also publishe i! the DCO4.

Airbus I! ustrie oes !ot e! orse the seco! brake ma!ufacturers recomme! atio!& i.e. 1i!crease brake temperature for ta8i1& e#e! if %e o !ot iscuss the fact that this coul slightl$ impro#e carbo! brakes life *although some operators ha#e got #er$ goo results b$ keepi!g the brakes cool as much as possible/.

Dor safet$ reaso!s& %e o !ot appro#e this recomme! atio! because& i! or er to i!crease brake temperature& as i! icate earlier& the$ recomme! for la! i!g0 A !ot to select full re#erse A use autobrake 42D or FOW

A mi!imiBe the use of brake fa!s uri!g ta8i

We o recomme! the use of autobrake 42D or FOW at la! i!g %he! braki!g is !ecessar$& as this %oul re uce the !umber of brake applicatio!s to o!e. Ne#ertheless& %e belie#e that e8isti!g 42D is !ot optimiBe for comfort a! shoul be kept for short ru!%a$s or co!tami!ate H%et ru!%a$s o!l$.

As far as the use of re#erse thrust is co!cer!e & %e still recomme! selectio! of full re#erse *%he! authoriBe / mai!l$ because its ma8imum efficie!c$ is obtai!e at high spee . If !ot selecte at the begi!!i!g of the la! i!g roll& a selectio! of full re#erse thrust later o! if !ecessar$ ma$ !ot bri!g the e8pecte help.

Regar i!g brakes fa!s *if i!stalle /& %e recomme! to select them %he! a gree! arc is ispla$e o! the 2CA4 *1::;C i! icate / or at the gate at the latest. Come brakes ma!ufacturers recomme! !ot to select brake fa!s uri!g ta8i i!. We belie#e that selectio! of fa!s uri!g ta8i i! is irrele#a!t regar i!g their impact o! brake temperature uri!g ta8i i! ue to the lapse of time !ee e to cool o%! the brakes compare %ith usual ta8i i! time. I! ee & %e suspect that the mai! reaso! for recomme! i!g !ot to select brakes fa!s uri!g ta8i i! is to keep the brakes %arm for the !e8t takeoff. A!$%a$& getti!g the 5RA62 HOT %ar!i!g after la! i!g is !ot a! ab!ormal co! itio!. 28cept i! case of brake bi! i!g& %hich is %ell ocume!te i! the ocume!tatio!& it shoul be i!terprete as a! a #ice to mo!itor the temperature.

Although %e o !ot a!ticipate a!$ problem %ith %arm brakes uri!g ta8i i!& %e ca!!ot accept to recomme! s$stematic ta8i out %ith %arm brakes. The reaso!s are the follo%i!g0 A to a#oi acti#atio! of the 5RA62 HOT %ar!i!g 7ust prior to takeoff or after liftAoff FE up& ue to a itio!al *!o! a!ticipate / heat up uri!g ta8i out. If the %ar!i!g is acti#ate 7ust prior to takeoff& the takeoff must be ela$e . This ma$ cause problems for aircraft %aiti!g behi! $our aircraft. A to e!sure that a high e!erg$ re7ecte takeoff %ill be al%a$s sustai!e as iscusse earlier i! this paper. The takeoff is allo%e as per the AD4 %ith a temperature 7ust belo% @::;C. Ho%e#er& if %e follo% brakes ma!ufacturer recomme! atio!s& %e ma$ s$stematicall$ ha#e %arm brakes uri!g ta8i out a! %e %ill be s$stematicall$ abo#e the #alue of the certificatio! test *about 1,:;C/ a! thus& %e co!si er that %e are out of the frame of the certificatio! because the probabilit$ to ha#e hot brakes for takeoff %as 7u ge remote b$ the air%orthi!ess authorities.

We k!o% that some operators obtai! brake life results belo% %hat %as e8pecte a!

sometimes promise b$ brake ma!ufacturers. We belie#e that this is mai!l$ ue to their !et%ork. We agree that publishe proce ures shoul & as far as possible& take i!to accou!t the eco!omic aspect. This is %h$ %e i!sist o! the !umber of brake applicatio!s& %hich is b$ far the most importa!t factor for carbo! brakes %ear. 5ut for Airbus I! ustrie& the safet$ aspect is the primar$ co!cer!& a! %e ca!!ot e! orse recomme! atio!s& %hich& i! our opi!io!& o !ot fulfil this co!si eratio!. Of course& for the time bei!g Airbus oes !ot i!te! to ame! the proce ures to follo% brake ma!ufacturers recomme! atio!s.


Airbus I! ustrie is co!fi e!t i! the philosoph$ a opte to cope %ith mai! la! i!g gear ba$ fire protectio!. 5ecause of this philosoph$& a! because the brakes are tailore to the aircraft operatio!& high brake temperatures are sometimes e!cou!tere & but shoul !e#er cause operatio!al problems e#e! o! short tur! arou! if brake fa!s are fitte .

Dor safet$ reaso!s& a! u!til %e ha#e e#i e!ce that performa!ce is al%a$s e!sure up to the 5RA62 HOT %ar!i!g& %e o !ot agree %ith certai! brake ma!ufacturers recomme! atio!s a! speciall$ %e still recomme! 0 to select full re#erse thrust at la! i!g %he!e#er authoriBe to keep as far as possible the brakes reaso!abl$ cool for ta8i out.

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