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New feature to create short cuts, user can also create their own shortcuts of their favorite Menu but selecting Menu Button

Saral PayPack V 7.00

File -> New [To Create a New File]

File Creation Data Directory

Enter the file name and other required details and create

Saral PayPack V 7.00

File -> New [To Create a New File]

File Creation Data Directory

Map the Data Directory and click Accept Button.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Master -> Company Details [To create the Company Master Info]

Initial Setting
Company Details Option Settings Create New Month PT Rate Editor PF/ESI Rate Editor PF Zero Pension Setting

Enter the Basic Details of Company

Enter the Additional details related to Statutory details

Enter TAN details of the Company.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Initial Settings -> Option Settings -> General Options [To set the available options]

Initial Setting
Company Details Option Settings Create New Month PT Rate Editor PF/ESI Rate Editor PF Zero Pension Setting

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Initial Settings -> Option Settings -> Features [To set the available options]

Initial Setting
Company Details Option Settings Create New Month PT Rate Editor PF/ESI Rate Editor PF Zero Pension Setting

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Initial Settings -> Option Settings -> Advanced [To set the available options]

Initial Setting
Company Details Option Settings Create New Month PT Rate Editor PF/ESI Rate Editor PF Zero Pension Setting

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Initial Settings -> Option Settings -> Others [To set the ESI Submission Online]

Initial Setting
Company Details Option Settings Create New Month PT Rate Editor PF/ESI Rate Editor PF Zero Pension Setting

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Initial Settings - > Create New Month [To create a new month]

Initial Setting
Company Details Option Settings Create New Month PT Rate Editor PF/ESI Rate Editor PF Zero Pension Setting

Enter a new month and Click on Save

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Initial Settings -> PT Rate Editor [To set the PT slab applicable]

Initial Setting
Company Details Option Settings Create New Month PT Rate Editor PF/ESI Rate Editor PF Zero Pension Setting

Select the effective Month

Fill in the minimum amt of slab and also the suitable PT amt.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Initial Settings -> PF/ESI Rate Editor [To set the ESI / PF rates.]

Initial Setting
Company Details Option Settings Create New Month PT Rate Editor PF/ESI Rate Editor PF Zero Pension Setting

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Initial Settings -> PF/ESI Rate Editor [To set the ESI / PF rates.]

Initial Setting
Company Details Option Settings Create New Month PT Rate Editor PF/ESI Rate Editor PF Zero Pension Setting

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Master -> Company Details -> Branch Master - > Branch Details [To create the Branch Details]

Branch Details Salary Structure Definition Define Salary Heads Assigning to Structure Employee Details Employee Salary Rate Financial Institute Master Classification Detail Cap. HR Details

Enter the basic details of the Branch Enter Statutory Details of Branch

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Master -> Salary Structure Definition [To create different Salary Structures. Ex:- GM, Mgr, Trainee etc]

Branch Details Salary Structure Definition Define Salary Heads Assigning to Structure Employee Details Employee Salary Rate Financial Institute Master Classification Detail Cap. HR Details

Enter the Structure name and Save.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Master -> Define Salary Heads [To create different Salary Heads (other than the pre-defined heads)]

Branch Details Salary Structure Definition Define Salary Heads Assigning to Structure Employee Details Employee Salary Rate Financial Institute Master Classification Detail Cap. HR Details

Very Important

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Master -> Define Salary Heads [To create different Salary Heads (other than the pre-defined heads)]

Branch Details Salary Structure Definition Define Salary Heads Assigning to Structure Employee Details Employee Salary Rate Financial Institute Master Classification Detail Cap. HR Details

Enter the Earning Heads And Save

Enter the deduction Heads

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Master -> Assign Heads to Salary Structure [To include the salary heads in to the Structure]

Branch Details Salary Structure Definition Define Salary Heads Assigning to Structure Employee Details Employee Salary Rate Financial Institute Master Classification Detail Cap. HR Details

Select Salary Structure

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Master -> Assign Heads to Salary Structure [To include the salary heads in to the Structure]

Branch Details Salary Structure Definition Define Salary Heads Assigning to Structure Employee Details Employee Salary Rate Financial Institute Master Classification Detail Cap. HR Details

Select Salary Head

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Master -> Assign Heads to Salary Structure [To include the salary heads in to the Structure]

Branch Details Salary Structure Definition Define Salary Heads Assigning to Structure Employee Details Employee Salary Rate Financial Institute Master Classification Detail Cap. HR Details

Select Valid From Till Date

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Master -> Assign Heads to Salary Structure [To include the salary heads in to the Structure]

Branch Details Salary Structure Definition Define Salary Heads Assigning to Structure Employee Details Employee Salary Rate Financial institute Br. Dtls Classification Detail Cap. HR Details

Select Calculation Type

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Master -> Assign Heads to Salary Structure [To include the salary heads in to the Structure]

Branch Details Salary Structure Definition Define Salary Heads Assigning to Structure Employee Details Employee Salary Rate Financial Institute Master Classification Detail Cap. HR Details

In case if the Calc Type requires creating a formula, slab, company lumpsum etc., click . This will open an Expression Editor, where create the Expression as required and use them where ever necessary.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Master -> Assign Heads to Salary Structure [To include the salary heads in to the Structure]

Branch Details Salary Structure Definition Define Salary Heads Assigning to Structure Employee Details Employee Salary Rate Financial Institute Master Classification Detail Cap. HR Details

Check to make ESI, PF & PT applicable on the Salary Head

Enter the percentages of the Salary Head amounts applicable for ESI & PF calculation. Select the suitable Salary Heads to be linked as per the Income Tax. - Earning Heads IT defined Deduction Heads

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Master -> Employee Details [To create Employee Master Details]

Branch Details Salary Structure Definition Define Salary Heads Assigning to Structure Employee Details Employee Salary Rate Financial institute Master Classification Detail Cap. HR Details

