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K y l e T r e a s u r e

Kyle Treasure 175 W 5th S Apt 313, Rexburg, ID 83440 208.351.8686

Table of Contents
Brochure Event Ad Flier Montage Imaging Logos Letterhead Business Card Web Page

Description- A two-sided (Duplex) folding brochure advertising a music festival. Programs Used- Adobe Indesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator. Date- Dec. 5, 2013 Course and Instructor- Comm 130, Section 5, Julie Peterson Objective- Set up and align a two-sided, folded document.
Create an original company logo and use it in a brochure. Incorporate quality images. Write at least 250 words of original copy with at least three paragraphs. Trim for a full bleed and print in duplex (two-sided) color.

Process- The first step in creating my brochure was to set guides

on my Indesign document so that I knew where my edges were and where the fold would be. I held a photo shoot with my roommate. He is the model for almost all of the images. I edited these in Photoshop, using a cutout filter and adding orange coloring to create repetition with the background. Next, I created the logo for the festival in Illustrator. I added the text and the detail elements next. I carefully selected colors and fonts to create flow for the brochure. I also used guides to ensure that everything was aligned. The last step was to print it out and cut out along my roommates body to create an interesting edge. Overall, I thought it turned out great!

Event Ad
Description- I was presented with the challenge of creating an event ad with
only the use of Microsoft Word and a scanned image. This was to promote an upcoming event in the community.

Programs Used- Microsoft Word and an HP Scanner. Date- Oct. 10, 2013 Course and Instructor- Comm 130, Section 5, Julie Peterson Objective- Find, scan and import a high-quality image. Create a full-bleed
design. Use text boxes for layout in Word. Insert and edit images in Word.

Process- First, I had to find a picture. I had an idea from the beginning of what
I wanted to do for my ad. I poured over magazines to find the right image. I couldnt find the rock star I was searching for, but I was interested in this picture of an old man and a dog. I loved the spacing and the colors, so I decided to totally change my idea and form it around this picture. I had to find just the right font, so I downloaded the perfect one. The rest of the ad seemed to fall into place. The words came easily and after a few slight alternations to spacing and alignment, I arrived at my finished product. Yet, something was missing. I decided to put a texture filter on it as well. This gives it a classy, paper-ish look that I think adds a great deal.


Come help support Shriners Hospital for Children by attending our Meet the Author series. The Madison County Police Department and the D.A.R.E. program sponsor this event. All book proceeds will go to Shriners Hospitals.


easily read layout.

Description- I was assigned to create a news flier for an upcoming event:

The Graduate Leadership Conference. My task was to design an attractive and

Programs Used- Adobe Indesign Date- Oct. 1, 2013 Course and Instructor- Comm 130, Section 5, Julie Peterson Objective- Apply the design principles and use appropriate typography.
Incorporate basic InDesign skills to improve basic flier layout. Retrieve image and logo from links on this page. Create a project folder with image, logo and InDesign document to keep links intact.

Process- I started designing the flier in my head days before I set anything to
paper. After I had some rough ideas, I sketched them out. Next, I took all of the elements that I liked from each sketch and put them together. I went through dozens and dozens of drafts, aligning everything and making sure the quality was just right. I made sure that the words were spaced correctly and that there was at least one repeating element. I made use of contrast to make the flier stick out among all the others. The end product achieved what I had hoped and uses each principle of design and typography.

Do you want to have the competitive edge in business?

Come learn how at Vouant Communications annual Graduate Leadership Conference.



October 21 8 a.m. 5 p.m. Lincoln Convention Center

Vouant Communications is devoted to helping tomorrows leaders gain essential leadership skills in the workplace. During this dynamic three-day seminar, attendees will meet with top executives from Vouant Communications to discuss breakthrough leadership techniques and cultivate attributes of leadership that will market to any employer. Conference is available to graduating seniors. Space is limited.

Registration and more information available at

h t t p : / / w w w. v o u a n t c o m m . c o m / l e a d e r s

Description- We were charged with making an inspirational poster by
blending at least two images together in a visually pleasing way. We also had to insert some sort of type. All of these elements were to come together to establish some sort of theme for the poster.

Programs Used- Adobe Photoshop Date- Oct. 24, 2013 Course and Instructor- Comm 130, Section 5, Julie Peterson Objective- Learn to manage Photoshop layers. Learn to blend images
together smoothly, using masks. Use filters. Apply appropriate typography. Choosing good quality images. Apply typography principles. Unifying a piece with a consistent theme

Process- I wanted to do a dragon/knight theme. I placed a knight image on

top of the background photograph and used a mask to blend parts of the knight image out of sight. I took much of the knight away so he was hardly visible, then I added parts of him back in. I put a yellow color overlay on him. I placed a quote where it could be most visible and used typography skills of alignment and proximity to make it work. To finish it off, I added a sandstone texture filter to the background.

get remembered, but never die.


Description- This is a personal photograph I took on BYU-Idaho campus and
edited using Adobe Photoshop.

