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Josh Johnwell 3rd Period - WHAP 12/3/13

Opening Statement
People who have given us their complete confidence believe that they have a right to ours. The inference is false, a gift confers no rights Friedrich Nietzsche. Thus, we affirm that Genghis Khan and his descendants were uncivilized conquerors and rulers. Before we begin, the prosecutors offer the following definitions to the court. The United States Supreme Court definition of Uncivilized is: not having the kinds of social systems, technologies, etc., that are seen in most modern societies . To frame this case, any defense is our offense in the round. To convey Genghis Khan and his descendants as a civilized ruler that helped by conquering is complete crap, when i n turn they were ruthless individuals that went to extremes in order to quote -on-quote help people for the better. Furthermore, theres two framing arguments that the jury must consider. First is that based on the definition from the court on uncivilized, they do not meet what so ever. In the modern era, theres due processing, a leash to certain broken laws, and even a court like you see here today, but due to their policies of the Yassa, most of these modern society social systems were rejected and extrem e measures of death were put into place (literally if you drop something and dont pick it up, you are put to death). Also, empirics prove that throughout the modern century, we see North Korea as uncivilized because they do not have the same fair laws lik e we do and violate many human right laws but in actuality, the yassa has very similar, strict laws that are very extreme. Similar laws to the empires policies were see in the Hammurabis code, which the whole class thought was very uncivilized and extre me to many broken laws, and a majority of us agreed that theyre horrible. Secondly, the defense will perpetuate the whole case on how good the spread of the empire was because of x, y, and z. But, the jury must take into account that the only way he sprea d the empire was that ANY nation that did not submit to their society was eradicated off the face of the earth. Any offense on this matter will link back to the Nietzsche quote just because they will spin this that their violent rampage throughout the con tinent was actually justified politically, socially, and economically is no warrant to say that they were civilized and have no right to choke hold societies in order to achieve anything. As human beings in this court, we cannot let Genghis Khan be labeled as civilized, and we have a prior, ethical obligation to reject this notion and affirm this case because of this tyranny he imposed.

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