Enter all the Employee Details along with their Date Of Joining, all personal Details and professional details like Designation, Grade, Branch ets and all Statutory Details.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Master -> Employee Details -> Salary Master -> Employee - Salary Rate Details [To create Employee Salary Rates]

Branch Details Salary Structure Definition Define Salary Heads Assigning to Structure Employee Details Employee Salary Rate Financial Institute Master Classification Detail Cap. HR Details

Select the effective month and enter the salary details for the heads which are in the white (editable) fields. Enter the PF Vol also either by way of %ge or amount and Save.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Master -> Financial Institution (Branch) Details [To create Different Bank Masters for Salary Transfer of Employees]

Branch Details Salary Structure Definition Define Salary Heads Assigning to Structure Employee Details Employee Salary Rate Financial Institute Master Classification Detail Cap. HR Details

Enter the Bank name and Address with Branch / MICR code & Save.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Master -> Financial Institution (Branch) Details [To create Different Bank Masters for Salary Transfer of Employees]

Branch Details Salary Structure Definition Define Salary Heads Assigning to Structure Employee Details Employee Salary Rate Financial Institute Master Classification Detail Cap. HR Details

User have authority to change caption of all the classification

Click this button to generate more classification

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Master -> Financial Institution (Branch) Details [To create Different Bank Masters for Salary Transfer of Employees]

Branch Details Salary Structure Definition Define Salary Heads Assigning to Structure Employee Details Employee Salary Rate Financial Institute Master Classification Detail Cap. HR Details

Here you can create 14 more classification and also use the same in Expression Editor for creating formula for Salary calculation

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Master -> Employee Details -> HR Details Master -> HR Details [To create Employee HR Details]

Branch Details Salary Structure Definition Define Salary Heads Assigning to Structure Employee Details Employee Salary Rate Financial Institute Master Classification Detail Cap HR Details

Enter any of the available details in the fields / tabs provided and Save.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Attendance-> Initial Configuration-> General Configuration [To create different types of attendance basis, with OT definitions]

Initial Configuration Holiday List Leave Allotment Leave Tracking Leave Encashment Leave Holiday/Details Leave Summary

All Master Setting will be done from here like if you want to make Automatic Allotment, Rotating Weekly Off etc.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Attendance-> Initial Configuration-> Attendance Configuration or (Cltr+F2) [To create different types of attendance basis, with OT definitions]

Initial Configuration Holiday List Leave Allotment Leave Tracking Leave Encashment Leave Holiday/Details Leave Summary

Select the appropriate option : Dependentfor incorporating Attendance Import system for more secured data. Independentfor modifiable attendance data which needs re-calculation for any changes to get effected.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Attendance-> Initial Configuration-> Attendance Configuration or (Cltr+F2) [To create different types of attendance basis, with OT definitions]

Initial Configuration Holiday List Leave Allotment Leave Tracking Leave Encashment Leave Holiday/Details Leave Summary

Select appropriate option to specify the exact number of working days considered as base for Salary Calculation.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Attendance-> Initial Configuration-> Attendance Configuration or (Cltr+F2) [To create different types of attendance basis, with OT definitions]

Initial Configuration Holiday List Leave Allotment Leave Tracking Leave Encashment Leave Holiday/Details Leave Summary

Select one or both of the default available OT heads. For these, Names cannot be changed. NOTE: If more heads are required, surely will be allowed to do so.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Attendance-> Initial Configuration-> Attendance Configuration or (Cltr+F2) [To create different types of attendance basis, with OT definitions]

Initial Configuration Holiday List Leave Allotment Leave Tracking Leave Encashment Leave Holiday/Details Leave Summary

Select Leave Register If you want to enter only the leaves / absentism Select Attendance - Daily if you want to enter daily attnd. As P , LOP etc Select Attendance - Hourly if you want to enter attnd. As 8 hrs, 10 hrs etc Select Monthly if you want to enter number of Leaves

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Attendance-> Initial Configuration-> Attendance Configuration or (Cltr+F2) [To create different types of attendance basis, with OT definitions]

Initial Configuration Holiday List Leave Allotment Leave Tracking Leave Encashment Leave Holiday/Details Leave Summary

If the Attendance Type selected is Attendance - Hourly and Saved, you can fix the timings for OT calculation by clicking on the button Setting. This will open up another screen .

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Attendance-> Initial Configuration-> Attendance Configuration or (Cltr+F2) [To create different types of attendance basis, with OT definitions]

Initial Configuration Holiday List Leave Allotment Leave Tracking Leave Encashment Leave Holiday/Details Leave Summary

Enter the Range of hours up to a precision of seconds for each of these options to be considered as No Attendance Half Day Full Day

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Attendance-> Initial Configuration-> Attendance Configuration or (Cltr+F2) [To create different types of attendance basis, with OT definitions]

Initial Configuration Holiday List Leave Allotment Leave Tracking Leave Encashment Leave Holiday/Details Leave Summary

Enter the Max period up to which OT will not be considered for. Also, enter the Min period beyond which only OT will be considered for.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Attendance-> Initial Configuration-> Attendance Configuration or (Cltr+F2) [To create different types of attendance basis, with OT definitions]

Initial Configuration Holiday List Leave Allotment Leave Tracking Leave Encashment Leave Holiday/Details Leave Summary

This is to calculate the OT hours based on the Short falls & Exceeds in the Cutoff period. 1. If Over time box is checked, any exceeds from one cut off but short of next option condition (No Attendance, Half Day & Full Day) will be considered for OT. 2. 2.If Deduct box is checked, any short falls in one option will be reduced from the available OT hours.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Attendance-> Holiday list-> Weekly Off or (Ctrl+W) [To create and Enable Advance Recovery]

Initial Configuration Holiday List Leave Allotment Leave Tracking Leave Encashment Leave Holiday/Details Leave Summary

With this module you can fix Weekly Off for Organization, in above example it is mentioned Sunday as Weekly Off, if you want other day as Weekly Off then select Day from Drop Down menu of Day Of the Week and select First Half & Second Half and click on Save For most Of the Organization they are using Rotating Weekly Off which is not fixed for every Week

