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Vorbirea indirecta se foloseste pentru a relata cuvintele unei alte persoane. rincipalele cate!orii ale vorbirii indirecte sunt" afir#atii$ intero!atii$ co#en%i. A. Afir#atii. Trecerea de la afir#atii directe la afir#atii indirecte necesita cateva sc&i#bari in" '. ti#purile verbale 2. pronu#e si ad(ective ). adverbe '. Verbe. Verbele re!ulate sc&i#ba ti#pul doar cand verbul relatarii * say, tell, ask etc.+ este la trecut. Nu e,ista sc&i#bari de ti#p daca verbul relatarii nu este la trecut. Vorbirea directa Vorbirea indirecta -e al.a/s says" 01ane works too &ard.2 -e al.a/s says t&at 1ane works too &ard. -e is saying" 01ane works too &ard.2 -e is saying t&at 1ane works too &ard. -e will say" 01ane works too &ard.2 -e will say t&at 1ane works too &ard. Tabelul sc&i#barilor te#porale cand verbul relatarii este la trecut. Vorbirea directa Vorbirea indirecta -e said" 01ane works &ard.2 -e said t&at 1ane worked &ard. -e said" 01ane is working &ard.2 -e said t&at 1ane was working &ard. -e said" 01ane has worked &ard.2 -e said t&at 1ane had worked &ard. -e said" 01ane has been working -e said t&at 1ane had been working &ard.2 &ard. -e said" 01ane worked &ard.2 -e said t&at 1ane had worked. -e said" 01ane will work &ard.2 -e said t&at 1ane would work &ard. -e said" 01ane will be working &ard.2 -e said t&at 1ane would be working &ard. NOTA" Dar" -e said" 01ane would work &ard.2 -e said" 01ane would have worked &ard.2 -e said t&at 1ane would work &ard. -e said t&at 1ane would have worked &ard.

ATENTIE" Conditionalele la vorbirea indirecta ur#ea%a re!ulile" Vorbirea directa Vorbirea indirecta Tip 1" 1o said" 0If I listen$ I .ill learn.2 *usual c&an!e+ 1o said if s&e listened$ s&e .ould learn. Tip 2" 1o said" 0If I listened$ I .ould *no c&an!e+ 1o said if s&e listened$ s&e

learn.2 Tip 3" 1o said" 0If I &ad listened$ I .ould &ave learned.2

.ould learn. *no c&an!e+ 1o said if s&e &ad listened$ s&e .ould &ave learned.

Verbele #odale se #odifica in felul ur#ator" Vorbirea directa Vorbirea indirecta can could #a/ #i!&t .ill .ould s&all s&ould Celelalte verbe #odale nu isi #odifica for#a. Dora said" 0Tina can do it.2 *d+ Dora said t&at Tina could do it. *i+ I said" 0T&e/ ought to #ove it.2 *d+ I said t&at t&e/ ought to #ove it. *i+ ronu#ele si ad(ectivele se #odifica de la vorbirea directa la vorbirea indirecta. Iata tabelul #odificarilor" Vorbirea directa Vorbirea indirecta I &e3s&e #/ &is3&er #ine &is3&ers /ou I3&e3s&e3.e3t&e/ /our #/3&is3&er3our3t&eir /ours #ine3&is3&ers3ours3t&eirs .e t&e/ our t&eir ours t&eirs t&is3t&ese t&at3t&ose Ted said" 0I a# an!r/.2 *d+ Ted said t&at he .as an!r/. *i+ Al and Ti# said" 0T&ese seats are ours.2 *d+ Al and Ti# said t&at t&ose seats .ere theirs. *i+ Terr/ as4ed" 0-o. are you52 *d+ Terr/ as4ed &o. I .as. *i+ NOTA" Cand vorbitorul isi relatea%a propriile cuvinte$ pronu#ele si ad(ectivele ra#an nesc&i#bate. I said" 6I a# an!r/.2 *d+ I said I .as an!r/. *i+ ). Adverbele si e,presiile verbale se #odifica de la vorbirea directa la vorbirea indirecta. Iata tabelul #odificarilor" Vorbirea directa Vorbirea indirecta &ere t&ere$ in t&at place no. t&en$ at t&at ti#e toda/ t&at da/ 2.

