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VINTAGE is realized by a partnership from 6 European countries:

LEARNING COMMUNITY - IT Via di Tor Fiorenza 17 - 00199 Roma, Italy WISAMAR Bildungsgesellschaft gemeinntzige GmbH - DE Heinrichstr. 5-7, 04317 - Leipzig, Germany DieBERATER Unternehmensberatungsgesellschaft Mbh - AT Wipplingerstrasse 32 - 1010 Vienna, Austria STPKC Swedish TelePedagogic Knowledge Centre AB - SE Magasinsgatan 4 61130 Nykping, Sweden MEATH COMMUNITY Rural and Social Development Partnership Limited - IE Unit 7 Kells Business Park 7 - County Kells, Ireland PLATO - Platform Opleiding, Onderwijs en Organisatie - NL Wassenaarseweg 52 - 2333ak Leiden, Netherlands FORMAZIONE 80 - IT Corso Re Umberto 12 10121 Torino, Italy


VINTAGE is a European project funded trough the Grundtvig Action of the Lifelong Learning Programme. It aims to develop and test an online tool for the self-evaluation of Key Competences to be used by adult people.

Project website: For further information mail to

This project has been funded with the support of the European Commission. This publication reflects the view only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Grundtvig Project VINTAGE Project Number: 527349-LLP-1-2012-1-IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP Agreement Number: 2012-4192/001-001

8 Key Competences for lifelong learning

European Commission has identified 8 Key Competences for lifelong learning: a combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for personal fulfilment and development, social inclusion, active citizenship and employment. These Key Competences are the following: 1. Communication in the mother tongue; 2. Communication in foreign languages; 3. Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology; 4. Digital competence; 5. Learning to learn; 6. Social and civic competences; 7. Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship; 8. Cultural awareness and expression.

Who can take advantage from VINTAGE?

VINTAGE is targeted to adult learners and to the practitioners working in the field of adult education. The results and products of the project can benefit different cathegories of people: Young adults who want to develop their Key Competences to a level that equipe them for adult and working life; Adult learners who have been disadvanteg in their training, so that they can fulfil their educational potential; Adult people who need to update their competences to have access to education and training and the labour market; Elderly people who want to develop or improve their competences in adult education courses; Teachers, trainers and practitioners working in Non Vocational Adult Education.

How to recognize and record Key Competences

Currently Key Competences are assessed by different specific procedures that require the intervention of experts and are common in restricted contexts. VINTAGE aims to develop an easy-to-use online tool to self-assess the Key Competences, based on a set of indicators and descriptors for each competence according to standardized levels. Thanks to this tool adult and elderly people can autonomously self-assess their competences level and record it in a Basic Portfolio and in the Europass CV to make it visible and exploitable.

Take part to the piloting!

If you are a teacher or a trainer working in adult education or an adult person whishing to self-assess and improve your Key Competences, you can participate to the project's piloting. It will take place in 2 phases, the first one for the target of teachers and trainers, and the second one for the target of adult learners. Piloting will consist in testing the competences framework and the online tool developed in the project, and will be carried out in 6 countries: Italy, Austria, Germany, Ireland, Sweden and The Netherlands. Part of the piloting will be held at a distance: if you want to be involved, contact the project's partner in your country or send an e-mail to

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