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Attendance-> Holiday list-> Weekly Off or (Ctrl+W) [To create and Enable Advance Recovery]

Initial Configuration Holiday List Leave Allotment Leave Tracking Leave Encashment Leave Holiday/Details Leave Summary

If you Click Rotating Button in Weekly Off Button, then you will get this screen, here you can give Rotating Weekly Off According to Company, Att. Head & Employee and select any day for which you want Rotating Weekly Off then Right Click and select Set First Half, Set Second Half & Set Full Day

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Attendance-> General Holiday [To create and Enable Advance Recovery]

Initial Configuration Holiday List Leave Allotment Leave Tracking Leave Encashment Leave Holiday/Details Leave Summary

This window is generally used for National Holiday

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Attendance-> Leave Allotment-> Leave Definition [To create and Enable Advance Recovery]

Initial Configuration Holiday List Leave Allotment Leave Tracking Leave Encashment Leave Holiday/Details Leave Summary

Provision to Define Leave according to User Requirement and click Save.

Master Setting Button is used to Configure Leave for particular Attendance master.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Attendance-> Leave Allotment-> Leave Definition [To create and Enable Advance Recovery]

Initial Configuration Holiday List Leave Allotment Leave Tracking Leave Encashment Leave Holiday/Details Leave Summary

Select leave from Drop down menu of Leave Type and do setting according to user

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Attendance-> Leave Allotment-> Set Opening Balance [To create and Enable Advance Recovery]

Initial Configuration Holiday List Leave Allotment Leave Tracking Leave Encashment Leave Holiday/Details Leave Summary

Used to set Opening Balance of employee, but please make sure that this will work at the time of Date of Joining of Employee, Select Leave and give Opening Balance

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Attendance-> Leave Allotment-> Allot/Avail Date Setting [To create and Enable Advance Recovery]

Initial Configuration Holiday List Leave Allotment Leave Tracking Leave Encashment Leave Holiday/Details Leave Summary

Mainly this feature is used to set, from when employee will get and Avail Leave.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Attendance-> Leave Allotment-> Attendance Att. Name-> Allotment [To create and Enable Advance Recovery]

Initial Configuration Holiday List Leave Allotment Leave Tracking Leave Encashment Leave Holiday/Details Leave Summary

If Leave Allotment is Manual then need to enter the Allotment here. If it is Automatic then Application will calculate Automatically

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Attendance-Leave Tracking-> Attendance Att. Name-> Optional Configuration [To create and Enable Advance Recovery]

Initial Configuration Holiday List Leave Allotment Leave Tracking Leave Encashment Leave Holiday/Details Leave Summary

This option is used when employee will taken his Leave more then his Allotted, if you select this option, then automatically Leave will be treated as LOP (Loss Of Pay or Leave without Pay)

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Attendance-> Leave Tracking-> Attendance Att. Name-> Monthly [To create and Enable Advance Recovery]

Initial Configuration Holiday List Leave Allotment Leave Tracking Leave Encashment Leave Holiday/Details Leave Summary

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Attendance-> Leave Tracking-> Attendance Att. Name-> Leave Register [To create and Enable Advance Recovery]

Initial Configuration Holiday List Leave Allotment Leave Tracking Leave Encashment Leave Holiday/Details Leave Summary

Detailed Register in which we can record Leave Detail of every employee with their reason.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Attendance-> Leave Tracking-> Attendance Att. Name-> Daily [To create and Enable Advance Recovery]

Initial Configuration Holiday List Leave Allotment Leave Tracking Leave Encashment Leave Holiday/Details Leave Summary

You can mark employee Attendance on Daily Basis If employee is Present then P, if he is Without Pay then LOP, if he is taken Causal Leave the CL

User will get Drop down button in every Grid by which you will mark employee Attendance

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Attendance-> Leave Encashment [To create and Enable Advance Recovery]

Initial Configuration Holiday List Leave Allotment Leave Tracking Leave Encashment Leave Holiday/Details Leave Summary

Module for Encash of Leaves.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Attendance-> Leave Tracking-> Attendance Att. Name-> Hourly [To create and Enable Advance Recovery]

Initial Configuration Holiday List Leave Allotment Leave Tracking Leave Encashment Leave Holiday/Details Leave Summary

To generate report of Leave Details Employee wise, click Export Button for generating Report on Excel

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Attendance-> Leave Summary [To create and Enable Advance Recovery]

Initial Configuration Holiday List Leave Allotment Leave Tracking Leave Encashment Leave Holiday/Details Leave Summary

It will show Leave Summary Of Employees and Report button will generate different reports.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Pre Salary Transactions -> Advance

Pre Salary Transactions

Advance Loan Change Classification Detail (Bulk) Increment (Bulk) Bonus Ex-Gratia Gratuity Reimbursement

Select an Employee. Enter the Advance Name, date of payment, amount of Advance, select Instl. Amount Can view the EMI Recoverable and Deposits by selecting the said tabs. Click Multi Allot to make the entry possible for multiple number of employees

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Pre Salary Transactions -> Loan

Pre Salary Transactions

Advance Loan Change Classification Detail (Bulk) Increment (Bulk) Bonus Ex-Gratia Gratuity Reimbursement

Select an Employee. Enter the Loan Name, select Institution, A/C No., date of payment, amount of Loan, enter Instl. Amount Can view the EMI Recoverable and Deposits by selecting the said tabs. Click Multi Allot to make the entry possible for multiple number of employees

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Pre Salary Transactions -> Change Classification Detail (Bulk)

Pre Salary Transactions

Advance Loan Change Classification Detail (Bulk) Increment (Bulk) Bonus Ex-Gratia Gratuity Reimbursement

For Transferring employee from one Classification to other, select Classification in First Block select old type, all the employees will reflect in Right Side window and in other block select new type and click on save. Note* This will take affect from 1 Day of the month.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Pre Salary Transactions ->Increment (Bulk)