Programs Used- Adobe Photoshop Date- Oct. 17, 2013 Course and Instructor- Comm 130, Section 5, Julie Peterson Objective- Learn basic photography skills. Use a digital camera to take a
quality image, then download it. Size and crop the image. 6x6 resolution 150 Adjust image brightness, contrast, hue and saturation levels. Use a selection tool to isolate a portion of the image. Desaturate the selected portion of the image. Use a filter or colorize a portion of the image.

Process- First, I took this photograph using a point-and-shoot digital camera.

I downloaded the picture and cropped it to fit a 6 in. x 6 in. square. I set up my layers and used the quick selection tool to make the statue a layer all its own. I desaturated the background of the shot and turned down the contrast. I put a rough pastels filter with sandstone texture on the background. I put a lighting effect spotlight on the statue to make her face pop from the rest of the picture.

Description- Fish Farm Inc. asked me to create a logo for them. They left it
up to me to do research on the company and to design a logo that reflected what I found. I was to design three totally different logos, each sending a unique message about the company.

Programs Used- Adobe Illustrator and Google Images Date- Oct. 31, 2013 Course and Instructor- Comm 130, Section 5, Julie Peterson Objective- Create a variety of logos to fit a company or personal image.
Do not imitate existing logos or use your previous designs. Use only the tools of Illustrator. Setting up a professional display for the company. Arrange three logos on an 8.5 x 11 vertical page / .5 margins and add the company name in simple type at the top of page. Getting feedback from outside sources.

Process- I drew sketches of different logo designs, then took to Illustrator to

design. I created a fish bowl out of circles and the pathfinder tool. I created a fish by tracing a picture of a fish with the pen tool. For the next logo, I thought it would flow if I let the text fall between the fish and the water. I wanted to make a fish hook, so I also traced one with the pen tool. I then ungrouped and individualized the letters so that I could manipulate each one separately. I chose my text color and added bubbles to the image to make it feel like it was underwater.

Fish Farm Inc.

Fish Farm


Fish Farm


Description- I was asked to design stationery for Tony Archuleta from Fish Farms Inc. Programs Used- Adobe Illustrator and Indesign Date- Nov. 6, 2013 Course and Instructor- Comm 130, Section 5, Julie Peterson Objective- Use The basic tools of Illustrator & InDesign. Create a new logo to fit a
company or personal image. Design a consistent layout for a letterhead. Use your new logo to design two stationery items with consistent design. Letterhead: 8.5 x 11. Apply typography rules keeping small copy. Learning to keep thing simple by having watermarks and drop shadows light and white space. Applying contact information: Include name, address, phone, and email on each piece.

Process- I first had to come up with a logo for the company that would represent
their business and style. Once the logo was completed, I moved it onto a new document that was 8.5 x 11 inches for a letterhead. I spaced the logo out a bit more. I used the principle of proximity to put all of the contact info together. I thought itd be fun to line the text up with the bubbles in ascending order. I then created a border at the bottom of the page that continued the bubble repetition. I also used the shape tool to create massive bubbles for a water mark. I decreased the opacity to 8%.

To n y A r c h u l e ta
208.456.8458 217 Perimeter Dr. Alta, WY 83414

Fish Farm Inc

f i s h fa r m 4 m e @ c o m c a s t . n e t

Business Card
Description- I was asked to design a business card for Tony Archuleta from Fish
Farms Inc.

Programs Used- Adobe Illustrator and Indesign Date- Nov. 6, 2013 Course and Instructor- Comm 130, Section 5, Julie Peterson Objective- Use The basic tools of Illustrator & InDesign. Create a new logo to fit a
company or personal image. Design consistent layouts for a business card. Apply typography rules keeping small copy. Learning to keep thing simple by having watermarks and drop shadows light and white space. Applying contact information: Include name, address, phone, and email on each piece.

Process- I put the logo on a business card sized document. The logo stayed the
same as it appeared elsewhere, but I also added white bubbles on the top and bottom. The green and black contrast nicely. Theres certainly plenty of repetition in my work! I used the same font as the logo and the stationery to input the contact information. This all looked a bit boring, so I decided to put fish hooks in the mix and hooked them to the lines of text. I used the pen tool to create fishing lines up to the border. I moved both of these documents into Indesign and resized them there.

Web Page
Description- This is a web page I designed to showcase a company logo I also

Programs Used- TextWrangler, Photoshop, InDesign, and Microsoft Word. Date- Nov. 20, 2013 Course and Instructor- Comm 130, Section 5, Julie Peterson Objective- Size and optimize an original logo as a .png for a web page. Write
content to describe the process of creating your logo and how it appeals to a target audience. Design a web page using HTML to display the logo and content. Acquire a working knowledge of HTML. Acquire a working knowledge of CSS. Identify hex colors for web design. Compress multiple files in a zipped folder to attach as one file.

Process- I used TextWrangler to develop my HTML code. I entered text that I typed
up in Microsoft Word. I learned how to input coding and see results on the web page. I changed the background color to match the logo. I then used the same hex code to color one of my headings. I also wanted the black and white contrast to be part of my page heading. After that, it was time to work on font families. I decided to go with a simple Arial font for the headings. This made them bold, but didnt take away from the logo font. I went with Bell MT for the copy font as it contrasts well with the headings and has a bookish look to it. I played with padding and margins in order to align the text and then I was done!

K y l e

T r e a s u r e

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