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Ny 21770 Capital Region $82.8 million awarded to 100 projects eT ‘Ab, Ranss, Shen, Sarat Colum. Greene, ‘Wash, Warren ceed Center for Economie ‘Growth ject Title Growing the Capital Regions (creative Economy ‘The study wil assess the Capital Region's creatwe economy and develop a strategic plan for expanding this sectors contbuton toeconomc growth win the Region ry aero) ESD SPFS $85,000.00 0882 Albany ‘Abany County ‘Abany County al Tall “This project wil construct 55 miles oa proposed 0.3 mle shared use path along ‘former rail bed, The funding wil asit in the final design and constuction of the path. The expected outcomes are improved ‘mabitly ane economic opportunity for non tives, a better opin or commuting by walking or bieycing, reduced emissions and Vehicle mils travel, improved economic ‘acti along the al corridor, and improved heath for tral users NYSERDA cca 1,003,478.00 0878 Albany ‘Abany County Opportunity Inc Sheridan Avenue Improvement Projet ‘Albany County Opportunity In, ba Abany ‘Community Acton Parinership (ACAP), vill use $150,000 in Urban Inatves funds lo make accessibity and fagade improvements atts Oueach Center on ‘Sheridan Avenue inte City of Abany's ‘eet Hil! Sheridan Hollow neighborhoods. HeRu $150,000.00 038 Albany Albany iste ot story & Art Spring Marketing Campaign ‘Albany nstute of History & Art requaste {unding for The Speng Marketing Plan for GE Presents: The Mystory ofthe Abary Mummies Sept21, 2013-tune &, 2014 Funds are requested to implementa ‘marketing plan foreach new audiences. The Spring Marketing Pian will markt to core, area, regional and out-o-market audiences toincrease all audience segments ESO MNY $2119.00 2aato Albany Albany ists cof History Art Exterior Restoration of ice House and Fice House Annex Bultin the ste of 16h conturypalazzos, the Albany Insitute of History & At (AIHA) Fice House and ice House Annexhave alagad of yelow tick wth uousualy fre ‘movi joints and an elaborate embelished Cotnice. This restoration project will prevent the brick, comioe ana ashing kom all reaching a criical dotericatd sat, ensuring future generations have access to this tangible pice of Albany's histo. Parks HPA $100,000.00 85 Capital Region Abany rete of sory & At i present “he ire Ay ris inao'ahe progam, fekng wo ‘rumen nels ete cura Glance Egypt ne pace and acerca cimmmetin and ie mocon ors Galen wih ante EaypeMUNAES ie | Ans CHPG | — $50,000.00 tal opory ree Pewsands of ‘ins nous theta, sop hase Thabebonhie and bing aac tot arn Abay wero ‘har cou conor otiraaal Sultans cain cf clei and cormiatons any Mecca! tre apts bra 36 aon Cararand” | StS0t" | comopnent poet inluncosineson Cyc abary | Pederdenment | mead se animes! of ulin, runes touareg us and apa guage Cexapoaton wh ary hal Sr TAbary Soho wl rset acl nortan Me Fatt acest ‘orc clara corti Th Fecal geen Abary Syrotan/s evtcan was | rot scseted and mer ped OY Teanal | ketowg econoracdovcopmart fe Capa gon hate precias sal of tcruerpatyochestl mai he a theevotetanes he tage ete Cal Foy as ona ot aston ‘Abany isituts | Sping Marketing soe ‘Abary cfHistory at | Campaign a178@ ‘Albany sD Grants | $2,500,000 ‘Abany 052 ‘Albany Symphony Orchesta anscHe | $74,000.00 ‘Demoliion of antiquated bling, renovation of public markt and construcson of 5,000 ‘SF action to Capital Cty Produce Bulding ‘wich wal esul inthe retention of key ‘ender and a 50% increase in product volume Menands Farmar Market Fevializaton Capita Distt Cooperative ine sD Grants | $100,000.00 27048 ‘Albany Capa Abary Corporation ioe {25 t00 No or an Seat Tse ‘Scatter neat con Guiana or age nto Oy of wih, | 2000000 bangs Dvr tt prot he Down Aba Tha Ronleton Pan Capitalize Atbany | Downtown Abary sets9 ‘Abary Corporation| Tactical Pian “The project eras he reconstruction and ‘adaptive reuse ofa 1760 Dutch barn on the rounds of the Carey Instute forGlebal | ESD MNY | $108,000.00 Good in Rensselaer, NY tobe used a8 anagtHtourem and agi-educaton faci. Carey Insitute | Dutch Barn Mode ene ‘Abary | ferGiobal Good | Brewery “The project will purchase a highend transactonal daa press to panda Business Services | mating operation at an existing busines, ‘Expansion | and create 25 to 30 new jobs for eabed ‘eterang,inviduals wit deabities and on-disabites. Centerfor 29002 ‘Albany Deabilty Ssrvies, Ine Es Grants | $250,000.00 86 29500 Albany Center for Employment Opportunities Wortorce Opportunites Progam “The Gentes for Employment Opportunites (CEO) wll prove a combination of Job readiness traning, jb search and placement services, on-ho}b traning, {and ob retention io men and women wih ‘recent criminal convictonshalpng them gan the wotkplace se lsan cant dance ‘heeded fora succesful ansiton ta sable, productive fe. EMforts are focused fn indivaals on parce ving in Albany (County as outined in the Capital Region (Opportunity Agenda, TDA SNAP 60,000.00 e098 Albany City of Albany ‘Abany 2020, Sustainable Code Project “The project wl consist of a comprehensive pdt othe Code ofthe Cty of Albany alow fer the incorporation of sustainable