Pre Salary Transactions

Advance Loan Change Classification Detail (Bulk) Increment (Bulk) Bonus Ex-Gratia Gratuity Reimbursement

Employee Salary can be incremented in the Bulk on Percentage/Lump sum Head Wise. Even Individual employees salary can be incremented on selecting the Employee.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Pre Salary Transactions -> Bonus

Pre Salary Transactions

Advance Loan Change Classification Detail (Bulk) Increment (Bulk) Bonus Ex-Gratia Gratuity Reimbursement

Bonus will calculate on Present Days of employee, the Actual Present Days will calculate through From & To Month, just select formula select Months also select Pay month. Max Bonus means how much you want to give maximum amount. Save the setting and click on Calculation . Note* Always Bonus will calculate on Calculated Value

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Pre Salary Transactions -> Bonus

Pre Salary Transactions

Advance Loan Change Classification Detail (Bulk) Increment (Bulk) Bonus Ex-Gratia Gratuity Reimbursement

After click on Calculation Button, you will get this window, click Add Emp. You will get 1 filter just select Employee and click on OK button of Filter, Bonus will calculate automatically

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Pre Salary Transactions -> Ex-Gratia

Pre Salary Transactions

Advance Loan Change Classification Detail (Bulk) Increment (Bulk) Bonus Ex-Gratia Gratuity Reimbursement

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Pre Salary Transactions -> Gratuity

Pre Salary Transactions

Advance Loan Change Classification Detail (Bulk) Increment (Bulk) Bonus Ex-Gratia Gratuity Reimbursement

Add Employee and it will calculate the Gratuity only for that employees who had completed 5 years of Service, select Theoretical or Earned what ever you want, Payment Mode then click C button and select Salary Head, after that Click on Calculate and Save it. The Basic Concept of Gratuity is that, employee has to complete minimum 5 years of Service with Organization, and in Saral PayPack year difference of Gratuity will depends from Date of Joining to Date of Leaving.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Pre Salary Transactions -> Reimbursement-> Master

Pre Salary Transactions

Advance Loan Change Classification Detail (Bulk) Increment (Bulk) Bonus Ex-Gratia Gratuity Reimbursement

Whatever the restricted amount you had set, maximum that amount will Pay
Auto Claim means when you create new month automatically Claim will happened
With this option automatically the alloted amount will considered for TDS Calculation

Most Important & Versatile module of Saral PayPack is Reimbursement. And in terms of Tax calculation it will treated as Perquisites, mainly there are 3 types of Reimbursement MEDICAL, LTA & OTHER REIMBURSEMENT which you will get in Reimbursement Type Dropdown Button. And in Setting there are 3 types of Allotments and also some setting is there .

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Pre Salary Transactions -> Reimbursement-> Allotment

Pre Salary Transactions

Advance Loan Change Classification Detail (Bulk) Increment (Bulk) Bonus Ex-Gratia Gratuity Reimbursement

Block Period will use when LTA will defined

For Allotment first need to Select Financial Year, then Select Reimbursement Name, Emp ID, Employee Name & Enter Date then click on 3 doted button 1 more window will open there you need to enter Monthly or Yearly Allotment and Click on Save

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Pre Salary Transactions -> Reimbursement-> Claim

Pre Salary Transactions

Advance Loan Change Classification Detail (Bulk) Increment (Bulk) Bonus Ex-Gratia Gratuity Reimbursement

For Claiming it is very easy to access just fill the details and enter Claim Date in Date option, automatically whatever the amount is alloted for given month will reflect in Amount option and click on save, and all the summary for Bill Details will reflect below

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Pre Salary Transactions -> Reimbursement-> Bill Details

Pre Salary Transactions

Advance Loan Change Classification Detail (Bulk) Increment (Bulk) Bonus Ex-Gratia Gratuity Reimbursement

Bill Details mean what ever the Bill you will give to HR, She/He will update the same in SPP. On behalf of Bill Details your Reimbursement amount will be Exempted. Just enter all the entries.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Salary Transactions-> Monthly Salary Rate

Salary Transactions
Monthly Salary Rate Monthly Salary Editor Additional Earning/Deduction Arrears Full and Final Settlement Lock Month

With this module you ca edit Salary of employees manually, and it is only happening when Calculation Type in Assign Heads to Salary Structure is LUMPSUM

Select the Sal. Structure and Month for which the entry to be made.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Salary transaction-> Monthly Salary Editor or (Ctrl+S)

Salary Transactions
Monthly Salary Rate Monthly Salary Editor Additional Earning/Deduction Arrears Full and Final Settlement Lock Month

Here ends the Salary Processing. Now you can see the Salary figures calculated and placed in various columns. These have been arrived at by taking all the previous entries into consideration like, attendance, standing instructions etc.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Salary transaction-> Monthly Salary Editor or (Ctrl+S)

Salary Transactions
Monthly Salary Rate Monthly Salary Editor Additional Earning/Deduction Arrears Full and Final Settlement Lock Month

Can edit the details based on the Attendance type being Loose Integration.

You can edit Columns whose Calculation type is every month and also you can edit TDS and PT

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Salary Transactions -> Additional Earning/Deduction

Salary Transactions
Monthly Salary Rate Monthly Salary Editor Additional Earning/Deduction Arrears Full and Final Settlement Lock Month In definition you need to map the given amount with TDS Reference

Enter Employee ID and Employee Name enter Amount and click on Save and the same exercise need to do for Deduction

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Salary Transaction-> Arrears

Salary Transactions
Monthly Salary Rate Monthly Salary Editor Additional Earning/Deduction Arrears Full and Final Settlement Lock Month Manual in Arrear Module means you need to enter Salary details manually, Salary Head Wise means you need to enter according to Salary Head and Lumpsum means you need to enter consolidated amount.

