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10 Rules to generate good projects

RULE N1. Have an idea

Yes, it may sound absurd, but its the first rule. Having an idea is an essential starting point for a great project. Ideas are flying around, up in the air, all over the place. You have to catch them. Some people need to be on their own to see them; others need to have people around them and others cant see them directly because their minds arent open enough It goes without saying, that without an idea, you wont get off the ground. HAVE AN IDEA is essential to start the project The ideas are flying Some people need to be alone ...

SOMETIMES IN COMPANY ideas come at times of relax

and others do not see

But without ideas there is no evolution

Rule N2. Resist the temptation

to tell your boss.

Yes, sometimes we can be very stupid. We have a big idea, a good one, and the first thing we try to do to boost our egos is something we certainly shouldnt. Dont do it! The second rule is telling you to bite your tongue! Your boss doesnt need to be the first to know; your boss should be the last to know, and the first to buy it! sometimes we dont face challeges the boss should be the last to know, but the first to buy...

rule N3. Find a friend

Oh, course-mates, how difficult it is to set up this task! Not only do you need to find a friend, but this friend, as well as having to put up with you on a daily basis, has to be willing to play with you. We adults are very picky about this playing business. It seems to make us happy. However, Peters points out something of great importance, We cannot innovate until we have something tangible to play with. So, youve got to find a friend who wants to play around with our idea

should find a friend ...

to play with him ...

rule n 4. We play and we learn

Perhaps a couple of McMenus is difficult, but in the end, the game is fun. Creating an idea is really exciting. Playing with it reveals the flaws, the strong points, the rules change in our favour Youve got to have fun creating a project. If not, it will be as boring as you were before rule n1

idea is to create an exciting

should be fun

Rule n5. Use your network to invite people to play your new game
Nows the time to massage your ego. Yes! Dont be scared, nothing is going to happen and we all like to say look what I invented. Nobody is going to see you in a bad light or undervalue your contribution. You might make some people a bit jealous. But steady on, great projects are a collective experience, so sit back and relax. Invite your course-mates and friends from your internal/external network to the organization so they can see your idea, try it, play around with it And this is a very important point. Get your name out there. Not in managerial circles, but among your peers. Tell your partners that youve got something big. This is your audience, the people who will follow you if your idea gets off the ground.

now you can completing the ego

invite your colleagues

something big is at hand!

Rule n6. Carry on experimenting and resist the temptation to tell your boss.
Just as important, if not more important, than rule n1. Whatever happens, while experimenting with the idea, while youre testing the water, DO NOT TELL YOUR BOSS!

whatever happens... do not tell your boss!

Rule n7. A friend of a friend

wants to play in your field

Great! Word of mouth gets around. Your project has earned credibility on an internal level because youve been playing with it for a while, but now, outsiders are expressing an interest clients, the supplier you eat with once a month they like what youre doing, its interesting. Have they spoken to you about it? No, no, Im still thinking about it but Do you like the idea? if we get it up and running, do you want us to keep you in mind? Would be willing to hire it? Yes my friends, the sales campaign is beginning.

word of mouth is effective

now interested outsiders

Rule n8. The enemy of a friend of the supplier want to engage in a battlefield
Theres a purchaser. Theres someone whos seen the potential. You have solid references, your peers have played and theyve had fun happiness spreads faster than fear, so the client of the client has heard laughter down the phone Now is the moment. The rumour starts spreading throughout the organization, everyone knows youve got something in your hands.

there is a buyer

the rumor starts to spread

Rule n9. You join the clan

Now is the time. Now, at step n 9, is the time to tell your boss. Beforehand? No chance. Now. Get your clan-bosses to push the idea higher. Make sure you remember and name all those who played with you at McDonalds Those who carried the crown, those who wanted to continue playing at home, at the weekend, remember those happy moments when you played with the idea. Is it a bit silly to remember? Of course What did we say earlier about happiness? Remember your internal support and let people know that this path (the path towards acceptance) has already been walked.

you tell your boss ...

... not forgetting to mention those who helped you

Rule n10. Assume the idea isnt yours

Yes my friends, the last point is the hardest of the lot. But, if you can do it, youll be the king of Saturday night. Let your boss take over the project, as if hed thought it up himself, if you had been the only friend who played with him. For certain, for implementing the idea, sign a plan that guarantees you beam is made of the idea owner and become your greatest ally to scale up the idea

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