design and smart gromth principles, with spectc emphasis an Zoning, as well as Development Reguaios. The project wlalso address green buidings codes, ‘enhanced storm water management practices, urban agriculture, downtown ‘and waterront design standards, be infrastructure requirements, a8 wel streamlined permiting opts. NYSERDA ace $300,000.00 20582 Albany (Cty of Waterot, 2d Avenue evalizaton ‘The Gy of Waterviet wil use $110,000" New York Main Seat unds to assist the ‘ner of moxad:use budngs to complete ‘commercial and residential renovation project in Watervits Port Schuyler Sd ‘Avenue Cortior neighborhood, HRNYMS 110,000.00 2758 Albany Columbia Development ‘Companies Wietington Row evializaton ‘Renovation of Albany’ historic Welington Fon, consatingof five aulénos leated at 452-140 Sate Stret to create naw offee space for Aeon Nexus and oestabish downtown condominiums, apartments and ‘commercial space. ESD Grants $950,000.00 2a7e1 Albany Fest Columbia Development Quackenbush Square Project includes 260 000 SF mixed use ‘evelopment wth 240 car parking garage, +120 room hte, $0,000 $F ffi, with restaurant & real space in downiown Albary. ESD Grants 1.200,000.00 1601 Albany Ful Road Management Corporation Digtal Data Open Innovation Taning (Center (00-T ‘Center “Esiaish a Digial Data Open innovation Traning Center (D0- Center for workforce traning, a SMWBE Business Enerrises busines center for software development, data operations center, are a smart ty ‘peratons training & development lab. ESD Grants '3500,000.00 29104 Albany Palace Performing Ats Center, ne, “The Palace Digital Projector Project ‘Conversion to Digl Projacton wilincrease the cutural footprint ofthe theatre, helping to revitalize dowetoun Albany. The Palace brings thousands of patrons to Albary, increases local business for restaurants, shops, parking garages, hotels, and more, rowing jab secur for hundreds ot ‘empioyees. Conversion wil enable The Palace o aocommedata lie prforming tists hich nave spectc technical ‘heeds (previously not possiie) and new ‘opportunity fim sean ngs ari esis, further increasing downtown tourism ats OFPCP $76,500.00 87 Capital Region eT oject Title ‘The Park Playhouse produces ree outdoor ‘heater in Washington Park each summer, Professional | welcoming ovr 50,000 residents and Park Payhouse, | Theatrical Lighting | visitors ftom ll over the Capital Region and Ine ‘and Sound | beyond. Lighting and sound equipment wil Equipment | be purchased, reducing the organization's annual expenditures ard assuring quality reductions. ane ‘Albany ansapce | $40,000.00 Partners for Albay Stove internship program wil support the Cy of Stones Iratve, which draws attention tote cutural esources of Albany. The project vine public artistry ‘pop up" instalatons and interpretive Kesks ‘adsiwop | $7560.00 throughout the Capital Region. Two ful ine ‘SUNY interns wil assist with development ofthe Kiosks while abaining hande-on ‘experience developing engaging communty pregame. Inert fup co. reusing purhase ecnvatiy | sgeryajey | Stespilecipment associ wh 17008 any School | F8GRYANeY_ | election ot Tec Valey gh Stoo and | ESO Grants | $50,000.00 roundaon Ctitrons Masur io leased space nthe Zen uicng a ONSE campus mAbany NY. FFitup. fumish and operate a new Advanced “Technology Taiing ae Information Networking Lab o provide accessible computer traning space in which community ‘members can, apply fr jobs, receive traning, and atend online courses. Shaker Hertage | City of Stories rest ‘Abary Society Project, Advanced Tiny Atianeo | Technology 2006 ‘Albany ofthe Capial | Trang and gion iriomation Notworking Lab sD Grants | $375,000.00 FFitup, funish and operate anew Advanced ‘Advanesd | Technology Taining and information Technology and_| Networking Lab o provide accessile Computer Taining | computer taining space in which community Center | members can, apply fo jobs, receive traning, and atend online courses. “The University at Albany wil use GIGP funds to go above beyond thir permit equrements and install pervous pavement, ‘ain gardens, and a green roa as part of Campus Center | the Campus Center Expansion Project. Expancion Green | The inclusion of these green practons ercaice | $607847.00 Infrastructure» | wil educe stormwater run, combat heating eect. and conserve energy tulimately helping the Campus Genter Expansion Project achive @ LEED Gold rate. YYneae Advanced Materials, LLC of Abary will provide othe jb raining to 45 ‘ewiy-hired workers in chemical handing, inetument calectionreading, quality Salty, operations, terminology, team Operational Stats | work eonfdentally, exoerimental design, “raining | sofware, equpment maintonance, process contol, lure analysis, syrihesissateay, ‘materials, formulation, characterization ‘elabily testing, product design/appietion, production sauesimalhodoioges, trade show techriques, and customer sil “int Alianco 2006 ‘Albany ofthe Capital gion soon | $100,000.00 University at 29807 ‘Albany ‘aan Yinese 31905 ‘Albany Advanced Materials, LLC DOLNHT | 100,000.00

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