With this option Arrear will calculate automatically by checking previous month Salary.No. of Days means it will give Arrear on Days which you will enter in Computation

It will restrict ve amount while calculating Arrear

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Salary Transaction-> Arrears

Salary Transactions
Monthly Salary Rate Monthly Salary Editor Additional Earning/Deduction Arrears Full and Final Settlement Lock Month

Select option for PF ESI & PT Deduction

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Salary Transaction-> Arrears

Salary Transactions
Monthly Salary Rate Monthly Salary Editor Additional Earning/Deduction Arrears Full and Final Settlement Lock Month

Click Add Emp. Button for adding employee in Arrear module, just add employee and Arrear will calculate automatically

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Salary Transaction-> Full and Final Settlement

Salary Transactions
Monthly Salary Rate Monthly Salary Editor Additional Earning/Deduction Arrears Full and Final Settlement Lock Month

Click Create Button to create FFS, after opening small window just select Emp ID or Employee Name and if you want to include Gratuity and Leave Encashment , then select Pay Mode as include in FFS as in there respective module, and click Create button in small window, after that automatically small window will closed, then select Emp ID from Back window you will found Full and Final Automatically

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Salary Transaction-> Lock Month

Salary Transactions
Monthly Salary Rate Monthly Salary Editor Additional Earning/Deduction Arrears Full and Final Settlement Lock Month

Lock month means it will lock the pervious month in Saral PayPack, if check box is tick it means that it is Locked, if you want to unlock it please untick that Box and Save

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Import/Export-> Template

Template Import from Excel Export to Excel Sample Excel

Select Template for importing Employee details like Employee information from Employee Master salary will be imported from Salary Rates etc

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Import/Export-> Import from Excel

Template Import from Excel Export to Excel Sample Excel

Select Template for which you need to Import for eg: If you want to import Employee Master then select Employee Master

Give the path of Excel sheet and click next to import.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Import/Export-> Export to Excel

Template Import from Excel Export to Excel Sample Excel

This option is used to Export Saral PayPack Data to Excel according to Template

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Import/Export-> Sample Excel

Template Import from Excel Export to Excel Sample Excel

Sample Excel is just for User reference

Saral PayPack V 7.00

TDS-> Options

Options Bulk TDS Update More Employee Details Declaration Forms Port Details View Ported Details Compute Income Tax Computation Details Port computed TDS to Salary e-Return

After deducting TDS if you want that TDS will not be changed then you need to select this Option

With this option TDS will calculate on Proof Amount whatever you will give to HR .

If employee has taken and Loan or Advance the TDS will calculate according to that

Saral PayPack V 7.00

TDS-> Bulk TDS Update

Options Bulk TDS Update More Employee Details Declaration Forms Port Details View Ported Details Compute Income Tax Computation Details Port computed TDS to Salary e-Return

You can update employee Designation his PAN Number and Date of Birth

Saral PayPack V 7.00

TDS-> More Employee Details

Options Bulk TDS Update More Employee Details Declaration Forms Port Details View Ported Details Compute Income Tax Computation Details Port computed TDS to Salary e-Return

If Employee is in Metro City the need to check, untick means Employee comes under non-metro like wise need to update all options for TDS Calculation.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

TDS-> Declaration Form-> Export

Options Bulk TDS Update More Employee Details Declaration Forms Port Details View Ported Details Compute Income Tax Computation Details Port computed TDS to Salary e-Return

You can Export the TDS Declaration form or directly mail to employees, for mailing the e-mail Address of employee is must in Employee Master

Saral PayPack V 7.00

TDS-> Declaration Form-> Import

Options Bulk TDS Update More Employee Details Declaration Forms Port Details View Ported Details Compute Income Tax Computation Details Port computed TDS to Salary e-Return

You can directly Import excel sheet for furnishing Investment Details for TDS calculation. Just click import it will directly port all the details w.r.t. appropriate sections.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

TDS-> Port Details

Options Bulk TDS Update More Employee Details Declaration Forms Port Details View Ported Details Compute Income Tax Computation Details Port computed TDS to Salary e-Return

The term Extra Polate means, it will assume employee Salary for complete Financial Year & if you untick it then it will assume only for SPP created month in Financial

Most important part for TDS calculation is Port Details, It will link all the details between Salary Module and TDS Module, just select employee and click on Port Details.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

TDS-> View Port Details

Options Bulk TDS Update More Employee Details Declaration Forms Port Details View Ported Details Compute Income Tax Computation Details Port computed TDS to Salary e-Return

Whatever the Data is ported in Port Details the same will reflect here if you see then in Pervious Slide we had ticked Extra Polate option. So values is coming for whole Financial Year

Saral PayPack V 7.00

TDS-> Compute Income Tax

Options Bulk TDS Update More Employee Details Declaration Forms Port Details View Ported Details Compute Income Tax Computation Details Port computed TDS to Salary e-Return

After completion of Tax Calculation click OK

What ever the Data you Port, same will compute it for Tax Calculation, it will assume all the Details Under Section VI A and then compute it according to Tax Slab for respective Financial Year. First click Start Button it will automatic Calculate.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

TDS-> Computation Details

Options Bulk TDS Update More Employee Details Declaration Forms Port Details View Ported Details Compute Income Tax Computation Details Port computed TDS to Salary e-Return

Saral PayPack V 7.00

TDS-> Compute Income Tax

Options Bulk TDS Update More Employee Details Declaration Forms Port Details View Ported Details Compute Income Tax Computation Details Port computed TDS to Salary e-Return

1) Select Financial year

3) Select Salary Structure 4) After Selecting Salary Structure, EMI for Month will come in Red, if you want to make same value for TDS deduction, then click Port and then Save, otherwise Edit TDS is editable column, you can edit with yourself also.

