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Topic: Major Philosophical Tenants of Buddhism (Nirvana) Topic Definition: Buddhism is a world religion that stemmed from a rejection

of the Caste System of Hinduism; created by Siddhartha Gautama primarily in eastern Asia. What Should I Remember: You will need to remember the major tenants of the religion.
Nirvana The end of the cycle of birth, death, rebirth. Endless bliss.
Samsara The cycle of reincarnation 4 Noble Truths A four step path to ended suffering

Life has suffering, suffering is caused by desire, to end suffering; end desire, to end desire; follow 8-fold path.

Topic: Early Human Survival

Topic Definition: Early humans survived through very primitive means; following food sources, nomadic living styles, and early farming. What Should I Remember: You need to remember that early humans used primitive methods:
Hunting and Gathering used to take the resources from an area

then move on to the next area when all resources are depleted. Subsistence Farming an early farming technique where farmers would grow only enough food for survival.
No left overs

Topic: Human Progression to Large Agricultural Civilizations

Topic Definition: Early humans started out as Hunters and Gatherers, but after the first Agricultural Revolution, were able to develop large Agricultural Civilizations. What Should I Remember: The key information to remember for this topic is that early civilization were created near fertile river valleys.
Mesopotamia between the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers Egyptian Civilization near the Nile River Yellow River Civilization China

Topic: Major Philosophical Tenants of Hinduism Karma Topic Definition: Hinduism is the third largest world religion. It has a primary grasp of the Asian subcontinent; regions such as India and eastern Asia. What Should I Remember: You need to remember the major philosophical tenants of the religion:
Moksha state of eternal bliss, end of reincarnation cycle Samsara reincarnation cycle of birth, death, and rebirth Karma ones actions in life that will have an effect on which caste one

will be in; can move you up/down the caste system depending on actions.

Topic: Industrial Revolution (Effects) Topic Definition: The Industrial Revolution was a period of time beginning in Europe where factories and industry slowly began to take power from farming. What Should I Remember: You need to remember the effects of the Industrial Revolution:
Growth of Factory system movement away from cottage industry Urbanization large migration of people to the city, looking for jobs Living and Working conditions poor living/working conditions low pay, high hours, unsafe. At home: lack of police, poor education, unsanitary. Unionization unions formed to improve conditions/rights for the workers Class Tensions working class v. factory owners

Topic: Industrial Revolution (Causes) Topic Definition: IR period of time beginning in 18th century Europe where factories and industry began to dominate economies What Should I Remember: You need to remember the causes and effects of the Industrial Revolution:
Causes S.I.N.E.

Second Agri. Revolution scientific farming, surplus of food, selective animal breeding Increase in Population need for more clothing and housing sparked industry Natural Resources and Power Sources England was rich in iron ore and had navigable rivers for transportation. Economic and Political Conditions Englands economy was conducive to industry and the parliamentary government allowed for the spending of money on industry.

Topic: Tenants of Christianity and Islam

Topic Definition: Both Christianity and Islam are monotheistic religions, meaning that they believe in one unique god. Both religions are also classified as Abrahamic religions, for their ties to Abraham. What Should I Remember: You need to remember that these religions are both monotheistic:
Christianity belief in one unique god (God), and that He is all

parts of the holy trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) Islam belief in one unique god (Allah) and that Mohammad is his messenger.

Topic: Origins of Islam Topic Definition: Islam is the second largest world religion and has its roots in the Arabian Peninsula. Created by a man named Muhammad, Islam spread throughout the world. What Should I Remember: You need to remember the origins of the religion.
Muhammad spoke to the angel Gabriel who told him that Allah is

the true god, and that there is only one God. United the Arabian Peninsula.

Topic: Ice Age and Human Migration

Topic Definition: The Ice Age was period of continual temperature drop and freezing of the worlds water. The Ice age birthed a land bridge allowing humans to cross into new areas.

What Should I Remember: You need to remember that the Ice Age created Beringia, the most commonly accepted theory of migration:
Beringia a land bridge created during the last Ice Age which

allowed humans to follow food across and inhabit the Americas.

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