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In a sentence, we usually find two nouns- one before

the verb, and one after the verb. The noun before the
verb is the subject, and the noun after the verb is the
object. To change a sentence into the passive voice,
we take the object and put it in the front of the
sentence. Ex: Mother (subject) cooks dinner (object)
for us. Dinner (object) is cooked for us (by mother).
The passive verb in the simple present tense is
formed like this: be + past participle.
Ex The police arrest the men for vandalism. The men
are arrested for vandalism.

1. The schools holds two examinations once a year.

6. The workers pack the fruits in crates.



2. The soldiers raise the flag every morning.

7. The postman collects the mail twice a day.



3. We cook food in the kitchen.

8. They grow pineapples in this plantation.



4. The manager keeps the money in the safe.

9. She waters the plants every day



5. My father paints the fence every year.

10. The watchman locks the gate every night.



1. At the circus, the animals are ___________ (keep) in the

2. These souvenirs are usually ___________________ (sell) to
3. English is ___________________ (speak) by almost
4. That book is _____________________ (write) by Daniella
5. The flock of sheep is ____________________ (drive) to the
field every morning.
6. Pendants are _________________ (wear) around the neck.
7. Rice is __________________________ (grow) in Thailand.
8. Children programmes are _______________________
(show) on television every morning.
9. These fruits are mostly ________________ (buy) by young
10. That magazine was _____________________ (choose) by
11. The animals ____________________ (feed) by the zoo
12. Fish and meat ___________________ (sell) in the market.
13. The houses here _______________ mostly
______________ (build) of bricks and cement.
14. Several important people __________________ (invite) to
the party.
15. The floor of the classroom __________________ (sweep).
16. The knife ________________________ (make) a steel.
17. Aprons ______________________ (sew) in this factory.
18. The grass in our school field _______________________
(cut) once a month.
19. The cows _____________________ (milk) every morning.
20. Most of the cars ________________ (imports) from Japan.
21. The main door ______________ (paint) every two years.

Rewrite these sentences in the Passive and match them to the pictures below.
1.My parents eat a big ice-cream every night.
2.The Smiths watch TV during the whole day.
3.Mary draws a cat on the blackboard.
4.The foxes eat lots of hens.
5.She sees a ghost every week.
6.Joe plays the piano in a pub.
7.My mother knits beautiful pullovers.
8.The policeman never arrests the thief.
9.The bird usually eats worms.
10.Phil loves his cat Toby.
11.We dont have lunch at home.
12.Most people love football.
13.Connie paints the walls in blue.
14.Old Mrs. Smith tells nice stories.
15.I often take the dog for a walk.
16.We wash our car every Saturday.
17.Annie teaches English and Portuguese.
18.Marian sometimes eats an apple.
19. Mrs. Brown bakes tasty bread every day.
20.Her mother cleans the house on Friday.


Answer Key
1. Two examinations are held once a year.
2. The flag is raised every morning.
3. Food is cooked in the kitchen.
4. The money is kept in the safe.
5. The fence is painted every year.
6. The fruits are packed in crates.
7. The mail is collected twice a day.
8. Pineapples are grown in this plantation.
9. The plants are watered every day.
10. The gate is locked every night.
1. Kept
2. Sold
3. Spoken
4. Written
5. Driven
6. Worn
7. Grown
8. Shown
9. Bought
10. Chosen
11. Are fed
12. Are sold
13. Built
14. Are invited
15. Is swept
16. Is made
17. Are sewn
18. Is cut
19. Are milked
20. Are imported
21. Is painted

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