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HOFFMAN Mobile: 516-669-0 ! "#MMA$% I'm a technology generalist with a penchant for solving problems. I'm comfortable racking servers, writing software, and everything in between. "enio+ DevO,- En.inee+: Yodle, Inc. New York, New York. April 20 2 ! "resent #anaged weekly releases and intraweek deployments. $esponsible for all prod%ction, development and &A servers and workstations. "lanned and e'ec%ted migration of core prod%ction database to a new physical machine with minimal downtime. "lanned and e'ec%ted %pgrade of core database from "ostgre(&) *.0 to *. . "lanned and e'ec%ted %pgrade of core database from "ostgre(&) *. to *.2. /echnolo.0 O,e+a1ion- Di+ec1o++ ,idit (earch #arketing #ineola, New York. November 200- ! April 20 2 $esponsible for all servers and workstations related to ,idit and "ower", as well as all technology p%rchasing. #igrated all prod%ction servers to a new datacenter to increase reliability and allow for f%t%re growth. #anaged a mi'ed .indows, #ac, and )in%' corporate environment, incl%ding moderni/ation of all %ser workstations in 20 2.(tandardi/ed server hardware and operating systems across prod%ction systems, significantly simplifying administration. "lanned and e'ec%ted migration from obsolete physical servers to virt%al machines %sing 0#ware. #igrated the organi/ation from 1'change 2002 to 1'change 20 0 with minimal downtime. #igrated "ower" from private hosting to Ama/on 132 and 4oogle Apps, res%lting in an 506 cost savings. "of12a+e En.inee++ ,idit (earch #arketing $ockville 3entre, New York. #arch 2007 8 November 200 $earchitected and rewrote significant portions of the click tracking system, %sed to track and optimi/e online ad spend and reven%e for h%ndreds of clients, incl%ding and A9:9. $ewrote the entire tracking front8end, originally written in ";", in <ava 7 on 9omcat 7.7, res%lting in a 20006 improvement in performance and a significant improvement in scalability and stability. .orked with clients to ens%re proper implementation of o%r codes within their sites. 1ns%red 2=>? operation for prod%ction systems.

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(an.4a.e <ava, ";", "erl, @ash, ;9#)>3((, <ava(cript>Node<(, $%by Da1aba-e "ostgre(&), #ongo,@, #y(&), Aracle, O,e+a1in. "0-1em- 5 &la1fo+m )in%' B3entA(>$ed;at 1nterprise, Cedora 3ore, Db%nt%, ,ebianE and Cree@(, 0#ware 1(F 2.7, =.0 and =. .indows *7 thro%gh 2005 (erver $2, .indows ? #acA( F thro%gh 0.- B(now )eopardE Ama/on 132


Da+1mo41h *olle.e, ;anover, New ;ampshire #aGor in 3omp%ter (cience

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