Social Networks Final

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Social Networks as distracter in Education Social Networks as distracter in Education, It has been divided into two categories, the

first one is (1) Social Networks which means a website or computer program that allows people to communicate and share information on the internet using a computer or mobile phone.

Social media has become part of most people s ever!da! lives, whether that means checking "acebook, using #witter, or engaging in blogs, $interest walls, and other networks. (%) "acebook is an online social networking service. Its name stems from the collo&uial name for the book, can also be seen as a website where !ou can show information about !ourself, and communicate with groups of friends, it is also considered as distracter for most of the students in the learning process. 's well as (() twitter which is an online social network and micro blogging service that enables users to send and read tweets which are te)t messages limited to 1*+ characters.

#he inade&uate use of the different Social Networks is affecting dail! the productivit! of students, ,hildren who take social networks for granted ma! e)perience reduced attention spans as the result of distractions and the addictive &ualities of "acebook, far and above the problem of television. 'lso (*) blogs are considered as distracter, blogs means a contraction of the word web log is a discussion of informational site published on the word wide web and consisting of discrete entries or posts. #he abilit! of social media to distract !ou at all times of the da! can similarl! result in a lack of sleep, and the need to check networks during the da! at work and school.

$roductivit! levels in schools face dips when people become distracted b! their social networks. -ther social network sites like #witter also pose the challenge of not becoming drawn into long running discussions, or absorbed for an hour b! opening links. .ith it being so eas! to access these sites, it s eas! for social networks to swallow up large parts of stud! time.

#he second categor! of the topic is (/) 0istracter this means ' person or an ob1ect that diverts one from the correct path. 's we can see all these social networks are distracting the students learning process, also can be defined as the diminished abilit! to maintain attention, usuall! manifested as e)cessive shifting of attention from one topic to another or a tendenc! to be captivated b! unimportant details or stimuli Students are spending most of their time on these social networks instead of being stud!ing.

#hese social networks rather than being useful to students its being an (2) obstacle in their learning approaching, obstacle can be defined as a person or thing that opposes or hinders something. It also refers to the low productivit! of students, because since the! are wasting long hours during the da! on social Networks, the! are having low productivit! on their grades, the! can not concentrate on their studies because the! are pa!ing more attention on different distracters from social media. (3) 4ow productivit! can be seen as the action to perform a task in a slow wa!.

4ack of interest has been identified on students, because the! see more attractive being on the internet rather than being stud!ing. (5) 4ack of interest means, to be missing or deficient, to be and need of something.

Social Networks has absorbed student s time, in which the! can be investing on stud!ing, getting good grades and preparing to be a professional in life, (6) 'bsorbed can be defined as, to occup! the full attention, interest, or time.

Some suggestions to this situation can be, the good manage of time surfing the social networks, the correct use of social networks, not 1ust for fun, but also to increase English knowledge, if students put into practice all these suggestions, it ma! not be a distracter in their learning process.

REFERENCES 1. .asserman, Stanle!. (166*). 7Social Network 'nal!sis in the Social and 8ehavioural Sciences7 ,ambridge 9niversit!. :otten from; http;<<dictionar!<dictionar!<british<social=network>&?social@network

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