2) Select Month/Year

Saral PayPack V 7.00

TDS-> e-Return 2) Select the Quarter

Options Bulk TDS Update More Employee Details Declaration Forms Port Details View Ported Details Compute Income Tax Computation Details Port computed TDS to Salary e-Return

1) Select Financial year

3) Port Data

Saral PayPack V 7.00

TDS-> e-Return

Options Bulk TDS Update More Employee Details Declaration Forms Port Details View Ported Details Compute Income Tax Computation Details Port computed TDS to Salary e-Return

Enter the Deduction and Salary paid Dates and click on the Port Button. It will ports the TDS amount Deducted from the Employee

Saral PayPack V 7.00

TDS-> e-Return

Options Bulk TDS Update More Employee Details Declaration Forms Port Details View Ported Details Compute Income Tax Computation Details Port computed TDS to Salary e-Return

Saral PayPack V 7.00

TDS-> e-Return

Options Bulk TDS Update More Employee Details Declaration Forms Port Details View Ported Details Compute Income Tax Computation Details Port computed TDS to Salary e-Return

After Linking the Challans, here Ereturn is done. We can generate the FUV file on clicking on the E-return Button.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Reports-> Monthly Reports-> Pay Slip or (Ctrl+P)

Monthly Reports Statutory Reports TDS Reports Additional Reports Employee Related Reports Reimbursement Reports Salary Summary Report Writer Factory Act Forms General Custom Reports

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Reports-> Monthly Reports-> Pay Slip or (Ctrl+P)

Monthly Reports Statutory Reports TDS Reports Additional Reports Employee Related Reports Reimbursement Reports Salary Summary Report Writer Factory Act Forms General Custom Reports

You can generate Pay Slips by selecting any format, there are 2 Specimen Slips FYI Editable Columnar Pay Slip and Pay Slip (Detailed)

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Reports-> Monthly Reports-> Advance Report Editor

Monthly Reports Statutory Reports TDS Reports Additional Reports Employee Related Reports Reimbursement Reports Salary Summary Report Writer Factory Act Forms General Custom Reports

Click this button for setting of Pay Slip

With the help of this Utility User can design Pay Slip according to him, in this utility there are 13 types of Payslip format, which can edited by user requirement.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Reports-> Monthly Reports-> Advance Report Editor

Monthly Reports Statutory Reports TDS Reports Additional Reports Employee Related Reports Reimbursement Reports Salary Summary Report Writer Factory Act Forms General Custom Reports

Click this button for selecting Pay Slip Format

This Option will help you for designing Pay Slip according to User Requirement

This option is used when you select your Payslip format .

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Reports-> Monthly Reports-> Advance Report Editor

Monthly Reports Statutory Reports TDS Reports Additional Reports Employee Related Reports Reimbursement Reports Salary Summary Report Writer Factory Act Forms General Custom Reports

Specimen Copy of customized Pay Slip which is designing through Advance Report Editor.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Reports-> Monthly Reports-> Salary Sheet

Monthly Reports Statutory Reports TDS Reports Additional Reports Employee Related Reports Reimbursement Reports Salary Summary Report Writer Factory Act Forms General Custom Reports

As par system Pay Slip, there is option for Salary Sheet which Application defined you are not allowed to edit any head in Salary Sheet.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Reports-> Monthly Reports-> Salary Sheet

Monthly Reports Statutory Reports TDS Reports Additional Reports Employee Related Reports Reimbursement Reports Salary Summary Report Writer Factory Act Forms General Custom Reports

With the help of this option you can generate report for total summary of all the Salary Heads. But it will generate on behalf of Salary Structure.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Reports-> Monthly Reports-> Salary Sheet

Monthly Reports Statutory Reports TDS Reports Additional Reports Employee Related Reports Reimbursement Reports Salary Summary Report Writer Factory Act Forms General Custom Reports

User can generate Bank Statement and submit to Bank for Salary Remittance.

User can generate Bank format which will uploaded to Bank Directly & Bank will credit Employee Salary on behalf of that report.

Rest of the reports are General Report.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Reports-> Statutory Reports-> PF/ESI Reports

Monthly Reports Statutory Reports TDS Reports Additional Reports Employee Related Reports Reimbursement Reports Salary Summary Report Writer Factory Act Forms General Custom Reports

Most important Report section is PF/ESI Reports, here user can generate all Statutory Report which is necessary to submit in Respective Department as monthly, Half Yearly & Yearly. Also we have Advance feature for Online return of PF & ESI, for PF it is eReturn & for ESI it is ESI Online.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Report -> Statutory Reports-> PT Reports

Monthly Reports Statutory Reports TDS Reports Additional Reports Employee Related Reports Reimbursement Reports Salary Summary Report Writer Factory Act Forms General Custom Reports

PT Reports are Professional Tax Report, which is based on State to State. Because for every State there is different Slabs and the deduction of PT is based of Total Earning. Below example is monthly PT Report

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Report -> TDS Report

Monthly Reports Statutory Reports TDS Reports Additional Reports Employee Related Reports Reimbursement Reports Salary Summary Report Writer Factory Act Forms General Custom Reports

You can generate Form 16 . Which will available in Excel With this report employee will know his Tax liability for current Financial Year

Report will generate on excel where all the yearly details will be head wise with monthly bifurcated figure. All the salary details will come in 1 row, with combined amount head wise.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Report -> TDS Report-> Form 16

Monthly Reports Statutory Reports TDS Reports Additional Reports Employee Related Reports Reimbursement Reports Salary Summary Report Writer Factory Act Forms General Custom Reports

1) Select Assessment Year

2) Enter Place

3) Enter Date

4) Click Preview to generate Form 16

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Report -> TDS Report-> Statement Of Total Income

Monthly Reports Statutory Reports TDS Reports Additional Reports Employee Related Reports Reimbursement Reports Salary Summary Report Writer Factory Act Forms General Custom Reports

1) Select Assessment Year

2) Select Employee

3) Click on Preview

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Report -> TDS Report

Monthly Reports Statutory Reports TDS Reports Additional Reports Employee Related Reports Reimbursement Reports Salary Summary Report Writer Factory Act Forms General Custom Reports

1) Additional Reports: These are Basic generate reports in which you can general Advance, Advance Leave Report, Salary Certificate, Arrear Pay Slip, Arrear Salary Sheet, Bonus, Ex-Gratia, Gratuity, PF Covering Letter etc......! 2) Employee Related Reports: in this report you will get all the reports regarding Employee Related like, Employee Profile, Employee Details, Contact Details, ID Cards etc..! 3) Reimbursement Report: In this option you will get Bank Statement of Reimbursement & Bill Details of Reimbursement.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Report -> Salary Summary

Monthly Reports Statutory Reports TDS Reports Additional Reports Employee Related Reports Reimbursement Reports Salary Summary Report Writer Factory Act Forms General Custom Reports

2) Select Employee 1) Select Financial Year

3) Click preview to generate report.

