Brutal Doom Linux Install

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Brutal DOOM Linux Installation Guide By WIREZ aka BEST DAMN LIN !


(re)a*e This is a guide on how to setup up Brutal DOOM on a debian Linux system like Ubuntu or Linux Mint. As you know, unlike indows, Linux isn!t as simple as point, "li"k and install, but instead o# you whining like a little girl be"ause you "annot #igure out how to install this on your #a$orite Linux Operating system, %!m going to train you on how to get the best damn shoot !em up game e$er to work on Linux, so dry those tears &ally' OOOO((A)) MOT)*( +,-.*(' W+at you ,ill need/0 Dosbox 1+ind in any Linux so#tware manager0 20 Original DOOM or DOOM %% 3ame installed on Dosbox 1any abandonware website0 Start .y+irst o## % like to ha$e my Dosbox games in a separate #older. On"e 4ou unpa"kaged your games and then installed them on Dosbox, you will see the wad #iles % need.

#IRST aka BOOT"AM(&e are going to need some dependen"ies #iles... to break it down #or you that means

we need binaries and "oding so that it works #or Linux.

hat we do is we open up a

terminal window 1i# you ha$e no "lue what that is, think o# it like a windows "ommand window... i# you don!t know what a windows "ommand window is, stop su"king on lead paint "hips and go ba"k to s"hool.0 then we will type in the #ollowing "ommand 1or 5ust "opy and paste it you la6y &OB07

sudo apt-get install build-essential zlib1g-dev libsdl1.2-dev libjpeg-dev \ nasm tar libbz2-dev libgtk2.0-dev cmake git libfluidsynth-dev libgme-dev \ libgl1-mesa-dev libglew-dev 8+or the nerds out there7 what this "ode does is install the things you will need. (/ASE TWO aka T+in0s are startin0 to 0et di*ey&All right 3omer, now that you ha$e the stu## you!ll need time to make a dire"tory #or 39Doom1stay with me now %!ll tell you what it is in a minute0 39Doom is a sour"e port o# the DOOM engine1not a "ar engine stupid, the thing that makes DOOM 3O BOOM'0 4ou "an either make a new #older in your home dire"tory and name it :g6doom;build<1no =uotes0 or #or all the s"ript kiddies, open that terminal window and type1or "opy and paste, you la6y bum07 mkdir -pv !"#$%gzdoom&build GZDoo1 Do,nload Ok you pansies, now it!s time to download 39Doom1the a#ore mentioned engine0 to do that open up that lo$able terminal window and type1who am % kidding, "opy0 the #ollowing "ommand7 cd !"#$%gzdoom&build '' \ git clone git( '' \ mkdir -pv gzdoom%build 8>erd speak breakdown7 #irst part o# the "ommand "hanged the dire"tory to the new #older we made1"d, duh0 the :??< is an argument1unlike the ones % ha$e with my wi#e0 that means :also, do this<. &e"ond part downloads what we need139Doom0, and the last part makes a new dire"tory...glad you!re with me so #ar.

#MOD Do,nload >ow we are going to download +MOD1the thingy that makes the musi" play. % know that :thingy< is not a te"hni"al term, but #@.? you0 At this point go ahead and "opy this one down in the terminal window1% know you are not typing07 cd !"#$%gzdoom&build '' \ if ) * +uname -m,* - *./0&01* 23 then 4#"54"65$7-*fmodapi12080linu.01* else 4#"54"65$7-*fmodapi12080linu.* fi '' \ wget -nc http( 4#"54"65$7.tar.gz '' \ tar -.vzf 4#"54"65$7.tar.gz -9 gzdoom 8Lost in translationA Let me break it down7 BChange Dire"tory to the g6doom;build #older BArgument #or what type o# Linux Operating system you are running1DE bit or F2 bit, i# you know this than pat yoursel# on the ba"k sparky.0 B<#i< ends the i# argument like a headshot ends the kno"kout game1let!s see one o# those retards play it against a guy with a "arryG"on"eal permit Bwget is the "ommand to get the appli"ation BLastly, we untar the tarball1kind o# like a "at dislodges a hairball, but not really0 STE( 2 aka #ollo, "losely and Try Not to #&34 T+is 5&7

4ou!$e done a good 5ob o# #ollowing me so #ar pri$ate, now here "omes the hard part' >ow that we got 39Doom, it!s time we "ompile and install it. "o15ile GZDoo1 On"e again, we open up that beauti#ul pie"e o# so#tware known as terminal, you are probably lo$ing this by now, and "opyGpaste this into it7
cd !"#$%gzdoom&build%gzdoom%build '' \ if ) * +uname -m,* - *./0&01* 23 then 4#"54"65$7-*fmodapi12080linu.01* 4#"54:6$-*libfmode.01-1.20.80* else 4#"54"65$7-*fmodapi12080linu.* 4#"54:6$-*libfmode.-1.20.80* fi '' \ cmake -59#;<$&=>:65&?@A$-7elease \ -54#"5&6:=7;7@- !"#$%gzdoom&build%gzdoom% 4#"54"65$7%api%lib% 4#"54:6$.so \ -54#"5&:B96>5$&5:7- !"#$%gzdoom&build%gzdoom% 4#"54"65$7%api%inc .. '' \ make

