1905-1940 The Struggle For Freedom: Partition of Bengal

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Partition of Bengal [19051911]

1905-1940 The Struggle for Freedom Partition of Bengal [19051911]

Simla Deputation [1906] Establishment of All n!ia "uslim #eague [1906] "into-"orle$ %eforms &he #u'(no) Pa't [1916] "ontague-*helmsfor! %eforms +hilafat "o,ement [1919-19-.] Simon *ommission [19-/] Delhi "uslim Proposals [19-/] 0ehru %eport [19-1] All Parties "uslim *onferen'e 2ourteen Points of "3 A3 4innah [19-9] Allahaba! A!!ress [1950] %oun! &able *onferen'es [195055] &he *ommunal A)ar! [195-] 6o,ernment of n!ia A't 1955 %ule of *ongress "inistries [195/-1959] &he !eolog$ of Pa(istan7 &)o0ation &heor$

Partition of Bengal

2in!ing the Bengal Presi!en'$ too large for one go,ernor to a!minister8 in 1905 the English !e'i!e! to re!ra) its boun!aries an! !i,i!e! it into t)o parts3 &he pro,in'es of Bengal an! Assam )ere re'onstitute! so as to form the t)o pro,in'es of manageable si9e3 :estern Bengal8 )ith a population of 5. million ;.- million <in!us an! 9 million "uslims=> an! Eastern Bengal an! Assam )ith a population of 51 million ;1- million <in!us an! 11 million "uslims=3 &he territor$ to be transferre! from

0a)ab "ohsin-ul-"ul(

0a)ab ?i@ar-ul-"ul( S$e! Ameer Ali "aulana Shau(at Ali Aga +han "aulana "uhamma! Ali 4ouhar Allama @bal *hou!har$ %ahmat Ali

Bengal to the ne) pro,in'e 'onsiste! of the !istri'ts of *hittagong an! Dha(a Di,isions8 %aAshahi Di,ision eB'lu!ing DarAeeling8 an! the Distri't of "al!a3 *ur9on8 the ?i'ero$ of n!ia8 sent the proposal to #on!on in 2ebruar$ 19053 &he Se'retar$ of State for n!ia St3 4ohn Bro!ri'h san'tione! it in 4une8 an! the pro'lamation of the formation of the ne) pro,in'e )as issue! in September3 &he pro,in'e of Bengal an! Assam 'ame into being on C'tober 16 19053 n'i!entall$8 the partition )ent in fa,or of the "uslims3 Before the partition8 :estern Bengal8 being the first area to 'ome un!er )estern influen'e8 )as !e,elope! an! in!ustriali9e!3 t )as a stri(ing 'ontrast to the eastern part )here the "uslim peasantr$ )as 'rushe! un!er the <in!u lan!lor!s8 the ri,er s$stem )as infeste! )ith pirates8 an! ,er$ fe) fun!s )ere allo'ate! for e!u'ation3 t )as !rea!e! as a pla'e of banishment3 &he partition helpe! boost Bengali literature an! language> efforts )ere also ma!e to)ar!s the so'ial8 e'onomi' an! e!u'ational uplift of the "uslims3 D 1 D - D 0eBtEE &his arti'le )as last up!ate! on Sun!a$8 4une 018 -005

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