/esterda/ t&e da/ before /esterda/ to#orro. t&e da/ after to#orro. an &our a!o a .ee4 a!o a #ont& a!o ne,t /ear ne,t .ee4 last #ont& last .ee4 -eidi said" 0It2s rainin! now.2 *d+ Ann said" 0I sa. &er yesterday.2 *d+

t&e da/ before t.o da/s before t&e da/ after in t.o da/s an &our before a .ee4 before a #ont& before t&e! /ear t&e! .ee4 a #ont& before a .ee4 before -eidi said it .as rainin! then. *i+ Ann said t&at s&e &ad seen &er the day before. *i+

NOTA" Alte verbe ale vorbirii indirecte pot fi" agree/refuse/offer/promise + INFINITIV " -arr/ said t&at &e .ould invite t&e#. 7 -arr/ agreed to invite t&e#. I said t&at I .ould not t&ro. it a.a/. 7 I refused to throw it a.a/. accuse/admit/apologize/deny + forma in -IN " -e said t&at &e &ad done it. 7 -e admitted doing it. -e said t&at &e &ad not done it. 7 -e denied doing it. add/answer/argue/complain/explain/object/protest/reply/remark " A#elia answered t&at s&e &ad not seen t&e#. Didn2t /ou reply t&at /ou didn2t care5 B. Intero!atii. Trecerea de la intero!atii directe la intero!atii indirecte cere aceleasi #odificari *ti#p verbal$ pronu#e si ad(ective$ adverbe+ ca si pentru afir#atii. '. topica verbelor intero!ative in intero!atia directa se #odifica in intero!atia indirecta devenind topica verbelor afir#ative" Ellie said" 08&ere do you live52 *d+ Ellie as4ed where I lived. *i+ I as4ed" 08&o did she go .it&52 *d+ I as4ed .&o she had gone .it&. *i+ 2. intero!atia directa nu poate folosi pe say9 folositi un verb cu sens intero!ativ$ cu# ar fi" ask, inquire, wonder etc. :att said" 08&/ is &e !oin! to do it52 *d+ :att wondered .&/ &e .as !oin! to do it. *i+ 8e said" 0-o. does it loo452 *d+ 8e asked &o. it loo4ed. *i+ ). folositi if in intero!atia indirecta atunci cand nu e,ista alt cuvant intero!ativ *who, why, where, what, when, how+" To# as4ed" 0Is Luc/ at &o#e52 *d+

To# as4ed if Luc/ .as &o#e. *i+ T&e/ as4ed" 0Do /ou s#o4e52 *d+ T&e/ as4ed *#e+ if I s#o4ed. *i+ C. Co#en%i *cereri si sfaturi+. Trecerea de la co#en%i$ cerinte si sfaturi directe la for#a lor indirecta ur#ea%a re!uli diferite. '. in constructia indirecta$ verbul este ur#at de complement + INFINITIV cu to" -e said" Claire, stand up! *d+ -e told Claire to stand up. *i+ T&e/ said" Come in, Kitty! *d+ T&e/ ordered Kitty to come in. *i+ 2. c&iar daca in co#anda directa nu este #entionat co#ple#entul$ la for#a indirecta este necesar un co#ple#ent prono#inal" -e said" 0;tand up<2 *d+ -e told he/him/us etc. to stand up. *i+ T&e/ said" 0Co#e in<2 *d+ T&e/ told me/her/them etc. to co#e in. *d+ ). pentru a reda o co#anda ne!ativa$ for#a indirecta pri#este pe not inaintea IN=INITIV>L>I" Barbara said" 0 ont touc&.2 *d+ Barbara as4ed &i#3us not to touch. *i+ Rita said" 0 ont !o s.i##in!$ 4ids<2 *d+ Rita told t&e 4ids not to go s.i##in!. *i+ ?. verbele folosite in co#en%i$ cereri$ sfaturi indirecte sunt" tell order advise command forbid invite remind re!uest warn ask I advised &i# to tell t&e trut&. 8e warned &i# not to call &er.

