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Stockage 1

Tara Stockage Mr. Robinson English III April 19, 2013 A Cri eless Societ! M! "topian societ! is #airl! si ple, a place in $hich there is no pain, no cri e, no anger, an% no corr"ption. &o en an% tr! protecting en $o"l% ha'e e("al $rites an% share opinions. Also I $o"l%

! nation, go'ern ents, to help protect an% "phol% la$s an% to reb"il% the

econo !. E'er! person $o"l% be per#ect ha'e a ho e, goo% e%"cation an% health, an% gro$ "p in the sa#et! o# a caring #a il!. In nat"re the! $o"l% be no killing, #oo% $o"l% be gro$n an% star'ation $o"l% ne'er e a proble . )" an beings str"ggle thro"gh li#e, $ith a %rea o# high

stan%ar%s, $hich the! tr! to p"rs"e, b"t cannot obtain. This #or

o# hope#"lness is calle% *topia

$hich the %ictionar! %e#ines as+ ,ha'ing i possibl! i%eal con%itions especiall! social organi-ation. a place o# i%eal per#ection in la$s, go'ern ent, an% social con%itions., E'er! person has their o$n i%ea o# an i%eal co i%eal co "nit! o# per#ection, b"t one that I belie'e co"l% be an

"nit! $o"l% be li#e in the societ! A.C.S. A.C.S is also kno$n as a cri eless societ!.

This per#ect $orl% can be achie'e% thro"gh societal 'al"es, li'ing con%itions, an% the li itations on go'ern ental control. In a large societ!, societal 'al"es are 'er! i portant in that the! create the oral 'al"es

in $hich the h" an race bases all their %ecisions on. In a "topian societ! A.C.S, e'er!one $o"l% treat each other e("all!. There $o"l% be no h" an gree% $hich in a/orit!, ca"se ost o# all

$orl% s"##ering. E'er!one $o"l% care #or each other an% there $o"l% be no titles a ong the

Stockage 2

people. The co

"nit! $o"l% act as one #a il!, helping each other o"t %"ring %i##ic"lt ti es, "nit!. This "topian societ! $o"l% be like a tr"e #a il!, ne$ i%eas an% concepts ne'er hear% oral 'al"es that $o"l% onl! generate

sit"ations an% proble s a ong the co

kno$ $ho e'er!one is, help each other o"t an% teach the o#. This in e##ect $o"l% generate an% gi'e the the goo% in all o# the all tr"e

an% not the e'il si%e o# h" anit!. The goal $o"l% be to eli inate all

h" an s"##ering %"e to h" an gree%. Altho"gh 'ariet! is nee%e% to create a %i'erse co "nit!, all #a ilies $o"l% ha'e a

ho e, each %i##erent to their taste. Since the societ! A.C.S. is 'er! large the "se o# a"to obiles is allo$e% b"t the o$ner All trash in the co "st "se an electrical car instea% o# gas. "nit! $o"l% be collecte% at a center in the i%%le o# the to$n an% it

$ill be rockete% to into space to$ar%s the s"n. &hen it reaches the s"n0s core, it $ill b"rn "p into gas that the s"n can "se to create lea% to a poll"te% societ!. 1oo% an% h"nger $o"l% ne'er be a proble raise% on A.C.S, b"t in the A.C.S societ!. So e cattle $ill be "nit! $ill be ilk nee%e% in the ore heat. This $o"l% eli inate all the proble s that co"l%

ost o# the #oo% that $ill be cons" e% b! the A.C.S co

greens, #r"its an% 'egetables. The "se o# co$s $ill be "se% to generate the co

"nit! an% the #ertili-er to increase the gro$th o# health! plant li#e. 2i'ing con%itions on "nit!. &ith this in in%,

A.C.S $o"l% be o# high stan%ar%s as a re$ar% #or the goo% o# the co in the en%, the a o"nt o# h" an gree% in the co the co "nit! are e("al in a sense. In a large co $hat the co

"nit! $o"l% %ecrease beca"se all

e bers o#

"nit! A.C.S, la$ an% a s all go'ern ent is nee%e% to control an% ai% in

"nit! $ants. 3"t the go'ern ent $o"l% ha'e great restrictions so it $ill block all

Stockage 3

corr"ption #ro

citi-ens tr!ing to gain po$er. 1irst, a set o# constit"tional la$s $o"l% be $ritten

to pre'ent the actions o# an! 'iolent cri e. &ith these la$s $ritten, actions an% p"nish ents $o"l% be $ritten in place in case an! o# the citi-ens o# the A.C.S co these la$s. These p"nish ents co"l% be to the e4tre e, ranging #ro #ro the A.C.S. The citi-ens o# A.C.S $ill elect certain e bers o# the co "nit! to r"n these positions "nit! %isobe!s one o# a night in prison to e4ile

a#ter passing all o# the re("ire ents o# being an electe% o##icial. So e o# these re("ire ents $o"l% incl"%e, being a lea%er in the co "nit! an% ha'ing s"ccess#"ll! an% goo% e%"cation.

Ten electe% o##icials $o"l% be chosen to r"n these positions o"t o# 'ol"ntar! ser'ice an% $o"l% r"n #or #i'e !ears. These people $o"l% not get pai%. This eli inates the nee% #or a presi%ent. There $o"l% be no ta4es also, beca"se in the co be sel#5 an"#act"re%. The co "nit!, e'er!thing that societ! nee%e% $o"l%

"nit! itsel# $o"l% be the police an% i# one spec"lates the "nit! an% that in%i'i%"al

gree%iness an% #in%s a person %isobe!ing la$, the! report to the co $o"l% be %ealt $ith.

There are so e potential threats that co"l% lea% to a %o$n#all in the societ!. So e o# the %o$n#alls co"l% be so eone tr!ing to in. Another proble ake a societ! that is ore per#ect then the one the! li'e a! ab"se the

o# this societ! co"l% be the "se o# alcohol. So e people a! e4ists in

allo$e% "se o# alcohol. These are the onl! %o$n#alls that

! "topian societ!.

M! Societ!6s #lag has a bl"e backgro"n% $hich stan%s is the color o# tr"st an% #ree%o . It has a heart is the i%%le #or the s! bolis o# lo'e in the co"ntr!. The earth is the i%%le

s! boli-es that it is a $orl% #"ll o# lo'e. The stars on the corners each ha'e #i'e points $hich s! boli-es a #i'e star societ!. The stars are $hich #ille% $ith the color beca"se $hite is the color o# per#ection an% A.C.S is a per#ect societ!.

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M! societ!6s seal has a black bor%er $hich s! boli-es the #or alit! o# the societ!. The circle color is bl"e an% stan%s #or tr"st an% peace in the societ!. The green o"tline represents the color o# gro$th an% balance in the societ!. The han%s represent the %i'erse c"lt"res in the societ! representing that e'er!one is e("al no atter o# race.

In concl"sion, altho"gh A.C.S so"n%s like a great place to li'e. A.C.S is a "topian societ! beca"se it stri'es #or greatness an% per#ection. Its ob/ecti'e is to li'e a per#ect li#e $ith no cri e or signs o# e'il %oing. This societ! $o"l% ake e'er!one e("al to one another.

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