In this report you will get monthly Bifurcation of Salary.

NOTE* Whatever the months is created in file only for that months it will show Data.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Report -> Salary Summary

Monthly Reports Statutory Reports TDS Reports Additional Reports Employee Related Reports Reimbursement Reports Salary Summary Report Writer Factory Act Forms General Custom Reports

It is showing Bifurcated Values of each Salary head.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Report -> Report Writer

Monthly Reports Statutory Reports TDS Reports Additional Reports Employee Related Reports Reimbursement Reports Salary Summary Report Writer Factory Act Forms General Custom Reports

Any kind of report format you can generate with this utility, you need to select the Employee, his Classification Details, Additional Information, Month/Year, Salary Heads & click on view, you will get report on Excel.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Report -> Factory Act Forms

Monthly Reports Statutory Reports TDS Reports Additional Reports Employee Related Reports Reimbursement Reports Salary Summary Report Writer Factory Act Forms General Custom Reports

For report generation first please select State-> Act-> Select Form Name while selecting it will comes under Blue state-> Month/Year-> Select Employee and click on Preview. Factory Acts form are very much Important in Labor Class industries, In this utility you will get format w.r.t. their States but data will not get captured and in Act we have Factory Act, Gratuity Act, WAGES ACT.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Report -> General Custom Reports

Monthly Reports Statutory Reports TDS Reports Additional Reports Employee Related Reports Reimbursement Reports Salary Summary Report Writer Factory Act Forms General Custom Reports

Very smart feature for Implementers from Relyon, it is totally developed on request of Implementer, here you can generate any kind of reports, but you should know the knowledge of Database.

It is default reports, you will not allowed to edit any data field.

You can very much welcome to create reports according to client requirement.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Tools-> MIS Data-> Employee Summary

MIS Data Bulk Delete Classification Transfer Export General Voucher Re-calculate Theoretical Salary Expression Editor Advanced Filter Payroll Calendar Interest Calculator

To generate Employee information, like his personal information, Reimbursement Details, Leave Details, Monthly Salary Details etc.

1) Select Employee ID

2) Select Employee Name

3) Select the items & click on To Excel

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Tools-> MIS Data-> Whole Year Summary

MIS Data Bulk Delete Classification Transfer Export General Voucher Re-calculate Theoretical Salary Expression Editor Advanced Filter Payroll Calendar Interest Calculator

Here you can generate whole year summary for each employee according to Salary heads which you want.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Report -> General Custom Reports-> Employee Salary Comparison

MIS Data Bulk Delete Classification Transfer Export General Voucher Re-calculate Theoretical Salary Expression Editor Advanced Filter Payroll Calendar Interest Calculator

With the help of this option you will Clubbed salary details, according to user requirement on Calendar Year, Financial Year & General.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Report -> General Custom Reports-> Employee Head Count

MIS Data Bulk Delete Classification Transfer Export General Voucher Re-calculate Theoretical Salary Expression Editor Advanced Filter Payroll Calendar Interest Calculator

Employee Head Count means how many employees comes under Compared On Drop Down option. It will show total number of employees, in particular option which you will select in Compared On

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Tools-> Bulk Delete-> Advanced Employee Delete

MIS Data Bulk Delete Classification Transfer Export General Voucher Re-calculate Theoretical Salary Expression Editor Advanced Filter Payroll Calendar Interest Calculator

If you want to delete Employees in Bulk then select this option. NOTE* ONCE YOU DELETE EMPLOYEE YOU WILL NOT RECOVER IT. So, it is requested to please use this utility very Carefully.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Tools-> Classification Transfer

MIS Data Bulk Delete Classification Transfer Export General Voucher Re-calculate Theoretical Salary Expression Editor Advanced Filter Payroll Calendar Interest Calculator


Saral PayPack V 7.00

Tools-> Classification Transfer

MIS Data Bulk Delete Classification Transfer Export General Voucher Re-calculate Theoretical Salary Expression Editor Advanced Filter Payroll Calendar Interest Calculator

General Voucher is showing that how much Salary is paid by employer to employee with Bifurcated details. First Select Financial Year-> From Month-> To Month-> Export Option-> Click Setting Button. New window will open named as Account Heads, here you just click Default Button to fill Default Salary heads and click Save & close the Account Heads window and click on Export.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Tools-> Re-calculate Theoretical Salary

MIS Data Bulk Delete Classification Transfer Export General Voucher Re-calculate Theoretical Salary Expression Editor Advanced Filter Payroll Calendar Interest Calculator

For generating all the reports without any mismatching of Data you need to Calculate Theoretical Salary manually, just Select Month & click on Calculate.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Tools-> Expression Editor

MIS Data Bulk Delete Classification Transfer Export General Voucher Re-calculate Theoretical Salary Expression Editor Advanced Filter Payroll Calendar Interest Calculator

Expression Editor is used to create formula, here you will see all Salary heads with Component and CV. Component mean actual value which you will defined in Employee Master Salary Details. And CV means Earned value which he will got after marking the Attendance.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Tools-> Advanced Filter

MIS Data Bulk Delete Classification Transfer Export General Voucher Re-calculate Theoretical Salary Expression Editor Advanced Filter Payroll Calendar Interest Calculator

To use of this option you need to select Filter category w.r.t their Master setting, for eg in Sal Structure if you defined 2 structure, then it will list put in middle section select any 1 if you want, click on VIEW and the select employee and click OK.