8 hoa doggy'7 BChange dire"tory to g6doom;buildGg6doom BArgument #or DE bit or F2 bit Linux O& BMake the d#mod pull #rom the g6doom #older BMake s',- happen Install GZDoo1 Heep your pants on 3omer, we are #ar #rom #inished. Iust be"ause we are installing the engine doesn!t mean we "an dri$e 5ust yet. +irst we got to make a dire"tory in the usrGgames "alled :g6doom<1stop using the damn =uotation marks0 and then we got to start mo$ing stu## into it. The dire"tory usrGgames is in the root #ilesystem. +or all you noobs and lead paint "hewers, that means it!s a dire"tory abo$e your home #older. )ow do you get thereA Two ways7 /0 Open a terminal window and use7 sudo nautilus Then go to the main #ilesystem and then to usrGgames dire"tory and make a #older "alled :g6doom<1you know what to do numb nuts0 20 The la6y way, open a terminal window and "opyGpaste7 sudo mkdir -pv /usr/games/gzdoom Mo6in0 t+e )iles you need>ow we are going to mo$e those #iles we want to the new dire"tory we 5ust made. )ere!s the "ommand7 if ) * +uname -m,* - *./0&01* 23 then 4#"54"65$7-*fmodapi12080linu.01* 4#"54:6$-*libfmode.01-1.20.80* else 4#"54"65$7-*fmodapi12080linu.* 4#"54:6$-*libfmode.-1.20.80* fi '' \ sudo cp -v %home% >C$7%gzdoom&build%gzdoom%Dbuild%DgzdoomE\ gzdoom.pk8Elights.pk8Ebrightmaps.pk8Eoutput&sdl%liboutput&sdl.soFE\ 4#"54"65$7%api%lib% 4#"54:6$.soF %usr%games%gzdoom 8%s your brain hurting yetA7 BArgument #or DE bit $s F2 bit Linux O& BCopy "ommand

Make it exe*uta.le7don8t kill it9 Ok pri$ate, now that we mo$ed the ne"essaries o$er, now we ha$e to make 39Doom exe"utable' On"e again, a 5ob #or terminal7 cd /tmp && \ touch gzdoom && \ echo '#!/bin/bash' >> gzdoom && \ echo 'LD_L !"#"$_%#&'(/usr/games/gzdoom /usr/games/gzdoom/gzdoom )*+)' >> gzdoom && \ echo 'e,it *-' >> gzdoom && \ chmod .// gzdoom && \ sudo cp -v gzdoom /usr/bin && \ rm -0v gzdoom 8 hat does it all mean sargeA7 BChange dire"tory to tmp #older BCreate empty dire"tory :g6doom<1%!$e had it with your s-., today0 BMakes it exe"utable BTells it where to go BAdds an :*xit< "ommand BJermission gets granted to all users BCopies and explains 1B$ K$erbose0 what is being done Bremo$es g6doom #older #rom tmp #INAL (/ASE aka T+e )at lady is ,ar1in0 u5 t+ose 6o*als&4ou are almost done, but the #at lady has only hummed a #ew bars. The only things we ha$e le#t to do are as #ollows7 BDownload and extra"t the Brutal Doom mod BDownload and extra"t the )ea$y metal soundtra"k1be"ause a ki"kBass game needs a ki"kBass soundtra"k0 BMo$e the Doom wad, Brutal Doom pkF, and &oundtra"k wad BCreate a laun"her &o =uit your bit"hing and let!s end this. Do,nload Brutal Doo1 and t+e Metal Soundtra*k The Brutal Doom mod "an be downloaded here7

The ki"kBass )ea$y Metal &oundtra"k "an be downloaded here7


&a$e them in your Downloads #older. Ti1e to extra*t t+ose .ad .oys *asiest part o# your training numb nuts. (ight "li"k on the 6ip pa"kage and hit extra"t. Mo6e: 1o6e: 1o6e& On"e extra"ted, mo$e the #ollowing #iles to the usrGgamesGg6doom #older7 BDOOM. AD Bbrutal/L.pkF BDoomMetalMolE.wad Make yoursel) a laun*+er: a ro*ket laun*+er t+at is Almost there 3omer, now what we do is open up terminal one last time and enter in1or in your "ase "opyGpaste0 the #ollowing "ommand7 gnome-desktop-item-edit G%5esktop% --create-new >ame that su"ker :Brutal DOOM<1i# you type in the =uotes, % will kill you maggot0 and in the "ommand se"tion put this in7 gzdoom -file 5""#.H;5 5oom#etalIol1.wad brutal1J.pk8 >ow you got yoursel# an i"on that will laun"h Brutal Doom whene$er you "li"k on it. 4ou are now #inished' 3o and kill some hellBspawned hordes #or your old sergeant %(*9. Sour*es+tt5-;;<doo1=or0;,iki;"o15ile>GZDoo1>on>Linux4Install>de5enden*ies +tt5-;;,,,=reddit=*o1;r;linux>0a1in0;*o11ents;?@,s0x;5layin0>.rutal>doo1>in>0nulinux; +tt5s-;;,,,=)a*e.ook=*o1;BrutalDoo1;5osts;2AA2BBBCDCC?C?@ +tt5-;;,,,=1odd.=*o1;1ods;.rutal%doo1;)eatures;.rutal%doo1%)aE%and%trou.les+ootin0

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