'. Treceti propo%itiile la vorbirea indirecta. '. Dad al.a/s sa/s" 08&en I .as /ou a!e$ I .ould earn t&e #one/ #/self.2 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. 2. I 4no. t&at Eileen .ill sa/" 0Bou s&ould ta4e care of /ourself.2 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. ). Darla told &er &usband" 0I2# startin! #/ ne. (ob to#orro..2 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. ?. T&e old #an co##ented" 0T&e .eat&er .ill c&an!e.2 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. C. T&e proverb sa/s" 0Not all t&at !litters is !old.2

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. D. T&e/ &ave recentl/ announced" 08e plan to !et #arried ne,t /ear.2 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. E. Alison ad#itted" 0I li4e Ale,$ too.2 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. F. T&e A#ericans li4e to sa/" 0Ti#e is #one/.2 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. G. T&e sales#an told #/ .ife" 0Our enc/clopedia &as al.a/s sold ver/ .ell.2 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. 'H. T&e teac&er pro#ised" 0I2ll correct /our papers b/ to#orro..2 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. 2. Treceti propo%itiile conditionale la vorbirea indirecta. '. :on said" 0If I can$ I2ll pic4 /ou up at sc&ool.2 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. 2. T&e union leader told t&e .or4ers" 0If t&e co#pan/ doesn2t increase /our salaries$ /ou .ill !o on stri4e.2 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. ). T&e aut&or told t&e audience" 0If /ou &ad read #/ last boo4$ /ou .ould &ave understood.2 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. ?. T&e priest al.a/s tells &is paris&ioners" 0If an/one read t&e Bible dail/$ it .ould be a better .orld.2 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. C. To# /elled at &is son" 0If /ou don2t loo4 out$ I2ll &it /ou.2 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. D. T&e la./er e,plained" 0If /our .ife &adn2t si!ned t&e contract$ /ou .ould &ave &ad /our #one/ bac4 last /ear.2 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. E. I told #/ dau!&ter" 0If /our roo# is #ess/$ /ou .ill not be allo.ed to !o out .it& /our friends.2 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. F. T&e candidate announced" 0If I a# elected$ I .ill i#prove sc&ools and ta,es.2 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. G. T&e &istorian insisted" 0If t&e .ar &ad lasted anot&er /ear$ t&e entire countr/ .ould &ave been destro/ed.2 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. 'H. T&e #an said" 0If A!assi .on$ &e .ould !et t&e cup.2

). Treceti propo%itiile la vorbirea indirecta *afir#atii$ intero!atii si co#en%i indirecte+. '. :r. 8atson ordered" 0=a, t&e letter i##ediatel/$ :iss :artin<2 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. 2. aul a!reed" 0It2s all true.2 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. ). :/ nei!&bour .ondered" 08ill :rs. -u,le/ be able to #ana!e alone52 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. ?. I2# sure :o# .ill be .onderin!" 08&ere in t&e .orld is &e52 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. C. T&e detective told t&e police captain" 0If I &ad 4no.n t&e$ I2d &ave sold t&e case earlier.2 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. D. 1anice said loudl/" 0 eople li4e t&at s&ould be loc4ed up.2 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. E. T&e fli!&t assistant told t&e passen!ers" 0fasten /our seatbelts and refrain fro# s#o4in! until landin!.2 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. F. T&e l/rics b/ ;inatra sa/" 0I .ant to do it #/ .a/.2 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. G. T&e lad/ as4ed t&e (e.eler" 08ould /ou #ind s&! #e t&e dia#ond bracelet in t&e .indo.52 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. 'H. I can .ell re#e#ber t&e #ornin! t&at t&e radio announced" 0T&e .ar &as ended<2 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.

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