Filter Option is used to filter Employees w.r.t their Sal Structure, Branch, Department, and all the Classification Details.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Tools-> Payroll Calendar

MIS Data Bulk Delete Classification Transfer Export General Voucher Re-calculate Theoretical Salary Expression Editor Advanced Filter Payroll Calendar Interest Calculator

1) PAYROLL CALENDAR: It shows the normal Calendar Days in a month.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Tools-> Interest Calculator

MIS Data Bulk Delete Classification Transfer Export General Voucher Re-calculate Theoretical Salary Expression Editor Advanced Filter Payroll Calendar Interest Calculator

Interest Calculator is used to calculate interest on Loan, Advance, Select Calculation Type for and enter all the required entries and click on Calculate. Your Interest will be calculated automatically.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Utility-> Create Sample Files

Create Sample Files File Security Software security Option Backup restore Backup reminder Button skin Calculator Excel Download e-sign Check for web updates

These are some sample files which has been given for beginners to test the files ,that how it works on various conditions

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Utility->File security This module facilitate the user to be operate with multiple user group.

Create Sample Files File Security Software security Option Backup restore Backup reminder Button skin Calculator Excel Download e-sign Check for web updates

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Utility->File security->Users Editor In this module you need to specify the usernames and user groups followed by desired password. In this module you have to decide which user has to get the admin rights and user rights

Create Sample Files File Security Software security Option Backup restore Backup reminder Button skin Calculator Excel Download e-sign Check for web updates

By clicking this check box, it will enable the classification securities like Department, Designation.. etc

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Utility->File security->Screen Wise permissions

Create Sample Files File Security Software security Option Backup restore Backup reminder Button skin Calculator Excel Download e-sign Check for web updates

Permission Hierarchy according to that you can decide which screen will be viewed and modifiable by which users .

It will navigate to the user group editor Select the User name to whom you want to give screen permission as per listed items Tick =Permission given Untick =Permission Denied

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Utility->File security->Screen Wise permissions

Create Sample Files File Security Software security Option Backup restore Backup reminder Button skin Calculator Excel Download e-sign Check for web updates

Permission Hierarchy according to that you can decide which Button will be viewed and modifiable by which users .

It will navigate to the user group editor Select the User name to whom you want to give button permission as per listed items Tick =Permission given Untick =Permission Denied

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Utility->File security->Classification wise Securities

Create Sample Files File Security Software security Option Backup restore Backup reminder Button skin Calculator Excel Download e-sign Check for web updates

Permission Hierarchy according to that you can decide which classification will be viewed and modifiable by which user .

Select the user name and check the option for which classification has to be viewed and modifiable by that particular user

Tick =Permission given Un-tick =Permission Denied

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Utility->File security->Change Password

Create Sample Files File Security Software security Option Backup restore Backup reminder Button skin Calculator Excel Download e-sign Check for web updates

Incase if you want to change your user password, here is the option to change

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Utility->File security->Security Option

Create Sample Files File Security Software security Option Backup restore Backup reminder Button skin Calculator Excel Download e-sign Check for web updates

TO enable the password option, pleas check the option as Protect with password and put the password as Admin

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Utility->Software Security Option

Create Sample Files File Security Software security Option Backup restore Backup reminder Button skin Calculator Excel Download e-sign Check for web updates

This is the option which will enable the password functionality when you will open the software

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Utility->Backup Restore->Backup

Create Sample Files File Security Software security Option Backup restore Backup reminder Button skin Calculator Excel Download e-sign Check for web updates

Select the data path where the Rpp file is being stored

Click to browse the path, where you want to save the backup file

Finally Click on Backup to start Process

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Utility->Backup Restore-> Restore

Create Sample Files File Security Software security Option Backup restore Backup reminder Button skin Calculator Excel Download e-sign Check for web updates

Provide the sever name\ instance name, username and password to connect database. Click on Connect

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Utility->Backup Restore-> Restore

Create Sample Files File Security Software security Option Backup restore Backup reminder Button skin Calculator Excel Download e-sign Check for web updates

Click here to Locate the backup file

Check the override option if you want to override the file over an existing one ,other wise you may change the name in file name box and click on restore button.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Utility->Backup Restore-> Skeleton Backup

Create Sample Files File Security Software security Option Backup restore Backup reminder Button skin Calculator Excel Download e-sign Check for web updates

Skeleton Backup is useful when ever, you want to get all the settings of the particular company without single employee, the backup contains all the configuration .

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Utility->Backup Restore-> Backup reminder

Create Sample Files File Security Software security Option Backup restore Backup reminder Button skin Calculator Excel Download e-sign Check for web updates

The option is given for auto backup within days interval Specify the path where the backup will be saved.

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Utility->Backup Restore-> Button Skin

Create Sample Files File Security Software security Option Backup restore Backup reminder Button skin Calculator Excel Download e-sign Check for web updates

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Utility->Backup Restore-> Calculator

Create Sample Files File Security Software security Option Backup restore Backup reminder Button skin Calculator Excel Download e-sign Check for web updates

It open the system Calculator

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Utility->Backup Restore-> Excel

Create Sample Files File Security Software security Option Backup restore Backup reminder Button skin Calculator Excel Download e-sign Check for web updates

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Utility->Backup Restore-> Download e-sign

Create Sample Files File Security Software security Option Backup restore Backup reminder Button skin Calculator Excel Download e-sign Check for web updates

It will allow to download the esign

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Utility->Backup Restore-> Check for Web updates

Create Sample Files File Security Software security Option Backup restore Backup reminder Button skin Calculator Excel Download e-sign Check for web updates

Click on Check for webupdates which will check and install for the latest version of software if it is available on the web.

Saral PayPack V 7.00


Registration Registration For Additional features

Select Appropriate edition that you have purchased

Put the soft key issued by Relyon and register

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Registration For Additional Features

Registration Registration For Additional features

Please provided the soft key for those additional modules to get full features and functionality.. Finally Press Registration

Saral PayPack V 7.00

Thanks Note.

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